unsaintlike · 2 years
[ @ljanoai ] baaaby. [ 📱 leati joe ] hi. [ 📱 leati joe ] i wanted to ask you something, and since i know my forgetful ass would, well, forget if i waited ‘til i was back home again, i’m doing it now to avoid things being too last minute. [ 📱 leati joe ] do you wanna go to the bengals game in cincy sunday? [ 📱 leati joe ] i’ve been invited for their “rulers of the jungle” thing, which is basically when a celeb comes in to help kick off home field games. not that i’d consider myself a celebrity of any sort, but that’s what the official description says. [ 📱 leati joe ] anyhoo. [ 📱 leati joe ] know bengals ain’t the niners, but when’s the last time either of us were able to check outta game live and in person? think it’d be fun, but do understand if you wanna pass on it. [ 📱 leati joe ] ain’t exactly gonna be tropical weather in december in cincy, after all. heh. [ 📱 leati joe ] i gotta get ready to go do my thing now, so just lemme know when you get the chance. [ 📱 leati joe ] love you.
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iconicrp · 2 years
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Indi Hartwell has switched to Roman Reigns, please make sure you are still following!
Likewise, please unfollow @ljanoai​ and @blccpnthrr​.
The role of Indi Hartwell may now be applied for.
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feliinity · 3 years
Did you order a cheesesteak? How were they? Asking 'cause I've only eaten steaks from two places in town.
I did, and it was d e l i c i o u s. I’m no expert on them or anything, so I don’t know if there’s a better place to hit up or not. Pat’s is open 24 hours though, so it was one of the spots available to satisfy that late night need for food. @ljanoai
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smokcshow · 4 years
ljanoai replied to your photo:
Were you able to catch a gimpse of a Sasquatch at some point? If you did, I'll know where to take Jon for our next trip 😂.
If I did, then I didn’t realize it, aha. I admit I don’t know much about Bigfoot or Sasquatch, the sign simply seemed like it’d make for a cute little photo-op. I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been one out there somewhere, though. If you guys ever find yourselves wanting to do some hiking out in southern California, I’d definitely recommend going to see the Bridge to Nowhere.
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thesuperbadgirlford · 4 years
ljanoai replied to your photo “”
Thought you typed "somebody *punch* me" and I was confused. Although I'm sure Hikaru ain't gonna let up on you once the bell rings. Congrats, though, this is a helluva opportunity.
I can see how that could be confusing haha. Oh she never does and we all love her for it. Thank you! I’m so excited for this. It’s going to be arguably the biggest match of my career so far. 
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marysedeluxe · 3 years
@ljanoai Joey! I don't think I have told you how much I loved your match with Colby!
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adamxedge · 2 years
I hope you had a wonderous birthday and ate lots of cake. @ljanoai
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v-triggers · 2 years
Happy birthday Joe! I hope you got all the good things you wanted and feel better than ever @ljanoai
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dripgodrollins · 3 years
I wanted to check on you big guy and see how you’re doing. When we can we need us three to get together. @ljanoai
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basichuganomicz · 3 years
@ljanoai WE WERE SO CLOSE!
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doitwithflvir · 3 years
@ljanoai Champ to champ, I love that you didn’t go right for the gutter xD What up Chief?
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unsaintlike · 2 years
If you’re gonna be doing New York, then I hope you’ll ‘least bring me home a slice of cheesecake when you come back, @ljanoai. Heh. For real, have a safe trip, baby. Looove you.
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montrealxmermaid · 4 years
Molly Holly being the first inductee into this year’s Hall of Fame is so awesome! It was so sweet that they got the Hurricane to announce it. Congratulations to Molly! Well earned. @ljanoai Your brother even made a little cameo. It was on The Bump today.
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feliinity · 4 years
Lookit that little furry muffin!
The sweetest little muffin! 😩 I swear I’ve just been staring at him with heart eyes since I brought him home. @ljanoai
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smokcshow · 4 years
ljanoai replied to your photo:
As a Central Floridian, would I be cheating if I admit I know the answer?
Not at all. You’d have firsthand experience with the weather out here, so that’d simply mean there’d be no ‘guessing’ on your part since you’d already know. Not that I know how things are in Tampa, but I can’t imagine it being too different from Orlando since they’re not too far apart, relatively speaking.
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thesuperbadgirlford · 3 years
Happiest of birthdays to the Head of the table himself, @ljanoai !!!
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