#lmao it feels like introducing your partner to a loud intoxicated and slightly embarassing older gay uncle
mariusaurus · 4 months
les miserables is something that lies dormant in me and activates at random unexpectedly for periods ranging anywhere from 3 days to months. incidences tend to occur around this time of year due to the barricade day content spike. i also watch some version of les mis on this day every year, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends who match my enthusiasm, sometimes with friends who don’t. it will never cease to be an incredibly meaningful piece of media to me that i think of and revisit often. maybe one day i’ll reread the book again but tbh i don’t read like i did when i was 13. i don’t have any tattoos yet but my first is going to be the candlesticks that valjean receives from the bishop and i will probably get more that have to do with les miserables even after that. all this to say i love les miserables and i love that i can come on here every year on barricade day and without fail people are les mis posting like it’s 2013.
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