#livelifeonyourownterms speakyourtruth goals motivation happpinesschoices decisions
silveroakhealth · 6 years
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Have you ever asked yourself what do you really want in life? What is really important for you?
Setting goals is a great way to give yourself direction, focus and motivation. Whether your goals are big or small, the first step in achieving them is deciding what they are! It is important not to measure yourself by the standards of other people. Life is better when you’re not so concerned about how other people will view you for your actions, choices, and decisions.
Life on your own terms means the ability to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to you. It means being able to enjoy quality time with your family, while also having a purpose-filled career that provides financial freedom. And when you live life on your own terms, you will be a more fulfilled and happy person.
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