#literally what was that argument about 'what luffy needs' in arlong park
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
opla is so gay that it makes the zosan rivalry look like sanji is in love with zoro (hence the constant teasing and smiling) but zoro is so head over heels for luffy that he hates sanji because he thinks he's trying to steal his captain away from him. and i find that beautiful. this whole thing seems just straight up out of a fanfic.
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usernameforaboredcat · 24 days ago
OPLA “Ruined” Sanji And There’s No Fixing It
Look, Ik the title says a lot BUT this needs to be said, because I’m tired of acting like this isn’t a problem that’s been on my mind since the first season dropped
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Omfg another essay about Sanji? YES SHUT UP!!
Now before some of y’all come at me, I love Sanji, okay? I love my handsome goofy ah Jiji just as much as any other fan girl of this slutty waist idiot.
But in the One Piece Live Action there’s two things they happen that make me think that they don’t really care or know how to write Sanji as well as Oda and some fan fic girlies.
Now I know two isn’t a lot to say that he’s been “ruined” but like…hear me out.
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Sanji & Nami
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As much Sanji may flirt with various different women throughout the series, it’s obvious that he has his main girl, that being our lovely navigator Nami.
First tiny nit pick, in the anime Sanji first noticed her because of her laugh. In the live action it was a sarcastic joke. Something like that just doesn’t sit right with me, I don’t know why.
My MAIN problem is…they don’t talk. In the anime Nami and Sanji has a few one on one conversations along with responding to each other and talking to each other, spending a fair amount of time together to at least get a general idea of each other’s personalities, especially Sanji himself.
Nami abandoned the only friends she was able to make to keep them safe (Luffy, Usopp & Zoro) and upon them coming to help her and Luffy take down the reason for her trauma, some guy she’s talked to literally once is the most excited to see her? No shit she ran straight past Sanji to hug Zoro and Usopp SHE DOESNT KNOW SANJ!
Yes they’ve been in the same room as each other, like Nami standing off to the side while Luffy and Sanji are talking, or Nami and Zoro talking with Sanji standing off to the side, but not directly. They couldn’t add in them talking at least once? Nami had more chemistry with Luffy, Usopp, and especially Zoro than she did with Sanji.
I really hope they have more one on one moments next season, cause so far it’s making Sanji REALLY creepy.
And now…
The worst offender
Sanji & Zeff
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Done terribly.
You wanna know WHY I say this?
Compare anime Sanji leaving Zeff vs Live Action Sanji leaving Zeff.
Anime Sanji got on his hands and knees, face down ass up, bowed to Zeff and thanked him for taking care of him and putting up with him. And in Asian culture, how low you bow shows how much you truly respect that person. A very cute, heartfelt scene in my opinion.
Live Action Sanji? Got into an argument with Zeff and stormed off and joined Luffy…
They went out of their way to have a cute little moment where Sanji and Luffy bonded in the fact that “my father figure loose a limb to save my life” but couldn’t give Sanji and Zeff a proper goodbye.
Why does this matter?
Because you expect me to believe the same man who stormed off over an argument to be a pirate is the same guy who will “eventually” abandon the Straw Hats to go be with his abusive birth family and marry a women he’s never met?
Live Action Sanji could never.
He’d think that Zeff can handle himself or Germa/Big Mom Pirates won’t find them (I’m not definitely saying this I’m just saying something along those lines)
I just don’t see Live Action Sanji making that type of sacrifice.
Personally I don’t think the Live Action will even make it to WholeCake, I can explain on a different post why I think the Live Action will only make it to maybe Enies Lobby, but this post isn’t about that.
Look, I know that there are parts in the LA where Sanji does SAY he’s grateful for what Zeff has done for him, but I’m a big far of the “Show Don’t Tell” method.
Do I think there IS a way to fix this? At the moment, I’m not sure. It’s super easy for them to fix Nami and Sanjis relationship because they’re main characters and crew mates, but Sanji and Zeffs relationship is gone and dusted and won’t even BE relevant till technically Zou, where Sanji makes the choice to leave the Straw Hats to keep them AND Zeff and the others at the Baratie safe.
From behind the scenes footage for Season 2 they did show that they’ll be adding the Anime filler cooking contest that Sanji enters, MAYBE he could have flashbacks? The prize is an Elephant Tuna, a fish Sanji is seen cooking with in the first season, it’s the dish Zeff makes him throw out that Luffy ends up eating. Maybe Sanji could have a flashback to when Zeff is teaching him how to prepare it cause it’s one of those fish that needs special prep, and Sanji smiles to himself and mutters a “thank you Zeff” under his breath or something.
Just something small to show that he’s grateful, it’s all I ask.
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I don’t know.
Personally, if I had to rank all the LA Straw Hats in a tier list based on how they are compared to their Anime selves, Sanji would be at the bottom of the tier.
But personally, none of them are really that high for me. (Maybe it’s because I just love the Anime so much and the Live Action no matter how hard they try will be perfect)
That’s all I have to say.
If you agree or disagree, tell the comments, I won’t argue back, I just wanna state how I feel. OR you can tell me that I’m an idiot and they can fix it or that I misread the scenes.
I know during Sanjis introduction period they had a lot going on with the Navy subplot, Mihawks introduction, Namis betrayal, Zoros fight against Mihawk, and a lot of other things.
All I ask for is one minute of screen time where Sanji gives a proper goodbye and thank you to Zeff, the absolute goat.
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See ya, love y’all.
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