#loading bay dock levellers
reviewdiaries · 1 year
Nancy x Ace and the quandary of choice in 4x10
Guys, guys, guys. Nancy has taken terrible decision making to a whole new level.
We had 4x08 and those gorgeous beautiful moments between Nancy and Ace, both at the loading dock and the telephone call at the end of the episode. And we all went YES, MY BABIES, YOU ARE BACK ON TRACK.
And then. AND THEN. We had two episodes where Nancy and Ace basically don’t interact at all. Which seems so counterintuitive to everything we’ve had in the run up. Even when they stopped trying to break the curse they were still interacting, hell, they were practically breaking up every episode. So to go from that to nothing was SUSPICIOUS. 
I trust the Nancy Drew writers completely. Even when it seems bizarre and off track, you end up watching each season back as a whole and everything slots so beautifully into place and you have the slow dawning realisation that even whilst you were screaming at the screen because WHAT ARE YOU DOING, it actually links in and every thread ties together and it ends up becoming this gorgeous whole which is so much fun to re-watch.
So when things seem weird, suspicious, and downright off key for this point in a season, I trust that it’s actually going to make sense and come together and I’m going to have an OH moment.
And things in Horseshoe Bay are SUSPICIOUS AS HELL right now. 
Nancy was a mess in 4x08, not only over her feelings over Ace, but also the grief over her mum and the anniversary. And when grief is particularly strong we don’t necessarily make the best life choices. If you were heartbroken, if you just wanted to stop feeling the pain, and you knew there was a way to take that away, would you take it?
Others have already analysed Nancy’s outfit in the photo of her at the wash basin, and placed it the night of the anniversary. I personally think that she goes after the phone call, our last beautiful moment between these two. Think about what’s said. Ace says to her, “It’s hard to be your friend right now” then pauses before continuing “I’m a better person with you in my life.” She thinks about this for a moment before replying “I’m not happy without you in mine.”
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GIF Credit   @nancy-drew  
But it hurts, so so much, for both of them. And slowly it dawns on her after they’ve said their goodbyes, that there is a way to solve this. He wants her in his life, she’s not happy without him in hers, but he just said it, it is so hard to be around each other.
So she goes back, back to the Yacht Club, back down the stairs, not even aware of the tears that have dried on her face on the drive over. Because she doesn’t want to do this, doesn’t want to take it away. 
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GIF Credit   @livelovecaliforniadreams  
And this hurts even more thinking about that scene with Ace earlier in the evening when she tells him memories are all we have left because she’s about to remove even that. That photo of her taken after speaking her sin, she’s defiant, gutted, as though this has cost her everything to do but she’s not sorry. Because in her pain filled haze this is the only answer, this is the logical next step. Take away the memories, take away the pain, take away the feelings, and things will be ok.
But she’s miscalculated, the same as Ace when he said they could go back to before. There is no before, there is no going back, and Nancy and Ace’s relationship is nothing but feelings. They’ve never just been friends, it’s all so tangled up together that it’s like trying to remove the heart and expecting the body to keep living.
So she speaks her sin, and there’s a wealth of things she could choose from - choosing Ace instead of the town, killing her soulmate, lying to him about wanting to move on. How far back has she gone? What has she asked the sin eater to consume?
And then we have 4x09 and 4x10. And something is off, something is wrong. Ace is removed from the group, there’s barely any engagement, and Nancy isn’t pining, Nancy is fine. Nancy is more than fine, she’s moving on. And that just doesn’t track against soulmate, he’s my person, best kiss of my life Nancy from the first half of the season. It doesn’t make sense, and in a show like this, something not making sense is not poor writing, it’s us as the audience not yet having all the pieces of the puzzle yet. 
Sure there’s a whole other branch of excitement where we think Ace has picked up a speaking to dead people curse, which is further added to by Bess not being able to hear this ghost, and please for the love of everything Bess will you stop thinking about all the other things and focus on the fact that Ace can suddenly hear a dead person after disposing of that curse?!
But that helps to highlight the wrong, the slight shift in gravity Horseshoe Bay has undergone. Suddenly the language Nancy is using is different, there’s no mention of a curse, no mention of an epic love. Just about things getting messy and complicated with her ex and wanting something simple. That doesn’t track. That’s not Nancy, that’s not what we’ve just watched. It’s such a complete tonal shift from everything that has come before. And none of the others are commenting on it. Previously we’ve had little comments and moments where the others have talked about her and Ace, where the curse has been discussed, and now suddenly there’s nothing.
And this is a powder keg waiting to blow. She was in pain, sure, but Nancy has violated everyone in the Drew Crew by speaking this sin and asking it to be taken away. But none more so than Ace. How has her sin altered their memories? It seems to have removed all knowledge of the curse, all of their feelings for each other. Ace is not going to react well to that, and rightly so. Nancy has reverted back to old patterns and behaviours - I will fix the thing on my own, I don’t need anyone else for this. She has come so far, she works so well as part of a team, but this thing, this painful heart breaking hole inside her that can’t be filled by anything but Ace’s smile and the touch of his fingers on her skin and the way he breathes out her name, this feels like it’s hers and hers alone. 
She’s felt so alone, ever since Ace told her he couldn’t carry on trying, ever since he walked away. That was the ultimate abandonment, and so she has assumed this pain as her own. Stopped considering Ace in this, because he keeps telling her it’s fine, he’s fine, they’re fine, they can go back. Their inability to communicate properly has led to her feeling like he isn’t hurting too.
So she takes the curse, and the knowledge of it, and she destroys it. But nothing stays buried forever and Ace is going to be furious when he realises she’s taken his memories from him. Altered his feelings, removed his choice from this. The fallout from this is going to be catastrophic, because how can Nancy justify this, explain this away to Ace, make it make sense that she would do this to him, to them?
Because what they’re living now isn’t better. They’re both still miserable, they don’t have the other in their lives in any meaningful way. They’re just existing. 
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swanno-arts · 1 year
smacks table. bbb WALL-E AU designs n what nots!!
more under the cut!!
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1Y-OVKA [Probe 01 Call Sign Y - Organism, Vegetation and Karyokinesis Assessor]
2nd protag to the AU! 1Y-OVKA, humanized name Iyovka, is an OVKA probe sent to evaluate and retrieve live specimen on Earth. Iyovka follows his directive to a T, but since every other of his mission returns negative, Iyovka's mission on Earth is more of a "very discreet disposal" of him by orders of Axiom superior, Matvey. Iyovka was meant to be left on Earth, but after the help of a certain bot, Iyovka signals to be picked up, carrying a positive live specimen back to the Axiom.
Turns out the strange Antonin bot he encountered on Earth SOMEHOW followed him all the way back? Shenanigans, Chaos, Romance and Angst ensues.
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Captain Magnus Solomakhin
Captain on deck! Captain Magnus is the Axiom's 6th (and last) captain - being son to late Captain Vsevolod. Magnus is a newly appointed captain, only on duty for 2 years. He's young and naive but kind and has a cheery outlook of life. Magnus is overly dependant on the autopilot to do everything, letting him to just do morning announcements and spend his time on the computer or laze around on his hover chair. After learning about Operation Recolonize and Earth, Magnus demands that they return to Earth immediately...
But the autopilot had other plans. A fight ensues. It was a 700 year old directive, or humanity's fate. Even after he considers Matvey like his own big brother...
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M/ATVE-Y [Manual/Autopilot Technology for Voyage and Expedition - Call Sign Y]
M/ATVE-Y, humanized name Matvey, is the Solomakhins' and Buy N' Large's magnum opus of an AI. Created as the autopilot to the Axiom, Matvey is the true captain and ruler to the ship. On top of being created with limited sentience, Matvey secretly receives Directive A-113, do not return to Earth and ever since he does all he can to uphold that.
During Vsevolod's days, Matvey finds himself having a secondary function as a babysitter (and honestly, a foster) for the young Magnus. Matvey... enjoyed taking care of the little child. It was the little sentience he had. He genuinely cared for the young kid's well-being, all the way to his young adult life as a new captain.
You'd imagine how both of them would feel having to brawl with each other over clashing orders.
...and some more bots!!!:
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VON-EL [Voyage Operational and Networking - Executive Level]
VON-EL, humanized name Vonel, is a gopher bot and the Axiom's head of security and operationals. Vonel leads the stewards and works directly under Matvey's orders, despite his surprisingly short stature. Vonel aids Matvey in upholding Directive A-113, but only because he is programmed to follow Matvey's orders - not because he was aware of what the full scale of A-113 was. He wasn't fully aware what he was doing was mutiny against Captain Magnus.
Poor lad. He just wanted to assist Matvey in the brawl against the captain, but out he flew off the window and straight into the concrete floor. Ka-Blam!
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Two misc. bots!
M.O [Microbe Obliterator] Unit 130
Unit 130, humanized name Boris, is a cleaner bot usually stationed in the Loading Dock. He's a diligent cleaner, but the job gets boring often and he tends to zone out whenever he's doing his work. Boris breaks routine after this strange bot came back with a whopping 100% foreign contaminent. God, his tracks are everywhere! Well, he's not escaping this bot's determination to get everything clean.
Even chasing him down all the way to the garbage bay and lodging himself on the airlock door? Apparently!
SECUR-T Unit A-5
Unit A-5, humanized name Askali, is one of the many steward bots on the Axiom. Askali is curiously a lot more sentient of a steward bot than the rest of her kind - and fully acts as if she is similar to VON-EL, taking charge of the stewards stationed in the same kiosk as hers. She is favored by Matvey to deal with any issues due to this attitude and she takes a personal pride to that.
Askali's last stand is when she and the stewards hold off the rogue robots. She survives getting a scrub on the face by a M.O unit and a high charge shock by a D-FIB unit, but eventually meets her match with the frenzied HAN-S unit, Behelmus.
rotates around. theyre FUN to design. im sooo normal about these robots
some parts of the au is different than the canon version for adjustment but!! not TOO much!! hehe
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jpitha · 2 years
We Need a Ride 7
Part 6 Part 5 Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1
As the Abyssal Plains approached the Mt Baxter, everyone started to get a feeling for just how large the human colony ship was. Abyssal Plains was large themselves, but they were only a dropship. This was on a whole different level.
As they passed through the docking bay gates, they saw that there were already hundreds of ships of all different sizes inside Baxter already. A riot of colors and shapes, each one was different and unique.
"I feel a little out of place in here." Abyssal said "Everyone is all fancy, and I'm just a plain old dropship."
"Oh Abyssal, I think you're great!" Cereni said, trying to cheer them up. "I bet nobody here can carry as much as you are carrying, and I bet most of them can't go into atmosphere either!"
"I suppose you're right." Abyssal said, sighing. "I wonder if I should look into a new paint job."
They were directed to a large platform in the rear of the docking bay. Abyssal set down gently, and as soon as they opened their bay doors, people rushed in to start running checks on the trucks and offloading them.
Chloe stood. "It's time to finish our job. Let's go check on our passengers and make sure they're offloaded safely. Come along Sohpie, Cereni." and walked out without checking to see if they were following.
"Better go along with her." Abyssal said. "You want to see what all this fuss has been about, don't you?"
"Oh Abyssal, thank you for all your help!" Sophie said. "Please keep in touch, I'd love to meet with you again!"
"Me too" Cereni agreed. "Don't be a stranger in our part of space!"
"I'll keep it in mind, when I'm next in the area. Thanks again for the stellar loading Cereni. I meant it when I said if you ever want to sign on to be my loadmaster, I'm happy to have you."
Cereni's fur rippled and she flicked her tail, a nod. "See you soon then!" and they both went to catch up with Chloe.
Outside of Abyssal Plains, it was much colder, and the air was thin. As they walked onto the bay they could see the vapor in their breaths condense into clouds as they breathed out. Cereni's fur puffed out to help keep her warm; an ancient instinct. Sophie didn't have fur, but she got gooseflesh as her body tried to do the same thing.
As they stood and watched, shivering they saw the unloading. A truck would back out and the door would open. Inside was dozens of people standing perfectly still and upright. A technician would connect a line to a jack behind their ear, and their eyes would flutter open. Most awakened without trouble, but some were clearly scared and worried about where they were. Someone, a therapist maybe, would talk to them, explain where they were and lead them over to another room.
Cereni walked over to where the newly awakened people were going. It looked like a reception area. A person wearing a blue uniform would wait until the room was full, give a small speech explaining what was going on and what was going to happen to them, and they'd be gently escorted out, and the room would fill again and the cycle would start over.
Cereni walked back to where Sophie and Chloe were standing. "So, what is going to happen to them?" Cereni asked.
"There is more than enough room here for anyone that wants to stay." Chloe said. "There is also ships departing for other colony worlds and starbases every day. People can pick where they want to go, and head there as soon as a ship is going that way."
"What about people who want to go back to Spruces?" Sophie said. "Do they know what happened?"
"They are being told yes." Chloe offered "But, for now, we're going to keep Spruces off the table. Maybe when we've gotten this whole thing...straightened out, we're start over there, but for now, I think it's going to stay empty."
"Those poor people" Cereni said. "They were packed into trucks, shut down, and then awakened in a strange place and are being told their home was destroyed and they can't go back."
"They are all on our side" Chloe said firmly. "They understood the risks when they signed on to live at Spruces. It was necessary."
"Chloe, are you trying to convince us, or convince yourself?" Sophie said, while watching a person break down crying after being told what happened. The therapist was trying to console them, and led them into the reception room.
"I need no convincing." Chloe said, "I know what I did, I know that it was the right choice. That doesn't mean it was an easy choice, or that I don't feel bad about the collateral damage. I made the choice and I will live with it." She turned away from the unloading. "Come. It's time to find a ship to get you home. This is no place for BIs. We have the environmental systems set to bare minimums, you won't be comfortable."
As they turned to leave, Sophie waved at the Abyssal Plains one more time. They blinked their landing lights in response.
As they walked, Cereni spoke up. "Chloe. You do realize that the next time you ask for our help, we're probably going to say no. We saw this through to the end, but you didn't trust us and not only that, but took advantage of our friendship to get what you needed."
"I still disagree with you taking the Baxter and using it for yourselves without even letting any human authorities know it's been found." Sophie agreed. "But, I give you my word, I'll keep quiet about it."
"Mine as well. "Cereni said. "I think what you're doing is important work, but I don't know how much I agree with your methods."
"You don't have to agree." Chloe said, not turning back to look at them. "But, I am thankful all the same that you came along to help. I don't think I could have done it without you. Thank you for that."
The three of them headed deeper inside the former human colony ship to arrange for transit for Sophie and Cereni to head home.
And that's that. I had the idea for a more AI-focused story not long after I nailed down some of their details, and I got the idea of using an old dropship to land on a hostile planet to rescue people while driving home one day. I let the characters tell me about who they were and what their ideals were, and I really wound up liking Chloe. She'll probably appear somewhere else.
This is the longest thing I've written in years, and it's been even longer since I finished a long form story, so I'm pretty proud of it. There's lots wrong and lots that I don't really like, but you can't edit forever. It's all part of the process. Thanks for reading! I know my shorts and silly interactions get more notes but I really like doing the longer stuff, so thanks to those who stuck with it!
But wait, what's that? a Coda???
Here comes Coda 2!
Okay, Now, I'm done.
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cinimon01 · 5 months
Mai Tai experience 2024
Adventures of 60 somethings on board a catamaran.
On the 31st of January 2024, we became the proud owners of a Lagoon 400 2010 model, located in Opua New Zealand.
On the 27th of February, after a few family engagements, we flew to Auckland and drove 3 hours to Opua Marina, gathering some simple supplies on the way. I felt so cold and exhausted when we arrived that I nearly cried at the thought of living on this small, damp and smelly boat for the next 5 years. What had we done, we had a perfectly good life in a house. Why why why?
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The next day was better.
28th February 2024, we sorted out a few things and organized a few others. Where to put clothes, towels, and did we have enough. Sheets were on board, but I threw most out as they were thin and barley reuseable. I started a list of things to but for us and the boat to be comfortable and livable for the next…..years?
So first trip in our hire car to Whangarei, (Pronounced Foneray) we found Spotlight, Countdown, Kmart and Bunnings. We loaded up and drove the 1 hour back to Opua.
1st March 2024: Next day we though we would take her for a spin and charge batteries and empty the black water tank, (the wee and poo tank). So we got out to open water and came into the bay of Russell. Lovely little spot but the anchor wouldn’t go down, so I suggested David just drive around and Ill cook breakfast/brunch.
So we did that and headed back to the marina. On our approach, on an outgoing tide, she was hard to handle. The birth spot was big enough for a catamaran but not big enough for us to park in with our limited experience and a tide that wanted to push us where we did not want to go. So I am running around the deck shouting directions to David. More like, “STOP, YOUR GOING TO HIT THE WHARF”. More things like, “Oh what the FUCK, we are going to crash”. Came out of my mouth on several occasions. We had the neighbours, folk from boats near us, on the dock along with the harbor master Shane. He was speaking calmly to David about pulling back and not so heavy on the power, but I don’t think he could hear him over my screaming, “We are going to crash.”
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Yes we hit the dock and crushed our port side sugar scoop with an indent of about 25cm long and 10cm deep. Not too much damage to the boat but our self esteem was shattered, and I was a nervous wreck. One of our neighbours from a boat named Scallywag, was on the dock to console us. He had just had a similar experience and the tide pushed him into the bow spirt of another boat punching a hole in the side of his 50 ft catamaran…..Ouch.
2nd March 2024: Olly the previous owner came by and he sorted out the windlass, (anchor) not working problem. He said he cleaned up some loose wiring and maybe some got lost in the process and he unplugged the windlass. Not sure but he got it going and answered a lot of David's questions. We told him about our encounter with the dock and he said, “You know what they say, “You haven’t been around if you haven’t run aground”. I’m not sure if that made me feel better but, there you have it.
3rd March 2024: We gathered up our torn confidence and broken dreams decided we had to get back on the horse….so to speak. So out we went for another attempt at having fun on our new boat. This time we dropped the anchor in Russell, and I just put the kettle on when the afternoon storm that was expected at 1pm came early and interrupted our 10am brunch. So up came the anchor and we headed back to the marina. Before we even arrived my stress levels were off the chart. But we listened to Shane and came in on a slack tide and we managed to berth Mai Tai without incident. This was cause for celebration, so we had a shower and went into Paihia for dinner and a bottle of wine.
8th March 2024: Flew back to Sydney for my 60th birthday cruise on board Celebrity Edge to …..of all places, New Zealand. During this cruise we saw parts of the South Island and the sounds that were absolutely breath taking. The enormity of these places that we could now explore in our own boat! So we decided to skip the Rally to Fiji this year and explore New Zealand for 12 months. Plus we are not experienced enough in operating our boat yet. We need time and some nautical miles before we conquer open water.
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uncle-mojave · 3 months
So, thinking about your ideas for the home made out of shipping containers and your taste in RVs got me thinking. If you had a modified ambulance or school bus as your vehicle, have the parking spot dug down enough so that the back door is level with the doors of your home so you can easily load and unload. Basically, make the parking spot double as a loading dock. Maybe throw a carport canopy over it for some added shade.
Ah yeah a sunken bay. That's something I have seen others do with buses that will lead directly into a small garage of a house if you have it positioned right. Pretty neat idea.
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aloraanophis · 2 years
The Vampyr Combine are the backbone of Lemuria, building and maintaining the Lemurian Merchant Aerial, and ensuring a steady supply of goods onto and off of the island. Founded and headed by Vampyr, the Combine was intended to progress Vampyric culture in a modern world, instead of stagnating with a veneration of a forgotten past.
The Combine is a loose confederation of several disparate Lemurian factions, and their respective cultures and traditions have blended into a chaotic, functional mix. Gremlins, Goblins, Vampyr, Fae, and human alike live and work together for mutual gain and defense.
The Privateers may run the Docks, the Assembly the Shipyards, and the Goblins repurpose defunct airships into useable parts in the Scrapyard, but the Merchant Aerial of the Vampyr Combine runs the Ports, bringing materials for the Assembly, materiel for the Privateers, and providing a steady business to the Scrapyards.
Their ships are not flashy, fast, or powerful, but when it comes to rugged dependability and long-term functionality, Combine Merchant Aerials simply cannot be beaten. If a thing can be found by coin or cutpurse, the Combine will find a way to get it. The markets, both Black and Legitimate, have unmatched selections and prices.
The Port District rises sharply up from the pastoral landscape of Lemuria. Massive landing platforms squat atop massive vertical warehouses. Massive Merchant Aerials plow through the local airspace to their joint docking/repair slips atop these incredible feats of engineering. Smaller warehouses can generally handle either one massive Aerial, or up to four smaller ones. The largest can handle up to five mammoth Aerials, or up to forty smaller Aerials.
The massive Towers are arranged in several long, straight rows along broad avenues dedicated solely for the smaller, local air and ground travel, with Commercial Districts popping up in the alleys between towers, perpendicular to the Port Avenues.
Atop the Towers, Combine techs work, live, and breathe. Luxury accomodations for the repair Techs and Merchant Aerial crew alike lie just below the loading/unloading floors, between massive fuel tanks and maintenance bays, and the low, eternal rumble of heavy equipment and the loud squeal of single-man speeders used to traverse the vast distances of the Warehouse itself.
The Symphony of the Aerials.
Below the living and maintenance levels are dozens, if not hundreds, of floors dedicated to nothing less than the storage of the titanic amounts of materials that are either waiting to be sent out on a Merchant Aerial or fresh off a Combine airship waiting to be retrieved by Lemurians in need.
And finally, in the lowest reaches of the Aerial Warehouses, lies the public sectors. Massive doorways that rarely close, measured in stories rather than yards, yawning open into a cavernous honeycomb of docking slips and designated landing spaces serviced by an eternal and chaotic caravan of workers, conveyors, and loaders.
Food service, small stores of quiet necessity, and beds to let on demand are all available here, owned and operated by the owners and operators of the entire massive Warehouse. The availability tends to be limited to bare essentials, but any and everything you might ever need (and much that you won’t) can be found elsewhere in Lemuria if you know where to look and can afford it.
Between the peaks of the warehouses, in the valleys where natural light arrives for only a short time per day, the Port’s commercial district has sprung up.
Built vertically of up to a dozen levels layered haphazardly on top of each other, the Commercial Alleys have risen up between the massive Warehouses. Built directly into the sides of adjacent Warehouse Towers, parking is serviced directly by the Towers. Even the tallest of the Commercial Alleys is dwarfed many times over by the smallest of the Towers.
Mostly lit by neon and harsh artificial lighting, even when the sun is at its zenith, the Commercial Alleys never sleep. There is a constant stream of commerce and life, no matter what time of day it is.
Alleys tend to each have their own personality. Some are lit by neon and garish signs. Others have a more natural look, full of growing things with natural bioluminescence.
Temmas’ Alley appears to be no more or less than a giant, free-roaming zoo, with creatures of every possible type and shape lounging and living more or less as they wish. The crafty old Goblin and his band of misfits take great pains to make their animal guests as comfortable as possible, from the artificial waterfall the splits the middle of the Alley to the large watering hole that runs down the Alley’s center. Foregoing their cultures’ tendency to tinker with mechanicals, Temmas and his motley crew instead have focused their attention on pampering biologicals.
Qtleska’s Alley is a natural haven in a city of steel and concrete. Trees, impossibly old and thriving for its location, grow up and around the Towers beside it, cradling shops and inns and restaurants alike in its branches. But the crown jewel of Qtleska’s is the namesake Qtleska’s Library. Not of books, but of plants. Flowers beyond number, shrubs and bushes as far as the Alley can stretch. Trees, vines, mosses, and far more, carefully curated and tended by a small resident Gnoll population. Qtleska and his fellow Gnolls are a common sight in the Port, slowly coming and going along their mute pathways, floral raiment in various stages of blooming upon and into their backs. And somehow, despite the heavy traffic near Qtleska’s Alley, beneath the branches the sounds of airships are somehow muted in this natural oasis amongst the Port’s artifical mountain range.
Entalen’s Alley, meanwhile, is a sharp departure from some of the more natural alleys. Lit by buzzing neon billboards advertising their services, everything is a dull, dark gray. Thin, rickety catwalks criss-cross Alley, and thin walkways along the edges of the Alley service the shops reinforce the feeling of cramped paranoia. Harsh, white spotlights eternally shining down from the ceiling in irregular arcs leave deep shadows between their blasts, while dull, if colorful, light spills from shopfronts, slicing the gloom of Entalen’s into smaller if somehow more intense pools of shadow. The sizzle of frying food is everywhere in this Alley, punctuated by calls of shopkeeps to each other and to prospective clients that hurry from one patch of light to the next, staying together in tight groups if they need to venture down this particular section of the Port.
Roberto’s Alley is softly lit, colored all in white, with smooth, organic curves. Minimalism would be the name of the game, if such a thing would not sound vulgar to the disgustingly wealthy that is Roberto’s Alley’s clientele. Few things are actually sold here, but when they are, enough money to buy small countries are exchanged. No wares are on display, and far from the hawkers in other alleys, every store here has armed security to keep out anyone until they have proved they have a sufficient bank balance. If you need to ask what sort of things are available here, you will be quietly if efficiently frog-marched out of the Alley and warned not to return on pain of pain, because you clearly cannot afford even a sip of water from the most pitiably pedestrian of the shops here. Those that can afford what resides in Roberto’s, well. They know where to go and whom to talk to. But if you’re reading this it clearly isn’t you, so it’s best you move on before security is called.
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whitherwordswither · 1 year
Dead Ringing, Pt. 5
Outside the facility I dialed the bureau, reaching out to Akeno. Reception transferred and he picked up halfway through the first ring. "Warrick. Any leads?" Straight to the point as usual.
I huffed, shaking my head as if he could see it. "Yeah, possibly. I ah… I think this one is going to get a bit… complex. Mars is on her way back with a couple of samples. Make sure those get to forensics a-sap. You're also going to want to send a clean up crew. One body to collect."
"A body?" Akeno shuffled at his desk. "Hopefully not a body that could have provided us some answers?" I chuckled. Dry. Humorless.
"No, luckily. I guess. Ehhh~ One of the samples Mars is bringing in… this… device, whatever it is. It was attached to a cadaver's neck. I'm not sure how the hell it did what it did, but… the fucking corpse was mobile. Some kind of reanimator… or something. The thing was mentally unstable, it tore the chip off itself. I don't think this is going to be cut and dry."
Akeno was silent for a few moments, then sighed. "Well, shit. Alright. I guess you're good to go then. Lock it up and I'll get a crew on the way." After a beat, he asked. "And Mars? How was she?"
"Good eyes. Pleasant to work with. Better sense of humor than you. She'll do just fine." I smirked at the scoff on the other end of the line.
"Alright. Thanks, Warrick. I'll keep in touch. Keno out." The line clicked off and I tapped a claw over my pad's screen, bringing back up the security terminal for the facility. I enabled a lockdown override, tucked the pad in to a pocket and headed back toward the transit station, my thoughts churning over what had happened.
I didn't have the entire picture yet. Someone needed a whole lot of bodies. But for what? How did the chip that reanimated the corpse actually work? We were surprisingly lucky to have encountered a seemingly forgotten straggler. More than likely they were on a time table and couldn't afford to calibrate that individual unit as they made off with the rest. The erratic behavior would have been awful to deal with. According to storage records, sixty pods were brought out of stasis. That meant there were fifty-nine unaccounted for. Were they aware? Could they recall anything of their prior lives? I stopped halfway to the transit platform, staring straight ahead. Wait. Was I forgetting something? I furrowed my brow, whiskers wiggling. Shit. Yes, yes I was. We had checked inside. But we hadn't checked outside. Preoccupied. Foolish.
I turned and headed back toward cold storage.
Fifty-nine bodies didn't just walk out. Security had been disabled. Above ground camera footage was nonexistent for the time period. I wandered the perimeter of the building, making my way around back. Who ever had removed the bodies had been utilizing the maintenance halls. They connected to all levels of the facility. The easiest way in and out with that route would be the loading bays. Docks. Equipment and supplies didn't just get shuffled on in through the front door.
There was nothing out of the ordinary along the first few bay doors. The final one at the opposite end from where I'd started, however, bore some interesting differences. The first and glaringly obvious were the fresh tracks in the dirt road between segments of cracked pavement. Heavy tread. Large truck. The door itself was as pristine as the others. The keypad at its right was what caught my attention. The plating was ever so slightly skewed. I hated it when things didn't line up just right. They stood out to me. This was no different. I poked my claws around the edge of the pad, applying just enough pressure on either side. It popped loose, exposing wires and circuitry. For such a pristine facility and relatively high tech structure, it shouldn't have given so easily. It had been tampered with.
After replacing the panel I pulled out my data pad and shot jotted down a few notes as I followed the road up from the bays, following the short run of tracks in the dirt before coming to a stop again, staring down the road. It ran the perimeter of the dome before curving back in to the city ruins. I sent the update to Akeno. It really didn't give us any extra super important information, but I could at least pat myself on the back and not feel like I half assed my assignment. With a sigh, I headed for the transit station. Again.
The cleanup crew was just arriving as I rounded the building. A sentient avalanche separated from the vehicle, a tree trunk section splitting from itself, waving like an appendage. "Eeey, lookit who is! They still throwing scraps your ways, eh, mutt?" It turned out not to be a physical manifestation of the Swiss Alps wearing dark navy coveralls, but a large white furred bear. Polar variety. My lips curve with a smile and I strode over to clasp his hefty, warm paw in my own.
"Mori, you behemoth! Still slinging mops?"
"Hah! Only when newbies losing their lunch. Get to play seer over the parade now. Is nice. Pays more better." He hadn't let go of my hand and pulled me close, muzzles almost touching as he leaned down. His body was big enough to block the exchange from view of the rest of the crew. "Missing your company, wolf. Free for drinking soon, yeah?"
His snout brushed against mine and I leaned in to it, giving a little laugh as he kissed my cheek. "Yeah, that might be nice Mori… things've been in a bit of a slump lately and…"
The bear cut me off. "All more reason to be joining! Old Mori will help the troubles with washing away." Mori squeezed my hand tighter, nuzzling against my ear a bit before pulling back, clapping me hard enough on the shoulder to almost knock me off balance. A call from the vehicle had him looking over and grunting a command. When he turned back to me, he was all smiles again. "Favor yourself. Call your friend Mori soon, yes? Or he may just have to bring the drinking to you, mutt." He pressed his paw to the side of my face, a soft warmth lighting up his stoic features, thumb tracing the contour of my cheek. His eyes lingered on mine for a few moments before his paw dropped to my shoulder, giving it another squeeze before he turned and lumbered off toward the vehicle, waving an arm as he looked back with a grin. "Catch you."
"Y-yeah, heh. Catch ya." I huffed, rubbing my cheek, feeling a little flushed. With a chuckle and a shake of my head I waved and continued on. I was suddenly feeling very tired and glad the night would soon be over.
The small knot in my gut told me this was going to be one of those nights…
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atexwinget · 1 year
The significance of hazardous area lighting
Ensuring the safety of workers is paramount in every industry. Certain industries, including gas and oil, pose particular challenges and high risks of explosions. Improperly classified lighting fixtures can ignite a buildup of flammable gases and materials from a stray spark, resulting in an explosion. Therefore, it is crucial to have appropriately designed lighting fixtures in hazardous locations.
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Hazardous area lighting is designed to be explosion-proof, containing any sparks or fire that may arise within the device. It plays a vital role in promoting the well-being of a business and, most importantly, its employees.
Numerous facilities and industries fall under one of the three risk levels of hazardous locations that necessitate adequately designed lighting fixtures.
Some of the most common facilities that fall under hazardous locations and require properly designed lighting fixtures include:
Class 1 Flammable Vapor Environment:
Petroleum and Gasoline Refineries
Dry Cleaning Plants
Spray Paint Booths
Paint Shops and Facilities
Aircraft Hangars
Chemical and Utility Gas Plants
Detergent Manufacturing Plants
Alcohol Production Facilities
Textile Dyeing and Printing Plants
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Class 2 Ignitable Dust Environment:
Plastic Production Plants
Pharmaceutical Factories
Firework Factories
Coal Mines
Flour and Feed Mills
Grain Elevators
Class 3 Combustible Fibers Environment:
Textile Mills and Cotton Gins
Cotton Seed Mills
Flax Seed Processing Plants
Leather Goods Workshops
Shoe Manufacturing Plants
Alcohol Distilleries
Choosing Factors:
A safer lighting fixture is one that lasts longer. When selecting or designing lighting fixtures for hazardous locations, durability must be a top consideration. This includes examining the following characteristics of hazardous area lighting:
Operating temperature
IP Rating
Vibration and impact resistance
Surge resistance
Long-lasting LED technology.
An adequately designed and manufactured hazardous location light should be able to withstand constant vibrations and unintended impacts or shocks. Failure to test lighting fixtures for such extreme conditions could result in premature failure of the entire fixture. Therefore, hazardous area lighting must pass a 35-hour vibration test at 2,000 cycles per minute.
In certain hazardous locations, lightning strikes and current surges can pose a costly threat to a facility's lighting systems. To mitigate this risk, hazardous area lighting must be designed with built-in surge suppression, eliminating the need for additional protective devices.
A longer-lasting light is a safer one, especially in hazardous locations that require sturdier lighting fixtures capable of withstanding hazardous materials. As discussed in our previous blog, hazardous location LED lighting enables you to save on maintenance costs while providing a longer-lasting light without compromising the safety of workers. Hazardous location LED lights have fewer components that, when exposed to flammable gases or vapors, could cause or ignite a fire.
A variety of hazardous area lighting fixtures are available to provide widespread illumination while minimizing risk. Please find below a list of our explosion-proof lighting fixtures and their corresponding applications.
LED high bay lights are ideal lighting fixtures for buildings or areas with high ceilings. They are perfect for hazardous locations as they enhance visibility.
Area lights are primarily used for outdoor lighting and are typically explosion-proof. Area lights can be effectively used in hazardous outdoor areas such as gasoline and oil loading docks, gas stations, oil refineries, and distilleries.
Flood lights are also used for outdoor lighting and provide illumination for large areas while offering superior protection from the elements. Flood lights can be effectively applied in parking lots, warehouses, and loading dock driveways.
Inadequate lighting in hazardous locations can lead to three consequences:
Safety and security risks
Penalties for noncompliance
Diminished durability
Properly classifying a hazardous environment and understanding its potential dangers is essential for safely lighting such areas. Before selecting any lighting fixtures, it is important to know the facility and identify flammable vapors, ignitable dust, or combustible fibers. This enables us to design lighting that offers a safe and productive working environment.
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docktechnik2 · 6 hours
Dock Leveller
DockTechnik offer a range of loading bay Dock Levellers. Our range includes Swing Lip Dock Levellers, Telescopic Lip Dock Levellers, Dock Leveller Repairs, Dock Leveller Service, Dock Leveller Sales and Design.
Dock Leveller
Click Here For More Info- https://www.docktechnik.com/docklevellers
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bicsbec · 3 days
Stay a Little Longer pt. 4
The quintant ahead of Coran was a busy one, even with Emi running from one end of the castle to the other doing as much as he could. The Castle of Lions was to hold a diplomatic banquet to serve as the third party that placated between two planets that found themselves at odds. Happy Lives would be catering the event and Coran was expecting a shipment from the Garrison for some improvements on the Rovers that helped run the castle.
He trusted Hunk to be alright on his own in the kitchens, but he felt like a bad host leaving him alone.
“Coran,” Romelle peered her head around the kitchen entrance, “they need you at the loading docks.”
“Erm, yes. Just a dobosh,” he said, turning to Hunk. “I’ll be quick about it, I promise.”
Hunk chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Take your time.”
“I can stay until you get back,” Romelle offered.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Plus, this whole operation seems fun,” she gestured toward the activity currently overtaking the kitchens.
“Alright, I’ll be back soon,” Coran said, hurrying out.
There was a lot of foot traffic in the direction of the bays, with ambassadors and cargo handlers mingling together.
“Excuse me, sir? Which way to the banquet?”
“Hey, mister, where do you want these parts?”
“Oh, um. Alright. Ambassadors! Please follow the gentleman with the purple hair to the banquet!” Emi raised his hand at the end of the hall, waving for the officials to follow. “Garrison fellas! Everything to the storage room down to your left!”
Coran pushed through to the docks, trying to find the shipment papers he had to sign.
“Coran!” a woman’s voice called. He looked around a found someone in pilot’s uniform waving at him. A blonde girl with short hair and freckles. She was familiar to Coran—an MFE pilot. Yes, Ina-something. Something complicated.
“Hello,” Coran smiled politely. “Have you the papers I’m to sign?”
“Yes,” she handed him a clipboard and pointed to where his signature was needed. “We also need to pick up a shipment of teludav disks for wormhole construction.”
“Those would have to be cleared by the Intergalactic Transportation Department, over on Pillar F.”
“Captain’s getting the clearance as we speak,” Ina said, taking the clipboard back.
“Alrighty, then I’ll fetch our Transport Merchant,” Coran wandered over to the bay’s telecoms and notified Oller of the request.
“Between clearing the papers and request, plus getting the stock to the bay…it’ll be the better half of a varga,” Oller called over the comms.
“Thank you, Oller,” Coran said, turning to Ina. “Did you get that?”
“Yes,” she said, her tone level, but her expression slightly irritated.
“Leifsdottir! I’ve got the papers!” a familiar voice called over. Coran looked around for the person it belonged to and found Lance clumsily dismounting a shuttle, like he was in a rush. He looked up and his eyes lit up. “Coran! Hey!”
He jogged over, papers in hand, grin wide. “Here you go.” He handed Coran the papers. “What’s our ETD?”
“Over half a varga,” Leifsdottir said.
“Well, dang,” Lance chuckled. “That’s a delay. Iverson won’t like that.”
“Yes, Coran?”
“How are you here?” Coran felt like he was in some weird dream, watching Lance stand there like it was the most natural thing in the world. Last he’d heard, Lance was a farmer on Earth, not a cargo ship captain.
“Oh,” Lance chuckled nervously. “I decided to finish my cargo license. I was kind of losing my mind at the farm. Vero noticed before I did, nudged me in the right direction and all that.”
“Well, since you’ll be here a while, we can catch up more properly,” Coran said with a smile. “You’re welcome to visit different halls in the castle,” he offered to Leifsdottir.
“I’ll wait in the ship,” she said firmly. “I’ll beep you when we’re good to go. And you better get here as fast as those legs can carry you, McClain.”
Lance nodded, unfazed by the edge in Leifsdottir’s voice. “No problem.”
“She’s in a mood,” Coran commented in a whisper as they walked away. “I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard her talk.”
“It’s her anniversary, had a whole dinner planned,” Lance supplied. “We might not make it back in time. Honestly, I’d be just as pissed if I were late to dinner with Keith because of a last-minute run.”
“I’ll try to hurry this along,” Coran said, holding up the clearance papers. “Oller’s a fast guy, he’ll come through.”
Lance nodded.
“Oh, and after we drop these off, we can head to the kitchens. Hunk’s there with his crew.”
“Hunk’s here!? I haven’t seen him in the longest time! C’mon, let’s hurry,” Lance said, with much too enthusiasm, shaking Coran a little.
Having Lance and Hunk together in the same room was like watching children be reunited with their best mates after school break: overly sentimental and extremely dramatic, like they’d never thought they’d see each other again. It was then, of course, that they’d been struck with the idea to see the training deck again. “For old time’s sake,” Lance had said.
It was strange being back in the room. Everything was in its place, just as they had left it. Coran realized he couldn’t remember the last time they’d actually been there. He hadn’t had reason to visit the room.
“Man, we’d been kids the last time we were here,” Lance said, stepping forward into the room, walking toward the lounge area.
Hunk laughed. “You would’ve never called yourself a kid back then.”
“Of course I wouldn’t have,” Lance scoffed, flopping onto the sofa. “I was too busy being full of myself.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Coran said, venturing to step inside. “You boys grew into men in these halls. All of you became fine people through Voltron.”
“That’s really sweet, Coran. Thank you,” Hunk said with a smile.
“You know it’s true,” Coran shrugged. He watched as Hunk wandered around the room and Lance settled himself comfortably in the lounge, feet propped on the small table and hands behind his head. He took a seat beside Lance, the cushion giving under his weight comfortably. “So…”
“So…” Lance echoed, eyes closed, waiting for Coran to continue.
“How have you been? Getting back into piloting and all that?”
Coran noticed Hunk get a little closer at the question, Lance huffing out a breath. “It’s a slow adjustment, but my therapist at the VA helps a lot. Keith’s been really supportive, too. My sisters as well.”
“How’s that going?” Hunk asked from behind the sofa. “You and Keith?”
“Really, really well,” Lance smiled, his marks shinning in an endearing way. He chuckled, saying, “My nephews started calling him uncle. It’s freaking him out.”
“That’s lovely, Lance. I’m happy for you both,” Coran said.
That made Lance beam. “That means a lot, Coran. You have no idea.”
“I think I do,” Coran shook his shoulder reassuringly.
Coran couldn’t blame Lance for moving on, in fact, he was glad he had. The last thing he would wish was for Lance to remain stagnant in his grief. Allura wouldn’t have wanted that either.
Coran knew how much Keith cared for Lance, how long he’d harbored those affections. He was honestly glad that they had gotten together, he was happy to see that love was possible after devastation.
He had suspected that Lance would value his opinion about their relationship, but he didn’t think it would be to the point of the relief he now saw on Lance’s face. They had talked about Lance and Keith’s relationship before, but Coran had never expressed his opinion on it. He wondered if he should have done so sooner.
Lance’s belt gave off a beeping noise that yanked Coran from his thoughts.
“Oh, shit,” Lance said, shooting to his feet. “That’s Ina. We’re heading out in five doboshes.”
“We should head to the dining room,” Hunk said. “I can’t leave Shay alone for the courses.”
“Right, of course,” Coran said, standing from the couch. “I hope to see more of you, Lance.”
“You got it, chief,” Lance winked and hurried out to the docks.
When they made it back to the kitchens, the courses were already being set up. Romelle seemed to be helping plate the dishes. Hunk immediately entered his head-chef-mode, inspecting the plates and quality of the meals.
“You seem to be a natural, Romelle,” Hunk said in an impressed tone. Coran had seen Hunk lose his composure over the smallest divergence in the seasoning of a soup, which led him to believe that was a genuine compliment.
“Thanks, Hunk!” Romelle said, unaware of the magnitude of her praise. “Working with your crew’s been delightful.”
Romelle joined Coran at the banquet with an extra pep in her step.
“You really liked working with them,” Coran noted.
“I really did,” she sighed a little and smiled. “It’s a shame they don’t come around too often. Shay is wonderfully humorous.”
“You can join them, if you’d like.”
“You think so? Would you be alright if I left?”
“Emi is wonderful help; you won’t have to worry about that.”
“I was asking about you, not the castle,” Romelle nudged him gently.
Coran smiled, the stress of juggling the quintant melting a little. “Me? Yes, I think I’ll be alright. Just be sure to visit once in a while. Drag Hunk along, as well.”
Romelle beamed. “I can do that.”
* * *
Alfor had been lurking in his office for some time now. Coran would look up on occasion to see what the king was up to, but he mostly just found him staring out the window in his office, overlooking the castle grounds. Alfor sometimes did this, hover around Coran in silence.
He was avoiding something.
“Your Majesty?” Coran said without looking up from his work. He was coordinating with the other kingdoms of the system for a grand ball, to celebrate Altea’s new monarch.
“Ancients, that’s weird to hear,” Alfor said, immediately brightening at the attention and looking over. Coran resisted to urge to shake his head fondly. If the kingdoms only knew how spirited the new king actually was.
“Am I needed?” Coran asked, unable to repress his smile.
“Not yet,” Alfor said, stepping toward the desk and sitting on the edge. “I brought you something, though.”
Alfor laughed when he saw the surprise on Coran’s face.
“If anything, I should be the one to gift you things, Your Majesty. Your coronation was this movement and I haven’t been able to get away and—”
“You worry too much,” Alfor chuckled. “I—this is a small thing. No need to fuss.”
Alfor produced a small cube from his robe pockets. It was a Secret Keeper, a child’s toy. Coran hadn’t seen one in quite a while. Much less, been given one, even as a boy. They were single use toys, similar to Olkari Cubes, but instead of repeating messages or phrases they only held the secret they were told. Once opened, the secret was repeated, and the cube would fall apart. Being gifted one was a sign of trust, monumental trust, but that was among children. Coran was still trying to figure out what it meant for Alfor to gift him one.
The next thing out of Alfor’s mouth was something Coran never forgot.
“You are only to listen to this under two conditions,” Alfor said, winking. “I am dead, or you intend to collapse the Altean Hierarchy and all its traditions.”
Coran gaped at Alfor. Alfor had never talked like he had anything against his family or the life they had projected for him. To talk about the collapse of the Altean Hierarchy like he would like to see the quintant it happened, like he looked forward to it with glee was baffling.
He then realized that the collapse would depend on him. He was being given the secret that would unravel the kingdom. He wondered what kind of insane scandal Alfor must’ve been involved in, its magnitude so great that it would undo his kingdom entirely. But his curiosity wasn’t so great that he’d actually open the thing.
As he reached for the cube, he silently vowed to never open it.
The moment the cube left Alfor’s hand, he huffed a breath of relief. “Alright, glad that’s over with. I’ll see you at the banquet.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Coran said, following Alfor out with his gaze.
Just at the threshold, Alfor shook his head with a chuckle. “Quiznak, that’s weird.”
Coran stared at the cube in his hand. A small thing. It certainly didn’t seem so small.
pt. 1 | < pt. 3 | pt. 5 >
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portzlogistics · 6 days
Efficient Warehousing Services in Oakland: Optimizing Your Supply Chain
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving global economy, businesses are continually seeking efficient solutions to streamline their supply chains. Warehousing services in Oakland play a critical role in the seamless management of goods, particularly for companies looking to take advantage of the city’s strategic location and robust logistics infrastructure.
Why Choose Warehousing in Oakland?
Located at the heart of Northern California’s bustling Bay Area, Oakland is home to one of the busiest ports in the United States. This makes it an ideal hub for businesses involved in import and export operations. Choosing warehousing services in Oakland offers several key benefits:
Proximity to Major Transport Routes: Oakland’s port serves as a major gateway for goods entering and leaving the West Coast. With convenient access to intermodal transportation options, including rail, road, and sea, companies can ensure the swift movement of products across the region and beyond.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Whether you need long-term storage or short-term space for inventory overflow, warehousing services in Oakland offer flexible pricing models. This helps businesses maintain control over operational costs while benefiting from a strategically located facility.
Expert Inventory Management: Modern warehousing is more than just a place to store goods. Oakland’s top facilities provide comprehensive services such as real-time inventory tracking, product handling, and order fulfillment, ensuring that your supply chain runs efficiently.
Types of Warehousing Services in Oakland
Depending on your business needs, there are a variety of warehousing services available in Oakland that can cater to different industries and logistical requirements.
Public Warehousing: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, public warehouses offer shared space and services. This allows companies to benefit from flexible storage options without the financial burden of owning a warehouse.
Private Warehousing: For larger businesses or those with specific storage needs, private warehousing provides dedicated space that is custom-built for your operations. This gives you more control over how your goods are stored and managed.
Climate-Controlled Warehousing: For businesses handling perishable or temperature-sensitive products, climate-controlled warehouses in Oakland ensure that goods are stored in optimal conditions. Whether you’re dealing with food products, pharmaceuticals, or electronics, these specialized warehouses help maintain product integrity.
Cross-Docking Facilities: Designed for businesses that need fast turnover times, cross-docking services allow products to be unloaded from inbound trucks and immediately loaded onto outbound vehicles, minimizing storage time and speeding up delivery.
The Role of Technology in Modern Warehousing
Technology has revolutionized the warehousing industry, and facilities in Oakland are no exception. Many providers now offer high-tech solutions to improve efficiency, accuracy, and transparency across the supply chain. Some of the cutting-edge technologies you can expect from warehousing services in Oakland include:
Automated Inventory Management: State-of-the-art software allows for real-time tracking of inventory, giving businesses full visibility into stock levels and movement.
Warehouse Robotics: Automation and robotics are becoming increasingly common, with machines handling tasks like picking, packing, and loading. This reduces human error and speeds up the entire fulfillment process.
Data Analytics: Warehouses equipped with advanced analytics platforms can provide businesses with actionable insights on inventory trends, space utilization, and more, allowing for smarter decision-making.
Why Partner with a Local Oakland Warehouse Provider?
Local expertise is invaluable when navigating the complexities of supply chain management. By partnering with a warehousing service provider in Oakland, businesses benefit from:
In-Depth Knowledge of the Bay Area Market: Oakland-based providers understand the unique logistical challenges and opportunities that come with operating in the Bay Area, offering tailored solutions to meet your needs.
Faster Response Times: Proximity to your business operations means quicker response times for urgent orders, inventory adjustments, or changes in supply chain demands.
Reduced Transportation Costs: With a warehouse located close to your suppliers or customers, transportation costs are minimized, allowing for more cost-efficient logistics.
Warehousing services in Oakland are an essential component for businesses seeking to improve their supply chain efficiency. With its strategic location, diverse service offerings, and cutting-edge technology, Oakland provides businesses with the tools they need to manage inventory effectively and meet customer demands. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, partnering with a top-tier warehousing service in Oakland can give you the competitive edge in today’s dynamic market.
For businesses looking to optimize their supply chains and reduce operational costs, Oakland’s warehousing solutions provide flexibility, convenience, and unparalleled access to key transportation networks.
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ffxivbabey · 14 days
Lend an Ear
Veronyka comes to the aid of a tiny helpful... creature.
Written for ffxivwrite for the prompt 'lend an ear'.
"Someone? Anyone? Oh, won't anyone lend an ear to this, well... ear?" Veronyka's own ear twitched at the sound of a very small voice coming from the direction of the docks in Tuliyolal, somehow audible over the bustle of people embarking and disembarking skiffs and workers loading (and unloading) cargo.
"Nyka?" Lyse asked her wife, watching as the miqo'te made her way through the crowd with the ease of someone who had grown up in Limsa Lominsa.
"Shh, I found something," said Veronyka, the white tip of her tail flicking back and forth in her eagerness of the hunt. The voice reminded her of the voice of the happy bunnies in Eureka, though there was something... rustly about it. It also sounded distinctly masculine.
"Dare I ask?" Lyse asked anyway, following after her wife and trying not to bump into anyone or trip over any boxes or get in anyone's way. She was mostly successful, and Veronyka saved her from nearly sending a box of fish flying into the bay.
Very soon, the pair came upon the owner of the strange little voice. Lyse blinked down at it while Veronyka crouched down to be on its level, her tail curling about her feet.
"It's... corn," said Lyse. Talking corn, apparently, and wearing what looked like a little sash, but what was corn still in its husk doing here? Was it some kind of mandragora? No, those looked different. A seedkin of some sort? It appeared to be docile, if nothing else. And intelligent, judging by the talking. That only her wife could hear. Such was the norm for a spouse of the Warrior of Light, she supposed.
"Uh huh," Veronyka was saying to it, and then giggled at something that it said. She looked up at Lyse, beaming. "This guy says that he's the Cornservant, if we will, sent here to feed empty bellies and bring peace and prosperity to all of Tural."
"Uh... huh," said Lyse, blinking at her, then looking at the corn, which appeared to be looking up at her (though that didn't seem to be possible, it being a cob of corn with little arms and legs and lacking any eyes. If it was a potato, maybe it would have eyes, but as it was corn, it was all ears).
"Well?" said Veronyka. "Do you want to help it? Only I can understand it, judging by the look on your face, but I can give you instructions."
"Sure, why not?" said Lyse with a laugh. "It's hardly the weirdest thing we've ever done together." It also wasn't a talking catfish, which made her like it a whole lot more.
"Okay, we'll do it," Veronyka told the Cornservant with a grin, and rose to her full height again as the corn gave a little hop and scampered off through the crowd. Lyse laughed again as she chased after her wife, who chased the corn. The life of a warrior of light was certainly never dull, that was for sure.
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docktechnikloading · 22 days
Dock Leveller Repairs
Dock Technik offers loading bay energy safety / efficiency checks, service, repairs, parts and maintenance plans Trained Service Engineers at your disposal anywhere in the UK 24/7. From Dock Levellers, Dock Buffers / Dock bumpers to Dock shelters.
Dock Leveller Repairs
Visit us :-
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lizseyi · 25 days
Tips For Choosing The Right Dock Leveller - Loading Systems
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Dock levellers simplify your loading and unloading operations by increasing efficiency, preventing damage and promoting safety. Today, choosing the right dock leveller for your facility can be more complicated than ever. As new models are introduced, more and more diverse vehicles are loading and unloading at the loading bay. In addition, productivity is crucial whilst safety should not suffer. Determining the right dock leveller is a crucial element when putting together the loading bay. Therefore, in this blog we would like to give some tips on choosing the right leveller.
What is a dock leveller?
Simply put, a dock leveller bridges the gap between the loading bay and the docked vehicle. Therefore, it is a useful tool that makes the workplace a lot safer for your employees. However, it is of course only a useful tool if it fits the dock and the goods to be loaded.
We therefore advise you, before choosing the type and size of Dock Levellers, to make an inventory of the trucks to be received, the internal transport means and the goods to be loaded.
Different types of dock levellers
It is good to know which dock levellers are available to determine which is most suitable for your specific situation. Every loading bay and vehicle is different. Therefore, it is important to choose the right dock leveller. But which options do you have?
Swing lip; the swing lip dock leveller is mostly used for situations where standard vehicles operate. This allows safe unloading with minimal lost time.
Telescopic lip; with the telescopic lip dock levellers, you just bridge a larger connection surface between the dock leveller and the loading floor. Due to the extremely precise positioning, the loading and unloading process can take place very safely.
Manually operated; no room for a traditional dock leveller? No problem! By using the manually operated dock leveller, loading and unloading can still be carried out economically and reliably. The dock leveller is easy to use and very energy-efficient as no power source is required.
Combidock leveller; is the leveller for flexibility. This is because the leveller can be used for vans as well as large trucks. This avoids the unnecessary use of many levellers.
Van-Dock leveller; the growth of the e-commerce industry has created a new development within the market, namely a dock leveller specifically for vans.
This way, the dock leveller can be tailored to your situation; the weight the leveller needs to carry and the height to be bridged.
Dock leveller length
The length of the dock leveller is determined by the maximum acceptable gradient for internal transport and the goods to be loaded. If there is a large difference in level between the vehicle and the loading bay, the dock leveller should be longer. It is important to take stock of the external transport traffic beforehand, taking into account the maximum gradient angles of the internal transport means you need.
Dock leveller width
The width of the dock leveller is determined by the trucks dimensions, the type of goods to be loaded and the internal transport means. In most situations, we recommend choosing the widest possible dock leveller (for the situation in will be applied to) as this facilitates the positioning of the load. Especially in the situation where loading is required below platform level and the available space on the platform is limited by pit edges.
Dock leveller capacity
Capacity is one of the most critical specifications when choosing the right dock leveller. An incorrect choice of loading capacity can lead to accidents. In addition, there is a risk of irreparable damage to the system. To determine the required load capacity, it is important to know the total train weight; weight of internal means of transport + driver + heaviest load.
In what circumstances is a higher load capacity required?
Driving up at high speeds combined with abrupt braking
Very intensive use
Internal transporters with small wheels
Need help choosing the right dock leveller? Then contact us today! With over 55 years of experience, we can help you put together a dock leveller best suited for application in your specific situation.
Accessories; for extra safety and efficiency
The loading and unloading bay is one of the most dangerous areas of a warehouse. Safety is therefore an important aspect. After all, safe working methods contribute to the well-being of people and goods.
Toe guards
As standard, our dock levellers are equipped with toe guards. Toe guards are installed on the sides of the dock leveller and cover the open area between the leveller and the platform (when loading above platform level).
Foam insulation
The steel upper deck of the dock leveller has a lower insulation value. A lot of hot or cold air loss can therefore occur here. By insulating the underside with foam insulation, the dock leveller is well insulated. Substantial savings can thus be made on energy costs.
Air seals
Air seals are a minor intervention with a major impact. To increase the insulation values even further, the sides and rear of the dock leveller can be fitted with air seals. These ensure that any gaps are sealed completely flexibly. Draught prevention can lead to savings in energy costs and a better working environment.
For more information about our accessories for the loading bay please read here!
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whitemetalco · 6 months
Which Dock Leveler is Right for Your Loading Dock
Discover the ideal dock leveler for your loading bay with our comprehensive guide. From hydraulic to mechanical models, explore features like capacity, durability, and ease of use to ensure seamless loading operations tailored to your business needs.
For more info- https://techplanet.today/post/which-dock-leveler-is-right-for-your-loading-dock
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alertlightingco1 · 7 months
Enhancing Loading Dock Safety: Lights and Signs
In the bustling world of logistics and warehouse management, safety should always remain a top priority. Loading docks, where goods are transferred between trucks and warehouses, are particularly high-risk areas due to the constant movement of vehicles, equipment, and personnel. Fortunately, there are effective measures such as loading dock safety lights and signs that can significantly enhance safety protocols and prevent accidents. Let's delve into how these simple yet crucial elements can make a substantial difference in ensuring the well-being of everyone involved.
Importance of Loading Dock Safety Lights
Loading dock safety lights play a pivotal role in improving visibility and reducing the risk of accidents, especially during nighttime operations or in poorly lit environments. Here are some key benefits they offer:
1. Enhanced Visibility: Proper lighting ensures that drivers, forklift operators, and warehouse staff can clearly see their surroundings, including potential hazards and obstacles.
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2. Guidance for Drivers: Dock lights strategically placed along the loading bay guide truck drivers, helping them align their vehicles accurately for loading and unloading operations.
3. Warning Signals: Flashing or colored lights serve as warning signals, alerting pedestrians and equipment operators about the movement of vehicles or the status of loading activities.
4. Increased Security: Well-lit loading docks deter unauthorized access and enhance security by minimizing blind spots where intruders could hide.
Maximizing Safety with Loading Dock Safety Signs
In addition to lights, loading dock safety signs are indispensable tools for communicating important information and instructions effectively. Here's why they are essential:
1. Clear Communication: Safety signs convey critical messages regarding speed limits, designated pedestrian areas, hazardous zones, and safety protocols, ensuring everyone is aware of potential risks and how to mitigate them.
2. Standardization: Standardized safety signs with universally recognized symbols and colors facilitate understanding among workers of diverse linguistic backgrounds or those with limited literacy.
3. Compliance: Adhering to regulatory requirements by displaying mandatory signs not only prevents legal liabilities but also demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a safe work environment.
4. Accident Prevention: Properly positioned signs act as constant reminders of safety procedures and precautions, reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by negligence or oversight.
Best Practices for Implementing Safety Measures
To maximize the effectiveness of loading dock safety lights and signs, consider the following best practices:
1. Regular Maintenance: Ensure that all lights are in working condition by conducting routine inspections and promptly replacing any malfunctioning bulbs or fixtures.
2. Strategic Placement: Position lights and signs at eye level and in prominent locations where they are easily visible to both vehicle operators and pedestrians.
3. Employee Training: Provide comprehensive training to employees on the significance of safety measures, including how to interpret and respond to various signs and signals.
4. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update safety protocols in response to evolving risks, feedback from workers, and changes in regulations or industry standards.
In the fast-paced environment of loading docks, prioritizing safety is not just a moral obligation but also a sound business decision. Loading dock safety lights and signs serve as invaluable tools for mitigating risks, preventing accidents, and fostering a culture of safety consciousness among workers. By investing in these simple yet effective measures, businesses can safeguard the well-being of their employees, minimize downtime caused by injuries or incidents, and ultimately enhance overall operational efficiency. Remember, when it comes to safety, vigilance and proactive measures are always the best policies.
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