#lmk crew I owe u my life
anishenanigans · 2 months
When Monkie Kid said you can't change what you were in the past, but it's never too late to change now. and when it said you have to learn to make peace with the parts of yourself that scare you. and when it said only you get to decide who you are. and only you can decide what you will become. and when it said you should never give up on life, because even though it will all come to an end, because even though it hurts so badly, it will only get better if you live to see it happen, and there is so much left for you to experience. and when it said that no matter how helpless you feel you are not doomed to die like this and you do not have to feel like this forever. and when it said changing for the better is scary but you don't ever have to do it alone. and when it said it's all going to be okay in the end.
Idk. Something about this show. It's got me in a chokehold.
In a similar vein, there was so much love and emotional catharsis in Season 5. Hugging and holding hands without reservation. The genuine concern the others express for MK's wellbeing, the support they offer in their own unique ways. MK working on accepting the things he's repressed the most (after 4 seasons of bottling it all up). The sincerity with which even Red Son talks about love. The blatant "I love you" from Pigsy. The "I don't want to lose you" from Wukong. The multiple instances of characters breaking down and taking a moment to truly cry, to let it all out. All the things left unsaid but so clearly felt. The promises of togetherness, no matter what happens. They've all come so far.
Yeah, season 5 made me fucking sob. I'm not much of a crier and I've never actually been brought to tears by a piece of fiction before, but here we are. There's a first time for everything, I guess.
This season wasn't at all what I expected. I'm not sure it was what anyone expected. But it was delightful. And it hit hard. And it did what it set out to do, even if things didn't quite happen the way they were supposed to.
It really wasn't that long ago that the theme was presumed dead in the water. And now... we're five seasons in. Not many Lego themes, or animated series, can claim that milestone.
We are watching what is arguably Lego's most ambitious and unique story unfold, despite how badly it's been screwed over time after time. Despite the fact that nobody thought it would make it this far. Despite the fact that everything the show is doing goes against what's expected from the hand it was dealt.
Is that poetic? Maybe.
Overall, Season 5 has quickly gained a special place in my heart. Especially after a few hours of letting it marinate in my brain. Man I love this show. Is it a silly Lego cartoon? Yes. Is it also genuinely poignant and beautiful and made with so much passion? Also yes.
And this concludes my thoughts for now. I'm so glad we had another incredible season, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
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twentysixdegrees · 7 years
maaaaan, this girl is non-stop!
*pushes my index fingers together* i wrote all the starters i owe, though i have replies that i still owe (i didn’t forget)! i’ll get to those either later today after i meet some deadlines or tomorrow!! that being said, welcome to the new members of werelit, and i still have a lot of brain babies and random ass ideas...so uh, if you want to do something you can take a look down below!
if we’re mutuals, if you find this in the tags and it piques your interest, or we already got something going on but something in this catches your eye....like, call dibs, message me first, or breathe in my general direction--anything works!
tumblr im is the best way to reach me! pls don’t leave me hanging!!! (also please excuse the typos that are sure to pop up, i’m running out of steam omg)
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random ideas
some kind of superhero au: im gonna be real i typed all the shit under this and lost my steam BUT i saw black panther the other day and was endlessly inspired. obviously it doesn’t have to be in that setting but maybe in the mcu with more poc heroes? 
mythology/percy jackson-esque au: i loved the percy jackson books! camp half blood or not, we could have them living in the outside world trying to integrate successfully, or recognizing each other as half-bloods and being all !!!.  ANYTHING!
existing muses that i have that i would love to make a plot for!
hacker (affiliated with some sort of underground organization): some typa mob au, park kyungri fc though it’s flexible! she was part of a closed rp at some point and i loved her even after i left the rp so i kept her bio close...intellectually gifted as a youth, while en route to a job in cyber security, in uni an event forced her to change careers drastically. w/ technology and her own set of learned skills, she’s off the grid, new identity, and working for the enemy of her enemy (so they’re now her friend). if you’re interested, lmk!!! i’ll give you her full bio or summarize it for you!
clairaudient psychic: kim taehyung fc, though it’s flexible! a psychic who has particularly clear hearing, aka he is especially sensitive to voices from beyond the grave. he usually uses his gift to help souls pass on by reaching out to relatives or vice versa, his brother’s death was a heightening event that only made him more sensitive. he has some spirit guides that *spoiler* guide him and assist him in distinguishing lost souls from malicious ones. makes a living as a psychic with a dedicated client base, though he does get the rando skeptic every now and then (that usually ends up leaving a little shaken). has the potential to lean slice of life or supernatural, depending on what kind of character plays opposite him!
nighttime radio dj w/ supernatural elements: more of a brain child than anything, i don’t have a fc for him yet! but kind of inspired by that whole ‘welcome to nightvale’-ish vibe? i’ll admit i never fully got into the podcasts, but i like the idea of them being completely human but unknowingly or uncaringly kind of blending into other dimensions because of a mix of location (perhaps near a bridge in the city that they’re in, since bridges have been known to have connotations of ‘leading to other realms’) and time (probably from 3am to 4am since it’s commonly associated with the ‘witching hour’). maybe their broadcast reaches out further than simply their plane of existence and kind of interferes into other dimensions? idk! it would be interesting and i am so up for discussion/tossing ideas back and forth!
time travelling cyborg: was a jb from got7 fc, but i want to change his fc...he’s from the future, was in a fire so the majority of his left side is enhanced prosthetic ergo cyborg. i have a lot of hcs though i lost his bio but i can tell you many many things about him. basically he’s studying the past in order to better the future (his present), etc etc etc, and for his thesis he gets to time travel back to observe...told not to make too many important relationships etc because butterfly effect but...inevitability!
a polyamorous dynamic: obviously this requires 2 other beautiful writers that kind of know each other (or don’t mind getting to know each other)! but i think it be really interesting to explore a dynamic that so often misrepresented? the r/s isn’t perfect ofc, and there’s still jealousy and misunderstandings involved but the three of them, at the center of it all, make each other better. it’s a balancing act but it’s worth it? so many potential dynamics between the three of them!
muses inspired by fcs/photos (very basic ideas!)
rena from pristin in a modern royal au: a princess. she is a princess. i fell in love on my timeline when i saw this photoset. something to do with this photoset? idk!!! if u have an idea lay it on me!!!
yongguk from bap looking like a snack: i just want to write for a yongguk. that’s all. hit me with any ideas if you want. let’s do it.
nayoung from gugudan in a pirate au: pirates! just PIRATES! there are so many ways to go about this? but all i know is that i want nayoung to be a pirate. whether you want to play a fellow pirate or a crew members or a naval officer captured or or or...there’s a lot of options............
jinyoung (got7) as a kind of kiki’s delivery service au: look how sweet and unassuming he looks! maybe a magical being who moves out of their little community to try and make it in the city...doing odd jobs and trying to make friends!!!
a plot where i can use liu yifei as a fc: yes, i know she is the casting for hua mulan but it doesn’t have to be mulan-esque (unless you’re down with that!)...i see this as a potential historical-esque, wushu inspired, fantastical plot?
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