candyxplaysssss · 2 years
I wish he was mine.
Watching him from the sidelines, it always hurt to know he chose someone else to be his vice-president. I thought I was perfect for him, he though so too but changed his mind almost in an instant.
Life was good when you weren't heartbroken.
It was a day like any other, long boring speeches from him and his vice. I used to admire listening to him talk on stage but now it the worst part of my day. Watching them crack jokes together on stage was also the worst of it. Today seemed like nothing else but those boring days. Sighing, I stand up and start to leave the crowd of people, apoligising as I barge through each and every one of them. I didn't think Wilbur would care at this point, I mean why would he? He flaked on me for some random bitch and now completely pretends I am non-existent.
Entering my house, I hear someone call out to me, asking for me to hold on. "Wait wait, hold on." That voice sounded too familiar to forget. I turn around and to my surprise, he stood there. Wilbur was standing right there, actually acknowledging me for a change. "Why did you leave half way, you know you aren't allowed to leave half way." He asks, rather with a worried tone than anything else. "Oh and I was hoping you knew, that you can't leave half way through a relationship." I reply, hoping that would sting him and it did. I could see the guilt, crawling into him.
"I thought we made it clear that we weren't official, just for full filling each other's needs..." He cleared his throat and looked off to the side and I knew why.
Quackity was approaching the both of us, his vice-president was approaching the both of us. "What's going on here?" He rather demand than asked for the answer. "Can't I speak with a fellow citizen in peace?" Wilbur sighed, trying to dismiss any wrong thoughts. The other thought hard and shrugged. "I can't see why not." Quackity replies, trying to seem all slick and shit.
"Well, I better go inside my house now, without any annoying interruptions bothering me." With that, I open my door and slam it shut, hearing Wilbur trying to stop me again.
I know he did this because it wasn't professional nor was there real chemistry between us but it still hurts. Watching him fade away to someone else he doesn't even love.
A/N AIGHT SO. I TAKE REQUESTS AND SHIT. I made this at midnight because I am bored as hell. Take care!!!
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