#listen kara isn't a fucking idiot
farieshades · 2 years
What would be different if Merlin had chose not listen to Gaius and Kil about Morgana and Mordred?
... By Kil i'm going to assume that's Kilgharrah who's advice isn't helpful and a bit of a s.o.b. you know? We're goin with that logic here.... 
Annnnd 'What would be different'.... 
Nothing and everything. 
In regards to Morgana, when she comes to him he wouldn’t tell her it was a dream or that she should go to the druids, he’d do what his heart told him to, and tell her that it’s alright, that she’s not crazy, that she isn’t evil or destined for darkness as Uther’s propoganda said. He could, at that point, choose to show her his magic, but for the sake of argument, let’s just say he doesn’t. Morgana now has Merlin backing her, maybe helping her with books that Gaius has, a spell here and there for her to master her control in the waking world so her dreams do not overwhelm her. Maybe he is the one that will craft an enchantment to help her sleep so her nightmares don’t make her lash out, and instead she could have soft dreams.
In regards to Mordred, there wouldn’t be any near death experiences. Merlin wouldn’t hesitate to get Mordred out of the castle when Arthur and Morgana plotted it instead of the last moment aid he provided. He wouldn’t be tripping a kid in front of knights who were slaughtering people. He’d probably let Mordred run away at that point and not see him again until he shows up with the Bandits/Slavers. At that point, should Morgana have still turned, I see it playing out the same, but with less hostility from Merlin, up until Mordred is knighted in which there would be actual pride. The first Druid knight under Arthur, and Arthur’s not an idiot, he definitely knows this kid was once a practicing Druid, was he still? Arthur hasn’t the foggiest and if he doesn’t know he cant sentence him, so Arthur prefers to keep it like that. Merlin on the other hand, knows, and can definitely use the magical help when problems show up.
The biggest change I see is Merlin not hesitating to say “save Mordred” under the Disir ultimatum. I… don’t like that the Disir made the ultimatum in that way, making it seem like Arthur would be forced to accept magic at the price of a knight, but fuck it it happened anyway. With Mordred alive and Magic in camelot, the balance is out of order in a way (life for life theory) so, (i’ve read before in a few fics) Kara dies in place of Mordred saving him from betrayal and treason early on.
Ultimately, Camlann will happen. Probably. Unless you go with a lesser known death scene for Arthur I guess. Mordred will eventually turn against Arthur, but in what way, who knows. Could be 50 years from that point and Arthur becomes addled in his old age and Mordred just pushes him down a flight of stairs or something. Anything could happen.
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Chapter One: It’s A Girl’s Night
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"Thank God it's Friday night and I (just just just just just) got paid.." !
It was another night on the town. Me and my girls Kara and Liliana, were getting down on the dance floor. Shaking our asses , three drinks deep. The liquor already kicking in. The club we were at was playing all the throwback classics. It was freaking lit.
"Booties shakin' (booties shakin') all around. Pump that jam(listen) while I'm getting down."
I put both hands on my knees, shaking my ass . Singing at the top of my lungs along with my friends as one of our favorite NSYNC songs continued to play.
"You guyssss let's get another drink.."                      
My friend Kara drunkenly suggested. Me and my other friend Liliana did not oblige and we all three made our way over to the bar.
"You guys what do you want to-"                                  
I went to sit on one of the bar stools when I accidentally almost fell over on some man sitting at the bar himself.
"Oh sir I'm very sorry.." I said politely.
I looked at him for a few seconds. His head was tilted down with a beer in front of him. Black baseball cap he was wearing covering his face . He said nothing. He just lifted  his beer bottle off the counter slightly and nodded his head.Guess it was his way of saying no biggie.
I turned back to my girls who were talking to the bartender.
"What do you guys want to drink"? I asksed
"I got this round"! I quickly pulled out my credit card from my wallet.
"Let's get long islands!" Liliana looked at me and smiled.
We grabbed our drinks and stood at the bar for a few minutes . Watching everyone dance to the music. That's when a slow song began to play.
"Alright everyone grab that special person and let's slow it down a bit."
The dj announced on the speaker.
I felt my stomach drop a bit as I watched all the couples sway back and forth while holding each other.
I took a sip of my drink trying to hold back my tears. My friends immediately noticed because I seen them look at me out the corner of my eye.
"Are you ok babe."? Kara asked putting her hand on my arm.
I felt a tear fall slowly, taking another sip of my drink.
I am not typically one to cry. But I had just gotten out of a four year relationship with a guy who I thought I was going to marry. He ended up dumping me on fucking Valentines Day. Saying he isn't in love anymore.I was so heartbroken. And still am. Love sucks.
"Awww Lexie don't cry.."
Liliana came over to me and hugged me.
I couldn't help myself. Soon as she hugged me another tear fell and I started to sob.
"I-I just don't understand why I wasn't enough for him. I was such a good girlfriend...."
I wiped my face , smearing my make up. I know I looked ridiculous.
"You were more than enough Lexie. He's an idiot."
Liliana assured me , trying to comfort me  by rubbing my arm.
"Girl...fuck him."
Kara said nonchalantly while twirling the melted ice cubes in her drink glass around with a straw.
She drank what was left of her Long Island iced tea and slammed the glass on the bar.
"Listen you need to get over him and put yourself back out there."
She pointed her red manicured finger at me.
"Kara it's only been five mon-"
I began to say before Kara cut me off.
"I know how long it's been , and I know it's a short time. But hell...he was in a relationship with someone a week after y'all broke up."
I crossed my arms and glared at her.
"So that means you need to find you somebody. Show him what he lost. Because I'm sure little miss thang ain't it."
"And how exactly do I "find me somebody"? I asked doing air quotations.
"Girl you ain't never heard of online dating"?
"Ya, but remember I've been out the game for four  years..."
"Let me bring you up to par my friend."
Kara pulled out her phone. Both Liliana and I watched as she pulled up some app.
"Ahhh Swipe Right...I was on there for awhile."
Liliana said soon as she saw a red heart shaped icon pop up on Kara's phone screen.
"You were on there...? As in not anymore"? I asked
"Ya...for me I couldn't click with anyone. Yall know I'm old school when it comes to this stuff. But doesn't mean it might not work for you."
Liliana was still sipping on her drink and began to gently rock from side to side to the beat of whatever song was playing.
"She's right Lex..." Kara began to say.
"You never know unless you try...and who knows , you might meet someone better than that loser."
I thought about it for a second, looking back and forth between Kara and the app on her phone.
"Okay fine.." I finally said.
I pulled out my phone and downloaded the app quickly. Taking a few minutes to put in all my info. It asked what I was looking for , and I put "not sure yet"...just to be on the safe side. Because I really don't know.I found a couple decent selfies of myself and downloaded them to the app too.
"Alright guys let's take a selfie . Gotta have one group photo on this thing so I don't look like a complete loser."
I held up my phone in front of me straightening myself a bit from my crying fit a moment ago.
Kara and Liliana leaned in on either side of me before I quickly snapped a photo of all of us.
Let's see how this goes..
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nocteverbascio · 7 years
what are your intentions (6/10) - rated m
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane Summary:  It was a fun to push each other’s buttons because it not only brought out the best in one another. Both women met their match in one another. Only now, things have changed. And Alex is pissed. A/N: when kara tries to help it jsut makes alex feel worse
ao3 link
“We’re going to fix this Alex,” Kara says with her eyes burning with determination.
Alex digs into the strawberry shortcake ice cream sadly. She’s curled up on her couch with a pillow against her chest as Kara paces in front of her with a white board.
She’s been wallowing and brooding all week.
Alex knows Kara’s picked up on it because of how often she’s been present. Kara has always been good at cheering people up. She’s always full of energy and determination. She lives life fully and unapologetically. Underneath it all, Alex knows Kara carries a sadness to last a lifetime and maybe that’s why she shines so bright. So that no one has to understand the pain and sadness she’s been through.
It makes Alex feel guiltier as she digs deeper into the pint of ice cream.
She’s been in relationships with people before. But no one has ever mattered as much as Lucy. And when Alex thinks of being with Lucy, it terrifies her to think that anyone could be just as important as Kara.
Alex has done almost everything in her life for Kara. She’s Kara’s big sister, her protector, her best friend, you name it. So maybe, she just wants to wallow a bit more. Maybe ignore her feelings and crawl into a hole forever until they go away. Alex doesn’t know how she broach the conversation that Kara plays a much bigger role in her decision than she thinks.
“Okay! Let’s start,” Kara says with a flourish as she motions to the white board.
It’s titled: Dating Lucy Lane in rainbow colors with a line down the middle. One side subtitled: Pros! With an emoji with heart eyes and the other with CONS and an angry frowning emoji.
“Do we need to do this?” Alex complains as she stuffs her mouth full of ice cream. She regrets it as the brain freeze settles in.
Kara frowns as she snatches the pint of ice cream from her sister. “Yes,” she insists. “We have to do this. I’m trying to understand how you feel about her so we can fix this.”
“There’s nothing to fix, Kara,” Alex says with resignation in her voice.
Kara gives her a disapproving look. “Alex, if there was nothing to fix, your feelings wouldn’t be so hurt right now.”
Alex rolls her eyes and shrugs like it isn’t a big deal.
“Come on, let’s start with cons to get that out of the way,” Kara goes on. “I promise this is going to help.”
Alex stares at her sister. Kara’s blue eyes full of hope and promise. She can’t say no to her at all. “Fine,” she huffs. Entertaining her sister wouldn’t be such a bad idea. At least she finally has someone to talk to, even if she doesn’t want to talk.
“Cons!” Kara pops open the marker with a flourish.
Alex thinks about it for a moment. What about Lucy doesn’t she like?
After a moment, she says, “Her dad.”
“Huh,” Kara agrees as she puts Sam Lane on the list with a frowny face. “What else?”
“She dated your current boyfriend.”
“I knew dating James would make this weird!” Kara says as she writes James down. “Alright, what else?”
You. Alex shuts her mouth instantly. No, she shoves another scoop of ice cream in her mouth to shut herself up. There’s guilty creeping up her spine like vines, sinking into her predatorily but not quite vicious. She knows it’s only her mind playing tricks on her but Alex has lived with this far too long to be anything but reality.
Alex is the protector. She maintains order. She is the leader. If she fails at any of those that means failing her family. The most important family she has is Kara.
Kara is staring at the board thoughtfully before she realizes that Alex hasn’t responded. She turns to her sister with a curious look. “What’s wrong?” It isn’t hard for Kara to read Alex’s emotions.
Alex projects them so well without even realizing it. Whatever she’s holding onto is evident on her face even as she shoves ice cream into it.
“It’s nothing,” Alex answers as she clears her throat. She tries to put a brave front.
Kara gives her a skeptical look as she sinks down next to Alex. She peels the pint of ice cream from Alex’s fingers. “Talk to me,” she pleads. “I hate to say this, but I feel like you’ve been hiding this from me on purpose.”
Alex furrows her brows in confusion. “No, no,” she tries lying. “Lucy and I weren’t serious. It’s hardly something I would want to bring up to you.”
Kara drops her shoulders, trying to level with Alex. “You weren’t serious, but it’s kind of clear you want to be something more. You can be something serious with Lucy. I’m sure she wants the same thing with you because she doesn’t seem like the type to do things halfway.”
“She isn’t,” Alex agrees ruefully. She can’t help the smile that creeps at the corner of her lips as she thinks of Lucy. Yet, the cold thoughts whispering her reminders of who she is suppresses the smile. Alex tightens her jaw as she shakes her head. “We really shouldn’t do this Kara.”
“Alex, no,” Kara says quickly as she grabs onto her sister’s hands. “Don’t shut me out. Please. I want you to be happy.”
“I know,” Alex throws back more defensively than she intends. She feels even worse at the stunned look on Kara’s face. “I’m sorry. I know you want me to be happy but Kara, there’s something that you need to understand. Maybe I’m not cut out for this relationship stuff.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is Kara. I don’t think there’s ever someone that’s stuck around long enough for me to want to feel close to.”
“That’s because they weren’t the right person. They weren’t willing to put in the work for you. Lucy isn’t like that. Lucy is--”
“Lucy is so much more than I expected,” Alex admits, feeling the tug in her heart. “But I can’t be that person for her.”
“Why? Why do you keep saying that?” Kara shoots back. There’s a sad frustration in her voice as she pleads with Alex. “Why do you think that you can’t be with Lucy? You’re smart, beautiful, and amazing. You guys are eerily perfect for each other.”
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose. “I can’t, Kara. I just can’t.”
“Alex, you can. You can be with her and you deserve to be with her,” Kara encourages earnestly. She stares at Alex so hopefully and honestly that it hurts to stare at her.
Alex hates this feeling that wrenches inside of her chest. She can see the heartbreak that Kara feels for her. She’s her older sister and here Kara was doing so much for her. She is supposed to be Kara’s rock, always. Undoubtedly, Alex would always be there to protect and make sure that Kara was the one that was happy. No matter what the sacrifices were, Alex was willing to make them.
Yet, Alex doesn’t know which one is worse. How much it hurts to not be with Lucy or how guilty she feels if she was going to be with Lucy.
“Please, tell me what’s wrong Alex,” Kara begs at this point. She’s already staring at Alex with her puppy eyes. “Please.”
Alex cups Kara’s cheek gently in her hand. Kara holds her hand over Alex’s as she waits patiently for her. Her voice comes out coarse as she speaks softly, regretfully, “You don’t understand, Kara, I do want to be with Lucy.” Kara opens her mouth when Alex shakes her head. “But I can’t be with her because it makes me feel guilty.”
Alex shudders as she forges on, Kara patiently listening. “Everytime that I want something for myself I just feel like I am being selfish. Whenever I’m selfish things always, always go wrong. And I can’t stand the idea that every time I go for something that I want, there’s this dreadful ending waiting for me to reach.”
“This isn’t the same though…”
Alex feels the tears well in her eyes as her emotions continue to pour into her. “It isn’t. It’s worse because I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything so much. The more I want something, the worse it’s going to be.” She thinks of Lucy and all that she wants them to be. It starts to overwhelm her. “When I think of Lucy--when I think of being with her, it feels so vivid, so visceral, that I can’t remember a time where I’ve ever felt like this. It-it feels like I need her and it’s mortifying because I shouldn’t need anyone as much as I feel like I need her.”
Kara throws her arms around her sister’s shoulders and pulls her in closely as the tears threaten to fall. Alex shudders as holds onto Kara tightly. “It’s okay to need someone from time to time,” Kara comforts as she rubs Alex’s back. “We can’t always do everything on our own. No matter who we are. Look at me, I need you.”
Alex holds onto her sister even tighter. She buries her face into Kara’s strong shoulder, trying to be that strength Kara needs. “I know you do. And I’ll always be here for you. I’ll always be your big sister and your protector.”
“I know that,” Kara says so easily. “But I don’t need you all the time.”
“You don’t know that,” Alex lets out unconsciously.
Kara lessens her hold over Alex slowly before peeling herself away. She stares at Alex curiously, trying to see her sister eye to eye. “Do you feel this way because of me?” she asks carefully.
The look on Alex’s face seems to say it all. Alex can’t help herself as she stares guiltily at her sister. It’s why she wanted to avoid this conversation in the first place.
“Alex, come on,” Kara throws out incredulously. “Do you think that if you were selfish, something bad would happen to me? Or us?”
Alex feels her heart tighten. “I don’t want to feel like I’m abandoning you.”
“No,” Kara suddenly declares. “How could you think that? You’ve never abandoned me ever. I know that.” She sits up straighter as she stares at Alex with passion in her eyes. They shine similar to Alex’s tear filled eyes. “You’ve given me so much more than I could ever ask for since landing here on Earth. You have been my rock, my heart. You are my person, Alex. Just because you take care of me all of the time doesn’t mean that you have to. We are family. We take care of each other.”
The gravity of Kara’s words cut through Alex’s reservations. She feels the dam break and the tears fall freely as she reaches for Kara.
Kara holds Alex once more, feeling her sister rely just a bit more on her. “It’s okay, Alex. We’re not kids anymore. You don’t always have to protect me. Let me protect you for once.”
Alex shudders through her tears as she feels herself relax against Kara.
“Besides, I know that Lucy loves me too, so she’d probably kick your ass if you abandoned me,” Kara tries as she shakes her sister.
Alex actually laughs at this. “She would,” Alex agrees with an uncontrollable smile on her face. She can just imagine Lucy giving her that look whenever Alex does something wrong on mission.
Kara smiles brightly as she stares at Alex. “I really want you to be happy, you know that right?” Alex sheepishly nods in agreement because fighting it doesn’t make it any less true. “Does Lucy make you happy?”
Alex takes a deep breath. “She makes me feel so much more than that.”
Kara beams. “Then, we’re going to make sure you get your girl.”
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