#lmk if you want something different
goxinsane · 2 months
𝚃𝙴𝚉𝚉𝙰 𝙹𝙰𝙴 𝙳𝙰𝚅𝙸𝚂 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚁𝙾𝚂𝙴 𝙰𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙼𝚂; @swimmingsirenindierp
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Tezza knocked on her roommate's bedroom door, trying not to disturb them when in focus mode, but it was... important. "Hey Batgirl," She let the nickname slip so casually, almost as if she resorted to calling Rose that as a nickname, whenever she spoke about her. In a sense, it was a compliment. "I've noticed you been working alot. When's the last time you ate? I can uh, make you something to eat, if you want." She scratched the back of her neck nervously. Unfortunately, due to a lack of preparedness, work was closed down for a few weeks and there was an itch to release some creativity, even if she had to resort to making her something simple, like a grilled cheese sandwich.
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twibound · 1 year
@comiiical got emmett for alex
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paying attention to how everyone knew everyone would have made emmett's head hurt. plus, he was content enough with just being the fun one that showed up to places. he was curious about alex and decided to head on over to the bar where the other worked at. "if it isn't the infamous alex in the flesh." he sat down across from him on one of the stools. this place reminded him of his gambling days. "how's my favorite mixologist? isn't that what they call you nowadays?"
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whomuses · 14 days
@bloodedhearts liked for a Caedes
"Shit -" Caedes froze. He hadn't realised there was anyone else out here, otherwise they would have waited longer before slumping, revealing just how exhausted he was. It had been days since he'd slept, longer since they'd slept properly. Immediately trying to straighten, Caedes grimaced. The pain had been getting worse over the last few days. His vision had been on the fritz for a few hours, drifting in and out of focus, and whilst missing a couple of spells wasn't unheard of, he was worried that they were going to have noticed just how bad it was. "Where did you come from?"
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downthecove · 2 years
@crownedkxngs got brett for kai
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brett leaned back on the seat, idly running his hands over his thighs. " contrary to what your friends probably think, i'm not the big bad wolf trying to corrupt you. plus, my brother's the werewolf, not me. " he knew what he was doing. after being turned into a vampire, the man just ended up getting more and more manipulative. he wanted to see if reverse psychology would work on kai. " you're free to leave whenever you want. " brett pointed over to the door, but then he tilted his head a bit and licked his lips. " i'll miss you, but i'm not an unreasonable monster. "
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autumnwritcs · 2 years
closed starter for @rosesdieinaweek
Dexter let out a long exhausted sigh as the 18-year-old left his office. Under the eyes of the law, he wasn't a teenager anymore but in any other sense, the guy was just a kid. It was the difficult part of his job, seeing young people coming and going trying to stay on the good path, though quite often they drifted back to the wrong one. Or rather the illegal one. He could be more objective with the old ones, not less detached as Dexter really wanted to help them, but watching kids... it was fucked up. He looked at the clock on the wall and started picking his phone and wallet ready to leave for lunch when the knock on his door made his curse loud and he sat back down again. "Come in." The man said loud enough for the new arrival to hear and when the door opened his eyes focused on the young woman, too well-dressed to  be someone on probation but he didn't make assumptions. "Miss. What can I help you with." He asked politely.
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skydragn · 1 year
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❝ I'M JEALOUS OF YOU RUFUS. ❞ wendy was on vacation, but it wasn't time to rest at all. medical school is no joke. she wished she could easily remember thing's like the memory make mage. even though sting invited her to sabortooth to relax a little, the quietness that fairy tail can't offer was too much to pass up. ❝ i hate studying. . . but it's the only way that i can remember this stuff. ❞
@deathfavor liked for a starter !
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bellsliturgy · 1 year
@auburniivenus: "Hold onto my hand, okay?" [throw a muse at meww]
reijiro can only hear the noise of the surrounding crowd, roaring and deafening everything else out, until the woman's voice pierces the phalanx of night life chaos. he's new here in kamurocho, and he's lost, depressingly lost, and with his heart racing, his head aches, knees are weak, and his mind feels flooded with noise. his arms had automatically gone around him, feeling like he's about to collapse amongst the walking bodies around him and left to be trampled.
she looked kind, though, when her voice breaks his trance, and he looks up to meet her gaze. he hesitantly reaches out his own hand, holding onto her hand as she said. though his grip was no tighter than the average, he felt as though his knuckles were white, feeling a need to hold on lest he drown in the sea of people, "...a-alright..."
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stood-onthecliffside · 5 months
album cover
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title + track names release via billboards
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website (better quality under cut)
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concert ticket
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the secret of us by @gracieabrams : an experience reimagined
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twibound · 1 year
@filterbroken got teddy for billy
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there was so much pressure on both of their shoulders and teddy didn't know how they were going to get through it. finding out he was the heir to a whole empire, the woman that raised him wasn't his mother, and he was something else entirely was one thing. dating the scarlet witch's son who was just as powerful as his mother was a whole other thing. "i know this is selfish, but i don't want there to be another world ending threat today." he pulled billy down on the bed with him. "is it so bad to just want to watch movies and cuddle with my boyfriend?"
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roboraindrop · 1 year
Hey plus size or underweight self shippers? Your f/os don't see your weight as a flaw. They love you for all that you are, and that includes everything. Yes, human beings are very flawed. Yes, your f/os do love your flaws as well! But, your weight is not a flaw. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. 💕
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downthecove · 2 years
@carp3diems based off of x, x, x, x [ summary: at least 2 of them live in the same rich neighborhood & knew each other in high school, one rejecting the other. now they're hooking up w/ someone in a place they knew the other would catch them ]
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only hours before the grand party that his parents would be throwing, the two of them found themselves decorating pretty early. apparently, one of the other families was sending someone over to help set up the backyard, possibly to just get them out of their hair. when they entered, the staff just pointed them in the direction of the back door and let them find their own way. instead of setting up, the two men were just having their fun till the workers actually started pulling their own weight.
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graham noticed when someone else walked into the backyard, but he was too occupied to care. a swim turned into a steamy make out session while dante straddled his lap in the pool, grinding down on him. he tapped the man's back when he noticed their present company and both of them ended up climbing out of the pool, boners evidently outlined in their wet trunks. "you should take a dip. i'd say you could skinny dip, but you don't really seem like the adventurous type." were they going to completely gloss over what they were doing? yes.
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thetomorrowshow · 1 month
hi i’m the anon who asked to make more of the reverse au
i realised i’m actually pretty terrible at writing and am terrified of posting my work anywhere but i still have so many ideas. i thought i’d just share them here in case you or anyone else is interested (you don’t have to read them i just want to get them out of my head)
-scott and jimmy become pen pals and write to each more and more until it’s a daily occurrence. through the letters jimmy tells scott everything that was said in dissonant air (he can’t control his powers, he never meant to hurt anyone, the depressing thoughts, etc)
-they see each others real faces during a poorly timed letter delivery. scott had come to give jimmy his letter in his civilian get-up at the same time jimmy was leaving his apartment
-scott didn’t return to being a hero between the times he was kidnapped from his injuries and from his fear of seeing xornoth again. he stayed trapped in his house writing letters. his friends were more than happy to help him buy groceries and stuff every once in a while. nobody noticed when he got kidnapped except for jimmy, since the letters stopped coming. at first jimmy thought scott had come to his senses and stopped talking to him but still had a feeling something was wrong
-jimmy tried to tell the other hero’s something was wrong but they didn’t trust him. after days of constantly bothering them and insisting major was in danger they finally complied. jimmy told them about scott’s previous kidnapping and they got on the case
-the hero’s tried to find xornoths lair by themselves (they wouldn’t let jimmy help for obvious reasons) but gave in after months of failure and let poor jimmy help. he used what information he could find from all of the letters he was sent. it wasn’t a lot but it was enough to work with
wow this got long. sorry about that! there’s still other stuff i had in my head with this (like with what was going on with scott during all of this and how they get him out) but idk if you’d want to hear more. sorry if this was bad i’m not the best with writing and grammar
I never thought I would write anything else for this au of an au. But hey, here we are.
For clarity's sake, Jimmy is 'S' and Scott is 'M'.
Hey! Hope everything’s good. Sorry about your security camera :/ I think I broke it… But I just wanted to say thank you for not mentioning me to the police. Or the reporters. Yeah. Sorry. But I hope you’re getting to feeling better! Thanks again and sorry again
Thank you for your help.
Hey, just wanted to let you know I got your note! Glad I could help, really. I feel like I never do anything right, so it was nice to be able to help someone for once. On a related note, I think your groceries went bad. Sorry :( I should start pre-writing these so that I don’t stand on your doorstep for so long. But how does getting groceries delivered work? I’ve been wanting to try it for a while because supermarkets are a landmine. But I hope you’re well! I hope you’re eating enough. Sorry about the groceries.
Please do not stand on my doorstep to write notes.
You visit the store’s website and click the delivery option.
Thanks for the advice about the whole shopping thing! I haven’t done it yet because I dropped my phone into an incinerator the other day and I’m still trying to buy a new one but the power goes out every time I walk into an electronics store. I’ll try it out once I have a new one though!! And I’m so so sorry I know I shouldn’t stand on your doorstep because like anyone could pass by, which is why I’ve only been stopping by at night, but I think Pearl almost saw me the other night so I’ll be more careful.
Sorry again!!
P.S. Sorry I’m standing on your doorstep but I was just wondering why you haven’t done any interviews?? You’ve been back for while now and people are going to worry… just checking to make sure you’re okay! Getting kidnapped can kind of take it out of you for a while :/
Sorry you haven’t said anything I just wanted to let you know that I tried out the delivery thing!! It worked really well actually I didn’t have to sign for it or anything just came right up to my doorstep. A lot of the stuff wasn’t what I ordered and the jam I wanted had shattered but it worked and it was way less stressful than usual so you’re the best for telling me how to do it thanks so much!
P.S. sorry sorry sorry but you don’t have to write me back if you don’t want to, I just wanted to check that you’re doing okay! Have a good week :) 
If they sent you the wrong items, you should get a refund.
Thank you. I don’t plan on any public appearances until I don’t panic when I go outside for the time being. I am recovering well.
Okay you didn’t say to stop writing but it was good to hear from you! I felt really bad that I couldn’t help you more that night so I just worry. I’ve been thinking lately though that you probably don’t want to hear from me though so I can stop.
I do need to say something first, though. I mentioned it when you were at my at that apartment with me, but I don’t know how much you remember from then or anything. But basically I’m so so sorry about everything. Like literally everything. I’ve never forgiven myself for Aeor and I don’t expect you to, either, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry. If I could change everything I would. Believe me I would. I’ve hurt too many people. It would be better if I didn’t exist. I don’t deserve to I’ve hurt I should just start a new note at this point, haha. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I understand if you don’t want me to write any more notes. I’ll stop. I hope you’re doing well and you continue to recover!
P.S. last time I got kidnapped I was really scared of going back to my apartment so I moved and I felt better, so maybe you need a bit of time out of the city to help you get tip-top :)
Thank you for the apology.
And my therapist thinks that might be an unhealthy way of coping, as much as I might agree with you that getting away sounds nice. I’m working through it.
You don’t have to stop writing.
Anyways wow you have a therapist that’s good!! My advice isn’t really good haha sorry. I actually did therapy for a little when I was in school but then everything went really bad with my powers and but then things didn’t work out. I don’t know why I crossed that out. Basically I was in therapy to try and learn how to control my powers and well we know how that ended up.
Quick question maybe I haven’t paid enough attention to you on tv but are your eyes naturally that blue? Because it’s really blue.
This is my natural eye color.
I didn’t know that there was a therapy program for children who struggle to control their powers. You said it didn’t help, though. I’m glad that you were able to figure it out without professional help.
You were kidnapped before. Does it get any easier? I’m sorry to hear that.
Oh so about the therapy thing yeah my powers came when I was like 15 and that’s usually a little old for that therapy but they made a special exception. But no it didn’t work. Actually my parents were planning to send me away to a specialist where I could get the help I needed but it never ended up happening. So I just never learned how to control them.
On a related note a giraffe ate my new phone but I tried out the delivery thing again before that! I kind of expect to get the wrong things because of my powers haha so I’m not going to complain about my ten bottles of ketchup. But my jam did shatter again so I have to decide if it’s worth the anxiety of going to the store.
The first time I got kidnapped, I was really scared. I didn’t know what was happening. They wanted information, I think? I was panicking really bad because they kept pointing guns at my head. I got out pretty quick but it was bad for a long time. I didn’t want to leave my apartment. I mean I never do, really, but it was even worse.
I don’t know when I moved on. I think my sink broke and I was forced to leave the house, but moving isn’t the same as moving on, you know? Like you can run anywhere but it’s usually just running away. You have to face it.
Thanks for the advice. I really liked that last thing you said.
I don’t want to face them, though. I know I have to, but what if they take me again?
I’m sorry. These are my problems, not yours.
Oh gosh I didn’t mean you have to face Xornoth!! No that sounds bad! They literally kidnapped and tortured you for like a month dude! Honestly forget what I said about the whole running away thing, you should really try to get away from this situation if you can. You shouldn’t feel responsible for Xornoth when they hurt you like that, let someone else deal with that! There are tons of supers in the city, just tell one of your friends that you don’t want to be involved with Xornoth and they’ll take care of it!
I’m the Primary Protector, though. It’s my job to face the city’s greatest threats, and Xornoth is one of them. I should be able to handle them.
I don’t want my friends to see me any differently. They already give me weird looks. I honestly wasn’t very badly hurt—I was mostly malnourished. They don’t understand why I’m not back in the game yet. I don’t know how to tell them.
I wish I could leave.
:(( it sounds like you’re really struggling. Do you think you might have PTSD? You don’t have to answer that. But you should take your time! If it was anyone else, I think they’d have moved very far away to get away from the danger which is smart. It’s actually really upsetting that you can’t. Maybe you can work out like a code with your friends so that they can come in and handle Xornoth if they show up while you’re working? Honestly just the fact that they were able to kidnap you once means that there should be extra protection for you. Heck maybe I can do something.
If you need anything though I’m here. I don’t get it exactly but I kind of know what it’s like. I mean yeah I’ve been kidnapped before a couple of times but I know what it’s like to not want to go outside in general. To be scared of what could happen. Well you have other friends but I’m here to help if I can. I don't make promises ever because they never work out for me but I'm here.
Thank you for the offer. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to help.
I have been diagnosed with PTSD, actually. I’m also readjusting to my antidepressants still, so my therapist thinks some of my anxieties come from the meds change and will even out in time.
I think I’ll do a public interview soon. I don’t want them to think that they’ve scared me away.
They’re dangerous. Please don’t endanger yourself. They experimented on me They might try to It isn’t worth the risk.
The craziest fight happened downtown!
Okay so I was really just trying to get to the Planet Fitness to take a shower (I’m not homeless haha my shower is broken again) but Mythics was battling Pearl downtown and it was WILD. Like they were not pulling any punches, and I thought they were kind of friendly rivals but this was just crazy! But then the Oracle got involved? So the fight just kind of stopped when he touched them and then he left. I thought the Oracle was a villain but that was vigilante behavior if you ask me. I get it though, if I could’ve done that I would’ve. Like maybe he just needed to take a shower too.
Anyways my powers decided to make everything ten times worse like usual so a giant worm burst out of the ground. Maybe I should have let the Oracle touch me too so that I could join Mythics and Pearl on the ground crying. They’re fine btw some civilians dragged them out of the way of the worm. I was too busy trying to figure out a way to deal with the worm. I think Mythics woke up and magicked it into one of his portal things.
But anyways it was crazy. Well you probably already saw it on the news or something.
I hope the interview goes well!! How does that even work? Like does somebody come to your house or do you go to the news station or what? I'm assuming you've done a couple of interviews before idk.
I saw about the attack. You should look up ‘tired man throws phone at giant worm video’ if you haven't seen it.
For the interview, I reach out to a news outlet and set up an interview (or, more often, they reach out to me). Then we usually meet in a nice room in their office. I've done tons of interviews, you can find them on my twitter or on youtube.
I'm nervous about the interview. I tried to get a reporter I like but I just know that they'll ask me why I've been away. I don't want them to think I'm weak. It isn't your problem, anyways. I'll talk about it with my therapist.
Really though, you should watch that video.
In my defense I was really tired and I just threw whatever was in my hand at the worm, I didn't realize it was my phone.
I've never given an interview before but man that sounds stressful. I hope it goes well! I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention me in it of course but you know that. Good luck and let me know how it goes!
Also if it helps at all taking time off definitely doesn't make you weak. Sometimes it's even stronger to admit you need a break than to keep powering through. Especially after being held captive and tortured for a month.
Good luck again!!
P.S. your cat is super cute but maybe she shouldn't be outside? It's really dangerous for cats to live outdoors and I don't want to accidentally hurt her :((
Thanks for the kind words.
I can send you the link to the interview if you tell me your phone number. Or I can dm it to you on twitter—is the verified account actually you? The one that mostly shares scam links and random ip addresses?
Also I'm working on leash training Elle, so that we can go on walks and she can be an inside cat.
I've tried to write this note like fifty times but the paper keeps tearing so I'll keep it short. My phone number changes a lot and I currently don't have a phone (giraffe again) but I'll just look it up when I get one! And yep that's my twitter, I try to delete the old pictures of me it posts but I gave up on when it posts my location.
Good luck again!
Why don’t you delete twitter?
I did :( 
Solidarity, your life kind of sucks.
You’ve got no room to talk, mister.
So that’s what it is, isn’t it? We’re just two losers.
P.S. but, for the record, your life is way worse than mine.
Okay I’ve got a new phone and I watched the interview! You did incredible, I think I would’ve run away like two seconds in. Like even when they asked that one question about why you weren’t back to work when you’re pretty much physically all right, you really kept it together. I was genuinely so impressed.
Also you’re looking good! I don’t know how to explain it haha, but you look a lot better than you did on my living room floor. How are you doing? Do you think it went well?
I’d look a lot better in your bed Thanks for watching. It was hard. It was really hard. But I think it helped. I feel kind of better about getting back into it all. Not yet, but maybe soon.
Do you ever wish you’d chosen a different path in life?
I never really had a choice to make.
P.S. but if I wasn’t powered, I think I’d want to do something with my hands. I used to think subways were the coolest thing ever. I wouldn’t mind learning how to fix a subway car.
I studied to be an architect. I loved city architecture. I wanted to design skyscrapers.
I didn’t ever plan to be a hero full-time, but I do like it. I enjoy my job. I’m famous, I live comfortably, I do cool stuff on TV.
But what if I would’ve been happier as an architect?
Sorry, this isn’t your problem. I should talk to my therapist about it.
P.S. Maybe you can take a community college mechanics course?
I really can’t, cars tend to break down around me. I don’t even take Ubers anymore (not related to the car breaking-down thing, but because last time the driver held me at gunpoint and stole my phone and wallet).
Honestly mate, if you want to be an architect I'd say go for it. Even if it's only something you can do on the side you know? There's tons of people who never got the chance to do what they love. You deserve a good life.
Thanks. I'm sorry that you never got to choose. You deserve a good life, too.
I can't let Xornoth win. If I run away, it's defeat. If I don't do anything about it, they might hurt someone else.
I need to take care of this myself.
That sounds like a suicide note.
Wouldn't be the first time.
You should ask your friends for help. You don't have to do this alone. You shouldn't face them alone.
I haven't really talked to anyone since I got back. I know it isn't healthy but I can't. They don't get it. They don't know what Xornoth did to me. I can't let it happen to anyone else. They're a danger to the city and it's my duty to take them down. Alone.
I'm sorry.
You aren't alone, okay? If you have no one else, you have me.
Thank you.
P.S. it means so much to me. I consider you a friend. You have me, too.
I saw you on the news fighting the Engineers. You looked good! The fight went really well. How do you feel about it? Is there anything I can do to like support you?
P.S. Elle won't stop begging me for belly rubs but each time I try she nips my fingers :(
Hey are you doing all right? I mean you took a little bit of a hit in that fight so it's okay if you can't make it to my apartment to drop off a note haha. You can email me if it's easier [email protected].
Major please just like let me know that you're okay.
I may have broken into Blossom’s house (I meant to just knock but the door fell down) and she kicked my butt but she hasn't seen you in a while, she said. Are you okay? I'll break into your house next haha.
I know you told me not to write notes while I'm on your doorstep but if you don't open the door by tomorrow night I'm breaking in. Elle keeps trying to get me to follow her inside. I'm going to watch your house until tomorrow night, okay? You don't have to write back, just open the door.
I'll come for you.
P.S. I didn't mean to sound weird or creepy I mean I have your back. I'll come save you if they got you. 
I promise.
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oozeandgoo-art · 23 days
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oh yeah also drew this today. someone else is going to draw some characters on it... and hell i mean. i got nothing better to do with it, so anyone else who wants to draw on it can also do that LOL
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purple-ravaged · 12 days
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hello! here is my finalized commission info!! i've been tweaking this for awhile, and i'm happy with where i've landed. below is a link to a google form where you can commission me if you're interested :DD
Purple Ravage's Commission Form
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harukapologist · 5 months
Considering how little we know so far about the case,
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doctornota · 1 month
"SO THAT'S NOT, Y'KNOW," McCoy struggles to find a way to word what he wants to ask without immediately getting decked for it, gesturing with a jerk of his chin towards the other, eyes lingering on his attire. It's all very elegant, a swooping neckline and glimmering jewelry, high boots that make his Starfleet-regulated heels look like nothing in comparison. It's hard to keep from making a comment, crammed as they are into the same train and with curiosity ( worry? they look great, but he could never pull that outfit off ) burning in the back of his mind. "The standard look around here. I mean, if I were to waltz on into a clothing store, my options wouldn't..." he trails off, closes his mouth, restarts.
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"I'm more of a denim guy," is his new explanation. He's had more pressing matters to attend to since being dragged here, getting out of his uniform has not been a priority, and if they've all been dumped in this place how is he supposed to know if they've all just been wearing whatever they got from home day-in and day-out? He can't expect everywhere to subscribe to 23rd-century Federation fashion standards.
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