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austintacious-language · 1 year ago
The Biopic
Working Title: I Can Explain (but it's funnier if I don't)
Directed by Richard Ayoade (hopefully. I feel like he could convey the weird)
Dream Cast
Austin: Florence Pugh ('you have the same crying face') or alternatively Thomas 'Tomska' Ridgewell (despite being a cis man in his 30s because 'once you’re enough of a british nerd it becomes its own gender') depending on scheduling
Austin (Voice-over): Miranda Hart (I copy pasted my personality from her)
Austin's mum: Melissa Mccarthy/Kate Winslet (depends who's available, we love them both)
Austin's dad: Peter Capaldi (Same eyebrows but seems less of a dick. Would keep his Scottish accent but have a staring contest with the camera every time it's mentioned that he's Northern Irish.)
Austin's brother: Colin Morgan/Ben Barnes/Keanu Reeves/Henry Cavill/Collin O'Donoghue/Tom from SFTH/Yves Morris (literally any tall white man with dark hair. Preferably a different one in every scene.)
Austin's Sister-In-Law: Tilda Swinton (weird looking witchy woman)
Austin's other sibling: Kristen Stewart (gay and hates Twilight)
Austin's Grandma: Meryl Streep (she's just pretty cool. And we love Mama Mia)
Brian: Bill Nye
Austin's Grandad:
Elisabeth: Imelda Staunton
@lemonboiiievanthekelmpie : Brennan Lee Mulligan (from age 14)
@lemonboiiievanthekelmpie 's brother: The Lovely Carl (generic theatre pretty man)
@littleadult-sizedfox : James Acaster (from age 12)
Austin's friend (2017-2023): A cartoon crow (at the appropriate moment, they transform back into a human and like with Beauty and the Beast, everyone's a bit disappointed)
Austin's crush at ages 16 and 19: Cameron Chapman (I have a type, and it's twinks who need more sleep)
Jem: Timm Chalamet
Mori: Ben Culleton for the bit, or a slutty marionette, or Yung Gravy
Ty Tennant (my inevitable husband): David Tennant (in a badly bleached wig)
Soph the Director: Elliot Page (they look so identical I keep confusing their posts for each other it's a problem)
George the Theatre Slut (broadly affectionate): Yves M because it's funny
Luna Ewan: Tom Holland in stilts to make him 6'4
Also featuring Waterparks but they're playing each other
Alternatively, Waterparks are played by The Apocalypse Players and The Apocalypse Players are played by Waterparks with @littleadult-sizedfox as Dominic Allen
Waterparks as Fell Out Boy, Fall Out Boy make a cameo in the audience. NEGATIVE 25 as Waterparks.
I'm so good at casting
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kill-the-rockstar · 1 year ago
@littleadult-sizedfox glad it's not just us.
remembering that time i got drunk and told a guy he looked like a wrought iron gate
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kill-the-rockstar · 1 year ago
Oh wait no one follows me here!
Well. At least one of us isn't single. @littleadult-sizedfox
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bitsofmitz · 4 years ago
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🎉🎈Happy 12th birthday to this kid!!!🎉🎈Can’t believe it how fast time is flying by! Hopefully next year will be much better and we can continue our adventures together! At least we got to go to Disney on ice and the friends experience last year! For now let’s reminisce on our past adventures.🥰💕 Love you Bella!❤️ . . . #hbd #happy12thbirthday #family #ilovemyfamily #familia #covidbirthday #12goingon20 #littleadult (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNYTrcjBcF_/?igshid=1nfupbi2b0hpt
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gamreedwayne · 5 years ago
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While #daddycooks #paneermethi #cottagecheese #fenugreekleaves and #mummyteaching #onlineschooling our #lilmissgamree finds time to read.... Well she still can't read #almost4 but she'll tell you what the pictures say. Please read with your kids. Especially before the age of 5. Kids cognitive development is quicker when they have a strong vocabulary. Which also includes you talking to them like a #littleadult . Thank god @tulipgamree is here to help us out, because I was not much of a reader before. But when you're in the education field, you realise the best practices for your toddler. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQVfthABFu/?igshid=1tojt90sip7zm
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kill-the-rockstar · 1 year ago
@littleadult-sizedfox Sexy Sexy cat knees
the worst thing ever is when you become completely obsessed with some phrase your friends invented in some jackbox game or other such thing to the point that it becomes ingrained into your brain forever because nobody will ever know what i’m talking about when i say “I DO fuck like a cab driver for a blunt”. like that’s just my cross to bear forever.
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toobadtoolittle-blog · 6 years ago
Том болцгооёдо
Дөнгөж л 20 гарч яваа, хүүхэд наснаасаа салаагүй маниусын хувьд том болно гэдэг нь амаргүй даваа аж. Тамхи баагиулан том хүн шиг аашлах, толгой дарааллан загнаж том хүн шиг жүжиглэх. Эдгээр чинь биднийг том хүн шиг харагдуулж байгаа гэхээс зовлон саад тулгарахад сэтгэлийн тэнхээ маань бэлэн болоогүй байна. Том хүн болоход ийм ийм юмыг үзэж туулсан, тийм тийм зүйлсийг мэдсэн даван туулдаг байх ёстой гээд сургалт семинар байдаг бол тэрэнд н суугаад том хүн болсоныхоо сертификатыг авчихымсан. Дан ганц шийдвэр гаргах биш амьдралын томоохон сорилтууд дунд толглй гудайлгүйгээр л цааш үргэлжлүүлчих хүчтэй болмоор санагдахын. Авгай авлаа ч ард нь бяцхан хүн яахаа мэдкү тэвдчин байдаг гэж үнэхээр л үнэн үг юм. Нүднийх нь гал цог нь буугаад, юугч хайхралгүй сэтгэл зүрхгүй мэт аашлахад том хүн болжээ гэж үзэх хэрэгтэйм шиг. Яахаа мэдэхээ больсон хүнийг яахыг н хэлээд өгөх тийм тэнхээ чадвар бүрэн суутал өдий төдий санагдах юм. Энэ жил 2 ч том гуниг миний амьдрал тохиолдсоныг одоо ч даван туулж, сэтгэл санаагаа цэгцэлж чадаагүй л явна. Үхэл л биднийг хатуужуулдаг ч юм шиг. Зүгээр л хажууд инээж байсан хүн нэг л өдөр байхгүй болохтой би эвлнрч чадахгүй байх шиг санагдахын.
Том хүн болгоод өгөөч. Гуйя. Би зөвхөн гуйж л чадна
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sgdunster · 6 years ago
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Fern, venting to me. #littleadult #babyofthefamily #tellmeaboutit #vent #bedtime #grumpy #familytimeisthebesttime #cutekids https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo79NXuHAqd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=avrt4q4lltb0
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sketchbooksb · 8 years ago
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We made a fort 😙🏡 #bigkids #littleadults #fort #builtafort #playing #home #cushions #bedding #fun #saturday
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austintacious-language · 7 days ago
(very concerned) I think most people make a noise when you poke them
- after @littleadult-sizedfox called his boyfriend a 'musical instrument' because he made sounds when poked.
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greenblock · 3 years ago
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kill-the-rockstar · 1 year ago
@littleadult-sizedfox what about this being one of my top posts doesn't suggest I want to Kiss Aaron Johnson on the lips?
Goncharov remake with Aaron Taylor Johnson and Pedro Pascal because whenever I see the poster without my glasses on I think it's them
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bitsofmitz · 7 years ago
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2 month ago...celebrating my favorite kid’s 14th bday!😍😆❤️💙 #hbd #happy14thbday #babybrother #level257 #pacman #14goingon20 #littleadult #celebrate #lovehim #familytime #ilovemyfamily #august2017 (at Level 257)
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takingflight48 · 4 years ago
@jaxx-in-a-box HOW DARE YOU make me need to hug him even more!!! Gahhh #sadscorp #training #littleadult #sos #jaxxmakingmagic
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Sad boi Scorp from @inadaze22 Measure of a Man 🥺
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austintacious-language · 5 months ago
That's because they're little piss boys
Are you not a little piss boy?
I'm not a little piss boy
I’m a big piss boy
- on actors, with @littleadult-sizedfox
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greenblock · 3 years ago
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