#lmao idk if i dare put this in his main tag
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oodlyenough · 3 months ago
So now that you finished the 6 games, Just curious. what is your opinion of Apollo?
(I haven't played SOJ's dlc case yet but I don't even think Apollo is in that one? So...)
I think my feelings on Apollo are a resounding... "he's okay". Lmao. Which sounds harsh? I don't dislike him, and I found him pretty enjoyable to play in AA4 and AA6.
What sucks for Apollo as a character is that 4 sets up a lot of potentially interesting relationships for him (the betrayal of Kristoph as his mentor, awkward half-mentor half-resenting relationship with Phoenix, his friendship and secret siblinghood with Trucy, whatever is going on with him and Klavier) and then 5 and 6 have no interest in any of those. Phoenix and Apollo's relationship just gets watered down into, I don't know, whatever they're going for tbh -- some kind of straightforward hero worship, which is boring and a disservice to both, and Trucy and Klavier basically cease to exist as characters in 5-6. So then both DD and SOJ have to reinvent the wheel with new characters/relationships for Apollo, to differing degrees of success.
I think AA5 Apollo was the worst, not even that I was like ... mad at him or anything, just that I felt his characterization was so bizarre and his story was so underwritten and it detracted from the game's main character, which should have been Athena. Clay was the weakest attempt at making the audience emotional over a relationship they never saw and a character who never had a line of dialogue. "I'm fine" is just not that emotionally resonant a catchphrase to begin with. If we're going to explore a cynical Apollo, we could've done that based on the events of AA4, Kristoph and Phoenix both, not the death of Clay.png
But AA6 Apollo's backstory was more interesting to me. I thought the relationship with Dhurke was surprisingly well done by sequel trilogy standards, lol, I liked that Apollo had quite a prickly reception to begin with and the slower rebuild of trust there was interesting. As justifications for a retcon go, him being so bitter and hurt about the abandonment that he hasn't wanted to think or care about Dhurke or Nahyuta for years works pretty well. I think fandom probably doesn't like the ending of Apollo leaving the WAA to be with characters they don't like much (Nahyuta and Rayfa), but frankly after those three games I think Apollo striking off on his own is for the best, lmao.
So I guess I feel he's enjoyable moment to moment, but across his so-called trilogy his character work is patchy, and you're left more with a build-a-character outline for headcanons and fanon. I can see why that appeals to people. I like him but he's not a character I want to spend hours fleshing out where canon did not, through fic etc. For me there are just too many other characters in the franchise who interest me more and make me more inclined to put that work in.
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roxiewyatthb · 10 months ago
I'm glad there are other fandom cardiophiles out there holy hell, I've been watching like three seasons of a show squinting at my fav's visible pulse and picturing stething him but it's not like I can put that in the main tag for commiseration--
Oh my gosh hi it's so neat to meet (kinda meet lol) another fandom cardiophile!
On god I feel you tho dfbvfdb not being able to gush properly bc I (personally) feel like I'll get looked at weird or get a callout post from a fandom for getting cardiophilia involved. Like I don't DARE use the names of the characters I like bc I don't want any backlash 😭
I do the same thing tho! At least when I'm watching a show with actors. If it's an anime I always imagine what their heart would sound like or if they'd have any heart problems etc etc it's fun idk lmao
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normal-thoughts-official · 4 years ago
Ppl be like "Magnus can't have flaws??! How dare you say nice things about him?!??" sometimes. All of Magnus' characteristics that we use to describe him are Canon but ppl act like we're making his personality up??? Saw someone tag a post abt ppl only making up personalities for guys nd not girls with his name as if he wasn't a main and didn't have his own story+background. It was made worse as they tagged the same post with damon Salvatore nd now I feel sick.
Book!magnus isn't flawed he's a straight up asshole. Ppl like to say he's better than show!magnus because of his dick ways and I'm just like: ????. Show!Magnus does have flaws idiots just lack the critical thinking to find them!
idk who damon salvatore is (i mean im vaguely aware hes from that vampire diaries thing but i know nothing beyond that) but otherwise i agree with u (also, ppl got a lot of nerve putting a coc in a list like that like being a moc means being treated even slightly the same way as a white man lmao. i mean yeah sure hes still got male privilege but are you serious? fandom treating a coc like he deserves nuance and well thought out headcanons and love and attention? wish i lived in that world)
what rlly drives me crazy about this whole "magnus is allowed to have flaws" thing is that like, yeah, he sure is! especially because poc are never allowed to be even the slightest bit human, much less flawed, without people getting up in arms about it. magnus' got plenty of flaws! he's stubborn, he's self sacrificial, he hides his feelings from others, he pushes ppl away when they get too close to his vulnerabilities, he has a tendency to simply Decide what other ppl want or need (like with alec and that whole moving to idris thing), he is impulsive, and a lot of other shit
and it's exactly those flaws that draw me to him, honestly! like i talk about how kind and caring he is all the time, and that is true, but i know that this is, at least partially, him feeling like he needs to be useful to be loved, and erasing himself/defining himself by what he can do for others, which is the same trait that leads him to act in all these ways i mentioned above. it's why i relate to him! it's why i love him! magnus isn't perfect, he is good, a good person, and there's a difference
which is the point i have been wanting to make when i started writing this answer because like. what drives me crazy the most is how those dark magnus stans or whatever love to say that they write him as an evil person who literally enjoys hurting others (like im sorry but have you watched the show?) because he's "allowed to have flaws". usually the same ppl who keep being like "i write my relationships realistically!" and when u check out their fics, it's like, literally abuse. like straight up physical violence and manipulation and gaslighting. and. that's not being realistic, girl! that's normalizing abuse
and it's one thing if this is a dark fic and its supposed to be bad or whatever and u just want to explore that, god knows i write about abuse all the damn time. its another to be like "actually if ppl arent like that its not realistic and ur writing them as perfect uwu beans and u have no nuance and are a bad writer". cuz honestly, if u think "having flaws" is being straight up abusive, and that it's "unrealistic" otherwise, then that tells me all i need to know about how u live ur relationships. if u think its literally impossible to exist in the real world without abusing others then i dont want to have shit to do with u, buddy
(and im not even saying that from just a logical standpoint but also from experience because ive had exes and ex friends who used this whole "actually humans are naturally selfish and dont care about others and enjoy hurting others it's human nature" rethoric [and the whole "realistic" thing is really just that except applied to fiction] and surprise! they were all abusive! either to me or other ppl i knew, usually both)
and it's not unrealistic to be kind and care about others! on the contrary, it's a very normal and natural human trait. so miss me with that "either ur character literally enjoys torturing other ppl or he's being written as perfect" shit. which of course gains particularly strong tones when ppl r writing coc, esp moc. like no one insists that if alec doesn't feel literal pleasure hurting others then that's unrealistic and ppl r making his personality up and treating him like he's perfect. i wonder why 🙄
like the bar for "being written realistically" for white ppl is having flaws, for poc it's being straight up cruel
miss me with that shit! magnus is kind, he is selfless, he is caring, he is willing to do anything to help others, he is loving beyond anything else even after all his trauma! and yes, he is still flawed and realistic, and no, he is not an innocent baby. if he were i wouldn't be into it because i don't want a character who's kind because he doesn't know better, i want a character who's kind because they choose to. nothing could possibly be more boring to me than a character who's nice and unaware that other ppl might be assholes, i want characters who know exactly how terrible other people can be, who have experienced it firsthand, but who are still kind because that's who they are and what they believe in. and that's magnus! he knows perfectly well how full of horrors the world is, how sometimes there is no right choice, how sometimes u need to make sacrifices, how some people are really selfish and cruel and he's even been used by those specifically because he's too kind of selfless. he just chooses to still be kind and selfless anyway
if you could never, that's not my problem, or his writing's lol
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silent-scythe · 4 years ago
True Winter
Hi y’all! Technically, I should be doing world history homework, but I’m not. No, I wrote angsty Cassian fanfiction. 
This is crossposted onto AO3. I also started writing this during class and it’s not really edited, so my apologies for all the tense changes and any grammatical or spelling errors. 
Anyways, I really hope y’all like it. This takes place when Cassian is little and dumped at Windhaven- he was like 5 for something? Idk, but I just wanted to write a short little something about it lmao. 
Warnings: very mild cursing 
When people think of snow, they often think of wonderland. They imagine the tall, powerful pine trees with snow piled on top, little flecks of dark green representing the branches that peeked through. They imagine the icicles that dangle from the roofs of bungalows and townhouses. They imagine powdery snowflakes and snowball fights. They imagine a world turned to bliss, playful by day and serene at night. They imagine the coziness of winter, snuggled in their warm homes with warm drinks and warm clothes and warm hearts. 
But what happens when they don’t get that privilege? When they instead, have to live outside, cold, shuddering at the freezing temperatures, fingers frozen, stomachs twisting in hunger?
There is a little boy. 
He’s not a little boy now. No, he is a courageous, compassionate and loving male with a family and friends. But before that, he was just a bastard-born boy with hopes shattered like ice in the frigid grasp of death. 
And he tells the story of true winter. 
Winter comes again, but it’s different.
It is harsh, the snow. 
Cassian doesn’t like it. Hates it, even. Past winters had been spent with his mother, in front of a crackling fire pit, not alone in a camp full of people who hate him. He flinches at that thought, remembering all too clearly the last insult hurled at his face. 
He hasn’t experienced an Illyrian winter yet, at least not one by himself, alone, tossed outside like a rag, left to become dust in the wind. 
He trudges through the snow that has already reached his calves, his worn leather boots near tattered. He can feel the cold seep through the fabric, settling deep into his bones. 
I need a new pair of shoes, he realizes. And food, water, maybe a blanket or warmer clothes. 
He is but a boy right now, short and somewhat clumsy, although still more lithe than the average Illyrian, having spent his entire life fighting to live. His hazel eyes are round, with the type of innocence that seems both naive and old beyond his years. His hair is wild, tangled, and already down to his shoulders- he can’t remember the last time he got a haircut. 
He doesn’t want to. Haircuts remind him of a different time. A time with warmth and cozy beds and delicious food and love. A time with his mother. 
Cassian banishes the thought away, instead focusing on his task. Food, shoes, and something warm. 
He shakes his wings, the light snow that dusted them falling off with the action. He clenches his small hands into fists, trying to keep warm, since he doesn’t have any gloves, either. 
Cassian walks into the main parts of Windhaven, and the bloodied, crimson and gold sun rises. 
A new day starts. 
Night is falling by the time he reaches his tent, which is on the outskirts of the camp, close to the forest. Cassian had heard tales before, tales of the creatures who prowled and hunted at night. He shudders at the thought. 
He calls his home a tent, but it really isn’t. It is made with fabric- the material that the tents were made from- that he took from someone after beating them in a fight. He had found a tall pine tree to mark his home. Then, he had dragged bricks, mud, and rocks from around camp to his makeshift house, building a single wall besides the tree, then he had draped the tent-fabric diagonally from it, securing it to the ground with nails that he found. It is lopsided, falling apart, and beyond dirty, but it will have to make do, at least for now. 
It is small and Cassian doesn’t mind, for he doesn’t have much with him. He is a bastard after all, thrown here into the mud with nothing, the tears on his face not yet dried. He has a small storage of food in one corner that he saves for the worst blizzards, the one he hears about from the adult Illyrians, the ones he knows are coming soon, and a change of clothes in the other corner. A bed is in the center, although it really isn’t a bed- just furs that lined the cold, hard ground, giving him something to help keep him warm during the dead of night. 
Cassian sighs and wonders if he will ever be able to sleep in a real bed one day. “It’s unfair,” he yells into his shabby home. “It’s unfair that I’m just a little boy, yet I have to go through all of this shit!” 
He is answered only by the howling winds.
Shit is a new word he learned a few days ago. Cassian doesn’t know if he used it correctly, but he doesn’t care. 
In his left hand is a big piece of fur. He thinks it's fur from the deer that reside nearby, although he doesn’t know. He is lucky to get his hands on it- a female Illyrian had given it to him, her face softened in sorrow. In Cassian’s right hand is a makeshift bag, which is really a square cloth that he uses to hold the food he manages to get everyday. Today, he has a decently-sized piece of jerky and something that probably used to be bread. 
“It’s food,” he says firmly, to himself. “I don’t care what it looks like, it’s food.” 
He adds the fur to his bed and sits atop it. He puts the bread to one side and breaks the jerky, taking a smaller piece and putting the rest in his little pile of stocked-up food, saving it for later. Just in case. 
There is a bowl next to him, with water inside that he collects every morning from dew-ridden moss and any clean puddles he can find, and if he has time, he goes to the pond to collect fresh water there. He takes a gulp of it and starts eating. 
Cassian finishes the food far faster than he wants to. His stomach is still making knots, still unfilled, but he pretends not to notice. 
Instead, he shuffles to the side, towards the short wall he made a year ago, the wall of bricks and stone that would probably fall if you kicked it too hard. He finds the little nook in between two rocks, and he pulls out a small black box. 
In the box is a golden necklace with a ruby attached to it. It is probably the only clean thing he has in his possession. He dares not touch the jewel, for fear he might dirty it. 
Cassian holds it close to his chest. 
“Hi mom,” he whispers. 
“I miss you. The other boys will laugh at me if they knew I talked to a necklace, but you’re the only friend I have. It’s cold here, and I’m starving,” he complains. 
“I wish you would find me already. I know they held you back and they took me here, and I know it’s already been a year, but I believe in you. I know you’ll find me, and you’ll give me a warm hug and a kiss. 
“Please find me, please. I miss you so much, mama. I hope you miss me too. They don’t like me here. The boys spit on me and bully me, but I have to endure it, since I need to survive. Endure is a new word I learned today. Devlon told me to endure. Well actually, he told me to endure or else I would get killed.”
Cassian’s eyes are teary. 
“I miss you, mama. I love you.”
Then Cassian closes the box and he goes to sleep.
Two weeks pass, and the brutality of true winter sets in. It’s worse than what Cassian imagined.
There are less and less boys he can fight with and take food from. His stockpile of food is down to nearly nothing, and the latest blizzard made it near impossible for him to get out of his tent, which has surprisingly managed to stay up despite the heavy snow. 
Cassian is shivering, and he hasn’t eaten in days, not willing to waste his food.
He doesn’t know if he can make it through winter, especially considering it has only just started. He tries to remember a face. He tries so hard to conjure a face with fiery hazel eyes, long, wavy black hair, and soft lips, but his mother’s face becomes blurrier every day. 
The boy is losing hope. 
More days pass, and the boy grows thinner, eyes duller.
The boy lost any semblance of hope. 
He no longer talks to the box. 
Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear your comments and opinions, they make my day. Also, if you want to be tagged when I write more fanfiction (about Nesta, Cassian, or Nessian), comment in the notes :0 
- Scythe 
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dawnbreaks-a · 4 years ago
repost, don’t reblog.
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spoiler warning for fire emblem fates! and sorta minor spoilers for swsh’s main story? idk lol but ye be warned
1) Bubbles
we’re starting off w immediate spoilers DHSFDGJF but bubbles is definitely my favourite track of all of them. it’s calming and peaceful and SAD esp considering That One Cutscene after you beat the final boss in birthright (the other two routes don’t have That One Cutscene... if you know you know but it BROKE ME)
if you don’t want spoilers don’t look at the comments on the video pls HDSGFHF
2)  End of All (Sky, Land, Below)
this takes fates’ main theme (lost in thoughts) and fucking runs with it i cannot express in words how much i love this theme it’s beautiful and meaningful, it’s incredibly fitting for the final battle it just screams that this is the climax, that this is the end of your journey in the route
each version uses a different verse from lost in thoughts (hoshido verse for sky, conquest verse for land, revelation verse for below) which provides variety so even the ending song is different and fresh, but each version closes with the chorus of lost in thoughts before looping back to the beginning of the track. it’s just so................ mwah fe14 i love you
3)  Road Taken (Both Versions)
i decided to put both versions here as opposed to regular road taken here and road taken (roar) as the very next one sgfhdf i gotta save space there’s a lot of fe14′s soundtrack that i like lol i just. AAAAAA this music is so GOOD?? for literally no reason intsys how dare y
calm road taken is really beautiful and makes me a bit emotional since this is what plays after you make your choice on who you side with :’D this is my go to track for battles that aren’t main story (since you can choose what track plays) roar never fails to hype me up and i will never, NEVER get tired of hearing it it’s so fuckin neat to listen to esp w headphones
4) Lost in Thoughts (Heirs of Fate)
surprisingly it’s not the og lost in thoughts! but this version has the most emotional impact on me :’D this is azura’s son singing his own version and h..... matt mercer did a great job but what really sold this for me is when he sings the og chorus (starting with ‘you are the ocean’s grey waves’),,,, i’m honestly not sure if rena strober (azura’s va) is a back up singer here bUT IT SURE SOUNDS LIKE IT and the idea that he’s singing w his mom(’s spirit.. it’s a long story just know this is dlc) REALLY hits me in the feels
not to mention the credits (when this plays) shows stills of the kids reuniting with their parents,, kisaragi, m!kana and siegbert’s get me the most, in that order god i’m emo just thinking abt it hsfdshg
i won’t put other versions of lost in thoughts just bc.. i like them all and there’s. a Lot of versions fdhsg
5) Condemnation
this is by far my favourite boss theme (aside from endgame lmao), it’s intense and gets my blood pumping, hyping up the fight so fuckin much. god even the NAMING is fire. shame it’s so short but i love it nonetheless
...................... flora :’(
NOT ME JUST TAKING THIS MEME FROM MYSELF FDHGSDF buuuuuuut like i said over on dyna, my fav track from swsh is hop’s final battle theme! tho recently i’ve listened to some tracks i haven’t listened to before during my playthrough of shield! some of my favs include:
ballonlea (uuuuuu i love this theme sm.. bede you once again get a pass bc your town is pretty af)
circhester (this one is so calming and prob my fav town theme along w ballonlea! this is where i stand when i’m waiting to join in raid battles online since they take so long hafdshd)
storming rose tower (it so doesn’t fit w what you’re doing but i love this theme; this paired w teaming up w hop is awesome.. love that guy)
freezington (i actually haven’t beaten swsh yet or played the dlc lmao but i heard this theme while watching a crown tundra playthrough and loved it)
TAGGED BY: myself? lmao TAGGING: anyone who hasn’t done this! i’d love to know what your favourite fates theme is :)
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masonscig · 4 years ago
otp tag
mason x detective sofía olmos
i was tagged by both @masonsfreckles and @havennly ! thank you so much !
not tagging anyone but if you wanna do this, take this as a sign!
[putting it under the cut bc it’s long and there’s some nsfw content lmao. also some of this is subject to change bc i’m still fleshing them out !]
who is more likely to raise their voice?
oh definitely mason bc he gets annoyed at everything, including if sofía is being too sympathetic (i mean look at the end of book 2 lmao he literally rolls his eyes at her if she says him being in the hospital bed is her fault)
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
sofía definitely lmao because she thinks it might get him to commit and it does not !
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
neither. they need each other too much
who trashes the house?
mason. sofía is a bit of a neat freak with her apartment (not her work space)
do either of them get physical?
oh no - he’d take a bullet for her (tho he won’t admit it). he’d never do that
how often do they argue/disagree?
usually petty disagreements at the beginning bc they’re learning more about each other - over time they share looks of knowing and instantly understand each other.
who is the first to apologize?
sofía to a fault
who is on top? who is on bottom?
mason but it starts switching as sofía gains more sexual confidence
any kinks?
i love how this early on in the ask game it just jumps into the horny shit LMAO with that being said, yes :) KSDFJKSDKJF nothing like too crazy but stuff like hair pulling, choking, dirty talk, edging, blindfolds, basic bondage, spanking, praising.. that type of stuff lmao
who has the strangest desires?
honestly sofía. mason’s tried essentially everything he’s ever wanted to try, so he knows what he likes. and sofía hasn’t had the most ~daring~ partners lmao so she asks things she thinks is very crazy and strange (for her) and mason is like “....ok sure” SDJKFKJSDJFK
who’s dominant in bed?
mason. tho he does enjoy being dominated as well 
is head ever in the equation?
*see book 2* LMAO but fr i wouldn’t say it’s like worshipping but yea it happens often <3
if so, who is better at performing it?
mason at first, since he’s way more experienced and sofía is a bit more timid, but over time she wins !
ever had sex in public?
yes even though pre-ub meeting she would’ve literally never dreamed of doing it out of embarrassment, but he brings her out of her shell sexually. again, *see book 2* LMAO
who moans the most?
i’d honestly hc mason as being more vocal at first bc he’s a heavy talker in bed, but since like i said, he brings her out of her shell, she quickly matches him. so ig equal later on in the relationship !
who leaves the most marks?
long lasting marks? definitely mason. seeing marks on her after they hook up and she’s desperately trying to hide it with her hair, a scarf, makeup, etc, excites the hell out of him. but in terms of short term? definitely sofía. but they heal quick
who is the more experienced of the two?
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
they definitely fuck, but poor sofía is secretly hoping it’ll turn into a more intimate session. bc as of book 2 she’s taking any of his even remotely gentle actions as a sign LMAO poor baby
how long do they usually last?
depends on how long they’ve been away from each other. either it’s frantic and rough and quick or it’s longer and passionate and prolonged.
rough or soft?
rough - she doesn’t mind that though because she’s never really had it that way. i can’t imagine bobby was skilled at sex if he was that bad at kissing LMAO. and before that it was clumsy teenage sex so she’s just glad to be doing something that she gets actual pleasure from LMAO
is protection used?
even though sofía is strict asf about wearing protection she kind of threw that out the window when she started hooking up w a vampire LMAO [me saying lmao like 6 times under the sex portion of this bc i feel like i’m being too horny on main and am weird ab it KJSDFJKSDFJK]
does it ever get boring?
maybe for mason if he thinks its too vanilla but he’d be very vocal ab being bored if it ever happened
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
not necessarily a place together, but i have absolutely no doubt that mason’s called her in the middle of something important and tried having phone sex with her and she’s flustered as fuck trying to keep it together and he’s just... talking to her like he does and getting her all worked up. since he absolutely livesssss to fluster her !
i have no doubt that they fucked while she was supposed to be patrolling LMFAO. probably more than once to be honest. more than twice. idk let’s just say that she def looks forward to patrolling with ub more than she used to
do they plan on having children/or have children?
hell no
if so, how many children do they want/have?
who likes to cuddle?
sofía does and it takes him a longggg time to warm up to it
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
mason of course LMAO dirty talk in the ear here, an ass grab there. ya know. that kind of stuff KJSFKKJFD
who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
mason again ! sofía is definitely curvaceous in the ass area [yes she has a fat ass and she deserves it] and he Does Not want to keep his hands off of her.
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
sofía is hot natured and it bugs the shit out of mason so he would grumble and move away... if he stayed :/
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
stargazing! tbh i hc mason as lowkey really enjoying astronomy bc space is so quiet and calm and dark LMAO his ideal place <3 SDKJFKSJD
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
he doesn’t really prefer cuddling but if so, definitely after sex before the afterglow wears off
who snores?
sofía snores VERY softly and it annoys the shit out of mason but then after a while he can’t sleep without it bc she’s like his own personal noise box
if both do, who snores the loudest?
just sofía snores !
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
share a bed (reluctantly at first)
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
so they always cozy up with each other at first, but since mason doesn’t need that much sleep in the first place he moves away when he’s uncomfortable/wakes up
what do they wear to bed?
sofía usually wears a tank top, free boobs it, and wears patterned pajama shorts that she’s had for years (mason always hates the pattern of the shorts bc he thinks they’re hideous, but he loves the way they hug her hips and ass). he’s usually shirtless, which is definitely weird since his senses get really overwhelmed. but the feeling of being pressed up against her and hearing her heartbeat blocks out any of his discomfort.
are either of them insomniacs?
sofía is a horrible insomniac. she’s usually up early and goes to bed late. she’s convinced she can run on a couple hours of sleep and coffee, but usually crashes on her days off and sleeps for like 12+ hours.
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
not to be h*rny but i mean usually if she can’t sleep he wears her out LMAO
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
usually she wraps her arms around him and he drapes his arms around her.
who wakes up with bed hair?
both of them LMAO
who wakes up first?
mason. he’s usually gone first, too.
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
mason would never, but sofía definitely does it for him depending on if he’s injured or angry at her
what is their favourite sleeping position?
she loves being the big spoon sometimes but mason much prefers being pressed up against her back, so she’s usually the little spoon. normally after he leaves, she sleeps on her stomach.
do they set an alarm each night?
she sets an alarm for herself but it’s purely a vibrating alarm because she’s scared she’s gonna hurt mason’s ears.
who has nightmares?
sofía. definitely. she hid it at first but started opening up to him about it and now without a word, he can tell what she’s seen, so he wordlessly comforts her.
can a television be found in their bedroom?
nope ! sofía is weird about always feeling productive and having her tv in her room makes her feel like she’s wasting the day away (even if she rots on the couch all weekend)
who has ridiculous dreams?
also sofía. mason doesn’t dream much in general, but she has the most wild dreams that are always completely out of left field. sometimes he’s in them and he can tell with the way she looks at him the following morning what type of dream it was KSDJFKJDFK
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
hmm, i’d have to say sofía again. she’s not a wild sleeper, but she does tend to lift her leg and tuck her arm under her head when she’s not cuddling him.
who makes the bed?
mason never makes the bed LMAO and she’s a neat freak
what time is bed time?
they’re both night owls, but just whenever she passes out from exhaustion mainly
any routines/rituals before bed?
sofía has a whole skincare routine since she wears makeup daily. 
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
mason’s always grumpy, but sofía never wakes up angry unless she was woken up when she thought she’d have more time to sleep 
who is the busiest?
both are pretty busy all the time, a fact that annoys the hell out of both
who rakes in the highest income?
um well mason doesn’t ever want for anything bc the agency provides them with everything. i mean cigs are expensive as hell so idk ??? i’m assuming he makes more than her.
are any of them unemployed?
nope !
who takes the most sick days?
mason. usually only if he knows he can get away with it bc he wouldnt wanna deal with griping
what are their jobs?
human liaison / detective and an agent
who sucks up to their boss?
sofía KSDFJSJKDF she sucks up to the captain
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
sofía may be a hard worker but she’s usually a few minutes late since she has to look good
who stresses the most?
sofía ofc lmao she can get pretty high strung over certain situations!
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
mason (confirmed by mishka) doesn’t have aspirations past being on ub, so i think he’s fine where he is and he’s putting his talents to use. i think sofía didn’t care much for her job at all, but she was hoping being a detective was going to be a change. she was pretty aimless until unit bravo showed up, so i think she’s happy with her job now.
are they financially stable?
definitely! sofía paid off her student loans pretty diligently since wayhaven is a cheap place to live (i’m assuming) 
who does the washing?
sofía bc like i said she’s a neat freak
who takes out the trash?
mason bc he ‘hates hearing her whine’ but he’s being nice
who does the ironing?
sofía bc she’s always looking nice and fresh and mason is wearing casual clothes that are prob wrinkled as hell
who does the cooking?
sofía ! she’s an enthusiastic cook but she’s still learning. she messes up a lot but she loves trying new recipes
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
mason would purposefully burn down the house. arsonist vibes
who is messier?
mason. a lot less possessions but somehow cares less about where they are in the house.
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
neither? ig?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
mason bc he just strips and throws his shit everywhere
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
probably both.
who answers the telephone?
sofía ! she’s way more professional
who mows the lawn?
god could mason even handle the sound of a lawn mower? i’m assuming they’d live somewhere remote and not that grassy to avoid that LMAO
who does the vacuuming?
sofía ! neat freak 
who does the groceries?
sofía again ! she’s very much an adult who does shit on her own and doesn’t really need mason’s help SDJKDFJ plus she likes feeling productive and running errands !
who takes the longest to shower?
sofía again – mason showers but i mean.... it’s painful when it happens so. sofía is one of those people that shaves her entire body methodically, exfoliates, all of that shit
is money a problem?
no because mason isn’t a huge spender but sofía does like to splurge sometimes. but it’s never enough to like wear their pockets thin. they live comfortably !
how many cars do they own?
probably 2! mason really just needs his for the cover since.... he can ya know.... just run everywhere LMAO
what’s their song?
well mason hates music LMAO but
do they live in the city or in the country?
country. mason couldn’t handle it! close though that sofía could still visit the city and get her fill, but far away enough that mason is content.
do they own their home or do they rent?
hmm in wayhaven definitely an apartment at first ! idk if mason’s huge on homeowning. i mean does he rly care? if its dark and quiet he’s happy
do they enjoy their surroundings?
sofía felt stuck and purposeless till mason showed up. she likes it a lot more now, but mason is still reluctant. they both tolerate it for each other, though.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
mason is protective as hell so he’s worrying ab her even if he doesn’t wanna admit it. and sofía is just worrying if he’s actually thinking about her or not. and she’s missing him of course. but also i think that overall mason could kind of go about his life but sofía couldn’t if they were away you know? she’d be reminded of him constantly but he could hold himself together.
where did they first meet?
at her office !
who spends the most money when out shopping?
def sofía.
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
hmm if this is an innuendo, mason. if this is just being flashy, def sofía. she’s got a couple expensive items she wears on the regular.
any mental issues?
sofía is generally pretty anxious and a huge empath so she can fall into depressive episodes quite easily. and she’s definitely traumatized from murphy
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
mason definitely laughs at sofía when she falls KSJDFKSDJKF
who’s terrified of bugs?
sofía’s scared, not terrified ! she would rather save a bigger bug like a spider instead of killing them
who kills the spiders around the house?
mason. he begrudgingly stomps on them if sofía chickens out of saving it. BUT after the first couple times, he just sighs and gathers it in his hands before letting it go outside.
do they have any fears for their future?
sofía is afraid of mason finding a replacement for her since she’s terirified he doesn’t care about her the same way she does as him. she’s scared she’ll get stuck in a rut again. she’s scared she’ll come face to face with murphy again. she’s scared of coming across another supernatural like murphy. she’s scared of a LOT of things. mason, however, is more nervous about protecting her.
their favourite place?
rooftops, cliffsides, anywhere they can stargaze away from the sounds of the town. and mason’s bedroom bc he has a lot more ~things~ to offer there LMAO
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
sofía would, but she’d never actually do it bc she knows mason wouldn’t like it
who pays the bills?
hmm both of them? not sure
who’s the tallest?
mason ! sofía is ab 5′2 / 5′3 give or take
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
mason definitely. and he’s done it before and he’ll do it over and over LMAO
who wanders around in their underwear?
definitely sofía. she doesn’t have to try hard to get his attn but she reserves a few lace thongs JUST for that occasion
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
sofía and mason hates it LMAO he prefers when she just hums along. it’s wayyyy more soothing
what do they tease each other about?
mason teases sofía about blushing so much and she teases him about his smoking habit
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
sofía at mason, definitely KSDFKJSDKJF she sees his henley with the neckline stretched out, wrinkled, with some cigarette burns and she just. gets so mad KJSDFJKSDJKF she’s so stylish compared to him
who crushed first?
sofía definitely had a crush first, but mason was physically attracted to her first
any alcohol or substance related problems?
nope ! sofía enjoys alcohol but nothing extreme.
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
sofía, definitely LMAO she has a little bit of a party girl in her that doesn’t come out that often but when it does....
who swears the most?
mason, usually. but when sofía’s upset, she has the mouth of a sailorrrrr
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years ago
The week in review:
Raw 09/21 NXT 09/23 NXT UK 09/24 Smackdown 09/25 Clash of Champions 09/27 + Main Event 09/24
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Billie’s not wrong. None of these people are wrong. That title has fallen so fucking far since Becky held it, Jesus.
Interesting to see Billie Kay be somewhat (?) supportive of Peyton. Manager?
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I implore women to stop using red eyeliner unless you’re trying to look possessed.
Oh at least Mickie’s gonna have her last match with her snazzy pants on.
God that theme music is so outdated.
If there was one person on the roster that could convince me they wrestled in the Diva’s era, it’d be Mickie James.
Beautiful Octopus, dare I say best in the division. Look at those crossed legs. Just beautiful, Zelina.
Man it was cool watching Zelina reverse the powerbomb attempt into a rollup, but Mickie couldn’t be bothered to get her shoulders down for a 2 count before the reversal. Shame.
Zelina needs an increase to her speed to pull off the style she’s going for, but it’s a fun style.
oof I think Mickie actually caught Zelina’s forehead with that high kick.
Seated Senton off the top rope is garbage and I hate it.
Lmfao Zelina won with a backstabber. She’s literally Sasha-lite. Okay.
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Word was Bianca was the star of the pc combine, right? So if you wanna showcase her strength, do it against someone I fucking know lmao. Who was this bro? Of course she’s stronger than a nobody in the pc. Friggin Alexa Bliss can effortlessly give piggy back rides to Sheamus. That’s impressive, because I know how strong and big he is. This could’ve been done better is all I’m saying. Maybe do a sitdown interview with her pc peeps hyping her up, or show footage of her blowing everyone in the combine out the park. Idk.
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Ruby stop hyping up Nia and Shayna individually, individually they suck lol lesbireal.
So did Ruby just give Liv her shirt? …You know what, it works, I’m not gonna dig into this.
I feel like all women use the same starting moves against Nia and it’s a little tired ngl. They do this headscissors into a standing crucifix hold, and then slide down to try and roll her up. Then she picks them up and headbutts them. Come on peeps.
Mk just throw Lana through another table, she’s as useless in the ring (kf wise) as Liv is on commentary (non-kf wise)
Let me rewind, how did Nattie get taken out this time? A punch again. COOL. Nattie confirmed worst tag partner in the history of the division.
Lmfao rip Lana. Bye.
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Wow we just said fuck entrances huh? Ugh God. Imagine Becky not getting an entrance as a damn champion.
So Peyton forgoes jumping for the German suplex, which could’ve resulted in her landing on Asuka’s head, and her reaction is to laugh. Consummate professional. Becky Lynch’s optic cranial nerve injury (caused by a failed German suplex) called, it can’t seem to find the humor.
Idk what that double underhooked move was by Peyton, but it was nice.
What bothers me about Peyton’s spinning heel kick, is as high as she gets it, she only hits people with her calf. Awkward to see.
That attempted transition into the Asuka Lock was... something.
Highlight: Lana going through the table
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Did Tegan say “why me” to Candice fucking her knee up with a metal pipe? Somebody get this girl some tissues.
Haha watching Tegan writhe in pain is funny. Candice gets points. And I do not like giving Candice points.
Really appreciate Rhea’s theme after hearing so much generic garbage lately. She’s so done with nxt as a performer, she has passed literally all of them by.
Not to be that person, but seeing so many people in the ring together bothers me. If one person was sick, literally all of them are sick now. It’s just kinda yikes.
Did they forego having a crowd? If so, wise. There’s enough ppl in the ring and at ringside.
Rhea fucking yeeted that girl into the barrier lmaooo.
“...Marina Shafir who’s done some great things on Raw Underground recently,” lmao sure.
The absolute half-assed attempt by that girl to pull herself up before Rhea booted her down to the floor was questionable.
So adding all these random peeps from the pc to this battle royal was done solely to have Raquel and Rhea flex for their feud in 4 months, huh.
Kacy does cool shit, wbk lmao. Gets kicked out, lands on her back, rolls into a handstand, rotates, pulls herself up into the ring using her feet on the ropes; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, pulls herself up, uses the plexiglass to help balance herself, jumps onto the stairs; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, stands on Kayden’s shoulders and gets chauffeured back to the ring. Brilliant. Would be overkill in a Royal Rumble, but it works here.
R&R eliminate each other/themselves together. Fitting. Dakota “help me I’m useless on my own” Kai is shook.
Why is Indi in the top 5? Or top 7? How is this girl so damn prestigious??
Kacy really just slung herself around the ringpost. I’m becoming a fan of her antics/performances in multiwomen matches.
I see Shotzi’s character is, “I come so close yet cannot manage to touch the gold.” I feel for her... cuz I can’t stand Candice.
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I love how Io carries herself. She’s a shining example of not allowing her heritage to hold her back or make her feel unimportant. She responds in Japanese, and without missing a beat, translates in perfectly spoken and quick English. Never dances, never smiles, never looks like a chump. Serious and answers the damn question. She gets points.
Highlight: Kacy shenanigans
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Lol I love KLR so much. Just ducks out of the ring the first time she’s bested.
“KLR is well versed in mental manipulation,” that she is. She’s honestly a top competitor in that sense; equal to the likes of Sasha and Charlotte when it comes to psychology.
Piper’s got power. Ragdolling KLR here.
That’s right, performing with Charlotte Flair at wm is an accolade one can only hope to achieve (I’m annoying I know) no but seriously, KLR vs Becky Lynch? Take my money.
Nice Superkick, nice Tornado ddt.
Dear ref, stop yelling at her and restart the count. Dweeb.
Lmao self inflicted wreckage of her knee. 
This ref is a walking headache. We’re now getting into the autumn of overbooked women’s matches. And UK’s first title match back. Yikes.
That senton was awkward and looked painful af for KLR’s neck. If you’re gonna risk that move while selling a leg injury, make sure you have more space to correct your landing.
I almost wish that turnbuckle came undone naturally because KLR is already such a good seller, but I’m gonna assume this is a worked move since it’s been left exposed.
Yeah see there are issues with that spot. Positives: KLR didn’t purposefully undo the turnbuckle, so it’s not on her to give another title match; the spot has potential, as I’m guessing that would be genuinely painful. Negatives: Piper is too big of a woman to hit the lower turnbuckle doing the cannonball, so she ended up hitting the middle... which was padded. Good ending on paper if you don’t do the equations, but poor execution. Not Piper nor KLR’s fault though.
Slow pacing and I hate overbooked garbage, but this obviously isn’t the only match they’re having so *shrug*
Highlight: Clean tornado ddt, and I do love KLR’s selling
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Lol Bayley has her chair. She automatically gets a point every time I see it.
Top of the ramp this time? Okay, sure.
Stop cutting to the fancams, production. I don’t care about their reactions.
A fine enough promo to move along both of her angles, but production sucks. Wbk though.
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“...one of the most complex personalities,” which personality of Alexa’s are we referring to, though?
Their timing on her pyro was off and now I’m sad. The pops during the breakdown leading into the fountains are fucking amazing and honestly cannot be topped by any of the other women.
When did Alexa stop wearing her gloves to the ring? Probably when she turned face. Shame.
She just called Lacey bitter, southern tea, and you know what? What a fucking drag. Imagine bitter southern tea. As someone who was raised in the south, that is a disgrace to southern tea. Sweet sun tea or pass.
Look at Alexa: selling Lacey’s strength, full of agile speed, and yet here’s Lacey not even bothering to put her shoulders down for her pin attempt. SAD.
A problem I consistently have with SD in particular is how they set up commercial breaks. They always do something dramatic, cut to commercial, come back and shit’s always completely different. How you gonna cut from Alexa leading and hearing the Fiend’s laugh, to return to Lacey in charge ???
Dear Cole, why are you calling her Alexis lol. Like I know that’s her real name but, hello??
oof Alexa’s midsection is beet red.
Lacey has not been putting on a “clinic” stop tossing that term around, Cole. Good bump by Alexa though.
Love how Lacey doesn’t mind landing flat when her moonsault misses. Respect. Her and Charlotte both eat that so perfectly.
LOVE how the monitors of people turned into Fiend’s face. POINTS.
It’s like she’s reverted back to her heel persona. This is literally 2016 Bliss, right? Right??
Roman is a large, strong, intimidating guy... but holy shit the visual of 5′1 Alexa staring daggers into the back of his head is intense af. I almost complained that he cut off her exit, but well done with the continuity.
Highlight: I’m really digging the Alexa/Fiend story
Clash of Champions:
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Loving the red roots, hate the eyeshadow.
See, if Asuka wants to fuck around in the ring, you won’t hear me complain. I just wish she took her non-wrestling segments more seriously.
The patience Asuka gave Zelina to set up the arm kick was dumb.
“A hard arm bar by Asuka,” he says, even though her legs were completely bent. Easy on the credit given plz.
Zelina telegraphs too much. None of the bumps she takes ever catch me by surprise.
In the spirit of being fair, put your fucking shoulders down and let her attempt a pinfall, Asuka.
Haha Sasha-lite did meteora in the corner.
Nice roll into a kick, half point for Zelina.
No you don’t get to sell frustration or disbelief yet, that’s not buyable.
I don’t know wtf Zelina was going for with that counter before the Asuka Lock, but honestly idc. Could’ve been a kickoff match indeed. State of Becky’s title btw.
Every week it’s the same shit with Asuka. She gets on the mic, speaks Japanese, barely accomplishes anything, then gets interrupted/slapped/attacked... with dancing and smiling inbetween. I really wish she was more like Io.
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Nikki isn’t “medically cleared to compete”, and the tag team titles aren’t being defended. My memory is fuzzy but wasn’t there some covid concerns going around back then? Was that just baseless speculation?
Love that Bayley turned this into an opportunity to be a bigger douche than she already was lol.
I want to hate this from a smarky “give other women a chance” perspective, but Bayley is an ass and this is great for Asuka to build credit as a face, and after being made to look foolish yet again. Lesgo.
Lol sounded like Bayley said, “you think you can cuck me?” I’m sure she didn’t. I’m choosing to believe she did though.
I never know exactly who to blame when Asuka’s Codebreaker looks ugly, but I swear Charlotte is the only one it looks impactful with. Sell job isn’t the problem, but taking that actual move is always dicey af.
Great kick by Asuka. Rekt.
Bayley says nah fuck this rofl. Fair ending; a fun little sprint of meaningless jabs.
“Chairwoman of SD” I like that too, Graves. Points to you.
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LMAOOO Bayley set that shit up perfectly kekekek what’s up Sasha.
She be looking fucking incredible, but that neckbrace is a mega bummer.
Character wise, I’m surprised Bayley’s choosing to dole out punishment rather than taking her title and bolting.
Welp maybe she should have, Sasha going to town lmao.
oof peep that red line going down Bayley’s arm. eesh. Welts all over her back.
Highlight: Sasha beating the shit out of Bayley with a kendo stick
Main Event:
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You don’t pan the camera over to fucking commentary during Bianca’s entrance. Do better @ production.
Ruby puts her confidence in Liv even though everybody knows Bianca is winning this match lmao.
LOVE Liv’s boots.
like 20 seconds into the match and it’s already 10x better than the Bianca vs Billie Kay one. Don’t even waste a spot on Main Event for Billie Kay. No, I’m not not sorry for saying that.
It’s not that I hold issue with Bianca’s showboating or mannerisms, but it’s all so much more fitting for a heel.
Beautiful stalling suplex, but Liv is rather small.
Beautiful distance on that dropkick to Liv. Liv gets points for throwing herself so far.
We have enough women who rip their shirts off deep into matches, me thinks. Don’t need it from Liv as well.
Momentum could’ve been split better, but that was a decent match.
*Clash of Champions would be my highlighted event mostly thanks to Bayley, but if that’s a cop out, I’ll give a slight nod to Smackdown’s handling of Alexa.
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hufflepuff-ish · 6 years ago
The Skam 11 questions tag (don’t quote me on this, I just wanted to give this a title lol)
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
Thank you @hufflepuffsh for tagging me babe x (lowkey would love to know your answers to my questions but don’t want you to be tagged twice lol)
1. Which remake/og sqaud do you think you would personally fit into the most? 
This is such a difficult question, oof. So I’m shy, but I’m also a good listener, and I try to be supportive of my friends, sometimes I’m more with myself between my own shell but I also like loosening up and having fun. I think because of that my answer is Skam NL’s squad (honesly maybe it’s just because I’m biased lol). They’re so accepting and loving, and I feel like their general energy is similar enough to mine (but way cooler), so I think they’d just accept me as I am and they would be easy for me to get along with.
2. What is your favourite remake and why? 
Skam NL. S2 was definitely a journey and I didn’t like all of its aspects, but I just love the dynamics between the characters, the aesthetics, the music choices, the cinematography, and the characters are probably the closest to my heart out of all the remakes.
3. What is objectively the best remake and why?
Probably Druck. They have great actors, they make changes but still keep the main issues of every season, their have great music choices, their social media team is great and that’s just what comes into mind.
4. Opinions on each of the girl squads? 
SKAM NL - where do I even start??? I love each one of them soooooooo much. I love them all together even more. I don't even need anything, just give me scenes of then together and I'll be thrilled. (GIVE US A THIRD SEASON). Each girl is really her own character and they definitely stand out to me when compared to the other remakes.
SKAM ITALIA - I have a complicated relationship the squad. I love them but it feels like I’m watching a group of college girl. Silvia isn't a character that I like too much, though the actress is cute. I like Eleonora, but that's pretty much it. My favorites are probably Eva and Federica (I relate a lot to Fede because of her looks). They have a good dynamic, though not as much as the Italian boy squad. They maybe feel a bit less close in my opinion. Also, the writers always make me feel like Federica is only there to give them information on stuff and make a joke here and there, so if they would have put more thought and effort into her character maybe it’d feel like the squad is more,,, real if you will.
DRUCK - hi, I'm controversial on main. I... don't really care for them as a squad?? They're cute but I don't feel much of a connection to them (as a squad), or to their friendships. No idea why. I do find them interesting as individual characters, though and seeing them happy at the end of s3 was great. I'm definitely excited for s4.
SKAM FRANCE - s4 ruined them for me. I liked Emma in s1, Manon was always nice in my opinion, Daphne was getting on my good side in s3, Alexia has always been one of my favorites in this remake, and Imane is absolutely great. Then their friendship got ruined. But, if I'll ignore s4, they were a squad that I enjoyed watching and I really felt like each girl had her own thing, and that they were more of a group of random girls brought together than the og squad.
SKAM AUSTIN - I honestly love them more than I realize. Their friendship has a lot of growing to do, but I loved the scene when Grace confessed to them about Daniel's brother. Within the squad I probably like Jo's relationships the most, partly because she's my fave and partly because she just has a really loving heart. The other girls aren’t may favorites out of all the remakes but they have a warm corner in my heart.
SKAM ESPANA - They’re my Spanish babies. I love them and they just seem like this cute and cool girl squad. They’re not perfect and there are definitely things to come, no matter who’ll be the main of s3, but they love each other a lot and I think that they’ll grow together as individuals. 
WTFOCK - I'm not the best person to talk about this remake because I missed like half of s1, but whatever. They remind me a bit more of the og squad, and I love the friendships between Hanna and Zoë, and Zoë and Yasmina. I don't really like Luka, I can't really explain why but she doesn't really feel as part of the squad to me, and Amber is just okay. 
5. Favourite hairstyle out of all the remakes? (this includes any hijab styles of the Sanas)
I love Cris with her hair in a low ponytail, and I love the half up hairstyle that Skam NL uses a lot. When it comes to hijabs, so far my favorite was Sana’ s in the og’s s4 when it was a bit loose under her chin because it really fit her well.
6. Who do you think from og/remakes would have a youtube channel and what would they post about? (not including hei briskeby or lucas rubio’s yt channel)
Liv could totally have a music youtube channel because I feel like that’s realistic to starting musicians these days.
I can see the Italian boy squad having a youtube channel where they post vlogs and pranks lmao.
Sam could totally have a beauty channel where she does hauls and stuff.
Basile would have a youtube channel for pranks and magic tricks (idk why but I can really imagine him doing magic tricks????? lmao)
7. Pick someone you think is underappreciated from og/remakes and explain why you think they should be appreciated more.
Hmmmmmm another difficult question. I’m going to ignore the fact that I’m only supposed to mention one character.
The balloon squad - they’re honestly the most refreshing Muslim representation that I’ve come across because they’re just this bunch of dudes who run a hilarious youtube channel and love to have a good time. I love them SO MUCH and I wish we got an Elias season so we could get to know them better. Highkey my favorite boys from og Skam.
Federica - I probably talked about it enough times but she’s so underappreciated. The actress (Martina) is gorgeous and Federica is a ray of sunshine that the fandom tends to ignore. Also, I want to know how she knows so much about almost everything that’s happening in their school.
Shay - She’s definitely the most underrates Isak. Hopefully s3 will happen and she’ll be the main, so she’ll be more appreciated. Personally, I’m on the fence about how I feel about Shay, but I would watch the hell out of her season and getting more music from her, Marlon and Tyler would be amazing!
8. Favourite outfit/clothing item?
Isa’s green scarf, and honestly, any scarf/coat that the og girl squad wore because they always seemed fluffy, warm, comfortable and had pretty pastel colors.
9. Which character do you think is most similar to you?
Physically, it’s definitley Federica in terms of height and her and Hanna in terms of body size. Aside from that, the characters that I feel I'm most like are Hanna, Martino and s1 og Eva. The three of them are pretty simple, dare I say “””boring”””, and that’s how I see myself, lol. Also, Martino has this keeping things to himself things that he does and I relate to the hell out of that. Hanna has a really soft and nice vibe, which I think can be said about me haha.
10. Do you like the Eva season (season 1)?
Yes! The more remakes I started watching, the more I realized that I actually really like s1 because we get to see the girls becoming friends, and there are a lot of iconic scenes in s1 (Noora dragging William, the girl squad fighting with Chris’ girlfriend) and I learned to appreciate Eva’s journey to becoming her own person.
11. (Insert your own question that you’d like to answer!) Which representation do you think Skam should show other than the existing ones?
I don’t remember if I ever posted about this, but I would LOVE to see a Jewish character in one of the remakes. I think this idea can have so much potential (and I’m part Jewish so I’m biased) because there are really interesting things that could be discussed and shown - anti-Semitism from what I know is becoming more popular again and I’m always waiting to see if one of the remakes (especially Skam France, Skam Austin and Druck) will discuss it, and a Jewish character could have a really interesting relationships with the Sana character and they could have great conversations about the expectation from them and that judgement they get from people inside and outside of their religion.
My 11 questions:
If you could create an ultimate girl squad, who out of the skam universe would be in it and why?
If you could change one thing in each remake, what would it be?
What is one plotline that you wish to see in a remake of your choice? (go wild lol)
Which side character would you want to have their own season?
What do you wish the fandom would appreciate more in each remake? (could be a season, a character, a scene, anything)
If you could create a crossover between the og/one of the remakes and a movie/tv series/book, what would it be?
A crack ship that you wish would happen?
Is there a character that is very different from you/you never thought you would like, but you ended up loving?
What is your favorite friendship? 
Do you read any og/remakes fanfiction and if so, do you have any favorite fanfictions?
Would you have preferred if Skam worked a bit more like Skins did, in terms of every character gets a full episode from their pov instead of an entire season?
I’m tagging: @lonelyfridays , @matteohnah, @feelinsorad, @amystylezz, @eliottlallemant, @xxviii-xi-mcmxcviii, @lil-milkovich, @spockhasfeelingstoo, @miaundalex, @pampammmxum, @vnesshudgens, @promisethestraz but of course only if you want to and if anyone who’s not tagged wants to answer these consider yourself tagged!
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062467 · 6 years ago
Rammstein Tag Game!
Rules: - Tag the person who tagged you, so they know. - Put your answers under the questions. - Tag as many awesome people as you want. - Feel free to do it if you weren’t tagged! Here we go!
I don’t remember who I was tagged by, this draft post is like 3 years old i’m sorry haha
1. If you get a chance to take a photo with your favorite member, would you like them to smile, make an interesting pose, be serious or something else?
I would honestly love them to smile, there’s nothing more precious than them, six men who do pyro, sing about eating humans and generally seem badass and scary, smiling.
2. If you could choose only one of the previous live performances to go to, which one would you choose?
opening of the Mutter tour, or the one when they played Lied von der unruhevollen Jugend or Pet Sematary. honestly, i’d just blind pick one of these.
3. How old were you when Sehnsucht came out? (1997)
-3:) kill me now
4. Which era (their appearance/look) do you think was the best?
MUTTER, THE RED FLÄMIN HOT CHEETO TIPS. or just the general full-on fed hair thing. but Reise, Reise was also flaming hot.
5. What’s your desired relationship with Frau Schneider? (wife, mother, etc.)
I feel like she’d be this one annoying aunt, who you love despite them being irritating as shit. love me some Frau.
6. Which hairstyle suits each member the best in your opinion?
Paul: the long hair, doesn’t matter if blonde or brown Till: his Herzeleid hair or the silver-ish Sehnsucht Richard: spiky black, like Ich-Will-video level spiky black. but I live for richard in long-ish hair... Flake: blonde Oliver: hehe. no but seriously a full beard suits him. Schneider: I feel like now is my favorite Schneider era. that or either the Sehnsucht one.
7. Which of the members do you think you’d get along with the best and why?
either Paul, because I’m a goofy mess, but can pose as intimidating, or Richard, because I’d constantly express my admiration for him. and he’d love that. on a serious note tho, I feel like we have some problems in common, as well as the supernatural thingy would be an interesting topic to tackle. idk, I’d do my best to get along with all of them.
8. Which of the members do you think you’d get along with the least and why?
probably Flake, Oliver or Till. I heard that Flake is cranky and seems shy, same with Oli, I’m shy too, so idk if any conversation would ever take place haha. and with Till I’d simply be too damn scared to say a thing. so there’s that. basically we wouldn’t *dislike* each other, there would be barely any contact lol
9. Who of the members would you like to see singing with Till?
hell, maybe Ollie or Doom, just because I never heard them sing with him, I think.
10. Which band’s song would you wish to see as a cover by Rammstein?
idk, they always kinda surprised me with their cover choices and execution, so I wouldn’t like to change that, they’re doing a good job.
11. Who of the members would make the best dad?
something tells me that Schneider is a really caring dad.
12. If you got the chance to interview Rammstein, what would you ask them?
how do you pick you setlist? what qualifies a track to be an opener?
do you come up with stage and outfits concept yourself, or is it suggested by someone else?
what flavor of ice cream would you be?
what is your most vivid memory from your childhood?
which era is your favorite?
do you have a vision of a music video for a song that never got one? or a different vision than the music video it got?
I’d rather not write all of it here. not because they’re inappropriate or something, it’s just, I don’t even wanna start writing some of them, because I’m gonna cry lmao.
13. Would you consider of doing a nude scene in Rammstein’s music video? (just you appearing nude, nothing too nsfw)
I mean, if course I’d consider it. it would depend on my shape at the time and just on that probably. doing acts and nude scenes is, supposedly, very liberating and makes you more comfortable with yourself, so why not. and hey - I’d be in a Rammstein video haha. (I’d probably not like the way I look and hate myself a bit for doing the scene)
14. If you could remake a movie(s) so that the main role is played by one of the members, which movie(s) would you like to remake?
my favorite movies are always pretty tragic or scary as fuck for the main character, so idk if I’d like to see any of the members in such state.
15. Who of the members would make the best husband?
I will go with Flake or Ollie
16. You can put eyeliner on one of the members, who do you pick?
well, Richard, obviously, since he doesn’t seem to do it anymore (which should be considered a crime, he looks so good in eyeliner jeez).
17. Who of the members would make the creepiest uncle?
Till. all the way lmao. like, imagine him on family gatherings doing all the hips and tongue movements aaaa.
18. What do you think about the “Pussy” music video?
I love it, it’s so funny to me. when I watch it, it’s always a mixture of being a tad uncomfortable, turned on and giggly.
19. If you could travel somewhere with Rammstein and pick a destination, where would you go?
I’d go to the place where they had the whole creative process (and recording, I believe) of LIFAD or Mutter. I’d just like to kinda re-live it with them.
20. Who of the members would be the best to get drunk with?
I’d love to get hammered with Paulchen.
21. Could you sing Engel with Till in front of thousands?
hell yeah, this is one of the few songs I feel comfortable singing. I’d love to do that even more if it was done like on 2019 stadium tour, on the b-stage, only with piano and rest of the group humming. ahh.
22. With which member would you agree to swap clothes with and with which one would you definitely not?
if we’re talking personal style, Paul has some poppin outfits, from what I’ve seen, Richard and his shirts, however... I would just let him rock them:)
now if we’re talking stage outfits, I’d LOVE to switch with Richard (especially the fluffy coat), there’s not really a person I wouldn’t switch with, as long as they’re not topless haha.
23. Which of the members do you think would win in a stripping competition?
24. Which of the following would you rather be?
- Rammstein’s manager - Rammstein’s make up artist 🙋🏻‍♀️ - Rammstein’s bodyguard
25. Which of the members would make the best best friend?
26. Which Rammstein song do you skip on your shuffle? (There must be that one song you just don’t need at the moment)
Stirb nicht vor mir. I’m sorry but I rarely can stomach it. it’s a nice song in theory, but there’s just something about it that I can’t stand, maybe it’s the other artist’s voice, I don’t know.
27. What would you do if Paul made a bad joke about you? (With good intentions but slightly rude)
I’d laugh and pretend to be offended for a quick second haha
28. Who would you give a stuffed animal and who a leather thong for their birthday? XD
I’d give the animal to Flake and the thong to Till.
29. Are you concerned about anything that has to do with Rammstein?
I’m always scared for them tbh. oftentimes I’m just petrified at the thought of stage/pyro malfunction, I mean what they’re doing is some really dangerous stuff.
besides, I’m scared when I think that they won’t be here forever, sometimes I’m scared that they won’t be there when I’ll be in my 30s, so I’m grateful for every moment I can cherish them and their craft, for every minute at the shows.
30. Would you like to get a tattoo that refers to Rammstein?
yeah, I’d like a couple.
31. Would you pet Oliver’s head?
who tf wouldn’t like to?
32. Which position in Rammstein do you find the hardest to be? (for example: the frontman, drummer, bassist etc.)
probably frontman, lots and lots of pressure, most eyes are probably on them, they have to use most dangerous props and move a lot, so it takes a physical toll as well.
33. If you could have one of the members with you in school/work to protect you from evil, who would you take?
oh damn, that’s an interesting one. Richard, Is love to have him around.
34. If you were in one of the boys position, would you feel awkward or strange when you see your face on a giant poster?
of course, I’d hate it, probably. after sometime tho, I’d get used to it.
35. Would you Flake dance with Flake on stage?
if only I could dance like him haha, but I’d love to try!
36. Do you think any of the songs are underrated or overrated and why?
obviously I think Du hast is a tad overrated, as for underrated - Nebel, Adios, Hilf mir, Dalai Lama, just off the top of my head.
37. Who of the members would make the best breakfast?
I’m gonna go with Ollie, he’s so stoic and always in great shape.
38. Would you like them to make a song in your native language? (If they haven’t already)
hm, Till made an intro to polish edition of Sehnsucht and it was very sweet to hear it, but I don’t think so, no. if it was like in Ausländer, one or two words, sure, but I never want to get over the excitement of Till speaking Polish haha.
39. Which Rammstein couple combinations do you ship?
I don’t I mean I love all the sweet moments they share, but I get a bit uncomfortable when people make it out to be a bigger thing than it is. of course I love to joke around about their bromances, but it’s as far as it gets tbh.
40. Would you join Richard in his spray tanning hour?
I mean, damn, I love being pale-ish, but we’d have to be barely clothed while in there, right...?
41. What Rammstein possession are you most fond of? (merchandise, album or other)
probably the Völkerball photo album, I love it. I particularly like to go to the index and search for pictures from Poland, it makes me very emotional.
42. Favorite song performed live?
Heirate mich or Was ich liebe.
43. Would you dare to touch Frau Schneider’s hair?
I’d beg her to allow me to.
44. Rammstein with beard? Yes/No
yes, except from Richard and Flake.
45. Which of the members would be the best for playing video games with?
Paulie or Ollie.
46. Red haired Rammstein or blonde Rammstein?
oh shit oh fuck, I’m gonna go with blonde just because red tips Rammstein>redhead Rammstein.
47. Favorite interview with one or all Rammstein members?
Viva Jam 1998, still have a copy on my computer, it’s my first and favorite interview.
48. Would you Till hammer with Till on stage?
what are these questions, of course I would.
49. Your favorite feature in each member?
Paul: smile creases Schneider: smile! Flake: I love his whole face, it’s so calming Till: eyes and lips, can’t choose Oliver: his chest and him being a friggin giant Richard: tummy and lisp (I hope it can be considered a feature)
50. If you could write a letter to Rammstein what would you write?
some cheesy shit I will not share here.
I tag @amura @gay-pengy @beauty-at-matrix @naraism @followthecreeper
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vertigoambrosia · 6 years ago
road to 18th anni!
it’s cute how they changed the red to green in the opening to match the theme
i wonder why wxw’s not running in this venue anymore - it looks pretty awesome
david starr is my boi and i love him and also he is very nice and cute
man it would be very nice if david won but i’m sure andy will weasel his way to a win somehow
lmao francis’ shirt
icarus: *rubs beard*
yes that is very intimidating and not at all ridiculous
privileged rich boi vs small business owner
the green lighting is cute but it’s definitely making the video’s color kinda weird
“an injured jurn simmons” what? wasn’t he just sick? did he like, break a rib coughing or something
“COME ON, BIG BAD BOY” literally the only reason i make jokes ab out aj being bi instead of gay is because i would assume kelly wouldn’t date a dude who wasn’t into women
me: aj stop hurting avalanche!
me also: these kneebars around the ringposts really show that robert is thicc
oh a gauntlet match - i actually like that idea
(also looks like a nice way to put the titles on rise)
“in america our hall of fame induction would have already been a sure thing”
does tarkan have drugs in his hands
‘little monster’
we’re talking about feelings over here
with heavy breathing
omg allan pain really is a slave daddy for kellyanne
‘this gentlemen accompanying kellyanne’ alan chooses not to acknowledge the slave daddy by name
is he supposed to be her dad, cause tht would make it funnier
he kinda overshadows her though - i on;ly won’t say she’s generic heel cause she hasn’t don ethe Woman Wrestler Diva Pose that i hate
not that she’s not good in the ring, but idk i feel like i should feel more about her character than ‘has a weird man with her’
HAHAHA beer in his face
meat boy and everyone’s favorite hunk
haha tim’s such a nerddd
yeah, FIGHT
awwww veit’s the ringkampf young boy now
lucky’s hair is combed! is he a serious boy now?
*lucky voice* i saw a man teleport and i  just don’t know how the world works anymore
oh this fucker
haha tarkan straight up saying rise was his idea
der bo-DAY omg shut up marius
what the fuck is lucky’s new gear supposed to be
whatever it’s lucky bless him
look at our baby grapple
oh bb
well at least he didn’t smack him in the face like last time
finally we get him just doing the dive! he’s maturing!
tim’s arms are so...Nice
jfc those elbows on the chest
tim are you mad they’re chanting for lucky
um i totally didn’t literally go to bed in the midle of this match nothing happened here it’s just suddenly early in the morning
see lucky? slap the titty, not the face
wow they were literally a pretzel for a moment
*places the scarf on the apron so it won’t fall down*
oh damn these kicks
so is lucky to timo what david is to walter? (except with more respect i guess, cause walter’s pretty ‘whatever’ towards david)
firefox crashed so we return to coast 2 coast vs timo theiss and norman harris already in progres
have we seen norman on wxw before? i feel like i’m getting him confused with another tall blond academy boy
i like how every once in a while timo gets hit entirely because he chose to yell at the crowd
hahaha norman dragging timo to the corner to tag in
awww coast 2 coast are nice
*lsg voice* uhh sorry timo everyone calls you sheisse so i legitimatlely thouht that was your name
yesss drag the crown - the middle ages suck
god francis is so good at being obnoxious
these fucking guys
wxw how dare you remind me of the hamburg main ref bump bullshit
skinny academy boi chat
that accelerate polo is cute
too bad i look lumpy af in polos
bb please cut your hair tho
like, it’s pushing the limits of ‘weird lookig but kinda sexy?’
omg marius doesn’t point dramatically enough to be in rise
what are they singing at marius?
hahaha that was def a bit of a botch
see ivan if your hair weren’t so long marius wouldn’t be able to pull on it
does pete like it or something? does he use it as a handle?
dammit tas
shut up tarkan
omg you lying bitch you did not invent rise and marius was never in it
‘lol pete remember when i drugged you lol’
oh pete is angry (sexy)
all my comments on tarkan are basically ‘this bitch’
“it’s like he gets off on those illegal tactics...evenb when he doesn’t have to” what are you trying to say alan
tas you really should be kicking tarkan and marius out of ringside by now
distraction finishes are so stupid 90% of them time
boo these bitches
“rise isn’t allowed at ringside” i see some issues with this rule
lol andy
sebastian is so annoyed
hahaha andy can’t even share an interview
this promo is amazing
man i really want david to win super bad now
it’s almost plausible too since he’s moving to europe
hi can we not have every non title womens match be a 3 way? we deserve kelly vs jazzy
oh thse lil shits are here
lil shits and big shit
(i actualyl forgot what thsi main event was)
oh the arrows and ilja are matching!
ilja is coming to new york :)
unfortunately i can’t drag any friends there cause the wxw show is at 4 on a thursday
and while i’m willing to take a day off for wrestling, most people...are not
ngl, with so many heels relying on ref distractions, tas is beginning to look kinda dumb
though i guess ilja is someone who legit needs to be Contained
will he ever learn to chill
i don’t have a ton to say but this is a fun match
“jay skillet has the definition of  a punchable face” lmaoooo alan
i mean personally smug ass tarkan feels more punchable to me but it’s just a matter of opinion
hah i like francis trying to pull the rope away from ilja and the fan at ringside trying to push it towards him
lol the arrows’ double teams almost never work out
still annoyed about that not match
awww that picture is super cute
and tim’s smiling!
toni’s totally leaving tho lbr
oh ok we are gonna set this up
they probably should have showed this before kellyanne’s match
god ilja has a shitload of feelings and i love it
it does mean something to me that ilja’s straight up like ‘not being able to get the title of andy hurts my self esteem’
soemday maybe i’ll actually write a seriouspost about how comforting ilja is for someone with a shitload of emotions
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dreamscript · 8 years ago
HEY IT ME AGAIN-- LITERALLY SAME I GOT SICK AND LIKE IM STILL COUGHING AND I WANT IT TO STOP. LIKE. RIGHT. NOW. I hope you feel better soon! I can only imagine how bad you're suffering! Make sure to get lots of rest and binge watch Naruto hehehehe// I got sick around Christmas so it's kinda just here// But yeah lol just excuse me late responses (; 7 ; ) and yas girl just embrace you're inner otaku its okay xD (i wanna re-read Naruto actually//) OMG YES PLZ I LOVE YOUR FICS AND-
{CONT} YO HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT JUNGKOOK FIC IM SHOOKED JKSDFNKJD// LMAO IF THAT AINT ME IN ANY MATH CLASS FUKFFKFKKFKF BUT ITS OKAY YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU! There was freezing rain here a day or so ago. That was fun . u . (sobs) IF YOU COULD TWEEK MY BLOG OMG ID LOVE THAT. But the theme isn’t originally mine and I’d assume the original owner wouldn’t want the original code changed?
{CONT} IDK I wanted to change my theme for a while now // Something not endless scroll but just boxes for previews? Also I wanted a minimalistic theme based with pastel colours and black and white hehe/ ANYWAY NO NO WORRIES SOMETIMES IM JUST HERE WONDERING IF YOONGI SUED BIGHIT FOR DYING HIS HAIR TOO FREQUENTLY AND NOW HE BALD (LOL) BUT YEAH APPARENTLY THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO HAVE A COMEBACK IN FEBRUARY AND MY WALLET IS UPSET. I ALSO WANT THE NEW ARMY STICK FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL LOL
{CONT 3 xD} I’ve only read Naruto Manga so if you wanna screech with me about that lets do it ahaha/ HECK YES I WILL READ THEIR FIC- I WILL NOT STUDY JAHAJSDSDKJF Shout out to Cat and Fae too like i seriously love their fics- your Christmas series had me shooked!! Anyways I have so much work to do and so i will bother you later :) - Sakura !
IM HEALED AND BETTER NOW THANK YOU I HOPE YOU’RE FINE NOW TOO??!?! but i remember my doctor telling me once that if you’re still coughing like a month later you should get it checked out or something D:
and oh. my. god.
but yeah no it’s okay! i have super late responses as of late…. and it’s really only because i’ve been too emotionally spent by the end of the day or tired or busy or just “not feeling it”
idk, but i hope to get back into being more active. i miss this place. i miss interacting with others, as little of it i seem to be doing right now (guh _ _)
dude it was rainy and windy and cold today and i had to go outside and the entire time i was walking/running/dying to class i was thinking a) why b) this was a Mistake
ah well in regards to your theme, usually the theme makers are okay with minor changes (sometimes major ones too) as long as you keep the credit and the changes are for personal use (as opposed to commercial use/redistribution, etc). just to be sure, you can just check their rules. they usually have that whole page/pop up or will simply include it in their theme code.
hmm what do you mean by boxes for previews? i don’t think i’ve ever seen such as thing. it sounds interesting, though. are they previews for like posts or…?
thank you for loving our collaboration! i’m still amazed on how quickly we got things put together and everything… honestly… cat and @zephyoongist​ are so talented i don’t know what i’m doing here :’) (or where i would be without them)
and now finally…
(for the maaaain event)…
okaY OKAY I WILL SCREECH WITH YOU ABOUT NARUTO. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. just under the cut because spoilers:
i love kakashi
i also love gaara. i can’t choose between the two, but lately i’ve been more biased towards kakashi. i blame it on my sister because she’s always had a thing for him
(i still love you gaara its okay my sand child)
kakashi’s backstory had me in tears… like… with obito died and he’s telling kakashi he’ll give him his sharingan (the sharingan that he’d always been talking about that would get him to hokage) to be his eye to see the future…
i just..
fucking broke down man like dude… stop… you’re killing me here… and then how kakashi really changes afterwards
(okay but listen child kakashi was savage as fuck though and it was hilarious)
(also i know it’s a filler but that one episode in which it showed guy and kakashi comparing dick sizes as kids….,,..,.
….,,..i wasn’t expecting that at all but i don’t mind the info heheheheh heh /dies)
literally if she hadn’t died a lot of the issues in naruto wouldn’t have occurred but they fucking did
no i’m not blaming her she died for a noble reason okay it just makes me really sad i’m sorry
on a side note minato and kushina were cute as fuck
ANYWAYS GAARA OH MY OH MY GOD MY POOR BABY as a kid he was so cute and just wanted some friends and was out helping all those villagers and such but then his damned dad just had to go and screw those things up like STOP IT HE;S MY CHILD
even though i love those two, my favorites are actually the akatsuki
like. they hate each other but istg they secretly love each other like have you seen kakuzu and hidan’s interactions??? they tease and insult and threaten (and have killed) each other but kakuzu is actually patient with hidan’s rituals and such, and hidan will still accompany kakuzu to the collection centers
also, when he sees asuma’s guardian shinobi thing the first thing that comes to mind is kakuzu and how he’d want him for the money and he’s like u gh but like !!!
and AND when hidan at first thinks he’s accidentally killed kakuzu in his fight with shikamaru & co., he has that look of panic ooooh my god I JUST GASHUDFJSDIJASD
also hidan is just hilarious. like when they go to recruit him he’s like “who are you guys, all wearing the same clothes?? are you guys an orchestra or band or something?”
/points at kakuzu/ bet you play the bass
/points at konan/ bet the girl does vocals and keyboards
/points at itachi/ …or do you do vocals…?
and then the first thing hidan and kakuzu do to each other is kill each other
the look of utter disbelief on both of their faces
“what the–why aren’t you dead?”
“bitch that hurt–wait. why aren’t you dead?”
but anyways we can’t forget about itachi and kisame either, now can we?? like. they are actually like the only partner group that openly got along with each other, and they were sad oh my god they were sad upon realizing each other’s death’s
and idk just the way kisame says “itachi-san” does something to me
 i t a c h i
oh boy i have so much to say about this kid
but before i move on i must! address! the others!!
okay so like deidara is actually op as fuck and sometimes idk i feel like he doesnt get enough credit?? idk.
and he’s 19 like lol what bye
but anyways, after his “fight” he loses his other arm because kakashi and now he’s armless BUT THIS KID STILL HOLDS HIS OWN though completely on the defense AGAINST TEAM GAI LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HE’S AMAZING and then he manages to create a bomb without using any sort of handseals and fools them all into thinking he’s dead
i love this boy give him a metal why did he have to die so early why (yet another reason why i dislike sasuke lmfao)
black zetsu scares the fuck out of me (esp when i learned of his true past and intentions) but white zetsu!! he’s such a sweetie holy shit
and also unlike so many others he actually likes everyone and when he saves deidara he’s like “you’re a fun guy to be around” and then and then later when he’s talking to tobi he reveals that he’s sad that so many of the akatsuki members died like D::
let’s not forget when black zetsu called him weak (they had split in two at the time) and white zetsu just kind of D: and wilts a little like ooHH NO oo baby it’s okay it’s okay
konan is so strong… holy crap… like… her ultimate attack? with the bajillion paper explosive tags disguised as a lake?? that go off for 10 minutes? holy fuck.
yahiko’s pretty damn hot if you ask me (yes i know he’s a cadaver in the main time period but listen)
idk my favorite arc of the entire thing was pain’s invasion of konoha… like from the moment jiraiya’s message arrived to when everyone got revived…. and then kakashi almost became hokage…
it was fantastic
i think it’s mainly because it was a mystery, race against time, battle thing all in one and it was so neat i guess
also you could see everyone in the village working together, fighting their hardest, showing their potentials for like, the first time ever
um um um okay sasori mentally scarred me as a child, and now whenever i hear the rattling puppet noises i immediately think of these scary nightmares i had after watching his fight with sakura… yeah, puppets scare me a lot now
orochimaru is a creep ‘nuff said moving on
tobi! i love this alternate ego of obito/”madara” like idk he’s so jumpy and honestly it’s fucking hilarious watching him because he’s so secretly op certain people underestimate him at first (and then others overestimate him because of his association with akatsuki)
like. when he was warding off konoha from itachi vs sasuke’s fight (which i am still emo about) he was just like playing whack-a-mole with them and then he’s like lemme use this ability! frill-necked lizard!
and they all kinda stand and stare at him intensely execting something legit
but in reality that’s it. the extent of htat ability is just him hanging upside down with the cloack falling behind him to look like a frill-necked lizard
and it’s fucking hilarious
i also thought it was fucking adorable when he and deidara first confront sasuke
and the little bitch goes ahead and slices through him
literally through him
but sasuke thinks that he actually killed him and sasuke’s all like “one down”
and deidara just kinda
ugh this kid
and tobi gets up and brushes himself off like wow that was rly fast!!! and sasuke just >:/
sorry i thought i should make this clear but i lowkey highkey have this vendetta thing against sasuke like this little shit
i mean ofc i know the reason for his disillusionment really isn’t all his fault like @ itachi really?
like really when he goes back to konoha and sasuke tries to kill him… he goes and easily breaks his wrist
and he kinda just considers him for a moment like
how about i….. make his situation even worse…?
and then traps him in a genjutsu that forces him to relive their parents death for 24 hours like why the fuck this is literally all your fault
and also on a side note, fuck danzo. why the fuck did the 3rd not kill him when he was supposed to. why. all the wrong people lived for far too long.
but yeah no idk i just really don’t like sasuke after he defected and became a Vengeful Teen
AND ITACHI’S STORY MAKES ME CRY EVERY TIME HOLY SHIT IT MAKES ME SO SAD WHY DID THIS BOY HAVE TO SUFFER SO MUCH and then mess up his little brother’s psyche to the point in which he starts killing like everyone wtf
another favorite moment arc of mine is the very beginning
like the first 15ish episodes
he’s such a blessing. he’s literally one of those crucially important side characters and i appreciate him and i love him and it would’ve been nice to see more of him, but hey, that’s okay too.
(his part in the naruto road to ninja movie had me in tears. like at the end. fucking tears.)
like naruto and kakashi may be super close and stuff, but when he needs someone as a guardian, naruto turns to iruka and idk i feel that says a lot about their relationship and it makes me cry all the fucking time
um anyways yes i also love zabuza
he’s so strong and empowered
i have a lot more the say probably but it’s getting late and i need to take a shower and sleep and get up early in the morning to make food so i’ll just leave it at that
(i wrote a lot i know i’m sorry)
(hope i didn’t blow you away with any spoilers D:)
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