#little headcanon that Damien has a stuff bear that he chews on in his sleep
cupiowaffles · 11 months
He's just a ittle dum
Give him time
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Leopold “Butters” Patrick Stotch Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Leopold Patrick Stotch Nicknames: Butters Age: 21; Can Change Birthday: September 11th Sign: Virgo Gender: Intersex, Partial Androgen Sensitivity Syndrome Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Biromantic Monogamous; Moderately Sexual Hair: Naturally Blond Eyes: Right Eye Cerulean, Left Eye Powder Blue Skin: Lightly Tanned Height: 5′1″ Weight: 136 lbs Faceclaim: Ross Lynch Piercings: Both Nipples, Gauges in both ears Tattoos: None Scars: Over his left eye, his stomach, and around his chest
Alignment: Chaotic Good Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, Questioning Allegiance: Stan’s Gang, Chaos, Professor Disarray, The Melvins
Family: Stephen Stotch (Father; Alive), Linda Stotch (Mother; Alive), Nellie Stotch (Aunt; Alive), Budd Stotch (Uncle; Alive), Grandma Stotch (Grandma; Deceased)
Pets: Hammy the Teddy Bear Hamster
Personality: Gullible, Easily Influenced, Positive, Optimistic, Loving, Scapegoat, Sweet, Temperamental, Attention Starved, Overly Affectionate, Flip-Flopper, Terrified of his father, Struggles with guilt, Naive, Exaggerates, Mock Innocent
Likes: Candy, Friendship, Hamsters, Rodents, The Wind, Kites, Eating People, Hello Kitty, Cute Clothes, Crafts, Singing, Writing, Making Believe, Dancing
Dislikes: Negativity, Misunderstandings, His Parents, Horror Movies, FPS Games, Most Leafy Greens, Driving, Smoking, Being Bullied, His Scars, Bitter Things
Can Do: Drive, Advanced Math, Cartography, Remember Small Details, Cook, Butcher People, Hide His Killings
Can’t Do: Write Poetry, Go Out Most Of The Time, Drink Alcohol, Eat Spicy Foods, Stomach Regular Meat, Draw Well
Mental Health Diagnosis:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Butters is terrified of most things, of getting things wrong, and he constantly fears that everything is his fault, one way or another.
Paranoia: Everything makes him fearful and worried, and he obviously is scared of doing anything at all that could make him get into trouble.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Autocannibalism: Butters will chew his lips/the inside of his cheeks/his fingers and nails and swallow it. He does this mostly when he is nervous or bored.
Chronic Cystitis: Considering his father often doesn’t even let him leave his bedroom to pee when he is grounded, he often gets bladder infections from holding it too much. He has found ways to use things as a bathroom, of course, but it doesn’t stop him from having frequent bladder infections.
Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Born with a severe case, Butters was almost found to be female from the initial view of his genitals. However, later it was discovered that he had the internal workings of a male, which prompted doctors to have his family work with him to get treatment. However, his parents neglected it, and his body began to manage itself on its own, leaving him somewhat androgynous, leaning towards female in appearance.
Fears: His Father, Being Grounded, Getting Caught, Being Eaten Alive
Positive Traits: Gentle, Loving, Willing To Help, Selfless
Negative Traits: Gullible, Can be hateful, Cannibal, Deceptive, Manipulative
Quirks: Plays innocent to get his way; Talks to animals more than people; Loves rodents; Almost always wears yoga pants
Tends To: Knock his knuckles together when nervous; Not make eye contact; Drink lots of juice; Jump at the slightest of sounds
History: Butters was born with the short end of the stick in many cases. His neglectful parents, his genetic disorder, among other things, separated him from the rest of society. His naivete and desire to be liked by anyone often influenced him to do stupid things, or believe the wrong people.
After becoming Marjorine and returning home ‘from the dead’, his parents kept him in the basement for two months, feeding him people. His desperation eventually turned him to feeding from them, and eventually he decided he liked it. He kept his cannibalism a secret for an awful long time, but he eventually couldn’t hide it. He was very good at butchering people in order to feed, hiding the transients he took in the basement. His parents never knew, and he was careful to keep his hunger a secret from them. His father became suspicious when he began sneaking out, and he often found himself grounded through middle and high school. It hurt his self esteem and his need to escape for a long time, until he finally couldn’t take it anymore.
Nobody is totally sure what happened to his father, but his disappearance sparked a sudden, very terrible investigation. Butters was never implicated, so used to acting innocent that it was like a second skin to him.
Tags List - Personal
I’d Rather Be A Crying Pussy (Butters) I’m Going To Get Grounded Anyway I Might As Well! (Butters’ IC Posts) Hello Kitty Underwear (Butters’ Closet) Gotta Collect It All! (Butters’ Stuff) All I Ever Wanted Was The World (Butters’ Desires) Tin Foil Hats (Butters’ Aesthetic) No Minions Kill Them (Hammy Tag) If Only Sheep Could Put Me To Sleep (Butters’ Music) Here Comes A Thought (Butters Musings) Sunshine And Gummy Bears (Butters Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
I Can’t Believe She’s A Vampire (Butters And Annie Barlett) Beauty Can Be A Beast (Butters And Bebe Stevens) Ladies Don’t Start Fights But They Can Finish Them (Butters And Bloodrayne) You’re Perfectly Normal The Way You Are (Butters And Bradley) Mintberry Crunch! (Butters And Bradley Biggle) I Fucking Hate Guard Dogs! (Butters And Christophe “The Mole” DeLorne) Taco King (Butters And Clyde Donovan) If Things Would Be Boring I’d Be Soooo Happy (Butters And Craig Tucker) Weekend Satanists (Butters And Damien Thorn) A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Is More Than A Warning (Butters And Eric Cartman) Go Straight To Heck (Butters And Gary Harrison) Too Smart To Tie His Own Shoes (Butters And Gregory) She’s The Walmart Version Of You (Butters And Heidi Turner) Big Girl You Are Beautiful (Butters And Henriette Biggle) Genius In Canadian Clothing (Butters And Ike Broflovski) The Bard (Butters And Jimmy Valmer) A Rose Blooming From Mud (Butters And Karen McCormick) I Will Buy You A New Life (Butters And Kenny McCormick) Sticks And Stones (Butters And Kevin McCormick) The Mom Friend (Butters And Kyle Broflovski) Sweet As Sugar (Butters And Larry) Ads Are People Too! (Butters And Leslie Meyers) Gimme Gimme Bloodshed (Butters And Michael) I Want To Be Like You (Butters And Mike Makowski) A Loveable Giant (Butters And Mimsy) I Wear My Sunglasses At Night (Butters And Nathan) For A Makeover Call (Butters And Nichole Daniels) Too Pretty To Be Evil (Butters And Pete) Every Rose Has It’s Thorns (Butters And Red Tucker) You Can’t Sit With Us (Butters And Ryan Ellis) Oddballs (Butters And Scott Tenorman) It Was A Past Life (Butters And Stan Marsh) Left Stains On My Sheets And Stains On My Soul (Butters And Stuart McCormick) Livin’ A Lie (Butters And Timmy Burch) He Plays Bass (Butters And Token Black) I Don’t Want To Die! (Butters And Trent Boyett) We Blonds Must Stick Together (Butters And Tweek Tweak) Smart And Strong (Butters And Wendy Testaburger)
Tags List - With X - OC
None At This Time
Tags List - With X - Crossover
The Meek Will Get What’s Coming To Them (With Eddie Kaspbrak) A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
A Liquid Dream (Elementary Verse)
Butters started off as a sweet, gullible child. He did things to help, and often fell victim to Eric Cartman’s pranks. He became aggressive, after some time, and eventually blew up the gymnasium and even went on an anti-woman rampage. He eventually petered out back into his old persona, sweet and innocent, but with a temper unmatched by most.
Kids With Guns (Middle School Verse)
Starting off middle school quiet and reserved, Butters’ groundings were becoming even longer, even harder. He had a bad habit of biting his nails, and would chew on his fingers until they bled. Most of the time, he didn’t talk to other students, afraid his father would find out and give him a worse punishment. He excelled in social studies and math, though he had to repeat his English course once. *Note: Beyond this is triggery, and also combined with my Tweek. It will be ignored if rping with another Tweek.* When he was 11, Tweek invited him to his house for a sleepover. Tweek’s dad touched both of them and made him kiss the other. They don’t talk about it, but they are very close friends, now.
I Wish I Could Have Been A Teen Idle (High School Verse)
Every day seemed to bring another grounding. His parents thought it would keep him away from parties, and that was their main goal. For some reason, they only entrusted him to Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick, otherwise, he was confined to his room. He began tutoring in math and social studies in order to get out of the house more, and his father barely let him do that. Occasionally he would sneak out in order to spend time with his friends, coming out of his shell once more when he was with them.
Studious (College Verse)
Having finally escaped his family to go to a medical college in Denver, Butters felt freedom for the first time. Which meant that he overdid it a lot, and was back to his innocent ways. A lot of the time, people could convince him to do whatever they wanted.
Had To Catch A Ride With A Man Who’s Deranged (Runaway Verse)
Butters ran away from home at fifteen, needing to escape the constant abuse. He ended up in a boys’ home in San Francisco, a runaway without a home or a name, and grew into himself as time went on. When he returned to South Park, he was very different.
He’s Going To Strip For Attention (Stripper!Butters Verse)
Denied attention from his parents, and often grounded, Butters found freedom in being an adult. He rented a small apartment downtown, shitty as it was, and began work at the Peppermint Hippo. He worked drag nights as well as regular, and went by the name Marjorine.
No Ray Of Sunlight’s Ever Lost (Teacher Verse)
Butters went on to become a teacher fresh out of college, devoting himself to his Kindergarten class. He often spends more time and money working on things for his kids than he needs to, but he loves them all like they were his own. 
AU Verses
Sweet As Sin (ABO AU)
Born a male Omega, Butters was shunned by his parents and left to walk the streets of South Park. He joined a Rut Helpline and helps talk Alphas through their ruts.
Blood For Blood (Deadman Wonderland AU)
Butters’ Branch Of Sin burns through his veins when he uses it. He calls it the Claws Of The Peregrine, and can use it to have almost claw-like blades on any part of his body. He was brought to Deadman Wonderland for killing his parents in a fit of desperation.
Nobody Would Suspect That Behind This Sweet Face I Want To Destroy You All (Demon!Butters AU)
A demon of envy, Butters takes pride in messing with people and leading them to believe that he is innocent and sweet. He takes lives when he wants, but most often is found toying in people’s affairs.
Feast not on the flesh; consume only the blood. This is our strength. (Fallout AU)
Butters turned to the Family when he accidentally killed and ate his parents in a violent attack in Rivet City. He left to escape being killed, and finally found his place in the world. He looks up to Vance like a father figure.
What To Do When You Are Dead (Ghost!Butters AU)
Dying in his room was the first thing that he remembered. He didn’t feel like he belonged there, but always returned when he was tired. His room was turned into an office and his mother became an alcoholic. His father blamed himself. They saw his ghost often but nobody believed them.
Mermaid Melody (Mer!Butters AU)
Butters is a lionfish with albinism, and is blind on land. He cannot see when he comes on land to sing and draw people to him to feed. He enjoys taking down ships and sending them along as ghosts of their former selves.
All Will Fall To Me! (Fractured But Whole AU)
Professor Chaos wanted desperately to take over the city. He needed to be in control, he needed to be loved or feared or hated, any kind of attention was good attention.
The Ungroundable (North Park AU)
Butters is hateful and cruel to others, though he is passive and soft to some people. His parents hate him but fear him at the same time.
I Got Your Back (Stick Of Truth AU)
Butters was a human Paladin, charged with protecting Princess Kenny or Dovahkiin. He loves his job and his friends, even if he grew weary of Eric’s deeds and Clyde’s transformation.
Say Goodbye To The Sun (Vampire!Butters AU)
Bitten by a vampire during a school trip to New Orleans, Butters was never the same again. Learning to be a vampire on his own proved to be difficult, so he sought out the South Park Vampire Society to try and help him learn.
Cannibals! (Wendigo!Butters AU)
It was painful when he was dropped down an old mine shaft and left for dead. It nearly killed him, but he found himself capable of eating Dougie, since he had died when they fell. It turned him into a Wendigo, and he prowls the mountains for food, now, constantly ravenous.
It’s Too Late To Switch Back (Werewolf!Butters AU)
Butters was bitten by a rabid dog one night, walking home from the library. He hid the wound from his parents, and eventually found that he was a werewolf. It was odd and scary at first, but he took it as a new freedom.
Invisible To The World (X-Men AU)
Butters was born with the ability to become invisible and to move through solid objects. It made his groundings easier to escape, and eventually led to him running away from home to an academy for mutants. His parents had always hated him for his powers, and he found camaraderie and kindness there.
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Open Starters
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Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Ross Lynch
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Art By Me
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Hammy is a Syrian Short Haired Teddy Bear hamster. He is Butters’ best friend, and he pampers him as much as he can.
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