#literally have so many ideas with silly things ive seen around the castle
ravenquills · 1 month
My MC's student ID 🐇
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Really wanted to introduce my MC but didn't know how to and then I saw @sparxyv's student ID for Mousey I knew I had to make one of my own!! This amazing template for the student ID is by @kiwiplaetzchen!!
Also wrote a silly little story to help grasp her personality... I wonder if anyone else is as obsessed with those little knights around the castle as I am. Counted 79 so far, but I couldn't get into the other house common rooms so, if you're in anything other than Ravenclaw, please tell me how many knights are in your house dorms!!! 🤭💙
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“Sir Mistle! Would you please tell me exactly what it is that bothers you about Sir Medlar?!” Holliday scolded the set of armor standing outside the Trophy Room. In response, the enchanted metal simply slammed his mace against the floor. Such defiance from such a stubborn knight! Holliday huffed, lifting her chin in exasperation. But as soon as she shut her eyes, the sound of clanking metal echoed down the deserted hall. 
Her eyes flew open, and she jumped back just in time to see Sir Mistle swing his mace at Sir Medlar’s back, knocking him off his platform. The attack didn’t stop there—Sir Mistle slashed, stomped, even jumped on Sir Medlar until his victim lay in pieces on the floor. With one last kick to his fauld, Sir Mistle stepped back onto his platform and settled in place without a sound.
“Sir Mistle!!!” Holliday groaned, dropping to her knees to gather the scattered armor. “Poor Sir Medlar…” she muttered as she polished the breastplate. “I’m amazed you’re not dented yet.” Her narrowed gaze flicked to Sir Mistle, who now stood motionless, as if he hadn’t just violated his neighbor. Tsking, she adjusted Sir Medlar’s helmet, making sure it fit snugly.
Stepping back to admire her handiwork, she slowly turned to face Sir Mistle with a deadly glare. “Sir Mistle, I must inform you—I am quite adept at the Bombarda spell and I am not afraid to use it, should the need arise.” Her voice turned monotone as she threatened, her eyes wide and unmoving. “I do hope you cooperate next time.” She kept her gaze locked on the offending knight until she turned the corner, rolling her eyes with a sigh and a smile. Oh, how sweet it would be to watch that infuriating knight melt. Well worth the lifelong trip to Azkaban for destroying school property. Or would it be murder?... Either way, what bliss. Sweet, sweet Bombarda…
Minoo Holliday—the knight whisperer of Hogwarts.
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Sir Medlar (left) and Sir Mistle (right)! #justiceforsirmedlar
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Magic (Merlin X Arthur!Reader)
Spoilers for the end of Merlin if you haven’t seen it!!!
Summary: With the modern world of 2019 in shambles, Merlin is starting to wonder if Arthur will ever return. But then the warlock meets your magical eyes from the other side of a cafe window and realises that he already has.
Requested by @pearlll09: Okay this one might be tricky. Spoilers if anyone hasn’t seen the show. So at the end, Merlin is all by himself walking past the lake. Being a sorcerer, he doesn’t have to look old, (but if you’d rather keep him old that’s okay too), and maybe reader is in a cafe Merlin goes to and something draws him towards reader. My two ideas for that are reader has a book of Arthurian Legend out, or reader is Arthur reincarnated - but you could go any way you want with it, I trust you :)
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: big depresso merlin for a bit, mentions of war, bUT ITS MOSTLY FLUFF, can you feel the gay bc i can, reincarnation? is that a warning? never written it before so yeah probably Word Count: 1,603
Note: how about both??? Im in love with this ‘arthur reincarnated’ thing its the greatest concept ive ever gotten the end hands down
    Merlin never got used to the modern day he lived in. Things were changing ever constantly, from back in Arthur’s time to 2019. Every day was a struggle, each one feeling more difficult than the last. Merlin couldn’t find his place in the world anymore, not after Arthur was long gone.
    So, he wandered.
    From shore to shore, from building to building, Merlin never stopped wandering. He stayed as close as he could to Arthur’s resting place. He never left the city, but he imagined what it would be like if he did.
    He only had one place that he felt connected to the world he’d separated himself from for so long.
    It was a little cafe down the highway that passed the Lake of Avalon. It was a quiet place without many visitors, but they made the best damn coffee Merlin had ever tasted. Given, he hadn’t had a lot of coffee, but their coffee was still amazing.
    He was a regular at this cafe, but today he was running slightly late.
    Merlin approached the building sluggishly.
    It wasn’t that he was in a bad mood, but more of that he was preoccupied with this thoughts.
    The world was a mess. Between countless wars and natural disasters, it was in shambles. This world was a world like any other, but it was in pieces, in fragments. It couldn’t put itself together without effort, but it was an effort no one was putting forth. If any time was ideal for a saviour to appear, it was now. So where was Arthur?
    Still disguised as an old man, Merlin could not help feeling that his attitude reflected his appearance. He had waited so long, forever, it seemed, yet Arthur still remained dead. The world needed him-- Merlin needed him, now more than ever.
Hundreds of years had passed and he found himself wanting his prince more than he had in a long time. Things seemed utterly hopeless, pointless. Was Arthur ever going to come back?
Passing the cafe’s back windows to skirt around the building and enter through the front, Merlin froze. At the edge of his vision, he saw something of interest and turned to look inside.
A single person was sitting at a table, all by themselves. It was you.
You’d retreated into a booth in the corner of the cafe and pulled out a book from a shoulder bag, placing it on the table to read. Its pages splayed out on the surface, Merlin had to really squint to see what the title was and, when he did, he felt his breath leave him.
    Arthur & His Knights.
    God, fate was cruel that day, he couldn’t help thinking.
    But then he saw your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed in pure concentration and you bit your lip, leaning over the table and almost into the book. You were so deep in your tales of myth and legend that you barely noticed the old man staring at you in awe on the other side of the window.
    The thing that really clicked for Merlin was your eyes. Oh, how they sparkled-- bright with a knowledge beyond your years, a spark to light a crackling flame, an ember that would last lifetimes and, in fact, already had. Arthur.
    The moment Merlin thought the name, a shockwave of realisation hit him. Starting at his heart and bursting out across his entire body like a ripple turned into a wave, a flash of gold covered him. In a spectacle of blinding glory that you somehow missed, he was changed from old to new, ancient to young. He was himself again. But he hadn’t chosen it. It was forced upon him.
    He looked down at his hands and felt his face before looking back at you inside that cafe. Your very presence, and his realisation of who you are, had quite literally thrown him back through time.
    With that, he threw himself into the fray.
    Merlin entered the crowded cafe and made a beeline for you, feeling his heart beating erratically as he did.
    “Sorry, uh,” He started, clearing his throat. He hardly remembered what his voice used to sound like. “Can I sit here? All the other seats are taken.”
    When you looked up at him, he swore he nearly died right then and there. He knew those eyes. He knew you. But would you ever believe him about it? How could you? After all, it was entirely mad. You’d be right to think he was crazy. Maybe he was. But something about that little lightshow from before told him that he wasn’t.
    “Oh, sure,” you said cheerily, motioning for the seat opposite you. “I’m (Y/N).”
    “(Y/N),” he repeated, trying to keep the tone of wonder out of his voice. He sat down, placing his things on the booth beside him. “Arthurian Legend, huh?”
    You nodded almost shyly. “Yeah, my favourite. I’ve got a bit of an addiction.”
    “Well, it’s not unjustified,” he laughed. “Knights and castles and dragons-- who wouldn’t want that?”
    “I’m a little more interested in the magic,” you admitted.
    Merlin raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
    You pushed back your hair and glanced away before looking back. “It’s kind of amazing. A fix-it for everything, the ability to change the world as we know it. Don’t understand why people back then thought it was a bad thing.”
    At your words, Merlin found himself almost speechless. But he regained his composure and opened his mouth again, a little smile decorating his expression.
    “That’s a very poetic way of putting it,” he agreed. “But don’t you think it might be dangerous?”
    You shook your head instantly. “In the hands of the wrong people, maybe, but that’s how everything is. Give a man a knife and it’s up to him what he does with it. Doesn’t mean you should take away all the knives. Then we’d have to find other ways to cut things.”
    “Wow,” he muttered.
    “Sorry,” you said, face suddenly red. “It sounds a bit silly, doesn’t it?”
    Merlin grinned, “No, no, it’s not. I’ve just never heard anyone talk about it like that. It’s brilliant.”
    “You think so?”
    “Definitely,” he nodded. There was a slight pause, but he inhaled sharply. “Do you think it’s real?”
    You tilted your head at him. “You mean magic?” When he nodded, he saw you bite your lip. “I feel ridiculous saying it, but--”
    “Don’t,” Merlin said, attempting to encourage you. “Honestly, I won’t judge you for anything.”
    He was shocked when you continued, actually believing his words. He wasn’t exactly the most comforting person or encouraging. People usually sighed at him when he tried to give pep-talks. But you were instantly safe in his presence.
You talked about magic, whether you thought it was real or not, with a complete stranger. Well, he wasn’t a stranger, but you didn’t know that. All you knew was that you trusted him, this odd man, who you had completely forgotten to ask the name of.
“I think it might be,” you admitted with a deep breath. “I’ve felt surrounded by magic my whole life. The kind of stuff that’s happened to me...you would never believe.”
“Try me.”
Merlin smiled at you with a sparkle in his eye, one that shook you to you very soul. It was as if you knew him, but you could’ve sworn he was a stranger. You didn’t even know his name. But something about the man was familiar.
    That was where it began.
    You spoke to him for what felt like hours. You told him of all these odd things you’d seen when you were a child, things you swore had to be magic. You even told him about the old woman who approached you when you were little and called you ‘Arthur,’ which you had never told anyone before.
    When you checked the time again, you realised it had been a few hours. “Oh, I’m sorry. The time got away from me.”
    “That’s alright,” he said, waving you off. “I’m quite enjoying this.”
    You smiled timidly, but then you realised something. “You know, you never told me your name.”
    “That’s my bad. It’s Merlin.”
    “No,” you scoffed, but he shrugged, telling you he was completely serious. “You’re bullshitting me.”
    He grinned. “I’m not.” He leaned forward against his elbows. “And you know what?”
    “What…?” You asked suspiciously.
    “(Y/N), I know you’re a brilliant person,” he said, almost changing the subject. “Just from these few hours with you. So, believe me when I tell you; I’m not crazy.”
    You laughed a little. “I’m getting the sneaking suspicion you’re about to tell me something that sounds crazy.”
    “Maybe just a little.”
    “Alright,” you said, deciding to trust him. “Go on, then.”
    Merlin took a deep breath. “Magic is real. I believe it’s real, I know it’s real. And I know it sounds ridiculous--”
    Suddenly, you interrupted him. “I just went off for more than an hour about why I think it’s real and you think it sounds ridiculous?”
    “You’re easier to convince than I thought,” he chuckled.
    “Well,” you teased, “I’m full of surprises.”
    He gave a silly little smile, a smile that filled you with joy. “I know magic is real, (Y/N). And I can prove it.”
    All of a sudden, he held out a pale hand to you, raised upward in an offer of companionship. You eyed him curiously, but his smile never faltered. Something behind those eyes knew you, you thought. Something behind those eyes was magical. But there was something about you that was, too.
    “Will you let me?”
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
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hilunawrites · 6 years
Meet the Writer III, IV, V, and VI
Thanks so much for the tags @whataremetaphor​, @allisonaldridge​, @killer-badass​, and @swaynewrites​! 
Rules: Answer the 10 questions, write 10 questions, then tag 10 people. ** From @whataremetaphor​: 1.)    Who are some of your favorite authors?  JK Rowling, Perry Moore, Audrey Niffenegger, Alex Sanchez, Julie Anne Peters, Nancy Garden, John Green…  2.)    Pen and paper or typing?  Honestly typing. My handwriting is illegible and I type really fast.  3.)    What’s your character development process?  I mostly have an idea for a character already in mind and I let them loose into the story. They usually figure themselves out on the way, but if I feel they need a little boost or more details to make them seem more rounded, I’ll fill out little character development questionnaires or free-write about them for a while. 4.)    Favorite words?  English: silly, serendipitous, onomatopoeia, plethora…(mostly coz they feel nice in the mouth to say. There’s probably way more).   German: gumpendorfer, ausgezeichnet, Eichhörnchen, frühstücken  5.)    Do you have a “type” for characters (either ones you write or ones you like? If so, what is it?   Hmm… I guess I tend to write characters that are slowly figuring out who they are and how the world works. So characters who are coming-of-age.  6.)    Music or no music while writing? If so, what kinds?  Sometimes, sometimes not. If I do listen, it’s whatever YouTube spits out at me.  7.)    What first got you into writing?  Kindergarten. My teacher said my story of the day was good enough to “publish.” We wrapped a piece of colored construction paper around it, stapled the sides and I made a cover for it. I was ecstatic XD  For those interested, my story way: “Today I walked up the driveway to the mailbox and got the mail.” A literary genius at five years old hahahaha.  8.)    Vampires of werewolves? (or magical creature of your choice?)  Vampires  9.)    Where did you get the inspiration for your current WIP?  Augh, don’t hate me. I originally started my WIP as a gay Twilight Fanfiction…  10.)  Most difficult part of writing?   Keeping up motivation and self-confidence.
** From @allisonaldridge​: 1.)    What is your favorite writing snack? I don’t eat a lot when I’m writing. If I do, it’s junk food. Pringles (sour cream and onion) Oreos or other cookies.  2.)    Would you want to visit the place or world you created for your WIP?  The world is basically ours with a little fantasy twist. So yeah, totally.  3.)    If you were stuck in a room with one of your OCs, who would you choose?  Hmm..tricky…Probably Teresa because we have the most in common.  4.)    What movie would you relate closest to your WIP?  Twilight, Love Simon.  5.)    Do you watch any Authortubers on Youtube? I watch a bit of John Green, does that count? I gotta check out more of these Authortuber people apparently..  6.)    Traditional publishing or independent?  Hopefully traditional. I might publish some things independently though.  7.)    What is your main OC’s fashion sense? Basic hahaha. Jeans and a shirt.  8.)    Where do you keep all your story ideas stored?  In my head or on a file on the computer.  9.)    Are you working on more than one WIP right now?  Not currently. I want to get the first draft of this one finally finished (been working on it for years) before I write anything new.   10.)   Coffee or Tea? It is very important. I have to say both, I love them both. ** From @killer-badass​: 1.)    What is the cutest couple in your current WIP?  The only couple in my WIP: Daniel/Vaughn. This WIP has been dubbed my Daniel/Vaughn story since 2007 :P They are beautiful.   2.)    Would you rather have your WIP made into a movie or a TV show?  Hmm…probably a movie at this point.  3.)    Who would you want to direct said movie or TV show?  God, I dunno…I would like it to feel like Love, Simon so maybe Greg Berlanti? And also Chris Columbus or David Yates for the fantasy parts. 4.)    What TV show character would your protagonist of your current WIP be?  These questions are hard for me, I don’t know why! Maybe…Marco from Degrassi.  5.)    What is your favorite song to write to?  Don’t really have one…I usually put on something like “Castle on a Hill” first and just let the YouTube algorithm do its thing.  6.)    What is your protagonist’s theme song?  Oh jeez, I haven’t thought about any of this. Perhaps “Brave” by Sara Bareilles. 
7.)    What marvel character is our protagonist like the most?  Spiderman 8.)    Your favorite movie?  The Princess Bride  9.)    Your favorite TV Show?  So many. Right now, Brooklyn 99.  10.)   What genre is your current WIP?  Realistic fiction mixed with fantasy. ** From @swaynewrites​: 1.)    What is your favorite book, and your favorite author?  Harry Potter, JK Rowling. This series has affected me so much, how can I not still answer this question like this?   2.)    What’s the longest time you’ve spent working on a WIP?  hahahaha, current WIP I’ve been working on since 2007.  3.)    What’s your favorite character that you have ever created?  Hmm I actually have a lot of feels about Ariel from my short story “My Life with Ariel.” Strange I didn’t choose someone from my main WIP, but there you go. 4.)    Have you ever based a character on someone you know? (family, friend, coworker, etc.)  I always take bits and pieces of personality from people I know and add them to my characters.  5.)    What is your favorite WIP you’ve written?  Completed WIP that would be “My Life with Ariel.” We’ll see if I make it into a novel or try to publish as is.  6.)    What’s the best response you’ve had to one of your WIPs?  One person told me they literally stopped breathing during one scene they were so enraptured by what was going on. This compliment felt so good, because it’s always what I’m going for! 7.)    What’s the best film/television show you’ve seen based on a book?  The first two Harry Potter movies. Hmm.. Though some things were changed from Love, Simon I felt the atmosphere of the book was captured so well.  8.)    Have you ever written something as a joint project with a friend or a fellow writeblr? If you haven’t, would you want to?  I don’t think so…but I would absolutely love to! HIT ME UP PEOPLE, LET’S DO THIS!  9.)    If you could change something about a popular book series, what series would you change and what would the change be?  Twilight. I would eliminate all the abuse in her relationships with Edward and Jacob.  10.)   For the Harry Potter fans out there, what is your favorite character/spell/scene? (If you haven’t read or seen Harry Potter, I’d recommend it. LUNAWRITES NOTE: I don’t just recommend it, I demand it hahahaha) Favorite character(s): Draco, Luna Favorite spell: Accio, Not a spell but also Apparition Scene: The chapter in book 6 where Harry confronts Draco in the bathroom and then later has his first kiss with Ginny in the common room. ** My questions for YOU: 1.)    Who are three writeblrs you love? 2.)    What book has made you cry? 3.)    What’s the first book you remember being read as a child? 4.)    Where do you read fiction the most? (magazines, journals, books, tumblr, archive of our own) 5.)    How do you feel about new novels that remind readers of other popular books? 6.)    What are three things you look for in a good novel? 7.)    How much of your week do you spend writing? 8.)    If you’re imagining publishing your current WIP, being accepted by a publisher, what does that feel like? 9.)    What are your three greatest fears about writing? 10.)  How can you fight those fears?  Tagging: @theouterdark, @damnwrites, @crucioandcoffee , @jess---writes @theaberrantwritergirl, @somnambulant-directives @wondersofwriting00, @smile-everything-is-alright, @greenandwords @rainbowsaw
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