#littlest pet shop zoe
tenderlads · 28 days
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pixxiecup · 2 months
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lps 2012 zoe trent and sugar sprinkles pets :D
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octodrawn · 1 month
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lps 2012 gamer AU
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efy727 · 2 months
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So last year I got back into Littlest Pet Shop (2012), a series that I haven't watched since 2015 due to only being able to access it through online uploads.
Still after all those years, I'm still quite fond of it and the characters. Anyway, I had a sketch lying around for an entire year and decided to finally finish the art piece.
Normally I sketch the characters on paper until I understand their proportions and small details, but I was struggling with this. Case in point, this is how I left the sketch a year ago:
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I guess attempting to draw other characters during the break helped out a lot.
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daisilynn · 1 year
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Humanarian 🩺
I actually was so obsessed with this show when I was little and I thought this song was AWESOME.
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leyendadospuntos · 2 months
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Mrs. Twombly adopted two dogs for the camp! After a while, Blythe finally got used to the chaotic children.
(The papa dog is nowhere to be seen, the kids say he is flying, but hes actually barking at passing planes-)
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dolcetermo · 4 months
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Lps 2012 stuff
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kittytoto-12345 · 4 months
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Lps doodles;)
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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gay pets but as people
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itzpris15634 · 8 months
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blythe and her (humanized) pet friendos!!
tried a mostly lineless style again and its super fun istg
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kikimi34454 · 7 months
can you make fanart of Pepper Clarke in her clown outfit dressing up Zoe Trent as a clown too?
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hola! aquí esta el dibujo de pepper y zoe :D
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tenderlads · 6 hours
Order and Voices - Chapter 2
Chapter 2: List of things
“Guys calm down, one at a time!”
All the pets around were jumping and pawing at her legs desperately trying to be the first to get her attention “oh oh, Blythe!” Vinne shouted, raising one hand up while the other pets followed suit. “Okay, okay settle down!” Blythe said, raising her voice a little, catching herself in a giggle spree.
After some time, she finally got the pets to stop and gather around her creating a nearly perfect circle.
“Blythe oh dear what’s that in your hand?”
Zoe said gesturing her paw towards her human friend. Blythe glanced at her own hand and smiled “oh nothing special.. just an all-paid vacation to the coolest places in the world!” She announced, opening the paper a bit more for her to see it, a huge smile forming on her face. “And you're all coming!” Blythe said, flipping the paper around for the others to see, showing them the tickets.
All the pets cheered excitement filling them with glee, regardless Blythe continued “we’ll get to go to the biggest camping place there is!’ then after that the beach then we will end it at the brand-new pet boutique being built!” Blythe said, trying to hold back her excitement as well.
“What else what else!!” Minka shouted, clearly getting riled up from the suspense. "You all get to model the new fashion pet line!” Blythe said, nearly squealing herself.
“Wait, so you're telling me we get to model for headliners new pet fashion, HOW!?” Zoe nearly screamed, throwing her paws up the air, “well turns out miss headliners were close friends with Mrs. T when they were just teenagers. And just recently they were able to reconnect. and Mrs. T told her about my fashion line, she loved it!” Blythe said rambling “and she loved you pets as well and wanted you to model her next line for the grand opening for the boutique!” She squealed, not containing her excitement anymore, same as the animals' cause as soon as she said it all the pets jumped her causing her to fall back. They all laughed and licked at Blythe’s face.
After a while she finally got the pets to relax, now being able to finish her statement “we still have plenty of time before this whole vacation starts." she stated "We have ten weeks before we go on vacation, I already got your owner's permission to go… except Russell’s.” she mumbled putting one of her hands to her chin. "Where is that hedgehog anyway?” Pepper said, striking up a good question,
“Am here...”
like on cue Russell replied before anyone could ask, his voice slurred a little from the sleepiness. He was walking rather slower than usual. He looked rather tired and sleep-deprived, as he had bags under his half-lidded bloodshot eyes.
“What did I miss...?” He yawned, putting a paw to his mouth. Everyone stared at him giving a certain look on their faces.
“Hate to break it to you Russ but you missed a lot.” Vinne said honestly walking past Russell,
“Yeah, Russell you missed a lot!” Minka jumped in begging to go on her talking spree.
And at that moment Russell stopped listening, Minka was known to ramble on for way too long when it came for a 'simple' explanation; he honestly wasn’t in the mood to deal with that right now so instead he decided to go to the source,
“Yeah, so.. that’s mostly everything”
Blythe said looking down at the hedgehog in her lap, Russell had decided to read the message by himself. Trying to make sure Blythe didn’t overlook anything important.
 “Mostly everything?” Russell asked, glancing up at Blythe, one eyebrow raised. Obviously wanting all the information known to him. “Well Russell before you can go with us.. we need to get permission from your owner..” Blythe said, her voice straining a little at the end.
Getting his owner's permission...? That should be easy. But if it was so easy it would have been done already,
 A sharp stinging sensation began to fill through his body.
The main source of it coming from his back rear, it was..
irritating his skin…
he needed relief,
he had to scratch..
scratch it.
Russell began to scratch, and scratch at the subjective spot till the sensation he felt earlier began to fade. Coming to a complete stop once he realized Blythe was staring at him. A concerned look on her face.
“Heh, heh.. just a bit itchy” He dry laughed flashed her a big embarrassed, smile.
Later that even…
The day went on pretty normal after Blythe left.
The pets went back to just doing the usual, Sunil trying new magic tricks, Vinne practicing his dance moves while pepper sorted through her jokester stuff, penny ling playing with Minka and Zoe walking in this direction—
“Russell, how long are you planning to stand there?”
“HUH...!?” Russell flinched abruptly, snapping out of his thoughts
 “Haven’t you been listening this whole time.?” Zoe said, flipping her bangs out of her face.
He shrugged, giving an apologetic look “well, since you weren’t paying attention l’ll reiterate what I said earlier”
We were talking earlier...? Russell thought, the dots not connecting together.
He couldn’t remember anything past talking to Blythe to be honest other than that he was drawing a blank. —a loud cough (that sounded rather intentional) interrupted him again, quickly looking back at Zoe, her was nose scrunched.
 He could tell she was getting irritated with him.
 “Now as I was saying, we WERE wondering if you were ready to go on this exquisite vacation Russell,” Zoe said Briskly as she went. “All the others are going to show off their finest qualities while there,” Zoe said, puffing her chest out sitting on her hind legs.
 “Zoe, I hope you're aware that we’re not even close yet..” Russell said, beginning to walk past her, heading to his clipboard and other assortment of things.
 “You do know it’s like ten weeks away...?” The hedgehog commented, giving her a quick glance.
 Zoe scoffed.
“I know! but some others just can’t wait!” She dramatically said, catching up to him.
 “Uh, yeah.. and when you mean “others” you mean you..” Russell reiterated not taking his eyes from the clipboard in his paws. “Yes well.. how could you blame me!” She barked back dramatically “every single famous pet model and fashion designer will be there! and will be the center of attention!” Zoe gasped “Can you just imagine it, Russell! Will be modeling headliners' new fashion for the grand opening of the new pet boutique! every single pet and human will be cheering and screaming are names, ah! I can just hear it now” Zoe said, her paws nearly hugging herself, clearly daydreaming.
Russell could swear he saw stars glowing in her eyes. Shaking his head a little, trying to hide this smirk on his mouth “yeah Zoe I can imagine all right..” he joked playing along with her while walking over to the wide window area. Jumping up there Russell pulled a pencil from behind his ear and cleared his throat, preparing to make an announcement to the others.
“Alright pets!” He said making his presence known to the others, they gathered around him. “As you may know we usually do a headcount when we all enter the daycare in the morning.., unfortunately things got a bit mixed up..”
“If you mean you sleeping all day is a mix up, then that’s sure one big mix up Russell''
 Vinne joked, shrugging his shoulders. The other pets chuckled a little trying their hardest not to show it. “Ha ha, very funny Vinne" the hedgehog said sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Anyways.. as I was saying, there’s a list of things I want to over with you all” Russell said glancing down at his clipboard tapping the pencil, he could hear some of the pets' groan, (mostly Vinne) at his statement.
“As you all may know Blythe is taking us on a fashion tour”
“ uh.. didn’t Blythe call it a vacation Russell.?” Sunil asked, quickly raising his paw up.
“Well technically it’s a vacation..— but more of a fashion tour,” Russell added “Will be doing a lot more than just camping and going to the beach, they want us to model different outfits catered to each different activities you would do on a summer vacation” Russell informed them.
“Welp that sense to me!” Minka piped in leaning close to pepper as she whispered “I actually have no idea.. he lost me past the vacation bit..” she admitted, pepper nodded.
“Now I am pretty sure Blythe already got permission from all your owners..?” Russell asked, writing something down on his checklist.
“Yup!” pepper replied,
“Duh!” “obviously! “ Vinne and Sunil both said at the same time,
“Totally!” Minka nearly screamed out in response,
“hmm yes!” Penny ling hummed,
“Do I even need to say anything?” Zoe sassily responded, flipping her hair to the side.
Russell finished writing, nodded his head “okay that’s everyone!” He announced going over the list again. “Now one last thing we have to- “
 “Wait! Russell what about you?” Penny ling questioned, quickly interrupting him. A worried expression on her face, clearly not wanting her friend to be forgotten.
After that question all eyes were on him, they all started to ask the same thing.
“Are you going?”
“Yeah, Russell!"
“please tell me she’s letting you go”
"Yeah, Russell aren’t you coming?”
“Please Russell say you're going!”
“There’s no way he’s not coming. Right..?”
They kept asking all at once overcrowding him. At some point their voices started to merge into one big loud cluster, their voices couldn’t even be recognized by Russell anymore.
He quickly flipped through his clipboard trying desperately to find himself the answer. He mutterd to himsealf, feeling sweat drop down his head.
 Is this what feeling overwhelmed feels like..? He questioned, no he shouldn’t be feeling overwhelmed! his friends just asked him a simple question and he’s taking it out of proportion. Russell told himself trying to claim his nerves, their voices becoming increasingly intolerable by the minute. He started to Grip at his ears hoping that would work in his favor.
it only made things worse.
The voices slowly started to turn into static, a drowning buzz vibrating his body to his core, causing him to shut his eyes tightly. Nearly beginning to shake. He started to hear whispers, whispers that sounded somehow familiar...
Were they speaking to him…?
(Just answer…)
Russell quickly opened his eyes, his ears still pressed against his paws. He took quick frantic glances around, dark shadows moved around the corner of his eyes, not making their presence known. It repeated again.. 
(just answer)
Keep it together Russell! that’s not important he mentally scolded, putting his hands down and quickly looked at his clipboard.
There were uneven words constantly written scribbled all over the paper, some even all over the wooden part. 
Did he write these...?
Give them an answer..
Give them an answer.
They can tell when you're lying..
His ears nearly rang from all the sounds. The static nearly sounded like a snowstorm while the buzzing hummed and burned his ears the (pets) voices persistently repeated their so much he could almost see the words visually being spelled out.
Russell was getting overwhelmed..
He wanted this to stop..
He wanted silence..
Then answer..
“ huh..?”
Just give them an answer
“ what..?”
And everything will be quiet
“ how..?” 
Just answer. 
It repeated.
 Just answer 
Just answer 
Just answer 
Just answer 
Just answer
 Russell shouted suddenly, causing the pets to stop. “ ye— yes! I assure you guys I'm going.!” Russell quickly added in slightly slipping up on his words, seemingly swatting and acting rather jittery.
 “ Thatrapsuptherollcallfor tonight— I mean today ah I mean— this afternoon, bye!” Russell quickly said, his words all jumbled together and not making any sense. But before any of the pets could ask him what he ment, he then took off quickly to the other side of the daycare, persistently scratching at the top of his scalp as he went.
“Well that was weird..”
pepper said trying to fill the awkward silence,
“ yeah.. we were just asking Russ a question” Vinne added while walking right next to pepper, “ did anyone else notice how nervous Russell was just acting a minute ago..” Sunil questioned.
“ Yeah I noticed that too!," Minka jumped in, adding  “he was all sweaty and shaky! like he had a cold!” She said, while mimicking russell. “ He also scratched the top of his head a lot!!”
“ Ohh! I hope we didn’t make Russell uncomfortable” Penny ling gasped her little paws flying to her mouth.
 " Don't worry penny ling, Russell just being dramatic,” Zoe assured the worried panda.
Then all the pets looked in the direction Russell went
“Yeah, I hope your right penny ling..” pepper added.
Chapter 2 is here! And what's up with him? His friends only asked him a question.
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idontknow3579 · 6 months
I'm drawing some of the outfits Blythe drew but never actually made
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More coming later
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octodrawn · 1 month
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Hello! Here are some of my LPS 2012 human AU designs (+ some animal version redesigns (I cannot draw animals))! You can learn more about them in this video :D
Expect more art soon >:3
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darwuzhere · 4 days
LPS2012 scenepacks||Zoe Trent part 1
Y'all's wishes are my command!
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kiturts · 3 months
one thing that makes me unecessarily annoyed is when people compare Zoe Trent from the lps 2012 tv show to Twilight Sparkle SHUT UPPP SHES NOT TWILIGHT IN DOG FORM SHES LITERALLY RARITYS DOGSONA BUT WITH TWILIGHS COLOR PALETTE GET IT RIGHT
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