shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
[ @liuuhai​ / mxtx sc. ft YIN YU ]
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            “ have you ever thought about having a successor ?? before you ascended, i mean... ” yin yu asks, sometimes he sees ghosts of children darting around the main street and sometimes he sees children hiding in the brush of the royal garden when their parents were at work. for gods and immortals, there’s no need for a successor, they lived for a long time....of course, there would be deputies appointed in case something does happen, but rarely do gods ever die.
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shuoshuzhe-aa · 5 years
liuuhai: “ please stay . i need you more than you think . ” @ yin yu
[  sickly sweet sentiment  /  accepting  /  @liuuhai  ]
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            brows raising at liuhai’s words, softer than liuhai’s normal BRUSQUENESS. “  are you afraid that i will not come back if i leave  ??  ” yin yu asks, curious to the other’s insecurity. “  had i not returned without fail, in life and in death  ??  ” yin yu asks, thinking of the time when his mortal life ended…as a spirit, he returned to the other’s side.            “  i’ll always come back,  ” yin yu promises gently, “  our fates are intertwined with one another since you’ve picked me up from the side of the road,  ” he continues, hand reaching out to brush out the stray hair in liuhai’s face. “  i’ll come back.  ”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
liuuhai; [ feed ] & reverse
[Non-sexual acts of dominance | @liuuhai​ | accepting]
Talon sat upon the demon’s lap, precariously balancing a bowl of ginger milk pudding in one hand, and a spoon in the other. It was only natural that he found himself perched upon Liuhai’s lap, really. Not only was it comfortable, it was the perfect place to sit if he was truly to feed him. 
Like a concubine.
A soft flush coloured his cheeks as the thought crossed his mind. It was not out of shame, however. No, Talon long had realised that shame, like those restrictive rules of courtesy and politeness, were nothing more than another method for them to restrain him, dictating his every behaviour with a beguiling smile. Watching as they destroyed him… 
No, what faintly coloured his cheeks was anger. Anger that he had allowed himself to be held down for so long. Anger that even now, free as he was from their influence, he could not help but reflect upon what they had beaten into his skull and how they had orchestrated his fall. 
Anger, that he could not enjoy this moment as it was. 
Talon scooped the spoon gently into the white pudding, raising it to his lips and blowing upon the dessert to cool it. All the while, he gazed upon the demon. How pretty he was. How pretty he was, devouring demons before Talon’s own eyes, power evident in all that he did. 
It was… exhilirating. 
His hand did not shake as he held out the spoon for Liuhai, and he took immense pride in that simple achievement. He was not trained in such things, after all - indeed, he once had been a king and yearned now to return to that throne, ruling these southern seas which had always been his home. He took pride in how he did not tremble before the demon, too. 
And as Liuhai took a bite, he smiled. It was but a simple pleasure, to create with one’s own hands and to offer such a simple dish, yet all the same… 
He could almost imagine himself being content with this alone. 
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
@liuuhai​ / random sadness
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            why was he here again ?? he had spent the last few weeks trying to forget everything. yin yu’s gone as far as to throw himself into his school work, to his job, to clubs, to his family...anything to DISTRACT himself from the ache in his heart ( an ache he couldn’t even share with anyone because he feared judgement from them, he feared it’d bring HIM trouble [ laughable, he’s still trying to protect the man that broke his heart ] ).             he was suddenly yanked off the street as he was returning from work, thrown into the back of a car, then shoved into a room. how nostalgic. yin yu hears the lock on the door CLICK to signal that he was indeed closed in with the male across from him. a face he never thought he’d see again, a face he NEVER wants to see again. so he stands in silence, staring at the other ( his heart lurches, he wants to be right there, in his arms, he wants it so bad ).             “ is this some sort of sick joke to you ?? ” yin yu starts, breaking the silence between them. “ you kick me out, then you drag me back here ?? for what ?? you think i’ll undress and spread my legs for you again ?? or be your adviser again and let you toy around with me ?? ” he asks, anger bubbling forth as his hands clenches into fists. no more.             yin yu turns on his heels, he doesn’t want to hear HIS voice. he won’t break. hands raised to pound at the door, “ LET ME OUT, YOU DUMBASSES. I WANT TO GO HOME, ” he yells, this was what he should have done all those months ago.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai: “ you always meant the world to me . i’m sorry i let you forget that . ” @ yin yu
[ hurt / comfort / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            “ you’re an asshole !! ” he croaks, tears streaming down his face. he gave up trying to weakly shove liuhai away from him, pressed against the other’s figure as liuhai tried to wipe away the tears on his face. “ i hate you, ” he continues to throw out harsh words.            his hands grasps the other’s shirt tightly despite his words, he doesn’t want the other to leave him again. “ i can’t believe you did that to me !! ” he gasps, “ one second you’re so warm, the next you’re cold. ” he continues, weakly punching the other, “ you confuse me and i get scared, ” he sobs, voice cracking.            crumpling forward into the other’s figure, “ i’m going to make you pay, ” he promises, “ i demand reparations, ” he states, voice muffled against the other’s chest.
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shuoshuzhe-aa · 5 years
liuuhai: i’ll love you that way. @ yin yu
[  iron && wine  /  accepting  /  @liuuhai  ]
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            “  you don’t have to love me in any specific way,  ” yin yu replies, “  there’s no need for a special way or for you to go out of your way, just because you think it’s not enough,  ” yin yu continues, lifting his head to look at liuhai, “  you just have to love me, in your OWN way, and that’s enough, dianxia,  ” he concludes, “  because your love differs from other peoples and i only want yours, not what you’re emulating,  ” he states.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai: “ no matter what anyone else says , you are so important to me . ” @ yin yu
[ hurt / comfort / accepting / @liuuhai ]
            rough palms cup his face, the other’s figure dwarfing his smaller figure. he spots the tenderness in the other’s eyes, much different from the usual mischievous gaze. the softness and love reserved only for him.            he melts beneath the other’s touch ; it had been difficult recently, with some rumors spread in the court about who he used to be, who he is and how he got where he was. it was enough to arouse self— doubt, suddenly reminded of the times when he used to be GOD. back when he can’t but feel as if he’s lesser than yizhen, despite having ascended FIRST as a martial god.            “ am i ?? ” he asks, voice weak. he just wants to hear it again. he wants to hear liuhai repeat his words, as if he needed it to CEMENT the thought into his heart and mind.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai: ♡ yin yu
[ hug them / accepting / @liuuhai​ ]
            it was almost as if liuhai could read his unstable mind…that just then, yin yu could use some support. someone to HOLD him together before he truly breaks apart into numerous pieces.            liuhai’s embrace was TIGHT but not constricting. it was firm but gentle. conveying so much without words, and liuhai was normally a VERY loud person. in this moment, it was almost as if the demon king was asking yin yu to trust him, to lean on him, that liuhai will catch every falling piece and put him back together again. he is safe here.            swaddled in a familiar warmth and scent, yin yu’s face in buried in liuhai’s majestic robes and hiding the expression on his visage from the world while he gathers his thought…liuhai is his sword and shield in this moment of weakness.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai: He'd shooed everyone from the kitchen, barring out anyone, even Yin Yu from entering as he sequestered himself away. Several hours later, Liuhai emerged with a tray. It was stacked with many different dishes and snacks. Not many of them looked exceedingly pretty, but he presented them to Yin Yu all the same. "Happy Valentines day..."
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            he was curious to liuhai’s insistence on everyone staying away from the kitchen…the entire court had to head to the city for food and drinks instead of receiving their meals from the palace kitchens. it surprised him that liuhai was ADAMANT that he stayed out of the kitchen and most times, the demon king gave into yin yu…            the official just had to pray that liuhai doesn’t demolish the entire room during his stay within the vicinity. yin yu heads to the library, but not before asking a servant to stand guard and see what happens, to report to him on what was going on so yin yu could respond in time should something happen.            buried in his work, he was doing DOUBLE the work as liuhai never seemed to enjoy paperwork and when he did do them, it was in a lackadaisical manner that it was sloppy so he was redoing the sloppy writing so it could be used as official documents.            his focus is broken when liuhai enters the library after emerging from the library with a platter of food. yin yu blinks owlishly at the sight. liuhai ?? cooking ?? and NOT finish things the moment they were cooked ?? this deserves applause….            “ you made all of that ?? ” yin yu asks, standing from his seat as he looks over the selection, “ for someone who enjoys messes…this is elegant, ” he notes, hand reaching out to take a small bite from one of the dishes. with cautious steps to avoid knocking over the tray in liuhai’s hand, he walks within the other’s space.            pressing a gentle kiss to liuhai’s lips, “ happy valentine’s day, your highness, ” he murmurs, “ thank you for your thoughtfulness, ”
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai: ❛ i just want to love you, let me love you. ❜ @ yin yu
[ angst for my soul / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            there’s nothing lovable about himself. he was scrawny, easily forgotten, and powerless. all he had that was good about himself was his diligence and easily forgettable handsome visage. he doesn’t get what liuhai loved about him. yin yu was just a servant, a court official to an emperor. a lowly human…he had no grandiose castle ( anymore ), no majestic robes ( anymore ), no name, no title, nothing. so why was liuhai so INSISTENT on wanting to love him when there were so many more suitable people out there ??            “ but why ?? i’m…nothing special, ” he struggles, a frown tugging on his lips.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai; ‘ if you cannot handle me at my worst, that is fine. i am a powerful and terrifying thing and all should live in fear. ’ @xie lian and yin yu
[ twitter meme / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            “ are you sulking again, your majesty ?? ” yin yu asks, looking across the table to the male. he was stood next to xie lian, speaking with the god amiably…catching up on lost time. it would seem their topic has touched a sore spot with liuhai. “ if people truly could not handle you at your worst, you’d have neither a court nor an adviser, your highness, ” he states, he’s stuck with liuhai through thick and thin, never leaving the male’s side, even as a spirit when his mortal body expired.            “ liuhai, if you wish to join the conversation, why don’t you sit closer ?? ” xie lian asks, gesturing to the empty seat to his left. “ you needn’t feel excluded. ” he continues, offering a smile. “ and yin yu is correct, being terrifying and powerful, having people live in fear of you would only result in your own downfall, ” he states, as if he spoke from experience. “ if people truly did fear you, you would not have a palace nor kingdom. ”
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhia; ‘ later is the best time to do anything. ’ @ yin yu
[ twitter meme / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            brows furrowing as his lips tug into a frown, “ you said that a hour ago, ” he states, standing beside liuhai’s seat as if that’d be ENOUGH to prevent the male from escaping. “ now is later, ” he declares, putting a hand on the male’s shoulder...was it effective ?? probably not, liuhai was stronger and bigger than yin yu, he could get out at any time, so yin yu was just hoping that liuhai would give in and do as he asks.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai; ‘ i think i speak for all of us, just in general. ’ @ yin yu
[ twitter meme / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            “ to what topic, may i ask ?? ” yin yu asks, standing before liuhai. a brow quirked in curiosity as he waits for the other’s response. a bunch of scrolls in his arms, “ and for whom were you speaking for ?? the court or yourself, your majesty ?? ” yin yu inquires, setting down the scrolls with a dull thud. “ not to say your opinion is invalid, but you tend to think with your stomach and brawn than your mind, ” he continues, “ please think things through before you declare that you’re speaking for everyone because you know i will disagree. ”
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai; ‘ yeah, baby, i am an animal in bed. more specifically a koala. i can sleep for 22 hours a day. ’ @yin yu
[ twitter meme / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            “ a suffocating one, ” he replies, “ a not very good one to curl up next to, but warm, ” he continues. sometimes when he gets trapped under liuhai’s figure or arm, yin yu would wake from a heavy feeling on his chest. he didn’t mind being wrapped up in liuhai, but it was hard sometimes when he was being crushed. “ but sleeping for TWENTY — TWO hours is not something to be proud of, ” he scolds. 22 hours spent sleeping, 2 spent eating….yin yu had made it a MISSION to change liuhai’s habits.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhia; ‘ my morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting on my bed and thinking about how tired i am. ’ @yin yu
[ twitter meme / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            “ from what ?? ” yin yu asks, staring at the male seated on the bed, “ you sleep all night, get up to eat, wander, then nap….go for an evening snack, then go back to bed. ” yin yu repeats the normal itinerary that liuhai followed on a daily basis. “ i think you’re tired from sleeping too much, you need to be more active. ” he states, “ demon king or not, you need to look after your body if you intend to live long, ” he lectures.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
liuuhai; ❛ i look at you & i just love you & it terrifies me. it terrifies me what i would do for you ❜ [ @ yin yu, probably during their bizarre gang therapy session in the mafia au ]
[ pinterest sentences / accepting / @liuuhai ]
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            there was nothing they wouldn’t do for each other…there was no limit. if liuhai told yin yu to PULL the trigger on someone, he would…if he asked liuhai to do something for him, liuhai would do it in a heartbeat. people would say that it’s UNHEALTHY but they made it work.             “ does it ?? ” he asks, tone soft, “ then…what should i do ?? what should we do ?? ” he asks, do you want to stop ?? hangs on his tongue. stop loving each other, stop everything. he doesn’t want that…but liuhai said it was terrifying….love is terrifying….that’s how it’s always been.            “ what should we do ?? ” he murmurs.
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