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sailormoontoys · 6 years ago
A little update...
Not that anyone has asked/said anything about it, but I know it��s been a lot of reblogs lately and I’m sorry about that, but I am glad some of them are getting attention/that people like them. My life has been a mess since the whole mother-in-law visiting/my car getting destroyed while parked scenario almost 3 months back. I now have a new (to me) car that so far has been running/doing great, and I’ve also needed to recover from the huge amount of stress that was 2 months of searching for a *hopefully* good car in not terrible condition as a replacement (I could write a bunch of posts here but mostly have complained about that process on my Twitter). The huge plus side to all this is that though I have a loan again this time, it’s a personal one with much smaller payments, so I’m not as strapped for money as I have been in the past & I already own the car/have the title.  I just took my first half day off of work yesterday b/c I just really needed it. I know it was only a half day but my spouse and I spent it going out to a nice lunch, doing some shipping for ourselves (as well as grocery shopping), stocking up on some things and starting to get ready for holiday baking and activities. I feel so much better today although I still have some anxieties/stress b/c the holidays are always insane.  Sadly because it is so close to the holidays I can’t guarantee I’ll have any more of my self made posts up anytime soon, but I do have more queued reblogs that are mostly merchandise/collection based and will try to add to them. I have also started trying to get myself back into researching and I’m looking at purchasing some more books/magazines with helpful info. I’m trying to formulate a possible plan of informational posts about Sailor Moon merchandise mixed in with whatever other articles/ads I find out there and whatnot, but I haven’t quite solidified the best plan of action for these yet.  ANYWAY congrats if you read through my ramblings thus far, I have just felt like I’ve pulled in so many directions and I’m still trying to... idk re-center myself or something.  I love you, specifically, whomever you are and appreciate you using some of your precious time to read this. Remember that you matter! OK, BYE!
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ashleiiighhfaithh-blog · 7 years ago
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What a difference 5 months can make...🔥 . . #30poundsgone #newbodywhodis #somuchgained #includinggains #completelydifferentperson #LAfitness #lifestylechange #happyandhealthy #confident #gymrat #fitgirl #neverlookingback #littleupdate. #5monthsdown #forevertogo #ificandoit #youcandoit (at LA Fitness - FONTANA)
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escapethroughthepages · 8 years ago
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New week, new glasses 👓 I'm finally getting a post-uni routine going so with any luck I'll finally update the blog this week with a review 🙌
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bungoustraydogs-hcs · 8 years ago
Little update
Hello lovelies!
So I’ve already queue up these asks:
Fukuzawa+Kunikida+Dazai/cuddling hcs (for tomorrow)
Chuuya/sickly s/o (for the day after)
Tachihara/general hcs (Friday)
Chuuya/short s/o (Saturday)
I’m still working on:
the ‘100 followers special’ scenario
buraiha trio first kiss hcs
Dazai+Chuuya+Oda/inexperienced female s/o
Chuuya+Dazai+Akutagawa/first kiss
Requests yet to be work on are:
Chuuya/ fellow Port Mafia executive s/o
Atsushi+Kunikida+Tanizaki+Fukuzawa/with an asexual s/o or romantic hcs
a quote+Dazai fluff hcs
Atsushi+Dazai/relationship hcs
Oda/fluffy romance hcs 
Dazai vs gf’s nephew
So if you’ve sent in a request and It’s not listed here feel free to send it again!
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moemmusic · 7 years ago
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Poco a poco voy a ir levantando mi Home Studio Casero, ya verán :3 . #homestudio #littleupdate #musiceletronic (en San Salvador Department)
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desiirepath · 6 years ago
hey a littleupdate of my life! i realised i’m bisexual as i am seeing a dude rn! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ who saw this coming? not me! but im happy and it feels right so yaa
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mrtoledo419 · 7 years ago
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Blair Wyd tonight... #AtWork #NewKnobs #NeverStopWorking #35OfThese 😩😩#LittleUpdates #PropertyBROTHER #PropertyManagement #BMJEnterprisesLLC (at Sylvania, Ohio)
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b-originaldesigns · 8 years ago
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Yeah! My customer sent be the tile he put up! I only helped with the ordering & color scheme. I think it turned out great all the way around! #happyclient #littleupdates #kitchenremodel #tiledesign @daltile . . . . #kitchendesign #tile #subwaytile #pinwheelpattern #granite #countertops #design #designer #designideas #designinspiration #designlife #designlove #designnerd #ncdesigner #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordesignideas #naturalstone #raleigh #northcarolina #boriginal #boriginaldesigns (at Cary, North Carolina)
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sheltips · 8 years ago
your archetype is the realist.
traits: practical, understanding, honest, brutal, logical, creator, intelligent, sensible, down-to-earth, reasonable
the realist is most commonly used to symbolize the highest possible outcome in a dire situation. they are the ones who have everything planned, and hand out reality checks as if they were pamphlets to those who need them--which, quite honestly, is everyone who isn't a realist. although they can be harsh (brutal truth over merciful), they are nurturers and care more than they let on. realists tend to do things that will lead to the best outcome, and use their knowledge of reading people to manipulate situations and problems in order to get out of a rock and a hard place.
Tagged by: @therakster
Works, little fun thing, lots of people getting realist. 
As a serious note I’m sorry for those who follow me for my little writing snippets, and for people in game I haven’t been able to rp with. We’ve had a lot of loss lately and a lot of difficulty. I just got back from going to a hotel getaway thing with family to chill.
Father recently passed on and, honestly, perhaps worst of all our oldest cat is gone too. I wasn’t close to the first but the latter I have raised for most of my life. Good news, planning to get a new kitty soon. Excited to have an indoor one I can keep safe for sure. 
After this christmas season passes and family stuff is done, I will look forwards to getting back into rp and having finally more creativity to write again on here. Thanks for those who’ve been patient with my very spotty and somewhat antisocial behavior over the past month.
@bloodquiver @vulpes-and-co 
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lisaht · 8 years ago
This year has been wonderful. I quit my CNA job in february and started to work for Outward Bound.
OB, has been the best experience of my life. Meeting Scout and Lauren, fellow LCs. They are just amazing friends. And the instructor that work there. Ellsworth. The most amazing guy i’ve met. He is such a great, funny person and he enjoys my sassiness. Rachel. Such an incredible human being. So confident and positive. Everyone I met there was incredible and I loved waking up everyday for work. 
Now Im back in Denver working at two doggie day cares and holy fuck it sucks. I do not like working here. I leave for Keystone next week!
I start my job at Keystone Ski Resort as a lift operator. I mean housing is 250 a month and 25 for parking for the season. It’s a fucking steal and I’m so fucking ready to get out of Denver! 
In the spring I will go back to OB and then hopefully guide in the summer!
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iiixviixcvi · 9 years ago
February 25th 2016
Honestly, there are some days where I’d just get lost in my own world and pretend that no one is around because it just seemed easier that way. Although, I knew that it couldn’t always be that way and I’d eventually have to get back to reality to deal with the real world, it was nice just being alone and isolated. I was able to realize what it was exactly that I wanted for myself and for my future. It gave me the opportunity to let go of some issues/people and let room for those who are more worthy and a stress free lifestyle. So, I could probably say I’m happy that I made that choice. 
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letthisbemypeaceofmind · 9 years ago
Hey guys
It’s been a while since I posted something here on my tumblr page. Life has just been really really busy. I’m in my fifth week of my new internship and I like it. I really need to get used to all the traveling, which is okay but I need to think of myself more. In six week I lost 4kg, which I’m proud of but it could be more. So from now on I’m going to work out more and do my ultimate best. Tumblr needs to be my best friend again, this is the only thing I get motivation from ;) Hope you all had/have a great day :)
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b-originaldesigns · 8 years ago
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Yeah! My customer sent be the tile he put up! I only helped with the ordering & color scheme. I think it turned out great all the way around! #happyclient #littleupdates #kitchenremodel #tiledesign @daltile . . . . #kitchendesign #tile #subwaytile #pinwheelpattern #granite #countertops #design #designer #designideas #designinspiration #designlife #designlove #designnerd #ncdesigner #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordesignideas #naturalstone #raleigh #northcarolina #boriginal #boriginaldesigns (at Cary, North Carolina)
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agirlwhocriesoutloud-blog · 11 years ago
I have been lost into muffled thoughts and murky letters for the past few days hence I didn't get to update my blog. So here I am once again, just sitting down and yes, finally, I am blogging on my laptop because my iPad is somewhere in my Aunt's room and i am too tired to go and get it. 
So what have I been up to for the past few days?
Well, I really did nothing exciting. I just had a Switched At Birth Marathon and watched a couple of movies and downloaded some too. I am in our place in Borongan Eastern Samar by the way. I was here since Thursday. Did I forget to mention that on my previous blog posts? Hmm. Well, being home means having a broadband that you could actually rely on! Yes! My mobile wi-fi just doesn't do the cut in Cebu. It's okay but I could not really download movies and songs and albums with ease. Especially if you have that user blah agreement by Globe. It sucks! 
I'm just writing this little update about me because I am bored and I took it as an opportunity to just free my mind and type random things like pizza, popcorn and ice cream. Speaking of, I think I'm ice cream overdosed or something. I have been eating ice cream since yesterday and I still want more! I am such an ice cream addict, I can't even. Who else are ice cream addicts like me? Let us unite and share our love for this yummy treat filled with sugar and dairy and calories! Yumyumyum
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talkaboutbrenda · 11 years ago
Last paper tomorrow and it is time to PARTY! Gonna meet jelly (I miss her freaking much) and E (I miss her freaking much too) for dim sum. Jelly came back last week but I didn't have time to meet her due to exams. And....... Bangkok trip next Thursday!
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