#ln headcanons
queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Do you have more Pretender headcanons you could share with us? :3
1) Her wardrobe is full of Victorian era clothing ranging from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s.
2) Her powers are not inherited by either of her parents and came as pretty much a surprise.
3) ^ Though her parents already had a strained relationship before she was born, what set them apart for good was her. Not because it's her fault. Neither of them was ready to take care of her and her powers
4) Her mother either abandoned her and fled by hot air balloon, or got accidentally evaporated by the Pretender.
5) Mono would probably not be affected by her powers due to his own. His cancel hers out.
6) Her eyes are mismatched, having one light blue eye and one reddish/brown
7) She is aware of both the Thin Man and the Lady, but doesn't know either personally. However, she does enjoy spending her time watching TV because she thinks "the man in the TV is funny".
8) A mix of an headcanon and a thought: her voice sounds like it's being filtered through a radio or a phone and it usually freaks other children out. It's one of the things that isolate her.
9) ^ She has pretty bad volume control and cannot tell when she's shouting or not in normal conversations
10) Not good at remembering names AT ALL.
11) As of now she cannot control her powers. If she could, she would not be able to "turn them off": however, she would be able to redirection them from her hands to other parts of her body. For example, if she wanted to hold someone's hand, she's redirection her power downwards to the lower section of her body.
12) ^ As a result, the ground under her feet kinda... dies. If there are flowers and grass, they wither away, and if there's sand she leaves black/almost burnt looking tracks behind.
13) Her features are very sharp. She has high cheekbones, piercing eyes, and a hooked nose. Hands with long fingers but short nails because she bites them.
14) During the events of VLN, she's 13 years old. Out of the main five gang, she's the oldest, with RCG coming after her at 12.
15) She's not very well versed in the arts but she THRIVES on modelling. Ask her to pose for a picture or painting and she'll never refuse.
16) She's a pretty sickly child and can get ill easily. However, she is incredibly strong and can pick up very heavy objects. She's also pretty agile.
18) Would and will bark if it comes to it.
19) Gave up on using nail polish because she always ends up eating it when she bites her nails💔
20) Not an headcanon, I tried to imagine her as a brunette and she's honestly kinda adorable :(
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That's about it, I'd say. At least for now👹
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piece-of-hweat · 11 months
Try and spot the difference (CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE!!!1!!!11!!!)
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My friend just showed me the stock(?) image (left), and just told me that it was literally Mono.
So here we are now.
Tbf, they are literally the same ass image-- One is just holding the wrong flag /j
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kordeliiius · 1 year
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ideas ideas ideas
i think it'd be fun if she had a different outfit while exploring Nowhere + every place had a unique atmosphere/color leaning. but even if we're talking base colors she's certified ourple
speaking of here's the actual base colors with no filters. none of the above color tests were transferred to this design 100% as-is, rather they're just my thought process all laid out
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fae-only-reblogs · 5 months
My Little Nightmares headcanons
This is probably messy to read I apologize! Remember these headcanons are just for fun & while some of them might have roots in canon they are ONLY headcanons! ❤️
The sound of Nightmares 🎧 (TSON)
- Sisi & Otto were foster kids adopted by the same family (no biological relation)
- I don't personally think Sisi/Cici is Six but I lean of her being the RCG from VLN
- Sisi could be an entirely different character to begin with
- Noone is blonde
- Children in the Waking world are still super small just as in the games
Very Little Nightmares (VLN)
- the pretender has parents
- IF the pretender & RCG do have a time loop situation it's of the easiest to be broken
- RCG & The pretender are friends! Then eventually they'll become friends who are also girls and beyond that who knows!
- The pretender is porcelain but can still grow
- The pretender gave RCG the name Rain because children who enter the Nowhere eventually lose their memories from the Waking world.
- The pretender's parents are out on business, somewhere. Either in the pale city or some location from TSON 🎧
LN comics
- The long haired girl & the boy in green are siblings
- The hunched back girl has powers of some kind (shown off in the comics but unsure what kind of powers they are exactly)
- ⭐ refugee boy & his sister as well as the hunched back girl were born in the Nowhere (More on this in a bit)
Little Nightmares (LN)
- The Lady & Six are the same person (time loop)
- There were four previous ladies before the current one (Lady Six). But these four were different individuals filling a title rather than the same person completing a loop four different times!
- Lady 1 passed her powers to lady 2, from her to Lady 3, and I believe Lady 4 wasn't killed but sent to the flooded parts of the Maw to become the granny by Lady 5 (or the 1st version of her anyways)
- Lady 5/Adult Six & Six have been in their own time loop for quite awhile. Maybe it's because the Nowhere finds their time loop particularly entertaining or the supply of (misery/souls/meat/whatever else the Nowhere sustains itself off of) has been significantly more than what those past four ladies could provide it. Time loop = entertaining & or Time loop = efficiency.
- The Lady is close with the doctor, the teacher, the hunter, and the barber due to having their portraits hung around the Maw.
- Children can't permanently die & we'll just essentially respond unless 1 of 3 events occur: 1) The soul reaches a breaking point/corruption & just can't continue. 2) They get taken out by a power strong enough to perma kill them - the pretender's ability to just evaporate you completely as in VLN. 3) The Nowhere consumes them in one way or another
- The flashlight girl is the daughter of the Lady (Adoptive or biological)
- The flashlight girl's model is taller than Six & Seven's models so I think she's closer to her teenage years 13 years old
- Not many HCs on Runaway kid other than his 'name' is Seven & he's 9 years old
Little Nightmares 2 (LN2)
- Mono & the thin man are the same person (Time Loop)
- The Thin man is one individual rather than a role to be filled (like the Lady)
- The thin man is a TV show/Radio host
- Thin man & The lady still keep in contact somehow (I like the idea of messaging birds)
- The hunter is Six's adoptive parent
- Spoon girl & Lollipop kid are friends! She 100% protects him from the monster's every time
- Mono came from an orphanage that caught fire (based off the LN2 comics)
- ⭐ Non hostile adults exist in the Nowhere (Refugee boy comes from a village after all) These villages were probably formed by children who were able to grow up without becoming monsters or puppets to the Nowhere (The Lady/Thin man)
- The Nowhere probably isn't fond of anything that isn't misery so I think these villages could make deals with powerful entities or the Nowhere itself so that the entity gains something for protection (probably a child sacrifice- yeah....)
There's still more I can put here but that can come later once I've posted all my drawings I've been doing for my main blog! Thank you for reading!
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fireboos99 · 9 months
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the current art trend but I cheat by picking characters from the same series (and then add a third because my sibling is an enabler)
Anyway, instead of spending forever trying to pick one fav from two separate series, I just draw the blorbos because I cannot be stopped
(the addition of Rain (RCG) in the alternate image was @moonwhing's idea. well, sorta, she gave me an alternative version of Six saying the line, Rain readying a bat (something Moon decided she has, haha) and Mono being the one to say "damn", but I decided to just merge her idea with my initial one (I thought it'd be funnier/more fitting for Mono to say the line and Six to be the second character there (I headcanon Six to be very quiet/doesn't talk much)))
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number1-jojamember · 5 months
Guys post 6 heart cutscene real
Just a little Shane voice headcanon + Harvey
Would I kill for a SDV x Detroit: Become Human AU? Yes. Would I make it? Probably not!
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cynthiadasorceress · 3 months
Little Nightmares headcanons
I made most of these for an au I'm working on, also I gave RCG and RK actual names. RK is named Enkai and RCG is named Saki.
If they met, Six and Enkai would behave like siblings
Mono doesn't like the sound of static because he can hear whispering voices in it
All four kids (Saki, Enkai, Mono, and Six) would kill over mac 'n' cheese...
...Even if Enkai is lactose intolerant
Saki acts like a mother figure to the others
Though Enkai is their favorite person, the nomes will still follow Mono around sometimes
None of the kids, save for Saki, can spell
Six has ridiculously sharp teeth
Six's 'actual' name is Haru, though she prefers Six
Enkai is good at cooking
Saki will braid people's hair when she's bored
Mono is the term 'ray of sunshine' taken literally -- he's generally sweet, but he's not afraid to get his hands dirty
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sickficideas · 23 days
Currently reading the Beast LN (have already read the manga) and I was reminded of Atsushi's number at the orphanage...78...I don't think this was ever brought up in the main series...but I like the idea of this number creating an extremely intense trauma response whenever he hears it or sees it anywhere...it makes him shaky and nauseous and sometimes if he gets too in his head about it, he's hearing the Director say the number over and over, he just keels over and throws up, he can't breathe or think and it's horrible, how is he supposed to avoid a number?
Bonus points if main series Atsushi has repressed his association with the number and whenever this happens he has no idea what the source is 🥺😭
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rainalexisart · 4 months
Random ass LN headcanons that probably make no sense
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Scottland Rk bc yes🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
-storms in here- If the Lady and the Thin Man were to have a battle of wits, who do you think would win and how?
Oh, definitely the Lady. When it comes to actual intelligence, there is no real way of telling, but outsmarting the Thin Man wouldn't be hard in the slightest for someone like her.
This is simply due to a difference in understanding of the world. Thin Man has been locked up for his entire life and while it doesn't necessarily translate to him being stupid, the fact that he has nearly no way of accessing the outside world before he's free doesn't help. Plus, we have to consider the fact that he is quite unstable. He doesn't really have the emotional maturity and the wits to put together a well constructed plan. Tbh I don't think this man even thinks before he acts... it's definitely one habit he never grew out of.
Honestly, this is why I believe the Pale City is actively decaying to begin with. In the state he is in, he's not cut out to be a leader; he'd never be able to handle a place like the Maw, for example.
Furthermore, his ability to use his own stupidly powerful abilities is... lacking, to say the least. Mono is more powerful than him and while that can be blamed on the fact Thin Man is literally on the verge of expiring, I think his misuse of his powers should not be overlooked. I am inclined to believe he never got the chance to explore them, which is why he uses them sporadically and in very... unique ways. Like seriously why is he teleporting/walking super fucking fast to traverse incredibly small distances this man could TEAR THE ENTIRE CITY APART IF HE WANTED TO HE COULD HAVE TORN MONO TO SHREDS IN 3 SECONDS
The Lady on the other hand has a very good grasp on the world and its people. Ambitious woman that she is, she knows many things, see as she has studied for so long. The marketing of the Maw is most likely thanks to her and, considering how successful it is in the outside world, she must have done a damn good job. Plus, it was mentioned that she has learned many terrible things during her time there; with all the years she spent managing it she has seen it all at this point. Though she too is as unstable as her counterpart, she does a much better job at hiding it - or keeping it under control. She has learned to get a grip on herself. Though there are times where the mask slips, she is mostly really good at keeping on the impression that she is calm and collected.
She has the advantage of having way more life experience. The Lady's powers are definitely nothing when compared to the reality bending Thin Man has going on, but they are not to be ignored nor dismissed. She can lurk in the shadows and can potentially be a dangerously quiet enemy.
If this was a battle based on powers alone, there is no doubt that the Lady would lose. But since it's a battle of wits, I believe the Lady would win by manipulating the Thin Man into not fighting at all.
Her gaslight gatekeep girlboss era finally becomes real my boy will not even know what hit him
This is how I think it would go:
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"Did you come to my door in search of conflict?"
"(Incomprehensible static)"
"I don't think you want to fight. You wouldn't be able to. This conflict you made up, it's all in your head."
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fae-sodapop · 5 months
The Ladies of the Maw
These are just characters that have like zero connection to LN cannon other than the fact there's a painting of five ladies in the Maw. Please note this js just for fun and is in no way cannon.
A few images were undquashed by this post here
These were inspired by these ripped models from this post here
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- Red / Crimson
• "The Patroness"
• "The savior"
• "The Mother"
• "The sun"
Red made the mall is a safe place to try and escape the nowhere's torment. She lived in the nowhere for a long time she didn't remember what the waking world looked like anymore but she knew it wasn't as twisted as the nowhere. She denied that nowhere entirely after growing up and it's torment she took in many children and Green was extremely close to her, she was raised by red and saw her as a mother. She fully intended to carry on her work but as she grew the nowhere started to whisper to her about all the things that could give her if she just killed red. So she did. Red felt nothing but betrayal she watched her broken child devour her.
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- Green / Clover
• The Governess
• "My good luck charm" by Red
• "My darling child" by Red
Greenfield mixed feelings about eating red. The nowhere had convinced her that red was selfish and deceitful. She'd hidden things from green. Green became pretty erratic after red's death, she continued to keep kids and (now) adults she grew up with safe. But the thing in her head eventually convinced her that the adults were conspiring against her, so she killed them off slowly one by one. Then they were a threat to the children so she killed them all. The voices said she needed a successor so she took in Blue to "Keep her safe". By now the children were terrified of her so blue was reasonably scared. Green did take care of her but often locked her in a cage and made her sing for hours on end. As blue grew up, outgrowing her cages Green had started killing the children as they were all "evil". She brought them all to what it is today; a gluttonous buffet and a prison for any child.
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- Blue / Sea
• The Countess
• "Song bird" by Green
• "My gem" by Green
When Blue was an adult, she couldn't take it anymore so she bashed in Green's skull. She was devastated when she heard hundreds of screams coming from the broken scope she let the mall continue to operate without trying to stop it. Her quarters were filled with beautiful dresses, kimonos, and clothing of all sorts, she often dressed up and tried to put on a beautiful persona. But every time she tried it would only stick before eventually she started to cry and whale again and again, her face staining with makeup and her clothes now becoming messy and dreadful. She took a child from the prison in hopes it would make herself happy, and it did at least for a while.
(chose this one because of the blueish outfit - just fit)
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WARNING: Mention of su*cide
- White / Pearl
• The Mistress
• "My Flower" by Blue
• "My light" by Blue
White was raised as Blue's child, she was spoiled with dolls and dresses singing her to sleep, and overall treating her like a doll. White wanted her mother's attention and love real love. She didn't want all the material thanks she was given but if that was all her mother can love maybe if she was like a doll her mother would love her too. She wore a doll mask and dressed in pure White to mask her emotions, but still her mother paid her no mind. Blue songs became less and less comforting over the years as they slowly devolved into screaming and wailing of pain. When white was 20 years old blue hung herself in her quarters. Being left all alone and having no way to manage it white sunk into the mask. She let the nowhere puppet her around, giving up nearly all her autonomy. She took in a child when she was 25, the child was known as Six (the lady). White gave her a mask to hide her emotions so she too could resemble a doll. She doted on her as if she was a doll, brushing her hair, dressing her up, making her dance and sing. However any emotion that she showed besides happiness or content was met with disappointment from White. White often said how perfect dolls were as they never cried, they never complained, they never even talked they were perfect.
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- Six (The Lady)
• The Geisha / The Lady
• "Doll" by white
• "Mama" by Torch (Younger)
• "Mother" by Torch
Six was traumatized by all the events that had played out before the mall. The nest, the forest, the pale city, it was all too much for a young mind to handle. So she's silently resigned to the new life. Six grew up with an Infinity for the Dolls and their perfection. I don't have much on her other than when she was going to take power from White she couldn't kill her so she sent her away to the depths of the mall to be tended by the staff. After several times she made amends with mono and they kept in contact with each other through the TV and messenger birds. She is the only lady that has produced a biological successor to her role.
- Torch
• "My little light" by The Lady
• "My girl" by The Thin Man
• "The Little Miss" by the staff
Torch also known as the flashlight girl is the biological daughter of The Lady & The thin man.
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Red - Green
- Red was a good mother, but Green was influenced onto a bad path by the Nowhere
Green - Blue
- Blue never saw Green as a mother, she was terrified of her all her life after being psychologically tormented by her.
Blue - White
- Adoptive Mother/Daughter relationship, Blue wanted to be a good mother but she was to busy drowning in her own grief that she was emotionally neglectful to white.
White - Six (The Lady)
- White was raised to keep her emotions behind a mask (literally). She gave a mask to her successor as the only form of support she could give (or what she viewed as support). Their relationship was more like a teacher and student. It's hard to say if it was White or the Nowhere speaking during Six's (The Lady's) childhood.
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piece-of-hweat · 11 months
I'd just like to say that- Six and Mono? Definitely neurodivergent
SERIOUSLY-- There is literally NO WAY IN HELL OR THE NOWHERE that these two kids are neurotypical.
I personally see Six as autistic. She probably looks over every single social cue ever. Mono makes a joke? It flies straight over her head. Best case scenario? It takes her a solid 5 seconds to absorb the joke and snicker at it. She probably hyperfixiates on ducks or turtles. (ALSO SIX IS COMMONLY HEADCANONED TO BE A BITER THAT IS JUST-- THAT. I. HOW IS THAT NOT NEURODIVERGENT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND)
Mono? Like... come on, guys. It's Mono. He is the literal definition of neurodivergence. He wears a mask, he probably walks on his tippy toes simply because, he also probably has a fixation on hats (I personally imagine him to adore music but argarhagrgagrhh). Mono also probably does the flappy-hand thing every time he sees a silly goofy animal or hears a song he really likes (COUGH COUGH Crane Wives COUGH COUGH). Mono also, probably, totally, definitely, goes on rambles about funky things. Six listens because... hey. Sometimes hearing Mono ramble about the meaning behind the lyrics of a goofy song is pretty cool. *(Note: I also feel like Mono would just hold just as much obscure knowledge as Six. Mono would just know about the acidity of llama spit while Six just knows that hydrogen peroxide can get rid of blood stains. Six also probably knows the ingredients to poison or something.) ALSO I can definitely see Mono or Six going non-verbal. The two also, no doubt, screech random noises at each other. Just imagine that. That one part of the game where Mono has to make a box go up so Six can catch him on the other side. They just screech at each other.
Mono: peers over the edge Six: looks up at him and screeches Mono: makes that lil squeaky "AAAH" noise Six: responds with a "MAH!" Mono: screeches
I am sorry but- the two are just simply neurodivergent. I do not know what else to say.
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keikoyume · 11 months
Kei, your art is amazing💖 and I want to ask some questions
What is your headcanons about ferryman??
How he reacts to others(relationships with them, especially lady)
Helloooow thanks a lot💙💙
You can find most of my headcanons through my fanarts of the Ferryman but here's a list of random facts:
- I believe he's a kind of ancient entity that was victim of the Hunger until the Maw employed him- He loves when the lady invites him to eat here. She often serves him some sake but he doesn't have any taste for them.
- As cryptic as he was in The Sounds of Nightmares I still wanna imagine him being tricky and playful with his victims- He just doesn't look or sound expressive.
- I believe it's because of him if we can find Nomes outside of the Maw- They manage to sneak into his boat everytime he comes for a visit.
- After the lady, the closest person he knows is the Hunter. He loves observing the grumpy guy who manages to capture children with his numerous traps and weapons.
- Oh wait, there's also Roger and Wax Bellman that he's used to discuss with. They never have long discussions, it's just a way for them to pass time and take a break from work.
- Aside that, he just observes the other colleagues from afar. He's aware of their importance but doesn't expect to meet them.
- He considers the North Wind as a silly annoyance but he's never harsher about them.
- Aside shapeshifting, he has the capacity to read the memory of what he eats (as long as it's meat). His favorite food is fishes and he isn't particularly fond of child flesh.
- I theorize that all the large hats we find in various places in the Maw belonged to him as a way for saying he was there (... Or he just forgot them).
- Random Kei fact: he's as tall as the doctor.
- Random Kei fact 2: my main inspiration for his vibe is whales. Just whales🐋
There you go! Thanks for your ask!
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Softened Sorrow
A heavy storm creates a sinking feeling in 16-year-old Dazai's stomach. He gets the feeling someone needs support tonight. Having read Stormbringer is not required.
1,163 words, August 11 2024
No Archive Warnings Apply, Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Short One Shot, Thunder and Lightning, POV Dazai Osamu, Soft Dazai Osamu, Soft Nakahara Chuuya, Post-Stormbringer Light Novel, Young Dazai Osamu, Young Nakahara Chuuya, can be viewed as romantic or platonic, Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Scared Nakahara Chuuya, Dialogue Light, Panic Attacks, Dazai-Typical Suicide References, there's only one but it is there, wanted to write something soft between them
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the-gt-fairy · 1 year
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Day 26: Tangled
A meeting between two of my ocs, Nina (left) and Midori (right)
I don't actually do a whole lot with my ocs, they're mostly just placeholders for various scenarios
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hezuart · 1 year
Hey Hezu! I absolutely adore your Channel Change & Seven comics and was wondering if you had any headcanons for Seven and Mono cause I love them both sm 😭 (I love your art! :D)
Hiya! <3
Actually now that I think about it, I do!
Seven has a chain attached to his foot that hints at a messed-up past. He must have been captured or chained up at some point. I don't know by who, it would be weird if the Hunter had also kidnapped him at some point, it would be more interesting if it were someone else. But I headcanon that despite this chain stuck to his ankle, he actually kinda likes it. When he grows up he's gonna need to get it off because its gonna be a problem for his leg, but I like to think while Six likes hoods & masks and Mono likes hats, I like to think Seven likes bracelets or anklets. Just cool gothic fashion.
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There's also concept art of him in the city as well, but he could have been a placeholder for Mono. Or more likely it's just cut concept art that didn't get a rehash in the second game later. But Seven could also maybe be from the city, though I like to believe maybe on the outskirts. He also likes his long hair and wants to keep it that way, since he seems afraid and upset with the barber in the concept art.
He seems like a quiet gothic kid who would grow up as like... a drummer or guitarist in a rock band ahahaha
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My headcanon for Mono has to do with these concept arts which.... if I explain it now, I might spoil my threequel to Channel Change so I'll have to remain a little hush hush until then! (Just know that I think Mono used to be an attention seeker; an entertainer, but now he's grown up a little and is embarrassed by it)
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