lynnaspen · 10 years
Tonight is so a junk food and marathon type of night. 
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mrclarkevans-blog · 10 years
I don't think I'll ever be done packing. I wish there was a way to take my whole room to New York with me.
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chucknocaptainchuck · 10 years
Finally got my stitches out. What I've gained from this experience are some gnarly scars. And I guess some life lessons or whateve
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sethhummel-blog · 10 years
I asked the janitor to prom and he turned me down. I'm heartbroken. 
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lynnaspen · 10 years
So I am going to assume that I am the only one who is looking forward to school starting?
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karenscott-bby · 10 years
I think my foot is falling off...yolo.
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mrclarkevans-blog · 10 years
I can't believe I'll be done with school forever soon. And I look so good with my cap and gown on. 
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drviolaa-blog · 10 years
Ugh, I'm starving. This is what happens when you sleep all day, kids. Now who wants to bring me food?
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chucknocaptainchuck · 10 years
What happens when the medicines not really in control
What happens when the cut the burn, the break
Wasn't really in my brain
But in my soul?
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lynnaspen · 10 years
Earlier today, I had my ipod on with headphones in while I was just freewriting in my journal. One of my favorite songs came on through my playlist, “Do Something” by Matthew West. It really made me stop and think. It is so easy to ask God why he doesn’t help people who need help and all and the song made me realize that we are created to help others in need.We should get up and do something instead of just standing still and blaming others for the problems. As my favorite lyrics say it perfectly, “If not us, then who If not me and you Right now, it’s time for us to do something If not now, then when will we see an end To all this pain It’s not enough to do nothing It’s time for us to do something”.
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karenscott-bby · 10 years
Where the fuck is Clark, and why aren't I taking a body shot off someone right now?
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mrclarkevans-blog · 10 years
This theme is appropriate considering I have an evil plan prepared in case I don't in prom king. 
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drviolaa-blog · 10 years
The amount of time it takes to make food is too long to wait.
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chucknocaptainchuck · 10 years
I woke up with some major bedhead.
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lynnaspen · 10 years
And I look amazing. This night may actually turn out good.
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