#literally the entire kotlc cast
The urge to take poorly written characters and rewrite them into something interesting while also making them gay af
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sophitz · 2 years
You know what? Bronte is absolutely my favorite character in KOTLC.
He starts out the series a secondary antagonist. For two books he actively makes Sophie’s life worse, more so than the Council (which, considering the Council, is pretty difficult). He tries to kick her out of Foxfire at every opportunity, nitpicks the laws she breaks in order to survive, holds Silveny’s safety over her head, etc.
Then Everblaze hits, and she accidentally sends him into that inflicted-positivity shutdown. I think this is a turning point for him, weirdly enough. It makes him realize two things:
First, Sophie’s unique powers can help him understand his own. This sounds selfish, but remember that Bronte has lived for millennia as the only known Inflictor. That must be an extremely lonely life, to live with a stigmatized and scary ability that nobody understands. Then comes along a girl who does understand, and she gives him a chance to finally explore the theories about his own ability that he’s had for thousands of years with no way to test them. Who wouldn’t be intrigued?
Second, if he wants to understand the ability they share better, he needs her—and her trust. Sophie saved him from his shutdown at her own personal risk even after he embarrassed and berated her. Bronte must have finally understood that he needed to show her respect (both for basic decency’s sake and to nurture a more complex sense of solidarity as Inflictors) if he wanted to remain in her good graces, as he certainly hadn’t earned the courtesy she’d given him.
So, given those two assumptions, it’s no surprise he rallies behind her when the ability restrictor gets introduced. Bronte has never been one to shy away from dissenting against the Council’s majority (see: literally his first scene in Keeper), but this time it’s for the right reasons: he’s asserting his own morals.
This trend continues throughout the rest of the series. As we see in the Gethen-Prentice trade in Neverseen, he’s vocal about not having wanted to attack the group. In Lodestar he compliments Sophie’s progress in their Inflicting sessions in the first chapter. He’s incredibly kind to Amy in Nightfall, on par with Oralie in terms of sympathetic smiles to Sophie in Flashback, and of course that brings us to this line of his in Legacy.
“I never said I was pleased with the idea [of you working with the Council]. I could simply tell that this was where we were heading. Why do you think I pushed you the way that I did? I had to ensure that you were truly someone who could be trusted with the role you were surely meant to play. And I won’t claim that my behavior toward you was always admirable—or fair. But… you bore it far better than I ever would’ve expected. And now, here we are, and I must say… you are certainly worthy.”
Cue the teary eyes all around. It's a heartwarming scene so I let the cheesiness slide.
He honestly has the most respectable and satisfying character arc I've seen in the series. And what makes him interesting is that there are lots of fatherly male figures Sophie has to lean on. There's Grady, Alden, Forkle, Tiergan, Elwin, Terik, Kesler—and that's just who I can name off the top of my head. But Bronte is the first to show Sophie that his respect for her is earned, and rightfully so. That's not to say he was correct to mistreat her (which he clarifies in the quote above), but it highlights the work he's put in to appreciate Sophie, as well as how far she's come.
He's blunt, stern, and brutally honest, sometimes even to a fault. But Bronte has some of the strongest morals out of the entire cast of characters. And under his jaded demeanor (because who doesn't live through thousands of years of history without dropping their niceties), he is genuinely caring and amiable when he so chooses to be.
I hope we see him flourish through the end of KOTLC. He certainly deserves to.
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ultralazycreatorfan · 5 years
Kotlc Actor/Actress Headcanons with the other species........ yep
- Sandor is played by this really buff, very tall man who has a naturally very deep voice, but can do the Sandor voice strangely well.
- Like, one minute it’s this deep voice and the next it’s like he’s possed by a chipmunk.
- Sandor’s actor is amazing friends with Sophie’s actress and Amy’s actress.  He would kill for them.
- He’s also a big softy, but again, kinda looks like he could kill you.  He’s that classic “looks like he could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll” meme.
- Lovise’s actress is this buff, very feminist woman who don’t need no man.
- People are low-key scared of her, but she’s actually pretty chill and gets along with Dex’s actor.
- She normally makes fun of him for his Irish accent.
- Grizel’s actress acts a lot like Grizel.
- Her hair color is hot pink and she’s really fun.  Like, she’ll just pick somebody up and start running.
- She is good friends with Marella’s actress since they both have a spitfire personality.
- All the goblin’s actors are good friends with each other and there’s this one photo of them all in full costume/make up with shades on, walking down the street.
- Every gnome is played by a child, but all of them can act really, really well.
- It’s scary how they can just act like an adult.
- Also Calla’s actress is so pure and sweet.
- She just kind of doesn’t talk much and has these big eyes and it’s literally impossible not to love her.
- She was literally the purest person to have ever been on the set if not to ever exist.
- Flori’s actress, meanwhile, has waaaay too much energy.
- We’re talking more than the triplets.
- She’s bouncing on the sofa, on the floor, on the wall, on the bed - my goodness she won’t stop moving.
- That is until it’s time to film.
- Somehow, she can be very calm during filming and focuses on everything very easily.
- And then once it’s over she’s back to GO, GO, GO!
- She is also extremely lovable.
- All the ogres’s actors/actresses are also very buff and could probably pick you up and throw you.
- Listen, Ro’s actress is amazing.  She’s also really, really smart and sweet.
- I mean, she definitely still acts a lot like Ro, but she’s a lot like that really awesome older cousin who loves you more than life itself and makes a point to show it.
- She ships, like, everything on set.  Sometimes it gets out of hand.
- Also, her laugh is super contagious and Ro’s actress is very charismatic.
- She adds compliments into her jokes.
- Bo’s actor is an emo lil’ shit, but we also love him.
- He’s a pretty cool guy.
- You’d think that he and Tam’s actor would get along, but they really don’t click.
- He’s also very quiet, but kind of opinionated on things.
- Still a good dude though.
- He was perfect for the role of Bo, honestly.
- Trolls are played by people of all ages, actually.
- The empress is played by this little girl though, and she’s honestly so sweet.
- Her and Calla’s actress get along very well.  Like, they’re pure best friends and if you hurt them, you’ll have an entire... cast.... set workers... everyone after you.
- Tarina is played by a very spunky tween girl.
- She’s also hilarious.  A lot of times she’ll just start randomly punching the air for affect of a joke or something.
- And she has pet rats.  They love food and she loves them.
- Tarina’s actress is also very skilled in acrobatics.
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KOTLC Secret Santa
@insanewallaby hey! i’m your secret santa! and there are two reasons why this is a day late. one, i really wanted to present this to you as a finished product that actually contained sokeefe, unfortunately, reason two, i have never written for sokeefe before. or sophie. or keefe. and writing is hard. so here is part one of your secret santa fic! part two will be coming later, hopefully with a great deal more of originally promised sokeefe.
The universe had to have something against him.
That was the only possible explanation for Keefe’s life. Honestly, it was like he wasn’t allowed to go a day without something blowing up in his face. Sometimes literally. He just wants, for once, a single day to be normal, where the biggest problem he has to face is Elwin’s bad locker taste picks. But no, apparently the world is determine to ruin his life. And, because Keefe has the worst luck this side of Atlantis, today is the day things go really wrong. He had spent hours in his dorm trying to work up the courage to confess his massive crush to Sophie, and finally resolved to do it today. He had prepared a speech and everything.
And then the Neverseen just had to barge in and ruin everything.
Keefe would never tell anyone out loud, but he was terrified. They were at Foxfire, the one place where they were supposed to be safe. The place had more protection than anywhere in the entire elven world. Unfortunately, despite all the effort on keeping the Neverseen out, the elves never thought the Neverseen might want to keep them in. Now they were trapped, held as hostages, locked in by the force field surrounding them. And Keefe was petrified. Course, he didn’t actually say any of this. Nah, he was Keefe the jokester, Keefe the self-proclaimed ladies man! He couldn’t be afraid.
So instead, he said, “Man, a force field? That will ruin my hair. Do they know how long it takes for me to get it looking this good? Clearly, the Neverseen have no respect for beauty.”
Fitz groaned, Dex glared, and Biana facepalmed, but Keefe caught the tail-end of Sophie’s smile before she schooled he features back into stern save-the-world stiffness. It was a small victory, but any smile from Sophie was a victory nonetheless. Especially now, when they were crouched in an abandoned classroom, crowded around their one map of Foxfire and a pile of failed plans, hiding from the Neverseen prowling the halls. They were searching for Sophie, and everyone knew it, especially Sophie herself. So any joy he could bring to her face was an even bigger success than usual. Besides, she everyone looked much prettier when they smiled.
“And all my beauty products are at home! How am I supposed to fix the mess they’re making without my hair gel?” Keefe complained, putting a hand to his head and pretending to swoon into Sophie. “Oh, what am I to do?”
This time, Sophie let out an actual laugh before clapping her hand over her mouth.
“Shut up, Keefe,” Biana hissed. “Now is not the time. We need to plan.”
Keefe pouted, before he turned back to the map the others were poring over. His stuck-out lip earned another small smile from Sophie, and internally, he cheered. Woot woot, he thought, Master of Jokes in the house! Keefe wasn’t sure why it was such a good thing to be in the house, but according to the music on Sophie’s ipod it was, and he definitely had a good thing.
Unfortunately, despite Keefe’s incredible achievement, they were still no closer to an actually feasible plan. The Neverseen were everywhere, crawling like cockroaches over the Foxfire grounds. Any potential plan would inevitably lead to their capture. Sneaking out, no matter how they tried, always resulted in them getting caught. And they couldn’t rely on help from anyone else. The other students were too scared to do anything, and if they’d gone to anyone else, there was a high chance that person would just panic, or worse, turn them over. Even Biana, their perpetual optimist, was starting to give up.
“It’s hopeless,” Fitz said, burying his head in his hands. “We’ve tried everything. The only place we haven’t tested is the towers, and we can’t jump off those without getting seriously hurt. We’re stuck.”
Dex reached for Fitz. He pulled Fitz’s hands into his own, and their fingers entwined. “Don’t say that. We’re gonna get out of this, okay?”
Fitz looked up to Dex, and Keefe saw some of the worry on Fitz’s face fade. The two returned to the map, hands still joined. Keefe stared at the sketches of previous plans too, but didn’t see anything new. He’d planned pranks before, but in this, he was out of his league. Still, he had to try. They all did, if they wanted to get out of here. Keefe went back to the map and glared at it, as if that would force it to reveal an escape plan. He was so engrossed in his staring match with the piece of paper that he almost missed it when Dex gasped and sat up straighter, before grabbing a pencil and scribbling furiously on another piece of paper.
“What is it?” Biana asked, leaning in.
When Dex didn’t answer, Keefe started to get worried.
“Dex, what are you doing?” Keefe poked him, gently – well, gently-ish – but he was still hyper-focused on the paper.
“Dex, what did you see?” Fitz said, and that was when Dex finally looked up. Determination blazed in his eyes, making them look almost like steel-blue flames.
“We tried everything but the towers, and nothing worked. So we’re going to jump off the towers.”
“So, let me get this straight,” Fitz said.
Keefe coughed and muttered, “Nothing about you is straight,” under his breath. Fitz, unfortunately, heard, and glared at him. Keefe didn’t see what the problem was. Even if they weren’t actually dating, Fitz and Dex had been pining after each other for weeks. Keefe was just helping them – they needed the extra prodding. Still, all of his hard work would have been ruined if they didn’t make it out of here alive, so Keefe brought his attention back to Fitz.
“-lan is that we head out to campus and draw the Neverseen’s attention, while Sophie sneaks up to one of the towers. She’ll jump off, teleport out, and teleport back in with help.”
Dex, who was fiddling with something, nodded. “One person is harder to spot. And us being out there should make things easier. This little thing should help too.” He holds up the item he’s been tinkering with, and Sophie takes the box curiously. Keefe steps forward to poke and prod at the thing, but Dex fixes him with a glare and wow he did not know Dex could be that scary. Keefe steps back.
“This is a smoke bomb. Or, well, sort of. I’m not sure what’s taught in this room, but there’s a lot of chalk dust, so I used that. Just make sure you cover your mouth.”
Keefe reaches for the edge of his cape and rips off a piece.
“Here. So you don’t choke on chalk dust. Would be a bit of a letdown, huh?”
Sophie was too concerned to really smile, but she took it gratefully.
“So, I go hide now?” she asked.
“Yup,” said Biana, popping the p, “and we’ll protect you.”
“Stay safe, okay, Foster?” Keefe added, and it wasn’t enough, wasn’t everything he needed to say to her but it was all he could.
“I’ll try.”
It was not enough for her either, but there was no time for heartfelt goodbyes or last words. Sophie turned around and left.
Once she went away, there was an awkward silence in the air. Everyone knew what they were getting into, but no one wanted to say it. Keefe decided he had to.
“So, we’re going into a crazy battle at a disadvantage on turf the enemy control and we stand practically no chance of surviving? Sounds like my kind of battle.”
He had been trying for some happiness, a bit of levity, but it seemed as if he’d failed. Biana was biting her lip so hard it looked like she might draw blood. Fitz had his head down, as if he couldn’t look up. And Dex . . . Dex had started trembling, shaking like a leaf in autumn.
“Dex, what’s wrong?”
Dex looked up, shaking his head, tears trickling down the edges of his eyes. He forced words out, gasping in between, choking back sobs.
“I- I’m so- sorry, I couldn’t- think-  of a better plan, I wanted- to get everyone- out, I don’t- want you- to die-“
Fitz pulled him into a hug, muffling his cries. As he wept, Fitz whispered meaningless words, unkeepable promises, in a futile attempt to help. There was nothing Fitz could say anyway. In the end, Dex had made the plan that would likely get them killed, and there was nothing anyone could do to remove that guilt. The awkward silence grew until it was almost a tangible thing, punctuated only by Dex’s quiet weeping. It was black, oily, rising around their throats, choking them, and Keefe didn’t know how to stop it. He didn’t know what to say. He’d tried to lighten the mood, to make a joke out of it, and he’d only made things ten times worse. Helpless, he cast a glance towards Biana, begging her to fix this. Biana stared at the ground, but when she met Keefe’s eyes she saw the plea on his face, and the uncomfortable truth: she had to pull them together now. Keefe watched as she stiffened, straightened, turning her shoulders and spine to steel.
“Hey, look. No one likes this, but we have no choice. There is no better plan. We have to do this. For Sophie.” She stretched a hand out to Keefe, who took it gladly, relieved that Biana had managed to say exactly what they all needed to hear.
“For Sophie,” he replied, reaching for Fitz, who kept holding Dex with one hand and slipped the other, now-free hand into his.
“For Sophie,” Fitz repeated. He looked down at Dex, who, although his sobs had tapered off, still had his face buried in Fitz’s shoulder. Keefe saw him take a deep breath. Dex turned out to face them all, and moved his hand into Fitz’s.
“For Sophie,” he finished.
There was silence again, but this time it was crackling with power. They stood together, determined, afraid but unwavering, staring into the eyes of death and refusing to look away. In that moment, Keefe swore he could hear everything left unsaid, the confessions and answers and apologies they didn’t have time to speak out loud. It was the closest thing to closure they would get. It wasn’t like Keefe wanted to die. None of them did. They wanted to graduate Foxfire, get their match lists, get jobs and a home and see the world. They wanted so much more from their lives. But Keefe knew, this was war. And in war, people make sacrifices. They had to do this, for the entire world, elven and human. For Sophie.
Keefe let the silence and the power in it resonate before he spoke.
“Now let’s go kick some Neverseen butt.”
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