livinlavidafandoms · 7 years
ACOWAR and whole series chant and rant(spoilers ahead)
Well this is the first time i actually do this, some sort of review, but the last two months I’ve been reading the whole A Court of thorns and roses series and i have to say my feelings are very very mixed.So here I go 
ACOTAR : I kinda enjoyed this one , it certainly got me into the whole Prynthian world and it’s aesthetics, the fact that Feyre is the Katniss of the first book bugged me a little , but not so much to distract me from the plot.What bugged me enough to distract me was the attitude her sisters had , especially Nesta, despite paying of well in the end of the series Nesta in the beginning was a pure prick,arrogant and completely pointless for me to be made that way.Of course you’ll say ‘’character development’’ and its the only thing ill keep of it but still it annoys me to the core that Feyre was responsible for everyone to be fed and taken care of.Afterwards , where Tamlin and Lucien got into the plot ,it gave me the vibe of Beauty and the Beast. A curse had to be broken for Tamlin and that curse, a part of it , included the true love and blah blah blah.Mesmerizing though was the description of the court, its festivities and the Way Tamlin treated of Feyre despite how the books try to change that.I myself do not so much like Tamlin but I can certainly give it to him that he was poorly treated.Then again at the end of the book the casual danger appears, Amarantha , a cruel figure to me , but still made Feyre’s trial really agonizing and wanting to see the outcome was the only reason i did not give up the book.Then again our opinion towards the prick called Rhysand changes ,which is somehow great , and everyone understands why during the next book , however, by the end of thebook with Amarantha being destroyed was very predictable. I would have chosen her staying alive and being allies with Hybern , something ill elaborate on later.
ACOMAF: Whoah, this book really got me awed.I would have dropped the series had i not read the goodreads comments urging me to read it.Anyways to pick first things first. We had reached a point where we all liked tamlin and now you have a tamlin who treats Feyre like a maiden quickly to be wed.I despised to whole plot with Ianthe and how she did everything.The only thing ill keep is the sex scenes with Tamlin to this and the previous book , which are enjoyable compared to the ones with Rhysand.But ill get to that. Then again I felt bored again but Rhysand popped and saved the day.The whole respect he gave her and the freedom shows such contrast with Tamlin that I myself not until then realised. J Maas has done an incredibly majestic work with the aesthetics , the night court , the descriptions ,i dont know what to mention first.The night court?the illyrians? the bond between Rhysand’s friends? their backrounds? Velarys? the mate revelation?THAT was something i really did not see coming.The whole book built up this ship brick by brick , and by the moment they reveal their love you finally say YES! even more unexpectable was the way Hybern and the cauldron made appearance , Feyre’s sisters being captives and then changed to Faery had me like : :O ! I did not expect that either.Generally this book was very verygood , with more character development , more scenery and a really good plot that makes you wonder by the end of it : what did i just read. 
ACOWAR: Up to this point after finishing acomaf i had really high hopes for this one and my hopes in the end fell and crumbled quicker than the wall.First of all what made me flinch in the previous book and in this one is any sex scene of Feysand. In huge contrast to tamlin , which those scenes where much calmer and easily readable , The Feysand sex scenes were a huge and long read , pages devoted to how these to mated , full  of unnecessary details ,that had me thinking : this is not Fifty Shades. There was a war going on and it really annoyed me how Rhysand kept making sex jokes and those two kept teasing each other.Apart from that , for me it was like i was reading through an entirely different Feyre. She was bragging a lot about being a high lady , already using her power Rhysand gave her , which is good , they make a great power couple , but yet, it makes me feel like that’s not the Feyre we’ve been reading about for two books now. What really awed me in a good way was the character development for Nesta and Lucien . Apart from that i really think the first part of the book in which Feyre played the spy under Tamlin’s nose , to me was just a fill up of pages.To keep going  i found really important for the plot the interaction with the other courts , again the aesthetics they give off to me its the only reason this book series deserves to be on screen. Apart from that the whole world crumbling , Hybern having a massive army and finally tearing down the wall , and yet J Maas choses to devote pages and pages on 1) Feysand scenes 2)telling us how strong the mating bond is 3)just playing our feelings towards Tamlin ( i do understand him if he doesnt want to see Feyre again but not for Lucien.). Anyway, moving on to the war , in which many and many and many pages are devoted to it , the troops , the camp , it truly built up the moment against Hybern . I was pleasantly surprised to see the two Archeron girls defeating Hybern , and made a great deal their father being killed.They actually had a loss to mourn over.One thing that could have made the scenes much better for me would be if Amarantha had lived and just imagine Hybern’s madness mixed with her cruelty , it would make the war much much more dramatic and surely with more losses.  Which is wha  i really wanted to happen and did not ( I should mention here that I am a fan of losses and deaths because they strenghten the characters of the living ones and it makes it look realistic , that actually during a war there are losses and amongst them could be our favorite faces.) The war with Hybern  did not actually leave a loss for us to be sad about , and what actually annoyed me is that, in comparison with the first book finale where Feyre was dying it kept is saying NOOOOO , it was real and her outcome,being a faerie was not expected (at least for me). Now we have Amren in the fear of loosing everything she remembers of, Azriel and Cassian shattered and Rhysand almost to die. And yet they all come back , everything is fine and happily every after.On the one hand I dont get it , it was war , there had to be losses , people to be remembered , people for whom a treaty between prynthians and humans should be honored for.But on the other hand its fiction , people, i put myself in too, read this to get away from reality , and J Maas gives us a perfect scenery in this series  , and when you want to just relax and read , who would want to read about deaths? 
To conclude in this long review, amongst these books I’d gladly read again the second one , of course I’ll want for J maas to tell us more about what happened to all these characters years after,I’ll give it a 3/5 , questioning very much the third book.This series truly deserves to be on screen mainly because I think with the right production the world will come to love it , and especially because the whole court aesthetics, the outfits , the cities , but also our extremely beautiful characters , are majestic pieces that definitely deserve to be made to a series (or films)
PS: If you have read till this point I thank you very very much for doing so , and Im open to suggestions for more reviews (it is a new thing I’ll try for this blog)
PS2: J Maas if you ever read this , please make a happy ending for Tamlin too.I think he might deserve it.
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