#lmk if you decide to join any groups or take a class to meet ppl!
byler-alarmist · 4 months
I want a girlfriend but I'm an ugly lesbian :(
Hey, Anon! Well, first off, I doubt you're as unattractive as you think. We're usually our own worst critics (I can attest to that).
But even if you aren't physically attractive by conventional standards, so what? I see people walking around and online all the time who I wouldn't consider conventionally attractive yet are in relationships. And they look happy!
It's true that as a lesbian, your dating pool is smaller than if you were straight, but the sapphics are out there!!
Some people have success finding dates on apps, but if you're comfortable going out, I'd recommend joining some groups/clubs/doing social activities you're interested in, since getting to know like-minded women in person is a great way to show off who you are. Your interests, your skills, your quirks that someone will fall in love with. And who knows? You may meet new friends or pick up a new hobby in the meantime!
Final thoughts: you are enough. And as my grizzled and surly old coworker used to say, "There's a lid for every pot!"
I try to remember that for myself.
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