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Anyway Cantripped Oz AU thoughts from the discord
Guys. Guys help I’m being dragged back into the lifelong fascination with the Wizard of Oz franchise… guys help it’s getting bad again, I just escaped like 6 months ago-
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Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Dunmer names, excluding the letter "R"
Aalvyn Abaelsiane Addulen Adelen Adevassi Adleshisi Adohin Ahandassi Almsil Aloyak Alsea Alvishis Alvisilthe Alvyn Alynam Amanva Amilin Andami Andohi Andyn Annis Anolu Anusethekik Asansathel Ashah Ashalynu Ashaniams Aspal Assat Astifos Astla Athaali Athel Athon Athovi Atolis Avalun Avayne Avele Avosi Avynikila Aynevulfe Azabah Azamanvis Azandyn...
Baddamantel Badova Balmi Bamsils Bathil Bedisielth Belani Belbanuddus Beldayn Belds Belil Belvel Belvon Benas Benephi Benudyn Betha Bethallan Bethashis Bethelvast Bethisi Bevis Beynsule Bidenibal Bisea Bodais Bolmsa Bulothi Bulthys Daliani Dalii Dalilen Dallen Dalna Dalovayn Dalveli Damil Damman Danamis Dasam Dasan Dashis Dashlexadai Dassa Dathan Daven Davine Dedasenvyn Deldan Delia Delyne Deman Demus Denil Dethan Devin Dilen Dilonah Dilves Dilvi Dilvilis Dohnisu Dosah Dothisous Dovyl Dudduselyn Dulastadend Edynaso Eledvana Elselmyn Enilie Ethan Ethil Evissu Evoni Evulven Evyla Fadalab Fashelen Fathiselen Fathisi Fedas Fedut Feldenna Feleni Felivil Felmav Feltie Felvis Fenakal Fenfen Fomonos Fonik Gadas Gadel Galaami Galathos Galii Galni Galvicas Gatham Gelen Geles Gelvis Genas Gidyn Giilothi Gilend Gilia Gilon Gilvenen Gliennus Gobaeyla Golise Golmavu Golmin Golnolmi Golvils Golvis Gomlynel Hadus Halulla Hassu Hathelvels Hekilo Helayn Helman Hessu Hladdas Hlamiddu Hlamoabi Hlath Hlayni Hlola Hloth Ibaeldenlie Idilu Ienah Ilivassi Ilynalms Imanelvalos Inaalsi Inano Inassi Indusen Isevele Ithyn Ivynalashle Kathalamain Kelsiin Kelveni Kenis Kulvion Kusen Kutenthen Laina Lasai Lassenat Ledyn Lenah Lenakst Lendyne Leneani Levos Lildyn Lilenth Llammu Llassu Llatasa Llathas Llbaesi Lledayn Llena Llenin Llenis Llenthis Llipi Lloldas Llosala Llosie Lomon Lothis Madal Maelsedynt Maelu Malandeneth Malayn Malen Malit Maloya Malveli Mamal Manilphelu Manit Manothipun Mapli Matha Mattuulvam Maven Mealos Medas Medesalon Medgulie Medvyn Melam Melethas Melle Melova Menatidu Menys Mevani Mevyn Mibamylan Mibanos Mimandalas Minela Mithelothis Moaba Moabin Mobdanu Monas Movayn Nabival Nadedynd Nadovyn Nakandyla Nakivandis Nalevel Nalothi Nalsal Namal Namen Nanansa Nassa Nedas Nelbas Nevosulivyn Nevus Nilildynos Nivah Nothell Nothynevi Novynni Nuledenus Odemu Olmulen Olson Omadolmyn Omaeveleth Onephilenth Othanumawas Paloth Pathisut Quendel Sadothi Saelemus Sainatlenne Salaal Salik Samea Sammula Sanduf Sanne Saplik Savelvos Savis Seddam Sehanil Sehla Seltu Senis Sethis Sevasethah Sevevon Sevis Shanien Shanmavena Shelat Shelol Shelvu Shibalyna Shinah Shine Shipalse Shiseno Shisi Shuldos Skaummulvos Sodis Sonas Sonethil Sulnia Sunkamobal Tabib Tabthil Tadasa Tailnin Taldia Tallaadu Tallammulo Talven Tamalil Tamitabi Tavel Tavenah Tedwiah Tedynnaso Teladni Telel Tesal Tevayne Thadalan Thalmu Thals Thami Thana Thasale Thashilden Theldu Thelythia Thilevyne Thili Thipu Thulis Timau Tisis Tives Tolmyn Tolno Tomon Tonal Tonolas Tulth Tunsi Tusath Uldas Uldavo Uldeni Uldoniath Ulexanit Ullovos Ulmiahah Ulmyonen Ulsen Ulvessanu Utala Uvelen Uvenapo Uvusa Vadasie Valkina Valothil Valso Valviddu Vaminathah Vamistidsi Vamtalsinah Vanmel Vanselah Vansu Vanthone Vasala Vasenak Vassu Vassuupsea Vayanes Vaynephth Velanim Velds Velesa Velie Velila Velkal Vella Velonalis Velth Velvelvayn Venadal Vesailaynik Viladus Vilan Vilnithith Vinsikil Vulno Vunbith Vuvalane Vvalvuls Xanmaesa Yenmmu Zabamis Zallainden Zamele Zanas Zandis Zanothallis Zanusbail Zebia Zenaba Zenathyla
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Ðusyþ word of the day #258
heln (mithril)
/'heln/ ['heln]* ⟨xeeləm⟩
*Standard Dialect
From Old Ðusyþ xeeləm (mithril), from Helr, an alternative form of the god Tyn's name, whose metal is mithril.
(technical, blacksmithing, holy) mithril; a strong silverish-green metal, which when mixed into alloys creates incredibly strong, flexible, durable, rust and corrosion resistant metal. It is used to create the strongest alloys, and has the second highest magic conductivity rating of any metal behind gold.
heln, illlixqynTyn, xôsduwfalarkustx, je'alngöð. mithril gift-ABL-Tyn, flesh-GEN-god-PL soul-GEN-earth Mithril; gift from Tyn, flesh of gods, soul of the earth. - Ðelþþedyk (1100 Translation)
Synonyms: altynzilqun, aldôwfqun
Usage Notes
The word heln is a sacred term, used only by blacksmiths, priests, or other people of the highest order. It is a word which evokes holiness and beauty; reflecting the nature of mithril to Dwarves. Hence, the term is not used lightly, and up until recently the word has been kept a closely guarded secret by blacksmiths and priests.
The alchemical and magical symbols for representing mithril in notes and texts.
[ID: An image displaying four symbols, split into two columns. The first column shows the alchemical symbols for Mithril: the top one, labelled Lleny, consists of three horizontal lines with a vertical line going through it and a small circle at the bottom. The bottom one, labelled Silqr, consists of a circle with a line in the middle with a bump, a half-circle's outline floating above it, and a single vertical line below it.
The right column consists of the magical symbols for mithril: the top one, the Old one, consists of an R-like rune above two short horizontal lines enclosed in a U-shaped base. The bottom one, the new one, consists of three horizontal lines and a vertical line going through it, with a tub-like shape beneath. \end ID]
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I absolutely love this mesh, but the original only came in one white color swatch and that’s just... not enough. I’ve done some recolors of these in the past, but they suck, lolol. Also now the original link from the creator (inakh – llenies – femme-jean) went offline and their blogs were deactivated a long time ago, so I decided to make an updated version with the mesh included.
original mesh by inakh is included (on both packages)
21 solid swatches from @nhflora & @lakemizu lovechild palette
15 pattern’d swatches I got from pinterest, here’s my folder
teen-elder – female frame only – base game compatible
has their own custom catalog thumbnails
— UNEDITED PIC UNDER THE CUT — (see all swatches on patreon)
Tag me if you use any of these, I’d love to see them in your game! ♡
#x#the sims 4#sims 4#ts4#sims 4 cc#sims 4 custom content#ts4cc#s4cc#ts4mm#s4mm#maxis match#nhflora#lakemizu#twikkii#llenies#inakh#femme-jean#gvbes4cc
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DIY painter set
8x2 wallpaper/paint in all heights - 2 Brushes (rc of the in-game brushes) - a ladder with paint splatter (rc of iberika's ladder, included) - a bucket with paint (rc of the OR bucket) - color samples stickers - newspaper floor cover (original mesh by llenies, included)
DL: dropbox / sfs
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Fall Lookbook
Hair by @marsosims
Eyes by @simandy
Eyebrows by @stretchskeleton
Blush by @heihu
Lipstick by aprisims
Eyeliner by @reticulates
Eyeshadow by @pralinesims
Hat by @wild-pixel
Scarf by @mlyssimblr
Top by @double-plumbob
Skirt by @tajsiwel
Shoes by llenies
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Artie Swimsuit - TipTopTab
A 90′s inspired swimsuit in a bunch of different patterns for your babes to wear when they wanna stand out a little bit in the heat. Uses the high cut from @ridgeport ‘s hero body suit which, correct me if im wrong, is actually from llenies’ stunning 80s bodysuit (but i used marg’s version for this). I also used a bit of the texture on her europa dress for the top. Thank you marg for always creating amazing stuff that lets less talented peeps like me still stand a chance at creating cc
22 different patterns
includes all lods, shadowmap and a costum thumbnail
base game compatible
let me know if you have any issues!
tou: don’t steal. feel free to use my meshes or textyres but just give me credit and a dm would be nice. don’t reupload or put links to my cc behind paywalls
Download for FREE at patreon
#s4cc#ts4cc#s4mmcc#s4mm#s4 swimwear#s4f swimwear#s4f swimsuit#s4fcc#s4#ts4#mycc#tiptoptab#simblr#maxis match#maxis mix#costum content
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llenie stole my heart once again and that hair omg- it's a triangle HAHAHA
#cravity#cravity fluff#cravity au#allen ma#park serim#ham wonjin#seo woobin#koo jungmo#kang minhee#song hyeongjun#kim taeyoung#ahn seongmin#serim#allen#wonjin#jungmo#minhee#woobin#seongmin#taeyoung#hyeongjun#boyfriend material#boyfriend#fluff#kpop#kpop fluff#cutie#cutie pies#pretty boi
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dunmer and orc names from tes
Abiluga Adasalina Addug Aderul Adragbael Adrah Adrentarku Agalassu Aldsuvra Algrak Aliguk Allie Almiba Alsamm Alslob Alynaethis Anakuk Analao Anarel Andamarnus Andon Andotulam Angra Aranos Aranuk Arelfril Arkhandal Arzogar Arzuri Asaras Ashul Asora Atharayn Avelah Avosi Azbassi Azgolg Azgrog Azummulor Babively Baguzguukh Bainarath Balarothu Balega Baloresha Bamag Barub Basone Bazir Bazubag Bedyndakob Bekimogdus Belazuhos Beldren Beldynnu Belnuz Bendron Benini Berily Berin Bervan Beshum Besidavene Besimsi Bimidaresh Bindridri Binillut Bolon Bonogar Borbar Borbur Bothrys Branu Brargden Braynen Brazas Bremit Bromag Broni Brumuk Cadradriah Calvalia Chekfar Crurz Crushmul Dadri Dadrod Dagduruk Dagrugrun Daindus Dalat Danerel Daril Darlia Darona Dartith Darzile Dashalion Denar Dinla Diranis Dodas Doneld Doriah Dothrynerm Doverizaga Dradris Draga Dramu Drayni Drelar Drilil Drilyno Drith Drois Dromaragul Dugolgdul Dugrasat Dulansath Dumush Dundrala Durkh Durlorvaim Durnuladul Eledarded Endran Endsun Eralothi Erangdayn Erenag Erondie Eroth Evenari Evynevelen Fanik Farugazoth Farul Farvi Favor Feldish Femal Fendumnorz Fenuse Ferelbes Fishna Fyranillun Gakhoth Garvynil Gashas Gassurerom Gaushus Ghaldren Gharil Ghran Gidryn Gilaru Giloob Gindos Giran Givilon Glaravyne Glavilun Glena Gluril Gobadirvs Gobraluzgu Golduron Gonetha Gorbanu Gotherinal Gothog Gothynah Gozan Gragani Gramina Granosh Graynelkai Grelvasi Grenu Grilandras Grodul Groneven Gruka Grulgii Grunti Gugogol Gulassu Gutlith Hagrughub Hakulvelmu Henevyne Hervesh Hlesat Hluli Horarana Ibarelg Ibiniks Idemindrea Idesh Ienamit Iendran Indas Irathilmar Irish Iruth Irvusha Ivreth Kanatorul Katazul Kaush Kilanales Koralah Krendren Krolmyn Kroth Kulvah Kurnsi Kusea Kwerallian Ladlarala Ladra Laran Larindyna Lashgilyn Leddusso Lendri Livarina Llenie Llfand Lliloliv Llyne Lolyna Lorakit Lorkur Lorotha Lothi Lurbagbol Lurbon Lurins Lurulg Luzol Lynegbeshl Maburola Machara Maeliro Makhanara Makharyone Malogrushi Mansuntha Maranus Marazgon Marenor Maron Marytha Matarwyne Mavedas Mazobey Mazorno Mazrolos Medralah Mekozabant Melvur Merbugan Meris Mevivys Milazogha Militels Milni Minbug Mirav Mirenil Moabenilvo Moldrasi Mornia Morth Muggedaser Mughalazga Mumghor Murnelib Murub Musur Narelu Narlan Navelargz Neryona Niman Nipalmeren Nitiv Nivrassud Noril Nurog Nurverub Odasa Offis Ogozgonle Ogrugd Ogruzgar Olgral Omeddil Omotar Oogdas Oorane Orbag Orgulfzul Othag Othindod Rahkul Ranth Rarenni Rasathakh Rasse Ravon Raynerevs Razgluth Renat Rendili Retha Reviryonal Riirashna Rilyaturas Rithrivasi Rivas Ronbug Roneth Rorga Rothys Rublo Ruith Salathus Salumali Samlynnath Sanibaz Sareyne Selurlis Selyna Seruk Servaldron Sethradlus Sgulurilen Shalos Shanu Shapar Sharalsu Shguthek Shillenir Shini Shkulg Shmar Shmaras Shughar Shugrusa Shulan Shulavamuf Shulog Shuthys Shuzbaro Snasa Sneth Suchorn Summalnug Suril Taelvalon Tagog Tagozob Tagur Talabeyl Talas Talmork Tamatha Tanim Tashah Telvis Teskatan Thadla Thalirbash Thapalosh Thelleral Thiah Thikiel Thilti Thogduk Tiryon Tolvikh Toneg Trandaso Tumphem Tuutham Tyakhar Udrenea Ufthonk Ufthranah Ufthroni Ugruvile Ularonkh Ulfune Ulodeleria Ulurzh Ulzanea Ummana Umoari Umziri Urakh Uramit Urbor Urebi Urgnu Urilen Urshasa Urshub Urzuul Ushadri Ushmala Uvesi Uzugral Vadlaurbum Valvansu Vamath Vamorg Vartars Vason Vassun Vayat Veladas Veldordan Vendananu Veynallen Visen Vlagarz Vromonk Vuleriva Wherienu Xadare Yagass Yaklhuth Yammuga Yaralmayn Yaramok Yarna Zamadenil Zarak Zarelen Zarinaryn Zelolissi Zughathra
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An anon asked me like AGES ago where to find this table and it took me just as long to find it. It’s by @feline-arc who was previously inakh/llenies/femmejean. It can be found *here*!
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Llenys per la foguera de Santantoni. #santantoniascó2022 #santantoniascó #santantoni (en Ascó) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYr5FLHtvoS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Una pregunta para fray ¿serias novio de la lleny o podrias finguir por tus hijos? (Conmigo)
Francisco: no conozco a "LLENY" ( xD )y.... para! Ser novio o finjir con uno de mis hijos????????? "Tas lõkö man?!!"
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*Testimonio de Lleny:* Desaparecieron masas fibroquísticas que tenía en mis senos desde los 18 años y estoy a punto de cumplir mis primeros 50. Desaparecieron mis rollitos en cintura, disminución de abdomen y muy controlada en mi #Diabetes, aparte he mejorado la textura de mi piel. #ReduceMedidas #CuerpoSano #vicauce #prospintegral #alcanilizacion #obesidad #ansiedad #bienestar #saludable #nutricion #ejercicio #vidasana #controldepeso #truprospintegral #saludybienestar #saludintegral #quedateencasa #ingresosdesdecasa #bajardepeso #reducetallas #SinDietas #SinEjercicios #depresion #sinrebote (en Palmira, Valle del Cauca) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSp_JtZnuih/?utm_medium=tumblr
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