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scienza-magia · 4 years ago
L'LHC Alice per la ricerca e lo studio del big bang primordiale
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ALICE nel paese delle meraviglie del big bang. Alcuni milionesimi di secondo dopo il big bang, l'intero universo era colmo di un plasma composto da quark e gluoni, costituenti fondamentali della materia e della forza nucleare. Il collisore Large Hadron Collider (LHC) del CERN di Ginevra è il più grande acceleratore di particelle mai realizzato, capace di accelerare protoni e ioni pesanti fino a energie ultra-relativistiche. Grazie alle collisioni di ioni pesanti come nuclei di piombo, LHC è in grado di riprodurre in laboratorio un “little bang”, ossia condizioni di altissima temperatura (trilioni di gradi Celsius) e densità, simili a quelle che diedero origine al plasma primordiale di quark e gluoni. Il rivelatore ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) di LHC riesce a identificare le decine di migliaia di particelle che originano dal decadimento della bolla (fireball) di plasma nucleare creato a ogni collisione. Queste misure forniscono un’enorme quantità di informazioni (diversi petabyte di dati ogni anno), che rivelano dettagli che vanno dal funzionamento dell'universo primordiale alle caratteristiche della forza nucleare forte, dal meccanismo di produzione degli adroni fino allo studio delle stelle di neutroni. In pratica, l'esperimento ALICE è come un "telescopio" sotterraneo puntato su un big bang ricreato in laboratorio da quella straordinaria “macchina del tempo” che è l'acceleratore LHC del CERN. Nei prossimi tre anni di attività LHC opererà con un ulteriore innalzamento sia di energia che di frequenza delle collisioni. La ripartenza è prevista per febbraio 2022 ma già a ottobre di quest'anno ci saranno prime collisioni di test. Oltre a LHC, anche gli apparati sperimentali sono stati potenziati. In particolare, in ALICE i due principali rivelatori traccianti sono stati sostituiti o modificati anche con il contributo determinante dell'Italia. L’Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare (INFN) ha svolto un ruolo essenziale in questo programma realizzando una parte consistente del tracciatore interno (quello più vicino al punto di collisione) che si caratterizza per un’innovativa tecnologia di sensori a pixel di silicio di enorme risoluzione (12.500 megapixel in totale) e flessibilità, in grado di scattare fino a 50.000 fotogrammi al secondo. Questa tecnologia ha anche importanti risvolti pratici: può essere sfruttata per un vasto campo di applicazioni (con particolare riguardo alla medicina nucleare in campo oncologico). Federico Ronchetti è fisico nucleare al CERN, ALICE Run Coordinator (Credit video, cortesia ALICE Experiment/CERN)   Read the full article
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hetbigbang · 3 years ago
Het Big Bang 2022 Sign-Ups Open!
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The Het Big Bang is a fanfic and fanwork challenge centred around any heterosexual pairing. Authors will write either 10k for the Big Bang, and 5k for the LittleBang. Accompanying fanworks are guaranteed for Big Bang stories, LittleBang works are not guaranteed an accompanying fanwork. We’re open to any het pairings from any fandom, including crossovers, fusions, and original works!
If you are interested in signing up, please read through the Het Bang Rules & FAQs 2022 If you have any other questions, please send an email to [email protected]!
Sign-ups are right here! Full schedule
Author sign-ups close April 1st Fanworker sign-ups close July 18th
We are always in need of more fanworkers, if you think this is something you would be interested in joining, please check us out!
We look forward to working with you and seeing what you create!
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dailyrebelcaptain · 3 years ago
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DailyRebelCaptain BIG BANG 2021 Update!
Works are due Dec 4 - 24!
This date is different from the original Big Bang post due to schedule changes earlier in the year.
If you and your teammate have finished their project, you can start posting it on Tumblr and/or Ao3 on or after December 4. Be sure to tag your post #drcbigbang
The Amnesty period is Dec 24 - 30
The Big Bang Masterpost will go live on Jan 3.
Reminder of the rules:
We have set two word-goal options:
♡ 5,000-10,000 words for the LittleBang
♡ 11,000-40,000 words for the BigBang
What is Allowed for the DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang:
⟡ Every single idea under the sun! You don’t have to stick to in-universe stories —crossovers, fusions, and alternate universes are all allowed. Do you want to write a medieval fantasy AU? Excellent, please do! Want to have Jyn and Cassian as superheroes a la Marvel or DC? Go ahead! You’ve always wanted to write a rom-com movie inspired story? Now’s the time to go for it! The sky’s the limit!
⟡ Secondary pairings and relationships are also allowed, as long as the primary pairing is Cassian and Jyn’s. You can include as many side pairings and/or relationships as you want.
For more rules check out the original announcement here
If you still have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop us an ask!
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gasnmatches-blog · 7 years ago
#littlebang #gasnmatches (at Campsite)
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ichdankederacademy · 8 years ago
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Little banger on the arm tattooed by the an himself @jacobdoneytattoo "So it goes" is a quote from one of my favorite books: Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" #tattoo #oldschooltattoo #traditionaltattoo #jacobdoney #littlebanger #kurtvonnegut #slaughterhousefive (hier: Envision Tattoo)
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inkdependentgirona · 6 years ago
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#gironatattoo #girones #girona #gironès #catalunya #tattoo #tattoos #fusionink #solidink #lettering #letteringtattoo #letteringchallenge #handmadeletters #tipografia #typography #typographytattoo #manofletters #✍🏼 #letterstoliveby #dayjob #grn #2019 #ogtattoosupply #mementovivere #proudsister #littlebanger (at Inkdependent Tattoo · Girona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKZmDQFO7z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2bcalp1xck4
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tjprojectmanagement · 7 years ago
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Disco Dean Karns and his new ride, “Stinky Pinky Three”!
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dreamworxinktattoo · 7 years ago
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Hey happy Friday everyone! We have availability for walk-ins today! As usual it's a first come, first serve basis; no holds or appointments over the phone or e-mail. Just come by the shop to secure a spot! #walkins#walkintattoo#dreamworx#vaughantattoos#daintytattoosblackworktattoo#linework #littlebangers (at Dreamworx Ink)
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hetbigbang · 3 years ago
Het Big Bang 2022 Sign-Ups Open!
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The Het Big Bang is a fanfic and fanwork challenge centred around any heterosexual pairing. Authors will write either 10k for the Big Bang, and 5k for the LittleBang. Accompanying fanworks are guaranteed for Big Bang stories, LittleBang works are not guaranteed an accompanying fanwork. We’re open to any het pairings from any fandom, including crossovers, fusions, and original works!
If you are interested in signing up, please read through the Het Bang Rules & FAQs 2022 If you have any other questions, please send an email to [email protected]!
Sign-ups are right here! Full schedule
Author sign-ups close April 1st Fanworker sign-ups close July 18th
We are always in need of more fanworkers, if you think this is something you would be interested in joining, please check us out!
We look forward to working with you and seeing what you create!
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dailyrebelcaptain · 4 years ago
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Welcome to the DailyRebelCaptain BIG BANG!!
The DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang is an opportunity for fandom creators to work together in a long-fic project! What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a special kind of ficathon event in which authors sign-up to write long stories by a certain date and are paired up with fanartists/visual content creators who make accompanying artwork and/or edits for their stories.
We have set two word-goal options:
♡ 5,000-10,000 words for the LittleBang ♡ 11,000-40,000 words for the BigBang
What is Allowed for the DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang: ⟡ Every single idea under the sun! You don’t have to stick to in-universe stories —crossovers, fusions, and alternate universes are all allowed. Do you want to write a medieval fantasy AU? Excellent, please do! Want to have Jyn and Cassian as superheroes a la Marvel or DC? Go ahead! You’ve always wanted to write a rom-com movie inspired story? Now’s the time to go for it! The sky’s the limit! ⟡ Secondary pairings and relationships are also allowed, as long as the primary pairing is Cassian and Jyn’s. You can include as many side pairings and/or relationships as you want.
SCHEDULE March 1 – April 4: Prompt Nominations & Sign-Ups April 17:  Potential Matching Projects go out April 18 –Apr 30: Story/Visual Content Claims Sep 1 - Oct 1: Progress Check-In (Not Mandatory) Nov 20 –Dec 10: Works due! Dec 11 –Dec 20: Amnesty period Dec 27: BigBang Masterpost goes live!
Find further information on the DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang under the Read More! If you happen to have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to send us an ask.
 FAQs ○ How do I sign up for the BigBang? You can submit your sign up by filling the form here. Along with your sign up, you’ll send us your prompt nominations (ie: ideas of stories you’d like to work on, or visual prompts that may spark the creativity of a fanfic writer), as well as what sort of content, themes, genres, etc you’re comfortable with, so we can provide you with the best teammate match.  ○ Do I need a Tumblr/Ao3 account? The only account required at the moment is a Tumblr account. If you happen to be a fic-writer, you may want to get an Ao3 account, given that all stories will be then added to the DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang collection —though it’s perfectly fine if you and your project partner only want to upload the story to Tumblr. ○ The BigBang Schedule *  March 1 – April 4: Prompt Nominations & Sign-Ups You sign up for the BigBang, letting us know about the type of content you’re down to create, as well as all and any preferences and dislikes (e.g.: genres, rating, themes, do-not-want lists, etc). Be as specific and detailed as possible! * April 17:  Potential Matching Projects go out You’ll receive an email with a list of potential prompts the mods have considered may be right up your alley, according to the information you’ve given when signing up. You can claim as many as you want! * April 18 –Apr 30: Story/Visual Content Claims By April 30, you’ll have to have answered the Potential Matching Projects email, letting the mods know all the projects you’re willing to work on. [You can click here for further explanations on how the Sign-Ups, Prompt Nominations and Matching processes work, as well as an example scenario with potential participants.] * Sep 1 - Oct 1: Progress Check-In (Not Mandatory) You may wish to contact the mods via email, letting them know how you and your partner are doing with your project. This is the only instance in which you’d be able to share snippets and/or excerpts of your project before the posting deadline. * Nov 20 –Dec 10: Works due! If you and your teammate have finished their project, you can start posting it on Tumblr and/or Ao3. Be sure to tag your post #drcbigbang * Dec 11 –Dec 20: Amnesty period In case you weren’t able to start posting your BigBang project on time. * Dec 27: BigBang Masterpost goes live! All works will be listed on a masterpost over at @dailyrebelcaptain ○ I don’t think I’ll be able to complete the project in time, can I drop out? Of course! Sometimes life gets in the way or a story just doesn’t happen, and that’s completely understandable. However, before dropping out please contact us, especially if you’re struggling with the project or life is giving you a hard time at the moment —we can’t help if we don’t know there is a problem! We can work something out, so you don’t have to abandon the BigBang altogether. ○ Can I sign up as both an author and a visual content creator? Absolutely!
○ Can I work in more than one BigBang project? Certainly, but make sure you will be able to handle all those projects at the same time before committing to them. 
○ I am not sure about participating, but I’d like to sign up as a pinch hitter in case somebody drops out. Is that possible? Absolutely, submit the sign-up form letting us know you are signing up as a pinch hitter.
Bear in mind that what’s special about the BigBang is teamwork! So be sure to keep in touch with your project partner(s) and cheer for one another.  REQUIREMENTS ⟡ Please provide us with an email address that you frequently check in case contact is needed, such as during story/fanwork claims, or for clarification purposes.  ⟡ Please keep in contact with the mods and your project partner. If something comes up and you need to drop out at any stage, that’s okay! Just let us know! If you are having trouble with any deadline, please reach out to us, so we can work something out. You can contact the mods at any time via email at [email protected]. ⟡ IMPORTANT: Stories must NOT be posted before the due date!  ⟡ The minimum amount of accompanying fanworks per eligible story is 1 piece. If you are a visual content creator and choose to claim 3 stories, that means you will need to create at least 1 fanwork for each story, 3 total. Please do not take on more projects than you can handle!  ⟡ Content creators can claim as many stories as they are reasonably certain they can handle. Please do not take on 5 projects unless you are reasonably certain you can finish all 5 fanworks!  ⟡ Visual content for each project can be in the form of traditional/digital art, manips, moodboards, picspam or gifsets, vids, fanmixes, etc.   We’ll keep on posting information, aids and guidelines as time goes by and we enter the different stages of the BigBang. If you still have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop us an ask!
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stribzer1-blog1 · 8 years ago
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#littlebangers #kidsnames #cryptictattoo #cryptic_stribzer1 #love DM me for openings thanks. (at Cryptic Tatts)
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dailyrebelcaptain · 5 years ago
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Welcome to the DailyRebelCaptain BIG BANG!! The DailyRebelCaptain 2020 BigBang is an opportunity for fandom creators to work together in a long-fic project! What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a special kind of ficathon event in which authors sign-up to write long stories by a certain date and are paired up with fanartists/visual content creators who make accompanying artwork and/or edits for their stories.
We have set two word-goal options:
♡ 5,000-10,000 words for the LittleBang ♡ 11,000-40,000 words for the BigBang
What is Allowed for the DailyRebelCaptain 2020 BigBang: ⟡ Every single idea under the sun! You don’t have to stick to in-universe stories —crossovers, fusions, and alternate universes are all allowed. Do you want to write a medieval fantasy AU? Excellent, please do! Want to have Jyn and Cassian as superheroes a la Marvel or DC? Go ahead! You’ve always wanted to write a rom-com movie inspired story? Now’s the time to go for it! The sky’s the limit! ⟡ Secondary pairings and relationships are also allowed, as long as the primary pairing is Cassian and Jyn’s. You can include as many side pairings and/or relationships as you want.
SCHEDULE Feb 17 – March 14: Prompt Nominations & Sign-Ups Mar 22:  Potential Matching Projects go out Mar 23 –Apr 5: Story/Visual Content Claims Aug 1 –Sep 1: Progress Check-In (Not Mandatory) Nov 20 –Dec 10: Works due! Dec 11 –Dec 20: Amnesty period Dec 21: BigBang Masterpost goes live!
Find further information on the DailyRebelCaptain 2020 BigBang under the Read More! If you happen to have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to send us an ask.
 FAQs ○ How do I sign up for the BigBang? You can submit your sign up by filling the form here. Along with your sign up, you’ll send us  your prompt nominations (ie: ideas of stories you’d like to work on, or visual prompts that may spark the creativity of a fanfic writer), as well as what sort of content, themes, genres, etc you’re comfortable with, so we can provide you with the best teammate match.  ○ Do I need a Tumblr/Ao3 account? The only account required at the moment is a Tumblr account. If you happen to be a fic-writer, you may want to get an Ao3 account, given that all stories will be then added to the DailyRebelCaptain 2020 BigBang collection —though it’s perfectly fine if you and your project partner only want to upload the story to Tumblr. ○ The BigBang Schedule * Feb 17 – March 14: Prompt Nominations & Sign-Ups You sign up for the BigBang, letting us know about the type of content you’re down to create, as well as all and any preferences and dislikes (e.g.: genres, rating, themes, do-not-want lists, etc). Be as specific and detailed as possible! * Mar 16- Mar 22:  Potential Matching Projects go out You’ll receive an email with a list of potential prompts the mods have considered may be right up your alley, according to the information you’ve given when signing up. You can claim as many as you want! * Mar 23 –Apr 5: Story/Visual Content Claims By April 5, you’ll have to have answered the Potential Matching Projects email, letting the mods know all the projects you’re willing to work on. [You can click here for further explanations on how the Sign-Ups, Prompt Nominations and Matching processes work, as well as an example scenario with potential participants.] * Aug 1 –Sep 1: Progress Check-In (Not Mandatory) You may wish to contact the mods via email, letting them know how you and your partner are doing with your project. This is the only instance in which you’d be able to share snippets and/or excerpts of your project before the posting deadline. * Nov 20 –Dec 10: Works due! If you and your teammate have finished their project, you can start posting it on Tumblr and/or Ao3. Be sure to tag your post #drcbigbang * Dec 11 –Dec 20: Amnesty period In case you weren’t able to finish your BigBang project on time. * Dec 21: BigBang Masterpost goes live! All works will be listed on a masterpost over at @dailyrebelcaptain ○ I don’t think I’ll be able to complete the project in time, can I drop out? Of course! Sometimes life gets in the way or a story just doesn’t happen, and that’s completely understandable. However, before dropping out please contact us, especially if you’re struggling with the project or life is giving you a hard time at the moment —we can’t help if we don’t know there is a problem! We can work something out so you don’t have to abandon the BigBang altogether. ○ Can I sign up as both an author and a visual content creator? Absolutely!
○ Can I work in more than one BigBang project? Certainly, but make sure you will be able to handle all those projects at the same time before committing to them.  
Bear in mind that what’s special about the BigBang is teamwork! So be sure to keep in touch with your project partner(s) and cheer for one another.  REQUIREMENTS ⟡ Please provide us with an email address that you frequently check in case contact is needed, such as during story/fanwork claims, or for clarification purposes.  ⟡ Please keep in contact with the mods and your project partner. If something comes up and you need to drop out at any stage, that’s okay! Just let us know! If you are having trouble with any deadline, please reach out to us, so we can work something out. You can contact the mods at any time via email at [email protected]. ⟡ All stories must be complete by the due date period. Please check the schedule for when this will be.  ⟡ IMPORTANT: Stories must NOT be posted before the due date!  ⟡ The minimum amount of accompanying fanworks per eligible story is 1 piece. If you are a visual content creator and choose to claim 3 stories, that means you will need to create at least 1 fanwork for each story, 3 total. Please do not take on more stories than you can handle!  ⟡ Content creators can claim as many stories as they are reasonably certain they can handle. Please do not take on 5 projects unless you are reasonably certain you can finish all 5 fanworks!  ⟡ Visual content for each project can be in the form of traditional/digital art, manips, moodboards, picspam or gifsets, vids, fanmixes, etc.   We’ll keep on posting information, aids and guidelines as time goes by and we enter the different stages of the BigBang. If you still have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop us an ask!
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neicikpopfangirl · 12 years ago
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Littlebang lol
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