#littleearthquakesrp : Boden : 01
whosxafraid · 1 month
starter requested by @little-earthquakes-rp
The kind you could cut with a knife. The kind that if you did he'd feel it instantly. And you wouldn't know what hit you even when you woke up in your chosen afterlife. But its only would because he's not after the living tonight is he? Not in the mortal sense at least. And a little more liquor is cast onto the coals. Where it sizzles and a flame here and there flares up.
D'feck be d'is gobshoi'te?
He's said the proper rites, he'd baited his trap accordingly. And still there is silence that stretches on endlessly. The warmth of the Arizona desert bleeds from the ground at his feet. Attempts to become a mist but reaches nothing more than a ghosting idea of it. Its not cold enough. The fecking shite isn't biting.
A growl that echoes through the nothingness of empty wilderness. He doesn't like being toyed with. And to be honest he's had enough of these fallen angel brats. Dealt with three of them just last week. Granted that had been in a different part of the world entire and those demons had actually been quite civil. Admitted they were just lost, and were attempting to find their exit number. One that they'd some how missed three hundered miles back. That had been a long drive. But at least they had returned to their own plane with zero violence required. Definitely a live and let live day there.
The exact opposite of tonight. Because this particular 'daddy doesn't love me anymore' has an attitude, and judging by an immortal's other senses as well as his common one? This demon is younger then the others he had the pleasure of last week. This demon thinks it has something to prove but unfortunately for it Luka actually does. Have something to prove that is. And what that is? Is that he can still bag a demon and drop kick it back to hell with time to spare for a proper meal and a pint or three.
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