#littleglowingwolf writes
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littleglowingwolf · 1 month ago
would you still love me if I was a worm?
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i wrote this as an act of anti-fascism. yes it is about getting deep dicked by a being of light.
Post-Veilguard Spirit Solas x Lavellan || Read on AO3
The spirit in front of her twirled once, a happy little thing. Her nakedness seemed to please him. Solas was no longer speaking to her in words - as long as one of his pulsing branches made contact with her skin, she could feel his will, his meaning. She took a step forward as one of the tail tendrils slipped between her legs and tickled her thigh. She felt safe. Relaxed. Intrigued.
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gefionne · 1 month ago
writing game: post the last line you wrote and tag someone for every word in the line.
tagged by the wonderful @cursedhaglette
She sat with her legs tucked under her, backside on her heels, as she watched Fen’Harel walk away from the altar, nearer the center of the shrine, but not inside the dark ring rainfall had made on the flagstones.
too many words to tag that many people, but @luzial @littleglowingwolf @lourek @elspethdekarios @teamdilf @sandetigerrr
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luzial · 29 days ago
Writers Tag Game
Tagged by @swordbisexual and @gefionne, thank you both!
This was more challenging than I anticipated it would be. I feel like I usually have a good handle on these things but I really had to think about it in this case.
Five things you will find in my writing:
1. Dreams or Dreamy Sequences. I love writing them and using them to show characters something they might not know otherwise and/or to give characters a chance to DO something they might not do otherwise. Obviously DA is a great setting for playing around with this kind of thing.
2. (Unnecessarily?) Specific Details in Descriptions. I typically picture scenes very clearly in my mind while I'm writing, often (though not always) because I am working from a reference image. I am never quite sure how necessary these kinds of details are or whether they add to the scene in the end, but obviously one of the goals of writing is trying to get readers somewhere in the ballpark of what you're imagining in your head, and I hope this helps without feeling bulky. (Getting in the ballpark is the key, imo. It's easy to get lost in the weeds thinking people need to see exactly what you're seeing when, honestly, that doesn't matter so much as whether they are able to picture something coherent, even if it varies somewhat from what you intended. But details can help make the moment memorable.)
3. The Same DA Characters Reused. There are a few of my favorites who I both love to write and feel confident in writing. It's efficient to reuse them because I can slip into their voices without having to listen to too much banter or reread too much dialogue. If I have a reason to do it, you're going to see Dorian, Varric, Cole, Cassandra, Felassan, and (obviously) Solas.
4. Alternate POVs. I wrote my first longfic in a single POV and I think that was the right choice for the story, but some of the most fun I had with it was actually writing alternate POV chapters that people requested. Now it's hard for me to imagine doing anything other than a one-shot with a single POV. I love the flexibility that writing in multiple POVs gives you, and the opportunities you have to reveal the way a scene unfolded very differently for one character versus the other. The choice of when to swap and who gets to give us their version of the narrative for a specific event is one of the most important parts of planning out a chapter for me.
5. Sentence Structure as a Tool. Run-on sentences and short/half sentences can both have big impacts, even if they're not grammatically correct. I think maybe my best personal examples of this are in my jealous!Solas at Halamshiral fic. There's a hell of a run-on and then, later, a bunch of abbreviated sentences. All of that was very intentional and, hopefully, encouraged readers to experience those sentences in the particular, uh, rhythm that I wanted.
Tagging @dirtheran, @galadrieljones, @littleglowingwolf, @fadedsweater, @sandetigerrr, and anybody else who wants to do it!
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littleglowingwolf · 13 days ago
so once i realized how absolutely down bad i was for my own FenHawke 2007 au (my thoughts were so loud i couldn't hear my mouth) i pretty much immediately commissioned some art and holy shit @wolfssketches blew me AWAY.
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they were a pleasure to work with, super responsive, got exactly what i was going for, turned it around in a very reasonable amount of time for the level of detail and skill involved, and honestly? just a delight. look how good they are??? LOOK AT IT.
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
Snippet Sunday (Monday)
Tagged by both @gefionne & @luzial, my beloveds.
From a distant chapter of a taste of the sun
Fenris, I miss you. Not in the way that would require some big conversation about feelings but in the “I miss having you around” way. When we’re out working that’s one thing, but you’ve stopped coming to Wicked Grace (I hear you’ve been playing Diamondback with Donnic and bunch of the Guards?) and you only come out for drinks every few weeks.  Did you know that Isabela, Varric, and I used to bet on which one of us could make you crack a smile first? Or did you just think the three of us were throwing out the dumbest jokes and the most rancid puns we could come up with to amuse each other? I usually won, by the way, though I guess in retrospect I can imagine why. Anyway, write back please? Hawke __ Hawke, It’s been a long time since I saw one of your letters peeking out of my postbox. My dead heart skipped a beat. I know your thoughts do not often turn to me these days, but I wonder sometimes if there might be a repeat of  I will be truthful. I did wonder why the three of you turned into such buffoons some evenings and were perfectly normal on others. I am pleased to hear I won you some coin. I would not be opposed to resuming our correspondence, though I am not sure I have it in me to be around everyone as I used to be. There is too much weighing on my mind to let it go. While I know you will insist on the strength of our friendship (all of your band of misfits), I still cannot bring myself to trust, when the time comes, anyone but myself (and you.) Fenris
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littleglowingwolf · 4 days ago
WIP Wednesday!
From the upcoming chapter of my thoughts were so loud i couldn't hear my mouth, here's some Kirkwall University Lore:
“Wait, is Ebron Hall... is it this gross?” Hawke cackled. “Ebron Hall is the party dorm. Which is actually a pretty difficult title to secure. It’s the one that supposedly hosts an end-of-semester orgy that requires an application. No one’s ever done the stats exactly, but the joke is getting assigned to Ebron as a freshman is basically a predictor of flunking out.” Fenris looked horrified. “Wait, why do you know Ebron?” “That’s where my sister lives.” “Oh shit,” she felt terrible for a moment. But then she started laughing and couldn’t stop. “You’ve never visited her at her dorm?” He shook his head, pale as a ghost. “She wouldn’t let me.” “I’m sure she’s not like that, Fenris. She’s a good kid.” He looked at her, serious. “I love her, but she’s really not.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, it’s three months into the school year; what’s done is done,” she offered. “Oh, of course, thanks, Hawke.” He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “I’ve never been to a college party before,” he admitted. “I guess I didn’t think about that,” she lied. “Is my sister going to be there? I mean I know you don’t know if she’ll be there because you two aren’t friends or anything, but what I’m asking is, what is the likelihood that I will go to this party and I will have to witness my 19-year-old sister who I held as a baby in my arms getting felt up and/or shitfaced in front of me?” “Honestly?” Hawke said, “50%?” He groaned and wiped his hand down his face. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to. We could just hang out, the two of us,” Hawke offered, once again not thinking a single second before speaking. “No, let’s go to the party,” he said, rejecting what she hadn’t even meant to offer.
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
Inquisitive Hearts - Full Work
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So now that Overgrown (Part I) has concluded, I've decided to post Inquisitive Hearts as its own fic on AO3.
Inquisitor Sister Jeanne balances the weight of leadership, faith, and forbidden desires. With the rugged Captain Andor and the enigmatic Magister Gaius pulling her heart in two directions, and the charming Protector Crowe stirring unexpected thoughts, Jeanne must decide if her duty to the Maker outweighs the call of her heart—and body.
"Inquisitive Hearts" was the in-universe harlequin romance novel featured in Overgrown by @luzial and as such is just 4 chapters of mostly-uninterrupted smut.
Extremely non-Canon AU || Read on AO3
“I can’t see how you could read in this light,” he said, quickly moving his hand away. “Have you considered moving the desk closer to the window?” She swallowed hard. She did not like to admit weakness at all, let alone to someone who made her stomach all… whatever this feeling was. But she also wanted to trust him, more than anything. “I can’t move it,” she said with a faint smile, “it’s too heavy.” “Well that’s one way I can make myself useful,” Andor said. Before she could stop him, he had removed his cape and armor and was standing before her, in her chambers, in only the leather layer of his armor. The moment he turned away, Jeanne pinched herself. Was she dreaming? For the next several minutes, Jeanne watched enraptured as the Captain, with considerable sweat, understated grunts, and impressive strength moved her monstrous desk from one end of her chambers to the bright light of the window. When the last bit slid into place, it occurred to Jeanne she should have offered to help.
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littleglowingwolf · 14 days ago
my thoughts were so loud i couldn't hear my mouth - Chapter 7
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Chapter 7 - In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. DUN-DUN.
Chapter is T-Rated, work is E-Rated.
2007 College AU FenHawke || Read on AO3 || Read from the beginning
“Most importantly, if this conversation shifts to accusatory, I will end it, and we will leave. If they try to keep you there, stay silent and I will handle it. I am the only one actually on your side in that room." Fenris swallowed. That’s what scared him most — that Dumont was the only one on his side. That no one else would believe him. No matter what he said, no matter how carefully he said it, they’d hear what they wanted to hear. They’d already written a story in their heads. The one where Fenris was dangerous. The one that people had been writing about him since he was in school. “Do you understand everything I’ve just said to you?” Fenris nodded. “I need you to say it,” he looked at him seriously. “Yes.” Fenris nodded again, “I understand.” “Good. Let’s go.”
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littleglowingwolf · 25 days ago
WIP Wednesday
tagging @luzial because she just published a chapter yesterday and i already need more
here's something from chapter 4 of my thoughts were so loud i couldn't hear my mouth
“So what about his, you know, thing?” “Merrill!” Hawke screeched. “You knew I was going to ask. This is girl talk. It’s what girls talk about. Was it big? He had the aura of someone with a large penis.” Hawke groaned. “I am not talking about this with you.” Merrill frowned. “Are you going to shag him again?” “What? No. I didn’t even get his number.” “Well then,” Merrill said, matter-of-fact, “what does it matter if you tell me all about his endowment?”
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littleglowingwolf · 1 month ago
Elvhen Glory - Part I
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Reprising my role as harlequin romance author Cerise V.C. Starr* in Roots by @luzial, Elvhen Glory is a magical retelling of the story of the Last Inquisitor who just so happens to be an elf from Clan Lavellan.
BARELY-Canon Solavellan AU || Read on AO3
Every pair of eyes in the room was locked firmly on her, but the most surprising of all belonged to a tall and slender elf leaning against a plinth at the back of the hall. Remus was not expecting this. Where he had once seen a wild and feral forest elf who would have looked quite at home dancing in the moonlight, he now saw a proper lady worthy of the title of Inquisitor. He would not scold himself for underestimating her – clearly much work had been required to present her in such a state – but he was nevertheless struck by the beauty that had seemingly hidden below the surface layers of dirt and tattered leather. Remus closed his eyes and lifted his consciousness out of himself, raising it to the tall ceiling of the ballroom. He listened, not with his tall and pointed ears, but with his magic.
*renowned author of Inquisitive Hearts from Overgrown
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littleglowingwolf · 1 month ago
writing game: post the last line you wrote and tag someone for every word in the line.
tagged by @gefionne, the legend
** i'm going to use my version history to find the literal last line written and it's going to be cursed i promise you
She downed it in just a few quick swallows.
i swear to fen'harel it's not what you think
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
Writing Masterpost
Hi! I'm littleglowingwolf and I write things.
Dragon Age 2
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[in progress] E-Rated.
2007 College AU Fenris x Hawke. One night stand turns to more than either of them ever expected. Mix CDs and AIM Away Messages and T9 texting.
Modern AU | College AU | Mutual Pining | Smut | Slow Burn
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[complete, 41k words]: E-Rated.
Canon-based Fenris x Hawke. Yearning, inadvisable friends with benefits, sad smut, idiots in love.
Slow Burn | Angst | Mutual Pining | Smut | Idiots in Love
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[complete, 1k words]: T-Rated.
Based on a prompt asking for some Hawke/Fenris/Lewis the Mabari fluff
Mabari | Fluff | Mabari Shenanigans | Fenris regrets everything | One Shot
Dragon Age Inquisition
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[completed, 10k words]: E-Rated.
"Inquisitive Hearts" was the in-universe harlequin romance novel featured in Overgrown by @luzial and as such is just 4 chapters of mostly-uninterrupted smut.
Friends to Lovers | Enemies to Lovers | Forbidden Love | Canon Divergence | Humor
Dragon Age: Veilguard
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[completed, 1.5k words]: E-Rated.
I wrote this as an act of anti-fascism. Yes it is about getting deep dicked by a being of light.
Consent is Sexy | Mystical Sex | Existential Pillow Talk | Surrealist but Make It Horny
Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens
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[in progress]: E-Rated.
Sub!Kylo Ren x Reader. Kylo Ren asks you to help him train in an unconventional way.
Eventual Smut | Reader-Insert | Porn With Plot | Shameless Smut | Eventual Fluff
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[complete, 1.2k words]: T-Rated.
A brief piece about Kylo Ren and self-injury.
Angst | Emotional Baggage | Blood | Scars | Self-Harm
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @luzial.
From the an upcoming chapter of a taste of the sun:
I have pledged myself to a lifetime at Hawke’s side, but I did not think of how that might mean watching her fall in love with someone. Watching her get to know them, to flatter and joke. To see someone else coax her smile. The warmth of her against their body in her bed. Their arms around her as she falls asleep, their hands in her hair, her legs around their hips, hearing the little whimpers from her mouth as she… Perhaps I will watch her start a family, have children, and move to the countryside? She would not need me at her side then.  She would have everything she wanted, everything she ever desired. It would not include the broken man who once needed her so desperately.
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
a taste of the sun - prologue
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Hawke blazes like a sun: blinding and warm. Fenris, all scars and silence, is a moth.
She is his light, he her steady shadow.
Canon-based FenHawke || Read on AO3 || Read from the beginning
Her home was one of abundance. Perhaps not literal, but an abundance of life. When it was consumed by death incarnate, Hawke and her family barely escaped with their lives, eventually landing in Kirkwall. She was not used to city life, but she was industrious and soon learned to put food on her family’s table with her daggers and her cunning. His home, by contrast, was simply an empty void inside his mind and heart. It is difficult to miss what you do not know, but he had been running, running, running for so long it was impossible to envisage a destination. Every now and again he would stop running and see if his past would catch up with him. It was always a calculated risk that might end in his true freedom, or more likely, his death. Either way, he thought, it would be over at last. It was one such respite when they met. Through a seemingly trustworthy dwarf, she and her crew were hired to take the bait of a honeypot the Tevinter had set. He saw the hirelings deaths as an unfortunate necessity, but to his surprise, she emerged, covered in blood and out of breath. He quickly dispatched the rest of the pack sent after him. Neither of them was prepared for their meeting.
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
a taste of the sun - Chapter 2: Guardian, 9:31 Dragon
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Hawke blazes like a sun: blinding and warm. Fenris, all scars and silence, is a moth.
She is his light, he her steady shadow.
Canon-based FenHawke || Read on AO3 || Read from the beginning
The most wonderful thing about teaching him was the confidence with which he tackled every word. He would plow through the sounds like by the end of the word, surely it would come together. Common was not so simple a tongue, but he learned like a fighter - swift, decisive, and instinctively.  Her corrections, though fewer and farther between as they progressed, gave him renewed energy rather than any amount of shame. She never saw him make the same mistake twice. He was torn between chasing her praise and slowing their lessons. The more successful he was, the less she said to correct him, but he had become an expert at catching her pleased smile out of his periphery when he read aloud. She brought him a leather bound book one day, and pressed it into his hands. When he inquired what they were reading next, she opened it to a middle page where he saw it was blank. Cautiously and encouragingly, she encouraged him to start his own journal, the spectre of his past haunting the conversation. He would never have dared put his private thoughts to paper - the risk was too great. 
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littleglowingwolf · 2 months ago
Inquisitive Hearts - Part IV
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Inquisitive Hearts is a human Inquisitor’s story – “light-on-history and heavy-on-speculation” – that has scandalized and titillated the world of the modern AU “Overgrown,” in collaboration with @luzial Sister Jeanne is a chaste and devout member of the Chantry whose life is upturned by her rise to Inquisitor and unexpected distractions in the form of her Templar Captain, Andor, and Magisterial Advisor, Gaius.
Extremely non-Canon AU || Read on AO3 || Read from the beginning
Jeanne interlaced her fingers with Gaius’s, and slowly led him across the room to where Andor stood. Gaius followed with only the slightest hesitation. Without releasing his hand, she used her other to reach up to cradle Andor’s neck as she pulled him in for a deep, luxuriating kiss. “Jeanne …” Gaius tentatively whispered her name. “What in the hells are you doing?” “I am doing what I feel is best for the Inquisition," she said through a wry smile. Her left hand slipped down casually to intertwine with Andor’s, matching her right with Gaius’s, as her shawl fell from her shoulders and revealed her lavender slip. She led both men to her bed, where she released their hands and sat, beckoning them to join her.
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