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zuzuelectricbugaloo · 2 months ago
Crepic headcanon: Reading.
Hear me out.. I like the idea of Epic and Cross snuggled up close and reading together, either one of them is reading to the other or they’re both reading the same book in silence. You could take this as romantic or not, either way I just LOVEEE platonic intimacy sososo much that I had to include it in my favourite ship
This is adorable! I love them so much they’d do this, absolutely, yes 🥰 I so agree! Physical intimacy doesn’t have to be inherently romantic or sexual! Love is limitless, and platonic love can be just as deep as romantic love.
They snuggle ALL THE TIME. That’s their favored (shoutout to @sirsauidsalot), their beloved, their dearest person ever! Epic is extremely cuddly and touch-starved and Cross is also touch-starved! It’s a win-win :D
They’d definitely cuddle while reading. Cross may be touch-starved, but he isn’t much of a hugger nor a tactile person. Epic gives him most of the physical comfort he needs without Cross vocalizing it, which is what his ego prefers xD It’s like how you might not be touchy with a lot of people, but you have that one special person you don’t mind sharing your bubble with, and welcome that contact with them.
He’s happy to draw or read while laying down against Epic as he reads on the couch or bed. Or Cross would sit and read and Epic would lay his head on Cross’s lap while he also reads.
There would also be moments where they’d read the same mangas and comic books together, either sharing favorites or finishing to-be-read books. Epic would voice act or play out their favorite scenes with Cross, going all out with props around the room and their magic to bring the scene to life xD
Sitting side by side reading the same things at the same time they’d have live commentary and share their reactions.
They’d build ultimate blanket forts, snacking on cookies and hot chocolate they freshly made with the lights turned off so glow in the dark stickers of things they like and fairly lights light up the fort while they read inside it.
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luminousjellyfishy · 3 months ago
More fanficccc
Crepic Fluff
Characters (UTMV): Cross, Epic, (side: Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Error)
Word Count: 1203
Trigger Warning: Swearing
Summary: Cross and Epic were completely obsessed with each other, they just didn't know it. But everyone else did and they were tired of it.
Things were getting out of hand.
For 2 months now, Epic had been staying with the Bad Sanses, often found lounging around in the living room or side-by-side with Cross. Or both.
The two had practically grown inseparable, even going as far as to have sleepovers in each other’s rooms more often than not. They were constantly smiling around each other, laughing, having fun, looking over at one when they thought the other wasn’t looking, being so overwhelmingly positive that it made Nightmare slightly physically sick-
You know, all that stupid pining stuff.
It had gotten to the point that Nightmare actually avoided being in the same room as the two of them since the affection (that was visible to everyone but them) was honestly a nasty taste.
Killer decided he had to do something about it, and the others all agreed.
“Ok, so the plan is that we surprise them with an intervention.”
Dust looked over at Killer and rolled his eyes, “What’s that even supposed to mean? This isn’t some AA meeting where we can just take away their booze and hope for the best.”
“Yeah… if we separate them, it’ll just confuse and upset them.” Horror said from across the table that they’d all gathered around.
“Shhhhhhhh-shut. Shut the fuck up. Hear me out. Ok? Listen, I’m not saying separate them, I’m saying confro-”
“So, we should confront them directly and tell them that they’re both sickeningly attracted to one another? Hm, that’s a rather good idea.” Nightmare cut in, smirking as everyone else praised him for ‘his’ good idea.
Killer gave him the finger and said, “Yeah. That’s what we’re gonna do. Great idea, boss.”
“Thank you, thank you.”
Killer raised his other hand and gave Nightmare that middle finger as well, to which he replied with feigned shock.
“So, what? We’re just gonna trap them in a room and tell them that they like each other? Cross is socially stupid, so he’s just gonna shut down and deny anything Epic asks him.” Error said, finally looking up from his phone and joining the conversation.
Silence followed.
“Man, why couldn’t you stay quiet.” Killer groaned, allowing his head to fall to the table harshly.
“Because I love unnecessarily stirring up shit, that’s why.” He replied smugly, looking back down to his phone.
“What if we just did it anyways? Sure, he’s really stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff, but if they were locked together for long enough, don’t you think he’d say something eventually?” Horror asked tentatively, looking around between everyone.
“I suppose… Plus, telling them gets it out into the open, so they’d be aware of it at the very least.” Nightmare added, eager to get all of this over and done with.
Killer was quick to chime in, “Alright! So we have a plan, when are we going to do it?”
The day had come for Cross and Epic to be locked in a room with each other.
Everyone was unsure of whether or not the plan would even work, since it had just been made yesterday, but it was their best (and only) hope.
The two blissfully unaware memelords had been walking down the hallways aimlessly, talking about nothing and enjoying each others’ company, when suddenly a portal opened beneath their feet and they wound up in a rather cozy looking room.
Cross was the first to gain his bearings and leapt to his feet quickly, eyes darting around the room and looking for danger. After realizing where they were and he was sure that nothing was wrong, he quickly made his way back over to Epic and helped him up since he was just sitting on the floor.
“Soooooo, where are we, bruh?” Epic asked, staring around at their surroundings in complete confusion.
“Actually, I think we’re still at the mansion… It looks like one of the secondary sitting rooms, but I have no idea why we’re here or how we even got here.” Cross replied, still searching the room, double and triple checking that absolutely nothing could hurt Epi– that nothing was wrong.
“Heheh, heyyy losers.”
The two spun around and saw Error looking at them through one of his portals, with the other Bad Sanses watching from behind him.
Suddenly, Killer pushed Error to the side, much to his outrage, and leaned through the portal.
“Soooooo, we just figured that we’re gonna magically and… uh, code-ingly… lock you two in this room and make you talk.” Killer said teasingly to them, resting his chin on his palm. Error rose from behind him and gave him a look that promised murder later.
“Wait, but we always talk?? Why are you going to keep us here just to do something that we always do anyways?” Cross asked, raising his arms in disbelief.
Killer let out an evil laugh, drawing looks from the others, and said, “Oh, that’s the good part. You two are finally going to tell each other how you really feel! Which is complete infatuation of course.”
“Honestly, it tastes rather disgusting, thank you very much.” Nightmare chimed in from over Killer’s shoulder.
“You taste emotions?!” Epic asked, dumbfounded.
Nightmare just sighed.
“Wait wait wait, hold up. No. Backtrack. What do you mean, ‘infatuation’?” Cross asked abruptly, eyelights shrinking and a purple blush dusting his cheeks.
Error could be heard giggling in the background as he yanked Killer back with his strings and closed his portal.
Both Epic and Cross were silent for a few minutes, looking anywhere but each other at this point.
“Sooooooo, uh. You… too?” Epic said finally, in an awkward and hesitant voice as he glanced over at Cross.
Epic quickly looked away to face the newly interesting wall.
“Nahhhh no way. This must be a dream or something. It has to be. This literally only happens in my dreams.” Cross muttered to himself and he paced anxiously across the floor.
“No wayyyyyy, you dream about me, bruh?” Epic asked as he suddenly popped up in front of Cross’s face, causing said purple skeleton to stumble back and fall down in surprise.
“N-No! I totally don’t, dude… no way. That’s gay and I’m wearing socks, so it can’t be.” He replied, looking away with a shaky smile.
“Hm, you’re right… So it can’t be that.” Epic laughed out as he looked down at Cross.
A beat of silence as both of their faces turned even more purple.
“But what if I… I uh– Took off my socks?” Epic nervously asked him, still looking down, but now at the floor.
More silence stretched between them.
“… Then that would be pretty gay, dude.” Cross replied, smiling even more as he looked up at him.
“Is that such a bad thing? If I wanted to be sockless with you?”
Cross’s eyelights shrunk slightly as he registered the question.
“I- I think… I think that’d be pretty cool actually.” He breathed, making eye contact with Epic as he did.
In response, Epic smiled wide and plopped down on the floor beside Cross.
They sat in amicable silence for a bit, Cross’s head resting on Epic’s shoulder, before Epic asked him,
“Heh, so you dream about me?”
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triglycercule · 2 months ago
I NEED to know all the reasons for the 12 jk fashion Killer cancellations right now
(Also 5 bucks its cus she doesn't know when to shut her mouth)
it is in fact because killer can't shut her mouth. also because she does stupid stuff. these go in no particular order except for the knife collection to hospital apology video
killer made a fake beginner art account on tiktok by tracing over horror's (arguably shitty) art and claiming it was hers
killer made fake unsafe stimboards on tiktok but the unsafe content was just quick jumpscares of her face
she posted about her knife collection on twitter and people dogged on her for having so many and being an over consumer
she livestreamed her bothering cross on tiktok live with some pretty deep cutting remarks and then in retaliation cross shoved her away and killer jokingly fell but then it turns out she actually fell pretty badly and broke her arm
while in the hospital killer made an apology video for the knife collection thing (not adressing literally anything else) and just used that video to explain to everyone that she was rich and broke people should never laugh. and then at the end of the video she put a video of her showing off more of the knife collection
killer got doxxed and then doxxed the other person back and posted their adress on all of her social medias. this went back and forth until her account passwords got leaked and for a day people logged into her account until she changed the password (a whole other spiel,,,,,)
at the height of dsmp's popularity she made her own smp and invited the whole school :D and just used it to play god with people in creative mode and set tnt everywhere and gave herself netherite yada yada yada,,,,,,,
made a tiktok bashing animation memes and saying that they were cringe and everyone that liked them were losers knowing DAMN WELL she herself was animation meme kid
killer made a really bad cover of the "bees in my head" song (but hey she commisioned ink to do the music video for her so people were kinda conflicted 💀 ink got paaaaaaid bag btw)
posted about shipping real people on her priv twitter and someone leaked it and killer had to fight for her life when people told her it was bad (the ship was crepic she was rambling about how cross and epic had bromantic tension) (they do)
posted another ramble on her priv twitter about women and how much she loved women and all of her crushes and someone leaked it AGAIN and claimed killer was in fact not a lesbian and faking it (WHO KEEPS LEAKING IT BRUH)
killer pissed dust off extremely badly by accidentally dropping her phone from the school rooftop. dust immediately went onto twitter and leaked the screenshots of killer flirting with her on discord and claimed she was one of killer's fans and she was using her fame and power to date dust. killer had to fight off the haters plus get dust to forgive her that day. horror laughed
people forgave her for all of this in current day because looking back at it it was ngl funny and 2020 was a crazy time. killer has definitely gotten more mature from doing dumb shit like pissing off cross and doxxing people tho but havent we all 😇😇😇
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voidzphere · 11 months ago
might be my last ask but we’ll see….. :3c
im gonna list som sanscest ships and u tell me how u feel about them!!!
classicdreamccino (classic x dream x ccino, or chamomile)
errorswap/errorberry (error x swap)
dreamdust/stardust (dream x dust)
crepic/crossepic (cross x epic)
horrordustfarm (self explanatory…)
driller/dreamkiller (killer x dream, i lov them sm :3)
classicmare (classic x nightmare, i find this ship rly interesting….)
classiccross/crossic (classic x cross)
classicdust/dustclassic/dussic (classic x dust, i drew this ship bc its starting to grow on me…)
star sans poly/swapinkdream
dreamberry/bluedream (this ship has a special place in my heart)
(i typed bluedream instead of swapdream/dreamswap. i feel like thats self explanatory)
probably listed too much classic ships, but i like to hear peoples opinions on classic ships, esp ones that are rarepairs :3 (there arent enough popular classic ships and thats so confusing bc classic would be such a good partner……)
(tell me if uve already talked about any of these ships)
DUDE i love all of theze zm but m'gonna lizt them down either way cuz who the fuck carez
firzt off, CHAMOMILE IS SUCH A CUTE SHIPNAME + i definitely think this could work out :3
dream and dust is a rarepair ive seen get thrown around here and there, havent seen a lot of content of them and hope to see more !!! their relationship is intereztin to me ^_^
fucking ADORABLE. they def help saejun on the field <3
CLASSICMARE IS DEF INTERESTINF !!! /poz :3 i think theyd get along (someway)
never heard of thiz one, but id love to see how it'd work out tbh :o
SHAKEZ YOUU whenever i zee thiz ship itz alwayz the mozt wholezome cutezt shit ever. love them <3
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