#loai seif
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marwantarek-blog · 10 months ago
3ALABYAD - Karim Osama x Sulisizer from Marwan Tarek on Vimeo.
Director: Marwan Tarek 1st Assistant Director: Michael Gamil 2nd Assistant director: Youssef Ashraf, Bisho Kamel, Jayda Ahmed Executive Producer: Amira Salah Producer: Ahmed Zayan DOP: Mostafa Medhat Colorist : Ahmed Ali “Magic” Art Director: Nour El Masry Stylist: Ayatallah Mohamed Camera Man : Mohamed Tamer Focus Puller : Dawood Dawood Gaffer: Ahmed Fathy Key Grip: Seif El Nesr Editing: Khaled Othman VFX: Mostafa Othman Compositing: Mohamed Rabei Jenja Medhat San Pedro Character design : Esmail Mohamed 3D Artist : Loay Walid Karim’s cap design : Ahd Mikky Sulisizer's Mask design : Abougendy BTS photography: Mostafa Adry Production House: Ogz studios K3A Studio WRST Studios
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cursed-ravenclaw-legacy · 4 years ago
MC Profile!
I know I'm late to this, bear with me, I'm a busy man with no energy.
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Name: Simon Eric Cahill
Gender: Trans-Masculine
Age: 18 (Yr 6)
Birth Date: October 25
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Polish, Swedish, and German descent
Nationality: American
Residence: Little Sable Point, Michigan, US
Myers Briggs Personality Type: INFJ - The Advisor, The Insightful Visionary
The Mage
1st Wand: Cedar Wood, Dragon Heart string, 10″, Supple Flexibility
2nd Wand: Beachwood, Horned Serpent Horn, 13″, Supple Flexibility
Animagus: Border Collie (image attached)
Misc Magical Abilities: Occlumency, Animagus
Boggart Form: Rumbling Thunderclouds
Riddikulus Form: 
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Lemon Sweets, Slight Wet Dog Smell, Old Parchment, Musty Books, Candle Smoke.
Patronus: Weasel
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Candle Smoke, Wax, Incense, Lemon Sweets, faint hints of; Sage, Citrus, Lavender, and Sandalwood, something he's smelled when around the Hufflepuff Door and the kitchens.
Mirror of Erised: Himself appearing more masculine.
Patronus Memory: Meeting Rowan Khanna and instantly becoming friends.
Specialized/Favorite Spells: (alphabetical order) Accio, Episkey, Finite Incantatum, Impervius, Lumos, Muffliato, Nox, Protego, Rennervate, Reparo
Face claim: Myself
Game Appearance:
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Height: 5'3
Physique: Slim with broad shoulders, relatively fit. Stronger than people assume.
Eye Color: Blue, with slight heterochromia of a light gray around his pupils
Weight: 145lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown w/ Natural Light Brown & Strawberry Blond Highlights, Messy loose curls
Skin Tone: Olive
Body Modifications: Upper right bicep there is a marigold and peony tattoo. On his wrists, thighs and stomach, tattooed Nordic wards of protection covering scars. Left Forearm, a sword made of polyhedral dice
Scarring: Small
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?) His wand, a small baggie and rubber band for catching bugs, creature treats, caramels and lemon sweets, silver wide-band ring, a smaller silver ring with opal and tourmaline set into the top in a yin and yang style.
Hogwarts 🏠: Ravenclaw
Affiliations/Organizations: Ravenclaw Dueling Club, Sphinx, Dragon and, Hypo clubs,
Professions: Magizooligist & Healer
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Flying: A
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Electives: CoMC
Extra-Curricular: Dueling Club,
Favorite Professors: Prof. Flitwick, Prof. Sprout, Prof. McGonagall, and Madame Pomfrey
Least Favorite Professors: Madame Raepick and Prof. Snape
Brother: Jacob Derek Cahill, Gryffindor.
Misc Siblings:
Lynn Bradley, 16 yrs old, Gryffindor
Samuel Bradley, 14 yrs old, Slytherin
Scott Bradley, 12 yrs old, Gryffindor
Liliana Bradley, 4 yrs old, Hufflepuff (at 11)
Markus Cahill, Pure-Blood, Gryffindor
James Bradley, Step-Father, Muggle Born, Gryffindor
Mother: Theresa Bradley (formerly Cahill), Pure-Blood, Hufflepuff
Misc Family:
Joan Rivers, Maternal Grandmother, Ravenclaw
Paul Rivers, Maternal Grandfather, Gryffindor
Love Interest:  Unnamed Male Hufflepuff
Best Friends: Rowan Kahan, Elliot Silvereye, Ben Copper, Barnaby Lee, Badeea Ali, Loai Seif
Rival: Merula Snyde
Enemy: Raepick & "R"
Dorm-mates: Rowan Kahan, Loai Seif, Andre Egwu, Talbot Winger
Pets: (Update Later)
Closest Canon Friends: Barnaby Lee, Bill Weasley, Rowan Khanna, Charlie Weasley, Badeea Ali, Corey
Closest MC Friends: Naomi Isa, Loai Seif, Carmilla Frank, Ollie Potter, Alex Vega, Lian Jardine, Jason Novac.
Just a heads up. This isn't 100% done. I'll take this off once everything is done.
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[ID pic and Loai w/ Luci hang out by @murkyike]
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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welcome to year 6
lian and loai belongs to @murkyike 💚💙
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murkyike · 5 years ago
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Four generations of Al-Seif that wielded the family sword. Had disassociate from their original roots for their own safety
Bonus doodle & story:
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Sinmar the grandfather of Loai & Lian who started it all by running away from the tribe after he cursed the family sword at a young age, he was too scared of what's gonna happen to him after replacing the family sword he took the original one that is cursed with him and ran away.
He knew where he was heading but got no plans he was pretty knowledgeable person but couldn't get his head about what happened, he met a young wizard like him on his road, they talked and he finally understood kind of glad he ran from the family or he will sure be beheaded.
Time passed after he settled with his new friend and both got letters from Hogwarts, he was sorted into Ravenclaw had go on with his education broke the curse on the sword and took the chance and enchanted it. Years later met his love, got together and had two kids Yamama (Lian's mom) and Shahin (Loai's dad)
Sinmar left the family later and lived far away from them back to his home.
It's a tradition that Sinmar had carried on with his family once his oldest kid turned 15 had taught the way to fight with it and gave her whenever she feels that she is ready, he putted a simple enchantment that the new holder's name will appear on the blade.
Next we got Yamama was brilliant with her way of using it along using her wand, putted a spell so the sword can fly it way to her hand, it has limited range once it's pretty far away it can't be called upon. Originally she was gonna give it her son Jacob but he wasn't worthy and had proven it many times, Lian declined and gave it to Loai since he is older than her and up to it, so Yamama gave it to her nephew.
Loai got the sword and overwhelmed by it all, he did his best and thanks to his Aunt that taught him the way of the sword, he added a spell to reflect some spells when it hit the blade it can't be tried on strong spell in fear of breaking or effecting the holder badly.
Years later Loai gave it to his oldest kid, Badir (@ryollie) but still in training, and he still got the road ahead of him.
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angellazull · 5 years ago
🦅Um amigo Corvinal🦅
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(arte super fofa da/super cute art from @moontii23)
Depois de verem um grupo de alunos ignorando Arwen. Lian, Ollie e Angel, decidiram passar um tempo com ela nos Três Vassouras, foi uma tarde muito divertida.
Porém o dia já estava se transformando em noite e o sol já estava de pondo no horizonte. Já estava na hora dos quatro voltarem para Hogwarts. Ele seguiram para o grande salão, para o jantar, enquanto Ollie, Lian e Arwen, foram se sentar na mesa da Sonserina, Angel se sentou sozinho na mesa da Corvinal, e ficou observando seus amigos rindo na mesa deles.
Depois do jantar Angel voltou a se reunir a eles, porém já estava na hora dos alunos voltarem para seus salões comunais.
– Foi divertido. – Disse Arwen com um grande sorriso.
– Foi. – Lian concordou.
– Vamos voltar para o nosso salão comunal agora. – Disse Ollie. – Nos vemos amanhã Angel.
– É... nós vemos amanhã...
O garoto corvino forçou um sorriso para os amigos que iam em direção as masmorras, Angel olhou para a escada que levava ao quinto andar, todas as vezes era a mesma coisa, ele passava momentos divertidos com seus amigos, porém na hora de voltar ao salão comunal, seus amigos iam para o salão comunal da Sonserina, enquanto ele seguia sozinho para o salão comunal da Corvinal. Ele sempre se orgulhou muito de ser da sua casa, porém agora ele estava começando a se questionar se ele deveria ter sido selecionando para a Sonserina, ele se sentiu um pouco triste com aquela situação.
Deixando escapar um suspiro frustrado, ele sentiu alguém puxar a manda de seu pulôver. Ao se virar ele se viu de frente para um garoto baixinho, de cabelos castanhos escuro, quase na mesma tonalidade de seus olhos, estavam presos para trás por um arco de cabelo, em sua testa havia uma cicatriz oculta por uma parte de seu cabelo.
O garoto estava usando uma echarpe nas cores da Corvinal, e em seu pulôver havia o brasão com a águia corvina.
– Er... oi... Ângelo. – O garoto disse com um sorriso tímido passando a mão pelo cabelo. – Sou Loai Seif, primo da Lian, você se importa se eu for com você para a torre da Corvinal?
– Eu não sabia que a Lian tinha um primo na Corvinal. �� Angel disse surpreso, mas logo ele sorriu para o garoto. – Eu ia gostar da sua companhia Loai, já estou cansado de voltar sozinho para a torre da Corvinal.
Os dois começaram a subir a escadaria para o quinto andar. Enquanto conversavam Angel acabou revelando mais do que gostaria:
– Lúcifer é muito fofo, mas eu prefiro gatos, é por isso que me transformo... – Percebendo o que acabou de dizer, Angel se calou imediatamente.
– Espera, você se transforma em um gato? – Loai perguntou olhando para Ângelo surpreso. – Você é um animago?
– Isso é um segredo, só meus amigos intemos sabe desse segredo, por favor, não conte para ninguém.
– Tudo bem. – Loai fez sinal para Angel se abaixar um pouco e sussurrou um pouco. – Eu também sou um animago, sou um boi.
– Você não é meio baixinho para um boi? – Angel perguntou levantando um sobrancelha.
– E você não é muito alto para um gato? – Perguntou Loai cruzando os braços.
– Touché. – Disse Angel rindo. – Eu só estou brincando, é bom ter um amigo corvino para me fazer companhia, parece que todos os meus amigos são da Sonserina. Loai, pode me chamar de Angel se quiser.
Angel passou o braço sobre os ombros de Loai, ele não se sentia mais triste por ter que voltar para o seu salão comunal, pois agora não tinha que voltar sozinho. Ele tinha um novo amigo. Loai Seif.
🦅A Ravenclaw friend🦅
After seeing a group of students ignoring Arwen. Lian, Ollie and Angel, decided to spend time with her on the Three Brooms, it was a very fun afternoon.
But the day was already turning to night and the sun was already setting on the horizon. It was time for the four of them to return to Hogwarts. They headed into the great hall for dinner while Ollie, Lian, and Arwen went to sit at the Slytherin table, Angel sat alone at the Ravenclaw table, and watched his friends laughing at their table.
After dinner Angel rejoined them, but it was time for the students to return to their common rooms.
"It was fun." Arwen said with a big smile.
"Was." Lian agreed.
"Let's go back to our common room now." said Ollie. "See you tomorrow Angel."
"Yeah... see you tomorrow..."
The Ravenclaw boy forced a smile to his friends heading towards the dungeons, Angel looked at the stairs that led to the fifth floor, every time was the same, he had fun times with his friends, but when it was time to return to the hall. communal, his friends went to the Slytherin common room while he went alone to the Ravenclaw common room. He had always been very proud of being from his house, but now he was beginning to wonder if he should have been selecting for Slytherin, he felt a little sad about that situation.
Letting out a frustrated breath, he felt someone tug at the pull of his pullover. Turning, he found himself facing a short boy with dark brown hair, almost the same shade as his eyes, was held back by a bow of hair, a scar on his forehead hidden by a part of his hair.
The boy was wearing a Ravenclaw-colored scarf, and on his pullover was the coat of arms with the Ravenclaw eagle.
"Er ... hi ... Angelo." The boy said with a shy smile running his hand through his hair. "I'm Loai Seif, Lian's cousin, do you mind if I go with you to Ravenclaw tower?"
"I didn't know Lian had a cousin in Ravenclaw." Angel said surprised, but soon he smiled at the boy. "I would like your company, Loai. I'm tired of going back to Ravenclaw tower alone."
They both started up the staircase to the fifth floor. While talking Angel ended up revealing more than he would like:
"Lucifer is very cute, but I prefer cats, which is why I turn..." Realizing what he just said, Angel fell silent immediately.
"Wait, do you turn into a cat?" Loai asked looking at Angelo surprised. "Are you an animagus?"
"That's a secret, only my close friends know that secret, please don't tell anyone."
"It's all right." Loai motioned to Angel to lower himself a little and whispered a little. "I'm an animagus too, I'm an ox."
"Aren't you a small for an ox?" Angel asked raising an eyebrow.
"And you're not too tall for a cat?" Loai asked crossing his arms.
"Touché." Said Angel laughing. "I'm just kidding, it's good to have a Ravenclaw friend to keep me company with, it seems all my friends are from Slytherin. Loai, you can call me Angel if you want."
Angel put his arm around Loai's shoulders, he no longer felt sad about having to go back to his common room, because now he didn't have to go back alone. He had a new friend. Loai Seif.
Angel gostou muito da companhia de Loai, espero que ele se torne um dos melhores amigos do Angel.
Angel was very fond of Loai's company, I hope he becomes one of Angel's best friends.
Loai Seif e Lian Jardine – @moontii23
Ollie Potter – @ryollie
Arwen Bellamy – @butterbeerkid
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marwantarek-blog · 11 months ago
3ALABYAD - Karim Osama x Sulisizer (Official Music Video) from Marwan Tarek on Vimeo.
Director: Marwan Tarek 1st Assistant Director: Michael Gamil 2nd Assistant director: Youssef Ashraf, Bisho Kamel, Jayda Ahmed Executive Producer: Amira Salah Producer: Ahmed Zayan DOP: Mostafa Medhat Colorist : Ahmed Ali “Magic” Art Director: Nour El Masry Stylist: Ayatallah Mohamed Camera Man : Mohamed Tamer Focus Puller : Dawood Dawood Gaffer: Ahmed Fathy Key Grip: Seif El Nesr Editing: Khaled Othman VFX: Mostafa Othman Compositing: Mohamed Rabei Jenja Medhat San Pedro Character design : Esmail Mohamed 3D Artist : Loay Walid Karim’s cap design : Ahd Mikky Sulisizer's Mask design : Abougendy BTS photography: Mostafa Adry Production House: Ogz studios K3A Studio WRST Studios
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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"it's you – you're my soulmate."
naomi and loai's first meeting; naomi crashes into loai on the way to her dorm room and the moment she made contact with him, she saw a vision of them together.
loai @murkyike
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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an oblivious cat and her stern ox bf
loai © @murkyike 💙
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murkyike · 5 years ago
Lian and Loai’s ref for year 6-7
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I changed the narrative of the story a bit (?), they won’t be too involved with the cursed vaults. I never showed how Lian dealt with it and I guess I won’t, it still exist but she isn’t the one breaking it. they have their own story that deal with their own curses.
more about them and doodles
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Lian got attacked by the creature that lived in her garden days before year 6 started.
her hand was cut in the process, but was reattached.
she was pretty paranoid, and start wearing a glove only on her right hand.
her character didn’t change but really tired at this point.
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Loai is still his usual self, a stubborn ox.
he kinda overwhelmed with now his family sword is handed down to him. he had used it on someone or two ( that’s for later :D )
the only people are close to him are his brother, cousin (Lian), didn’t call anybody a friend but just a classmate.
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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some more animal crossing doodles with my ocs and ttum's
loai, siraj, lian and shamsi belong to @moontii23 💕
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cursed-ravenclaw-legacy · 4 years ago
@murkyike sent these to me a while back and I love them so much. The one of just Simon is actually the lock screen for my phone.
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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naomi and ollie with their respective partners ^_^ 💙💚
loai belongs to @moontii23!!
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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some slytherin!naomi and loai doodles
loai belongs to @moontii23 💚💚
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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my second mc, Naomi Isa! her parents are Japanese and Arabic.
She's a tiny Ravenclaw with an incredible ability to see into the future, it's a pity that nobody takes her prophecies seriously – it's kinda hard to when she keeps warning Ollie that his death is imminent.
Naomi's talent and hobby is making personalised talisman charms brimmed with different magical properties for whoever's lucky enough to receive one. The charms are incredibly difficult to make and whoever possesses them finds their life much easier depending on which charm they receive.
Naomi has a one-sided crush on a boy in her house, Loai Seif. Naomi's truly a heartless romantic, she doesn't see herself in his future when she peeked using her future vision, but she loves him all the same :'3 Loai belongs to @moontii23
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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naomi: haha whoops sorry loai my hand accidentally slipped into yours!!
these two are going to be the death of meee
loai belongs to @moontii23! :3
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ryollie · 5 years ago
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"I'm sorry, Papa. I love you."
parenting can be new and difficult for Loai but it's the little things that make it worth it in the end.
based on some angst ttum and i made where Loai and his son had a fight, and Badir did an apology drawing and they made up!!
Loai - @moontii23
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