#listen the warning about me being oc trash is right there in the blog description
anywayhereskirkwall · 8 years
So considering how I take 3-500 business days to get anything done I figure I won’t be drawing my DA girls’ kids anytime soon but I could at least talk about them. For the most part if they’re able to have kids they do because I like designing characters by playing mix and match with parent traits and then I’m weak and get attached:
Alistair and Oralie: The pair that has “parent material” written all over them. Their first and only biological child is Adaia (Addy), obviously named after Lee’s mother because I’m unoriginal. She’s got her father’s eyes and her mother’s gold hair and is just covered in freckles. They then adopted orphans Celestine and Adrien from an alienage when Adaia was a little over a year and Celestine and Adrien were 4 and 3 respectively. They also get a couple more mabari. Lee makes a point of making sure they all know how to fight and protect themselves (along with any other kid in the neighborhood that wants to learn) but the girls are the ones to really take to it. Addy duel wields like Lee and Celestine has a sword and shield like Al. Adrien on the other hand grows up to become a baker. After the Blight they convince Anora to grant the Tabris family some land far enough from Denerim to be safer but near enough to easily visit the alienage and the kids stay there for the most part, but both parents come home as much as they possibly can. When Corypheus triggers the calling they realize that Adaia is hearing it too and it’s what leads to Lee going to search for a cure.
I haven’t decided if Ceres and Zev have kids yet. I think they’d both be happy without any but they’d also both be great parents, even if it’s a surprise to themselves. Also Ceres was a goddess of motherhood so I kind of feel like they maybe should? If they do it would probably just be one son with a name like Gaius because I’m fucking trash like that. 
Fenris and Hesper: Easily have my favorite next gen. kids. Carver, their first, is a tall lanky mage with shoulder length black hair, his mother’s nose, and grey eyes. He has a goofy sense of humor and the survival instincts of a golden retriever puppy that ate a whole pan of weed brownies. Bethany acts as his magic teacher. Diana is the younger one and has her mother’s red hair and her father’s eyes. She makes up for Carver’s dopey disposition by having a short temper and being CONSTANTLY READY TO THROW DOWN. Between Fenris, Isabella, and occasionally Merrill she knows how to tell someone to go fuck themselves in no less than five languages. One time when she was like 11 she broke a kid’s arm for calling her big brother a “filthy mage” and when questioned about it by the kid’s parents because we don’t care that you’re the Champion’s daughter you can’t do that she was just like “yeah and if you say anything like that again I know where you sleep Timmy you piece of shit.” Her parents just shrug and say “You’ve heard it here first. Better start sleeping with your eyes open, Tim.” Needless to say they end up in Aveline’s office a lot, usually with Eleanor Cadash, who they dragged along. Varric bails them out when he can.
 Lorain and Blackwall: Only have a daughter named Eleanor. Lorain takes up Varric’s offer of a place in Kirkwall and they raise her there. Tall for a dwarf but short for a human, she’s got her mother’s bright blue eyes and tons of black hair. I honestly didn’t plan to give them a kid but then I realized the comedy potential in Lorain using her Carta connections for weird parenting things like hard to find gifts, background checking dates, and threatening anyone who even so much as considered breaking her daughter’s heart that they might have an “accident.” Thom and Eleanor are both just there like “holy fuck chill, Mom.” Luckily for them she ends up dating and later marrying her childhood friend Diana Hawke. 
Aerin and Cullen: They have four and they all tend to follow a mostly unintentional 3:1 ratio: 3 brown 1 blonde, 3 brown eyes 1 green, 3 mages 1 not, 3 girls 1 boy. If I remember right all that was unintentional except I think there used to be another one with green eyes? I can’t remember but when I realized it I was like screw it let’s go for it. The oldest by about five minutes is Magnolia (Maggie), the only non-mage and warrior. She has brown hair she wears in micro-braids, brown eyes, tall and muscular. The second twin is Poppy. Curly brown hair, green eyes, plump, mage. Next is Victoria, who’s nickname is Sunflower because she’s the only one to get Cullen’s blonde hair. Brown eyes, kind of scrawny, and a mage. She’s also the only one to learn necromancy from her mother. The youngest and only son is William (Will). He’s also a mage (probably knight-enchanter?) but he’s over 6 foot and built like a linebacker. Despite this his sisters are all really protective of their “baby brother.” For the most part he actually loves it. 
Vega and Josephine: Probably adopt at least one but I haven’t really fleshed much out yet. Vega’s entire mercenary family loves them though and spoils them. Like there’s obviously her fathers but everyone else is also like a weird aunt/uncle/etc. 
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