#little bit of destiel
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Myself included tbh
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limbel · 3 months
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🏳️‍🌈 day 6 ~ profound bond
something something they do share a more profound bond
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feelingthedisaster · 5 months
being in the supernatural fandom is so funny. there are pages-long essays about characterization, metaphors and picture. there is a lot of crack. the fandom is divided whether you ship world's biggest age gap or incest. one of the main actors has an ao3 account and has probably read the fanfiction. another one of the main cast made his own fanfaction and turn it into a tv show. your favourite characters dies, you laugh bc it wont last, the stay dead for a little bit too long and you start to get worry, they get resurrected and damn, these writers dont know when to stop, its the third time they died and came back, fucking commit to it. we all hate the writers and producers. literally invented queerbait and we all fell for it. a random character from a totally unrelated show is canon bisexual and wow, we are trending. you want to defend your fav character and your main obstacle is your fav character (you gaslight yourself into "all fault is on the writers not my baby"). we out-trended the us elections and contine to trend on every anniversary of that day. we discuss which season is the best like they arent a recycled plot we already seen. the show was meant appel to conservaties and the fandom is made of gay people somehow. the main characters are alcoholic murderers that do extremely questionable stuff every season and we love them for it. someone outside the spn fandom finds out you are in and they look at you like you are insane and you cant even blame them.
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wigglebox · 3 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 13; Gender Euphoria
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casdeans-pie · 1 year
I will never get tired of fics where Cas goes into Dean's dreams for whatever reason and Dean is having either just the filthiest most explicit sex dream about them both. or he's having a dream where they're like, holding hands and smiling at each other while they're grocery shopping
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v0idwraith · 3 months
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hufflepuffheaven · 2 months
i can’t believe the spn writers made it canon that the reason our sam and dean deviated from the script so much was because of cas and how he was the only castiel out of all of them in all of the universes to break free from heaven and not follow orders because of the love he felt for the one human that was able to make him, a celestial being, connect with humanity and develop feelings he was never supposed to have….. HEYY HI THIS MAKES ME FEEL CRAZY WHY DO THIS BUT NOT ALSO GIVE US A MUTUAL LOVE CONFESSION
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youchangedmedestiel · 4 months
I know it's fun and all that everybody is talking about Destiel.
And I'm like the first one reblogging many of those here. Balls deep Destiel and everything. Because like I said it's fun, and it's acknowledged while it wasn't the case AT ALL before.
But I have this feeling that they don't really talk about the love between Dean and Cas. The thing is I'm not shipping them because they are just two hot guys that I want to see make out on my screen.
I ship them because of the way they love each other. And I don't want them to believe that we just think of them as being two hot guys that needs to make out, because through the jokes it's what I'm getting. Really hope I'm wrong.
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internerdionality · 2 months
Me: you know what the real problem with the destiel death scene is—
My wife: that they don't fuck dirty?
Me: well, yeah, okay. Obviously, that. But like, the reason I can't get emotionally invested in it, is that it feels too OOC for Dean to just stand there and barely talk while Cas is giving that speech. Like. Dean should have been interrupting Cas left and right, trying to find a way to stop him, to save them both. Cas should have had to like, pin him to the fucking wall with his hand over his mouth to get that speech out.
My wife: ... Wow. And I didn't think they could have made that scene more gay without actually letting them make out, but yeah, that would have done it...
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castielsprostate · 9 months
dean winchester but he's a wild horse and castiel is a lonely cowboy who doesn't have a horse so when he meets horse!dean he tries to tame him but horse!dean is too stubborn and runs off. they meet again at an old timey saloon (the year is 2011) where horse!dean is sat in the dimly lit corner with a glass of pure whiskey and they start a budding romance. horse!dean has a normal human head
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cloudabserk · 2 years
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maybe saving someones soul changes you as much as it changes them. but maybe you changed on purpose. maybe you remade yourself in the image of the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. maybe god looks like us because he loves us
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minkyumami · 4 days
something about Dean telling Cass, "you're our brother" in the same episode where he explains to Amara that she's only been attracted to him because on some level she views him as a substitute for her brother, in the same episode where he apologizes to Cass for being too wrapped up in his relationship with Sam to pay attention to him, something about Amara believing that the thing Dean needs most is for his mother to come back to life, something about both Dean and Amara struggling to differentiate a need for familial love from a need for sexual or romantic love, something about Amara feeling the same yearning he feels, except his is cloaked in shame, something about how he can't control himself when it comes to his heart, something about the bomb being placed there in his chest, in the same spot where Amara wears the mark of cain
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limbel · 4 months
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🏳️‍🌈 day 2 ~ love in his eyes
sometimes love is fire and it consumes and devours and burns everything to the ground
sometimes love hurts before it gives you the chance to know that it's there
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I don’t know anything about destiel but I know the idea, the appeal. The idea that a human, inherently a sinner in theology, traumatized and broken, can fall in love with an angel. An angel above humans, who is humans, and is nothing even close to them. An angel who is perfect. A being unfeeling and unknowable but revered, perfected. Worshiped usually but no this angel is loved. Loved by a human in only the way a human could. This angel is touched with the sin stained hands of a human in the way only a human could. This angel is tainted. He loves him more for it.
Or maybe it’s the idea that an angel fell in love first and the human followed after. A human persuaded by this being, a human revering this being and that reverence turning to nothing but recognition. This angel is the same as him. He takes a step forward towards this angel who might be his but he wouldn’t know. A blind step, blind hope that the angel isn’t lying. Maybe angels don’t know how to lie, maybe they do. Humans wouldn’t know.
It’s a beautiful idea I think, that two beings who are so different in make and lives and life could fall in love. Fall is in the name. Angels aren’t supposed to do that. This angel does anyway. This human is there to catch. He drops him though, he’s not a very good catcher.
It’s beautiful to me, that little idea. Simple. Wonderful. Perhaps even, miraculous. That’s silly though, nothing about love is a miracle.
I’ve never seen supernatural.
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wigglebox · 11 months
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Suptober - Day 12 || Swap Meat [x]
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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