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raelynne · 8 years ago
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#Mermay Day 9: LLAMAFISH! 🐐🐠 AKA Her Royal Merpaws, Princess LlamaFish of the Jelly Sea. 😂 This abomination brought to you by "Oh-God-I'm-So-Fucking-Tired" and a really weird Google search.😛 Too tired to color her, maybe later. 😥 #ToldYouYesterdayWasBest #merfish? #llama #llemma #mermaid #sketch #pencil #ink #drawing #artshit🎨
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: In honor of 420, I'm about to smoke a giant turkey.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 20, 2017
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mituku-cha · 8 years ago
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Las quiero cosas feas! #instafriend #instachile #fiesta #wawa #monopez #GoldMonkey #Llamafish
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taeking · 10 years ago
woah i do hope i'm not late but HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY i hope you've had a fab day whatever you've done~^^ enjoy cake if you have a cake (?) haha & make a wish!
you arent late at allll thank youuuu~~~ ill have cake later!
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wonsiks-hamster-taek · 10 years ago
tagged by the lovely in-exo-stable ♥ 
I’ll do this right away cause if I don’t, I’ll forget T_T
One Song: Park Hyo Shin (Snowflower)
Two Movies: The Kite Runner, The Great Gatsby
Three TV Shows: Friends, Malcolm in the Middle, CSI: Miami (lol, I don’t watch a lot of TV generally)
Four Animals: lions, cats, labrador puppies, bunnies
Five Foods: noodles, burgers, sweet & sour chicken, chocolate, mango
Six People to Tag: indigolucas wonshiks paetoi leo-is-life-so-is-hyun-bin llamafish leojuseyo
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coolandspicy · 10 years ago
tagged by drunk-on-cnu (thanks!)
Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you.

At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.


1. Last beverage: water
2. Last phone call: dad

3. Last text message: 'im sorry for not reminding you'
4. Last song you listened to: Call Me Back - Clazziquai
5. Last time you cried: yesterday

6. Dated someone twice: no?
7. Been cheated on: nah

8. Kissed someone and regretted it: the first time i kissed someone i regretted it
9. Lost someone special: not yet

10. Been depressed: most of 2014 yes?
11. Been drunk and threw up: no thank you!
sunshine yellow, pale blue, pastel pink

15. Made a new friend: yes!
16. Fallen out of love:  no?
17. Laughed until you cried: very
18. Met someone who changed you: I don't think so but???
19. Found out who your true friends are: i guess thats not how i think about friends
20. Found out someone was talking about you: sort of
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list: lol

22. How many on your FB friends like do you know in real life: most? not sure?
24. Do you have any pets: there are 2 cats in my house. they aren't mine.
25. Do you want to change your name: no

26. What did you do for your last birthday: well (it was quite recently infact) I went to an asian foods market and got some stuff I cant get in nearby grocery stores and then I went to eat fried seafood

27. What time did you wake up today: 3:15 am. yes, am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping i think? or tossing and turning.
29. Name something you cannot wait for: vixx one fine day TT-TT
30. Last time you saw your mother: four hours ago or so?
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i was rich
32. What are you listening to right now: Seoul Hillbily - Royal Pirates
3. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: probably but im not close with any toms
34. What’s getting on your nerves right now?: being inexperienced in an entry level job
35. Most visited webpage: ...tumblr im trash

36: Blood type: O+ i think

37: Nickname: well...my sister calls me...googey.
38: Relationship status: ok
39: Zodiac sign: Capricorn
40. Pronouns: she/her
41. Elementary: Montessori followed by Twinfield
42. High School: Cabot (graduated)
43. College: soon? ahh scary

44. Hair Color: red

45. Long or Short: medium length
46. Height: like 5'3"

47: Do you have a crush on someone: guess not
48: What do you like about yourself: im smart. very smart.
50: Tattoos: no
51: Righty or Lefty: righty
52. First surgery: n/a
53. First piercing: ears
54. First best friend: gwen?

55. First sport you joined: sports and me...we we're never a thing. frenemies w/o benefits or something equally terrible.
56. First vacation: hm. New York?
58. First pair of trainers: what

59. Eating: (its bedtime)
60. Drinking: (its bedtime)
61. I’m about to: sleep hopefully
62. Listening to: 좋은 일이야 - Beast
63. Waiting for: packages to arrive
64. Want kids: not on your life
65: Get Married: very want to
66. Career: something w/ good people that's useful

67. Lips or eyes: depends...
68. Hugs or kisses: depends!
69. Shorter or taller: shut up
70. Older or Younger: as compared to?
71. Romantic or spontaneous: depends
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice

73. Sensitive or loud: depends
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant: ... (don't say it) .................depends

76. Kissed a stranger: no
77. Drank hard liquor: yes
78. Lost glasses or contacts: no
79. Sex on first date:  no
80. Broke someone’s heart: no?

81. Had your own heart broken: not rlly
82. Have you been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: maybe
85. Fallen for a friend: yes
86: Yourself: it seems likely that i exist, yes
87. Miracles: yes
88. Love at first sight: well...
89. Heaven: kind of
90. Santa Claus: not rlly :/

91. Kiss on the first date: how is this a belief
92. Angels: i believe in cha hakyeon
ok ok im tagging:
tokki-bean tae-and-kookies leoslonghair llamafish a-kuryo
hope you do it if u want to!
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: Life is like a banana, but I'm not telling you why.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 20, 2017
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eldritchcameo · 10 years ago
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Reasons I should not be trusted with photoshop.
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: Don't even talk to me before I've had my morning cup of vodka.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 20, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: Do you ever stay up all night wondering how different your life would be if your nipples suddenly switched places with each o…
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 19, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: If I wasn't so lazy, I'd be a millionaire.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 19, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: You're as dumb as a drowning fish.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 19, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: I put my iPhone on airplane mode and threw it off my balcony. WTF Apple??? http://pic.twitter.com/Ug5gLkQFU5
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 12, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: I believe true beauty is on the inside. Which is why I'm so turned on by kidneys.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 12, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: My biggest regret is that I'll never see how awesome I am from another person's perspective.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 12, 2017
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gamephd-wallpapers · 8 years ago
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RT LlamaFish: With all due respect, your existence is the worst thing to happen in the history of the universe.
— Xbox LIVE Codemaster (@freeXBLcodes) April 12, 2017
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