#literally every time she leaves my skin clears i stop getting dandruff and all my chronic illness symptoms lessen like whats up w that ....
My mother comes home from europe tomorrow :( but its whatever i guess
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Y'all in the village that have seen me recently
I apologize, y'all will just have to bless this sweet darling heart
My eyes have become super sensitive to the sun and I have to wear sunglasses (i got $250 worth of contacts with my stimulus check -- 12 boxes including one free sample due to the brand i purchased being discontinued suddenly and my prescription being out of stock - contact lens.com, i highly recommend. I did send inal a photo of my valid prescription) Usually I'm extremely picky and don't buy the lightly tinted lenses. But Wal-Mart had them on sale and usually that's all they sell. Usually i get mine from eBay and spend hours if not days searching for them cute and dark, zooming in the photos to see how the tint is reflected, refracted and if i can see through it. Usually sunglasses are very honestly shown for some reason.
Anyway so these are so thin I forget I am wearing them!
So, I'm all parading in Wal-Mart in purple sunglasses and all in the drive thru like an I don't care diva!
I don't know the origin, yet. Or where it came from... If it was just an agreed upon practice by international law or if it's just me. Idk.
But i think its rude to hide your eyes when speaking to someone. Like its not something conscious. I didn't sit around deciding it was a pet peeve or some law, but when i was a waitress tossing pizzas out the drive through pick up line or just a casual shopper -- people in sunglasses and not lifting them or removing them always bugged at me and irked me suspicious.
So I've been all parading around completely unaware because I've had to wear regular prescription clear lenses for so long that I'm used to the weight of glasses, especially in public because that's the only time I wore them. They just became part of me
And the tint is just see through light -- like the same color of my regular daytime light in my bedroom that every one says is dark. And a light bulb does illuminate. I'm very vampire dungeon darkness.
So I just wanted to apologize that i been all looking like Miss Princess don't care.
I always refused to buy light lenses because i thought they didn't work or weren't worth it. The sun here is so strong. But they do definitely help and are so comfortable i don't know they're in place.
So I care but my eyes hurt a lot. And the contacts kind of made it worse. Like when I take my non insulin diabetic shot, after 10 to 20 minutes I can feel it go into the back of my eyeballs and it feels so good!!
Its not a super pain or uncomfortable and its more when I don't sleep or am upset. I guess my pupils dilate weird
Which my eye doctor before the last, I was on Percocet and well the same 13 prescriptions as well as a few more for pain and so on. And he told me to be cautious as my pupils don't dilate proper due to "being so heavily drugged"
So who knows. I just try to avoid light.
And these sunglasses help and I don't know I'm wearing them. So I'm not hiding behind a mask and cute tinted sun glasses. I'm just protecting my eyes and preventing pain.
Like i say. The pain is from the brain to indicate a problem. So there's a problem Idk how to diagnose and verify or solve. So.
Its not intense just pressure and an auto response to avoid light. Like my kid turns on the lightbulb and I'm all its so fucking bright!!!! Although now the florescent burnt out thank God because that gave me migraines. And I got an LED. But the choices ar the dollar tree were limited to be 60 watt equivalent when I prefer a 40 watt or 30 even.
So I notice the intensity in my eyeballs changing in response to the light
When we lived in Alabama and we were about to move to NYC and my parents had always said Florida would be our next stop.
And i developed an allergy to the sun. A real allergy to the sun. It's a rare condition. My skin would marblize a red color and I would begin to feel faint and/or throw up if I was in direct sun.
It was right after Denise had become Zulululu.
And so I still have remenents of the non contagious disease. Although I was kept from school for 6 weeks... Like my legs if get hot then they get itchy and the sun irritates my eyeballs.
So I always buy sunglasses but I don't always wear them but have them available.
My daughter has the blue light blocker AND the progressive lens so that in the sun they turn to a light see through sun glasses. Zinnie.com I think I spelled it wrong m allong with a basic pair of clear glasses with a anti reflective coat for like $5 I paid about $70 for both. Never had any problems with Zinnie and even leaving them in a hot car was no problems. But a pair from firmoo I paid extra for the anti reflective coat and the lens coating melted in the car. So I'll never ever buy from them unless its a keep in the house pair. Wearing contacts and losing one on the beginning of a road trip where i was expected to drive -- it fell out my eye and ripped - it was old. And I didn't know or think about it and i had no back ups!! So i had to suffer the whole week. Migraines and all.
So in my luggage I keep a pair of contacts or glasses even when it's in storage. I keep a pair of glasses in my car in case of emergency. And firmoo completely failed me.
I've bought half a dozen or so from Zinnie. I call it Zin-knee-uh although it's probably just Zin-knee.
And noooo problems. Even with the advanced lenses which do work and are great.
Because I wear contacts, I don't want to invest in a good pair of glasses but my daughter solely wears glasses so I find it important to protect her eyes.
I get the anti-reflective coating -- the mid level due to at night lights. Without corrective lenses, lights look like Ferris wheels.
I literally can't see shit but 6 feet in front of me. I guess other people are not much different so. Like can y'all see a person 100 yards away? Like no? Right? I can see shadows and shit but I can't recognize people with my eyeballs until they're all up on me.
My uncle always says I'm gonna need a scope to shoot at night. -.-
I'm not quite Mr Magoo but I'm lucky as he is. Thankfully. (He's a cartoon, check him out. He's in YouTube)
And so my drastic apology for blatantly running around in sunglasses all rude and shit. Is done.
Also, while I'm talking about companies -- avoid PANTENE FOR COLOR TREATED HAIR. It strips rhe color out and is complete crap and the worst ever.
Herbal Essence and Loreal Elive are both fantastic to keep color treatments in.
I thought it was just our hair but ive been using PANTENE and my kid Herbal Essence and I see the difference.
Also I like my hair curly. And lantern curly didn't do shit. But Herbal Essence Twisted always has worked great. Not my personal favorite scent but tolerable.
Y'all what i need is a curly and color treated hair shampoo and conditioner at an affordable price. I've searched African American products and haven't found any with those labels. So Idk.
My scalp and hair is ultra dry due to scalp psoriasis and i can go a total 3 months of no washing without looking oily.
So i love African American products and buy them proudly in secret for myself! But i notice their bottles are smaller and more costly.
Except i found a leave in oil for only $3 which i use when i don't dye.
Foreign oils can strip hair color quite well as well as dandruff shampoo.
So I'm always cautious about leave in oils and lotions.
Its my main switch. I use herbal essence and PANTENE and Loreal. Its a fact using the same conditioner and shampoo leaves a certain coating on the hair to cause it to be limp and flat and dull.
So it's always been recommended to use a clarifying shampoo and conditioner for a week then go back to the reg.
The same effect or nearly the same effecf is done by switching brands. So that's what I do.
PANTENE is now out of the equation.
Tio Nacho is a fantastic shampoo and conditioner. My daughter's hair was always unruly. Curly and just wild no matter what. And tio nacho is the only brand,to tame her to look like a human and not a wild lion. But I haven't found color protecting and it's $8 for only 12 ounces and so I find that expensive.
I buy the huge 27 ounces for $7. So.
But I would buy it for her. It helped calm the oily and wild mane.
My friend brushed her hair once and she was so surprised m she said that was like warm butter, lol. Because she always had wild corkscrew curls and some random straight ones she looked a wreck 24/7.
Truly I didn't mind I knew the truth. But tio Nacho has some miracle up in it. Swear.
PANTENE doesn't even have ordinary skills it claims to have m
So we may put Aussie in our loopm we use Tressemme when the cash flow is low.
I used to do live advertising and did the 3 minute Aussie miracle conditioner and that was always nice. The formula changed and it's not as wonderful as it used to be but its average. So i haven't had them in our loop.
Dove we don't like. Hers gets oily and crazy and i don't like the oil stimulation it causes. Idk maybe it's good but ... It makes me feel ick. Which is sad because I really wanted Dove to work.
PANTENE was my first "luxury" shampoo and conditioner i bought myself because i was raised on V05 and if I was lucky and Denise was nice, Suave. She literally bought the cheapest. And never bought extra conditioner and So i had to ration it. So my first self purchase on my own was PANTENE. But it is now a failure. -.- and lives are ruined and especially hair dos.
So now i used to buy my ex V05 ha!
And i have an emergency bottle of Tressemme 32 ounce under my bed for color treated. Conditioner.
We buy conditioner 4x more than shampoo. Because we coat it all --scalp to ends -- brush it. Then i rinse the heavy coat i soaked in while watching tv and smoking then I give it a light coat on the ends again and rinse.
Shampoo we just use one handful and not two or three and it foams up and so we don't need as much.
Like i use 2 - 3 pumps on my scalp of shampoo then one maybe two on the ends. The scalp i scrub the ends I rub.
Like now i have to dye again so I'll use a dandruff shampoo and I'll end up scrubbing all of my hair and use like 1/4 a 12 oz bottle. To get any deposits and leftover film and so on off all the hairs so they absorb the dye better. Then no conditioner. Or a light coat to detanglr and comb and rinse quickly without a deep soak. Then sometimes i gently apply shampoo again without a good scrub. Just run it through to remove the conditioner. But not to allow tangles.
Im not an expert or anything but hair care is serious around here and Idk why PANTENE is trying to destroy mine and succeeding.
I spend $50 every 2 months on just hair. For two.
One girl with a Mohawk and my long to the waist hair.
Two sides of her head are shaved every 6 weeks and she gets the same bottles as i do and then she's all "i need more" 0.o. Honestly she washes hers more often than i do.
We have our own buckets of shampoo and conditioner. Nathaniel either uses it or poisones it so we have our own large Easter buckets. And we store our towels in my room too. Then we have a 3rd bucket in case i buy in advance or like now give up on a bottle we were trying out. Save it. For days of emergency. Running out or so on
But we do borrow from each other if one or the other is low we take from each other to use.
We have different body soaps and different hair needs sometimes. Like i want curly and she's all nah. Or she has Tio Nacho.
We come from a 3 bathroom house so we're used to having our own product. Let me say it that way. But we always are good about sharing if necessary.
But she actually has more demands for bath stuff than I. So like her loofah and her body wash and all that isn't used by me and she knows its only all her Because I have my own bucket.
I cater to my kid. I Like it seperate too because her stuff is more expensive. $7 body wash and mine is $3 if i buy it. Otherwise i use shampoo. I do have hair in my armpits after all. And so i see hers and im all hmmm let me try this and yeah... "Idk how i used half a bottle in one bath" so it is more expensive!! So
While I'm buying 2x the shampoo and conditioner to supply 2 buckets -- in fact i am not spending more. If we shared the bottles as a person would expect, then we would go through them faster.
2 people in one bottle
Vs 2 people in 2 bottles.
So I have to purchase less often than if we shared but I have to purchase more bottles.
So in reality i pay the same price but the schedule and cost load is different.
Like if im out of conditioner, i know she will be at some point so i buy two bottles. And it waits until she needs it. Unless i need shampoo, too.
Then if she if she needs the shampoos then we buy all over again.
The cycle of life told in shampoo and conditioner.
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/best-shampoo-hair-type/
The best shampoo for any hair type
Impossible as it might be to find a shampoo that works for every hair type, Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo comes pretty close. That’s why it’s our top pick — Living Proof’s basic formula really works and it might even help you wash your hair less often.
Shampoo is not exactly sexy, but it sure is necessary. Well, unless you have the kind of hair type that hates shampoo (more on that later), but no matter. Everyone has to wash their hair using something, be it shampoo, a cleansing conditioner, or a DIY concoction you whip up in your own bathroom.
As the proud owner of naturally curly hair, it’s probably been about 10 years since I’ve used a product that considers itself “shampoo.” But that doesn’t mean I just skip straight to conditioner.
All of this is to say that there’s a shampoo or shampoo-adjacent product out there for you. If you’re unsatisfied with your routine, you probably just haven’t found The One yet.
One thing to consider: Shampoos that contain things like sulfates and parabens — often the ones that create a really satisfying lather and leave your roots feeling squeaky as a newly-scrubbed kitchen counter — can seriously dry out your hair. If that’s a concern, look out for shampoos that don’t include those ingredients.
The options on this list cater to different hair types and concerns, but they all stand out from the pack because they help keep your strands soft, hydrated, and clean. These are the five best shampoos for all hair types:
Best overall: Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo 
Best dry shampoo: Batiste Dry Shampoo
Best for hydration: Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal Hydrating Shampoo
Best for exfoliation: Briogeo Scalp Revival Micro-exfoliating Shampoo
Best for curly hair: DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner 
The best shampoo overall
Living Proof
Why you’ll love it: Living Proof’s  Perfect Hair Day Shampoo keeps your hair cleaner, longer — no matter your hair type.
The most annoying thing about shampooing your hair is that you have to continue doing it day after day, week after week, year after year. One shampoo is really not going to keep you grease-free for long — a few hours or days, tops. The best you can hope for is a formula that lets you wash as infrequently as possible.
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo is far from a permanent solution, but it will cut down on the time you need to spend washing your hair. And you know what they say: The less time frittered away on lathering your scalp, the more time available for watching Netflix or writing the next Great American Novel.
Allure writer Patricia Tortolani backs up that claim, writing, “while other formulas had us washing every day to keep our oily scalp in check, this one has us down to two shampoos a week.” Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo won the publication’s Best of Beauty Award in 2014 and was named a top shampoo option by Best Products for its ability to hydrate and cleanse strands while delivering added volume to even the thinnest hair.
Perfect Hair Day is made without sulfates, parabens, or phthalates and advertised for use on all hair types (yes, even color-treated). But if your hair is ultra-curly, I suggest trying out the no-poo option on this list.
Pros: Keeps your hair clean for longer, works on a variety of hair types, doesn’t contain hair-stripping sulfates, parabens, or phthalates
Cons: On the pricey side, may not work for curlier hair textures
Buy Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo at Sephora for $26
The best dry shampoo
Why you’ll love it: Sometimes you don’t have time for a full wash, but Batiste Dry Shampoo is here to save the day.
Part of adulthood is coming to terms with the fact that you will occasionally sleep through your alarm and not have time to shower before work. There’s no shame in that. It happens to literally everyone (some of us with more frequency than others). But it does mean you should have a contingency plan — i.e. a really good dry shampoo.
There are countless options on the market, but shoppers really go wild over the wallet-friendly Batiste Dry Shampoo. The cult classic dry shampoo has 31,702 reviews and a 4.5 rating out of 5 on Influenster, and it also won Best Dry Shampoo in the 2017 Influenster Reviewers’ Choice Awards. Fans love it for its ability to de-grease your hair without making your roots unnaturally stiff.
Our guides editor Malarie Gokey also loves this dry shampoo and uses it on those in-between days when she doesn’t have time to wash her hair.
Batiste comes in a bunch of different scents with funky names like “Wild” and “Neon Lights,” and there are even some tinted versions, which is great if the original gives you the dreaded white cast, as some darker-haired reviewers noted that it did for them, or if you’re looking to cover up grown-out roots.
Still, even with that minor caveat, Batiste Dry Shampoo is a great dry shampoo with an unbeatable under-$10 price tag. As one Influenster user puts it, “Let’s just say if I️ was to have $10 til payday and I️t was between buying a bottle of Batiste or eating a meal… I️ pick the dry shampoo. I️t is a lifesaver!”
Pros: Bargain price tag, cuts down on oil without making hair stiff and crunchy
Cons: Might leave white residue on darker hair colors
Buy Batiste Dry Shampoo at Ulta for $7.99
The best hydrating shampoo
Why you’ll love it: Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal Hydrating Shampoo is a bathroom staple that buyers and experts agree on because it gives your hair a boost of hydration.
Not all shampoos and conditioners that come in sets are created equal, but the Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal duo is one you can happily buy in bulk — I recommended this shampoo’s counterpart in a recent article on the best conditioners money can buy and now, here I am, telling you to go out and complete the family.
This shampoo works with Pantene’s Moisture-Silk Complex to “lock in hydration from root to tip” and leave hair soft and shiny. Amazon buyers rated it 4.5 out of 5 stars, and it won the Allure Best of Beauty Award in 2017 and Reader’s Choice Award in 2016 and 2017. The publication’s editor Jenny Bailly described it as, “one of the least stripping of hair-cleansing options,” and fans seem to agree.
One Amazon reviewer writes, “This has been the shampoo I swear by for at least 15 years. I have long thick curly hair and it has always left it smooth and manageable. Also use it on my daughter’s hair and we both love it!” Given that ringing endorsement, this is a safe bet for an inexpensive moisturizing shampoo.
Pros: Inexpensive, hydrating, has an equally excellent matching conditioner
Cons: Might weigh down finer strands or make oily hair feel extra greasy due to the moisturizing component
Buy Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo on Amazon for $6.47
The best exfoliating shampoo
Why you’ll love it: Got an itchy scalp? Stop scratching and exfoliate your way to relief with Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo.
You probably don’t think about scalp skin care as much as you should — like, do you think about it ever? Yeah, me neither. But if you find yourself clawing at the skin under your hair pretty often, it might be time to start exfoliating the area the same way you do your face.
Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo (mouthful of a name and all) cleans your hair while providing relief for the irritated skin on your scalp, thanks to ingredients like detoxifying binchoten charcoal, moisturizing coconut oil, and a soothing peppermint, spearmint, and tea tree oil complex. It’s also great for clearing away product buildup — Where do you think all that styling cream goes, exactly?
This exfoliating shampoo comes highly recommended by Refinery29 and the 339 Sephora reviewers who rated it 5 stars. “Noticed an IMMEDIATE difference,” writes one fan, “I use Rogaine twice daily because of alopecia and it leaves an itchy build-up on my scalp. This wiped it away and left my scalp and hair feeling cleaner than ever before.”
Pros: Soothes itchy scalp, breaks down product buildup, helps manage dandruff and flakes
Cons: Pricey, jar packaging not as convenient for in-shower use
Buy Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo at Sephora for $42
The best “no-poo” for curly hair
Deva Curl
Why you’ll love it: If you hear the word “shampoo” and your hair instantly shrivels like a sundried tomato, you might like DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner.
Okay, so I fooled you. Strictly speaking, this isn’t a shampoo. As the name implies, DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner cleanses hair without all the hair-stripping ingredients found in many traditional shampoos. It’s perfect for curly textures, which tend to require more moisture than other hair types.
Don’t be scared off by the concept of a non-lathering cleanser — This stuff really does clean your scalp, but it also leaves hair hydrated and full of volume, thanks to the grapeseed and peppermint oils in the formula. I’m partial to the Original version, but DevaCurl also carries a Low-Poo for looser waves and an even more moisturizing No-Poo called Decadence for super curly hair.
The DevaCurl No-Poo Original has a 4.4-star rating on Ulta, based on 570 reviews, and a 4.4 on Influenster, based on 458 reviews. Dana Oliver at The Huffington Post named it a top cleansing conditioner because it “helps you achieve your cleanest, bounciest and healthiest curls.” Are you ready to chuck all your half-used bottles of shampoo into the recycling bin yet?
Pros: Cleanses curls without dehydrating them or weighing them down
Cons: More expensive than drugstore options, might take some getting used to the no-lather effect, some reviewers complained of a strong scent
Buy DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner at Ulta for $44
Check out our guide to the best conditioner you can buy
The best hair conditioner you can buy
Hair conditioner is a necessity if you want soft, silky strands. Out of thousands of bottles, shoppers agree that Silk18 Argan Oil Hair Conditioner is the best — no matter your hair type.
However, if you have curly hair and you’re fed up with other formulas leaving your curls lifeless, try revitalizing your hair with DevaCurl One Condition Original Daily Cream Conditioner.
We also like It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin conditioner for a leave-in solution and Redken Color Extend Conditioner for color-treated hair.
Finally, if you’re on a budget or you just bought the Pantene shampoo we recommended above, grab the Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner to complete the set.
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