#local migraine clinic in cos
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Headaches And Overstimulation - Novera Headache Center
A major trigger for migraines comes from sensory overload. The surrounding environment is full of sounds, sights, and smells that overstimulate the senses and cause headaches. Cities are often full of overwhelming sensory elements, such as large crowds of people, bright lights, peculiar smells, and traffic sounds. Working in a professional environment can overwhelm the brain. The fluorescent lights, enclosed spaces, and indoor circulated air are all factors that can contribute to headaches.
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maleextraavis-blog · 4 years
Could Supplements Spare Your Sexual Co-existence?
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They'll entice you with their advertising guarantees, yet be careful the perils covered up inside.
It's time to consider roses, chocolates, darlings, and sentiment. Also, if those estimations carry you to a specific drugstore path supplied with pills and mixtures promising to help your sexual coexistence, you might need to reconsider before purchasing any. "Most are a marvelous misuse of cash, as I would like to think," says Dr. Michael O'Leary, a urologist at Harvard-partnered Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Unicorn juice?
With a couple of special cases, most enhancements for sexual capacity haven't been concentrated logically. Best case scenario, says Dr. O'Leary, they have a misleading impact (an advantageous outcome from an inert treatment).
"That is not inconsequential in itself," he notes. "For instance, when analysts did clinical preliminaries for the professionally prescribed drug sildenafil [Viagra], the fake treatment reaction was about 30%. Which reveals to you that the most significant sex organ you have is your mind. In men, the cerebrum controls the boost to get blood stream to the penis, and besides, it controls climax and discharge. That is the reason many individuals with ordinary vascular capacity despite everything have sexual brokenness."
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In any case, shouldn't something be said about the cases that over-the-counter enhancements can expand your moxie or sexual continuance? They are just showcasing guarantees intended to sell you a jug of pills, and no one's checking ahead of time to ensure they're exact. For instance, a 2015 audit of top-selling supplements for men's sexual wellbeing, distributed in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, discovered next to zero proof to help claims they could improve parts of sexual execution.
Unsafe business
While the FDA has the duty to endorse the utilization of any ordinary pharmaceutical and to screen how it is produced, the FDA has no such obligation with respect to supplements. That implies deceitful organizations can sell any items they like, and the enhancements won't be pulled from the racks until and except if the FDA demonstrates they're dangerous. So with regards to supplements, purchaser be careful!
Some sexual capacity enhancements may contain possibly hazardous polluting influences or limited quantities of concealed pharmaceutical medications — like hints of PDE5 inhibitors, meds in a similar class that incorporates remedy erectile brokenness drugs like Viagra. This can deliver hazardous, even perilous, responses.
A couple of exemptions
Well known sexual execution supplements frequently contain a mix of fixings (some of the time many them). The absolute top of the line incorporate DHEA (short for dehydroepiandrosterone, an adrenal hormone), ginkgo biloba, fenugreek, ginseng, horny goat weed, L-arginine, maca, tribulus, yohimbine, and zinc.
Dr. O'Leary says the greater part of those won't help your affection life. In any case, there might be a couple of special cases.
L-arginine. This amino corrosive gives the crude material from which the body makes nitric oxide, an atom that unwinds and open veins, an essential advance to accomplish an erection of the penis. "In any case, placing that into a pill isn't demonstrated to create an erection," Dr. O'Leary says. In addition, individuals with coronary illness ought to dodge it. An investigation of L-arginine's impact on coronary failure survivors must be halted right on time after six individuals taking the enhancement kicked the bucket.
Yohimbine. This originates from bark of a tree local to Africa. "It promotes penile blood stream, yet you have no clue whether the enhancement you're taking has excessively or excessively little," cautions Dr. O'Leary. Another admonition: yohimbine may harm heart work and may cause (hypertension), migraines, tumult, a sleeping disorder, and perspiring.
Normal execution sponsors
Way of life changes can help support sexual movement without drug. "Awesome information have indicated that in men, weight reduction alone improves sexual capacity. It's most likely on the grounds that fat makes estrogen, which battles testosterone required for sexual capacity," Dr. O'Leary says.
Different things that can help for both genders: practicing and smoking end, which improve blood stream to the sexual organs; restricting liquor admission, since huge sums can hose sexual reflexes and the capacity of men to keep up an erection; and eating a sound eating regimen, which keeps up a solid weight.
On the off chance that these methodologies aren't helping, your primary care physician might have the option to discover an answer — that could include treating a basic condition or recommending prescription (for men) or greases and low-portion vaginal estrogen items for vaginal dryness and excruciating sex in ladies.
See the alternatives at our other blog https://maleextraavis.fr/
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thebibliosphere · 7 years
I'm sorry to bother you with another EO question I just really don't want to hurt myself or anyone else. I work with babies (a five month old and a six month old). Ive started wearing an aromatherapy necklace with lavender, rosemary and peppermint EO on it. Should I take off for work since I hold the babies a lot and they might get close to it?
Not at all! I am glad to help if I can.
I’m going to share with you a link about Fragrances and how they are actually a part of a much wider problem relating to illness and accessibility. I think you’ll find it to be a good reference point.
Fragrances for many people, regardless of whether they are synthetic or authentic, are some of the biggest triggers for people with health concerns, whether it’s migraine triggers, respiratory problems or just general chemical sensitivity. (And remember kids, everything is a chemical! Not just the percieved bad nasty made made stuff.)
The other day someone got on my bus home wearing this really strong perfume, which no doubt to them smelt lovely, but to me was like a miasma of impending pain working its way through my olfactory system. When people say “they love that new car smell” what I actually hear is “I enjoy inhaling the scent of death and vomit”. I feel much the same way about perfumes or scents people wear, whether it’s in their clothes or skin. And I’m not alone in that.
Now, whether the scent you are wearing around your neck is strong enough to affect someone? I can’t tell you that for sure. But I always urge people who work with vulnerable people, to be considerate of the fact that many of us can’t handle any scent, and would appreciate if our carers, health providers etc etc, didn’t wear any. Decent alternative health practitioners are aware of this too, and many clinics or work spaces you walk into will be blessedly scent free, though honestly not enough. 
One of the main reasons I never went on to do more with my holistic health stuff was that it required working with other people, and the places that usually wanted us to work there were putrid in scent. Things like sage or incense (which is not as “pure” as many people think it is. The majority of incense sticks and cones are actually doctored with synthetic scents to make them last longer) or some blend of essential oils being pumped into the air is no better than a synthetic fragrance for people with compromised health.
So personally, if I were working with something of that age group, I wouldn’t be wearing it at work. I’d feel okay wearing it before and after, but not during.
We live in a society that douses itself in scents out of fear of being thought “unclean”, and we really don’t have to. I’d rather walk into a space and smell purified air that’s been actually purified with an air filter, than one that’s been smoke bombed with “natural” scents. I can’t even go to my local co-op anymore without getting hit with the smell of sage and sandalwood, and it’s fairly annoying in terms of “oh good, another migraine” when all I wanted was groceries.
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Nux vomica 30 vedas cure
Nux vomica 30
NUX VOMICA 30 – Piles are one of the numerous normal sicknesses all throughout the planet which are not frequently discussed. There are enlarged veins that get enlarged because of the great pressing factor. Around 65% of individuals all throughout the planet have heaps at either periods of their lives. At the point when the veins around the butt region get ceaseless pressing factor because of any explanation, the blood gets coerced. This then, at that point can go veins to balloon. This enlarging of veins is known as heaps. The pressing factor that can bring about heaps can be through any explanation, a portion of the normal realized reasons are-
By persistent sitting at one spot consistently
Overweight or weight and so forth
While heaps don't have hazardous manifestations, they can cause a ton of agony and seeping through the butt-centric region. Most normal side effects that individuals with heaps have are-
They have an inclination to stool soon after they crap.
Draining while or after a defecation
Consuming sensation while or after defecation
Shortcoming and apathy without fail, yet particularly subsequent to crapping.
Agony around the lower rectum
Expanding around the butt-centric region
Nux Vomica 30 is a homeopathic medication that is recommended by numerous homeopathy specialists and advisors. It has demonstrated impacts for some infections. Numerous patients have given positive criticism and got well by this. It comes from the tree called Strychnos nux-vomica tree that begins from China, Thailand, East India, and Australia. The crude seeds are poisonous because of which they are nicknamed "poison nut", and ought to be treated prior to burning-through in any case can prompt genuine incidental effects. It is most ordinarily utilized in the treatment of sicknesses that are intense and have transient impacts. There are many advantages of burning-through this medication because of its lavishness in clinical medicines. Here are a couple of conditions where nux vomica 30 ch can be utilized
Causes and Symptoms for SBL Nux Vomica (Dilution)
The grumblings that emerge after overabundance of eating meat, chicken, drinking parcel of liquor, sexual abundance. Overabundance outrage, stresses, sedenatry life where individuals will in general eat and sit on one spot, frustration with life and consistent considerations which want to be distant from everyone else are well releived with the assistance of Nux vomica. Fit and overstated affectability are the key components found in the protests of patients who need Nux vomica. Coldness, tip of nose is cold, body can't be warmed regardless of whether covered, hands cold. Inflexibility of muscles that influences portability/movement of the body. Nux vomica is given to patients who are tranquilized with solid drug before, it assists with killing
Brain: Person experiences Irritability, is annoyed at smallest triviality, with consistent grumblings and continues to cry. Tiredness and uses awful and harmful dialects when furious. A critic. Fretfulness with want to be distant from everyone else, demotivated with a longing to end it all yet terrified of death. Dread of future, can't take choices. Chide individuals out of desire and squabbles with individuals. Disarray when composing or talking, faults others for anything incorrectly occurs. Can't bear the site of commotion, smell, scent and light.
Head: Complaints of migraine exasperated after openness to sun. Periodical migraine with heaving related, bothered generally in the mornings. Squeezing kind of agonies, perspiring on brow, Soreness of scalp with extraordinary affectability to contact, head cold to contact. Nux vomica is valuable in migraine that emerge after admission of abundance liquor, espresso or meat. Torments that are disturbed after
Eyes: Redness of eys with tingling and disturbance, affectability of eyes to the light, Lightning before eyes. Firmness of muscles of eyelids which cause torment while development of eyes. Expanding and redness of covers with dry sensation in eyes.
Nose and hack: Dry sniffling and coryza after openness to cold air, stoppage of nose around evening time in bed, sensation as though nose is full and difficult to deliver it. Draining from the nose, with harsh release, release of blood clumps. Hack that creates consuming uproar in the chest, Dry hack with torment in chest, suffocative hacks at 12 PM. Irritating sensation in throat.
Mouth and Teeth: Sour desire for the mouth with harsh and severe taste, with salivation in mouth. Mouth Ulcers with Thickly covered tongue, with dryness of mouth particularly after 12 PM. Toothache after openness to cool, excruciating expanding of gums.
Stomach and Abdomen: Nausea and Vomitting, with hunger for water. Aversions milk, lager, water or on occasion enjoys milk, brew, water, with a confounded perspective. An inclination, "I would feel much improved if could just regurgitation." Pain in the stomach with constrictive inclination in the chest, with sensation as though food is halted in the throat. Expanding of Inguinal organs, Hernia, colic and pressing factor in stomach. Convulsive agonies in the stomach with pompous colic.
Stool and Anus: Constipation with Incomplete entry of stool. Sensation as though bump abandoned. Defecation halfway strong, fluid mostly, with agony, enlarging and tingling at the butt-centric region and objections of worm diseases. Cutting torment in the midsections, with consistent encouraging to pass stools. Draining heaps caused because of stressing.
Urinary organs: Pressure on urinary organs with agony and abrasion in urethra previously, after or during outflow of pee. Pee some of the time insufficient, with release of blood from pee. Flatus passes with urnation. Agony in renal locale with failure to lie on the influenced side.
Male organs and Female objections: guys: Itching at scrotal region with expanding, inadequate, Erection trouble and loss of certainty. Difficult affectability to contact, hardness, testicular agonies with impression of withdrawal. females: Pain in the uterine region, with consuming warmth in the private parts. Menses that happen early or late, are lavish and with dull dark dying. Savage agonies in the mammae, torment in the back with want to pass stool and pee.
Back and Extremities: Pain toward the back, over sacral area, because of which an individual can't move either in the bed. Consuming, uncontrollable agonies toward the back, between the shoulders, with enlarging of neck muscles and firmness. Sensation as though muscles are too short to even think about moving easily,loss of force in limits. Cold, sweat-soaked hands, cold nose with redness, consuming, tingling of fingers. Ligaments feel short while ascending from the seat. Spasms in calves with chilliness of furthest points. Crippled shortcoming in influenced parts, shaking of appendages.
Consensuses: Yawning with extending of appendages, dozes for the most part lying on the back. Cold and somewhat blue skin during shiverings, convulsive agonies that vibe like electric shock like torments.
Results of SBL Nux Vomica (Dilution)
There are no such incidental effects. However, every medication ought to be accepted observing the standards as given.
Dose and rules while taking Nux Vomica (Dilution)
Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times each day. You can likewise sedate the globules and take 3 times each day or as endorsed by the doctor. We prescribe you to take under doctors direction
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Headache Physical Therapy Colorado Springs - Novera Headache Center
In our clinic, we are manual therapists.  We provide full examinations of the body’s movement, but for headache and migraine patients we look more specifically at the neck. We then evaluate where your pain is coming from, or to put it another way, we discover “which tissue is the issue.  https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/
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kawuli · 7 years
I am home.
We travelled 1000 miles in 3 days, and I drove almost all of it (mom helped when she could). That’s 7ish hours on Monday and 9h today (fuck Illinois traffic and especially Chicago). 
All this for a one hour doctor’s appointment.
The degree of... relief? encouragement?... mom got from having a doctor ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGE that she was in moderate to severe pain constantly, and getting significantly worse over the last couple of months despite doing all the right lifestyle things, and how much that SUCKS... and to suggest actual sensible changes in meds, and multiple options to try, rather than basically flinging up their hands... idk. It’s good! Of course it is!
But we shouldn’t have to travel 1000 miles round trip for it. 
I mean, she was at a nationally-known headache clinic in Chicago last week and the Dr. there basically acted like everything was fine and told her she should just keep doing all the same things that aren’t. fucking. working. (And may be causing liver damage! ffs!) Her local neurologist only agreed to monitor meds stuff with the Mayo doctors doing the actual decision-making for any major changes. Which means that we also need to go back to Minnesota in 4 months for a follow-up. She was there two or three times last year, which is what got her to a “can basically function” level for several months, so we’re really, really hoping they can get her back to that, because since June it’s been...not good.
IN THEORY her insurance will cover all but a $55 co-pay for the actual visit (fingers crossed). Our trip expenses are tax-deductible, but that’s not the same as free--1000 miles of wear on the car, gas, hotel room for 2 nights, meals, etc--it adds up. She’s on disability. My dad’s a prof at a small school and has already put off retirement until at least next year, when he’ll be 70 (Mom’s only 60, but she’s been on disability for.....3 years now? maybe 4?). I picked up one of Mom’s prescriptions the other day, and AFTER Medicare AND a (pretty expensive) supplemental insurance plan it STILL cost $50/month. That’s one of...4? drugs she takes daily. Not to mention as-needed stuff and vitamins. And doctor’s appointment co-pays of $20-$60, and and and and and. (Hey “Medicare for all will fix health care” people, explain please? She’s ON medicare. She STILL pays a ton of money for health care.)
Anyway. This shit makes me crazy. Mysterious chronic pain conditions (hers are migraines and fibromyalgia) are really fucking shitty and I hope they have some better treatment methods before I’m my mom’s age, or that I don’t have her bad genetics/luck, or ideally both. 
And I’m going to go look at baby elephants in bed lying down now.
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ka43270 · 3 years
Sucralose Market Headed for Growth and Global Expansion by 2027
Market Analysis and Insights: Global Sucralose Market
Sucralose Market By Application (Confectionary, Beverage, Dairy Products, Frozen Foods, Others), End Use Industry  (Food Industry, Beverage Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027.
Global sucralose market is expected to grow at a growth rate of 5.50% in the forecast period 2020 to 2027. Increasing demand for the substitutes of sugar such as natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners will act as a major driver in hiking the rise of global sucralose market in the forecast period of 2020-2027.
Request Sample is Available @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-sucralose-market
Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that is famous due to its zero calorie attribute, is a substitute for the sugar preferably consumed by the people suffering from diseases such as diabetes & high blood pressure.
Increased awareness about the health benefits of consuming sucralose instead of sugar among people all over the globe is a major driver increasing the demand for sucralose market, also the rise in disposable income in developing countries & increasing health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure among others is likely to hike the demand in future for sucralose market. The diversity of usage of sucralose in various food products will enhance the sucralose market which will further create new opportunities for the sucralose market in the forecast period of 2020-2027.
The restraints for the sucralose market will be some health related side effects such as weight gain, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, allergies and migraines among others. Availability of substitutes in the market will also hamper the growth of the market.
Global Sucralose Market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on sucralose market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Global Sucralose Market Scope and Market Size
Sucralose market is segmented on the basis of application & end use industry. The growth among various segments helps in the better analyzation of growth and strategies for better vision of market.
On     the basis of application, the sucralose market is segmented into     confectionary, beverage, dairy products, frozen foods & others
Based     on end use industry, the sucralose market is segmented     into food industry, beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry     & others
For Further Detailed insights and ‘Any Query About this report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-sucralose-market
Sucralose market Country Level Analysis
Sucralose market is analyses and market size, volume information is provided by country, application & end use industry as referenced above.
The countries covered in  sucralose market report are U.S., Canada, Mexico in North America, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe in Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America as a part of South America, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA).
Asia-Pacific dominates the sucralose market because of the increasing disposable income, rising urbanization & growing demand for the food and beverages industry in the region.
The country section of the sucralose market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
Request for complete Toc @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-sucralose-market
Competitive Sucralose Market Share Analysis
Sucralose market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to sucralose market.
The major players covered in the sucralose market report are JK Sucralose Inc., Nantong Changhai Food Additive Co. Ltd., Ingredion Incorporated, Tate & Lyle, Techno Food Ingredients Co.,Ltd,  Zawya, Newtrend Group Garuda International, Inc, BioPlus Life Sciences, ECPlaza Network Inc,  among other  domestic and global players. Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analyst understands competitive strengths and provides competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Customization Available: Global Sucralose Market
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customised to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), clinical trial results data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analysed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
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reportsjournal · 4 years
Neurodiagnostics Market Growth, Challenges, Opportunities And Emerging Trends 2020-2026
The recent research, Neurodiagnostics Market market enables stakeholders, field marketing executives and business owners get one step ahead by giving them a better understanding of their immediate competitors for the forecast period, 2019 to 2026. Most importantly, the study empowers product owners to recognize the primary market they are expected to serve. To help companies and individuals operating in the Power Discrete Module market ensure they have access to commensurate resources in a particular location `the research, assess the size that they can realistically target and tap.
This report covers the recent COVID-19 incidence and its impact on Neurodiagnostics. The pandemic has widely affected the economic scenario. This study assesses the current landscape of the ever-evolving business sector and the present and future effects of COVID-19 on the market.
Get Access to Report Sample: https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2236
Major Key Players of the Neurodiagnostics Market are:
GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Nihon Kohden Corporation, Fonar Corporation, Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd. NeuroNexus Technologies, Inc. and Lifelines Neurodiagnostic Systems, Inc
For the purpose of this study, Reports and Data have segmented the global Silicone sealants Market on the basis of Product, technology, application, cure type and region:                
Technology Type (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
 Computed Tomography
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 Nuclear Medicine Imaging
 Near Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
 Voxel-Based Morphometry
Disease Type (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
Alzheimer’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Multiple sclerosis
End Use (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
Hospital and Clinics
Diagnostic Laboratories
Regional Neurodiagnostics Market (Regional Output, Demand & Forecast by Countries)
·        North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)
·        South America (Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile)
·        Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Korea)
·        Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy)
·        Middle East Africa (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran) and More.
Get Discount on this Report: https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/2236
The Neurodiagnostics market is heavily consolidated owing to a large number of global, regional, and local key contenders having already established a significant footing. The key participants dominate the operations in the industry with their extensive geographical coverage and huge production facilities. Players operating in this market are in intense competition in terms of technological innovations, product development, and product pricing. To gain a competitive edge over the other competitors in the industry, the leading players are focusing more on ways to offer products at attractive prices.
What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
1. Market dynamics: The report also assesses the various commercial possibilities that are expected to be revealed in the near future and the positive revenue forecasts in the years ahead. It also studies the key markets and explores different geographies where the industry is established.
2. Competitive Market Share: The key players focus their operations in the sector in select regions, owing to their robust geographic reach and huge production facilities. Players operating in this market are in intense competition in terms of technological advancements, product development, and product pricing. To gain a competitive upper hand over the other rivals in the NEURODIAGNOSTICS industry, the prominent players are focusing more on offering products at reasonable prices.
3. The Goal of The Report: The main objective of this research study is to provide a holistic overview and a better interpretation of market aspects to producers, suppliers, and distributors. The readers can get profound insights into this market that will allow them to formulate and develop critical strategies to bring about the desired business expansion.
4. Feature of the report:
The report studies the key factors affecting the market:
The various opportunities in the market.
1.     To study the overall size of the market and deduce industry trends from this analysis.
2.     To inspect the market based on the product, market share, and product share.
3.     To analyze the market on the basis of end-users and applications focused on the growth rate of each application segment.
View Full Report Description with TOC: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/neurodiagnostics-market
Reasons to Purchase Neurodiagnostics Market Report:
1. Current and future progression of Neurodiagnostics products in the developed and emerging markets.
2. The segments that are estimated to control the future growth of the Neurodiagnostics market.
3. Regions that are expected to undergo the fastest growth during the forecast years.
4. Identify the recent developments, Neurodiagnostics market shares, and lucrative strategies deployed by the prominent market contenders.
Moreover, the research report mentions the leading players in the global Neurodiagnostics market. Their critical marketing approaches and advertising enterprise have been underlined to offer a clear outlook of the Neurodiagnostics market.
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Nux vomica 30
Nux vomica 30
NUX VOMICA 30 – Piles are one of the numerous normal sicknesses all throughout the planet which are not frequently discussed. There are enlarged veins that get enlarged because of the great pressing factor. Around 65% of individuals all throughout the planet have heaps at either periods of their lives. At the point when the veins around the butt region get ceaseless pressing factor because of any explanation, the blood gets coerced. This then, at that point can go veins to balloon. This enlarging of veins is known as heaps. The pressing factor that can bring about heaps can be through any explanation, a portion of the normal realized reasons are-
By persistent sitting at one spot consistently
Overweight or weight and so forth
While heaps don't have hazardous manifestations, they can cause a ton of agony and seeping through the butt-centric region. Most normal side effects that individuals with heaps have are-
They have an inclination to stool soon after they crap.
Draining while or after a defecation
Consuming sensation while or after defecation
Shortcoming and apathy without fail, yet particularly subsequent to crapping.
Agony around the lower rectum
Expanding around the butt-centric region
Nux Vomica 30 is a homeopathic medication that is recommended by numerous homeopathy specialists and advisors. It has demonstrated impacts for some infections. Numerous patients have given positive criticism and got well by this. It comes from the tree called Strychnos nux-vomica tree that begins from China, Thailand, East India, and Australia. The crude seeds are poisonous because of which they are nicknamed "poison nut", and ought to be treated prior to burning-through in any case can prompt genuine incidental effects. It is most ordinarily utilized in the treatment of sicknesses that are intense and have transient impacts. There are many advantages of burning-through this medication because of its lavishness in clinical medicines. Here are a couple of conditions where nux vomica 30 ch can be utilized
Causes and Symptoms for SBL Nux Vomica (Dilution)
The grumblings that emerge after overabundance of eating meat, chicken, drinking parcel of liquor, sexual abundance. Overabundance outrage, stresses, sedenatry life where individuals will in general eat and sit on one spot, frustration with life and consistent considerations which want to be distant from everyone else are well releived with the assistance of Nux vomica. Fit and overstated affectability are the key components found in the protests of patients who need Nux vomica. Coldness, tip of nose is cold, body can't be warmed regardless of whether covered, hands cold. Inflexibility of muscles that influences portability/movement of the body. Nux vomica is given to patients who are tranquilized with solid drug before, it assists with killing
Brain: Person experiences Irritability, is annoyed at smallest triviality, with consistent grumblings and continues to cry. Tiredness and uses awful and harmful dialects when furious. A critic. Fretfulness with want to be distant from everyone else, demotivated with a longing to end it all yet terrified of death. Dread of future, can't take choices. Chide individuals out of desire and squabbles with individuals. Disarray when composing or talking, faults others for anything incorrectly occurs. Can't bear the site of commotion, smell, scent and light.
Head: Complaints of migraine exasperated after openness to sun. Periodical migraine with heaving related, bothered generally in the mornings. Squeezing kind of agonies, perspiring on brow, Soreness of scalp with extraordinary affectability to contact, head cold to contact. Nux vomica is valuable in migraine that emerge after admission of abundance liquor, espresso or meat. Torments that are disturbed after
Eyes: Redness of eys with tingling and disturbance, affectability of eyes to the light, Lightning before eyes. Firmness of muscles of eyelids which cause torment while development of eyes. Expanding and redness of covers with dry sensation in eyes.
Nose and hack: Dry sniffling and coryza after openness to cold air, stoppage of nose around evening time in bed, sensation as though nose is full and difficult to deliver it. Draining from the nose, with harsh release, release of blood clumps. Hack that creates consuming uproar in the chest, Dry hack with torment in chest, suffocative hacks at 12 PM. Irritating sensation in throat.
Mouth and Teeth: Sour desire for the mouth with harsh and severe taste, with salivation in mouth. Mouth Ulcers with Thickly covered tongue, with dryness of mouth particularly after 12 PM. Toothache after openness to cool, excruciating expanding of gums.
Stomach and Abdomen: Nausea and Vomitting, with hunger for water. Aversions milk, lager, water or on occasion enjoys milk, brew, water, with a confounded perspective. An inclination, "I would feel much improved if could just regurgitation." Pain in the stomach with constrictive inclination in the chest, with sensation as though food is halted in the throat. Expanding of Inguinal organs, Hernia, colic and pressing factor in stomach. Convulsive agonies in the stomach with pompous colic.
Stool and Anus: Constipation with Incomplete entry of stool. Sensation as though bump abandoned. Defecation halfway strong, fluid mostly, with agony, enlarging and tingling at the butt-centric region and objections of worm diseases. Cutting torment in the midsections, with consistent encouraging to pass stools. Draining heaps caused because of stressing.
Urinary organs: Pressure on urinary organs with agony and abrasion in urethra previously, after or during outflow of pee. Pee some of the time insufficient, with release of blood from pee. Flatus passes with urnation. Agony in renal locale with failure to lie on the influenced side.
Male organs and Female objections: guys: Itching at scrotal region with expanding, inadequate, Erection trouble and loss of certainty. Difficult affectability to contact, hardness, testicular agonies with impression of withdrawal. females: Pain in the uterine region, with consuming warmth in the private parts. Menses that happen early or late, are lavish and with dull dark dying. Savage agonies in the mammae, torment in the back with want to pass stool and pee.
Back and Extremities: Pain toward the back, over sacral area, because of which an individual can't move either in the bed. Consuming, uncontrollable agonies toward the back, between the shoulders, with enlarging of neck muscles and firmness. Sensation as though muscles are too short to even think about moving easily,loss of force in limits. Cold, sweat-soaked hands, cold nose with redness, consuming, tingling of fingers. Ligaments feel short while ascending from the seat. Spasms in calves with chilliness of furthest points. Crippled shortcoming in influenced parts, shaking of appendages.
Consensuses: Yawning with extending of appendages, dozes for the most part lying on the back. Cold and somewhat blue skin during shiverings, convulsive agonies that vibe like electric shock like torments.
Results of SBL Nux Vomica (Dilution)
There are no such incidental effects. However, every medication ought to be accepted observing the standards as given.
Dose and rules while taking Nux Vomica (Dilution)
Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times each day. You can likewise sedate the globules and take 3 times each day or as endorsed by the doctor. We prescribe you to take under doctors direction
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Lost On The Frontline
America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical staff account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.
Some of them do not survive the encounter. Many hospitals are overwhelmed and some workers lack protective equipment or suffer from underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable to the highly infectious virus.
Many cases are shrouded in secrecy. “Lost on the Frontline” is an ongoing project by Kaiser Health News and The Guardian that aims to document the lives of health care workers in the U.S. who died from COVID 19, and to investigate why so many are victims of the disease.
These are some of the first tragic cases.
  Lost On The Frontline
This project aims to document the life of every health care worker in America who dies from COVID-19. If you have a colleague or loved one we should include, please share their story.
  Surgical Technician Made Friends Everywhere She Went
(Courtesy of Jorge Casarez)
Monica Echeverri Casarez
Age: 49 Occupation: Surgical technician Place of Work: Detroit Medical Center Harper University Hospital in Detroit Date of Death: April 11, 2020
Monica Echeverri Casarez was in constant motion, said her husband, Jorge Casarez. The daughter of Colombian immigrants, she worked as a Spanish-English interpreter in clinical settings. She was the kind of person whose arrival at a mom and pop restaurant would elicit hugs from the owners. She also co-founded Southwest Detroit Restaurant Week, a nonprofit that supports local businesses.
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OSHA Probing Health Worker Deaths But Urges Inspectors To Spare The Penalties Apr 22
True Toll Of COVID-19 On U.S. Health Care Workers Unknown Apr 15
Twice a month, she scrubbed in as a surgical technician at Harper University Hospital. “She liked discovering the beauty of how the body works and how science is clear and orderly,” Casarez said. She was organized and intuitive, qualities that are assets in the operating room. On March 21, she posted a photo of herself in protective gear with the caption: “I’d be lying if I said I wan’t at least a bit nervous to be there now.” Since many elective surgeries had been canceled, Echeverri Casarez was tasked with taking the temperatures of people who walked into the hospital and making sure their hands were sterilized.
Soon after, Echeverri Casarez and Casarez began feeling ill. Quarantined together, Echeverri Casarez tried to make the best of the situation. She baked her husband a cake — chocolate with white frosting. She died a few days later.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 24, 2020
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A Whip-Smart Neurologist Endlessly Fascinated With The Brain
(Courtesy of Jennifer Sclar)
Gary Sclar
Age: 66 Occupation: Neurologist Place of Work: Mount Sinai Queens in New York City Date of Death: April 12, 2020
Gary Sclar was a whip-smart neurologist who loved comic books, “Game of Thrones” and “Star Wars,” said his daughter, Jennifer Sclar. He was deeply compassionate with a blunt bedside manner.
“My dad was fascinated with the brain and with science,” Jennifer Sclar said. “His work was his passion, and it’s what made him the happiest, besides my brother and me.” Set to retire in June, he was looking forward to writing about politics and neurology.
Gary Sclar saw patients who were showing COVID-19 symptoms and knew his age and underlying health conditions ― he had diabetes — put him at risk for developing complications from the illness. His daughter pleaded with him to stop going to the hospital.
In early April, he mentioned having lost his sense of smell, and on April 8 he collapsed in his home. He was hospitalized a few days later and agreed to be intubated. “I don’t think he realized, like, that this was the end,” Jennifer Sclar said. “He brought his keys. He brought his wallet.”
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 24, 2020
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An Exacting But Loving Aunt, She Was A Mentor Until The End
(Courtesy of Jhoanna Mariel Buendia)
Araceli Buendia Ilagan
Age: 63 Occupation: Intensive care unit nurse Place of Work: Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami Date of Death: March 27, 2020
For Jhoanna Mariel Buendia, her aunt was a constant ― if distant — presence. Araceli Buendia Ilagan emigrated from their hometown Baguio, in the Philippines, to the U.S. before Buendia was born, but she remained close to her family and communicated with them nearly every day.
“She was one of the smartest people I ever knew,” Buendia, 27, said. Buendia Ilagan, who at one point looked into adopting her niece so she could join her and her husband the United States, encouraged Buendia to become a nurse, and talked her through grueling coursework in anatomy and physiology. Buendia is now a nurse in London.
Buendia Ilagan was also demanding. “Whenever she visited the Philippines, she wanted everything to be organized and squeaky-clean,” Buendia said.
The last time the two spoke, in late March, Buendia Ilagan didn’t mention anything about feeling ill. Instead, the two commiserated over their experiences of treating patients with COVID-19; as always, her aunt offered her advice on staying safe while giving the best possible care. She died four days later.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 22, 2020
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A Beloved Geriatric Psychiatrist And Church Musician Remembered For His Cooking Skills
(Courtesy of Nida Gonzales)
Leo Dela Cruz
Age: 57 Occupation: Geriatric psychiatrist Place of Work: Christ Hospital and CarePoint Health in Jersey City, New Jersey Date of Death: April 8, 2020
Dr. Leo Dela Cruz was nervous about going to work in the weeks before he died, his friends said. Like many in the region, Christ Hospital had an influx of COVID-19 patients and faced a shortage of ventilators and masks.
Dela Cruz was a geriatric psychiatrist and didn’t work in coronavirus wards. But he continued to see patients in person. In early April, Dela Cruz, who lived alone, complained only of migraines, his friends said. Within a week, his condition worsened, and he was put on a ventilator at a nearby hospital. He died soon after.
Friends said he may have been exposed at the hospital. (In a statement, hospital representatives said he didn’t treat COVID-19 patients.)
Dela Cruz, the oldest of 10 siblings, came from a family of health care professionals. His friends and family — from Cebu, Philippines, to Teaneck, New Jersey — remembered his jovial personality on Facebook. He won “best doctor of the year” awards, played tennis and cooked traditional Cebu dishes.
Nida Gonzales, a colleague, said he always supported people, whether funding a student’s education or running a church mental health program. “I feel like I lost a brother,” she said.
— Ankita Rao, The Guardian | Published April 22, 2020
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Alabama Nurse Remembered As Selfless But Sassy
(Courtesy of Amanda Williams)
Rose Harrison
Age: 60 Occupation: Nurse Place of Work: Marion Regional Nursing Home in Hamilton, Alabama Date of Death: April 6, 2020
Rose Harrison, 60, lived to serve others ― her husband, three daughters, grandchildren and the residents of the nursing home where she worked. Though the Alabama nurse was selfless, she also had a sassy edge to her personality and a penchant for road rage, her daughter, Amanda Williams said.
“Her personality was so funny, you automatically loved her,” Williams said. “She was so outspoken. If she didn’t agree with you, she’d tell you in a respectful way.”
Harrison was not wearing a mask when she cared for a patient who later tested positive for COVID-19 at Marion Regional Nursing Home in Hamilton, Alabama, her daughter said. She later developed a cough, fatigue and a low-grade fever, but kept reporting to duty all week. Officials from the nursing home did not return calls for comment.
On April 3, Williams drove her mother to a hospital. The following evening, Harrison discussed the option of going on a ventilator with loved ones on a video call, agreeing it was the best course. Williams believed that her mother fully expected to recover. She died April 6.
— Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News | Published April 22, 2020
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Connecticut Social Worker Had Angelic Singing Voice And A Zest For Life
(Courtesy of the Hunt family)
Curtis Hunt
Age: 57 Occupation: Social worker Places of Work: Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center and New Reach, both in New Haven, Connecticut Date of Death: March 23, 2020
At a shelter for adults recovering from addiction, residents looked forward to the days when Marion “Curtis” Hunt would take the stage, emceeing talent shows and belting out Broadway and gospel tunes.
It wasn’t part of his job description as a social worker. It was just one of the ways he went “above and beyond,” said his supervisor at Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, Daena Murphy. “He had a beautiful voice,” she said. “He was just a wonderful person — funny, engaging, always a huge smile on his face.”
Hunt, the youngest of four brothers, earned his master’s in social work from Fordham University at 52, and was baptized at his brother’s Pentecostal church at 54. He was a devoted uncle who doted on his dog and cat, Mya and Milo.
It’s unclear how Hunt got infected, but one patient he worked with had tested positive for COVID-19, as did two co-workers, according to Dr. Ece Tek, another supervisor at Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center. Hunt died on March 23, one week after developing flu-like symptoms, said his brother John Mann Jr.
— Melissa Bailey | Published April 22, 2020
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To The End, King-Smith Was Driven By A Desire To Help Others
(Courtesy of Hassana Salaam-Rivers)
Kim King-Smith
Age: 53 Occupation: Electrocardiogram technician Place of Work: University Hospital in Newark, New Jersey Date of Death: March 31, 2020
Kim King-Smith was a natural caregiver. An only child, she grew up close to her extended family, including her cousins Hassana Salaam-Rivers and Sharonda Salaam. After Salaam developed multiple sclerosis, King-Smith visited her every day.
“She’d bring her sweets that she wasn’t supposed to have and share them with her,” Salaam-Rivers said. King-Smith’s desire to care for others was the reason she became an electrocardiogram technician, her cousin added. “If a friend of a friend or family member went to the hospital, she would always go and visit them as soon as her shift was over,” she said.
In March, King-Smith cared for a patient she said had symptoms of COVID-19; she soon fell ill herself and tested positive for the virus. It seemed like a mild case at first, and she stayed in touch with family via FaceTime while trying to isolate from her husband, Lenny.
On March 29, Salaam-Rivers checked in on her cousin and noticed she was struggling to breathe. She urged her to call an ambulance. After King-Smith was hospitalized, she exchanged text messages with her mother and cousin. As the day progressed, her messages carried increasingly grave news, Salaam-Rivers said. Then she stopped responding.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 22, 2020
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On The Eve Of Retirement, VA Nurse Succumbs To COVID-19
(Courtesy of Mark Accad)
Debbie Accad
Age: 72 Occupation: Clinical nursing coordinator Place of Work: Detroit VA Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan Date of Death: March 30, 2020
Nurse Divina “Debbie” Accad had cared for veterans for over 25 years and was set to retire in April. But after contracting the novel coronavirus, she spent her final 11 days on a ventilator — and didn’t survive past March.
She joined a growing list of health care professionals working on the front lines of the pandemic who have died from COVID-19.
Accad, 72, a clinical nursing coordinator at the Detroit VA Medical Center, dedicated her life to nursing, according to her son Mark Accad.
“She died doing what she loved most,” he said. “That was caring for people.”
She was born Divina Amo in the Philippine town of Alimodian, known for its sweet bananas. The eldest of four children, she was a precocious student. She finished high school at age 14 and had to wait a year to pursue her dream of nursing school. She graduated from Central Philippine University with a bachelor’s in nursing in 1969.
Yearning to move abroad, she applied to a “fly now, pay later” program for nurses and landed a job in Chicago, joining tens of thousands of Filipino nurses who have migrated to the United States. She later moved to Taylor, Michigan, where she married William Accad in 1985 and raised four children with him.
Her niece April Amada lives in Accad’s hometown. She remembers her aunt as a generous cook: A visit from Tita Debbie (Aunt Debbie) meant unli-kainan, or “unlimited food”: She served up big American breakfasts, cooked spicy kielbasa with cabbage and introduced her family to Jell-O.
Accad was the “pillar of the family,” Amada said, improving their quality of life by sending home money, and even supporting her younger sister through nursing school.
Amada said her aunt first signaled she was sick on the evening of March 16, telling relatives she had a fever and loose stool. On March 19, she reported feeling better by taking Tylenol. But the following day, she was hospitalized with pneumonia, a complication of COVID-19. She told her family in the Philippines that she had tested positive for the disease caused by the coronavirus and asked them to pray for her and to spread the word to local pastors, Amada said.
Amada, who is also a nurse, said her family felt helpless watching their beloved matriarch suffer from afar, and being unable to travel to her bedside because of the infectious nature of the disease. They last saw her face on a video call.
Mark Accad, 36, who lives across the street from his parents, said his mother had diabetes, a risk factor for serious complications from COVID-19. In her last phone call with him, he said, she was preoccupied with her family’s health more than her own. But he could hear in her voice that she was worried.
“It’s just terrible that we all couldn’t be there for her,” he said.
Mark Accad said he believes his mother was exposed by infected co-workers, though that hasn’t been confirmed. She was a nursing supervisor who often stepped in to care for patients, he said.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is facing serious shortages in protective equipment for its health care workers, according to internal memos obtained by The Wall Street Journal. Mark Accad said he doesn’t know whether his mother had adequate protective gear.
In a statement, the Detroit VA Medical Center declined to comment on Accad’s case, citing privacy concerns, but confirmed that an employee of her age died from coronavirus complications.
The VA has “implemented appropriate measures to ensure the safest health care environment for each Veteran, visitor and employee,” including immediately isolating patients known to be at risk for a COVID-19 infection. As of Monday, nine VA health care workers systemwide had died of COVID-19 complications, and over 1,500 were being quarantined because of coronavirus infections, according to VA spokesperson Christina Noel.
Mark Accad said he would like his mother’s story to raise awareness of the risks health care workers face in the global pandemic.
“She’s a hero for what she did,” he said.
— Melissa Bailey | Published April 15, 2020
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California Nurse Thrived In ER and ICU, But Couldn’t Survive COVID-19
(Courtesy of the Baumbach family)
Jeff Baumbach
Age: 57 Occupation: Nurse Place of Work: St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton, California Date of Death: March 31, 2020
Jeff Baumbach, 57, was a seasoned nurse of 28 years when the novel coronavirus began to circulate in California. He’d worked in the ER, the ICU and on a cardiac floor. Hepatitis and tuberculosis had been around over the years but never posed a major concern. He’d cared for patients who had tuberculosis.
Jeff and his wife, Karen Baumbach, also a nurse, initially didn’t consider it significantly riskier than challenges they’d faced for years.
“He’d worked in the ICU. He was exposed to so many things, and we never got anything,” she said. “This was just ramping up.”
One day during work, Jeff sent a sarcastic text to his wife: “I love wearing a mask every day.”
Within weeks, he would wage a difficult and steady fight against the virus that ended with a sudden collapse. Across the U.S., dozens of other health care workers have died, according to reports compiled by The Guardian and Kaiser Health News. The CDC has not yet issued a full tally, and many states have said little about how many health workers are dying.
Jeff was working at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton, California, about an hour south of Sacramento, where he was a case manager for Kaiser Permanente patients treated there. (Kaiser Health News is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.)
In mid-March, Jeff and his wife traveled to New York City to help their younger son, one of four adult children, settle into an apartment. As they were leaving, bars and restaurants were starting to shut down. The feeling set in that something serious was taking place.
Back home, Karen said her husband was notified that he may have been around a co-worker who tested positive for the coronavirus. Jeff would need to wear a mask. On March 23, he called in sick. The next day, he was told to get a COVID-19 test.
Jeff’s test was positive. Soon after, so was Karen’s. The couple hunkered down together at home, Karen with body aches and congestion and Jeff with a fever and cough.
Their home had been the site of countless family brunches and barbecues, for which Jeff was often the chef. It was where he solved massive jigsaw puzzles with his kids, sealed them together and put them on the ceiling of the garage.
Kaila Baumbach, 26, the last child living in their Lodi home, had moved out as a precaution. She and her dad were close. They had gotten tattoos together on a family trip to Hawaii. Hers, a peace sign. His had two large Celtic hearts and four smaller ones to represent his children. Kaila said she didn’t text or call her dad when he was sick.
“I thought he was invincible,” she said during a phone interview, through tears.
Karen took Jeff to the emergency room on March 26, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia, but chose to recuperate at home. On March 31, he collapsed in an upstairs bathroom.
“It was just like that,” Karen said. “It went downhill really fast.”
Karen called 911 and went with him to Adventist Health Lodi Memorial, the hospital where she worked. She sat in her car getting updates by phone. Kaila waited in another car.
The ventilator Jeff was connected to had little effect and he remained unresponsive.
When it seemed hopeless, Karen went in, suited with full protective medical gear, and told Jeff, her husband of 33 years, she loved him. The kids love him. And she was sorry.
“We both sat here all those days with him getting worse before my eyes and me not seeing it,” she said. “The doctor reassured me that several times people have seemed to be OK and then they just fall off and then it’s just too late.”
Karen returned home alone, still in quarantine.
The next day, Kaila organized about 50 family and loved ones to drive by the couple’s home and shine their phone flashlights to show support. Karen’s mother, Sharleen Leal, called her at 8 p.m.: “Look outside.”
Karen looked out an upstairs window. Lights from lines of cars going in both directions on the avenue shone bright. Grieving, and awash with gratitude, she cried.
— Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News | Published April 15, 2020
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Nurse’s Faith Led Her To Care For Prisoners At A New Jersey Jail
(Courtesy of Denise Rendor)
Daisy Doronila
Age: 60 Occupation: Nurse Place of Work: Hudson County Correctional Facility in Kearny, New Jersey Date of Death: April 5, 2020
Daisy Doronila had a different perspective than most who worked at the Hudson County Correctional Facility, a New Jersey lockup 11 miles from Manhattan. It was a place where the veteran nurse could put her Catholic faith into action, showing kindness to marginalized people.
“There would be people there for the most heinous crimes,” said her daughter, Denise Rendor, 28, “but they would just melt towards my mother because she really was there to give them care with no judgment.”
Doronila, 60, died April 5, two weeks after testing positive for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The jail has been hit hard by the virus, with 27 inmates and 68 staff members having tested positive. Among those, another nurse, a correctional officer and a clerk also died, according to Ron Edwards, Hudson County’s director of corrections.
Doronila fell ill before the scope of the jail infections were known. She was picking up extra shifts in the weeks before, her daughter said, and planning on a trip to Israel soon with friends from church.
That plan began to fall apart March 14, when someone at the jail noticed her coughing and asked her to go home and visit a doctor.
Doronila, of Nutley, New Jersey, went to her doctor and a local hospital in the coming days but was told she had strep throat, so she wouldn’t get a coronavirus test. Then she was told her fever wasn’t high enough to merit a test.
Edwards, the jail chief, said Doronila offered to come back to work after she started feeling ill, not wanting to let him down. He told her to stay home and rest.
“She was one of my hardest workers,” he said, describing her as sophisticated, intelligent and compassionate. “Daisy could handle herself. If someone got obnoxious with her, she’d put them in their place and call for help if she needed to.”
As days went by in March, her condition got worse. Feeling breathless, she went to an urgent care center on March 21.
Her oxygen saturation level was 77 ― far below levels that should be close to 100 — so she was sent by ambulance to the hospital. The next day, she was transferred to the ICU, where she was put on a ventilator, never to talk to her family again.
Rendor, who was not allowed to visit her mother, said time crawled as she awaited updates from nurses and doctors.
On her fifth day in the hospital, her mother went into cardiac arrest and was revived. On Day Nine, she was put on dialysis.
By Day 14, it was futile.
Rendor said her mother emigrated from the Philippines as a young nurse. She loved to dress in fashionable clothes and eat seafood on the waterfront in New York City.
The two loved to shop together and were looking forward to the next chapters in life. For the mother, retirement at 65. For Rendor, marriage and perhaps starting her own family.
“It was about to get really, really good,” Rendor said.
— Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News | Published April 15, 2020
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An Army Veteran, Hospital Custodian ‘Loved Helping People’
(Courtesy of Michelle Wilcox)
Alvin Simmons
Age: 54 Occupation: Environmental service assistant Place of Work: Rochester General Hospital in Rochester, New York Death: March 17, 2020
Alvin Simmons started working as a custodian at Rochester General Hospital, in New York state, weeks before he fell ill. “He loved helping people and he figured the best place to do that would be in a hospital,” his sister, Michelle Wilcox said.
An Army veteran who had served in the first Gulf War, Simmons loved karaoke and doted on his three grandchildren, Wilcox said. “He was a dedicated, hardworking individual who had just changed his life around” since a prison stint, she said.
According to Wilcox, Simmons began developing symptoms shortly after cleaning the room of a woman he believed was infected with the novel coronavirus. “Other hospital employees did not want to clean the room because they said they weren’t properly trained” to clean the room of someone potentially infected, she said. “They got my brother from a different floor, because he had just started there,” she said. (In an email, a hospital spokesperson said they had “no evidence to suggest that Mr. Simmons was at a heightened risk of exposure to COVID-19 by virtue of his training or employment duties at RGH.”)
On March 11, he visited the emergency room at Rochester General, where he was tested for COVID-19, Wilcox said. Over the next few days, as he rested at his girlfriend’s home, his breathing became more labored and he began to cough up blood. He was rushed to the hospital on March 13, where he was later declared brain-dead. Subsequently, he received a COVID-19 diagnosis. Simmons died on March 17.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 15, 2020
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Nurse At Nevada VA Dies After Caring For Infected Colleague
(Courtesy of Bob Thompson)
Vianna Thompson
Age: 52 Occupation: Nurse Places of Work: VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System and Northern Nevada Medical Center in Reno, Nevada Date of Death: April 7, 2020
Nurse Vianna Thompson, 52, spent two night shifts caring for a fellow Veterans Affairs health care worker who was dying from COVID-19.
Two weeks later, she too was lying in a hospital intensive care unit, with a co-worker holding her hand as she died.
Thompson and the man she treated were among three VA health care workers in Reno, Nevada, to die in two weeks from complications of the novel coronavirus.
“It’s pretty devastating. It’s surreal. Reno’s not that big of a city,” said Robyn Underhill, a night nurse who worked with Thompson in the ER at Reno’s VA hospital the past two years.
Thompson, who dreamed of teaching nursing one day, died April 7, joining a growing list of health care professionals killed in the pandemic.
Born Vianna Fye in Port Huron, Michigan, she became a go-getter nurse who worked almost exclusively at night, putting in five or six 12-hour shifts a week, according to her husband, Bob Thompson, 60.
The couple met in 1991 on the Osan Air Base in South Korea, where he was an inventory management specialist in the Air Force, and she was a veterinary technician in the Army, caring for military police dogs. They bonded over two-step dancing and country music.
Vianna was a “proud momma,” often showing off photos and videos of their three sons on her phone, her husband said. As the main breadwinner for over eight years, she juggled two jobs to make sure her boys had everything they needed, including saxophones, drums and keyboards so they could play jazz and country music. “She was just sweet, big-hearted, caring, unselfish,” he said.
Before she died, Thompson was working two jobs: full time in the ER at the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System in Reno, and part time in the ICU at Northern Nevada Medical Center.
In the ICU, she tended to a fellow VA health care worker who had fallen ill with COVID-19, according to nurse Underhill. Two days later, on March 29, Thompson arrived at work with a cough.
“She came to work sick, and we were all very concerned,” Underhill said. “Call it intuition, call it ‘Spidey sense,’ but I knew that moment that she was coughing that this was not going to end well.”
Underhill said Thompson already had a slight smoker’s cough, so she may have overlooked the fact that her cough was a classic symptom of COVID-19.
“She was in denial that she was taking care of this high-risk population,” Underhill said. And she was reluctant to miss work.
That Sunday shift would be Thompson’s last. Over the next four days, she wrestled with fever, weakness and shortness of breath. The following Thursday, she texted her husband from the bedroom: “Call the ambulance, I can hardly breathe.”
She was taken to the VA hospital where she worked and immediately sedated and put on a ventilator.
The next Tuesday, her organs were failing and it was time to remove life support, her husband said. They connected him on FaceTime to say goodbye, and a nurse held her hand as she died.
As a veteran, she qualified for an “honor flight,” in which the patient’s body is covered with a black box, draped with an American flag and wheeled through the hospital while others line up and salute.
Because of the infectious nature of the coronavirus, a flag could not be safely draped over her body, so someone walked in front of her with a flag.
Bob Thompson said the honor flight ceremony drew more people into the hallways than staff had seen in 20 years, “all the way from the ICU to the morgue.”
“God’s getting a hell of a nurse,” he said.
— Melissa Bailey | Published April 15, 2020
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Dr. J. Ronald Verrier Was Busy Saving Lives Before The Pandemic
(Courtesy of Christina Pardo)
J. Ronald Verrier
Age: 59 Occupation: Surgeon Place of Work: St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, New York Date of Death: April 8, 2020
Dr. J. Ronald Verrier, a surgeon at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, spent the final weeks of his audacious, unfinished life tending to a torrent of patients inflicted with COVID-19. He died April 8 at Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital in Oceanside, New York, at age 59, after falling ill from the novel coronavirus.
Verrier led the charge even as the financially strapped St. Barnabas Hospital struggled to find masks and gowns to protect its workers — many nurses continue to make cloth masks — and makeshift morgues in the parking lot held patients who had died.
“He did a good work,” said Jeannine Sherwood, a nurse manager at St. Barnabas Hospital who worked closely with Verrier.
“He can rest.”
Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Verrier graduated from the Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie in 1986 and trained at Lincoln Medical Center in the Bronx. He worked at St. Barnabas for two decades, performing thousands of surgeries on critically ill patients and trauma victims, while overseeing the general surgery residency program.
A towering presence with a wide, dimpled smile, Verrier watched his large flock closely — popping into patients’ rooms for impromptu birthday parties, pressing his medical school residents to sharpen their surgical skills and extinguishing doubt in bright, young minds.
“He kept pushing me forward,” said Dr. Christina Pardo, a cousin who became an obstetrician and gynecologist. “I would call him and say, ‘I swear I failed that test,’ and he would laugh. He was my confidence when I didn’t have it.”
“He was someone you’d love to see if you were having a bad day,” said Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh, chairman of the Department of Surgery at SBH Health System. “He would comfort your heart.”
The Verrier family stretches across continents — a boisterous crew of cousins who grew up as brothers and sisters, a pot of joumou, a spicy Haitian soup, always boiling somewhere.
Verrier, who spoke English, French and Creole, zipped around to a niece’s wedding in Belgium, a baptism in Florida, another wedding in Montreal. In February, he ferried medical supplies to Haiti, returning to St. Barnabas to fortify the hospital for the surge of coronavirus patients.
Verrier helped steer the hospital’s efforts to increase — by 500% — the number of critically ill patients it could care for, an effort he worked on until he became ill.
“He was at the hospital every day,” Shabsigh said. “This was a nonstop effort, day and night.”
Verrier discovered he was infected in early April. After developing symptoms, he worked from his Woodmere, New York, home.
Undaunted, he did not want to talk about being sick. “He has this personality that, ‘Everything is going to be OK,’” said Pardo.
Shabsigh spoke with him the day before his death.
“He understood the coronavirus, he understood the pandemic,” he said. “He still maintained a high morale and hope that he would recover.”
When his condition worsened suddenly, according to Pardo, Verrier was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he died.
After a powerful earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, Verrier tended to victims, treating dozens of patients who required amputations at a Port-au-Prince hospital.
“Sometimes you use a little anesthesia and you cut the limb,” Verrier said soberly in a video recorded at the time. “Because you have to save a life.”
— Sarah Varney, Kaiser Health News | Published April 15, 2020
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America’s First ER Doctor To Die In The Heat Of COVID-19 Battle
(Courtesy of Debra Vasalech Lyons)
Frank Gabrin
Age: 60 Occupation: Doctor Places of Work: St. John’s Episcopal in Queens, New York, and East Orange General in New Jersey Date of Death: March 26, 2020
At about 5 a.m. on March 19, a New York City ER physician named Frank Gabrin texted a friend about his concerns over the lack of medical supplies at hospitals.
“It’s busy ― everyone wants a COVID test that I do not have to give them,” he wrote in the message to Eddy Soffer. “So they are angry and disappointed.”
Worse, though, was the limited availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) — the masks and gloves that help keep health care workers from getting sick and spreading the virus to others. Gabrin said he had no choice but to don the same mask for several shifts, against Food and Drug Administration guidelines.
“Don’t have any PPE that has not been used,” he wrote. “No N95 masks ― my own goggles — my own face shield,” he added, referring to the N95 respirators considered among the best lines of defense.
Less than two weeks later, Gabrin became the first ER doctor in the U.S. known to have died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Read more here.
— Alastair Gee, The Guardian | Published April 10, 2020
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This story is part of “Lost on the Frontline,” a project from The Guardian and Kaiser Health News that aims to document the life of every health care worker in America who dies from COVID-19 during the pandemic. If you have a colleague or loved one we should include, please share their story.
Lost On The Frontline published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Lost On The Frontline
America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical staff account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.
Some of them do not survive the encounter. Many hospitals are overwhelmed and some workers lack protective equipment or suffer from underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable to the highly infectious virus.
Many cases are shrouded in secrecy. “Lost on the Frontline” is a collaboration between The Guardian and Kaiser Health News that aims to document the lives of health care workers in the U.S. who die of COVID-19, and to understand why so many are falling victim to the pandemic.
These are some of the first tragic cases.
  Lost On The Frontline
This project aims to document the life of every health care worker in America who dies from COVID-19. If you have a colleague or loved one we should include, please share their story.
  Surgical Technician Made Friends Everywhere She Went
(Courtesy of Jorge Casarez)
Monica Echeverri Casarez
Age: 49 Occupation: Surgical technician Place of Work: Detroit Medical Center Harper University Hospital in Detroit Date of Death: April 11, 2020
Monica Echeverri Casarez was in constant motion, said her husband, Jorge Casarez. The daughter of Colombian immigrants, she worked as a Spanish-English interpreter in clinical settings. She was the kind of person whose arrival at a mom and pop restaurant would elicit hugs from the owners. She also co-founded Southwest Detroit Restaurant Week, a nonprofit that supports local businesses.
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OSHA Probing Health Worker Deaths But Urges Inspectors To Spare The Penalties Apr 22
True Toll Of COVID-19 On U.S. Health Care Workers Unknown Apr 15
Twice a month, she scrubbed in as a surgical technician at Harper University Hospital. “She liked discovering the beauty of how the body works and how science is clear and orderly,” Casarez said. She was organized and intuitive, qualities that are assets in the operating room. On March 21, she posted a photo of herself in protective gear with the caption: “I’d be lying if I said I wan’t at least a bit nervous to be there now.” Since many elective surgeries had been canceled, Echeverri Casarez was tasked with taking the temperatures of people who walked into the hospital and making sure their hands were sterilized.
Soon after, Echeverri Casarez and Casarez began feeling ill. Quarantined together, Echeverri Casarez tried to make the best of the situation. She baked her husband a cake — chocolate with white frosting. She died a few days later.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 24, 2020
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A Whip-Smart Neurologist Endlessly Fascinated With The Brain
(Courtesy of Jennifer Sclar)
Gary Sclar
Age: 66 Occupation: Neurologist Place of Work: Mount Sinai Queens in New York City Date of Death: April 12, 2020
Gary Sclar was a whip-smart neurologist who loved comic books, “Game of Thrones” and “Star Wars,” said his daughter, Jennifer Sclar. He was deeply compassionate with a blunt bedside manner.
“My dad was fascinated with the brain and with science,” Jennifer Sclar said. “His work was his passion, and it’s what made him the happiest, besides my brother and me.” Set to retire in June, he was looking forward to writing about politics and neurology.
Gary Sclar saw patients who were showing COVID-19 symptoms and knew his age and underlying health conditions ― he had diabetes — put him at risk for developing complications from the illness. His daughter pleaded with him to stop going to the hospital.
In early April, he mentioned having lost his sense of smell, and on April 8 he collapsed in his home. He was hospitalized a few days later and agreed to be intubated. “I don’t think he realized, like, that this was the end,” Jennifer Sclar said. “He brought his keys. He brought his wallet.”
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 24, 2020
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An Exacting But Loving Aunt, She Was A Mentor Until The End
(Courtesy of Jhoanna Mariel Buendia)
Araceli Buendia Ilagan
Age: 63 Occupation: Intensive care unit nurse Place of Work: Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami Date of Death: March 27, 2020
For Jhoanna Mariel Buendia, her aunt was a constant ― if distant — presence. Araceli Buendia Ilagan emigrated from their hometown Baguio, in the Philippines, to the U.S. before Buendia was born, but she remained close to her family and communicated with them nearly every day.
“She was one of the smartest people I ever knew,” Buendia, 27, said. Buendia Ilagan, who at one point looked into adopting her niece so she could join her and her husband the United States, encouraged Buendia to become a nurse, and talked her through grueling coursework in anatomy and physiology. Buendia is now a nurse in London.
Buendia Ilagan was also demanding. “Whenever she visited the Philippines, she wanted everything to be organized and squeaky-clean,” Buendia said.
The last time the two spoke, in late March, Buendia Ilagan didn’t mention anything about feeling ill. Instead, the two commiserated over their experiences of treating patients with COVID-19; as always, her aunt offered her advice on staying safe while giving the best possible care. She died four days later.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 22, 2020
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A Beloved Geriatric Psychiatrist And Church Musician Remembered For His Cooking Skills
(Courtesy of Nida Gonzales)
Leo Dela Cruz
Age: 57 Occupation: Geriatric psychiatrist Place of Work: Christ Hospital and CarePoint Health in Jersey City, New Jersey Date of Death: April 8, 2020
Dr. Leo Dela Cruz was nervous about going to work in the weeks before he died, his friends said. Like many in the region, Christ Hospital had an influx of COVID-19 patients and faced a shortage of ventilators and masks.
Dela Cruz was a geriatric psychiatrist and didn’t work in coronavirus wards. But he continued to see patients in person. In early April, Dela Cruz, who lived alone, complained only of migraines, his friends said. Within a week, his condition worsened, and he was put on a ventilator at a nearby hospital. He died soon after.
Friends said he may have been exposed at the hospital. (In a statement, hospital representatives said he didn’t treat COVID-19 patients.)
Dela Cruz, the oldest of 10 siblings, came from a family of health care professionals. His friends and family — from Cebu, Philippines, to Teaneck, New Jersey — remembered his jovial personality on Facebook. He won “best doctor of the year” awards, played tennis and cooked traditional Cebu dishes.
Nida Gonzales, a colleague, said he always supported people, whether funding a student’s education or running a church mental health program. “I feel like I lost a brother,” she said.
— Ankita Rao, The Guardian | Published April 22, 2020
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Alabama Nurse Remembered As Selfless But Sassy
(Courtesy of Amanda Williams)
Rose Harrison
Age: 60 Occupation: Nurse Place of Work: Marion Regional Nursing Home in Hamilton, Alabama Date of Death: April 6, 2020
Rose Harrison, 60, lived to serve others ― her husband, three daughters, grandchildren and the residents of the nursing home where she worked. Though the Alabama nurse was selfless, she also had a sassy edge to her personality and a penchant for road rage, her daughter, Amanda Williams said.
“Her personality was so funny, you automatically loved her,” Williams said. “She was so outspoken. If she didn’t agree with you, she’d tell you in a respectful way.”
Williams was not wearing a mask when she cared for a patient who later tested positive for COVID-19 at Marion Regional Nursing Home in Hamilton, Alabama, her daughter said. She later developed a cough, fatigue and a low-grade fever, but kept reporting to duty all week. Officials from the nursing home did not return calls for comment.
On April 3, Williams drove her mother to a hospital. The following evening, Harrison discussed the option of going on a ventilator with loved ones on a video call, agreeing it was the best course. Williams believed that her mother fully expected to recover. She died April 6.
— Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News | Published April 22, 2020
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Connecticut Social Worker Had Angelic Singing Voice And A Zest For Life
(Courtesy of the Hunt family)
Curtis Hunt
Age: 57 Occupation: Social worker Places of Work: Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center and New Reach, both in New Haven, Connecticut Date of Death: March 23, 2020
At a shelter for adults recovering from addiction, residents looked forward to the days when Marion “Curtis” Hunt would take the stage, emceeing talent shows and belting out Broadway and gospel tunes.
It wasn’t part of his job description as a social worker. It was just one of the ways he went “above and beyond,” said his supervisor at Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, Daena Murphy. “He had a beautiful voice,” she said. “He was just a wonderful person — funny, engaging, always a huge smile on his face.”
Hunt, the youngest of four brothers, earned his master’s in social work from Fordham University at 52, and was baptized at his brother’s Pentecostal church at 54. He was a devoted uncle who doted on his dog and cat, Mya and Milo.
It’s unclear how Hunt got infected, but one patient he worked with had tested positive for COVID-19, as did two co-workers, according to Dr. Ece Tek, another supervisor at Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center. Hunt died on March 23, one week after developing flu-like symptoms, said his brother John Mann Jr.
— Melissa Bailey | Published April 22, 2020
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To The End, King-Smith Was Driven By A Desire To Help Others
(Courtesy of Hassana Salaam-Rivers)
Kim King-Smith
Age: 53 Occupation: Electrocardiogram technician Place of Work: University Hospital in Newark, New Jersey Date of Death: March 31, 2020
Kim King-Smith was a natural caregiver. An only child, she grew up close to her extended family, including her cousins Hassana Salaam-Rivers and Sharonda Salaam. After Salaam developed multiple sclerosis, King-Smith visited her every day.
“She’d bring her sweets that she wasn’t supposed to have and share them with her,” Salaam-Rivers said. King-Smith’s desire to care for others was the reason she became an electrocardiogram technician, her cousin added. “If a friend of a friend or family member went to the hospital, she would always go and visit them as soon as her shift was over,” she said.
In March, King-Smith cared for a patient she said had symptoms of COVID-19; she soon fell ill herself and tested positive for the virus. It seemed like a mild case at first, and she stayed in touch with family via FaceTime while trying to isolate from her husband, Lenny.
On March 29, Salaam-Rivers checked in on her cousin and noticed she was struggling to breathe. She urged her to call an ambulance. After King-Smith was hospitalized, she exchanged text messages with her mother and cousin. As the day progressed, her messages carried increasingly grave news, Salaam-Rivers said. Then she stopped responding.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 22, 2020
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On The Eve Of Retirement, VA Nurse Succumbs To COVID-19
(Courtesy of Mark Accad)
Debbie Accad
Age: 72 Occupation: Clinical nursing coordinator Place of Work: Detroit VA Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan Date of Death: March 30, 2020
Nurse Divina “Debbie” Accad had cared for veterans for over 25 years and was set to retire in April. But after contracting the novel coronavirus, she spent her final 11 days on a ventilator — and didn’t survive past March.
She joined a growing list of health care professionals working on the front lines of the pandemic who have died from COVID-19.
Accad, 72, a clinical nursing coordinator at the Detroit VA Medical Center, dedicated her life to nursing, according to her son Mark Accad.
“She died doing what she loved most,” he said. “That was caring for people.”
She was born Divina Amo in the Philippine town of Alimodian, known for its sweet bananas. The eldest of four children, she was a precocious student. She finished high school at age 14 and had to wait a year to pursue her dream of nursing school. She graduated from Central Philippine University with a bachelor’s in nursing in 1969.
Yearning to move abroad, she applied to a “fly now, pay later” program for nurses and landed a job in Chicago, joining tens of thousands of Filipino nurses who have migrated to the United States. She later moved to Taylor, Michigan, where she married William Accad in 1985 and raised four children with him.
Her niece April Amada lives in Accad’s hometown. She remembers her aunt as a generous cook: A visit from Tita Debbie (Aunt Debbie) meant unli-kainan, or “unlimited food”: She served up big American breakfasts, cooked spicy kielbasa with cabbage and introduced her family to Jell-O.
Accad was the “pillar of the family,” Amada said, improving their quality of life by sending home money, and even supporting her younger sister through nursing school.
Amada said her aunt first signaled she was sick on the evening of March 16, telling relatives she had a fever and loose stool. On March 19, she reported feeling better by taking Tylenol. But the following day, she was hospitalized with pneumonia, a complication of COVID-19. She told her family in the Philippines that she had tested positive for the disease caused by the coronavirus and asked them to pray for her and to spread the word to local pastors, Amada said.
Amada, who is also a nurse, said her family felt helpless watching their beloved matriarch suffer from afar, and being unable to travel to her bedside because of the infectious nature of the disease. They last saw her face on a video call.
Mark Accad, 36, who lives across the street from his parents, said his mother had diabetes, a risk factor for serious complications from COVID-19. In her last phone call with him, he said, she was preoccupied with her family’s health more than her own. But he could hear in her voice that she was worried.
“It’s just terrible that we all couldn’t be there for her,” he said.
Mark Accad said he believes his mother was exposed by infected co-workers, though that hasn’t been confirmed. She was a nursing supervisor who often stepped in to care for patients, he said.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is facing serious shortages in protective equipment for its health care workers, according to internal memos obtained by The Wall Street Journal. Mark Accad said he doesn’t know whether his mother had adequate protective gear.
In a statement, the Detroit VA Medical Center declined to comment on Accad’s case, citing privacy concerns, but confirmed that an employee of her age died from coronavirus complications.
The VA has “implemented appropriate measures to ensure the safest health care environment for each Veteran, visitor and employee,” including immediately isolating patients known to be at risk for a COVID-19 infection. As of Monday, nine VA health care workers systemwide had died of COVID-19 complications, and over 1,500 were being quarantined because of coronavirus infections, according to VA spokesperson Christina Noel.
Mark Accad said he would like his mother’s story to raise awareness of the risks health care workers face in the global pandemic.
“She’s a hero for what she did,” he said.
— Melissa Bailey | Published April 15, 2020
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California Nurse Thrived In ER and ICU, But Couldn’t Survive COVID-19
(Courtesy of the Baumbach family)
Jeff Baumbach
Age: 57 Occupation: Nurse Place of Work: St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton, California Date of Death: March 31, 2020
Jeff Baumbach, 57, was a seasoned nurse of 28 years when the novel coronavirus began to circulate in California. He’d worked in the ER, the ICU and on a cardiac floor. Hepatitis and tuberculosis had been around over the years but never posed a major concern. He’d cared for patients who had tuberculosis.
Jeff and his wife, Karen Baumbach, also a nurse, initially didn’t consider it significantly riskier than challenges they’d faced for years.
“He’d worked in the ICU. He was exposed to so many things, and we never got anything,” she said. “This was just ramping up.”
One day during work, Jeff sent a sarcastic text to his wife: “I love wearing a mask every day.”
Within weeks, he would wage a difficult and steady fight against the virus that ended with a sudden collapse. Across the U.S., dozens of other health care workers have died, according to reports compiled by The Guardian and Kaiser Health News. The CDC has not yet issued a full tally, and many states have said little about how many health workers are dying.
Jeff was working at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton, California, about an hour south of Sacramento, where he was a case manager for Kaiser Permanente patients treated there. (Kaiser Health News is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.)
In mid-March, Jeff and his wife traveled to New York City to help their younger son, one of four adult children, settle into an apartment. As they were leaving, bars and restaurants were starting to shut down. The feeling set in that something serious was taking place.
Back home, Karen said her husband was notified that he may have been around a co-worker who tested positive for the coronavirus. Jeff would need to wear a mask. On March 23, he called in sick. The next day, he was told to get a COVID-19 test.
Jeff’s test was positive. Soon after, so was Karen’s. The couple hunkered down together at home, Karen with body aches and congestion and Jeff with a fever and cough.
Their home had been the site of countless family brunches and barbecues, for which Jeff was often the chef. It was where he solved massive jigsaw puzzles with his kids, sealed them together and put them on the ceiling of the garage.
Kaila Baumbach, 26, the last child living in their Lodi home, had moved out as a precaution. She and her dad were close. They had gotten tattoos together on a family trip to Hawaii. Hers, a peace sign. His had two large Celtic hearts and four smaller ones to represent his children. Kaila said she didn’t text or call her dad when he was sick.
“I thought he was invincible,” she said during a phone interview, through tears.
Karen took Jeff to the emergency room on March 26, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia, but chose to recuperate at home. On March 31, he collapsed in an upstairs bathroom.
“It was just like that,” Karen said. “It went downhill really fast.”
Karen called 911 and went with him to Adventist Health Lodi Memorial, the hospital where she worked. She sat in her car getting updates by phone. Kaila waited in another car.
The ventilator Jeff was connected to had little effect and he remained unresponsive.
When it seemed hopeless, Karen went in, suited with full protective medical gear, and told Jeff, her husband of 33 years, she loved him. The kids love him. And she was sorry.
“We both sat here all those days with him getting worse before my eyes and me not seeing it,” she said. “The doctor reassured me that several times people have seemed to be OK and then they just fall off and then it’s just too late.”
Karen returned home alone, still in quarantine.
The next day, Kaila organized about 50 family and loved ones to drive by the couple’s home and shine their phone flashlights to show support. Karen’s mother, Sharleen Leal, called her at 8 p.m.: “Look outside.”
Karen looked out an upstairs window. Lights from lines of cars going in both directions on the avenue shone bright. Grieving, and awash with gratitude, she cried.
— Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News | Published April 15, 2020
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Nurse’s Faith Led Her To Care For Prisoners At A New Jersey Jail
(Courtesy of Denise Rendor)
Daisy Doronila
Age: 60 Occupation: Nurse Place of Work: Hudson County Correctional Facility in Kearny, New Jersey Date of Death: April 5, 2020
Daisy Doronila had a different perspective than most who worked at the Hudson County Correctional Facility, a New Jersey lockup 11 miles from Manhattan. It was a place where the veteran nurse could put her Catholic faith into action, showing kindness to marginalized people.
“There would be people there for the most heinous crimes,” said her daughter, Denise Rendor, 28, “but they would just melt towards my mother because she really was there to give them care with no judgment.”
Doronila, 60, died April 5, two weeks after testing positive for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The jail has been hit hard by the virus, with 27 inmates and 68 staff members having tested positive. Among those, another nurse, a correctional officer and a clerk also died, according to Ron Edwards, Hudson County’s director of corrections.
Doronila fell ill before the scope of the jail infections were known. She was picking up extra shifts in the weeks before, her daughter said, and planning on a trip to Israel soon with friends from church.
That plan began to fall apart March 14, when someone at the jail noticed her coughing and asked her to go home and visit a doctor.
Doronila, of Nutley, New Jersey, went to her doctor and a local hospital in the coming days but was told she had strep throat, so she wouldn’t get a coronavirus test. Then she was told her fever wasn’t high enough to merit a test.
Edwards, the jail chief, said Doronila offered to come back to work after she started feeling ill, not wanting to let him down. He told her to stay home and rest.
“She was one of my hardest workers,” he said, describing her as sophisticated, intelligent and compassionate. “Daisy could handle herself. If someone got obnoxious with her, she’d put them in their place and call for help if she needed to.”
As days went by in March, her condition got worse. Feeling breathless, she went to an urgent care center on March 21.
Her oxygen saturation level was 77 ― far below levels that should be close to 100 — so she was sent by ambulance to the hospital. The next day, she was transferred to the ICU, where she was put on a ventilator, never to talk to her family again.
Rendor, who was not allowed to visit her mother, said time crawled as she awaited updates from nurses and doctors.
On her fifth day in the hospital, her mother went into cardiac arrest and was revived. On Day Nine, she was put on dialysis.
By Day 14, it was futile.
Rendor said her mother emigrated from the Philippines as a young nurse. She loved to dress in fashionable clothes and eat seafood on the waterfront in New York City.
The two loved to shop together and were looking forward to the next chapters in life. For the mother, retirement at 65. For Rendor, marriage and perhaps starting her own family.
“It was about to get really, really good,” Rendor said.
— Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News | Published April 15, 2020
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An Army Veteran, Hospital Custodian ‘Loved Helping People’
(Courtesy of Michelle Wilcox)
Alvin Simmons
Age: 54 Occupation: Environmental service assistant Place of Work: Rochester General Hospital in Rochester, New York Death: March 17, 2020
Alvin Simmons started working as a custodian at Rochester General Hospital, in New York state, weeks before he fell ill. “He loved helping people and he figured the best place to do that would be in a hospital,” his sister, Michelle Wilcox said.
An Army veteran who had served in the first Gulf War, Simmons loved karaoke and doted on his three grandchildren, Wilcox said. “He was a dedicated, hardworking individual who had just changed his life around” since a prison stint, she said.
According to Wilcox, Simmons began developing symptoms shortly after cleaning the room of a woman he believed was infected with the novel coronavirus. “Other hospital employees did not want to clean the room because they said they weren’t properly trained” to clean the room of someone potentially infected, she said. “They got my brother from a different floor, because he had just started there,” she said. (In an email, a hospital spokesperson said they had “no evidence to suggest that Mr. Simmons was at a heightened risk of exposure to COVID-19 by virtue of his training or employment duties at RGH.”)
On March 11, he visited the emergency room at Rochester General, where he was tested for COVID-19, Wilcox said. Over the next few days, as he rested at his girlfriend’s home, his breathing became more labored and he began to cough up blood. He was rushed to the hospital on March 13, where he was later declared brain-dead. Subsequently, he received a COVID-19 diagnosis. Simmons died on March 17.
— Danielle Renwick, The Guardian | Published April 15, 2020
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Nurse At Nevada VA Dies After Caring For Infected Colleague
(Courtesy of Bob Thompson)
Vianna Thompson
Age: 52 Occupation: Nurse Places of Work: VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System and Northern Nevada Medical Center in Reno, Nevada Date of Death: April 7, 2020
Nurse Vianna Thompson, 52, spent two night shifts caring for a fellow Veterans Affairs health care worker who was dying from COVID-19.
Two weeks later, she too was lying in a hospital intensive care unit, with a co-worker holding her hand as she died.
Thompson and the man she treated were among three VA health care workers in Reno, Nevada, to die in two weeks from complications of the novel coronavirus.
“It’s pretty devastating. It’s surreal. Reno’s not that big of a city,” said Robyn Underhill, a night nurse who worked with Thompson in the ER at Reno’s VA hospital the past two years.
Thompson, who dreamed of teaching nursing one day, died April 7, joining a growing list of health care professionals killed in the pandemic.
Born Vianna Fye in Port Huron, Michigan, she became a go-getter nurse who worked almost exclusively at night, putting in five or six 12-hour shifts a week, according to her husband, Bob Thompson, 60.
The couple met in 1991 on the Osan Air Base in South Korea, where he was an inventory management specialist in the Air Force, and she was a veterinary technician in the Army, caring for military police dogs. They bonded over two-step dancing and country music.
Vianna was a “proud momma,” often showing off photos and videos of their three sons on her phone, her husband said. As the main breadwinner for over eight years, she juggled two jobs to make sure her boys had everything they needed, including saxophones, drums and keyboards so they could play jazz and country music. “She was just sweet, big-hearted, caring, unselfish,” he said.
Before she died, Thompson was working two jobs: full time in the ER at the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System in Reno, and part time in the ICU at Northern Nevada Medical Center.
In the ICU, she tended to a fellow VA health care worker who had fallen ill with COVID-19, according to nurse Underhill. Two days later, on March 29, Thompson arrived at work with a cough.
“She came to work sick, and we were all very concerned,” Underhill said. “Call it intuition, call it ‘Spidey sense,’ but I knew that moment that she was coughing that this was not going to end well.”
Underhill said Thompson already had a slight smoker’s cough, so she may have overlooked the fact that her cough was a classic symptom of COVID-19.
“She was in denial that she was taking care of this high-risk population,” Underhill said. And she was reluctant to miss work.
That Sunday shift would be Thompson’s last. Over the next four days, she wrestled with fever, weakness and shortness of breath. The following Thursday, she texted her husband from the bedroom: “Call the ambulance, I can hardly breathe.”
She was taken to the VA hospital where she worked and immediately sedated and put on a ventilator.
The next Tuesday, her organs were failing and it was time to remove life support, her husband said. They connected him on FaceTime to say goodbye, and a nurse held her hand as she died.
As a veteran, she qualified for an “honor flight,” in which the patient’s body is covered with a black box, draped with an American flag and wheeled through the hospital while others line up and salute.
Because of the infectious nature of the coronavirus, a flag could not be safely draped over her body, so someone walked in front of her with a flag.
Bob Thompson said the honor flight ceremony drew more people into the hallways than staff had seen in 20 years, “all the way from the ICU to the morgue.”
“God’s getting a hell of a nurse,” he said.
— Melissa Bailey | Published April 15, 2020
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Dr. J. Ronald Verrier Was Busy Saving Lives Before The Pandemic
(Courtesy of Christina Pardo)
J. Ronald Verrier
Age: 59 Occupation: Surgeon Place of Work: St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, New York Date of Death: April 8, 2020
Dr. J. Ronald Verrier, a surgeon at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, spent the final weeks of his audacious, unfinished life tending to a torrent of patients inflicted with COVID-19. He died April 8 at Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital in Oceanside, New York, at age 59, after falling ill from the novel coronavirus.
Verrier led the charge even as the financially strapped St. Barnabas Hospital struggled to find masks and gowns to protect its workers — many nurses continue to make cloth masks — and makeshift morgues in the parking lot held patients who had died.
“He did a good work,” said Jeannine Sherwood, a nurse manager at St. Barnabas Hospital who worked closely with Verrier.
“He can rest.”
Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Verrier graduated from the Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie in 1986 and trained at Lincoln Medical Center in the Bronx. He worked at St. Barnabas for two decades, performing thousands of surgeries on critically ill patients and trauma victims, while overseeing the general surgery residency program.
A towering presence with a wide, dimpled smile, Verrier watched his large flock closely — popping into patients’ rooms for impromptu birthday parties, pressing his medical school residents to sharpen their surgical skills and extinguishing doubt in bright, young minds.
“He kept pushing me forward,” said Dr. Christina Pardo, a cousin who became an obstetrician and gynecologist. “I would call him and say, ‘I swear I failed that test,’ and he would laugh. He was my confidence when I didn’t have it.”
“He was someone you’d love to see if you were having a bad day,” said Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh, chairman of the Department of Surgery at SBH Health System. “He would comfort your heart.”
The Verrier family stretches across continents — a boisterous crew of cousins who grew up as brothers and sisters, a pot of joumou, a spicy Haitian soup, always boiling somewhere.
Verrier, who spoke English, French and Creole, zipped around to a niece’s wedding in Belgium, a baptism in Florida, another wedding in Montreal. In February, he ferried medical supplies to Haiti, returning to St. Barnabas to fortify the hospital for the surge of coronavirus patients.
Verrier helped steer the hospital’s efforts to increase — by 500% — the number of critically ill patients it could care for, an effort he worked on until he became ill.
“He was at the hospital every day,” Shabsigh said. “This was a nonstop effort, day and night.”
Verrier discovered he was infected in early April. After developing symptoms, he worked from his Woodmere, New York, home.
Undaunted, he did not want to talk about being sick. “He has this personality that, ‘Everything is going to be OK,’” said Pardo.
Shabsigh spoke with him the day before his death.
“He understood the coronavirus, he understood the pandemic,” he said. “He still maintained a high morale and hope that he would recover.”
When his condition worsened suddenly, according to Pardo, Verrier was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he died.
After a powerful earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, Verrier tended to victims, treating dozens of patients who required amputations at a Port-au-Prince hospital.
“Sometimes you use a little anesthesia and you cut the limb,” Verrier said soberly in a video recorded at the time. “Because you have to save a life.”
— Sarah Varney, Kaiser Health News | Published April 15, 2020
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America’s First ER Doctor To Die In The Heat Of COVID-19 Battle
(Courtesy of Debra Vasalech Lyons)
Frank Gabrin
Age: 60 Occupation: Doctor Places of Work: St. John’s Episcopal in Queens, New York, and East Orange General in New Jersey Date of Death: March 26, 2020
At about 5 a.m. on March 19, a New York City ER physician named Frank Gabrin texted a friend about his concerns over the lack of medical supplies at hospitals.
“It’s busy ― everyone wants a COVID test that I do not have to give them,” he wrote in the message to Eddy Soffer. “So they are angry and disappointed.”
Worse, though, was the limited availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) — the masks and gloves that help keep health care workers from getting sick and spreading the virus to others. Gabrin said he had no choice but to don the same mask for several shifts, against Food and Drug Administration guidelines.
“Don’t have any PPE that has not been used,” he wrote. “No N95 masks ― my own goggles — my own face shield,” he added, referring to the N95 respirators considered among the best lines of defense.
Less than two weeks later, Gabrin became the first ER doctor in the U.S. known to have died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Read more here.
— Alastair Gee, The Guardian | Published April 10, 2020
(Return to top.)
This story is part of “Lost on the Frontline,” a project from The Guardian and Kaiser Health News that aims to document the life of every health care worker in America who dies from COVID-19 during the pandemic. If you have a colleague or loved one we should include, please share their story.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/lost-on-the-frontline-health-care-worker-death-toll-covid19-coronavirus/
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Global Cluster Headache Drug Market Forecast Report by Data Bridge Market Research Offers Key Insights
Market Analysis: Global Cluster Headache Drug Market
Global cluster headache drug market is expected to grow at a substantial CAGR of in the forecast period of 2019-2026. The report contains data of the base year 2018 and historic year 2017. This rise in market value can be attributed to the increasing prevalence of cluster headaches, growing geriatric population, development in the healthcare expenditure and the government support for the research & development for new and better treatment have fueled the market growth.
Key market players in the global cluster headaches market are F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Company, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, TrioxBio Inc, Aurobindo Pharma, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc, WOCKHARDT, Shanghai Soho Yiming Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Chengdu Tiantaishan pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd,  electroCore, Inc, Autonomic Technologies, Inc, WINSTON PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc, CAPNIA, Inc and few others.
Get Sample Analysis of Global Market Information: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-cluster-headache-drug-market
Market Definition: Global Cluster Headache Drug Market
Cluster headache is also known as Horton’s syndrome is characterized by a series of relatively short but severe pain on one side of the head every day for weeks or months at a time. Headaches occur in form of clusters which means bouts of frequent attacks which may last from weeks to months and followed by long periods of relief. Cluster headaches occur at the same time each year because of their seasonal nature. Symptoms include nasal discharge, redness of eyes and excessive tearing.
The prevalence rate of cluster headache is less than 1percent and mostly affects men. The attacks can begin at any age, although they usually occur between the ages of 20 and 40 years. The lifetime prevalence of cluster headache for adults of all ages was 124 per 100,000 or approximately 0.1 percent.
Market Drivers
Increasing prevalence of cluster headaches and migraine is driving the growth of this market
Increased television viewing and computer usage is also acting as a driver for the market
Growing geriatric population is propelling the market growth
Application of latest technologies in the health care industry can also act as a market driver
Market Restraints
Lack of awareness amongst people and healthcare providers about cluster headaches is hampering the market growth.
Increasing measure by government to lessen healthcare expenditure is also restricting the growth for the market
Unfavorable health care policies will also hamper the market growth
Segmentation: Global Cluster Headache Drug Market
By Types
By Mechanism of Action
Ergot alkaloids
Local Anesthetics
Calcium Channel Blockers
Lithium Carbonate
By Drugs Type
Fast-Acting Drugs
Long-Term Drugs
Short-Term Drugs
By Diagnosis
Neurological Examination
CT Scan
By Treatment
By Route of Administration
By End-Users
Specialty Clinics
By Geography
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
Rest of South America
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Get TOC of Full Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-cluster-headache-drug-market
Key Developments in the Market:
In June 2019, Eli Lilly and Company received the US FDA approval for Emgality (Galcanezumab). This drug became the first drug to gain U.S. approval for decreasing the frequency of episodic cluster headache attacks. It belongs to a new class of drugs called CGRP inhibitors that are used to prevent migraines or reduce their frequency
In April 2017, electroCore, Inc received the US FDA approval for gammaCore device, a non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator aimed to treat pain associated with episodic cluster headache in adult patients. Gammacore the first and only FDA-approved device for the prevention of cluster headache. It is a safe and effective treatment when compared to other treatments
Competitive Analysis:
Global cluster headaches drug market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of cluster headaches drug market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
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vijaykurane · 5 years
Neurodiagnostics Market Insights, Industry Outlook, Growing Trends and Demands 2026
The methodologies employed to study the Neurodiagnostics market for the forecast period, 2019-2026 categorize the industry by type, geography, end-use and end-user to add more accuracy and accentuate the factors responsible for boosting business expansion. The market intelligence report on the Neurodiagnostics market will offer stakeholders valuable insights into their target consumers and geographies to devise more promising marketing strategies for the forecast years from 2019 to 2026. Above all, the report will empower business owners and professionals to gain vital information about potential consumers and where they can find them. Apart from this, the literature emphasizes how major vendors operating in the Neurodiagnostics market are optimizing their marketing campaigns. With an exclusive coverage of the top vendors, the study arms business owners with extensive knowledge of the local market as well as improved ability to locate potential consumers and retain existing consumers.  
Get a Free PDF Sample Copy (including TOC, Tables, and Figures) at:
Key players include GE     Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, Canon Medical     Systems Corporation, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Nihon Kohden     Corporation, Fonar Corporation, Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd.     NeuroNexus Technologies, Inc. and Lifelines Neurodiagnostic Systems, Inc
Segments covered in the report:
This report forecasts revenue growth at a global, regional & country level, and provides an analysis of the market trends in each of the sub-segments from 2016 to 2026. For the purpose of this study, Reports and Data have segmented the Neurodiagnostics market on the basis of technology type, disease type, end use, and region:
Technology Type (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
 Computed Tomography
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 Nuclear Medicine Imaging
 Near Infrared Spectroscopic      Imaging
 Voxel-Based Morphometry
Disease Type (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
Alzheimer’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Multiple sclerosis
End Use (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
Hospital and Clinics
Diagnostic Laboratories
Regional Outlook (Revenue in USD Million; 2016–2026)
 Rest of the Europe
 Rest of Asia-Pacific
 To get this report at a profitable rate: https://www.reportsanddata.com/checkout-form/2236
 The report not only empowers companies and professionals to understand the significant characteristics of the target market but also the communication preferences. The audience can get the estimated size of the market calculated on the basis of the number of sales in a specific region. By offering insights into the profit margin, the study aims at improving the communication between companies and potential customers. Armed with all essential information on recent developments in the competitive landscape, such as a joint venture, collaboration, acquisition and merger and product launch, the study enables business owners to build a robust portfolio of their best buyers.
The objectives of the report are:
·         To examine and forecast the market size of the Neurodiagnostics Industry in the global market.
·         To study the global key players with a focus on the SWOT analysis, value and global market share for leading players.
·         To analyze the market by type, end use, and region to draw a forecast for the years 2019–2026.
·         To assess the market potential and advantage, opportunities and challenges, restraints and risks faced by global key regions.
·         To decipher significant trends and elements driving or confining the market growth.
·         To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.
·         To critically analyze each submarket by evaluating individual growth trends and their role in the market.
·         To examine competitive developments such as agreements, business expansions, product launches, and possessions in the market.
·         To outline the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
 The research provides answers to the following key questions:
·         What type of customers are purchasing the products and services from companies operational in the Neurodiagnostics market?
·         What will be the roadmap for product manufacturers engaged in the Neurodiagnostics industry for the forecast years from 2019 to 2026?
·         What are the recent advancements and feats by key competitors to look out for during the estimated period?
·         What are the major trends influencing customers’ lifestyles and consequently, their purchasing activities?
·         How can brands best appeal to the customers they intend to target?
·         When, where, and how can the customers use or consume the products or services?
Read the Comprehensive Report with a meticulous TOC and panoramic coverage of the market: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/neurodiagnostics-market
Reports and Data: About Us:
Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market.
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How Does Physical Therapy Treat Dizziness? - Novera Headache Center
Oftentimes when people think of dizziness and vertigo, the last thing they would think to treat it with is movement - despite the fact that the more traditional medication approach can be ineffective in many cases, treating the symptoms rather than the source. The feelings of being off-balance, woozy, or even feelings of dizziness accompanied by ringing in the ears are all uncomfortable and potentially debilitating effects that can be difficult to treat.  https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/single-post/how-does-physical-therapy-treat-dizziness  
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megasddw-blog · 5 years
Hemiplegic Migraine Market Share, Global Insights and Gross Margin Analysis 2019-2023
The Report of Global Hemiplegic Migraine Market by Market Research Future Covers the Information like Big Data Pharmaceutical Advertising Market Growth, Prominent Players, Upcoming Trends, Business Analysis, chapter-wise Description followed by various user perceptions.
Hemiplegic migraines are a rare form of migraine and occur in two patterns. One is called familial hemiplegic migraine, which is a hereditary condition that affects at least two close relatives in a family, whereas the other is known as sporadic hemiplegic migraine, as it can occur anywhere. The growing prevalence of sound pollution, air pollution, and growing stress in workplaces have driven the prevalence of hemiplegic migraines over the last few years. As a result, the prevalence of sporadic hemiplegic migraine is much higher than that of familial hemiplegic migraine. Lifestyle factors are likely to take on an ever more important role in the global hemiplegic migraine market’s growth over the forecast period, as hemiplegic migraines are often brought on by environmental factors.
Market Research Future (MRFR) announces the launch of a new release on the global hemiplegic migraine market. The report projects the global hemiplegic migraine market to show a CAGR of 3.3% from 2018 to 2023, growing to a value of USD 1,008 mn by 2023. The market was valued at USD 830 million in 2017.
Request Free Sample Copy at https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6713
Growing awareness about migraines and the increasing ease of obtaining migraine medication are likely to be the major drivers for the hemiplegic migraine market over the forecast period. Growing efforts by public healthcare agencies to raise awareness about migraines and the increasing disposable income of consumers around the world have resulted in increased prospects for the global hemiplegic migraine market over the forecast period.
The global hemiplegic migraine market has been segmented on the basis of type, treatment, preventive treatment, distribution channel, end user, and region.
By type, the market is segmented into familial hemiplegic migraine and sporadic hemiplegic migraine.
By end user, the market is segmented into hospitals & clinics, diagnostic centers, and others.
By treatment, the market is segmented into acute treatment, triptans, ergotamines, NSAIDs, antiemetics, narcotic analgesics, and others.
By preventive treatment, the market is segmented into antidepressants, botox injections, and others.
By distribution channel, the market is segmented into retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, online pharmacies, and others.
Regional Analysis:
The global hemiplegic migraine is segmented into the Americas, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, and Europe. The Americas is likely to be the major regional segment in the global hemiplegic migraine market over the forecast period due to the presence of a large consumer pool and the increasing development of effective treatments for hemiplegic migraine. The strong medical research sector in the U.S. and Canada is likely to be a major driver for the hemiplegic migraine market over the forecast period, along with the increasing disposable income of consumers in emerging Latin American countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina.
Europe also holds a leading position in the global hemiplegic migraine market and is likely to hold on to the position over the forecast period due to the widespread awareness about the disease and the increasingly easy availability of hemiplegic migraine medication in Eastern European countries such as the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, and Slovakia. Western European countries such as the UK, France, Germany, and Spain are mature markets for the healthcare sector and are likely to play a leading role in the market’s development over the forecast period.
Asia Pacific is likely to grow at a rapid growth rate over the forecast period due to the growing potential of the healthcare sector in developing Asia Pacific economies such as China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. The growing spending capacity of the local consumers is likely to be a key driver for the hemiplegic migraine market in the region over the forecast period, as the region is home to several underdeveloped countries where a majority of the population may not be able to afford hemiplegic migraine medication on a regular basis.
Browse Complete 100 Pages Premium Research Report Enabled with 30+ Respective Tables and Figures at https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/hemiplegic-migraine-market-6713
Competitive Analysis:
Leading players in the global hemiplegic migraine market include Abbott Laboratories, AstraZeneca PLC, Endo International PLC, Impax Laboratories, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co., Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Eisai Co. Ltd., and Allergan PLC.
Industry Updates:
A new case study found in January 2019 that cystic fibrosis may be a risk factor in causing hemiplegic migraine attacks.
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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ahlam-rania · 5 years
Chiropractor Denver CO Care For Back Pain
By Emilia Kibbe
Putting an end to pain and taking the time to take care of you results in feeling better all around. Whether you choose to practice weight management or find that special spinal adjustments bring you greater relief, you will find that everything becomes more enjoyable again. This can be accomplished with licensed and dedicated chiropractor Denver Co services. As with any care plan, dietary and lifestyle changes may be recommended by your physician. This includes exercise, along with proper nutritional guidance for safe and effective weight loss. Remember, obesity can result in excessive strain on the back, muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments. As part of an overall wellness exam, the doctor will check your medical history. He or she will also perform full bodily examinations to target any external or internal issues. With combined chiropractic techniques, massages and adjustments, patients are able to experience solace and relief from returning head pains. As always, the chiropractor will keep your primary care physician in the loop. This ensures everyone is on the same page when it comes to getting you back to feeling normal and healthier. Back pain may tempt you to use harmful or addictive pain relievers. These only offer temporary solace and comfort, and do not address the underlying issues of your back problems. Similarly, surgical procedures are only a last resort for severe back trauma. Your doctor will utilize natural, holistic, and medication and surgery free plans to tackle pain and get your life and mobility back. An exam may also be completed using hands-on methods along with other tools such as x-rays to help find areas in your back that need to be addressed in your care plan. Then, your physician will talk to you about your best options for finding relief from back problems. Contact your local back doctor today if experiencing migraines that will not stop. You may also browse the Web for information on symptoms and causes. Remember, a well educated patient is one that can make an informed decision on the care he or she receives from a professional back physician.
About the Author:
Take control of your life again with the help of a qualified Chiropractor Denver CO area. To know more about the various non-invasive therapies offered by this clinic, go to http://bit.ly/1PRpIkY.
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