#little witch miyako chan
murfeelee · 6 years
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Moon Medicine (月の薬) - Pt7 - Bridge Guardian
"AH! Little Kaguya! Come here, so that I may thank you!"
"Thank me? But I didn't do anything."
"Nonsense! There is so much fish now, after all this rainfall you created! Here, accept this golden koi fish as my thanks. It will bring you luck."
"Oh! Well, thank you, Komainu-san."
" It is my duty, as the guardian of all of the Golden Bridges of Heaven, to help guide souls pure of heart find their way between realms.
“The gods need the fears, hopes and sorrows of mortals, in order to stay alive in their hearts. But demons do, too. And the long road back to Land of Mortals is rife with them.
"Remember: Never stray from the golden path, and never let those Jade Slippers off your feet for a moment, or you'll be at the mercy of the Fire Witch's curse."
"But what happens if--"
"Just follow the Golden Bridge of Heaven. Goodbye, Little Kaguya!"
"This way, Kaguya-chan! We'll be back on Earth in no time!"
Aaaaand this is the last of the Moon scenes! (Frikkin finally. XD)
In Moon Medicine, Tsuki no Miyako is a mix of Wonderland & Emerald City. Technically, Komainu is the Not-So-Cowardly Lion / Cheshire Cat (if he was NOT mad, and his sense of humor had been stripped away, LOL). But actually, he’s based on Byakko, the White Tiger of the West, and a particular other large cat in Buddhism, that will make more sense (hopefully) in the next few posts.
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- I used @popcornstar45‘s Tiger sim, but forgot to install the white-fur Anthro skin they used, so all I had was Moonskin’s much too dark Khajit skin. U_U So I just photoshopped it to make the Khajit fur look whiter. :P
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[Angel of Miracle] 309 - What Fills You With Determination?
“Say WHAT?!” - Jun screamed on the phone - “Are you sure?! I can’t do that, my mom would kill me if she discover Daisuke is out of her range! He had a hard time to convince her to go visit our grandparents in America alone last year and to go on a trip this year!”
“I know, but he told me to say that…” - Taichi wasn’t happy with her screaming at him - “Because he’s in another world. Look, I know he does not want to make your parents and you worried, so this is why I’m planning to go there with the others.”
“I will go too.”
“No, you stay here and tell Miyako-chan’s sisters to please give us some help. We won’t take too much time. Also there’s Iori’s and Ichijouji’s families… I will call them later. Please whatever you think, do NOT try to dive into the Digital Gate alone. I know you’re older than us, but you need to hear me. I’m your senpai when it’s about digimon business.”
“Oh, senpai?” - she was being sarcastic now - “Right, Yagami-senpai. I will do what you want, but tell Kido-senpai I want a date with his oldest brother!”
“A-are you serious?!”
She hung up; at the Yagami household, Taichi was staring at the phone.
“That girl will end up doing something stupid” - he sighed.
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“Did you tell them?” - Yamato asked Taichi, once all the group were reunited in Koushiro’s room again.
“Yes… Jou, Motomiya-senpai said she wants a date with your big brother.”
“That’s not the right time for that!” - Sora interrupted them, like an angry mother - “Our plan is go to the Digital World and try to find a gate to that other world, isn’t it?”
“You were telling me to trust in the kids” - Taichi frowned - “Why the sudden change? Are you… Worried?”
“It’s not like I don’t trust them. It’s that I want to keep the gate open for their return!”
“So are we going or not?!” - Mimi snorted - “We need to decide!”
“We need to give them support, and this is why I want to… To go” - Sora answered.
“Yes, she’s worrying like a true mom” - Taichi nodded his head, arms crossed, eyes closed, a smirk…
“T-Taichi!!” - she blushed.
“Maybe we should go” - said Mimi - “We can at least keep the Digital World safe until they come back.”
“Safe from what?” - Jou questioned her - “The Digital world is safer than before. Oikawa-san’s seal… It restored it, if I remember correctly.”
“Actually not” - Koushiro interrupted them - “Gennai-san said there’s still stuff to be done. The Black War Greymon issue caused a great damage to the Digital World. The Holy Stones won’t grow that fast. The time Ichijouji-kun was the Kaiser, he unbalanced the Digital World with innumerous Dark Towers. The Digital World is far away from being ‘safe’ from the evil.”
“So… Are we still needed?” - Jou said it with a quiet voice.
“Yes, we are.”
“... We’re going” - Taichi announced - “We already talked to everyone’s families, Koushiro and Jou--”
“-senpai, please.”
“-- And Jou will stay here keeping the gate opened. The rest will come with me, we’re opening this gate to this unknown world and save the kids.”
“Will you ever call me by ‘senpai’ at least ONCE?!”
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“I have to go back,” - Diomedes announced - “There’s too much to be done, so please contact me once you’re ready, Warlock.”
“I understand…” - the little brother couldn’t keep him for a long time - “the kingdom needs you… And you’re the one responsible for the relationships of our allies.”
“Wow, he doesn’t look like Izumi-senpai at all” - Miyako whispered to Hikari and Takeru - “Izumi-senpai has social anxiety by what I noticed. Him being at the computer club was a big surprise to me, I’ve only talked to him by e-mail before.”
“Can we gather all the cores we got and focus on the missing ones?” - Dai asked - “Like, no one needs to stay with us if we have the cores. I think Helios and prince Diomedes have royal affairs to deal with.”
“True…” - the mage wondered - “I didn’t read anything about needing all cores to be activated. Before we get separated, we should do that.”
Everyone agreed, then they concentrated on their power, let themselves be guided by their aether and again the cores appeared in front of them. The only one who didn’t do that was Daisuke, because for an unknown reason he couldn’t do that.
Still… Daisuke felt upset with himself about it. Why? Why didn’t my core appear? Do I have a crest? And all the doubts invaded his thoughts. Warlock them muttered some strange words to the Chosen Children, but understandable for the others (and Daisuke too, but his case was he couldn’t translate it to the kids). After saying them, the cores went directly to Lance’s star pendant.
“Is it done?” - Diomedes asked - “I need to return now, I apologize.”
“We’re done for now” - Warlock said - “all the cores are with Lance now.”
“Including ours?” - Iori wondered.
“Not at all” - Takeru said - “Look at your hands. They’re still here…!”
“I think the enchantment just picked the ones from this world” - the wizard mused - “This never happened before, I mean having more cores than needed.”
“What do you mean?”
“Means you have more than needed, but it doesn’t matter… You’re unable to complete the requirements.”
A voice echoed in the room. Dai ran to the entrance of the castle, with the rest coming after him. There, they found…!!
“The Black Tailmon returned!” - Vee blinked.
“You will never finish it, Lance Duskstella. This world is fated to be engulfed by the darkness. No new life of yours will be able to save it. You and your outsider fellows will die here.”
“T-that’s a creepy thing to s-say…!” - Miyako was panicked.
“That’s strange…” - The mage bit his lips - “We never had a cat monster before.”
“What?!” - Dai and Vee were shocked - “So, she does not belong to the castle?!”
“No. And she must be…” - Warlock stared at the foe - “... Pandora.”
“Hmph, I knew he would recognize me” - Black Tailmon smirked - “Not bad for Dragon Who’s great grandson.”
“She is the evil witch?!” - the 2-Top duo couldn’t believe that. Neither Lia.
“Rebecca… Aren’t you Rebecca?” - she was in denial.
“Tsk tsk, you should’ve realized that all was a lie. I was keeping an eye on you… Because I saw a shard of your brother in this world, wandering and waiting for something. I knew he was about to come back someday. Humans are like monsters, they reborn. But differently from the monsters, they become differently from the past life.”
“If you’re the evil witch, I gonna…” - Daisuke clenched his fists - “defeat you!!”
“What? You think you have the power to beat me?” - she laughed next - “You never learned enough spells to do that. You even have the requirements for Dragon Who’s sealing spell. What will you do? Use your outsider friends and their monsters to fight me? I’m invincible!”
“You have no idea how strong we are” - Hikari shouted - “Daisuke-kun and I were willing to save this world, and we all here want it.”
“I agree with Hikari-san” - Ken added - “We are strong together, we’re going to beat you!”
“I see… You must be the ones from the other world to have the same cores from those people. I will give you a warning: Lance Duskstella was a bad person, he is. And he will be your ruin.”
“QUIT LYING!” - Takeru shouted - “We heard Lance-san’s story, and Daisuke-kun did a lot of good things. Don’t try to convince us he’s not a good person, or that he never had redemption!”
“Hmph, such brats…!” - Pandora changed her form to a woman and she released a wave against them. A black mist. Poisonous clouds.
Suddenly… the Chosen Children and Pandora had disappeared.
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“Everyone!!” - Daisuke called them - “Are you okay??”
“... Why are we still here?” - Miyako appeared behind him, her eyes darker than before - “If is Lance-san’s fault, why are we doing it? Daisuke can’t do anything by himself??”
“M-Miyako, that’s not true! Well not entirely…!!”
“Daisuke-san always gives us headaches.” - Same goes to Iori’s - “Now we’re trapped here.”
“H-Hey… I’m not--”
“Why does make Daisuke-kun the leader anyway?” – and Takeru’s - “He has no skills to lead a team. All he does is to boss around, to yell at me, to cause troubles…”
“B-But I thought--”
“Daisuke never was a tough rival” - Ken’s eyes were dark, but he also smirked - “He was nothing but an insect. He only beat me because he had luck, if he had used his skills he should’ve been my slave.”
“K-Ken-- I…!!”
“If he hadn’t said my name to Lia-san,” - Hikari’s eyes were as well - “I could’ve been far away from this stupid world! It’s all his fault!”
“It is… my fault?”
“See? Even your ‘friends’ think that about you” - Pandora was right in front him - “They were lying to you ALL THE TIME. They didn’t stay because of you, but because you obliged them to!”
“... No.”
V-mon, Hawkmon, Armadimon, Patamon,Tailmon and Wormmon appeared and tried to attack the witch, but they had been repelled by her. They fell in front the goggle boy.
“It doesn’t matter what they say, Daisuke!” - Tailmon said - “They’re not saying the truth!” “Takeru wouldn’t never say that!” - Patamon added. “Neither Kenchan!” - Wormmon gave him a serious gaze
“Miyako-san admires your bravery and loyalty, Daisuke-san.” - Hawkmon confessed - “That’s all she told me once” “Iori likes you, besides him being a little strict. But he surely likes you and was missing your lead, dagya.”
“Daisuke!” - V-mon grabbed the boy’s hand - “Even if we get corrupted… Even if we say lies to you… You know the truth! You truly know we’re here because we wanted, because we want to help! And Because you’re our friend before our group’s leader!”
“They’re lying!”
“THIS IS NOT A LIE!” – the digimon shouted and they tried to hit her again.
“... They wanted to stay because of me, they wanted to help because of me…!!”
Daisuke’s eyes were shining in red crimson now. He summoned the glaive and dashed against Pandora. The digimon got repelled again, but they keep trying.
“They wanted… To save this world because of me!!”
He slashed her, but a forcefield was protecting the witch.
“Give up, Daisuke” - Ken said. “You’re done for” - Miyako chirped. “It’s over” - Hikari laughed. “Accept it, idiot” - Iori mocked him. “You’re a sore loser” - Takeru smirked.
“Kenchan, open your eyes!” “Miyako-san, fight it please!” “Hikari… You’re stronger than that witch, you know that!” “Iori!! Please stop it, dagya!” “Takeruu, don’t let her win!!”
“She won’t win because we’re united!!” - Vee roared - “Right, guys?!” “YEAH!”
“I’m impressed… Those monsters are stronger than my master’s power.”
“Your master?” - V-mon frowned - “Sorcerymon said the same… D-Daisuke, she’s not the real enemy! She might be corrupted just like everyone else…!!”
“Corrupted or not, I won’t allow her play with my friends!! Or with the people of this world…!” - He kept slashing the barrier - “At least we need to purify her just like Iori did with Sorcerymon!! But without Iori… We can’t do that…!”
“Don’t say we can’t! Where’s your courage? You were determined to save this world, you can’t give up now…!!”
“I am… I am determined and I will fight until I win! Because that’s what my heart tells me to do!!”
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A explosion of light threw Pandora away from them, and dissolved the mist. Little by little, the Chosen Children recovered their light. Confused, they just glanced at Daisuke and him consumed by a crimson aura. They also were “back” to Warlock’s garden.
“Is that…!!” - Lia gasped, once she saw them all. “The Core of Determination…” - Warlock commented - “... Has finally awakened.”
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quinttee · 4 years
Quinton’s Animation Extravaganza 394
Rocket Meeting No. 8
I was enjoying my day with Miyako and Fluttershy. I wondered what had been accomplished over the previous two weeks, so I decided to schedule another meeting with Team Rocket. We all met in our usual spot in the basement of Celadon Game Corner. From their computer, Musashi and Kojiro told me that they found out why it was taking so long for Poita to respond to them about his Fantasia project. It was because he was too busy actually working on the projects themselves. Despite the long wait, I was glad to know that he was working hard on his Fantasia project. Musashi and Kojiro told me that they would report anything as soon as Poita responded. Meanwhile, Yamato and Kosaburo told me that an old anime called Dr. Slump & Arale-chan was currently being fansubbed. I figured that it was about time, since I couldn’t find a scanlation of the original manga by Akira Toriyama. As for my other followers, they had found out some information about the Silly Symphonies cartoon, Three Little Pigs. They had found out that somebody by the username of Jade88 had done a reconstruction of the original theatrical version of the short, complete with the Yiddish accent of the wolf’s peddler disguise. The rest of the meeting went on rather well and I enjoyed listening to what my followers had to say. When I got home to Gotokuji Manor, I realized that the fourth member of the Witches 5 could appear anytime, so my fellow Powerpuffs, the Mane Six, Sailor Senshi and I began to keep an eye out for her.
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stardustpinkart · 2 months
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"Lovley little dollies!"
Chimney made friends with the Raggy Dolls :)
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