#little nightmares 2 the pale city
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dailylittlenightmares · 8 months ago
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azural83 · 4 months ago
I find it beyond frustrating when some people bash six for her "immoral" actions in a world filled with monsters while overlooking a similar behavior from mono just because we control him
It's ok if 'we' brutally kill bullies,smash living hands,or burn doctors even though it's not necessary at times,but if a nine year old girl dares to take joy from her oppressors' suffering then she's a narcissistic sociopath or whatever buzzword the internet likes using nowadays
Sometimes it feels like the fandom has adopted a 'perfect victim' mentality,which feels a bit...tone deaf considering that the entire concept of LN revolves around the abuse children face
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end-the-transmission · 1 year ago
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-"I think you're wonderful"-
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little-dinosaurart · 1 month ago
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The Pale City's resident T-Rex Doctor
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intistone · 1 year ago
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this game absolutely killed me
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keikoyume · 2 years ago
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So you’re telling me the LN podcast is the pov of a doctor??
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dailylittlenightmares2 · 1 year ago
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skullkandiii · 2 years ago
My Janitor/Roger headcanon
my overall theory with little nightmares, is that the Signal Tower warped everyone in SOME way, and before then, people/things were normal
i can't decide whether he'd have an office job, or work as a janitor at Pale City Elementary (name i came up with for the school)
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growing up, Roger loved to whittle. whether it be tools or figures, he enjoyed crafting under the tree near the Signal Tower that was being built. his house was one of the last few in the city that wasn't torn down due to more expansion of the city. eventually that changed, and his childhood home was sold and taken down. the passion that had fueled his creativity with whittling had faded into a mere memory. The Signal Tower, where he had spent countless hours near honing his craft, now stood tall and proud, a symbol of change
with age, Roger's eyesight began to deteriorate rapidly. Stargardt disease, a condition affecting the retina, cast a shadow over his world, blurring the once vibrant colors and shapes he had grown accustomed to seeing. simple tasks became increasingly challenging, and the frustration and helplessness he experienced only deepened his self-loathing
days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Roger isolated himself from the outside world, outside of going to work. his once-beloved whittling tools lay abandoned, collecting dust in a forgotten corner of his small apartment. the sound of laughter and children playing outside his window felt like a cruel reminder of the life he had lost
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one day, as he and other folks dragged themselves to work, the light of Signal Tower began to burn a bright red. not the normal kind of light it gave off, no, this was different. people could hear it, the loud, blinding light gave off a long drawn humming sound. the deep sound drove people mad as the light grew brighter. and brighter. and brighter.
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and that's all I got for this short theory/headcanon!! pleeaassee let me know if you'd like to hear more!
i have developing ideas for the other monsters of the Maw! and I'd love to share more if anyone is interested!
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itstimetotheorize · 6 months ago
The drawings on the wall
The pictures on the Necropolis walls are more visible now. Numerous eye drawings are depicted, but the rest of the drawings are still very hard to decipher, its almost as if someone purposely smeared and scribbled the drawings...wait.
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The eyes of the Nowhere are a common sight to see drawn, we have always theorized they were drawn by those whos minds became infected by the eye entity/Nowhere's hypnotic light, but above all, these drawings appear to be sacred, once drawn, no damage comes to them.
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And yet the drawings on the Necropolis walls almost appear to be vandalized, some smeared parts even look as if they were just erased, with new drawings even drawn over them.
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It's not the first time we have seen such a thing, in the launch trailer, we saw another drawing of the eye entity/Nowhere vandalized with an axe thrown directly at it, question is...who is doing this?
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hanaotaku95 · 11 months ago
Alastor’s little Nightmares:
So I was scrolling through YouTube when I came across a small but very interesting video:
It’s an edit video of Alastor and the song used is “Nightmares Never End” by JT music, which is a fan song for Little Nightmares 2.
So this got me to thinking and my brain plotting: what if Alastor was a child of Nowhere that never crossed the threshold fully? I’m here to explain why this could be an interesting topic to explore and how it could fit with Alastor in a crossover fanfiction or alternate universe.
(Spoilers ahead for Little Nightmares 1, 2 and The Sounds of Nightmares. I will also be using some fan theories to help support this.)
The Nowhere is described by Noone in the Sounds of Nightmares to be a place that “is…and isn’t”, a place existing in its own realm that manifests from the nightmares of young children. But not just any child will be targeted by the Nowhere. These kids are often mistreated and taken advantage of by adults in the waking world in some way, shape or form. Thus the Nowhere will slowly and surely lure these fearful and traumatized kids into a nightmarish cycle fed by the fear and trauma they experienced within the realm itself.
In an analysis video about Nowhere, it is theorized that the children are lacking in one or more categories of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I recommend you go and watch it (link down below), but long story short, one or more of these needs are not being met and these kids escape to this realm which seems to meet those needs, only for them to be twisted overtime.
In regards to Alastor, if we use the time period he grew up in (southern America in the early 1900s), who he was born to (a white father and Creolan mother) and the headcanon of an abusive father, we can paint a clear picture as to how Alastor may have been a target of Nowhere at some during his childhood years.
He would have appeared in many places in Nowhere, from the Pale City to perhaps even the Maw, being spirited away. Despite how terrifying the world was, there was something about it that kept luring him in as it had with many children before and after.
But when it came time to cross the Threshold, he refused. For one simple reason. His mother. His rock and emotional anchor in his rather tumultuous and lonely childhood. He couldn’t leave her behind, and resisted the Ferryman, closing that door behind him.
As an adult and even in his time in Hell, he cannot fully recall his experiences in Nowhere, only that he had extremely vivid nightmares as a young boy. But there is always a nagging in the back of his mind and odd visions of ever seeing eyes that bring forth memories he cannot immediately recall.
Some of my headcanons regarding who Alastor was in the Nowhere:
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1) He went by Lie while in Nowhere.
2) His urge for flesh later in life came from his experiences in the Maw.
3) Lie was one of the “winners” in Nowhere (similar to Mono, Six and Low), manifesting in the ability to shadow walk. This ability would resurface after he died and went to Hell.
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cynthiadasorceress · 7 months ago
I keep forgetting Mono likely isn't from the Pale City and that makes me ridiculously upset, because can you imagine, just for a second, somebody in slightly revealing clothing (maybe a crop top and leggings or something) and Mono just cartoon fainting. Like, hand-over-forehead faint with the dramatic gasp and everything.
The Pale City, as far as I can tell, is based on the 40s to 60s, and it'd be so funny to me to see Mono trying to go 1 day in the modern world without passing out from shock or being utterly confused by modern technology.
Edit: I found out he might be from there and am very happy :D
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dailylittlenightmares · 4 months ago
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isoilibrairywanderer · 1 year ago
Okay theory time: I've watched the gameplay footage from LNIII ten times or something like that, and I have some theories about it. Notably concerning the presence of normal-looking adults inside the Necropolis.
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While they are dead, they're unmistakably normal adults. As far as I know, it's the first time we see actual non-monstrous adults in the Nowhere. Which, of course, leads to the question: how the heck did they arrive here?
The Sounds of Nightmares is currently the only Little Nightmares source that explicitly states how one can enter the Nowhere: by being transported through dreams, with the potential implication of the Ferryman one way or another. But this process seems to only work with children, as Otto is denied access because he's too old.
So, those adults must have come another way, but how?
Well, I think that those dwellers came with their city. I think the Necropolis hadn't been built into the Nowhere, but that it had been taken from another world. Some (or maybe even all) of its adult inhabitants were taken with it inside the nightmarish realm, only to meet their end when Monster Baby decided that it was her new playground.
This could even applied to other locations in the Nowhere: the Pale City for instance. Some doors in the city are sealed off, but in a way that is impossible for a child.
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Plus we have numerous elements that seem to show that this city was once a regular city, but that it had been left to rot. Therefore, I think that it was effectively a normal city once, but that it was transported into the Nowhere. The denizens either started to turn into Residents or fell into despair, wanting to escape this world and their close ones who were now monsters. That feeling of wanting to escape was exactly what the Signal Tower - a being that feeds on escapism- needed to prosper and grow.
We can even argue that the township from the second issue of the 2017 comics is a place that is in the process of being assimilated: this is why we children don't seem to know about monsters while there are no other adults.
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The Residents are just starting to slip in, and while someone managed to understand that and trap the Mirror Man, most of the kids here believe the monsters to be some kind of fairy tale.
Maybe even the whole Nowhere is only made of such place, a patchwork of stolen cities and landscapes across the many other worlds around. It would reinforce the dream-like nature of this reality. You know, the way places of your reality show up in dreams, not as they are but as you perceive them, as you remember them, as you feel about them, so you always know that something isn't quite like it should but you can't tell what exactly?
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end-the-transmission · 2 years ago
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I adore married adult Six and Mono. Have some cute doodles and a lovely day <3 uvu
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lore-gore · 2 years ago
Putting this all into one post
My Little Nightmares au:
Endless Nightmares
It takes place in an alternate dimension called the Nowhere. Children are suddenly transported there in the dead of night. They will eventually either die or become a monster. Some will be collected by The Ferryman and taken to The Maw, others manage to evade him. All of this is the Flesh Walls doing, using The Transmission to carry out its goals. Even the landscape has been warped by The Transmission, becoming large like most of the monsters who roam it. (So the kids are regular sized.) It used to be like our dimension, until The Transmission corrupted it and its residents. Eventually it ran out of victims, thus the kidnappings.
Enter Six. Six has amnesia, and has no memory of her life before. But she knows this isn't home, and is determined to find a way back.
The first chapter is the DLC. Six replaces RK. But at the end, instead of being turned into a nome, The Lady tries to separate her soul from her body. However she only succeeds in separating a fragment of her soul. This fragment of her soul becomes Dark Six. (The Glitching Remains and Shadow Kids aka Masked Remains were also created from fragments of children's souls, although those children are usually long dead.) Because she is missing a piece of her soul, she experiences extreme bouts of hunger that worsened over time. (The reason she ate the Nome is because her hunger had worsened to the point that only something living could satiate it. Not that she didn't feel guilty.) In the ending scene, instead of finding a sausage, she finds a lighter.
The second chapter is Little Nightmares 1. It is the exact same, no changes. (She was brought to the starting point by the Nomes after she passed out. The post credit cutscene in the DLC is like a moment of consciousness, what she sees while being dragged in the foreground out of sight by the Nomes.)
The third chapter is Little Nightmares 2. (Six ended up in The Wilderness after accidentally teleporting through the tv on the shore where the boat dropped her off.) Six takes Mono's place, and Mono takes Six's place. (The reason she decides to help him is because unlike in The Maw, where she had to focus on escaping, this was an ideal moment to team up.) Instead of the Six finding her raincoat scene, it's Mono finding his paper bag. (He wasn't wearing it in the beginning. Without the bag he looks like Runaway Kid in Mono's clothes.) Mono's Glitching Remains lead her to the tower, so she can free him. Instead of taking off the hat during The Thin Man death scene, Six pulls down her hood. Monster Mono looks like Monster Six but with Mono's clothes. The reason the room contains stuff from The Maw is because The Transmission was taunting Six. Six defeats Monster Mono, but instead of him returning to normal, he dies. (She had to kill him as it was the only way to save them both.) Six escapes the tower. Cue secret ending scene. When Six is thrown out of the tv during this scene, her hood falls back over her head. Dark Six turns toward the picture of The Maw, indicating where she came from. Her hunger, which had been satisfied the entire time because she had eaten The Lady, returns.
Also, the girl in the portrait is not The Lady's daughter. Rather she is a random child who became The Lady's temporary favorite; a pet. It's similar to Mono and The Hunter, being viewed as merely a pet. (He escaped because he knew he would be killed the moment The Hunter got tired of him.)
The Shadow Kids are the soul fragments of past favorites of The Lady (who she would kill after they were "disobedient"), which is why they act and look different than the other Glitched Remains.
The picture of a girl in a raincoat is a picture of a different kid, a sheet covering it signifying their loss of favor. (The headless statues are also of past favorites, destroyed in a fit of rage.)
Oh, and the piece of a dress that looks like Flashlight Girl's, the kid in the cage that looks like her, and the Nome shadow that looks like her were from different kids, she was killed by the Leeches.
The Nomes were runaway children who weren't strong enough to resist The Transmission.
The Transmission tried turning Six but she was able to not only resist it but traverse it, due to The Lady's powers. Mono was also able to resist it for the most part, only turning once trapped inside The Signal Tower, which made it harder to do so.
Six had killed The Lady to free herself and all of the other children trapped on The Maw (including the Nomes). But most of the kids on The Maw had already given up. Six was in a trance when she first gained and used The Lady's powers, and while by the time she snapped out of it it was too late and she was already on The Ferry, she still wouldn't have managed to save all of them had she actually snapped out of it in time. They had already accepted their fate. Opening their cages wasn't going to change that.
The Thin Man works for The Flesh Walls. (He is also not Mono.)
Six knows all of this, and pieces it together throughout the story.
Six named the monsters. The only one she didn't name was Mono, as they told each other their name and age (9 for Six and 10 for Mono) in between the beach scene and the building scene. (Watch the gameplay, you'll understand what I mean.)
Six has a very similar personality to Ellie. She's a chaotic, violent, feral gay who cusses a lot.
Also she's autistic because I like neurodivergent characters and no one can stop me.
Oh and she's ambidextrous.
Temporary Little Nightmares 3 au details based on new trailor:
The mirrors were originally created by the Flesh Walls, but turned against them. They were weak at first, only able to taunt The Lady and tarnish her vanity. Eventually they gained enough power to weaken The Lady. In the new game, they are able to be used to teleport by Six. She is the only one able to do so as they believe she could rid this world of the evil plaguing it. (So she takes Low's scenes with the mirror.)
Six replaces Alone, save for the mirror scenes. She meets Low after she wakes up next to the broken mirror, with him approaching her similar to how she approached Mono. (After the ending cutscene, she satisfied The Hunger, maybe with an apple. She was then lured to the mirror and transported to the starting point.) She finds the wrench sticking up right outside the crumbling brick wall she has to break down. The wrench just kinda disappears when she stores it because video game logic.
She feeds The Hunger during time skips. (The first time happened after they introduced themselves, with Low telling her that he had been in The Nowhere for about a year, making him 11, after which Six quickly whispered in Low's ear what The Hunger was and what had caused it. This time she maybe satisfies it with a fish, because you can eat a fish in the original Little Nightmares.)
Some other things about the world:
The Necropolis is not actually a desert but a beach. The sand just looks orange because it is the golden hour: the hour before the sun sets. That's why there are fishing nets and other things, as it used to specialize in that before The Monster Baby came along. The ferry Six and Low start in was in a shipyard, although the repairs were never finished.
The Maw used to be some sort of floating restaurant or cruise ship, but was warped by The Transmission into the strange shape it is today. Instead of emerging once every year, it emerges almost every day. The ferry comes and picks up The Guests who are left, and those who are not become part of the next feast.
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teastarfall · 2 years ago
Autism hunter terrorises pale city
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he got too silly
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