silverusso · 3 months
Love Me Like An Enemy but Daniel runs off with Mike and they get married and Terry is bitter and angry that he’s not ever going to be invited for a threesome. Trish and Geoffrey start a podcast!
some men just want to watch the world burn
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silverusso · 4 months
in love me like an enemy why did terry wait so long to try and win daniel again, and in this kind of way? he definitely fell for him during the events of kk3, so why didn’t he try to get daniel after those events? or maybe wait a little while (like a year or two), get his life back on track and then try? why did he wait so long and then marry trish (who i absolutely love btw) instead? because i don’t think he ever really let daniel go.
He didn't fall for him back in kk3 though. At least not in the real sense where he knew for certain that he was in love. What he felt was fascination and a decent measure of admiration, but not something he could process as love. Also, I mean Daniel was literally like what 17/18 going on 19ish back then? Anyway roughly about the same as Mike who ended up becoming his nephew. So It just didn't click for him at that point in time. And, I feel he and Trish had genuine feelings and a loving marriage for a good few years, before they eventually fizzled out a bit and decided to separate. Which is why they're still so close even afterwards. Then, through the last years, towards the end, is when he started to gain a new appreciation and intensifying interest in Daniel. Of course Kreese reeled him back in, which even in canon was way too easy. As soon as Kreesed mentioned him, Terry immediately perked up like "Danny boy?"
And in lmlae, the fact that he saw his opening back into Daniel's business through buying the dealership and of course Daniel's own little power play (trying to maneuver Terry against dear old Kreese) well that's what lead them to becoming entangled in such a dark and toxic way.
*Edit: Daniel should have been at least 17/18 already by the time the kk3 tournament rolled around. But we can just say he was still 17 turning 18 right after the avt to fit the "under 18" criteria for the tournament.
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silverusso · 10 months
Hi! I’m very new to this fandom and just finished your 100k fic and let me just tell you… it’s fucking art. I was HOOKED after every chapter, literally read so many chapters on one go. You’re amazing! Are you planning on writing more parts to it or making a whole new fic? I see there’s only a little of these longers Silverusso fics with big stories and I’m dying to read more!
Thank you so much, anon.🤗 I don't know you but I love you. It means a lot that you read the fic and enjoyed it enough to send this message. I've gotten sucked into two different fandoms since the end of S5 so all my focus has been taken away from CK. But I still have a list of fic ideas I might write when S6 drops. We'll have to see how inspired I feel. For now, there's nothing planned for lmlae or silverusso in general, unfortunately. But if you're still around when the next season comes around, and if I manage to write anything, I hope you'll find my work again and enjoy. Thanks again for the nice message.💙
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silverusso · 1 year
I bet Terry was having a gaypanic when he suspected Daniel was “with” Johnny.
Terry: What does that homeless bum have that I don’t??
Daniel: Calm down bro.
Terry: 🔥 🔥 🔥
Kreese: Can you both die already.
Johnny: Am I the only straight person here??
Daniel and Terry: Yes.
Kreese: What part of ‘I hate fags’ do you not comprehend??
ok but lmao @ kreese "can you both die already"
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silverusso · 5 months
Now that the final season is upon us, I’m doing a re-read of Love Me Like An Enemy. Terry and Daniel are so messy, I love every second! Trish, however, is truly MVP of all time. She should write a tell all book and have Geoffrey add snarky commentary. Terry would probably approve and green light either a reality TV show or have a movie adaptation! So sorry Danny boy~! 🤪💕 Thanks so much for writing this classic!
lmlae from Trish+Geoffrey's perspective would read more like a comedy. And a tv series or movie about it would be even funnier. Imagine Terry tries to get them to use actual footage from their sex tape in there (blurred faces ofc) and Daniel tries to smother him in his sleep. Thanks for reading.♡♡
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silverusso · 5 months
Season 6 is going to suck. Love Me Like An Enemy is my personal canon 🔥 😡 ❤️
I really hope it won't, anon. I did more with Mike in lmlae than they did in the actual show.💀 Thank you for the kind message!
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silverusso · 1 year
Mike: I know Daniel is not a virgin!
Terry, raging: Another enemy!!
Daniel:…Guys l’ve been married before…
(Logic doesn’t apply) 🤣
new secret lore unlocked: labarnes slept together at some point but there are no records of this event
also there's a woeful lack of my boy geoffrey
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silverusso · 1 year
Last one: did Trish ever know that Terry swung uh, “all ways” when they were dating/married? Or did she find that out during the Daniel Saga? (Lol) Also: how did Terry propose? Trish and Daniel should compare rings :p And did Trish and Terry ever think of having kids? Imagine Terry as a dad lmao!! 😱😱
Yeah, Trish knew. Terry had no reason to hide that from her, especially once they were committed to each other. She never would have seen it in action, though, until Terry started showing signs of daniel-larusso-derangement-syndrome.
Trish wanted him to ask her father for her hand in marriage. Not to be weirdly old fashioned but for her own amusement. Then she threw a party for the express purpose of the proposal. Trish's ring is about as gaudy as you can get, and she loves it. Terry would love to get something just as showy for Daniel, but he'd never wear it, so he has to go a little more low-key with his.
They talked about having kids, but very superficially. They never put serious consideration into the idea and never tried for it. Neither was overly interested in going through the process of childbirth and then raising the children. I imagine it was something like "maybe someday," but that someday never came, and they just didn't care.
atp i feel like terry/trish should have a ship name lol
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silverusso · 1 year
Lmao, Kreese stands up all pumped up to object the marriage, meanwhile Terry:
Terry: Well Father, we actually eloped a while ago!
*Crowd gasps. Kreese fumes.*
Terry: And not only that, but the marriage was consummated multiple times, and Very Thoroughly Every Time *is smug*
Daniel, mortified: Terry--
Terry: Would anyone care for details?? :D
Kreese exists the church, and Daniel again contemplates divorce. Terry beams at everyone. Sigh.
You know Kreese is gonna be outside that Church ready to stage a siege or something. 💀
Kreese: I have an army.
Silver: We have Mike.
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silverusso · 1 year
What does Trish really think about her ex-husband falling so hard for this married car salesman lol? Does she think Terry is batshit crazy, what does he SEE in this LaRusso? How did she find out about Terry's feelings for Danny boy anyway? Does she approve or not?
She's always known Terry is crazy, lol. She thought it's lowkey funny but also pathetic that he became so obsessed with Daniel. Then she's exasperated because he can get so melodramatic about it sometimes. She doesn't really see the appeal in Daniel at first, but it's more because she doesn't think anyone, much less a married car salesman, is worth acting this deranged over.
She would have been aware already from the time their marriage was coming to an end that Terry was starting to become fixated on Daniel cause lbr, Terry's not subtle. She doesn't approve because the whole thing sounds straight out of one of her worst telenovelas. The deal to get rid of Kreese, have a secret affair, and even record them getting freaky in the dojo etc etc. But once the truth comes out and they can actually have a proper relationship without hiding, she's cool with it. As long as they can get their shit together (which, even by the end of the fic, is gonna take a long time lmao).
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silverusso · 7 months
Re-read LMLAE (loved every second ofc) and quick question: would Terry ever get bored of Daniel and want to break things off? His 25 year marriage to Trish ended after all; would his relationship with Danny fare the same? If not, what makes this relationship different? What makes Daniel different? After all, he and Trish still get along very well with each other despite it all!
Firsty, I always love to hear that someone has found my work and enjoyed it or liked it enough to re-read it. So thanks for this nice message. <3
And about them possibly getting bored of each other…the age gap between Terry and Daniel in canon is pretty significant. They're not exactly spring chickens anymore. I feel like even if the intensity of their mutual obsession eventually fades, they would be settled quite comfortably in their relationship, and leaving each other just wouldn't be something they would consider much less choose.
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silverusso · 1 year
So does Terry in LMLAE ever label his sexual attraction? Like, does he consider himself bisexual, as he did love Trish and married her for 25 years, but then fell hard for Daniel. In the KK3 era, did Terry ever think he might even be gay? Did he ever date men back then? Or just women?
I don't think he'd label himself. He's whatever the hell he feels like at any given moment. Sexuality can be very fluid, and that's how he prefers it. I think he would have slept with anyone that appealed to him, regardless of gender. However, I don't think he'd have a lot of official relationships and probably never with men. He wouldn't care too much about rumors and people speculating on his sexual appetites and preferences, but he still knew what was and wasn't considered "acceptable" at the time. And after all, he had a very lucrative business to run. So he'd date women from time to time, but with men, it would only be sexual flings.
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silverusso · 1 year
Terry: You’d have looked wonderful in white, Daniel. With a veil…sigh.
Daniel: …Firstly, I’m not the bride—
Terry, Trish, Geoffrey, Johnny, Mike, Kreese, everyone: LOL
Daniel, sputtering: Excuse you but—
Mike: He’s not a virgin either.
Terry: I wasn’t the first, but I’ll definitely be the last! :D
Johnny: Ew.
Trish: Well, white’s not applicable, but what about a garter?
Terry, already calling a lingerie store in France: Yes!
Daniel: I hate you all.
Johnny and Kreese: You and us both.
Mike: LOL
not to derail this with labarnes but like mike? "he's not a virgin either" you got something to share with the class??
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silverusso · 1 year
After all that trouble in LMLAE, would Danny boy and Terry ever get divorced? lol.
Probably not. They're too obsessed with each other. Separation sure; they both get like that sometimes, and a little distance can even be good for them. But they can't handle a full-blown divorce lol.
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silverusso · 1 year
I love how Mike was somehow involved with Terry’s love life all three times 🤣 KK3 era, Trish era, CK era. Lmao, he can’t escape it!
Mike is always involved agaisnt his own will.
"I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 1985."
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silverusso · 1 year
Why is Terry so paranoid that Johnny and Daniel might have something going on between them in LMLAE?? The guy is nuts about this! At most Daniel thinks of Johnny as a very annoying friend.
Btw, would Terry and Daniel ever get married in this fic? Is Terry Catholic? O ly asking cause his actor is Irish Catholic and a lot of people headcanon Terry as being Catholic too lol. Daniel as well cause he’s Italian 🤣
Daniel has like negative 0 interest in Johnny, and the feeling is more than mutual lmao. But Daniel knew that Terry was so out of his mind with jealousy and paranoia about everyone in his life other than Amanda + the kids that he sometimes put the thought in Terry's mind that maybe something could happen with Johnny. Also, Chozen wasn't in the fic, and Mike only played a small role, so Johnny just became the main target by default. The only one Terry would have no problem with is Kreese, since Kreese absolutely abhors Daniel, and that too is 100% mutual.
As for them getting married, Yeah, maybe. I'm not sure if I'll ever end up writing it, but I do think Terry would want to marry Daniel, and Daniel would be agreeable to the idea, especially with Trish overseeing everything. Also (I was raised Catholic myself) so I think they'd probably be Catholic.😂
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