#llyn has her wisdom removed
writersmorgue · 9 months
Happy no more wisdom teeth!!
May I request a drug induced ramble about Mezo Shoji or Tokoyami Fumikage because I think they have Main Character potential, but are under appreciated?
thank you!! I am no longer super drugged but i am in a lot of pain so that's good enough.
shouji is a menace I think. No one suspects the quiet ones so he probably gets away with a lot. That prank where you move all of someone's furniture a few inches and they get really freaked out are his favorite. He does this in retaliation for when his neighbors are too... ahem... loud.
tokoyami is the BIGGEST DND fan. He needs to have at least one game going at all times. He plays with friends online, a small group of class-A students, and another group of students from other classes. He LOVES to be the dungeon master, and he absolutely uses all of his catchphrases during games too. He listens to podcasts like Critical Role and Dimension 20.
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Because @hasbedidoneanythingbad inspired me to do so, I am going to have a go at my take for the Lady of the Lake as a Fanservant. While most servants are pretty accurate representations of their mythological or historical self (or whatever their source might be, who am I to discriminate?), I tend to take it more easy and consider the source a kind of inspiration, at best. That said.... eat up the mess I made!!!
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Fanservant #1:
Caster - Vivian
Vivian, the Lady of the Lake of Arthurian legends, was an important benefactor to King Arthur of Britain, granting him the legendary sword Excalibur after the Sword of Selection Caliburn was damaged in combat. She is also known under the names of Nimuë and Ninianne. Once the unfortunate lover and pupil of the great Merlin, she became the one to seal him away for all eternity, after they parted their ways in an event that is still shrouded in mystery. For her to become an independent entity that is inscribed as a spirit in the Throne of Heroes, the circumstances about her disappearance short after imprisoning Merlin on Avalon must be solved first.
Though obviously not a human herself, she appears as a humanoid entity, but seems to be at least partially made out of clear and self-illuminating water. Sometimes she‘s completely made out of water, sometimes she does have a normal body, this woman can‘t make up her mind. At least not when it‘s about appearances. No matter what her body consists of, Vivian is a rather shy and petite appearing woman with sky-blue hair that covers her whole back and even the ground behind her, as well as almost emotionless grey eyes. Her mature and pure body is concealed by a shroud of pale light and a waterlike veil, that she wears like a dress. Even though she appears kinda on the revealing side, she has in now way on Earth a revealing personality.
As a fairy born on the Reverse Side of the World from the soul of the World itself, possessing divinity as a Divided Spirit, Vivian embodies pure and undisrupted kindness and appears as the mother figure of many heroes throughout history. Those include King Arthur, whom she was the selfproclaimed protector of after deeming him worthy to receive Excalibur, the divine sword she was tasked to protect. She did also raise Lancelot as her son after the death of his father and prepared him to be a knight on the Kings side. But even though she has a kind and forgiving nature, a troublesome past with a certain Flower Mage has left her cautious of her surroundings. She tends to keep to herself, even after being summoned, and doesn‘t engage in conversation much, but answers to those who seem troubled by consoling them thorougly and providing advise and wisdom. While doing her best to avert the lustful eyes directed at her body, sometimes her past self takes over her kind soul, punishing indecent behavior with motherly force. This turns into extreme overprotective and somewhat aggressive motherly love, especially for the Child Servants and everyone she claims as her family. Which wouldn‘t be too many. In short, she has a very calming presence, that radiates peace and serenity, as long as it is certain she does not need to punish anyone for their horny thoughts.
FGO Skillset:
Active Skills:
Skill 1 – Kindhearted Charisma A+
Just another Charisma skill, buffing all allies attack by 20% for three turns and applying an one-time evade status on everyone. This one does not expire until it‘s used up.
Skill 2 – Llyn Ogwen Sealing Technique A
A special and unique sealing method incapable to hold anyone hostage but the strongest of mages. Vivian developed this spell out of spite and fear to imprison Merlin on Avalon for all eternity, until one day she may forgive him and release him from the hell of eternal life. If only she hadn't disappeared before his salvation.
Used in combat this skill heals the party for up to 3000 HP and seals the enemies NP for one turn.
Skill 3 – Lake of Chalk and Legends EX
Once born in the warm embrace of the World itself, Vivian found herself burdened. Fate ruled her as the one carrying Excalibur to the godless side of the World in order to choose who would be worthy enough to change history, only for her to hide behind the illusion of a lake as white as chalk, waiting for the worthy hero to appear.
This skill grants the party a 50% damage resist status for three turns, as well as applying a three turn 20% defense buff on Servants that are hit by enemy attacks. These defense buffs can stack up indefinitely, theoretically.
Passive Skills:
Territory Creation B+
Item Construction EX
Divinity C
Fae Eyes EX
Noble Phantasm:
Protected from Gods and Demons alike by the True Pillar of Light - Brocéliande Rhongomyniad
„Stranded between the border of worlds, chosen by fate to be envied by heaven and hell alike. Light and dark reunited, for a moment in eternity. Listen to my voice, as it is the voice of the World, and thou shall bear witness to the birth of a new hero. Tonight, the moon will shine upon us from the sky above and the ocean hidden on the far end of the world.“
Born from within the Soul of the World and tasked to witness both Humanity and the mysterious Reverse Side of the World, Vivian draws her power directly from the authority over Rhongomyniad, the pillar of light that seperates both sides to keep the world stable. While being able to harness this authority to not only grant the destructive power of the nearly indestructible anchor of the planet in form of the Holy Lance, by using her Noble Phantasm she decides to use the immense powerhouse of an overpowered Deus Ex Machina weapon directly from the tower between worlds itself. By concentrating her magical circuits to open a gateway between worlds, she summons a fraction of Rhongomyniad's power as a blinding image of the pillar itself to cast a protective veil as some kind of blessing over herself and her allies. Makes you wonder if a Divine Construct is needed to break through a veil created by a Divine Construct...
Using the Noble Phantasm grants her allies debuff immunity and buff removal immunity for three turns, as well as immunity to all incoming damage from three enemy attacks except for enemies with the Threat to Humanity trait. It also removes all debuffs and status ailments, and with each removed debuff/ailment the corresponding ally receives 50% NP generation, 100% star generation, 1000 max HP and 1000 additional flat damage for three turns, as well as 20% NP gauge.
Sword of Promised Victory - Excalibur
„Awaken again and rain down light from far beyond eternity. My heart beats together with the world.“
Just like Arturia, Vivian is able to harness the power of the Sword of Promised Victory by channeling a fraction of the power imbued in the Pillar of Light into the sword and the beam it produces from its tip, cutting through everything in its way in the process. If she were to use this Noble Phantasm, it would be much stronger and more destructive as when it is used by Arturia. Luckily she is not in possession of the sword right now, so no firing her laser anytime soon.
But if she would, it would have the exact same effect and strength as Arturias Noble Phantasm in FGO, just to balance things out. In another context than FGO it would be even more devastating than we‘re used to.
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@justchibistuff @hasbedidoneanythingbad @has-gilgamesh-doneanythingwrong @hasquetzdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong
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writersmorgue · 9 months
Did u get a video while high?
My dad took a short one but it is pretty funny. I'll transcribe it
Dad: How are you feeling?
Me: *punching air*
Me: I'm gonna fight him
Dad: like what?
Me: I'm gonna fight that doctor.
Me: *punches air again*
Dad: ...Don't fight anyone
Me: I'm gonna fight him.
Me: 🤘 🤘
15-second silence
Me: *turns and notices camera*
Me: Well Hello 😀
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writersmorgue · 9 months
Jirou drabble! Need some jirousquad up in this bitch!
jirou goes to town and pucnes bakugo and he sais "oh!" "ow" fuvk" you are cool. we are friends now and i will say goof things about you in my diary that i keep. for example
dear diary, jiro punched me and now we r area. friends. i love kirishima.
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writersmorgue · 9 months
When this posts I will be actively getting my wisdom teeth removed. I don't know if I'll be coherent enough to remember that I'm supposed to write but I can never tell if people exaggerate in those videos. Anyway, you may or may not have some incoming llyn-strung-off-her-shit fics!
-Llyn yesterday :)
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writersmorgue · 9 months
hello llyn i hope this ask finds you well. may i request some whump involving your fav, Kaminari?
anonymous, i rhank you dor your question. i love you.
i will kill kaminari for you r entertqinment.
one dday he is walking and sees a bear trap and he think what a neat looking shoe and he walks into it an d then fucking dies
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writersmorgue · 9 months
can we have an enemies to lovers kiri x monoma? I know that's your favorite ;)
monoma kissed kirishima dnththey got married an then kirishima kills him because he burns his toast and monoma makes terrible toast. unforgivable. kirishima is pardone but the juge for ecellent decision making.
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