welcome-to-green-hills · 8 months ago
Do you think that we’ll explore the town of Green Hills, Montana in the series and Sonic 3? Like slice of life stuff or more history? I don’t think that there’s a whole lot to the town other than it being described as a “dinky backwater town.”
Hi Honey! ❤️✨
Believe it or not, the town of Green Hills is very fruitful in its foundation! It may not feel like it, but there’s definitely a rich history of when the town was established. (Whew! Now y’all get to see how big of a nerd I am. That’s either a really good thing or a bad thing). I’ll hyperlink all of my sources/claims to specific information so y’all can review it at a later date. Hopefully, this add a bit more detail than what the Sonic Wikis have for the films.
Down below are bullet points and photos of Green Hills, Montana:
Green Hills was founded in the early 1800's by a group of explorers surveying and mapping that state of Montana. The rugged explorers took nearly 30 years in making a complete map of the state and claiming the area as home. Green Hills is located in the middle of the state and known to have fascinating geological features. The town was called "Green Hills" due to the unique shades of green found in its flora. Essentially, the town was founded by chance because it took so long to survey between 1806 to 1835.
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One of the town's founders, Morgan McConnell, specifically wanted to build a town in the heart of Montana because of the area's geological feature--checkered patterns. Morgan McConnell was credited for charting nearly a quarter of the state, including the town, and coined as as THE explorer of Montana. His favorite location to sit and work at was the Devil's Pinkie (the ledge that Sonic stands at in the first and second film). Unexpectedly, McConnell fell off of the Devil's Pinkie and died. According to town legend, McConnell's name echoed through the valley ranges for hours after he died. It's unknown if these are still heard in the area today.
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Between 1870 and 1883, the town of Green Hills became one of the firsts settled areas along the Northern Pacific Railway. The transcontinental railroad system stretched from the State of Minnesota, the Pacific Northwest, and along the main line opening at the Great Lakes. A town plaque describes Green Hills as a "golden spike" by former USA president Ulysses S. Grant and viewed as an important hub. The town is credited as a supply depot, as well as known for bringing in large immigration populations. The railroad system is still a crucial necessity of the town today.
The first settlers of Green Hills, Montana didn't start making their migration to the area until the 1860s. The settlers were faced with hardships of the land, lack of infrastructure, and brutal winters. Families were known to mingle together in small dwellings and form small communities. Polygamous families were common until Christian morality arrived to the area in later years (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2021).
Main Street features the town's first general store, a feed and gardening supply store, and post office.
Green Hills, Montana takes pride in country hospitality. The warmer months have communal events such as hoedowns, harvests and festivals, fishing derbies, farmers markets, and horseback riding events. The business district features Dr. Maddie Wachowski's veterinary clinic, antique shops, a brewery (AKA, the Beer Gardens), a stationary shop, a butcher's shop, and the Mean Bean Coffee Shop (the slogan: "drink mean"). (Tails Channel, 2021).
The Green Hills Community Theater is a town gem. It was established in 1905 and has been known to put on spectacular and successful productions for over 100 years.
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The Green Hills Bulletin (the local newspaper) says that they've been the hot spot for a classic car show for the past twenty years, have a "Dog of the Week" section, a local artist guild that does mosaics for the town, recently had a worker's strike on repairing the railroad system in town, and are in the middle of a movement for accessibility laws for disabled residents.
In the first movie's novel, Green Hills is known for its massive Blueberry festivals in the fall. This is an event that's welcome to all of the farmers in the state and neighboring states. Tom is known to actively take part of the festival.
In the 1900's, the town saw an influx of United States veterans occupy the area. It's seen as a "retirement community" to those not actively serving.
The town as a population of nearly 2,000 residents, as implied by the "Welcome to Green Hills" sign at the speed trap.
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There's definitely more that the town has to offer in terms of history. When I have the chance, I'll give this post some more attention and add to it. Until then, enjoy some historical facts about our Dinky Backwater Town!
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akariuta311101 · 4 months ago
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Taxonomic Group: Maiasaura is a genus within the Hadrosauridae family, classified under the subfamily Saurolophinae. It is part of the group commonly known as duck-billed dinosaurs.
Size and Weight: Maiasaura was a medium to large dinosaur, measuring around 9 meters (30 feet) in length and weighing approximately 2 to 3 metric tons (4,400 to 6,600 pounds).
Time Period: This dinosaur lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 76 to 74 million years ago.
Location: Fossils of Maiasaura have been discovered in North America, particularly in the state of Montana, USA.
Diet: As a herbivore, Maiasaura primarily fed on a variety of plants. Its dental structure, with closely packed dental batteries, was well-suited for grinding tough vegetation, including conifers, cycads, and flowering plants.
Distinctive Features: Maiasaura is known for its distinctive flat, duck-billed snout. It also had a robust body and a long tail that helped balance its weight.
Head Structure: Its skull was elongated with a beak-like structure at the front for cropping plants. The teeth were arranged in rows, forming dental batteries that allowed efficient processing of plant material. The nasal passages were relatively simple compared to crested hadrosaurs.
Movement and Behavior: Maiasaura was capable of both bipedal and quadrupedal movement. It likely moved on all fours while foraging and could rear up on its hind legs for speed or to reach higher vegetation.
Initial Discovery: The genus Maiasaura was described by Jack Horner and Robert Makela in 1979, based on fossils discovered in the Two Medicine Formation in Montana. The name Maiasaura means “good mother lizard,” highlighting evidence of parental care.
Skin and Fossil Finds: While skin impressions of Maiasaura are rare, skeletal remains are abundant. These include nearly complete skeletons, skulls, vertebrae, and limb bones, providing extensive information about its anatomy and behavior.
Social Behavior: Evidence suggests that Maiasaura lived in large herds and exhibited complex social behavior. Fossilized nesting sites indicate that Maiasaura engaged in communal nesting and cared for their young, providing protection and ensuring their survival.
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lorinstella · 2 months ago
a pergunta que não quer calar: onde fica monte todd?
bem, não é bem uma teoria, mas sim alguns pensamentos e suposições que eu queria compartilhar com todos vocês
nestes últimos dias, eu estava pensando e me questionando sobre a localização do monte todd, e uma coisa que eu questionei sobre isso foi se o monte todd era realmente o próprio monte todd ou se o monte todd era uma referência ao monte tod, eu tinha essa dúvida porque não há nenhuma montanha ou monte que tenha esse nome ou um nome similar e o monte tod é muito similar ao monte todd em termos de nome.
então eu comecei a pesquisar isso um pouco mais a fundo, há um pico na antártida e um tipo de projeto da austrália que tem o mesmo nome, mas esses dois lugares não têm muito a ver com o cenário geral do monte todd e de wick.
e nisso, eu assisti alguns jogos de pessoas jogando wick e analisei o cenário da floresta, ai percebi que tem bétulas de papel, indo um pouco mais a fundo nisso, a distribuição da bétula de papel tem uma presença um pouco forte no nordeste, centro-oeste e oeste do eua, como sendo minnesota, maine, michigan, new hampshire, montana etc., mas o que tem uma presença um pouco mais forte e está espalhado por todo o país é o canadá, e olhando para o clima do canadá, o inverno canadense pode ser bastante rigoroso em algumas partes do interior e pradarias, então se a família weaver vivesse em algum interior do canadá perto de uma floresta e tim e tom tivessem imunidade baixa e muito frágil, isso poderia dificultar a sobrevivência de tim e tom na floresta quando foram botados para fora de casa pela mary devido a esses fatores, e pode parecer nada, mas o canadá participou da primeira guerra mundial, e há algumas pesquisas sobre isso que indicam que os soldados canadenses eram grandes usuários de gás venenoso durante esse período, então há esse ponto que até faz sentido sobre o áudio da máscara de gás do john
eu sei que isso pode parecer muito sem sentido e até um pouco bobo tudo o que eu falei aqui, mas eu queria saber o que vocês pensam sobre isso e falarem um pouco sobre o que vocês pensa sobre qual poderia ser a localização do monte todd ou algo assim
de qualquer forma, espero que todos estejam tendo um ótimo dia/tarde/noite (o > ω・o)
well, It's not really a theory, but rather some thoughts and assumptions that I wanted to share with you all
in these last days, I was thinking and questioning myself about the location of mount todd, and one thing that I questioned about this was whether mount todd was actually mount tod itself or whether mount todd was a reference to mount tod, I had this question because there is no mountain or hill that has this name or a similar name to it and mount tod is very similar to mount todd in terms of name.
so I started researching this a little in depth, there is a peak of antarctica and a kind of project from australia that has the same name, but these two places don't have much to do with mount todd and wick's general scenery.
and in that, i watched some videos of people playing wick and I analyzed the forest scene, in that I realized that has paper birch trees, going a little deeper into this, the distribution of paper birch tree has a somewhat strong presence in the northeast, midwest and western of usa such as minnesota, maine, michigan, new hampshire, montana etc, but what has a slightly stronger presence and is spread throughout is canada, and looking at the climate of canada, the canadian winter can be quite harsh in some parts of the interior and prairies, so if the weaver family lived in some interior of canada near a forest and tim and tom had low and very fragile immunity, this could make it difficult for tim and tom to survive in the forest when they were thrown out of their home by mary due to these factors, and it may seem like nothing, but canada took part in the first world war, and there is some research on this that indicates that canadian soldiers were heavy users of poison gas during this period, so there is this point that even makes sense about the audio of john's gas mask
I know this may seem very nonsensical and even a bit silly that everything i said here, but I wanted to know what you think about this and talk a little about what you think about what the location of mount todd or something like that could be
anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day/afternoon/night (o > ω・o)
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wisco-warrior · 2 years ago
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Swiftcurrent Falls, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA.
Troy Smith Photography
Swiftcurrent Falls is located in the Many Glacier area of the park. To reach Many Glacier, turn left off of Highway 89 at Babb, Montana. The 12 miles from the junction to Many Glacier are spectacular—the area is often compared to the Swiss Alps.
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chlobody · 4 months ago
Do you have any dream locations you’d like to see or shoot that you haven’t had a chance to visit yet?
Since you’ve shot in Appalachia (where I grew up) I wondered if you’d ever had a chance to visit Roan Mountain when it’s in full bloom. As a kid I loved getting lost in the Rhododendron blooms. Even with the mountain full of visitors you could find little corners that felt like your own little flower covered kingdom.
I haven’t been to Roan Mountain, but it sounds magical! I definitely got some glimpses of Rhododendron blooms this season, but not enough!
My dream location to shoot… the list could go on and on! If I could truly pick anywhere, I’d like to create out of the country, in places like Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, etc. Our world has so much beauty, I’d be beyond lucky to experience what outside of the USA has to offer and create with that.
Dream locations in the USA - Glacier National Park and Montana as a whole. I’ve already gotten opportunities to shoot with the beautiful Oregon and Washington state coastal forests, but I’d love to go back there as well. Of all places, the biggest part of my heart and soul is there, no doubt.
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mutant-distraction · 1 year ago
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MT DarkStar Photography
“The Sons of Perseus”
Park County, Montana, USA
08 August 2023
The Perseids are upon us.
This annual meteor shower, occurring each August, produces 60+ meteors per hour at its peak (normally between August 9 and 14). This year the peak is on August 12.
Best viewing occurs in the hours before dawn, but they are visible throughout the night. While they are less frequent earlier in the night, meteors seen before or around midnight can be particularly impressive, slowly burning bright colors across the sky. This occurs because the meteors are grazing the earth atmosphere and slowly burning up as they are pulled in.
I captured this last night around midnight. I shot a timelapse that was about 90 minutes long, and then I isolated the meteors from the frames where they were brightest and composited them onto a single frame with the Milky Way centered.
The name Perseids is derived from the word Perseidai, meaning “the sons of Perseus.” This name was given because the meteors that make up the Perseids appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus.
Since the constellation Perseus is located to the north, when shooting to the south, in the direction of the Milky Way, the Perseids appear to be raining toward the horizon.
The Perseids should be on full display through the weekend. Since the peak this year approximately coincides with the new moon (it’s one day before), viewing should be exceptional if you can get out of the cloud cover.
Hope some of y’all get the opportunity to see them.
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Map with flags of the United States of America circa 2076. Notable Changes:
1. DC, now officially the Douglass Commonwealth, became the 51st state along with the eastern counties of Oregon (now the state of Lincoln) who voted in the greater Idaho movement, Puerto Rico, and Mariana (a state comprising of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands).
2. North Florida split from the rest of Florida, and now there are two Floridas, Florida-Dixie and Florida-Caribe
3. The Navajo Nation became a state
4. Upstate New York becomes a state, called North New York, as does the almost-a-state Sequoyah
5. California split into 7 Smaller States, California, Bay Area, Los Angeles, Frémont, Jefferson, Joaquina, and Southern California
6. The Virgin Islands and American Samoa (now Samoa Amelika) became states after floating city technology grew
7. 6 Planned mini City States (a la DC) get admitted. The US now has 10 Capitals to avoid bureaucratic collusion and corruption. The USA now has 10 capitals, DC (Capital of the executive branch), Vespucci (located in former parts of Iowa, congressional capital), Twainstun (located in former parts of northern Maine, judicial capital), MLK (located on Gulf Coast, where all governors meet to talk), New York (economic capital), Liliuokalani (located in former parts of Oregon, diplomatic capital), Eisenhower (located in former Alaska pan handle, military and intelligence capital), Sequoyah (Reservation version of MLK), Quintanilla (former southern tip of Texas, Space Station capital cause future), and Frémont (cultural capital, museums here)
10. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick become states following the bloody Canadian civil war, Yukon joins Alaska
11. Israel is moved to Montana in an area of land 7x the size of modern Israel, it’s initially an independent country but votes to join the USA
12. Michigan upper peninsula becomes a state after the Yooper terror attacks for self autonomy of 2069
13. Most states change their flags to be prettier
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hartigays · 11 months ago
Christmas tag game!
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends.
tagged by: @lovekenney thank u for tagging me!! <3
Favorite nickname you’ve ever been given: sar bear, the only one i’ve been given
Where are you located? georgia, usa
What season is it where you are now? winter!
Favourite tradition this time of year: decorating, watching christmas movies, and baking (aka someone else bakes while i stand there and eat the treats)
Favourite holiday food: sausage cheese biscuits (if u have to ask u just wouldn’t get it.)
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider? hot apple cider. or cold idrc. i’m not picky when it comes to apple cider
Turkey, Ham or Nut Roast (Or Tofurkey?)? none, i don’t really fw meat like that
Would you rather spend the December holidays in: A cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand? cabin in the woods with snow ❄️
Are you pro-snow or anti-snow? pro-snow (non-cocaine version. or cocaine version. either way)
Have you ever built a snowman? it’s been a long time but yes most definitely
Skiing or Snowboarding? idk how to do either but i think i’d like snowboarding better maybe?
Do you decorate for the holidays? oh absolutely, and we continuously buy more decorations over the whole month so by the time christmas hits it’s like santa threw up in our house
Favourite holiday movie? a christmas story
Favourite holiday fanfic? all of them. give me all the holiday fics
If you were to star in a Hallmark movie, who would be your love interest? jason todd. like literally the character jason todd. hallmark my boy and give him to me!! Where would it take place? not gotham city that’s for damn sure. maybe montana
tagging: @grabmyboner @rascheln @haxprocess @inursoulkitchen @saws2004 @chefsydney @alistairlowes @ezra-starkiller @valleydean
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salty-cs · 3 months ago
@ all the people who are confused about the dino dogs southwestern usa is a notorious hotspot for fossils! "The Late Jurassic Morrison Formation is found in several U.S. states, including Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas. It is notable as being the most fertile single source of dinosaur fossils in the world." Would the cowboys in this period be digging up fossils? Probably not but it is related to the geography of the location if not the time period
thank u for the fun fact nonny :) /gen learn somethin' new everyday- 🐲
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dragonballnewstar · 4 months ago
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Good morning, everyone~! It's Monday and I hope you're ready to AMP! Up this last week of June!
Speaking of species --
An entirely new dinosaur previously undiscovered by paleontologists has been located in Montana, USA and has been named Lokiceratops rangiformis, after the Norse god - Loki. Though some paleontologist peers have questioned whether it’s just a variation on another type of ceratopsidae, the family of dinosaurs that includes the iconic triceratops - the amount of frills that Lokiceratops has is dramatically different. We'll have to see in time if this is a new species or not.
Endangered wild horses have returned to the Golden Steppe of Kazakhstan for the first time in at least 200 years after decades-long efforts! Seven Przewalski's Horses from Europe to the Central Asian country took place in early June in an operation run by Prague Zoo, and within these few weeks researchers say they are doing well and have even begun the mating process. The Przewalski's Horse is the last wild horse species on the planet, as species such as the American mustang and Australian brumby are feral horses descended from domesticated animals. This is monumental for conservation efforts and I hope only for the best for these horses.
It has been a exciting to see the variations of species coming out or coming back into their natural setting!
Lastly, for music I don't have a recommendation this time, but more just something that I found:
Someone had used AI to mimic Paul McCartney and create this haunting rendition of A-ha's "Take on Me". With the rain and everything, I just imagined it coming out of a staticy radio in some Indie horror game...
Well, that's it for this episode's AMP! Up Your Week! I hope you all have a great week, and I'll see you in July!
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connectparanormal · 4 months ago
Best and Worst American States for Zombie Survival
We consider many factors, such as population density, geography, climate, and resources, to determine which states in the United States would be the best and worst places to survive a zombie apocalypse. Alaska is among the finest states in which to survive a zombie apocalypse. Because of its large, sparsely populated wilderness, it offers a lot of seclusion from swarms of zombies. In addition to slowing down or even freezing zombies, the cold may provide a major survival advantage. Alaska's wealth of natural resources, including freshwater sources and wildlife for hunting and fishing, would greatly aid long-term sustainability. Moreover, the inclement weather and rough terrain would discourage huge populations of zombies from traveling there.
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Wyoming is another state that is advantageous. Wyoming, which is renowned for its large open expanses and low human density, has several options for locating remote locations where one might create a safe haven. The state's numerous national parks and forests offer fresh water and abundant hunting grounds. The milder climate than in Alaska makes it simpler to survive without heavy weather gear, and the mountainous landscape can act as natural barriers against zombie movement. Conversely, states such as California and New York may rank among the worst locations to survive a zombie apocalypse. New York, particularly New York City, is one of the most densely populated places in the nation. Because of the high population density, there are initially more zombies, which makes it very challenging to flee or locate safe areas. With its tall buildings and winding streets, the urban setting may make it simple for zombies to ensnare humans and difficult for survivors to escape. Despite its vast expanse and diverse landscape, California faces numerous challenges. Because of their dense populations, big cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco would soon become infested with zombies. Although there are safer rural areas in the state, the sheer number of people attempting to flee the metropolis could cause traffic jams and a general pandemic. Furthermore, the state of California is vulnerable to earthquakes and wildfires, which could make it harder to survive in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Florida could also present challenges. Its warm climate may seem appealing, but zombies may become more active and mobile. The state's vast coastline and level terrain make finding defended sites challenging. Additionally, Florida's high population density and abundance of urban regions increase the possibility of encountering zombies. While the swampy areas provide some natural defenses, human survivors may still face risks from the region's own fauna and illnesses.
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States like Montana and Idaho, on the other hand, provide ideal survival circumstances. Due to their low population concentrations, both states offer more chances to locate remote locations and fewer initial undead. There are many opportunities for sustainable living due to the area's rough topography and plenty of natural resources, such as freshwater and animals. These states' lower temperatures can also reduce zombie activity in the winter, providing survivors with a temporary edge. In conclusion, states with low population densities, an abundance of natural resources, and difficult terrain that can act as natural barriers are usually the best places in the USA to escape a zombie apocalypse. These characteristics are available in states including Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Alaska. On the other hand, densely populated states with sizable cities, like Florida, California, and New York, provide serious obstacles to survival because of the abundance of zombies, the difficulty of escaping, and other environmental dangers.
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glittercakes · 2 years ago
Now that we have more information about New World of Steam…
If you’d like, reblog this and guess which specific state it’s in.
For my Non-USA peeps (and those who just forgot):
New England: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Middle Atlantic: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
East North Central: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
West North Central: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota
South Atlantic: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC
East South Central: Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi
West South Central: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
Mountain: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah
Pacific: California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii
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honkytonkdyke · 11 months ago
what location did spotify give you as home of the people with the most similar listening habits as you. i’ll go first i got bozeman montana usa??
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scottyxkulkari · 1 year ago
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[cis male and he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [SCOTT KULKARI]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [RAYMOND ABLACK]. You must be the [THIRTY SIX] year old [HANDYMAN]. Word is you’re [ADAPTABLE] but can also be a bit [PESSIMISTIC] and your favorite song is [HELLS BELLS AND AC/DC]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
fullname. scott kulkari.
nicknames. scotty.
gender. cis male
pronouns. he / him
d.o.b. november 13th, 1987 | ( 36 years old )
astrology. scorpio ☀ cancer ☾  libra ↑
birth place. trenton, new jersey, usa.
hometown. multiple locations, new jersey, usa.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. handyman.
religion. not religious.
tattoos. scorpion on his right thigh ( reference pic ).
piercings. none.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. heterosexual.
family. unknown, lukas park eric kang ( foster brother ).
children. none that he knows of.
luke danes ( gilmore girls ), logan ( xmen ), wreck it ralph ( wreck it ralph ), nick miller ( new girl ), frank castle ( punisher ), bellamy blake ( the 100 ), joel miller ( the last of us ).
+ adaptable, loyal, conscientious. - pedantic, questioning, detached.
( tw: abandonment, death, cheating ) 
Where exactly Scotty Kulkari came from is mostly a mystery. Abandoned out the front of the New Jersey State Hospital as a newborn, all he has ever known is the system. Jumping from foster home to foster home for all of his childhood, Scott learned very quickly that people are mostly not to be trusted. Running away, starting fights, whatever he could to get through until he was old enough to be on his own. Deep down, he was always on the search for the family he never knew, but on the surface, he was simply the bane of his social worker's existence.
Around his fifteenth birthday, Scott was placed in the home of the Park family. A picture perfect suburban family with two child of their own, Scotty could never understand why they were opening their doors to the riffraff. At first it was an adjustment from the houses he usually stayed at. They welcomed him with open arms and every intention of him to stay. His usual antics of running away, keeping himself and being generally hostile weren't enough to deter the Parks, eventually wearing down his defences. He especially bonded with the eldest Park child, Lukas. A few years older than himself, Scott finally had someone to look up to. While the two were entirely different, their bond was strong and slowly, Scott felt like he had a family.
While he did age out of the system, Scotty stayed close to the family while setting out to do what he always wanted. Build a life for himself. He was never going to go to college, knowing that a GED was more than enough study for himself. More a tactical learner, he started a trade. It was easy to get steady work and his mind liked to dissect the issue, remedy the problem. Uncovering the mystery of why things worked the way they did was his happy place. Life was solitary, easy to move from place to place which was all he had ever known anyway.
It was a dark day in Montana, Colorado when Scotty recieved a call from his foster sister to say that Lukas had been involved in a fatal shooting. The closest thing to a brother he had ever had, Scotty was distraught. The Parks were even worse, the patriarch of the family inconsolable so he did what anyone would do in that situation would do. He moved back to New Jersey to look after the family, stepping into the shoes that Lukas had now left empty.
As the years progressed and life moved on, Scotty realised that he couldn't stay in New Jersey for the rest of his life and migrated towards Los Angeles. A blue collared shadow of a man in the city of angels would not seem like an ideal choice, but he enjoyed the quickness of the city. The sheer volume of people was enough to get lost in, plus he loved the nature more than anything. It was here where he met his ex-girlfriend. The first girl he ever truly loved and the person he was building his life around. In a moment of hope, Scott thought he'd finally found what he was looking for. Someone to build a family with. All it took was him coming from early from a work trip to find out that she'd been hooking up with her ex the whole time they were together. Scott wasn't the type to stick around.
He left Los Angeles like a ghost in the night, moving down to Texas. On a nightly scroll of Instagram, Scotty could have sworn he saw a candid picture of Lukas on some random artists feed. He wasn't much of an investigator, but he uncovered that this woman lived in Aurora Bay and it was enough for him to drop his hated LA lifestyle and head to the coast, needing a change of pace regardless. Maybe it was nothing, but something in his gut felt like it was too much of a coincidence. So now he's here to uncover the truth.
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mcgowanh2o · 2 years ago
Business Name: McGowan Water Conditioning
Street Address: 101 N Grant St
City: Missoula
State: Montana (MT)
Zip Code: 59801
Country: USA
Business Phone: (406) 728-3590
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://mcgowanh2o.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montanawaterconditioning/
Business Description: Independently and Locally Owned and Operated. Proud to be serving Montana for the last 50+ years. We work to supply safe and affordable drinking water and home filtration systems to Missoula and the surrounding areas. Through the years we have expanded North to Polson and Seeley, West to Plains, South to Darby and Sula, East to Drummond, and all of their surrounding areas. Including some special requests as far as Townsend and GreatFalls. We select what we offer our customers based on what works. Each and ever single client is a valuable customer to us, so we firmly believe in only using the best. We do not skip out on quality and we only offer what is truly needed for you to gain safe and healthy water. Good Water Matters
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=687232797968667853
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8am-5pm Tuesday 8am-5pm Wednesday 8am-5pm Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 8am-5pm Saturday Closed
Services: Water softening equipment
water softener
water softener missoula
water softener system
Water cooler supplier
Water coolers
water coolers missoula
Water testing service
Bottled water supplier
distilled water
montana bottled water companies
montana bottled water
missoula bottled water
water company missoula
Water purification company
water treatment
water conditioner company
water conditioning
uv water treatment system
ultraviolet water treatment
ultraviolet water filtration system
uv water treatment
whole house water treatment
whole house water filtration
Keywords: water treatment, distilled water, water systems, water softeners, u v filters, reverse osmosis filters, iron filters, arsenic filters, water testing, water delivery, water coolers, bottled water, water system installation
Service Areas:
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lordandjacksonlocksmiths · 2 years ago
Business Name: Lord & Jackson Locksmiths
Street Address: 3553 Norman Dr
City: Missoula
State: Montana (MT)
Zip Code: 59804
Country: USA
Business Phone: (406) 728-2163
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.lordandjacksonlocksmiths.com/
Business Description: Serving Missoula and the surrounding area since 1989, Lord & Jackson Locksmiths provides a lot of affordable services, including 24-hour lockouts, residential and commercial lock re-keying, residential and commercial locks installed, repaired and replaced (knobs, levers, handlesets, deadbolts, door viewers, panic devices, door closers, hinges, strikes, electronic/keyless entry, and more), keys cut and duplicated, master key systems created and serviced, and high security/restricted lock and key systems for increased security and key control.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=11892799173795187463
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Services: Door Closers, Hour Emergency Service, Key Control, Keys Cut, Locked Out, Master Key Systems, Mobile Locksmith, Residential And Commercial Locks, Sticky Lock, Building lockouts, Building key copying, Delivery, General repairs, Door lock & bolt hardware installation, Installation, Lock rekeying, Repair hardware, Security door locks, Car lockouts, Window locks, PREVIOUS, Building lockouts, Building key copying, Delivery, General repairs, Door lock & bolt hardware installation, Installation, Lock rekeying, Repair hardware, Security door locks, Car lockouts, Window locks
Keywords: Missoula locksmith, Missoula locksmiths, locksmith, car locksmith, residential locksmith, commercial locksmith, locked keys in car, car locksmith near me, locksmith near me, lock and key, key copy, key duplication, rekey
Service Areas:
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