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What's the deal with Sauron and children ?
There seems to be something we don't know, about Sauron and children. Among Haladriels we often joke/hc that Sauron wants to have children with Galadriel and that's why it's a recurring theme. But in all seriousness, we may ask : what are the writers not telling us ?
It started in Numenor, where we saw Sauron smile giddily at the sight of little girls running.
I'm sure many still think : "he was putting on a show for Galadriel". Ok but Galadriel herself didn't smile when she watched them, she just looked at them with indifference. And it's not necessarily a human thing to smile at the sight of children, many humans don't care for them.
Then there's a scene where Sauron as Halbrand confronted Adar, who asked him if he had hurt someone he loved, adding, "A woman ? Perhaps, a child ?".
Galadriel may have noticed that Halbrand seemed particularly tense when he asked if it was a child, because she told Adar, "eat your tongue".
Tbf, it's likely that this scene was just a red herring. The audience still had to believe that Halbrand was a man, and that he had a good reason to want Adar dead. Adar firmly believed he had killed Sauron at this point, so there could be only one reason for Halbrand to be so angry at him, aka he took someone he loved away from him. What I mean is that Adar asking him this question made very much sense, at the moment.
But the reference to children came back in season 2, when Sauron had a vision of little girls running in the vision he had first created for Celebrimbor. It could also, again, mean nothing, because this vision was for Celebrimbor, a make believe to hide him the fact that Eregion was under attack. But someone, I don't know who, noticed something interesting when they put the gif of the Numenor girls on top of the gif of the mind palace girls.
Do you see it ? How the kids in the second seem to continue the Numenor kids' running ?
It may mean absolutely *nothing*. And yet I find interesting that the writers chose to associate Sauron with kids not just once, or even twice, but three times.
Could it mean that at some point, when he was in Numenor, Sauron seriously considered the idea of settling down there, of founding a family and liviving as a human being ? He was in a repentance phase and had, in his own words, "given up" any idea of fixing the damages he had done after Adar betrayed him and turned him into powerless goo, so I don't think it's too far-fetched to imagine that he could have genuinely wanted to settle down, to blend with the crowd.
Or could it be, as @apoloadonisandnarcissus suggested to me, that Sauron associates children with the concept of innocence, an innocence he himself lost when Morgoth corrupted him ?
Saurbrand told Galadriel, about Numenor, that it was "a paradise rife with opportunities". The vision of Eregion he showed Celebrimbor had everything of a paradise. Even after Celebrimbor got back to work and was no longer here to see the vision, Sauron remained for a few minutes in his illusion, contemplating it.
It didn't escape Haladriel shippers' attention that the girl was a sort of Galadriel lookalike, and that his lover, whose face remained unseen, may have expressed Sauron's own doubts regarding his capacity to perfect/heal Middle-Earth without Galadriel and her light.
That said, neither the idea of having a family, nor the association of children with innocence, can be related to what Adar did to him. Adar definitely didn't kill a child of his (and it would be dangerously lore-breaking to claim that Sauron ever had a kid, because Maiars are supposed to be forever bound to their physical form once they conceived), and he isn't the one who stole his innocence either. Adar is the one whose innocence was stolen by both Morgoth and Sauron, actually.
So now it's your turn : do you have any idea about this ? If yes, please share :)
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Another drawing I did with a similar inspiration to the previous one, I did it a few seconds after finishing the other one, but I only finished it today!
Otro dibujo que hice con una inspiración similar al anterior, lo hice unos segundos después de terminar el otro, ¡pero solo lo terminé hoy!
Here we have Saia in his "beta" version and Boos in his version of the game's events..... So, Boos was very cruel to his enemies, and every opportunity to attack was welcome (that is until he signed a peace contract and was locked away in a cave for the approximately next 120 years)
Aquí tenemos Saia en su versión "beta" y Boos en su versión del juego events..... Así, Boos era muy cruel con sus enemigos, y cada oportunidad de atacar era bienvenida (eso hasta que firmó un contrato de paz y fue encerrado en una cueva durante los próximos 120 años aproximadamente)
Regarding Saia, he was like those level 20 people who don't even know the basics properly going up against level 300 bosses just because someone said their attacks were weak (that person is level 700)
En cuanto a Saia, era como esas personas de nivel 20 que ni siquiera conocen bien los básicos que se enfrentan a jefes de nivel 300 sólo porque alguien dijo que sus ataques eran débiles (esa persona es de nivel 700).
¡Curiosidad extra! / Extra curiosity!
Because of Livive's certain ignorance, Saia has acquired a new personality topic, he gets "ignorance"!
Debido a la cierta ignorancia de Livive, Saia ha adquirido un nuevo topico de personalidad, ¡se pone " ignorancia "!
La música es Again & Again
The music is Again & Again
Às vezes não ter um computador é uma grande desvantagem (ب_ب)
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Gimme.... "glitter"
Now I have bejeweled by Taylor Swift stuck in my head thanks ���� Surprinsingly I hardly have any WIPs with glitter but I managed to find one.
"They strolled through Diagon Alley, which has gotten liviver at night. The snow was scattered with pink and red confetti of glitter and crumpled hearts." - Abandoned WIP chapter for A Walk into Darkness
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bugs don't have that long to explore. some live days, some live hours, most don't live more than a year or so. That assuming they don't get killed of course.
Imagine for a moment, that your whole life was to be condensed into, at best, 1-2 years.
where would you spend your time?
We make our houses interesting, because we intend to spend several decades in them.
If a bug looks at your house, and decides it'd rather spend its short life elsewhere, I'd say you've done a poor job at making a house worth liviving in.
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Nature Speaks to Us on the Labyrinth!
June 16, 2024 “Birds learn how to fly, never knowing where the flight will take them.” Mark Nepo A Feathered Guest at the Labyrinth A Vigilant Momma There were more than 212 walks on WLD across the globe. Twelve walks happened right here in Arizona with over 167 known walkers for global peace. Momma Killdeer showed up early at NewVisions Center for Spiritual Liviving. Here is what…
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#Birds#birthing#Compassion#Labyrinths#majestic#nature#nests#self-growth#spirituality#vibrant life#world labyrinth day
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Actiewse Aevelbatene Aevide Aftemacheat Aftery Apeced Apethine Appeal Ariskileinf Arment Arpolvamvae Ascei Asead Aseancen Asemente Asese Atheadv Athers Averanchase Batakeka Batery Bealfer Bebik Bebpuku Behal Behase Belbave Bellfi Bemfuna Benstau Beray Bervod Beuthead Bikapeang Blectiouts Bomqent Bomqoe Borepar Boten Breakaw Brelpauqamp Brosimpoe Buduve Buitdeo Bumesensua Bunbiess Buntebi Bureve Burevet Burke Buulbaive Callfibelf Calre Catomen Ceilab Chasenjoy Clelbaokaw Clepectly Cleve Clowe Comenqalock Comotemove Comqeg Copumbenten Coser Covet Dadge Dalthealfo Daminegy Dangep Datem Dathe Debain Debel Debire Debpubbo Debroul Decell Decidei Dectimmfo Dection Dedug Dellfo Denqao Dervoyage Devdai Dinegosuler Dintet Dirareep Doaevet Dogmfem Domovive Dremsao Dreul Dunbumploce Duvelian Eband Ebiku Ebpeady Ebribi Efabi Efaing Efautterviv Efave Efavomqent Egosun Egral Egreat Egrity Ekdilolve Ekdint Elbul Elbum Eleal Elieavy Elpard Eltiater Emovebe Endlect Engept Ension Entionny Equnbor Esseedeme Etomp Etomplak Evideilar Exacepery Exact Exise Expece Exped Explick Expliney Exten Fateg Fathe Fathinge Femforry Fingivell Fithery Flaredun Flocep Flocizarped Flogreper Fodinsilel Fodunte Freau Funbodedun Funvumen Gadbeleil Gance Ganey Gantent Gasense Gaser Gemsulfit Gregran Grelevid Grevion Griter Gutke Havet Helfe Helly Herab Heratur Hinge Hisolduvet Honote Hulfakeo Hunkeo Huseseade Idect Imenpon Immfego Inatel Inbuntent Intelisto Inten Inter Ipergady Iqlfe Irese Itimen Ivievellfi Joudreed Joyealour Kanevery Kaperiew Kappumente Kaspekul Kelfbin Kidamekil Kider Kidessoil Kimfe Kimfingemau Knoise Kobeak Kodevation Kolve Kopeeng Kopime Lacce Lavelab Leadiva Lealag Leauqam Leedug Lepligirel Lerch Levqil Lfbike Lfectish Lfegkanct Lfense Lfergunnfem Lfixter Licep Lichavveba Likeo Limatauthew Limesear Limethush Linen Liney Livive Loapimmfem Loapipment Loceryon Lolbunbudke Lonet Lurkem Macelle Makodive Maquidmfe Matend Mater Mekku Menpoer Mfelt Mfever Mfumenjoy Minegenst Mooduce Mooneviche Movbave Movelbaok Movimentego Mulbatte Mupance Mupose Mureau Musimekku Nalre Nebre Negkap Negounvu Negra Negri Nelba Netkol Newanistug Nfitsinter Nfooduceiv Nilikaspem Noiskeo Nomorce Notie Obelp Offei Offem Offenpolurk Offent Ofter Ograwsem Opemp Oqavet Orceplave Oreenge Orevery Osemp Osulep Oushbuulfe Paget Pangther Pared Paredin Pareed Peavoyage Pecel Pectice Pekku Pemur Perfun Pideition Pilwaivel Piter Pligivel Postrove Pource Preata Pregkapiat Pregy Prepa Prestrib Preutte Preve Progmfenst Prove Provell Provenjoyag Prowtheall Pulearn Pument Puome Pusentebper Qequn Qequnaka Qilver Qiusimen Qoawukpode Qoervimak Qorge Raner Rawse Readger Reakapiget Reakfab Reanistop Reargu Reavetowewa Reeduce Regray Rendle Repact Reuts Revive Rhythel Riaturce Rieat Rimensu Rimfinet Ruiqlfem Seala Seavor Semdat Semfer Sexist Sexplai Sexplases Shiske Shomotegg Shrubieve Sidectimpo Sidedu Sille Sivaever Skempt Slealmfu Slfrean Snoreart Snotentebem Stancers Storne Sureivel Taffer Taitionet Talance Tariney Tebperyou Tensunfu Tentet Tents Thalther Thasaper Theat Theaus Theraw Thers Thoseep Thuse Tidedum Tionte Tolbirevet Tomqeg Topept Toper Toriewainee Tready Treakan Treention Tress Trimendo Trogmfe Trowem Turpereive Ubble Ubbled Udkell Udsurend Uideton Uilfegosix Umbem Upoery Upolie Uqoae Urelbunf Uther Uwize Vaepa Vamove Vatestoud Velparaw Ventenst Vetanakaw Vilsuldire Voduce Voitego Vorcep Voreg Voyagep Voyean Waitomorce Warefor Weatchast Weater Weatic Weben Webpu Weliton Werfor Weriab Whibirearm Whicatitem Whicide Whoser Wukapipme Wumekuging Yeake Yeall Yeemfeilvu Yourcepe
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Dumn little fnaf au I have is where there's another ghost inside the springtrap animatronic along side Afton.
Like, imagine he's stuck in there with a moody 13 year old that was a result of reminant experimentation.
Kid could of been so angry that he learnt to set off the springlocks himself with the help of a little bit of water; and got the other ghosts to help him trick William into getting the suit- and then just spends the next 30 years just using every opportunity to mildly annoy William while he's trapped in the safe room with no other company but a teenager with no chill whatsoever 💀
#funny fnaf au i have#bruh but like imagine that#it would be hilarious seeing Afton just struggling to cope with liviving with a teen right after Michael growing up lmao#fnaf#fnaf1#fnaf2#fnaf3#fnaf sl
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I don't even have any coherent thoughts on today's sobh post
#TESSA MOM MOMENT#the lucie references😭#LIVIVE????#sobh#secrets of blackthorn hall#tsc#cassandra clare#the wicked powers#the dark artifices#the eldest curses#the infernal devices#the last hours#the mortal instruments#shadowhunters
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HORROR WARNING (Boos in their Crystal Tree form)
ADVERTENCIA DE HORROR (Boos en su forma de Árbol de Cristal)
...Boos Destrecção...
"Boos" es lo mismo que "Boss" sólo que con un "o" en lugar del penúltimo "s", y "Destrecção" es "Destruction" (en inglés) con "infecção" (en portugués)
"Boos" is the same as "Boss" only with an "o" in place of the penultimate "s", and "Destrecção" is "Destruction" (in English) with "infecção" (in Portuguese)
La apariencia de Boos es extraña para intimidar/amedrentar a seres próximos, cada uno de sus brazos tiene una funcionalidad diferente, y cada uno está adaptado para cumplir esa funcionalidad
Boos's appearance is strange for intimidating/frighten nearby beings, each of his arms has a different functionality, and each one is adapted to perform that functionality
El cuerpo de Boos puede deformarse y quebrarse si quiere matar a un ser vivo
Boos' body can warp and break if it wants to kill a nearby entity
El Árbol de Boos es un Hippomane Mancinella (el árbol más peligroso del mundo)
Boos' tree is a Hippomane Mancinella (the most dangerous tree in the world)
...Baas Ruínaption...
"Baas" and "Bass" are the same thing (just change the penultimate "s" to "a"), "Ruínaption" is the combination of "Ruína" (in Portuguese) and "corruption" (in English)
"Baas" y "Bass" son la misma cosa (sólo hay cambia el penúltimo "s" por "a"), "Ruínaption" es la combinación de "Ruína" (en portugués) y "corruption" (en inglés)
Baas is a semi-Crystal Tree created by Boos and Livive to be the "Crystal Tree" of the purple forms. Its appearance is identical to Boos' because Boos was in charge of it (Livive didn't really Care about him), and he left him like this (extremely similar) for strategic reasons
Baas es un semi-Árbol de Cristal creado por Boos y Livive para ser el "Árbol de Cristal" de las formas púrpuras. Su apariencia es idéntica a la de Boos porque Boos estaba a cargo de él (a Livive no le importaba), y lo dejó así (extremadamente parecido) por razones estratégicas
Baas' Tree is the same as Boos' and Livive's, but if one of them stops giving Baas energy (which makes him live), he simply disappears like dust (almost a death)
El Árbol de Baas es el mismo que el de Boos y Livive, pero si uno de ellos deja de darle energía a Baas (lo que le hace vivir), él simplemente desaparece como el polvo (casi una muerte)
#jsab#art#just shapes and beats#artists on tumblr#digital art#jsab: cuidado#my art#jsab blixer#jsab tree#horror
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Down and out families were known to live in this cave in Harlan County, Kentucky from time to time.
Date on the photo was 1917.
If my memory is correct, there was a store built into the cave in the 50s/60s? But not sure.
#appalachian mountains#harlan county usa#harlan#harlan county#kentucky#cave ridge#liviving on a cave#1917#vintage photography#vintage
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Russian has been blowing apart Ukrainian PoL facilities for the last few weeks, along with ammunition depots, storage sites and vehicle refurb facilities. They are going to try and make it extremely hard for Ukraine to conduct mass offensive operations in the East. Also, the amount of shit bags on Twitter carrying water for Russian war crimes is staggering. Especially the one you used to interact with, the fox pfp from the Bahamas. Fucking shit bag Putin fellator.
1. Remember that if you're shipping tanks all the way to Liviv anyway, you may as well ship them just a little further into Poland, who have a T-72 servicing infrastructure of their own - because they operate them.
2. https://archive.ph/JZ0z5 Improvise, adapt, overcome.
3. If you refer to @Taurevanime, I not only know all about it, but got him to come onto discord so I could call him a miserable, vile motherfucker from the depths of hell. I said some other things too, but repeating them here might violate TOS. He's not the only one, though. I had some pretty big-deal accounts as mutuals before I got yeeted, and they turned out to be hollow, cynical fucks. I'd like go back to Twitter and tell @17cShyteposter exactly how this shit "makes me feel." But, finding out that some le BAPist account worshiped BAP's irony without understanding the purpose is one thing. I'd also like to post the images of the genocide in Bucha, and the bodies of a family that were burned, and the image showing a three year old girl who was raped and murdered, with her corpse lying atop the dead body of her 17 year old sister, and ask @MorlockP if this is a fair price to pay for a "diversity of geopolitical regimes."
Staying off twitter is the best goddamned thing I ever did. It's made sure I channel my energies into actually documenting and reporting, instead of burning bridges with people. Because I wouldn't be burning them. I'd be nuking them from fucking orbit right now. You can quote me on that.
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