#literally HATED the new ap etl. irritating as fuck sat on his ass all day & i heard through the grapevine he got caught drinking on the job
gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year
like when i first started at target(august 2021) there was the store director, hr guy, opening lead, closing lead, market lead, fos lead, specialty sales lead, starbucks lead, asset protection etl, and pml. and then the fos team lead quit like 2 months later(october 2021). then they randomly promoted this other girl to “floating gm lead” which was allegedly a temporary position that they had available for some reason(november 2021). then they hired fos lead #2(november 2021). then the pml quit and they replaced him with another pml who we technically shared with another store(circa december 2021/january 2022). then fos lead #2 quit(may 2022) and they moved the “floating gm” girl to fos to be fos lead #3. then the ap etl quit(august 2022) and they replaced him with a guy who let’s just say was the reason for the word assclown. and hr guy bizarrely got promoted out of the store and they moved the specialty sales lead(my favorite lead) to hr to replace him(august 2022). and the closing lead(my other favorite lead) also got promoted out of the store(august 2022) and they replaced her with a 20-year-old who really kind of did not know what he was doing. and they also promoted this girl who had zero experience in specialty sales to be the new specialty sales lead(august 2022). then fos lead #3 quit(october 2022) and instead of hiring a new fos lead they promoted a 21-year-old guy to be a second closing lead because the original guy they promoted was struggling too much(shocker!). and they decided the specialty sales lead(who ALSO had zero experience in fos) would just also handle fos for the timebeing. then my favorite lead left because his husband got promoted which meant they were moving across the country(january 2023). and i quit almost immediately afterwards(february 2023) so i don’t know what happened next. SAD! but anyway the only original leads left from when i started at that point were the store director, the market lead, the opening lead, and the starbucks lead, two of whom were certified Not Good and one of whom was comically out of touch to the point that he really should not have been allowed to run that store
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