hellopartypeoples · 10 years
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[Sitting back and enjoying the show]
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✖! Hells yeah!
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"I'm pumped and ready for your lesson this morning Teacher! "
"It’s good to see you’re energetic today, Edward," Izumi smiled, setting down her book at the sight of her pupil. "Let’s begin."
"You know of the four elements, correct?"
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perfectshowdog · 11 years
I was tagged by fellforthetramp!
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote and write 10 new ones in a new post Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them to the post 
 Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them or use the @ symbol before their usernames to mention them in a post.
1. If you weren’t playing your current Muse, who would you be playing?
Well, Georgette isn't the only muse I have. In fact I have at least twenty muses right now. So, I'll answer a different yet similar question. If I had decided to go with another Disney muse instead of Georgette, I would have picked Figaro from Pinocchio or Miss Bianca from The Rescuers. I did end up making the blog for the latter, but I want to wait and give it time to see how busy I am before I start using it. I may make Figaro sometime soon as well. Oh! I've also thought about the Queen of Hearts and Kiara.
2. If you and your Muse met in real life, would you get along?
Probably. I say that because we both like fashion and makeup. Also, my family are more so dog people than cat people. We all like and have both, but all of us grew up with at least one dog in the house.
3. Favorite classic Disney movie (meaning no Frozen, Tangled, Wreck-it-Ralph, etc.)?
 I have so many of them. I'll name three since it's so hard to pick one. Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians, and The Rescuers.
4. Sour Patch Kids or Chocolate?
5. Favorite toppings for your tacos?
I just like diced tomatoes and cheese. I'm not into hot sauce or anything like that.
6. What’s the best thing to eat for breakfast in your opinion?
Smoked Salmon. I only have it when I go out to eat for breakfast. Most of the time, I just eat a bowl of Frosted Cheerios.
7. Would you eat a cockroach for money?
8. If you said yes to question 7 then ew.
9. Sorry that question 8 wasn’t a question… How does this make you feel?
      It wasn't, but no worries! This questionnaire? It makes me feel liked, which is always a good thing.
10. Oreos dipped in milk or not?
     Yup, dipped in milk.
My questions:
         1. Favorite time of day?
         2. How are you feeling today?
         3. Do you like anime, cartoons, neither, or both?
         4. What is your favorite song right now?
         5. Favorite type of cuisine to eat?
         6. Can you speak any other languages?
         7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
         8. What is your reason for the question above?
         9. What is your favorite film to watch?
        10. Have you been to a Disney theme park?
I tag (don't worry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to):
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