#local adult shares her musings about. cartoons LOL
moonrpg · 2 years
I stopped watching adventure time as a kid solely bc the flame princess stuff made me cringe too much LOL and when I finished the show during the start of quarantine, during season 6 I was like eughh this is just as hard to watch as when I was an awkward 13 year old myself. but I’ve been rewatching gravity falls as I work on comms on and off lately and this time I just feel a bit bad for dipper. Like yeah it’s still like cmon man but I guess cuz I’m older I kinda can understand it. but I gotta wonder what the general consensus is. which awkward phase is harder to watch finns or dippers. vote now on your phones
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maikoyaki · 7 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
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Tagged by @aragakisan
Mun name: Saku
OOC Contact: Through tumblr messager for now. I might get discord idk
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Maiko is the only child of two hardworking parents. While they both love their daughter, it can’t be said the same for themselves. There has been some difficulties at home that often leads the child to find shelter at the local park. Often alone, she always tries to find something to do or someone to talk to. This usually leads to her approaching strangers on a daily basis. She’s the type of child who would ask endless questions while trying to find some sort of adventure during the day so she could forget about the situation going on at home until it gets too late. Speaking of which, don’t ever ask about her problems with her parents as she would quickly change the subject or shut down if one continues to pester her about it. Because of this, she’s a very brash individual. Whatever is on her mind, she will quickly let it be known despite the consequences that it may carry. Don’t be too offended by some of her comments. She truly means well. If you want to get on her good side, a can of madbull and a plate of takoyaki will make her loves you forever.  
Points of interest:
Most people would realize how alone she is most of the days. While she does have friends at school, it’s not often does she invite them to hang out with her afterward. It’s mostly because she’s afraid they would want to visit her home at one point and the last thing she needs is ber parents bickering in front of them. It also helps so that none will ask about her house problems. (It’ll be nice to have someone try to talk to her about it though) 
She lacks common courtesy sometimes. Usually, it depends on their appearance as she judges them from what she sees/hears on tv or the internet. She’s that easily influence.
She’s too trusting of strangers. There’s really ups and downs to this. While it’s great that she’s not afraid in talking to anybody, it may lead her to some troubles as she doesn’t think about the danger that may happen.  
She has a vivid imagination because of cartoons and manga. So there’s time where you’ll see her having her own conversations and adventures with herself while she plays in the sand, climbing up the jungle gym, etc. Pretty much like how Bonnie plays with her toy from Toy Story 3. 
Her braided buns is something she cherish the most, even if they look very odd for some people. It’s something that her mother would take the time every morning to style as such and the time when her mother focus on her daughter. They would talk about the activities they did yesterdays, her current standing in school, etc. It’s a nice but short distraction. 
Another noticeable feature is her red backpack because it’s a gift from her father. She always takes good care of it so her father wouldn’t stress about funding in a new one. He wouldn’t mind but Maiko doesn’t want to feel like a burden. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
(What plot lines or story arcs is your blog going through? What’s motivating your character right now?)
As of right now she’s just trying to avoid returning back home so she tries to stay out as late as possible before her parents notice. Her excuse usually involves missing a stop or staying for extra help during cram school. 
She’s trying to bond with more people beside the main protagonists because she’s very curious about everyone’s daily lives. She’s also very nosy, so she likes to pry a lot. 
She’s still bonding with the main protagonists, mainly just enjoying their simple days of eating takoyaki and drinking madbulls. 
She’s trying to find the right words to talk to her parents but she still think running away is the best option.
Where to find them:
(Which locations does your muse frequent?)
There’s only two places this child will visit. The first is the Nagasaki Shrine because next door to the shrine is the playground. It’s not that popular during the weekday but it still keeps her occupy on a daily basis. 
The second location is at the Strip mall, specifically at Octopia because that place sells the best Takoyaki in the world. 
Current plans:
(Do you have any upcoming arcs in the works? This can be as vague or specific as you feel like)
Based on the interactions so far, she’s just trying to make some people open up more. Nothing really special or any particular plan right now. 
Desired interactions:
(What kind of interactions would you like for your character? Do they need more friends? Enemies? Maybe a shoulder to cry on, or someone to teach them how to dance?)
She always need more friends, mostly friends around her age. It’s oddly easier for her to make friends with people way older than her because if they judge her, she’ll simply blame their “old” age and try again. But other kids can share her imaginations way better than adults. 
I love angst so I would love to have more thread where she’s just grossly sobbing into someone’s shoulder because I imagine this girl has tons of pent up emotions. Relating to this, it’ll be fun to have a thread where she’s so pent up that she just lashes out at either a stranger or the main protags. Especially the main protagonists because imagine how horrible maiko would feel that she just burst out like that. Give me deep conversation about parents relationships or lack thereof. Tell her your philosophy as a result of your upbringing because not everyone are happy (looking at you sees gang).
I also love cheesiness so simple things like teaching her to ride a bike, learning patience through gardening, trying to study but can’t because she gets distracted easily, changing hair style, baking, cooking, SLUMBER PARTY, etc. You know, all those cutesy things because these things makes the best memories. 
 I dare you to try to stop her takoyaki and madbull addictions.
Offered interactions:
(Does your character make clothes? Fix things? Challenge passers-by to battle? Steal people’s lunch money? What scenarios can your character offer that other players might be interested in?)
She’s a little shit head who thinks it’s fun to pick on strangers until they either go away or try to fight her. She also talks a lot so expect a lot of questions about every little thing about your characters, especially if it is their first time meeting. Often time though, she will ask you to play with her.
Current open post/s:
Idek i need to check lol
Anything else?:
I’m so slow in replies so expect a long wait. I’m sorry in advance.
Tagging: Not tagging cause it’s so delay lol
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