thegodskeeper · 5 years
lmisterk replied to your post: Couldn’t find my phone. Partner went hunting,...
The Kawaii Tarot app? Yes! It’s not my usual style but it’s so cute and I love it.
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Laila - request for a rune reading, please and thank you 😊
|| Free Rune Readings ᛫  16DEC18 { CLOSED }  @lmisterk.
ᚫᛚᛏᚦᛇᚾᛉᛝ ᛫     Laila, good evening !!  Thank you so much for requesting a rune reading! Let me tell you, the first rune I pulled really jumped out at me. I mean — wow. My palm was immediately burning over it. I pulled the first rune within seconds of starting the reading. Alright, let’s dive in!
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The first rune I pulled for you was a nearly perfectly upright Nauthiz, and man did it really want to be selected. It was practically screaming at me. Nauthiz is a delay rune, one associated with endurance through suffering or learning. Nauthiz means that you’re passing through a hard situation, likely whatever was on the forefront of your mind when you sent your ask, and advises you to hold fast and stand by. While associated with negative things (suffering isn’t exactly a happy thought, is it), it isn’t always completely negative. For that, we look to the other runes.
The second rune was Fehu. Typically, Fehu is a rune of material gain and wealth; the cow to Uruz’s wild ox.  It doesn’t always necessarily mean physical material wealth like money; something you’re striving towards (possibly the challenges that are referenced by Nauthiz) will be in your grasp. It is neither upright nor reversed, which would refer to whether your gain is near or far in the future (or not to come to you at all). Interestingly enough, like Nauthiz, Fehu also sometimes has delay connotations, primarily when in a positive cast, which this is. Something is going to cause a delay in your progress.
Perhaps the most tell-tale sign that there is a delay of progress in your future is the final rune, Isa. It literally translates to ice, a freeze, and it’s perfectly upright. It is advising you that progress should be halted if possible. Hold off and think about things deeply before proceeding. 
All in all, this runecast is nothing but delay runes with only a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Nauthiz and Isa appearing in a runecast together is a very powerful sign that something is going to slow you down, perhaps even your own action, as Isa is suggesting. The contemplation that Isa demands might be the delay that Nauthiz is warning of. As for Fehu appearing in the middle, I believe that means that whatever it is that you are working towards, whatever conflict you are trying to resolve — you will reap the rewards of your efforts. Perhaps soon, perhaps not for a while, but as Nauthiz suggests, hold fast and stand by. Before proceeding, think long and hard. The cast itself is positive. Nobody likes waiting, but frankly, you will have what you are working towards, and that’s what matters. 
Thank you for sending in your query! If you aren’t opposed, please meditate for a moment and thank the Valkyrie Brynhildr for answering your query. I hope this runecast calms any anxieties you’ve had.
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recoversuggestions · 6 years
do you have any advice on how to get over someone without closure? ive confessed romantic feelings to a boy that ive hooked up with, and he is treating that with no respect. he keeps saying again and again that he really wants to talk, but then does not contact me and leaves my messages on read. im also dealing with depression which makes this more complicated. i wish i could talk it out with him and get closure but its just not happening. any strategies?
Hi anon! I understand completely what you’re going through and I’ve been through this myself multiple times. I know how hard it can be when you’ve hooked up with someone, develop feelings and they don’t reciprocate it. If he is not responding to you now, I don’t think he’ll respond in the future. You deserve better. You do. The frustrating thing in this situation is that you may not find closure (from him), however, you can find closure from within yourself. I know it SUCKS not getting it from the other person and it will be hard to do at first, but if you make the decision to cut him out of your life now and focus on your recovery and dealing with your depression I am SURE that the right person will come along. Cut him out, find closure within yourself and continue to be kind to yourself. You are strong enough to get through this, I believe in you. Love, Laila - @lmisterk
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thestitchywitchy · 5 years
This or That?
Tagged by: @leofthestorm . Thank you for tagging me, sweets! 💕
-Honey and lemon or milk and sugar
-Musicals or plays
-Lemonade or iced tea
-Strawberries or raspberries
-Winter or summer
-Beaches or forests
-Diners or cafés
-Unicorns or dragons
-Gemstones or crystals
-Hummingbirds or owls
-Fireworks or sparklers
-Brunch or happy hour
-Sweet or sour
-Rome or Amsterdam
-Classic or modern art
-Sushi or ramen
-Sun or moon
-Polka dots or stripes
-Macaroons or croissants
-Glitter or matte
-Degas or Seurat
-Aquariums or planetariums
-Road trip or camping trip
-Colouring books or watercolour
-Fairy lights or candles
I definitely got stumped with a lot of these lol
Tagging: @verite-decoeur , @elliethehobbitwitch , @novellini-tarot , @a-stupid-capricorn , @transemma0523 , @tarotmum13 , @motheroftornadoes , @lmisterk , @cosmicstitchcraft , @glyoxy , @stay-classy-rock-falls , @theescapadeofwitchcraft
Ps sorry if you have been tagged already! Thought it would be something fun to do 🙃
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adapembroke · 6 years
While talking about the dangers of isolating one element of a chart when doing an astrology reading...
“You don’t just build a wheel and expect it to ride on its own. You build a whole bike and that’s kind of how you can look at a person’s natal chart.“
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llamasandgenies · 11 years
To lmisterk
Haters can shut the fuck up. Stop trolling the internet only to let people down. For real, get a fucking life. Own your shit if you're going to have the balls to say it. Laila, I want you to know that I have the integrity not to post shit on social networking sites. I know we haven't been getting along, but I would never hide behind a fake veneer to say my true feelings. And I know that you take things more serioiusly than I do. I want you to know that no matter how angry or far apart we drift from each other, I'm here if you need someone to talk to. I'm here if you're lost and abandoned and need a ride home, literally or figuritively. I'm here if you need help with problems, whether it be dealing with those goddamn sigie figies or with life in general. Today you scared me because for the first time I thought you might do something stupid that you would regret for the rest of your life. Although I don't think I relationship will ever be the same, my problems with you do not warrant self harm. Through everything, I still love you. You have been one of my favorite people to hang out with for the past two years. I can tell that I truly love you as a friend because it hurts so much when we don't get along. I don't even know if you'll see this because I don't know how to tumblr, but I'm ready to have a serious talk with you. Call me, tweet me, facebook me, I don't care. If you need me I'm going to be here.
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recoversuggestions · 6 years
hi. ive been struggling with depression, body dysmorphia, & anxiety (general & social) for about 5 years, and disassociation for about 3. im 18, a lesbian who's still trying to accept herself, and im extremely lonely and hate my job. my best friend & 2 other friends moved away for college, and i only have 1 friend left here but we never hang out. i hate my job bc of my mental stuff. it makes it extremely hard for me. on top of that, i don't have my driver license (again bc of my mental stuff)...
…i’m not really a good driver, and my parents are sick of it and keep telling me to find a job near my house bc they’re not going to drive me to work anymore, they always bitch at me and call me lazy. i never eat healthy anymore, i usually eat one meal a day and its usually junk food. i rarely drink water and i never exercise. i want to be healthy, but with my mental illnesses i just cant. even when i get 8-10 hours of sleep, i’m still exhausted. idk what to do. ive thought of suicide…
…but i just cant bring myself to actually do it even though i want to so badly. i hate my life and i feel like nothing matters. i always feel ugly, worthless, lazy, unhealthy, tired, lonely, and unloveable.
Hi anon. First of all, I just want to thank you for sending this message. It was extremely brave and I am so proud of you for asking for help. 
Do you take any medications? Have you seen a psychiatrist or a therapist?  If your insurance will cover it (and most do) you could try scheduling an appointment with them. That being said those appointments are sometimes scheduled so far out in advance and you’d have to wait awhile. I understand how it is to feel paralyzed and stuck by your mental illness even if you want to get better. It’s tough and I wish I could give you a big hug and help you in person. My advice if you are feeling suicidal daily and you are suffering is to go to the ER and go to the inpatient unit. It is scary and I have been there before but going inpatient helped me so much. You’ll get daily meals, drink plenty of water and have plenty of time to think and focus on yourself. You’ll also see a psychiatrist and a therapist and meet so many amazing people in your area. We are just a tumblr account and there is only so much advice and support we can give online. With you having friends so far away it sounds like you need to build that support up. If going inpatient is to scary for you (which for some it can be) visit the NAMI website and see if they have a local support group in your area. Are there any hospitals where you could enroll in a partial hospitalization? That is intensive therapy very similar to Inpatient where you don’t stay overnight. 
Please please stay strong, anon and message us again if you need anything. The fact that you messaged us shows me that you do want to get better. I believe in you. Don’t hesitate to reach out. Lots of love, Laila. - @lmisterk
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recoversuggestions · 6 years
depression and social anxiety are ruined my life.i skip university i tried so hard to go there, but i always fail.I'm afraid to talking with professors. and i can't eat in public.i will better starve to death than eat in front of people.everyday i think about suicide,my parents don't care and mom is verbal abusive. my friends support me, but they get tired of my complains. i feel worthless and i dont have a future. I don't will call on suicide hotline. sorry for grammar mistakes
Hi anon. Are you okay? Are you safe? Please take care of yourself. The first step in overcoming depression and anxiety is wanting to get better. Do you want to get better? If you do, call the suicide hotline. If you feel like you’re really struggling please go to the ER and go to the inpatient unit. Getting help is scary but it can be the best thing for you. Stay strong, anon. Please stay safe. I’m sending you lots of good vibes. Love, Laila - @lmisterk
getting professional help is a really important step to getting better. and you need to remember that you can get better. good luck b - emma
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thegodskeeper · 5 years
Hi Lee! I was wondering if I could please have a three card reading. Can you please read for my love life? Past present and future? Thank you so much!
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King of Wands • 2 of Wands • 4 of Cups
In the past, you’ve always been the friend, as opposed to the lover. You a fiery, your spirit is strong and people consider you a good person. You are wealthy in that way; you have never been lonely, but as a sort of figure that those can go to, there are times that maybe you feel like it’s your turn to feel the way you make those around you feel. Loved, warm and welcome.
You’re at a stage in your life where that’s going to change, and you’re going to need to choose between maintaining the status quo and keeping your position, or giving that up for a relationship. Perhaps this isn’t a bad thing, but both choices are equally correct. If you choose not to take the leap, you will still have a friend and if you choose to throw yourself into the wind, you may be rewarded with something exciting but equally fulfilling. But whatever you choose, there is no going back.
When you make that decision, take care. Though there is no wrong answer, remember to appreciate both what you have and what life is offering you. Weigh up both sides. This card represents motion, flow and development and without stimulation of some sort you may find yourself growing bored. Whatever you choose, be sure it does not lead to apathy and a stalemate in your future.
Reading requests on this blog are currently closed. If you would like a reading, please check out grimnirs-diviners​! ✨
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adapembroke · 6 years
I think I only have time for one reading today, but can I say how much I’ve missed reading for you all? The break for the holidays was nice, but I’m really glad to be back. 
I feel like I should have something wise and reflective to say about 2018, but honestly? Was 2018 fifteen minutes long or what?
While I’ve been gone, I’ve started scheming a lunar-month long astrology class that follows the moon through the signs. I’m pretty excited about it. (Thanks to @lmisterk for brainstorming with me!) I should have more info about that soon. 
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