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hebighammer · 6 years ago
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#Music by @HoneyBadgerFolk at #TwoRiverRamble to benefit @ParkerHomestead1665 #LittleSilver #NJ RT @preservation_nj @thetworivertimes @sicklesmarket @sicklesmarketevents (at Parker Homestead-1665) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqNw0knG6T/?igshid=3ixx84wqh7h4
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generouskind · 3 years ago
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vickiboardman · 4 years ago
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Saying hey to some cormorants and egrets creekside. 🌿🦢✨ #creeklife #birdwatching #theskywhereIam #goldenhour #sunsetbirds #birbs #egrets #cormorants #LittleSilver #NewJersey #wildlife #marshbirds #wetlands #latesummer (at Parkers Creek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3kQe5gc9Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orianalamarca · 4 years ago
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Satisfy your sweet tooth with me today @trueblueboutique_ in #LittleSilver from 12-3 🍬🍭 We’ll have all the #Armcandy and champagne you can dream of and I’ll be there to help you style your perfect #armparty 😉 Can’t wait to meet you all!❤️❤️#addictedtoarmcandy @trueblueboutique_ @trueblueboutique_ (at Little Silver, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGurJA1lA_G/?igshid=26n8n8he1609
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oneblowdrybar · 7 years ago
Come & get your #blowdry on at @oneblowdrybar #redbank #blowdrybar #blowoutsalon location! CALL TO BOOK 855.ONE.BLOW #littlesilver #rumson #fairhaven #hair #hairstyles #hairdo #hairstylist #newjersey #blowouts #oneblowdrybar #obdb (at oneblowdrybar)
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johnarcaraphotography · 7 years ago
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Ah yes! @kanebrewing #sneakbox an amazing #paleale a gift from my buddy @thebigwelker thanks dude. • @redtankbrewing • • • #craftbeer #craftnotcrap #beerporn #redbank #redbanknj #njbeer #redbankbrewery #stout #redbankbeer #redbankbrewing #njcraftbeer #farmtotable #redtankbrewing #rumson #fairhaven #littlesilver #holmdel #localbeer #wineporn #beerforthesoul #legacyluxuryrockandroll #beertasting #ipa #lovebeer #beerislove 🍺 #njcraftbeer #beersnob #beerstagram #homebrew# instabeer #instabeer (at Red Tank Brewing)
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joseaesquea · 6 years ago
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Great Saturday afternoon gi class! Great training and even better people! #jiujitsu #bjj #shrewsbury #grappling #monmouthcounty #grapplingarts #redbank #rumson #tintonfalls #eatontown #springlake #navesink #westlongbranch #littlesilver #saturdayjiujitsutraining #positiveenvironment #31fiftyproject #albinoandpreto #dollamurmats #shoyoroll Reposted from @grappling_arts_studios https://www.instagram.com/p/B2HnEIKJoxb/?igshid=g1iyzpo55jdi
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unsociablemaster · 6 years ago
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“Hey, girl...  You know where the Gym for this town is?”  Most Gyms weren’t too much trouble for him anymore, but he still liked to take them on anyways.  Kept him from getting rusty.
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coastaldecoranddesign · 3 years ago
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Start your holiday count down with our favorite towel. The buckle has a chalkboard built in to write on. Swipe to see some of our favorite holiday favorites to help make your home and table more festive. #coastaldecor #coastalhomedecor #coastalholidayhomes #holidaydecor #fairhaven #rumson #littlesilver #monmouthcountynj #christmas #christmasdecor #amazin #shopsmall #shoplocal #nstyledesign (at Coastal Decor & Interior Design) https://www.instagram.com/shoppecoastaldecor/p/CXNEqTatOWs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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brightresearcher · 6 years ago
@littlesilver-platinum @bxrryjxn @heartists
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all-of-your-mercy · 6 years ago
Just for clearance of what roles I imagine with majority of my characters, when speaking of the LISA series: (some of these are my own made up, for the AUs I would have with my friend or two) + Mini bits of their life / etc etc Jay Erblindet -- Main character in Lisa the painful. Picked up a young girl and had taken care of her along with his companions. Isn’t bald, though. Olivier Vinogradov -- Second party member along with Jay. He happened to come across Jay with his own relative during the period the world began to fall into nothing. The same relative passed away due to joy addiction; leaving Olivier accompany Jay. To which, Jay didn’t mind. Olivier treated the main focus/main character ( the girl ) as his niece. She called him an uncle and loved him dearly; until later time. Ludwig Erblindet -- Father of Jay Erblindet. Continued to raise his son until the world had fallen; accompanied him during the period women where hardly present. Behaved as a grandfather to the girl that was the key focus. Didn’t remain with them for long; after an incident which lead to his death. Barnaby Citrine -- A joy addict that happened to be a mechanic before the fallen world. He worked for those that needed their devices to be functioning; for he was capable of having machinery function despite the lack of electricity in some regions and revolving on other sources. Due to his payment of work being not only food, but also a joy drug -- He grew to be addicted to it, no longer able to work on his profession. Later ended up moving to a religious group; where he ended up serving the main leader of the group. The formed relationship of the two was to be questioned with the years passing, but Barnaby remained loyal until the end. His addiction slowly had him form abnormalities ( uneven, grazed up skin ), which distressed him entirely. This had driven enough to insanity before taking the attempt of suicide. It was to a success; so he fell. He seemed to receive a proper burial. Possibly by the same leader of the religious group. Seiko Valentis -- A leader of a group that where considered barbarians. Main character who was seeking for the woman ( or girl ) that he had figured out through other sources; confirming that one woman was still present in their world. Later being able to capture the main girl; but swooned by an alternative individual that sacrificed their own figure for the purity of the same girl. A hopeless man, later had discovered that this wolf had involvement in capturing his girl; had forced a handful of joy drugs into his throat to fasten his mutation. Waiting out the mutation as Jays’ current companion carried out the main girl to a safe zone; before slaughtering Seiko into individual pieces. Iris Erblindet -- Sister of Jay Erblindet. Main reason to his developed distress over the years and addiction of joy pills ( that he managed to lower the dosage when caring for the main girl ). He felt like he was the reason to her death. Never was present when the world fell; except her image can be seen in Jays’ own hallucinations that occur from time to time. A possibility that she have died early; due to her inability to develop her figure properly, carrying many health complications. Uncertain which type of death actually had her pass. Darius Valentis -- A half brother of Seiko Valentis, a leader of another religious group; that later formed into a cult. Began search of the main girl ever since information was given of existence, had managed to have her in his group with no need of fight. Intimate and mildly ill intentions; although no further harm where done to her. He treated her well, which had the girl convinced to stay at his group and live until upcoming situations occurred. Consideration of adding some OCs to the AU / Idea: Jack Braband -- Human that is able to shift into a wendigo due to his act on cannibalism during the period of adolescence; due to distress from home life. Still in mind for what purpose he would serve in the idea. Haruki Valentis -- Twin brother of Seiko Valentis, half brother of Darius Valentis. A naga hybrid that is capable of shifting his forms to a humane one when needed. Uncertain if there will be involvement in the key story. Might remain as a mythical creature by the humans; for he relies on human meat for survival. Preferably considers the ones that are not addicted to the joy drug; but still able to digest the addicted ones without negative impact to his own health. Red Cidium -- Powerful entity that carries a human form; although carrying crimson red hair / facial hair. Used to have his demonic horns hidden to have humans communicate with him better before the world fell;; Now he resides in a large truck that he made himself into a home. Due to humans later being aggressive and relying on murder / theft / looting, he grew to despise the mortal beings ( with some exceptions, with the same main girl being one of them. Along with Olivier. ) and isolated himself to his self made home. Relies on many food sources. Can digest human meat; prefers to find alternatives. On desperate occasions he takes up such option. Has eaten few joy mutants in the past.
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obliviouskind · 6 years ago
To Remember
It was not often that he remembered her. The little girl, once so set on the role of hero under the fingertips of Cynthia herself. He never truly thought of her past late evenings of remembrance – when the hatred of failure sat most prominent within his throat and the thought of what could’ve been made itself known over and over and over again. Like a film on repeat, impossible to shut off.
Cyrus never thought of her, except when he did. Flashes of dark hair cut so childishly: of hands, pulling and fingering at a scarf once pearl white, now dusted and dirty from adventures only heard about in fairytales.
That she had ‘infiltrated’ his headquarters had not been a secret to him. No, he hadn’t been so foolish. So blind. Yet the matter that he would come to lose to her? The thought had been unbearable. Out of the realm of possibilities.
And he had broken the unspoken rule of fair play that day.
Cyrus never thought of her, not truly. But in this moment – as the blinds that covered his windows spread lines of moonlights across his desk (clad in papers upon papers upon papers of scribbled hymns and verses rehearsed like cursive of texts he no longer held a right to own) – she was all that was on his mind. --The fear in her eyes, as he released a hound at her in a true threat of hurt.
He had broken the unspoken rule of fair play that day – when the battle was sure to end in her favor, he brought out his canine as a last show of power. Directed him to her throat and as teeth bared with the intention of hurt was targeted towards her with only a wave of hand – terror had clouded eyes the color of ocean blue. Fear gripping her, as she fell backwards in her effort to get away. Arms raised before her as a shield impossible to penetrate.
For surely, she could not be damaged.
--Had it not been for that dove of hers (a name he had only come to know in passing – because it sat peculiar with him, that she would go through the effort of giving names to creatures that needed none), then her life would’ve come to an end right then and there.
His palms fisted into papers that held no true meaning. Written words of forgiveness, of acceptance – of redemption. Had her dove not been there, then her life would’ve come to an end earlier than it already had.
Cyrus never thought of her. Not because he couldn’t remember – but because he didn’t wish to return to the state of mind he had been in when she had entered his world. The blindness within his task, a fault that came to haunt him in these late hours.
Regret should never come to him. Had no right to.
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… And yet.
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cynic-longevity · 6 years ago
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“For the record, those are the herbs for Pokémon use.  If you’re looking for perfume, you’re in the wrong store, fledgeling.”
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wanttoshine-a · 6 years ago
Family photo with @obliviouskind‘s Cyrus and their Hikari at @littlesilver-platinum
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betteroak · 6 years ago
-♕ love ya green boy :v-
@littlesilver-platinum || Send ♕if I am your FAVORITE portrayal of my Muse.HDBFH SOBS,,, THANK YOU,, i legit teared up a little at this rhfvbfhb i fuckign love your hikari so much so you know what?? you know fuckign what??? THESE CROWNS ARE FOR YOU. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
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archive-idium · 6 years ago
BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. italicize what makes them uncomfortable. Muse of choice; Red Cidium
⋆ the dark   ⋆   fire   ⋆   open water ⋆   deep water   ⋆   freezing ⋆  being alone ⋆   ⋆ crowded spaces   ⋆   confined spaces   ⋆  change   ⋆  failure   ⋆   war   ⋆     ⋆ loss of control ⋆   powerlessness   ⋆  prison   ⋆   blood   ⋆  drowning  ⋆   ⋆ suffocation   ⋆   public speaking   ⋆   natural animals   ⋆   the supernatural   ⋆   ⋆ heights   ⋆   death   ⋆   dying   ⋆ intimacy   ⋆  rejection  ⋆   abandonment   ⋆      ⋆ loss   ⋆   the unknown   ⋆   the future   ⋆   not being good enough   ⋆   ⋆ scary  stories   ⋆   speaking to new people   ⋆   poverty   ⋆   loud noises   ⋆   ⋆ being touched   ⋆   forgetting   ⋆   being forgotten ⋆ Tagged by: @littlesilver-platinum Tagging: @lrper; @abhlesh ( Biscuit ); @undead-muses; @shlim-azl; @morteem; @the-ones-who-fall; @roleplayingspinosaurus; @jenorca; 
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