#lmk if i should change anything !!  thought we could combine a bit- maybe first encounter - recruiting help against white walkers ? ]
steeledstark-blog · 5 years
@shexquisite​ || shorter sc || for china . 
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many whispered, of the stronghold of knowledge. It was not just any library, Winterfell’s hardly compared- perhaps this one could even rival that of Oldtown. A different sort of knowledge within its depths & pages, at least according to the stories. Hardly fair to be placed as comparison .  Knowledge was power, and with growing strength there was a severe LACK of strategy. It had been what brought Sansa there, Brienne close by her side along with other trusted bannermen, the likes of which that helped the rising wolf take back her home . And now, she needed all the help she could get to protect it. Eyes locked upon the other, if the magic about her was any indication- these books may have just what they needed. But a painted smile, a show of courtesies “ Thank you again, my lady, for your hospitality. It means more than I can even express ---” all spoken in sincerity , it’s a bit of a relief after all the convincing and skepticism which she has been met with thus far, both by extraordinary circumstance and that of being a woman. “Where do you stand on belief, when it comes to an army of the undead ?” 
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