#lmao me as minseok
littleprincehyun · 1 year
Baekhyuns face when it fell 😭💀
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happykjd · 2 years
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221226 exo_news_jp twitter update
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lewisvinga · 2 months
yeah, my wife | oscar piastri x fem! reader
summary; oscar randomly revealed that he was married young and it sends the grid into chaos and confusion. what he reveals after made everything more chaotic
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; cursing
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3 @fall-bambi
note; tbh this was originally gonna be a written fic but i decided w smau lols
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others !
oscarpiastri: 7 years of being with you, 4 years of being married. thank you for always being by my side and giving me one of the greatest gifts, our daughter. happy anniversary, i love you.
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: osc🥹🥹🥹
yourusername: oscar jr and i love you so much🧡🧡
landonorris: OSCAR JUNIOR?????
oscarpiastri: his name actually isn’t oscar dumbass
landonorris: whyd she say oscar jr🙄
yourusername: bc i happen to carry her for 9 months only for her to look exactly like the man who participated for 5 mins 😔
oscarpiastri: she’s my mini me😁
username: omg he’s A GIRL DAD????😧😧😧
username: that’s so perf for him omg
logansargeant: happy anniversary to my favorite couple!❤️
oscarpiastri: 4 years ago we partied like miami frat boys wow😮
yourusername: thank you, logan<3333 i’m bringing sugar cookies tmrw btw!!!
logansargeant: SCORE!
alex_albon: share w the rest of us🙄
logansargeant: no
charles_leclerc: A CHILD HAVING A CHILD???😀😀😀
oscarpiastri: i’m 23 actually
charles_leclerc: A CHILD BASICALLY????
username: wait omg high school sweethearts this is so cute 🥹🥹🥹
maxverstappen1: damn with a child too??
oscarpiastri: well, yes!
lewishamilton: fatherhood suits you! congrats to you both❤️
oscarpiastri: thank you, lewis!
yourusername: akkdoakxkdkxoskxosdo lewis knows who i am alsnakdk
username: y/n is so me actually
pierregasly: yk what, hiding a wife and child is such a you thing.. congratulations though!
oscarpiastri: 😺😺
username: never beating the cat allegations i fear
landonorris: NO. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
landonorris: HE’S SO FAKE
landonorris: #cancelloscarpiastri #oscarpiastriisoverparty
logansargeant: i knew 😋
landonorris: FUCK YOU AMERICANS!!!
oscarpiastri: someone’s grumpy…..😆
yourusername: maybe he needs a nap like baby piastri 🤔🤔
landonorris: actually i am quite tired
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formulafics · 5 months
Scenario: this time around, alex and yn get married over the winter break, and unintentionally spark some crazy rumors amidst the start of the season.
Pairing: alex albon x fem!sargeant!reader
also includes: logan sargeant x fem!reader (siblings), oscar piastri x fem!reader, lando norris x fem!reader (all platonic)
AN: as usual, this was thought up between me and @renarots who also came up with the names used for alex and yn’s pets, so shoutout to them for that 🫶🏻 i hope you all enjoy this very silly part two to MAA!
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ynsargeant_albon on Instagram
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liked by georgerussel63, alexalbon_sargeant, landonorris, oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 75,632 others
ynsargeant_albon my forever home away from home, with my forever love. ❤️
view all 1,453 comments
alexalbon_sargeant luca says he misses you
⤷ ynsargeant_albon ill book a flight immediately
⤷ twitchquartetenthusiast CRYING THEYRE SO SWEET
logansargeant 🫶🏻
landonorris congrats again 🎉
⤷ ynsargeant_albon thank you lando 💞
rizzciardo they’re straight out of a romance book and I love it for them
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alexalbon_sargeant on Instagram
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liked by ynsargeant_albon, landonorris, georgerussel63, logansargeant, and 245,720 others
alexalbon_sargeant home away from home. wish you were here! ☀️
view all 4,329 comments
ynsargeant_albon flordia looks good on you btw 😚
landonorris never realized yn was that small 🤔
⤷ alexalbon_sargeant that’s her real size 🙊
⤷ ynsargeant_albon this is evil I’m never doing silly pictures again
oscarpiastri amazed to see no .5 pictures in this one
⤷ ynsargeant_albon lowkey me too
formulawilliams lowkey maybe i get how yn rizzed up alex
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albonpets on Instagram
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 254,321 others.
albonpets we thought it was time to introduce the newest members of the albon-sargeant family. meet Thomas 🐭 and Ferdinand 🐸.
side note: apologies for the confusion 😁
view all 3,421 comments
ynsargeant_albon I love our babies 🥹
landonorris oh.
⤷ ynsargeant_albon tbh I thought you understood
⤷ landonorris I mean now I do
formulapapaya I want to know why they picked those names
⤷ ynsargeant_albon Thomas the train and Ferdinand the bull!
logansargeant im stealing thomas
⤷ ynsargeant_albon you will do no such thing
⤷ logansargeant he loves me though
formulawilliams this makes so much more sense than them having actual kids 🤡
formulalex notice how everyone hating on twitter is SILENT
⤷ dreamyalbon were you silent or were you silenced?
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lando.jpg on Instagram
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liked by ynsargeant_albon, alexalbon_sargeant, logansargeant, maxfewtrell, and 212,962 others
lando.jpg here’s the newlyweds 📸❤️
view all 5,623 comments
ynsargeant_albon best photographer we could have had. thank you lando ❤️
⤷ landonorris also best dj? 👀
⤷ ynsargeant_albon sure I’ll let you have that
alexalbon_sargeant a post about our wedding with the first picture being you 🤔
⤷ formulawilliams one thing abt alex is he’s gonna keep people humble
ln4nation living for how close yn and lando are now 🥹
⤷ landoworld ME TOO. apparently he, oscar, logan, yn, and alex hang out regularly 😭 they’re everything to me
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Thank you for reading! 🌷<3
TAGLIST: @renarots @minseok-smaus @jsjcue @treehouse-mouse @piasstrisblog @spidersophie @motorsp0rt @fastcarsandshit @vellicora @leclercvsx @kortneej81 @lokietro @arkhammaid @harrysdimple05 @lovstappen @illicitverstappen @stopeatread @cixrosie @sadieurlady @marshmummy @i-love-ptv @pretty-little-bunny382728 @elliegrey2803 (to be added, comment or ask!)
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cstlji · 2 months
friday nights || byun baekhyun
1:34 AM 250424 
word count: longer than i expected
pairing: byun baekhyun x reader (ft. im changkyun)
description: baekhyun ignores you for an entire week, and you don't know why.
genre: bestfriends to lovers!au, jealous!baekhyun, mutual pining, angst-ish, fluff after lmao
a/n: kinda rushed ending (?) lmk if you guys want a part 2 or a longer version!
You and Baekhyun have been best friends ever since you both got stood up by your dates on prom night. You vividly remember Baekhyun's reaction as your dates began making out in the middle of the dancefloor, leaving you both partnerless — and almost miserable. So, you invited him that exact moment to ditch the night and have some fun of your own, basically and invitation to sit on the gutter as you eat your melting ice cream.
But, that was a story for another time - now you’re in your third year of college. Your friendship’s been that long, and you swore, the last time you checked, the platonic energy between the both of you was almost tangible. Although you had a moments when romantic thoughts about him invaded your mind.
You swore it were mere milliseconds, though – and that you didn't think about how his hands could perfectly fit in yours and, how sweet his lips would've tasted like. Nothing of that sort, really. You knew that the both of you were awfully platonic, and nothing more. You didn't want to entertain thoughts of you and him together romantically, because it would never happen. Plus, you went out on a date last week.
You and Changkyun were totally hitting it off. And you would've told Baekhyun about him, but he's been ignoring you for the past 5 days. No calls, texts, nothing. Everytime you'd visit him on his breaks, he's always be out, or busy, or just not in the mood — which rarely happened.
So, you planned to corner him into telling you what's wrong. You really had no clue, but you've got a feeling that it had something to do with you. It was your break, and you checked your phone for Baekhyun's schedule. You both exchanged schedules the beginning of the semester, which is also probably why he'd been successful in avoiding you.
There was an overlap between your schedules. His class would end at around the same time as yours would start. But you were really determined to know what the hell's wrong you could just be late to class for a couple of minutes. And after a long, painful wait — catch him, you did.
He walked out with two of his friends, who you knew as Minseok and Jongdae. It was Minseok who spotted you first. He called Baekhyun and pointed at your direction.
"Hey, Y/N." Minseok waved at you, and so did Jongdae. You smiled and waved back as Baekhyun's eyes widened.
"Go on first, I'll catch up later." He told his friends, his eyes avoiding your gaze. The two walked off after saying goodbye.
"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun held your arm, gently pulling you to the side.
"You were avoiding me for a week, what's up?" You asked, eyeing him carefully. He reached to the nape of his neck. He removed his cap, fixed his hair, and put it back again.
"I... wasn't avoiding you," he said, still avoiding your eyes. You weren't convinced, so you pulled his face to meet yours.
"There, see!" you exclaimed, "you avoided my eyes again. What's wrong, Baek?"
"Nothing," he muttered. He glanced down his wristwatch, and urged you to move. "You're literally five minutes late to your class, get moving dumbass."
"No, I'm not leaving 'til you tell me what's wrong. Is it something I said? or did? Or, like, did something happen to your family? Come on, talk to me, don't shut me out like this."
You were honestly nervous, you feared that the friendship you had would be gone in a blink if you didn't do this.
Baekhyun sighed, and met your eyes. You heart dropped to your stomach. It felt different from his usual teasing glints, there were hints of longing. His eyes glossed a little, eyes bloodshot red. You immediately reached to his face, and his eyes closed and he leaned to your touch.
"Baek," you sighed softly, "have you not been sleeping?"
"Mmhm," Baekhyun hummed, hand on top of your hand on his cheek. "Let's...talk later." His eyes met yours this time.
You nodded with a soft, gentle smile. "Of course. Come over later? Let's watch a movie tonight." Your thumb ghosted over his cheek.
"But that's for Friday?"
You swore you saw Baekhyun frown a little from the loss of touch as you retreat your hand from his cheek, but you decided you were just crazy and that it wasn't like that.
You shrug, hands on your pocket. "We could do it like, two days earlier, it's fine."
"Why? So you could ditch on me and go on a date again?" He blurted out.
You audibly gasp, earning stares from passerbys. Your hand flew to your open mouth. "What do you mean? I didn't ditch you, I asked you if it was okay and you said yes!"
"I didn't!"
"You did! I even have the text messages here if you need refreshments, dude."
"Don't dude me, Y/N," Baekhyun groaned, rubbing his face roughly. It was an a look of frustration, and you felt it was directed to you.
"Is this why you're mad at me? Because you thought I ditched you?" Your voice slightly trembled. Now you were frustrated and confused.
"No!" he abruptly said, "No, I'm - I'm not mad at you, I just, Friday nights are for us," You internally winced, because you took that in way that isn't how friends should take it as.
"And you — "
"Baekhyun-ah!" You both looked at the direction of the voice. It was Junmyeon who called out with a smile as he approached you. "Oh hey, Y/N, what's up?"
You smiled and tried to push the argument you just had at the back of your mind. "Hi, oppa."
Baekhyun sighed, "What's wrong, hyung?"
"I couldn't find Chanyeol, he told me he'd be with you." Junmyeon's lips parted a lottle, "Did I interrupt you guys?"
"Yeah, we're kinda bu—" You interrupted Baekhyun.
"We just finished talking, oppa," you glance at your watch to avoid Baekhyun's intense gaze. "I have to get to class, I'm suuuper late. See you later!" You waved Junmyeon goodbye, and turned away quickly.
You hear Baekhyun call to you as the distance grew farther. You didn't want to lose Baekhyun over a fight like this, especially when you thought of him in a different light yet again.
~ • ~
Baekhyun's heart broke a little as he looked at you walk away. He let out a heavy sigh as he massaged his eyebrows.
Junmyeon noticed. "Are you good?"
Baekhyun looked up at him and nodded yes. Junmyeon was not convinced though, but he decided not to push it. "Come on, let's meet them."
Baekhyun stayed silent. He moved on autopilot, basically just following Junmyeon's footsteps — but not before looking back to the place you once stood at.
The guys laughed loudly in the middle of the restaurant. Baekhyun and Junmyeon settled down, "Did you get food already?" asked Junmyeon.
"We ordered pasta and pizza, you could order more if you want to, though," Minseok said. "It's Jongdae's treat for missing the last get together."
The guys continued to talk, and joke around. Food kept arriving at their table, and everyone dug in except Baekhyun. He was staring at nothing, just picking on his food with a fork.
"Hyung, are you okay?" Jongin nudged Baekhyun. He looked up, and forced a smile.
"Yeah, of course." There was a moment of silence before Chanyeol broke the ice.
"You guys remember Changkyun?” He asked. Baekhyun’s ears perked up, the name was familiar. Too familiar, in fact. His eyebrows knitted tightly, he couldn��t help it.
“What about him?” Sehun popped a fry in his mouth. Lay tilted his head slightly.
“He’s throwing a party tonight, he invited us.”
“What’s his business inviting us? We don’t even know him,” Baekhyun bitterly spat and did not go unnoticed by his friends.
Chanyeol and Junmyeon exchanged glances with Kyungsoo, who sighed and said, “We can just not go, it’s not a big deal.”
Baekhyun just drew a big sigh and ruffled his hair. To say he was pissed was an understatement. He’d been so bothered about you dating other guys, and he hated the fact that he couldn’t even tell it to you directly.
After all, you both agreed on staying strictly platonic after having witnessed your sister and her then bestfriend get married and divorced on the same year.
“What’s with you, Hyung? You rarely act this way,” Jongin asked, eyes full of concern.
Sehun snickered, “He always acts this way whenever a certain someone’s involved.”
Minseok hummed in agreement. Baekhyun groaned as Kyungsoo spoke, “You mean Y/N?”
“Precisely,” Sehun confirmed with a smirk.
“Aren’t you strictly platonic?” Jongdae asked.
“Yes.” Sadly.
“Huh, so why are you jealous?” Kyungsoo asked.
“I am not jealous.” Lie.
“You definitely are.”
“I’m not.” Yes, he was.
“You like her, don’t you?”
“What?” Yes.
“You do!”
“What are you even —“
“Someone’s got a crush —!”
“Just admit it, Hyung!”
“N —“
“Baekhyun —“
“I love her, damn it!”
Silence filled the table. Everyone suddenly laughed out loud after his outburst — they knew you got Baekhyun fucked up in the head and they love to see it.
Now, Baekhyun’s admitted it and there was no going back. He had avoided saying it for the longest time for the fear of it “coming true” when he knew that he had no say in his feelings from the get-go.
“Just tell her, confess, do something,” Kyungsoo said.
“That’s easier said than done.”
“Would you rather lose her to Changkyun?” Lay suddenly spoke up. Baekhyun looked at him, and he knew his hyung made a point. He had to do something.
~ • ~
Time went by fast, and it's been two days since you last saw Baekhyun. Still, no calls nor texts from Baekhyun. You were beginning to doubt your decision of avoiding the conversation — you start to think that you should've let him finish talking before walking out like that.
Is he gonna drop by tonight? It's literally friday, its — its your movie night. Or is he never gonna talk to you, and you end up losing the love of your life?
Wait, no. He's your bestfriend, so you love him, right? Its that kind of love that's purely platonic, isn't it? Plus, you had a date! And you totally hit it off, you swore to god.
Okay, maybe you lied. You and Changkyun were bonding over relationship traumas instead of building up a new relationship. You both had a cup of sweet tea, but the conversations you had left a bitter taste in both your mouths.
Changkyun also mentioned someone he liked, and was in fact, asking for advice. That's why you both set another date for tomorrow, solely for the sake of advices. Besides, you also enjoyed complaining to him about Baekhyun's annoying habits that you secretly liked.
You then pace back and forth, probably hyperventilating and on the verge of another panic attack. You bite on your nails as you watched a late night game show, or atleast tried to watch.
You couldn't focus on it. You sat down, your knees bounced up and down. So you stood, but you kept pacing back and forth. And you'd look at the television, but would later find yourself starting at the clock. You were so immersed that you failed to notice the numerous missed phone calls.
Until the door bell rang. You sprinted towards the door, opened it in one motion.
And there he was, holding a bouquet of roses. He offered a sheepish smile, and offered up the bouquet.
You didn't even realize you've been holding your breath 'til you saw him on your doorstep. You immediately engulfed him with a hug, your tears threatening to spill.
He hugged you back as he buried his face at the crook of your neck. You missed his scent, so much.
You pulled away, "I - I thought you wouldn't — "
He cut you off, "Don't go."
You look at him, confused. You wipe your tear-stained cheeks, settling your hands on his biceps. "What? What do you mean?"
"On that date," he said, eyes intensely on yours. "Don't go on that date, please."
"Well, that's for tomorrow still, I —"
"No, you don't understand. I," Baekhyun took a deep breath. "I don't just mean tonight. I mean, don't ever go on a date with another man. Please."
You were speechless as you watched Baekhyun frown in thought, trying to compose what he wanted to say.
“I,” he paused. He looked his shoes, and licked his lips in anticipation. “I get livid when I think of another man touching you, or holding your hands, and the mere thought of you kissing someone else makes me go insane, you have no idea.
“My heart races when our fingers touch, and I can’t help but want to kiss you when you do something childish. Or when you cry because of a stupid movie — I want to grow old with you, sit under a tree and watch as our children run across the fields. I — I love you. For the longest time, I’ve loved you. I love you, Y/N.”
You were speechless and shaking. Here was the man you longed for, confessing his love to you — and you couldn’t believe it. Your jaw drops, and he looked at you with great intent.
“I love you, too,” you said, tears rolling down your cheeks. “You dumb idiot, what took you so long? I kept it all in, I waited for you for so long! I —“
He captured your lips with his in the softest way possible. A moment lingers as he pulled away,
“I’m sorry for making you wait, Y/N. I —“
You pull him back in, deepening the kiss as you hook your arms around his neck — bodies flushed against each other. He dropped the bouquet, and put his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
“Shut up and kiss me, baby.” You said in between breaths and kisses.
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mybiasisexo · 1 month
Oof 61 with baekhyun 🥺 Thanks!
Serious 🎳
Genre: angst | nonidol!au Pairing: Baekhyun x f.Reader Length: 1.4k Warnings: Language
a/n: sorry for the delay! also sometimes saying something is angst feels too much. like its dramatic, sure. there's some words exchanged but is it necessarily 'angst'??? well...yall tell me lmao
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No one was more eager to go to your friend Jongdae’s birthday party than you.
As much as you wanted to say it was because you were happy to celebrate another year of your friend’s life, that wasn’t what had you smiling like a mad woman.
It was another friend of yours: Byun Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was your partner-in-crime, the yin to your yang, the bees to your knees. Sometimes it felt like you were the same person split into two people, like you both were made to complete the other.
The reason for your eagerness was because it had been a while since you’d last seen him. Two weeks to be exact, which was unheard of. You were pretty sure the longest you’d gone without seeing or contacting each other was four days. At the time, Baekhyun had met someone and was attempting to date. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. She ended things because he couldn’t stop bringing you up—at least, that’s what Jongdae told you.
You weren’t letting the lack of Baekhyun get to you. You understood that life got in the way, and you weren’t his only priority. You hadn’t thought much of him declining all offers to hang out or the ignored calls and texts. Sure, there was a time or three when you felt like something wasn’t right, but he was busy. He’d come to you as soon as he had the time.
That all being said, you were beyond excited to be reunited with your best friend.  
That excitement quickly turned into confusion when you called his name upon seeing him not long after entering the apartment. He took one look at you from across the room and disappeared into the hallway. Maybe he hadn’t heard you? Maybe he hadn’t realized it was you within the throng of people crowding Jongdae’s living room?
For the next two hours, you couldn’t seem to pin him down. If you entered a room he was in, he’d somehow slip out before you could reach him. The one time you were near him was when you all sang happy birthday. He stood directly across the table from you, yet his attention never strayed from the birthday boy, even when you were staring at him so hard your eyes strained.
That left you wondering. Was…was Baekhyun avoiding you?
You were completely stumped as to why he would treat you this way. The last time you were together was a couple weeks ago when you were at the bowling alley with some other friends. You don’t recall anything from that night being amiss.
“I’m not crazy, am I?” You asked another friend, Minseok, after catching him up on your current situation.
He pursed his lips. “No, you’re right. Baekhyun’s been acting strange today. Not so….” He searched for the right word to describe what Baekhyun was lacking.
“Loud,” you both supplied with confirming nods.
“I don’t know,” he continued with a shrug. “I kind of like it. It’s rather peaceful not hearing his laugh echoing off the walls.”
“I like his laugh,” you grumbled, shoving a ridiculously large bite of cake into your mouth.
Another twenty minutes passed before you were finally able to corner Baekhyun.
Most of the party had said their goodbyes. You were planning on heading out yourself, but wanted to clean up the kitchen a little before doing so. It appeared Baekhyun had the same idea. He already had the sleeves of his sweater rolled up to his elbows, rinsing dishes off to put in the dishwasher.
“I can help you with that,” you offered hesitantly. Now that you were aware the man before you was dodging you, you didn’t really know how to approach him.
His shoulders stiffened at the sound of your voice and it hurt. He’d never reacted like that to you before.
“It’s alright. I’m almost done,” he told you.
“Baekhyun.” You let out a nervous laugh. “C’mon. I haven’t seen you in weeks. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were avoiding me.”
You laughed at the possibility, but he didn’t join in.
Your smile faded slowly. “Baekhyun?”
He sighed, dropping the current plate in his hands back into the sink. “Don’t act like you don’t know why.”
That took you aback. You weren’t expecting him to confirm your suspicions. You were utterly clueless to the way. You only realized a few hours ago what he was doing in the first place!
“I’m not acting.”
He turned around to face you, looking extremely irritated as he leaned against the sink. He crossed his arms over his chest, not caring that his hands were still wet. “So, you don’t remember our conversation at the bowling alley after everyone left?”
You’re confused again, and he noticed so he explained further. “When I told you that I liked you?” You frowned. He groaned. “And I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend?”
Oh. That.
“And you laughed,” he finished the recap.
“Is that what this is about?” You asked, even more lost than before you started this conversation. “I thought you just said all that because we kicked everybody’s asses.”
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he turned back to the dishes. “Never mind.”
“No, wait.” You ran over to him, grabbing his arm to regain his attention.
He yanked his arm from your grasp. “Can you just leave me alone?”
You took a startled step back. He never spoke to you that way before. Honestly, you’d never seen him so upset.
“I don’t understand,” you said shakily. “You play too much. How do you expect me to ever take you seriously when everything’s a joke to you?”
“Not everything is a joke to me,” he countered. You threw him a look and he relented. “Do you think I’m joking right now?”
“No. But I wish you were.”
“Because I don’t like you like this.” You pouted.
“No. You don’t like me,” he said. “I realized that the moment you laughed in my face when I tried confessing to you.”
“I didn’t know that was what you were doing!” You explained. “If I’d known you were being for real, I wouldn’t have reacted that why. I swear!”
“Then how would you have?” He asked, facing you again.
“I, um….” All you had wanted at this party was Baekhyun’s attention, but now that he was giving it to you undivided, you were squirming under it. You’d never seen him so…intense. He wasn’t much taller than you, but it felt like he was towering over you, making you feel small.
You swallowed thickly. “I wouldn’t have laughed.”
That had him laughing. The sound deep and breathy. He slid his hands into his pockets, lifting an eyebrow quizzically. “Is that right?”
“It is!” You said, ignoring the squeakiness of your voice. You swore you saw a hint of a smile tug at his mouth. “I care about you, and I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’ll take you seriously from now on.”
“Starting now?”
“Starting now.”
“Okay….” He took a step towards you. “If that’s the case, let me say it again. I like you. I have for years now.”
“Really?” You asked, stunned. To be honest, this felt like it was coming out of nowhere. But, you guessed if you reevaluated your interactions together, it made sense. The way he was always glued to your side, and always so damn touchy. In your defense, he was touchy with pretty much everybody, but still…. “For years?”
“Why do you think I’ve been single for so long?”
“I thought it was because you were a los—”
“Hey,” he interrupted. “If I’m being serious right now, you have to be too.”
“Fine,” you muttered, but couldn’t help a smile.
“So?” He urged.
“So, what?” You asked.
“Do you, uh, like me too?”
This was the last thing you ever thought the two of you would be talking about right now. You were confessing in Jongdae’s kitchen and it was overwhelming, You didn’t think you were ready for such an intense conversation, but knew it was long overdue. It was something you had fantasized about way too many times than you’d ever admit, because of course you liked Baekhyun. He was your ride-or-die, your other half, the water in your cup.
Before you could overthink it, you raised onto your tippy toes, leaning in to leave a chast kiss onto Baekhyun’s lips. “Does that answer your question?”
It took him a moment to comprehend what just happened, and when he did the smile that brightened his face was both blinding and beautiful.
“Seriously?!” He asked, closing the distance of your mouths and his hands snaked around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“Seriously,” you confirmed, falling into his touch and kissing him back with just as much excitement at the new development in your relationship.
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theboytatu · 3 months
who do u think are the closest/least close exos?
think i've answered this before but my opinion isn't set in stone so this is a good time to think about it again
i think the closest ones are chanyeol and kyungsoo, cbx obviously, and between them minseok and jongdae specially, sehun and junmyeon are also super close, and also chanyeol and sehun ofc.
kai is a little hard for me to pin down because i think he's genuinely close with all of them but at the same time he doesn't have a bond that sticks out as much as the mentioned above. people love to say he's closest with kyungsoo that is simply not true. he's not as close with sehun besides the obvious 94z maknaes shtick and he's REALLY not close with baekhyun lmao i think they're the most coworker type of dynamic in the group. like the only reason they're friends is because they've been shoved together in the same team
others that strike me as the least close/coworker vibes are junmyeon and kyungsoo, jongdae and sehun, and chanyeol and kai. as much as people love to say baekhyun and kyungsoo hate each other i really don't think that's the case (anymore). i think they've gotten incredibly close for two people that are such opposites of each other. would i say they're bffs? no but i wouldn't put them in the least close category.
i think baekhyun is the one who's closest with the most people in the group. he's super tight with all of chingu line, he's very close to minseok because i think they complement each other the best (minseok loves to take care of people and baekhyun is happy letting him fill in that hyung role to the max degree), he's also really close with sehun because i think they have the most similar personalities, and he has managed to annoy his way into junmyeon's heart to the point that junmyeon brings him up unprompted when he's particularly missing exo. to me in junmyeon's mind exo = baekhyun.
that being said i genuinely believe all of exo have surpassed the coworkers litmus test a long time ago. even with kai or kyungsoo who arguably are the most reserved and seek industry relationships outside of the group they are truly friends and happy with all of exo.
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jongbross · 5 months
OK so I was thinking about something… I imagined I met the members and having to talk to them makes me feel so shy and embarrassed lmao. Like, imagine you stand/sit there in front of them and you’re just “😶” (in my case). Mostly because the thoughts I have about them 🤭 lol. Idk it’s just my opinion, I’d get intimidated by those grown men (I’m a grown woman tho). I’m curious about yours~~
okay, here's how i imagine i would react to talking to the members:
minseok: i think i would get REALLY nervous, but i would know how to hide it. if it was on a fancall though i would need to clean my room or he would probably scold me 🥴 i would tell him how proud i am of him, and how he never fails to make me smile.
junmyeon: i would do my best not to cry, but i probably would. junmyeon would smile and be like "nooo, don't cry". it wouldn't be hard to talk to him though, and i don't think i would get too nervous. it probably would feel like talking to an old friend 🥹
yixing: i would shit myself just by being near this man. i respect yixing SO MUCH, it's crazy. would probably shake a lot and he would be confused. i would also thank him for working so hard, for voicing my fears and desires, and would try to make him understand that we will ALWAYS love him, that eris/xbacks aren't going anywhere.
baekhyun: good luck to him because i would ugly cry the whole time. i feel like i have a strong connection to baekhyun, so i would have so many things to tell him but i wouldn't be able to. emotion would probably get the best of me and i would cry, cry and cry.
jongdae: the exact same thing. he's my person, he changed my whole life with 'i don't even mind'. i would probably ugly cry and ask him if i could show him my tattoo (it's on my ribs, so of course i would need his permission). good luck to understand my mumbling while i cry tho, dae 🤷‍♀️
chanyeol: i would probably have an anxiety attack before, but i would be pretty chill while talking to him, i think. i love chanyeol sooo much but he's just so nice, so cute. would put an extra effort into making him laugh.
kyungsoo: same thing as chanyeol. my ultimate goal would be to make this man laugh, crack a smile, look at me with shining big eyes. i would probably talk to him about movies though, not exactly music (even though i love singer kyungsoo, of course).
jongin: i don't know what to say here, truly. would probably be really, really nervous. i would tell him how cool i think he is, wouldn't get too emotional otherwise i would faint in front of him lol would also probably give him that letter i posted here once 🥺
sehun: wouldn't be a bit nervous, just really excited. sehun is like the best person out there, so i would try to make him comfortable while i tell him how cool he is. the moment i walk away though i would probably fall to my knees and cry for a whole hour because i just talked to my best friend.
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sycopomp · 9 months
Barula and Pich? 👁
YES!! Barula and Pich are characters that @rainboopz and I have, in her setting of "The Sea King's Mermaid"! It's an Asian fantasy set unda da sea 🎶 and she's actually going to be publishing a website on it soon so everyone can learn more about the world and lore!! 👀
But for Bich specifically, these two have become just. two of our favorite bastards. And bastards they are-- irredeemable, absolute, bastards.
Barula is General of the North Sea, and Pich is General of the West Sea. Illicit affairs with your enemy? Oh my. It's more of an "enemies with benefits" situation going on, but they're also pretty friendly when their seas aren't actively at each other's throats (and even sometimes when they are lmAO). They swap notes on interrogation techniques, boast about victories, gossip like a pair of old grannies, and in general make themselves a pain in everyone else's asses.
Neither of the other Generals really like them-- of course Barula hates Chihaya, considering they're a shark, though their general demeanor and personality grates on his nerves as well. He did manage to take one of their teeth after an unfortunate… accident… led to Chihaya going into a blood frenzy-- which Barula was quick to put an end to, and he sure as shit never lets anyone forget that he bested a crazed shark General.
On the flip side, he doesn't mind Minseok… but he is salty that he's never bested the guy in any of their spars. He's General of the South, which Barula mostly considers a joke since all they really do is party. How the hell does a leafy seeahorse of all things, from the happy-go-lucky kingdom of all places, defeat him? General of the North, the most battle-hungry and warmongering kingdom in the seas, infamous even in his own right for being one of the most formidable warriors in the history of the four kingdoms. What the fuck!!
We haven't done as much on the Advisors of the four seas, but the North Sea Advisor, Hoaxuan, is also mine and they Do Not Get Along. But Hoaxuan doesn't get along with anyone in the North. (Wonder why...)
As you could probably tell, Barula is mine, so I can talk for him about hoouuuuurs. He's a striped dolphin with a hate-on for sharks, he's way smarter than anyone assumes from such a brute, and he shamelessly takes advantage of the privilege and authority afforded to him by his position. He worked damn fucking hard to reach the top, and like hell he isn't going to enjoy it to the absolute limit. His Emperor couldn't give less of a fuck either; Ganbold is a temperamental, stubborn, self-righteous old lung that, if anything, encourages Barula's abuses of power-- so long as it serves to strengthen the North (or at least its image). I mean, the Emperor himself doesn't seem to care much for doing shit by the book, so why the hell would Barula? (They're a hell of a pair tbh, enabling back and forth lmAO.) However, their closer relationship doesn't mean Barula is blind to Ganbold's flaws, and even he gets fed up with those divine temper tantrums. But part of his job is shutting up and obeying, and he doesn't really care about the motivations behind being sicced on someone by his Emperor, hehehe.
I have a playlist for Barula, appropriately titled "Barulastard," with such songs as "Animals (Cover)" by Living in Fiction, "Animal in Me" by Solence, "Move Your Body" by My Darkest Days, "Detonate" by Black Math, "Between Breaths" by Blaqk Audio, and "Limbo" by Freddie Dredd. It's about the vibes, man.
You can learn more about Barula on my Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/21387196.barula
And Pich's Toyhouse is over here: https://toyhou.se/12707449.pich They have a lot of wickedsauce art by Rain, so plsplspls go check them out I'm not normal about them I love them.
(They'll both be getting updated bios for the website to keep all the TSKM bios uniform too, so look forward to that hehe.)
If you have any other questions about (or for) Barula, pls send 'em my way because he's my favorite bastard. (Or Minseok! He's also mine, tho he is not a bastard. His bio is a WIP but we just did some work on his lore recently and I'm sooooo in love with him rn.)
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 9 months
hellooo 🫶 can i request a reading for EXO's soulmates / twin flames? maybe details and their journey together <3 just curious cause they're my favs 🖤
Xiumin, Lay, Chen's soulmate reading
Hi fellow eri!!! They are one of my fave groups too, so this reading was super interesting but also a bit hard. I need to say that soulmates/twin flames aren't always romantic partners, they can be a friend, a relative, anyone who allows us to grow as humans. There can also be several soulmates, so this reading really felt like looking for a needle in a haystack for some members. Since there's 9 of them, I decided to divide the reading into groups of three members, hopefully it won't take me too long to post all of them.
I wanted to divide by age groups, but then I decided to begin with these three because I feel that they already have this soulmate in their life and I could get more clear info and I wanted to post Chen's reading asap because it's so cute, so sorry to the third oldest who got his place stolen lmao.
I also wanted to use only tarots, but while for some members (these three btw) the reading was pretty clear, I really needed more info for the others, so I picked some oracle cards. I still decided to pick some oracle cards even for XiuLayChen simply because I like to give everyone a similar number of cards lmao
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Cards: rev high priestess, rev 8 of pentacles, rev 8 of wands, equilibrium, cheerfulness, bridge
They seem a very different person from him, their personality might be opposite of each other. Minseok is generally a calm person while his soulmate might be more chaotic or out there.
I feel this might be an actual love relationship because I can sense a lot of sexual attraction that they want to keep under control.
They probably have to keep their relationship a secret, not weird since Minseok is an idol.
I’m getting a lot of chaotic energy from this, so I’m sorry if what I’m saying doesn’t make much sense.
8 of pentacles is generally tied to work and effort so this might have two meanings: 1) this person works closely to him, they might be a fellow idol or a celebrity 2) it’s a relationship that will need a lot of “spiritual work”, if they’re keeping it a secret then they might be putting a lot of effort into that, they are careful when they meet, they try to choose places that aren’t crowded or that would attract the attention. 
It’s possible that the “spiritual work” I talk about is actually caused by the two of them being celebrities, he has direct experience of what idols go through when they date, even with non-celebs, so imagine the scandal if he’s dating with a fellow idol. You need a lot of mental strength to go through that and it’s possible Xiumin doesn’t feel like dealing with it atp
8 of wands indicates that it might’ve been love at first sight, or at least an attraction that began pretty early on. They instantly clicked, despite the different personalities. They might have similar interests, similar values, they might have fun together or they simply thought they’re hot and just decided to hit on the other.
I have this feeling that everything is a bit out of control, like they were overwhelmed by their own feelings and they’re kinda working on putting everything under control.
Maybe it’s also because all the cards are reversed, but I sense a lot of “let’s do things properly, let’s fix this”.
It’s possible that the imbalance I felt at the beginning also derives from this: Minseok might truly want to be careful, but the other person is careless.
It's funny that the first oracle card I picked was equilibrium while the other is cheerfulness.
I think this might point to these opposite forces, Minseok being the one who wants to be careful and balance properly all the aspects of his life, while the other person is cheerful, a burst of positive emotions that could be dangerous if they're leaked to the public.
Bridge is probably what they both need to aspire to, being more open with each other, Xiumin expressing his worries and the other person should listen to them, but also Xiumin shouldn't get so anxious and probably he should trust more his partner.
Cards: rev ace of swords, rev page of swords, rev death, self care, courtship, fight
They might be someone related to their past like a relative or a classmate.
I don’t think it’s a love relationship in this case.
This person is someone he can talk to. If he has any worry, if he has ideas or dreams.
Ace of swords makes me think of someone who is generally ready to have good theoretical conversations, but being reversed I think they’re better off just listening rather than giving advice (lmao).
I tend to lean toward someone either younger than him (so they lack a lot of experience), someone totally unrelated to his job (so unable to give good advice because they don’t know how it works) or someone who is just naive and with their head in the clouds.
I feel a very tender energy, like Lay probably doesn’t reach out for this person because they’ll offer him valuable help, but he probably just really cares about them and he just likes talking to them.
It might be something like a younger brother, or a nephew or a grandparent. There’s this very nice familial love. Even if they don’t understand him, they still love each other.
I don’t really know anything about his family so I can’t really say how close I am to the truth.
With the oracles I picked self-care. As I said above, he doesn't hang out with this person because he gain anything from them, but only out of love for them. I think he might just feel relaxed whenever they're together, like receiving healing.
There's a lot of love, probably they often exchange small gifts with each other (if this person is a grandmother, which is the main energy I'm feeling now, she might cook a lot for him for example), they might be the type of person who tells him to find a girlfriend asap and get married because he's an adult or something similar.
But as I said, these two live in two completely different universes. It's possible in the past they used to fight or they had moments where they were apart from each other. If the grandmother theory is true, she probably didn't want him to leave his country to train in Korea or he didn't want him to become an idol at all.
Courtship and fight are essentially two opposite forces and I get a lot of these opposite dynamics going on between these two. They lack mutual understanding, but love and respect won over any possible disagreement.
Cards: rev 3 of wands, 10 of cups, 4 of wands, attempt, cheerfulness, harmony
I love that these tarot cards appeared for him lmao This is seriously so perfect, I'm shocked lmao
Ten of cups is represented as a couple with two children.
4 of wands symbolizes weddings and families, so yeah I think we might have a vague idea what this is referring to, I don't think you need me to say anything more (btw congrats on his recent wedding ceremony!)
Reverse 3 of wands might imply that the path to reach their current happiness was very complex. They probably felt there were too many obstacles between them, it was probably hard to visualize an actual future together, there might have been some communication issue and it was probably hard to get a good balance between Chen’s job and his wife needs.
The oracle cards just fit very well with what I could see in the tarots, they probably had to work hard in order to be together as a couple and resist all the pressure they felt these past few years.
Cheerfulness is back (maybe a good omen for Minseok too? he might've found a stable partner too) paired with harmony (again reminds me of what Minseok wants to achieve with his relationship).
For Chen this means that he found his own balance. It's not easy for sure, but he made a choice, he knew the consequences and today he can probably say that he did the right thing, that he's happy in his private life and still holding on in Exo.
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lewisvinga · 3 months
roscoe’s daddy | lewis hamilton x fem! reader
summary; in which famous veterinarian, y/n, gets a world famous patient ( and his father is pretty cute himself )
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; requested !i shall write as many lewis smaus as my heart desires bc there’s a huge lack of em here 😭 and there was lowk a lack of poc vet pics on pinterest sorry bookie 😣
masterlist !
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liked by roscoelovescoco, lewishamilton, and others !
yourusername: busy day in the office but look who came in for a checkup? 💗
tagged; roscoelovescoco
roscoelovescoco: feeling’s all’s better now’s !
username: i love when grown men pretend to be their dogs on instagram
username: y’all think lewis would use roscoe’s instagram account to rizz y/n up?
username: ROSCOEEEEEE?????
username: what an icon
username: roscoe😭💗💓💞
lewishamilton: y/n is a lovely doctor and made roscoe feel at ease! i really recommend her if you’re wondering about taking your pets to her :)
yourusername: awh lewis🥹🥹 you’re too kind 💗
username: lewrizz
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by roscoelovescoco, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: mini photo dump of this past week + seeing a very special guest ( and his father ) again because someone got into a bag of chocolate ! 😁
tagged; roscoelovescoco, lewishamilton
roscoelovescoco: you’s the best’s 🐶💓 liked by yourusername !
username: i bet lewis made roscoe eat chocolate so he could see y/n again
username: what are yall on
yourbestfriend: i know you resisted the urge to call him roscoe’s daddy 🙈🙈
yourusername: I CANT STAND YOU😭😭😭
username: no ur so real bc lewis IS daddy idk
lewishamilton: oh🤨
yourusername: lewishamilton look away now
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: guess i get to see my patient and his daddy all the time now, but hey! i’m definitely not complaining
tagged; lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco
lewishamilton: 😁😁😁
lewishamilton: guess i don’t have to make up excuses for roscoe to see you🤔
yourusername: knew there was a reason why you came to me saying roscoe ‘ate chocolate’ when he was magically healed otw from your house to my clinic🤔🤔
yourbestfriend: he’s a good man, y/n, a very good man
yourbestfriend: with money and a cute dog get that bag queen
yourusername: ??!-@;@2&:
username: no bc she’s so real, get that g wagon queen
username: lewis gonna end up w a house full of pets LMAO
username: WAIT WHATTT
username: roscoe ultimate wingman 🫡🫡🫡
username: imagine going to work only to see ur future bf there OOOU i should be a vet 😫
username: not only her future bf BUT LEWIS HAMILTON??
username: wait im living for this
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taeiltual · 5 months
minseok i thinkkk you are a very reliable person
Ok 1) that is very sweet of you to say 🫶🏻 and 2) minseokkkk 😭 I immediately thought of him telling that fan to clean her house during that one fan call and like... yeah 😂 but he's also very sweet and dependable and happily lets chaos ensue around him lmao but I can see it 💜💜
tell me which kpop idol I give off the same energy as
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fff777 · 8 months
Watched Exo Scarlett Behind
They're all in cute coloured suits <3
Palm reading?
They are a cute unit :3
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asdjkfl; Myeonsechan
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Is no one wearing lifts today?
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Myeonsechandae, powerful in its own way
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Baekhyun squeezed Kyungsoo's shoulders until he yelled. Oh so very ~*~Baeksoo~*~
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Oh new Seho
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Lmao Sehun gave everyone high fives, that's very sportsballman teamwork of you.
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Oh dear
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Baekhyun manages to talk that much during his "higher intensity" treadmill workout lol.
Why did the camera do a close up on his chest. Explain yourself.
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Playing with the camera ig
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Oh wow they're actually having a press conference where they have to talk about the products
Minseok telling Chanyeol that he has to leave because this is a short kings only zone. Sehun wasn't there to save Chanyeol from sticking out like a giraffe.
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I'm guessing there was a big gap between filming the ads and going to Indonesia because Jongin and Sehun aren't here. Presumably Jongin has already enlisted and Sehun is preparing to and cannot travel too much.
Baekhyun doing that thing I used to do with pens and rulers in class where you do the boingy thing and it goes a little wavy.
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Omg the whole crowd singing Hear Me Out
The crowd singing Let Me In with the guys too :3
Kyungsoo once again getting help from the fans XD
The MC dancing to Cream Soda :3
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Baekhyun solo aegyo XD And as always he delivers
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Jongdae was embarrassed but he got it done
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Junmyeonnie <3
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Jongdae just suddenly screamed D.O.!!!!!!!!
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Kyungsoo is so loved <3
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The way he tucked his mic into his pockets like he was sheathing a sword or gun and then did the moon face. He's a professional.
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Classic D.O.
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Kim Junseok, Minseok and Junmyeon's polymerized form.
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astroyongie · 2 years
Before I know exo much deeper, Kai and Sehun always give me a playboy vibes. But kyungsoo is really unexpected because he look quiet, calm and a bit of cold, I never expect he will be playboy lmao.. Chanyeol, I was think he might a playboy too but since he has that fiery spirit so I believe he passionately love someone. Kai & Sehun has playboy look , but I think they actually the opposite. The most loyal member, I think we all know who... Hehe.. Mr cotton Kim
Like honestly the players in exo are: Kyungsoo, Minseok, Sehun and Yixing
Kyungsoo is quite and simple but that Pisces Venus makes him way too flirty on his own way and never content with what he was. Always seeking more
Minseok is has too much Aquarius energy influence on his chat which prônes him to freedom, serious relationships aren’t for him unless he really loves the person
Sehun like I said, is a flirt but he isn’t the type to fight for people. But he flirts, make people gets addicted and awaits for them to crawl back for his attention
As for Yixing, Libra mars makes him very sensual and flirty. He likes to be amused, to be seduced and he also likes those little games so definitely has more experience than he shows
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theboytatu · 3 months
you're so right about how exo have surpassed the coworkers line long ago! like who wouldn't trauma bond after surviving the horrors (working under sm) lmao. i'd say that sehun and chen are very close, just like kyungsoo and suho are much more closer (or maybe fonder of e/o?) than what they show us on camera (the way they hugged when they saw each other when exo went over minseok's house... sure, maybe they hadn't seen each other in a while, but that was Friendship!). also, seeing you point out that baekhyun and kai aren't that close got me thinking about how a while ago people on twitter were analyzing the superm dynamics and how some stans were saying that since everyone loved bbh kai was "possessive" about him. first of all, what's going on. second of all, that's just his friend so ofc he will gravitate towards him, that's very normal it's not that deep. and last but not least, taemin, his actual best friend, was right there so 😭 sorry if this is super long but finally i'd like to ask how do you feel about suho and chanyeol because personally i could write a book about how insane their development was. oh, to be a fly on the wall when suho said whatever he said to pcy that shattered the almost idolized vision he had of junmy and that lead to chanyeol distancing himself and them being in a love-hate friendship (??) for years like omg. yeah, things calmed down and tao left the group (which was significant) and they grew up and these days they're friends but just. omg.
i was a superm stan before i was an exol so i know those dynamics like the back of my hand lmao. i can bet anything you want that the reason kai and taemin are barely seen interacting in superm is because they decided to tone it down for the cameras so they didn't mess with the dynamic, and focused on the nct guys to make them feel welcomed.
also it's so funny to me how kai is the only one that is visibly fed up when baekhyun bursts into attention whore mode and the neos are eating from the palm of his hand like 😭😭 I know he was so fucking done with baekhyun's ass by the end of promotions. when baek shows up to his room saying they're gonna share you can visibly see kai panic like he's begging for it to be a joke!! these two are just coworkers and I'm pretty sure when kai learned he'd be in the group with baekhyun again he thought about it twice...
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suuho · 11 months
Since you talked about the others in depth but not Minseok I wanted to ask for your opinion on his various dynamics pre and post enlistment
i personally just don't think minseok's relationships with the others changed that much post-enlistment. as the oldest who is not the leader, he has always been treated with some kind of respect but also teased (not as mercilessly as junmyeon, but still). sehun has grown insanely fond of him, though, maybe that is a noticeable difference, and i think that is very cute and charming. he really adores minseok, and he does respect him way more than junmyeon, lmao.
i love xiubaek, i've always loved them, and i loved that stage post minseok's enlistment and pre baekhyun's enlistment, when it was pretty much only the two of them doing everything together. xiubaek is so fun, because minseok is rarely stern but if he is, he is really prone to be strict, and he only ever really dishes out around baekhyun. who loves to tease him mercilessly (a glutton for punishment, if i've ever seen one).
jongdae and minseok are still jongdae and minseok. one of the old married couples in exo, and they always will be. i loved that little tidbit when jongdae said during the let me in mv shoot, that he cannot remember the last time they shot together, because they actually see each other all the time. (the fact that he also said they all see each other all the time for dinner and stuff??? helloooo)
other than that, i wish we would see more of minseok and jongin. that is very interesting to me. they both are such good performers, and more on the quiet side. minseok and kyungsoo, there hasn't been that much change because they evolved in a very parallel line and i think you can tell.
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