#lm deva
thenmichael · 2 months
Voice claims for my LM Twili ocs !
Severin : ChadChad
Deva : DougDoug
Gunoi : AstralSpiff
Matha : MatPat
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I haven’t seen a whole lot of angst up in here how about (makoto, Nagito, Mondo,gundam, Hajime,fuyhiko) Save s/o from getting hit by a truck right after they had a fight the boys either go into a coma or die
Why- why I want to make a bad joke aka same I did last time? And idk what's worse them being in coma or dying- like you have hope that they will wake up but they won't or they die you knowing that you were argued with them. And fuck me for making a bad reference joke in Mondos.
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Makoto Nagito Mondo Gundham Hajime Fuyuhiko Save s/o from getting hit by a truck right after they had a fight and they die or are in coma.
Makoto Naegi
You were walking back home and you started arguing over everything that happened on your date. It was terrible.
Makoto didn't took aggressive side as he was more passive. What happened there was just the worst.
Yes you felt bad for being like this after you shouted something you shouldn't have you two were continuing walking in silence.
Clearly you hurt his feelings and as you were to apologize Makoto shoved you out of trucks way that happened to drive quite fast. After hitting Makoto the driver quickly stopped the truck as they couldn't earlier.
There was no possible way that Makoto survived it. You went to his corpse waterfalls coming out of your eyes.
You didn't knew what you should do but you called an ambulance anyways even though you knew it was pointless...
He was confirmed dead. You couldn't stop crying you were all alone in this.
While you thought about how horrible things you said and still he protected you... No DIED for you... You kept thinking it should be you instead of him.
As memories him came through your mind your tried to think of something else but you couldn't. You will never see his adorable smile hear his voice- there was nothing but some memories left.
Nagito Komaeda
You two never argued but this time it was different.
You were earlier introducing him to your parents. For the beginning it went smoothly as they began to like him. It was a matter of time before he went crazy...
You were so embarrassed as he rambled but lived through it. Your parents had mixed feelings but they defended to accept him as your boyfriend anyways.
You were mad and had rights to be since he promised you to not go crazy about hope and stop himself.
He understood your anger and let you yell at him. Thinking he whould calm you down he said something too. It only made situation worse...
Then you got shoved out of the way and after you looked up Nagito was on the ground with truck in front of him...
You couldn't believe it as you ran to him. Luckily he was alive as you checked his pulse. You shouted at driver to call an ambulance as you checked if he was breathing.
He was and so you waited.
After you got to the hospital there were good and bad news. Good were that he was alive bad that he was in a coma and there was almost no chance of him waking up.
You had hope since Nagito allways was lucky with low possibilites. You couldn't lose him. Not after what you said.
Nagito wasn't mad at you at all and you knew that yet you couldn't believe yourself.
Each day you visited Nagito but his condition never changed for better as it got only worse...
After it was confirmed he won't wake up the despair just crushed you. You knew he whould not want you to fall into despair but it was impossible...
Mondo Oowada
You did argue but never this loud. This might be the biggest fight you ever had (and ever will have).
It was about his gang. He had big responsibility for it and you respected that but lately because of it you became more distant...
Mondo said that he never wanted you to feel like this but his gang is something he needs to lead at least for now...
You knew about it. Yet you yelled back at him while you didn't thought what you siad.
When you said something you regretted the fight got more intense...
But Mondo heard a honk (:o) FUCKING DAMMIT IM SORRY) and he had to act fast. You didn't notice as you were away from him and saw truck hit him.
You yelled his name terrified and went towards him.
As you reached your phone you called an ambulance as you checked if he was breathing. For your luck he was.
After call was made you saw him move but it was small fidget. You heard him whispering your name. HE WAS ALIVE!
This hope turned into despair when you saw him trying to reach out to you and his hand dropped when he closed his eyes "No nononono! MONDO! DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES STAY STRONG! THE AMBULANCE IS COMING STAY STILL JUST FOR A LITTLE BIT!" after you shouted it you started crying and said "P-please don't leave me!".
He was taken to the hospital. He was confirmed to be in a coma but he might not make it.
You had hope as you cried near his hospital bed saying sorry repeating it over and over.
After very long time you had no longer hope as it was confirmed that he won't wake up as his condition got only worse.
Gundham Tanaka
You were fighting over what he did today on your date. You told him to leave his devas but he wouldn't listen and he ended up arguing with the staff causing you to get kicked out.
He thought he did nothing wrong. You were extremely irritated. And so was he.
As you walked home both of you tried to make up but both of your attempts were going wrong way.
Both of you said many things you whould regret but it never stopped your fight. You felt more and more bad.
He tried to apologize but he couldn't as his words were taken the wrong way.
Suddenly he saw a truck coming at your direction. When he shoved you away and his devas jumped on you he took the hit.
You were shocked as you and his devas ran towards him. You quickly ordered truck driver to call an ambulance while you checked if he was alive.
His devas nuzzled his face trying to get him to wake up while you checked his pulse and if he was breathing. He was alive but you didn't knew for how long...
When he was in the hospital the news hit you... He was dead...
You couldn't believe it as you cried. You said so many bad things to him and yet he saved you... "I should be the one dead not him" was what you thought as his devas tried to cheer you up even though they were just as sad as you.
Hajime Hinata
You and Hajime almost never argued. He was amazing boyfriend and you couldn't ask for anything more.
This time however both of you crossed the line.
What happend? Hajime thought about saying yes to Kamakura project. You couldn't believe him.
He promised to not agree on this. This was just too risky! But then he said if he should do it.
Of course not! The last thing you wanted was to lose him and this project seemed just too shady.
But the way you spoke wasn't too convincing. He knew that you wanted good for him yet what he said back was mostly insulting.
After a while he saw a truck and quickly got you out of its way. He didn't had time to move away as he got hit.
When the driver was shocked you took out your phone and called an ambulance while examining his body. He wasnt breathing! You did what you needed to do but it didn't work!
While you desperately tried to help him ambulance finally came.
When both of you were in hospital you nervously waiting for news... You had so many thoughts running through your mind...
The doctor looked at you and you knew what this kind of look ment. You had to hear it. As you started tearing up it was confirmed. He was dead you cried and couldn't belive it.
As you didn't knew what was worse... Him dying or him dying after all those things you said... You weren't able to apologize to him... He wouldn't know how sorry you were and that you rather to take his place as a dead one.
Fujuhiko Kuzuryu
Arguing was nothing new for you but this time it was more loud and aggressive.
He when you were on your date he yelled at staff making you feel embarrassed. The staff didn't do anything wrong but yet he was furious.
You told him many times how this was uncalled for. He on the other hand tried to proof himself right.
You were keep yelling at each other to this point where you weren't aware of what was surrounding you. Fujuhiko was focused lm you too but he looked around from time to time.
That's how he noticed the truck. You got pushed away while he didn't had time to catch up and he ended up on the ground.
You were shocked as you made your way towards him... He was dead you couldn't feel his pulse and he wasn't breathing...
Yet the driver called for ambulance anyways. You cried and thought that it was your fault and yours only.
You realized what terrible things you said and felt even worse. Your sobbings were loud as you knew he won't ever come back...
~Mod Chiaki
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bilmisler · 6 years
Kim Eğitim Bursu Alabilir?
Kim Eğitim Bursu Alabilir?
Eğitim ücretsiz olsa bile ekonomik anlamda zorluk çeken ailelerin çocukları ya da farklı illerde okumak zorunda kalan ve bu sebeple daha fazla paraya ihtiyaç duyan öğrenciler için eğitim bursu bir kurtarıcı gibidir. Aylık olarak belirli miktarlarda öğrencilerin eğitime destek olması düşünülerek verilen karşılıksız para yardımına eğitim bursu adı verilir.
��lkemizde çeşitli kurumlar tarafından verilen eğitim bursları olduğu gibi varlıklı ailelerin kendi kurdukları bir sistemle de yardıma ihtiyacı olan öğrencilere burs verebildikleri görülmektedir. Bunun yanında başarılı olan öğrencilerin özel okullarda belirli oranlarda daha az ücret ödeyerek okuması ya da tamamı burslu olarak okuması da mümkündür. Bu uygulama da eğitim bursu olarak ifade edilebilir. Kim eğitim bursu alabilir sorusuna cevap olarak hazırladığımız yazımızda sizler için KYK bursu şartları hakkında bilgi paylaşacağız.
KYK Bursundan Kimler Yararlanabilir?
Devlet tarafından verilmekte olan KYK bursu yani Yüksek Öğrenim Kredi ve Yurtlar Kurumu bursu, üniversite dönemindeki öğrencilerin faydalanabildiği bir burstur. Verilmeye başlandıktan sonra üniversite eğitimi süresince devam etmektedir. Bu eğitim bursundan yararlanabilecek kişiler aşağıda sıralanmaktadır.
Ön lisans eğitimi alan öğrenciler
Lisans eğitimi alan öğrenciler
Açık öğretim öğrencilerinden anne ve babası ölmüş olan, gazi ya da şehit çocuğu olan öğrenciler
İki yıllık eğitimi tamamladıktan sonra ara vermeden üniversitelerin dört yıllık bölümlerinin üçüncü sınıfına deva eden öğrenciler
Doktora ve master eğitimi alan yüksek lisans öğrencileri
Vakıf üniversitelerinde okuyan öğrenciler
ÖSYM sınav sonucunda her alanda ayrı ayrı olmak üzere ilk 100’e giren başarılı öğrenciler
Ülkesini temsil etmek amacıyla müsabakalara katılmış öğrenciler
Amatör milli sporcu olan öğrenciler
İkinci öğretim eğitimi alan öğrenciler
KYK Bursu İçin Nasıl ve Nereye Başvuru Yapmak Gerekir?
KYK bursunun en önemli özelliği geri ödemesiz olarak veriliyor olmasıdır. Öğrencilerin eğitim dönemlerinde rahat bir nefes almasını sağlayacak olan bu bursu eğitimleri tamamlanınca da geri ödemek zorunda olmamaları daha rahat nefes almalarını sağlar. Geri ödemesiz olduğu için çok kişi tarafından tercih edilen bu bursun alınabilmesi için uygun olan dönemi geçirmeden başvuruda bulunulması gerekmektedir.
KYK burs başvuruları genellikle Kasım ayında yapılsa da her yıl duyuruların takip edilmesinde fayda görülmektedir. En son yıl baz alındığında KYK bursunun 470 TL civarında olduğu belirtilirken her ayın yedisinde öğrencilerin hesaplarına yatırıldığı görülmektedir. Öğrenciler KYK bursuna başvurmak istediklerinde kurumun internet sitesi üzerinden gerekli formu eksiksiz doldurması gerekmektedir. Beyanda bulunurken hatalı bilgi veren kişilerin bursu onaylansa bile daha sonra kesileceğinden doğru bilgi verilmesi esastır.
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