#literally cannot find Unicorn Party ballot access info anywhere
walks-the-ages · 2 months
So as a shorter post that is rebloggable:
I cannot find anywhere that verifies Jasmine Sherman (they/them) 's 48-state ballot access claim, that is stated explicitly on their website as:
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ID + link: "Jasmine is on the ballot under the Unicorn Party."
In fact, every website I have found that lists out Ballot Access for the 2024 election, including the one Jasmine Sherman's website links to refutes the 48-state claim and only shows them on Florida's ballot, while other sources state they are only on Alaska's ballot, which is one of the 2 states on the official website they're not listed on!
There's also the part of Jasmine Sherman's policy where they explicitly support the Death Penalty and have only "changed their stance" in an unspecified way due to it going against the Green Party's platform.
They have not changed the page for the Death Penalty Policy other than to add a note above that they're "preserving it for transparency", instead of listing what their actual planned policy is.
Jasmine Sherman supports the Death Penalty via Morphine Overdose or Firing Squad, with just one year for "due process"
So yeah, until anyone can actually independantly verify that Jasmine Sherman has 48 states with ballot access , I would take that entire website with a huge grain of skepticism.
As it stands, Jill Stein is independently verified multiple places to have Ballot Access in at least 21 states with more pending certification -- all of the links above that show Jasmine Sherman's ballot access (or rather, lackthereof) will also verify Jill Stein's ballot access, along with a whole host of other, smaller candidates.
If you were also planning on supporting Jasmine Sherman and their website says they are on your state's ballot, see if you are able to independently confirm that, and let me know in the reblogs!
you can use Ballot Ready, Ballotpedia and Vote.org to register to vote / check your registration, as well as get previews of your state' ballot once they're released closer to the election, so you can research all of your options before voting day!
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[plain text: Turn your neighborhood into a community that works together and supports one-another!]
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hey, do you have any links on hand or can point me in the direction of, that verify Jasmine Sherman's ballot access claims of 48 states?
Their official website claims "Jasmine is on the ballot under the Unicorn Party.", but I cannot find literally anywhere that confirms this count or even mentions the Unicorn Party in any official capacity... and that includes Ballotpedia and Ballot Ready, which their official website links as direct resources for voters to learn more.
...every website and news article I have found tracking Third Party candidates shows Kennedy, Stein, West, and De la Cruz's current access (including De la Cruz having ~5 states certified on the ballot) , but there's almost nowhere that talks about Sherman, and the ones that do list them as only being on Alaska's ballot, or Florida's ballot (which I was able to confirm on the official Florida election website here )
This is what I found. It does confirm they're running and doesn't say green party. It's says NPA which is say an no party affiliation (independent basically)
I just typed in "FEC" "Jasmine Sherman"
Screenshot for ppl who don't wanna open the link. Crossed out what might be their personal address cuz idk.
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The fact they're not listed anywhere but then where they are definitely on the ballot, it isn't confirmed anywhere except their site, that's weird, yeah.
Anyway, they have an option on their linktree to Meet With Jasmine if you wanna share your concerns with them and have them reassured directly, esp regarding access in your state specifically.
Maybe suggest linking the documents to states where they claim access?
They also have an option on their linktree. This is under that option.
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Or you can try asking them on social media. They're on everything apparently.
I don't work on their campaign, I wanna clarify that. And they already have a system to take questions and concerns on their site, so when thats in place I feel like y'all are over-utilizing me as a resource.
What do you really expect me to do with your comments and concerns except go to Jasmines dms like a Tumblr representative? I have the same exact search engines that the rest of you do.
If you care, then do the labor of sending them the same exact paragraphs you send me. I don't have the answers, they do.
This is feeling disingenuous so I'm not answering asks like this anymore.
Also this feels like you're implying it's a scam which ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ shits weird yeah, but have you looked outside. Have you not considered that really Could be just a Black fat femme enby being suppressed 💀
I mean its also weird that they are on the ballot in some places, but those aren't listed on ballotpedia or anything either, right?
I think y'all are also weird for harmfully spreading doubt like this using my asks as a platform when you could literally, literally, just ask them yourself through the system they created to personally take your concerns through in at least 2 direct avenues. And before you even tried to do so, I'll safely assume.
Like I said this seems disingenuous and now that this info is there in my tag and the Jasmine Sherman tag I'm not answering another ask like this.
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