#literally so many “dark skin” characters in the game are just tanned. they're literally just slightly tanned
stargazeraldroth · 2 months
This whole Natlan situation is "funny" (/sarc) in the sense that the people who defend the designs are like "Not every Latino/South American (I genuinely cannot remember where Natlan is based on guys help a girl out) is black!!!!" and it's like... okay??? They aren't all milk white either???? Like what's your argument??? Everybody did the same thing with Sumeru when it released too. Like we get it honey, you're racist, now please shut the fuck up, you're not cool or "quirky" for discriminating against people
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transmascaraa · 2 months
random but yes my final thoughts on all the new natlan chars with a conclusion in the end lmao
mualani .
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i love her she's so cute help i knew i would love her ever since her first appearance i literally can't wait for her drip marketing tmrw
the tattoo typa things on her skin help?!????!??!? beautiful?!!?!!?!??
hydro women>>
kachina .
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i love all the genshin children sm they're so precious i swear even dori /p
i love her hair a lot tho
kinich .
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I WILL REFRAIN FROM SAYING TOO MUCH BUT BASICALLY I LOVE HIM. (and ajaw lmfao that little thing about to become like boothill)
citlali .
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she's so cute i love her
something about her reminds me about hsr fu xuan but either way she's probably the cutest char from the trailer imo^^
xilonen .
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help me i can't do this anymore the women are literally top tier(offtopic but she's almost identical to one of my ocs which i won't rant about rn lmao)
SHE'S THE DEFINITION OF SMTHN LIKE "in war rn but at least i gotta look hot" AND IT'S TRUE
iansan .
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somebody help why did we only get like 0,6sec of her😭
still i'm very excited for her
for the design at least since i truly have no idea of her personality lol
chasca .
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i love this woman already
also the mole she has on her shoulder bro i have the one on the same place
cowboy vibes from her btw??
capitano . and ororon(olorun?) .
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about capitano; first, i'm very excited, and second, i wish he said more than just "hmph."
about ororon(olorun?); heard that he turned out very bad based on who he references and even his name is very messed up i'm pretty sure?? basically the same situation that happened with candace/kandake EITHER WAY i'm excited to see him more and like will he be the first tall male anemo help lol i like his design
can't wait for them although i have other preferences for now
~ ~
mavuika .
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i absolutely love her design and everything sm about her literally please don't die and yeah she's now my third favorite archon along with furina and nahida
also despite the outfit not being revealing and all and literally a 10/10, i have a feeling she's gonna get very sexualized because of that zipper😭
in conclusion, i absolutely love the characters.
the only problem is that there's not really many dark skinned characters aside from iansan and kinda tanned mualani and xilonen ig
here's a link to a petition to try and stop hoyo from making the skin colors as light as they always do😭 i personally didn't look into it too much at first because of which countries the nations were based off of, but now this is supposed to be africa/south america and there's not really much skin representation
yeah, sure there's representation, but not of skin color other than iansan(and mualani and xilonen too)
finally, i think that all the designs are truly 10/10 it's just the skin colors bothering me aka hoyo's typa racism due to them being a chinese company. again, don't get me wrong, shitty company and i hate racism(as a white person) but the characters are great in all honesty and all the other types of representation are great^^
(good thing i personally don't play the game because of my phone storage and i'm just in the fandom from it's release bro and i love the lore so that's how i know the characters and story in the first place)
my honest thoughts on the drip marketing(no pictures)
(is it just me but do they look like they all have the same skincolor on their drip marketings???? like are kinich and kachina a bit darker OR is mualani lighter than she looks???)
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offseason-if · 1 year
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Formal character introduction post with more info on the romance options' personalities, ages, appearances, and what tropes you can expect from their routes.
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Noel Watanabe [RO, they/them, 20]: Since your first meeting when you were both 12, where the judges scored you one point higher than them, Noel has claimed themselves as your 'rival'. They certainly play the part— well sometimes. Between bringing you food after practice and completely ignoring you, their hot-and-cold personality practically gives you whiplash. When they heard you were quitting the sport, they were enraged. Will you dig deeper into your relationship with your so called rival?
Appearance: Ivory skin, long straight black hair just past their chest, green eyes, a mole under their right eye, septum piercing, left eyebrow piercing, multiple upper ear piercings, almost always wearing eyeliner, 6'0. Noel's fashion style is very much dark academia. Turtlenecks, blazers, ties, combat boots, trench coats. They tend to settle for more laid back clothes (long sleeves and leggings) if they're just practicing all day.
Personality: Noel is just what you expect someone who's been playing a sport for 13 years to act like. They're abrasive, competitive, and confident. Growing up with parents who only built tension through passive aggressive comments rather the communication certainly didn't help— but that's neither here nor there, at least in Noel's opinion. What? No, of course they've never been to therapy, why do you ask?
Romance Tropes: rivals to lovers, reluctant love, afraid to commit, slow burn
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Hallie/Harlow Mitchell [RO, gender selectable, 18]: After deciding to take a gap year against their parents wishes, H finds themselves spending their (would be) fall semester in Illinois. You first run into them, quite literally. A blur of bright orange knocking you flat on your back isn't he way you were looking to get your mind off of your problems but it worked. And if it hadn't the sound of H profusely apologizing certainly did. They seem to follow you everywhere you allow them to after that. Will their attempts to motivate you to skate again lead to something more?
Appearance: Tan skin, blue eyes, dyed bright orange hair, freckles, 5'8. Hallie has chin length length hair with bangs and small braids sprinkled in along with assorted hair clips, she doesn't wear makeup often but when she does it's in bright and bold tones. Harlow has his hair styled in a grunge perm that just reaches the end of his neck. H has a streetwear style; graphic tees, windbreakers, cargo shorts, crocs, (they have so many jibbitz) baggy jeans, sneakers.
Personality: What one imagines when they think of 'southern hospitality'. They're charming, outgoing, and kind. H would rather talk to someone in class than take the time to work on a project; though now in a bad way. School just never came quite easy to them, but they do make up for that in quite literally all other aspects of their life sports, cooking, art. You name it they've done it. Well, apart from ice skating.
Romance Tropes: meet cute, love at first sight, friends to lovers, obvious love
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Sadie/Spencer Williams [RO, gender selectable, 19]: Your best friend since your first year in high school. They've seen all the parts of you that you keep hidden from others, for better or for worse. While never picking up ice skating themselves S has never missed one of your games as long as they've known you. S has always been loyal and supportive of you, almost to a fault, but that all changes when you tell them you're giving up skating. Will you find out why your normally laid back best friend is passionate about getting you to skate again?
Appearance: Ebony skin, dark brown eyes, chocolate brown hair, unblemished skin, ear piercing, beauty mark above their lip, 5'5. Sadie has her hair styled in butterfly locks just reaching her mid-back, usually in a half down half up style, she usually wears makeup consisting of light earthy tones. Spencer has his hair styled in twists just going past his chin. S has a cozy type of fashion style; sweaters, corduroy pants, cardigans, turtle necks, sweater vests, knitted socks, platform shoes.
Personality: The perfect picture of an introvert. S is quiet, comforting, and laidback. S is very much a closed book, trusting their small trusted circle with knowing things about them and not keen on opening up to others. If you are close to S, you know that they're quite artistic. Whether that's drawing, painting, pottery, photography, or anything else they enjoy expressing their creativity that way.
Romance Tropes: friends to lovers, everyone can see it, requited unrequited love, slow burn
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Valerio 'Val' Diaz [RO, he/him, 20]: Coach Diaz had introduced the two of you after your third lesson, convinced you would become quick friends. He was right, of course, at least for a while. Valerio was obliviously quite a bright kid; helping you with homework during breaks at practice, studying with you before lunch, spending your sleepovers going over multiplication tables rather than telling secrets. It was something you'd always admired about him until— well, you'd rather not get into it. Your old friend seems to think otherwise, if the speed he comes back into your life after hearing about your plans to quit skating is anything to go by. Will you be able to forgive and let your old friend (or more) back into your life?
Appearance: Light brown skin, short curly dark brown hair just reaching his shoulders usually in a ponytail or bun, hazel eyes, small scar on his forehead partially covered by his hair, glasses, 5'4. Valerio has a casual style of clothes; crewnecks, hoodies, sweatpants, basketball shorts, t-shirts, socks with sandals, sneakers.
Personality: After one conversation with Valerio it's obvious they view their education above all. Smart, ambitious, and mature. Valerio is not one to prioritize play over work. From student council to volunteer work, Valerio was extremely busy during high school, even more so now that he's in college. Majoring in criminal law certainly takes up his already busy schedule. Though, the little boy everyone once knew is still there somewhere.
Romance Tropes: childhood friends, second chance, exes to lovers, childhood marriage pact, childhood friends to lovers
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dragimal · 2 years
I think what rly kills me abt Genshin is that it could be really REALLY good, y'know? like the base structure is there for something good: a world of diverse nations with deep, expansive lore, and fun, memorable characters with their own deep lore, and an elemental magic system with great "classpect" potential for fancharacters, and a MASSIVE beautiful map that you could get lost in for hours and still find new puzzles to explore
but at every level Mihoyo just REFUSES to be anything but "safe" about it all, as if they're struggling to make more money
like there are all these themes of challenging oppressive systems and teaming up with others to do the right thing... and yet so many npc enemies are either flat stereotypes of poor/oppressed people, literal red scare propaganda, or fucking 'tribal'-coded magically-cursed civilians that didn't do a damn thing wrong besides be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. the character designs are so 'complex' and overdesigned... to hide the fact that they all use the same few base structures with no body diversity and barely any shape changes to the silhouettes. there are so many characters from so many diverse nations... yet I can count the 'dark-skinned' characters on one hand, and even they are barely more than lightly tanned. Sumeru in particular could have been a beautiful representative of Dendro as a nation, with a real examination of colonialist academia's dismissal of indigenous knowledge, especially of ecology, among other themes.... but instead it's a horrific frankenstein of at least 8 different real-life countries (compared to the other present nations only representing one(1) country) with no real aesthetic/cultural commitment to anything, with lore that makes even my uninformed white ass cringe at the implications
and it kills me because like. god, Genshin is really just an accidental litmus test for popular media, because it's not even trying to hide behind "diversity indexes" like Overwatch or anything. it's so unapologetic abt its own priorities, it ends up feeling like what everything else is trying to hide, y'know?
like it's disgusting to see a game so thoroughly and unabashedly confirm the things that are considered "safe" to a wider audience. racism is considered safe. fatphobia is considered safe. sexism is considered safe. 'loli' pedophilic designs are considered safe. boring half-assed research and design and stories are considered safe.
and it's like. I feel like I have to grit my teeth through so much bullshit in popular media, y'know? obviously the answer is to support more indie works from small-time creators that actually care, which I do. but like, we shouldn't have to ignore most bigger projects, right? we shouldn't have to, and yet here we are
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thinking about how bodily autonomy is a really consistent motif in the zelda games... the amount of times link is forced into alternate forms or zelda is possessed/transformed/literally removed from her body is really interesting. off the top of my head we have wolf link, link's forms in majora's mask, link's forced aging in oot and revelation that he isn't kokiri, link doing a sort of tactical drag in botw, zelda being sheik, zelda being possessed in twilight princess, zelda preserving herself in time as the goddess in skyward sword, midna being cursed as an imp, batreaux, and the skulltula people in oot. there's also so much cross-dressing (i know that term might have a negative connotation but i don't think it should in this context) and gender nonconformity. bodies are constantly changed as a reflection of a character's arc and actions, and often a character regaining control of their own body is a resolution to their arc.
but i feel like the more you think about it, the messier it gets, both in good and bad ways. for example, i think there's a reason lots of trans, gnc, and queer people connect to zelda games because of the many ways gender and transformation are weaved into the stories. that's great. but i also think there are some huge failings on nintendo's part in terms of representation and transformation of bodies, mostly in their characters of color and lack thereof. like, tetra. just tetra. and that's not even mentioning the way they gave me the ick re: her forced gender presentation as zelda. also some designs like the gerudo esp in the earlier 3d games and holy shit the bokoblins and gorons in twilight princess (seriously they're bad) are obviously informed by racial stereotypes. and it's extra super not great bc there are not many hylian/human characters who have dark skin, or even tan skin. it sucks. it's just a shame that these fantastic games, some of which are 20+ years old, experiment with gender presentation in such a fascinating way (hell, even link was designed so that everyone could see a bit of their gender in him) but very little attention was placed on representing non-white players. in fact, some of the use of racial stereotypes and exaggerated features is just more alienating and dehumanizing, hence the not-good side of zelda's focus on bodies. holy shit, i say again, why did they do that with tetra! i mean i know why they made her white as zelda (racism) but they sidelined her in a way that seems uncharacteristic compared to sheik in oot!
just, so many choices were made in the zelda games re: bodies and some are fantastic and inspiring and some are huge disappointments. not to be blunt, but nintendo should absolutely be putting dark-skinned Black characters into their games. tetra and the gerudo are fairly light-skinned and lack many features (hair textures for example) that a large amount of poc have. it would just be nice if in future games the scale tipped from some great stuff and some bad stuff to mostly great stuff, bc the series has so much potential for future stories about bodily autonomy and the world(s) are not bound to any real-world or historical structures. they could do whatever they want and make it work, and should seek to improve! it would only contribute to the already sophisticated and nuanced themes consistent in the series.
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