#listen i am 100% not upset by this at all it's actually kinda funny
badstepsmoving · 3 months
lost a few followers after sharing the glitties post and honestly fair
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theroamingtrashcan · 8 months
Which Percy Jackson adaptation is best? (tw opinions)
I am going to rate them all based on several things, casting, dialogue, entertainment value, how accurate it is to the source material (story, characterization of the characters, etc) and finally, does it capture the spirit and nostalgia of the og series.
The Movies
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Casting - By far the worst of the three. These are supposed to the 12 year olds? Why are they like 20?
Dialogue - Not the worst here. You can tell they were written by someone who understands how story’s play out on a screen vs a script.
Entertainment Value - Also not the worst here. These two movies are actually pretty fun and funny, if you can look past the inaccuracies.
How accurate is it to the source material? - This is what kills it. These two movies couldn’t be further if they tried. It actually upsets me how they butchered the story. WHY THE HELL DID THEY FIGHT CRONOS IN THE SEA OF MONSTERS?!? WHY EVEN CALL IT THAT IF YOU WERE JUST GONNA RUIN THE ENTIRE PLOTLINE OF THE FRANCHISE?!? As for the characters, where did Grover’s insecurities go? Where is Annabeth’s… literal entire personality? Ig they did Percy alright, could’ve been more angry (when it counts) and sarcastic.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - In the most minute way possible, kinda. It has some funny moments, some attempts at heart felt ones, kinda.
Final rating - A solid 4/10, actually entertaining, butchered the plot and most of the characters, kinda feels Percy Jackson ish.
The Musical
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Casting - This one is tricky. This, unlike the others, is a stage musical, so you cannot be too picky on the casting, nor can you easily cast children. However, this musical was written with the intention of being an age appropriate musical for youth theater programs, because of that I will say the casting is well done.
Dialogue - Again tricky but I’ll just interpret dialogue as the songs and well dialogue that happens in between. This has the best dialogue in the list, it’s goofy, funny, but also hits those emotional beats very well.
Entertainment Value - This one really depends on the person, because a lot of people don’t like musicals. For me personally, it’s fantastic. The music bops and the story is interesting.
How accurate is it to the source material? - Best on the list. Considering the options they have, as a stage musical, and what they were able to achieve, easily the best here. It has the monster battles, the pen, an actual sizable Bianca and Nico mention, best on the list. The characters are so well done, each of the og three having their own struggles and challenges that they overcome in the span of the play. Best on the list.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - 100% It’s funny. It’s heartfelt. It connects to the issues faced by neurodivergent kids, as well as kids who grew up missing a parent.
Final Rating - 8/10, entertaining, follows the books, only reason I give it an 8 is because a lot of people don’t like musicals.
The Show
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Casting - Best on the list. Actual preteens? They all act very well? Crazy. But yeah easily the best here, I mean that right there is Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, no argument. I will say however, this is unfortunately the only thing the show wins at here.
Dialogue - Listen, Rick, you’re a book writer. Not a script writer. And it painfully shows. It’s bland, there are a lot of useless lines (as in characters are often saying things rather than ever showing them). Not to even mention how horrendously rushed the entire thing is. I thought it would slow down as it went on, so the big story moments could have the time they deserved, but no. If I am being completely honest it makes the entire show feel cheap.
Entertainment Value - Worst on the list. It is actually boring. The fights they took out, the fact that you never see riptide transform, the whole thing just feels so so cheap.
How accurate is it to the source material? - It’s… weird? It is but with some changes I just don’t understand, it’s a lot like the dialogue, kinda small yet useless changes that I believe make the show suffer a bit. The characters are, kinda accurate? Why does Percy know so much? Grover is… off. Much like the movies, but in a different way. He doesn’t have most of his insecurities and honestly he doesn’t have much of a personality. Same with Annabeth. The both of them were never really given time to have one.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - Not really. The funny moments don’t land and the serious ones are too rushed. It never really felt like Percy Jackson.
Final Rating - 5/10, the only reason it’s 5 is because I feel like the internet would crucify me if I rated it the same as the movies.
Final Conclusion
Listen to the musical if you haven’t already! The movies aren’t good but are entertaining. The show is a disappointment. Before you come at me saying how Rick was there blah blah blah, I don’t care. Rick being there doesn’t make it good.
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cottoncandy1322 · 1 year
I am feeling so normal right now, 100%, totally...
My brain is spinning between two different shows right now so I'm gonna dump my thoughts here while I eat pancakes at 11pm.
So like wouldn't Loki and Sylvie technically be related or something??? I might be reading too much into them I just don't like their ship all too much. I also don't get how all this...uh...time travel multiverse variant stuff works very well so.
Mobius and Loki are so cute please I love their friendship why can't they just be gay for eachother instead.
It actually kinds makes sense that Loki's first live would be himself(Sylvie) cause...yk it's Loki. It's kinda funny.
Is Cole okay??? My mans did not seem very okay during the scene where he left to follow the mysterious Wu voice and I'm genuinely worried.
Jay is still Jay, loving those videogames, but he also a little snarky with was interesting to see in him. Still hoping he and Cole have an epic showdown.
That red djinn guy was...okay I guess. I'm disappointed my evil pirate genje man wasn't there. I'm still hoping he appears at some point.
You know how there ar a lot of peope upset with Zane being treated more like a robot than a person in Dragons Rising? We could write angst with that and you know I'm right.
I feel like Beatrix and Sons of Garmadon Harumi would kinda get along. Possibly cause some havoc together yk?
I saw a tik tok where some people thought it would be possible Lava ship might happen in Dragons Rising and I just want to say. Kai has a GIRLFRIEND if you didn't know. He's dating Skylor. Kailor(or however the ship name is spelled I forget) is canon. They are dating. I am sorry. Cole can still be gay though so it's not a complete loss.
I supsected something was being planned for Cole after the news of his new power was leaked on youtube. I hope he's okay but I also hope for angst tbh.
Is Dareth getting character development still going to be a thing?? I swear I heard it somewhere. Please say yes. Please. Dareth deserves it he's great.
Does Dareth canonically have powers now?? Does he still have them?? Does he still need to pee everytime he uses it?? Has he used it at all ever since that one episode??
I was excited out of my mind when Jay appears for a single scene. I knew he wasn't going to play a major role in this first season after a couple of tweets I saw posted on yt. I'm excited for him.
Do you suppose Zane and Jay will bond over memory loss trauma? ....We could write angst for that.
Okay that's all for now. Thanks for listening. :)
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abyssalspamton · 11 months
I GOT TO SEE THE FNAF MOVIE ON THE DAY IT RELEASED IN AUS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im so happy i did. I kinda need to talk about. EVERYTHING that happened. As this is what i just do now when i get all hyperfixated on stuff. but maybe a lil review for people that don't want spoilers (if anyone actually sees this), any spoilers will be under the cut. you have been warned. (i also go off about thinking about theories i apologise)
NO SPOILERS So I liked it. I think it was a good, FUN movie. i say fun because. IT WAS VERY MUCH FUN. It didn't take itself deadly seriously, and while part o f me was interested how it would go if it did, i'm also EXTREMELY happy it didn't as i feel that would've made it's. bad moments bad in a less. than funny way. I wish Matthew Lillard was in it a lil more and I don't think it's like. perfect. i had a few gripes with some of the scenes (which i'll get into under the cut) BUT.
overall? loved it. 10/10 100% recommend you watch it. Also people y'all should never trust the critic reviews for movies like these because they don't CARE about the plot. they don't KNOW fnaf, nor are in t he fanbase. ofc a fucking 40 year old that knows nothing about fnaf isn't gonna like it. I SURE HOPE NOT!! CAUSE THEY ARE BORING OLD MEN!!
firstly, getting this out the way because i had a fucking STROKE when i saw matpat. WHAT A FUCKING LIAR. WHAT A LITTLE SHIT(lovingly)!!! HE GOT ME WITH HIS CROC TEARS! i thought he was so deadass when he was all teary eyed saying he wished he was in the movie. i was so upset! i was gonna have a fucking go at scott! I'm so happy he's in the movie it was. such a cute little scene. though how dare he were a nametag that says ness.
secondly vanessa being afton's daughter wasn't that surprising. When i realised that michael wasn't willy's son (like bio or anything) my first thought was "oh well he has to have some type of child" because. scott does that, like in his books. things get changed up sometimes but most things stay the same. aka him having at least one child, just means he didn't get two deadones as well. So when vanessa showed up (i forgot she was in it lmao) i was like. OH YEAH THAT'D. WORK I GUESS. and just assumed immediately thats what they were doing.
ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE WAS GETTING ALL PISSY AT MIKE? like that was a lil obvious she was trying to hide that her father committed the murders cause she didn't want any backlash.
I cannot judge children for their acting because they are children. But i will say one of the children (cough eric) was looking at the camera before. you can see his eyes focusing on the guy behind it. NOT A BIG DEAL I WAS JUST OBSERVING AND FOUND THAT DISTRACTING. also abby's actor was cute i just think a few scenes are a lil iffy with her (she is a child im not blaming her).
vanessa's and mike's romance. what a. thing huh. kinda crazy considering in an alternate reality (the canon universe) mike is william's son and Vanessa isn't. feels kinda weird. but laso like if me MYSELF was vanessa and saw mike? that pathetic man? that absolute sopping WET cat of a man? yeah. fair. i'd be down bad.
listen. i stand by that the whole. abby befriending the fazgang was. 'bad' in the sense of. bro that's so cringe but i am LAUGHING keep on GOING. but also because. hey. consider this. those anamatronics are children. and stuck like that. THEY ARE STUCK AT THAT MENTAL AGE. I THINK IT'D BE SO FAIR THEY'D BE EXCITED TO BEFRIEND A NORMAL FUCKING KID THAT'S NOT DEAD!! this is why im happy the movie didn't go super serious because.
while YEAH it would've been emotional to see this played more seriously, them upset they're dead and still befriending abby, it's just the fact that it probably would've. not landed well, or at least completely, so it would've still had a 'bad' vibe to it. just THIS way we can all laugh at it. I had my head in my hands a few times because i was just "oh gOD" looking @ you. pillow fort. bonnie fucking laying his ass down.
i also understand why scott didn't do the fnaf games lore, or book lore, because he can have more fun with it this way, and also work with blumhouse to make original ideas instead of just. copy pasting from the games/books and hoping they do it well enough it lands.
Lore wise im interested if william has more bio children and how many other children he's killed. what animatronic eric is, if they're going by the logic that everyone bro kills turns into one (imagine he's bb). my friend charlotte said he might be the puppet but. that role i would expect from Henry's daughter. if henry still exists? please tell me henry still exists-
I'm also interested how they're gonna make mike keep on coming back/being involved? we can't go back to fnaf 2 since that was a prequel, i mean i quess you could but also that just doesn't feel correct to do in a movie. so im expecting scott is going to have to (SURPRISE SURPRISE) completely clear up what games go where. so rn it's fnaf 1, we know fnaf 2 was before since bb is there so we're not gonna get a fast one pulled on us on that end. fnaf 3 might be next? but i could also like. see scott skipping that one. BUT i could also see him not skipping it because he wants to 'redeem' it and show that. yeah he fucked up the game but he can make up with it via movie.
oh something obvious to say. vanessa is more than likely a robot. im not gonna get into a fight with the whole robot people are stupid when it's fucking in the books JFHEDSKNJA SO. IM JUST NOT. but like. considering she's afton's daughter i would not be surprised if she actually died when she was younger and got turned into a robot. it's just how it is.
can't wait for fnaf 2 probably coming out in fucking 2031 and fnaf 3 the final coming out in 2045 <3 i might not make it to those movies HFNKEJSD jokes aside im. happy with the movie, excited to see more, especially the lore for it, and though i think fnaf's lore is a garbage fire it's also fun to look at when you take a step back and just. decide to enjoy it with 0 thinking skills for a second.
also thanks to anyone who read this <3
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fuck it assigning freelancers songs I’m obsessed with based on what fits them vibes or lyrics wise. It’s almost 5 am and I have not slept I do what I WANT
( long post. Tired rambles. A lot of music recommendations. I’m very happy about the Tex one though I cannot understate how perfect that song is for her in every way shape and fucking form. Same with the bonus Church/Epsilon one that I figured out on the spot and couldn’t be bothered to type something different.)
NORTH - Holiday Hours by the Posies oh my godddd I’m going to make an animatic for this because this is just him in a nutshell to me relationship with South his own shit going on childhood and all. I cannot describe how perfect this is for him in my head. So many headcanons are tied to this song hhhhhrrrr. I will make an entire post breaking down every single fucking line of this song if I have to.
YORK - West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys. You cannot tell me he doesn’t listen to this song are you kidding me. It’s genuinely such a vibe and also the lyrics are decently fitting for something he would identify with and DEFINITELY sing a little bit. Has made a bad joke with ‘west end girl’ as the punchline and nobody got it except for North and only because York plays the song so much. SOUTH - The Glitter Prize by the Posies. The lyrics ohhh for her yeah. If this isn’t her whole thing with the leaderboard and feeling inadequate mmmmmmmm. Delicious song. CAROLINA - I Guess You’re Right by the Posies (but it’s a different album this time!). This is her and the director in season 9/10 freelancer arc tbh. The lyrics are *chefs kiss* for their relationship at some points down to the “if I meet more than your eyes” mmmmm.
TEX - Blah Blah Blah by The Oozes. It’s giving her and Church/Director 100 fucking percent. Genuinely the lyrics are fucking perfect for their relationship. LITERALLY this is just her singing about how shitty he is and all the stuff he did I am begging you to at least google the lyrics oh my GOOODDDDD. IT EVEN HAS SPECIFICS “you’ve ruined the color blue for me / I’m surrounded by a deep dark sea / you’ve liess to us and honestly / you’ve ruined the color blue for me” plus it’s got the appropriate hurt/tired/upset/ragey vibes. Everything about this song is perfect for her especially if you picture it has her singing. I cannot overstate how much I love this for her. also Call Me by Blondie. Not for the lyrics just the guitar vibes. CONNIE - For The Ashes by the Posies. Yes it’s getting out of hand I’m aware. But hear me out alright. Listen to the first bit okay. The first one is South the second one is Tex the third is Carolina and the fourth is Connie. And also the rest of the lyrics are pretty perfect for her season 9/10 arc are you kidding omg. Connie my girl this one’s for you.
WASH - Moonshine by Caravan Palace (I highly recommend this band I love them). It’s giving a little bit of early/post freelancer arc/ season 7 era wash tbh. Also the music video character looks kinda looks like him down to the outfit color scheme. Lmao. Look at him he’s got so many problems to work through. The lyrics mmm. For him they work tbh but like I said for a specific era of Wash mostly. He has no idea what he’s doing with his life really. Burn The House Down by AJR. Ough. Yess the lyrics. A little more pop than I’d want for him tbh but it works anyways. And actually the tone of the singers voice and the mild apprehension fits freelancer arc younger wash. MAINE/META - The Wolf by SIAMÉS. Quick tangent the music video fucking slaps for this song. Also the lyrics are pretty fitting. This song has such a good vibe ngl. Not perfect for Maine but very good for Meta tbh. ALTERNATIVELY: Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran. Funny two wolf songs with the same sex metaphor. But anyways yeah same thing the lyrics are close but mostly I just wanted to include because. I like this song. Doesn’t really fit him actually but he’d probably like listening to it.
bonus this one’s for the dakota twins: Golden Blunders surprise surprise also by the Posies (i don’t. have a problem). But come on the opening line is “Golden blunders come in pairs”. Also like- the chorus- “You’re gonna watch what you say for a long time / You’re gonna suffer the guilt forever. / You’re gonna get in the way at the wrong time, / You’re gonna mess up things you thought you would never.” them. them. them. a little bit. Also Accidental Architecture (it’s also the Posies. Bc yes.) I miiiight be reaching a little bit for this one tbh but I still see it for them a smidge. yorkalina a little bit tbh (but like. Moooostly York): Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners. It has his stupid sweet flirty energy alright I think it’s cute for them.
CHURCH/EPSILON - OKAY OKAY SO I NEED SOME HELP WITH THIS ONE. Still Feel by Half Alive. This fits an RVB character I just don’t know WHO. it’s driving me fucking insane. Church/Epsilon?? OHHH SHIT ITS HIM FR. I love figuring things out on the spot omg. It’s literally him. Literally. This song slaps by the way actually and the music video is like watching IT guys on an acid trip or some shit. these lyrics especially : when I’m furthest from myself (far away) feeling closer to the stars (outer space) ive been invaded by the dark (can’t escape) trying to recognize myself when I feel I’ve been replaced i can feel a kick down in my soul and it’s pulling me back to earth to let me know i am not a slave, can’t be contained so pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave cause i still feel alive when it’s hopeless, I start to notice that I still feel alive falling forward, back into orbit
(Some other lyrics and stuff and THEN THIS PART OH MY GOD) floating in outer space, have I misplaced, a part of my soul? lost in the in between, or so it seems, I’m out of control floating im outer space, have I misplaced, a part of my soul? lost in the in between but I can’t keep me asleep for long (and then we kick back to the I still feel alive bit) SCREAMING ITS SO PERFECT.
this troop me almost two hours to make. My head hurts did I mention I haven’t slept. Anyways. Yes. Maybe I’ll do other characters idk I just needed this out of my head and tangible somewhere.
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writingssummit · 4 years
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬 !
haikyuu as dads!
find the mha version here - bnha as dads !
content: fluff, the boys with children. mentions pregnancy. aged up!
characters: bokuto, daichi, sugawara, lev, and kuroo.
a/n: i’ve been feeling very soft and even though i don’t even really like kids lol, this prompt make me so warm and happy :’) keep in mind that I’m not super far into haikyuu, so i don’t know a lot about the timeskip- sorry !! also a bit messy and unorganized.
so without further ado, here are some soft scenarios and headcanons for each :D
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bokuto !
Pleaseeee, we all know he’d be such a good dad!!
You’re tired? Don’t worry, he can watch them while you rest!
Can and WILL play with them for hours.
And of course, he has the energy to keep them preoccupied. This man has more energy than I ever will on 2 cups of coffee with 3 shots of espresso in each.
Mans probably would want a bigger family, but of course as long as you were fine with it.
Thinking maybe 3+. He just wants to have that big family to share with you :’) aww
When you’re pregnant, he’s all over you. Protective to the point of it being a little overwhelming, but he means well.
Pokes your belly a little. Not harshly, but in a loving, gentle way.
“That’s my baby. Right in there.”
Probably cries a little when your baby bump shows.
More so during your first pregnancy, but he still holds that same emotion with the others.
He does NOT know what to do the first time.
When the kid/s start getting older, oh lord. He’s such a sucker for them.
Probably gives them ice cream or sneaks candy when you aren’t in the room, even though IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR BED.
I’m sorry, but he cannot and will not be able to help with homework. I’m sorry but it’s true.
If your kid/s have a passion, he’s 100% for it.
Dance? He’ll go to all of the recitals he can make. Volleyball? Even better. Writing? He’ll sit in front of them and have them read it out to him like it’s a bedtime story.
I don’t think he’d be a good cook, so whenever he takes over for dinner, everyone is like “Oh no. Dad’s cooking again.”
Overall, 100/10 dad. Supportive, and does his best. Good boyo <3
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daichi !
I think he’d be a good dad too :D
He was kind of just a natural father, so it’s expected.
I think that he originally wanted to bring up the topic of kids to you at some point, but he was hesitant since he didn’t know if you were ready.
So of course, you beat him to the conversation.
He’s very happy that you want to start a family too. :)
I think he’d want a smaller family, maybe 1-2 kids.
When you test positive, he’s kind of in shock for a moment.
“We’re going to have a kid-”
Like duh lmao he put it in you
Definitely calls Suga up to tell him the news.
Is actually very interested in shopping for a baby. He needs a few pointers but he’s got the enthusiasm, so A for effort bby
He’s decently used to having a small child running around him screaming, he had little siblings so yeah
Has a bit more structure than bokuto, but he’s still able to break.
He’d do damn near anything for his kid/s.
He has his moments where he wants to spend alone time with just you.
Decent homework helper, but I feel like he’d be that one parent who goes “This wasn’t how I was taught to do this”, or “Why did they change that??”
Again again, supportive dad.
But also supportive of you <3
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sugawara !
Being a teacher, he’s surrounded by kids all the time.
Basically, he is also used to having screaming children within his vicinity
I could never omg how do you do that Suga
At first he didn’t put much thought into a family, he and you were content just the two of you. Also. CHILDREN HE TEACHES.
But something just switches in his brain, probably after he had a really wholesome moment with a student, or maybe even just witnessing a parent + student interaction.
He’s like, “I kind of want that..”
Another small fam kinda guy <3
Suga brings it up, and you’re all for it, you’ve been wanting to start a family with him.
He’s so excited and happy!! oml :’)
Like, he finally gets to start a whole new chapter of your lives together he hadn’t really thought about until now.
When you get a baby bump, he plants soft kisses to your tummy and talks gently to it.
My heart ksjshd
This will be a nightly occurrence now.
He is reading all those articles for raising kids. He’s also at your beck and call, even the baby’s.
He just wants everything for the baby, they end up being a huge daddy’s kid.
Late nights after the kid/s go to bed is prime time for you both.
You enjoy being together after a long day, you snuggle up together in your bed, maybe drink some wine later.
PLEASE. Breakfasts in bed. He and the kid/s will TOTALLY MAKE YOU B in B.
So proud of your kid/s. Has pictures in frames on his desk at school, and when his students ask, he has plenty of stories to tell.
Knows when something is off. Like, he can just tell-
Kid is sad? He’s there. Tissues, ice cream, take them out somewhere.
Probably a teaser.
You already know he gets himself and that kid/those kids into mischief.
“Shhh, don’t tell mom!”
He has deep conversations with them. He cares a lot.
He just loves them <3
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kuroo !
it’ssss kuroo time babyyy
He definitely wanted kids. Strikes me as the guy who just knew, as soon as you got married.
When that test came up positive, he had a dorky smirk on his face.
He’s very proud to know you will have his kid.
This dude is always checking up on you. Morning sickness? He’s there to hold your hair back. 
Feeling clingy or upset? Wraps his arms around you.
Lazy pats on your stomach when it’s late.
Why does he seem like he’d play mozart around you because he read somewhere that fetsuses liked that
Sir please we don’t need to listen to Alla Turca (Allegretto) for 12 hours straight
He’s 100000/10 homework helper. Mans is smart af, it’s not even surprising.
“I forgot how smart you were” 
“Shut up”
You both are probably so mushy with each other that your kid/s are like “Ew gross”
He encourages and pushes them to do their best. 
Helps them find what they’re passionate about. <3
Dad jokes. I’m serious.
“Please stop, dad!”
“One more, one more-”
Enjoys making them suffer with terrible jokes.
In a nice way of course.
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lev !
saved the funny one for last!
Okay maybe not super funny, but I had fun writing this
He and you did NOT plan to get pregnant. At ALL.
“Lev the test is positive”
Promptly falls off of chair.
Like this dude was not ready for that information
Tbh he would make even me anxious about it
“..do I have to give them the talk?”
Lev please it hurts me
As soon as he gets used to it though, he’s excited like he usually is. 
But this is different. This is a whole HUMAN. 
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad, Y/N?”
“Do you want me to be honest?”
Jkjk that was a joke.
I think Lev has the potential to be a good dad. He’s energetic, passionate and dumb, but in a good way <3
Sorry again, no homework help with him LMAO
Your kid will probably be tall. Or at least average height.
After the original surprise pregnancy, he wants to try again but when you both are actually ready.
He would totally take these kids out everywhere. A show off dad for sure
“Hey, did you know my kid did xyz?” 
“Look, here’s a picture!”
Lev we get it you love your kids 
He would love to have a volleyball loving kid I feel like, but he wouldn’t be too disappointed if they didn’t like it. Would probably propose other sports though, he always loved playing himself, even if it was only volleyball so he wants them to have the same good experiences
If he’s watching the kids while you’re shopping, he doesn’t really know how the first few times- even though you left him A LIST.
Probably then calls his friends up for advice
If it comes down to it...consults WikiHow
and that’s it!! hope you enjoyed, some were harder to write but yk what- i had fun :D as much as i am suga brainrot i literally had a hard time writing his section :’( 
but anyways yuh B)
asks/requests are open ! check yay’s and nay’s in basics for this blog !
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whumptimebaby · 2 years
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Hello 4*Townies, I'm in the mood to talk about the titles of my fics, soooo
(mild spoilers for all of my 4*Town fics 👀)
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Now playing: You Know What's UP (It's Us)
I could talk about the planning that went into this fic for AGES, but the title? The way I came to it was pretty simple. It was my first fic in the fandom and rooted directly in canon, so I wanted the title to reference a song from Turning Red!
U Know What's Up felt like the perfect song, because in a way, it's almost a joke? Since it's a pandapocalypse retelling, I imagine the "up" in question as being the 4*Town members while they're still hooked into their harnesses, with the title being like, an interaction almost?
"You know what's up?"
"It's us. We're up, like, literally." 🧍‍♂️
The capitalization of UP completely and entirely an accident, but the fic had been up for 12 hours by the time I noticed, so I just decided that it was totally and 100% on purpose 👀
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Now playing: If it all ends tomorrow (would you find me?)
Ahhh the plane crash fic :,)
For this one, the only thing I knew that I wanted for the title was for it to come from a Josh Levi song, since the fic is in Aaron Z.'s perspective! I listened to this whole album so much while writing this fic, and this song ended up having pretty much the exact vibe that I wanted.
I actually have the worlds smallest playlist that I consider adjacent to this fic, but it doesn't include the titular song so they're not actually related? But when I'm daydreaming about it, this is my go-to
Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitski
Astronomy - Conan Gray
Yeah (bonus) - Mac Miller
I adore "Yeah" with my whole heart, that song is my lifeblood right now. I heard it for the first time after this fic came out, but if I'd heard it before, the fic probably would have been named "Am I alive? (am I aware?)" instead.
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Now playing: I'd Rather Waltz Than Just Walk Through The Forest
This song is just,,, the exact vibes of the fic. It's floaty, it's fluffy, and super rooted in nature, which is just like? perfect for this tiny little hiking fluff?
That's really all there is to say on this one. If you read the fic, and then listen to the song, I think it speaks for itself.
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Now playing: Fly so high (need to come down for oxygen)
(cw for brief mention of animal death)
For those of you who read this fic on tumblr, and not AO3, you may not know that I wrote this fic after having to put down two of my pets, so I was kinda really upset, and I thought it was really, really funny to name it after this absolute BANGER from Rio.
Plus like, the fic is about Taeyoung grieving the loss of his rehab centre's elderly pigeon so, ha ha bird movie title.
Plus plus, I liked that the title was kind of a nod to like "fly high 😔✊🕊"
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Now playing: Jesse, what happened to your good sense?
Now for the most recent fic! In all honesty, this one is the one with the least interesting story behind the title. I wanted a song that would vaguely feel like the fic if you listened to it, but turns out it's pretty hard to find songs that feel like unconsciously shoving emotions down, so I compromised with this one.
Plus, it has a nod to parental issues, which Jesse may or may not have in this fic.
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So yeah! Those are the songs that my 4*Town fics are named after! I'd love to hear from other fic writer how they choose names for their fics!!
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thewanderingace · 3 years
Okay I'm a little less emotional now and I've processed a bit so here's my disorganized thoughts during and about Lucifer season 6
Massive MASSIVE amount of spoilers under the cut!!
Lucifer has been my favorite show for the last 5 years and I've been through so many ups and downs with it that saying goodbye to it was HARD. The whole season just utterly wrecked me. I think I cried at least twice an episode but the final 2 episodes was non stop sobbing. Non stop.
To me, it felt like this season was one long goodbye and I loved it. Not just the cast and crew saying goodbye to the fans and the show but it gave us a way to say our goodbyes to the characters through them and I'm grateful for that. Did it hurt like a bitch the whole time? Oh yeah. My heart aches. But we got to say goodbye and it's not often we get to do that with tv shows. Even if not everything went the way I wanted to, I'm okay with that. I cried my eyes out the whole time and for hours afterwards but now that my emotions have settled somewhat, I'm okay with it all. I kinda like the bittersweetness of it.
Overall I loved the final season. It had some great funny moments, soooooo much intimate Deckerstar I mean the love between them is palpable every second they're together, and so many great character moments. This was really about the characters and the emotions and less about murders and action and plot. And as a fan of emotional character moments I loved that. And Tom's acting was fucking out of this world. I mean they all were but Tom especially gave the performance of a lifetime in my opinion.
Going into this final season my checklist of things I want to see happen was as follows:
Ella finds out the truth about the celestials
Lucifer does not become God. In fact I want him to focus on changing hell and helping people move on past their guilt and go to Heaven. Like Dan. I want him to help people like Dan. Or just change the system entirely so people like Dan don't end up in Hell
Amenadiel does become God
Linda continues being the therapist to the celestials
No more Maze and Lucifer fighting with each other
Dan moving on to Heaven and being with Charlotte
Ella being happy with Carol
Deckerstar happy and together at the end
That was everything I wanted and you know what? I GOT IT!
Ella not only found out that they were all celestials, she figured it out on her own!! She's so smart! And I love how she was just 100% cool with it all because her faith has always been so strong. It was the fact that they didn't tell her that upset her and yeah I'm upset about that too and I really wish one of them had told her that they didn't tell her because they didn't want to hurt her. Linda and Chloe both knew how difficult it was for them to learn and Lucifer saw how affected they were. So they were in a way trying to protect Ella from pain. She had every right to be mad and upset. But I'm thrilled she is in the know now and the way she ran after Amenadiel to see him fly was amazing.Just the look on her face as she saw an angel fly was perfect.
I liked Linda's boredom with human problems as a therapist and how she's feeling unfulfilled in regular day to day problems. It's something I wondered about last season and I'm glad it was addressed. And I love that she continues to treat celestials like Adam XD. I wonder if her practice will just turn into a celestial therapy practice. Angels, demons, etc. All are welcome and she'd be amazing at it.
This is the best that Lucifer and Maze's relationship has ever been and I am LOVING IT! He asked for her advice and she didn't make fun of him or say something mean, she actual gave him her advice and he listened to it! Maze then supported his awkward ways of trying to get to know Rory and tried to show Rory that's he's trying! And when she asked him for help with Adam he came! And he listened to her!! She said her feelings and he listened!! And reacted appropriately!! AND HELPED HER!! "My best fiends wedding" omg!!! AND THEN!! He openly admits that she's his best friend during his goodbye!! I love it!! And he opens his arms for a hug!! AND THEY ACTUALLY HUGGED!!! Maze and Lucifer this season was so good!!!!
I had a feeling even before going into this season that Lucifer would not end up as God but that Amenadiel would and I am soooo glad that that is what happened! Lucifer as God didn't feel right and I'm glad there was a several episode long arc of Lucifer slowly coming to realize that not only is it not his calling but he doesn't want to do that job. He wants to help people but not like that. I love that growth for him.
I actually really liked Carol and I think he and Ella are cute together and I hope they'll be very happy. I mean the cuteness factor of them doing bad karate moves together nearly killed me. I also loved that Ella's trauma with Pete didn't go away but was embraced. Of course she wouldn't be okay after all that and I'm glad the writers didn't ignore it.
THE DECKERSTAR!!! THIS SEASON WAS PEAK DECKERSTAR AND I AM LIVING!!!! Where do I even start with this?! The Deckerstar love this season was so high that it destroyed me at the end. I mean the touches, the looks, the hugs, the kisses, the dancing, the dates, the beach cuddle, the nose kisses, the forehead kisses, the casual I love yous, the flying together, sexy times, the mutual support for each other, the pure LOVE between was so incredible. The fact that they had to be separated for so long, Lucifer alone in Hell and Chloe raising two kids alone, fucking hurts me heart so damn much but we got so many wonderful moments with them that it will sustain me. I mean their goodbye was so fucking beautiful and I'm devastated. It wouldn't so much if they're love wasn't so beautiful.
Some other things I really enjoyed about the season:
Lucifer geeking out about magic! That was hilarious and I loved how he tried so hard to not know how the tricks worked.
All of Episode 3. I really enjoyed this episode for a variety of reasons. 1 being the funny craziness of the cartoon hell loop. I mean that was bonkers and I couldn't stop laughing. I loved it. I also loved seeing Lucifer under control of the hell loop and how he made it so Jimmy could be with him mom. But what I loved most about it is this glimpse into what I assume Chloe and Lucifer are doing post show (also kinda confirmed by Ildy and Joe). We see the two of them investigating people's (Jimmy Barnes') hell loops for answers to their guilt in order to help them move onto Heaven. I love that with all my heart. They both continue to help people, Lucifer using what he's learned from Linda to help them with their emotions and Chloe using her badass detective skills to find the answers. They're gonna help so many people.
Lucifer's realization that he ends up caring for people he tries to help and how that's actually a good thing. That it's something to embrace. He's come so far emotionally and I'm so proud of him.
Lucifer's to do list made me laugh so much. Look at this:
Become God
Prove I love Rory
Check in with Father Frank
Azrael's blade still secure?
Start calling Dan "Casper"
Rewatch Bones
Visit Sao Paulo
Try Golden Gate with Chloe First of all the second thing is to prove he loves Rory? AORABLE!! But what caught my eye next is check in with Father Frank. FATHER FRANK!! IS HE IN HELL?!?! DOES LUCIFER CHECK IN WITH HIM A LOT??? Rewatch Bones! Call Dan Casper! I don't even want to know what Golden Gate is XD
Dad!Lucifer. Oh my god I never expected to enjoy Lucifer as a dad as much as I did. Lucifer would have been the best dad and he proved that. The presents he would have given his daughter were perfect, the talks between the two of them, the love he has for Rory was palpable and beautiful. I mean he barely knew her for a few moments and he immediately fell in love with her and would do anything for her. He loved Rory so much and he so desperately wanted to be in her life and it KILLS me that he didn't get to do that. His face when she made him promise to not change things was DEVASTATING! He wanted to be her dad. He wanted to see her grow up. And he didn't get that chance!! I HATE THIS!!! He would have been/was the best dad ever! The montage of them spending the day together was perfection. Sumo wrestling, water balloon fights, shopping, snacks, watching Bones together, his face while listening to her talk about More Bones. It was perfect and exactly how Lucifer would be as a Dad. Fun, attentive, caring. I'm heartbroken.
All of Episode 9. This, to me, felt like the episode for us and the cast and the crew to say goodbye and I'm so grateful for it. Lucifer making the round and saying his goodbyes had me sobbing. I loved them all and I love that Lucifer got say all the things he felt to the people he loved most before he had to leave. Each one was so perfect. Him telling Linda how much he loved her and she is the "most wonderful friends that a devil could ever have". Him telling Ella he was sorry and how he didn't want to leave without her knowing again and the "Ella Lopez STEM Initiative"!!!! I'm gonna cry. Even when he's gone she'll never forget him because of this. Him giving Lux to Amenadiel and telling him that "of all our siblings, I am glad it's you I spent all this time on Earth with. Because you are my favorite brother, brother." I'm dead. Him telling Maze that she is his best friend and he's sorry he didn't always treat her that way. THEIR HUG! His final moment with Dan being the clincher in getting him to Heaven. AND THE FINAL BEACH DAY WITH CHLOE AND RORY WAS SO PERFECT I'M CRYING! The three of them on the drive, Chloe drinking too much champaign, the cuddling on the sand, Lucifer and Rory hugging and their whole talk about how he felt after his father abandoned him. I loved it so much. My only complaint is that I wanted a scene with Trixie too.
Lucifer's love of Bones was really on point this season. I love that detail.
Maze and Eve's wedding. WAS. BEAUTIFUL! I loved their dresses, Linda walking Maze down, Eve owning her own person, their vows, their love, their reception, Maze and Trixie doing their handshake, Dan attending, Lucifer and Chloe being all lovey dovey, Maze's demon family attending as zombies. I loved it all!
Ghost Dan was both crazy funny and so fucking sad. I'm glad he was still here this season and got this arc. Him working through his guilt and moving onto Heaven. I knew all along that Dan's guilt he hadn't worked on was him leaving Trixie and not being a good father to her since he avoided seeing her. I loved that he got a chance to talk to her and that she told him he was being a dummy and she loved him so much.
The music choices. I already lost it at Hazy Shade of Winter but then they went and chose BLACK PARADE for the final scene in Hell and as soon as that first note hit, the fucking G note, I sobbed even harder (as if that was possible).
Bob and Katya cameos!!!
And on that note, I loved all of Lucifer's singing moments. Always do.
Dan playing ping pong with Baliol
But for all the things I loved, there were a few I did not. It's bound to happen and even though they're big they don't change my overall positive feelings about the season.
Here are the things I didn't like:
No Trixie. We barely had any Trixie this season and I hate it. I'm very very happy she was at Maze and Eve's wedding but why was that basically it! Luci didn't even say goodbye to her! They should have had a goodbye scene! Actually, he didn't have any scenes with her in the whole season except forthat tiny scene at the wedding when she asks them when they're getting married and he flounders and she laughs. THAT'S ALL WE GOT!!! I WANTED MORE DAMMIT! SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE WHEN CHLOE DIED!! The scene when she talks to Dan killed me though. I loved that.
This is the biggie. The one that gives me an immense amount of pain and anguish when I think about it because it's so damn sad. Lucifer never gets to see his daughter grow up, never gets to have his family, never sees his family again when they're alive, never gets to spend his life with Chloe on Earth. I understand why he needed to go and stay away from Rory. I do. I get it. But it doesn't make it hurt any less that he spent so so long alone in Hell again. That Chloe had to raise Rory on her own. That Lucifer didn't get to be there for Chloe while she was pregnant, didn't get to see Rory be born, didn't get to be there for her first or watch her grow. And he wanted to be there soooooo badly. It hurts to think about. Does he at least get visits from Amenadiel during this time? Does he get to visit with everyone else, Chloe even, if Rory doesn't know about it? Does he get to know how they're doing? Do they all talk about Lucifer and say they miss him and hope he's okay? Does he get to go up to Heaven occasionally and visit Dan and Charlotte and his siblings? He and Chloe sacrificed so much, Lucifer literally giving up EVERYTHING, so that they're daughter would find her peace. I hate this. It hurts so much.
That's about it I guess. I'm pretty satisfied with everything else.
Oh here are some of my headcanons I use to ease the pain in heart (which turns out both Ildy and Joe all but confirmed after I thought of them but before I could post them. So yay for that!):
Lucifer did stop by and visit Earth during those years as long as he was sure Rory wouldn't find out. A few minutes here and there to see Linda and Charlie, Maze and Eve, and if he could, a few moments with Chloe. Maybe sent notes or stole a few minutes alone with her. All that matter was Rory not knowing it. And if that really couldn't happen then....
Amenadiel visits his brother all the time. He tells him about his family in Earth. How they're doing, what they've been up to, if they're safe happy and healthy. He tells him all about chloe and rory and  brings tons of photos so even though he can't be there in person, he still knows how their lives are.
After Chloe dies and joins him in hell they occassionally take vacations. Now, chloe can't go to earth cause she's dead but they can go to heaven. So they vacation there. Lucifer flies her up and they visit with their family and then have beach days or dance or whatever their heart desires until they go back. Maybe they all have a party together.
Lux is now a part of Hell and is where they live happily together. Since he has control over hell loops he made one into Lux.
After Chloe dies, Rory flies to be with her family in hell as well and she and Lucifer spend eons making up for the time they both missed out on.
Rory and Lucifer go to Earth and check in on Trixie all the time.
Deckerstar spend an eternity happy, helping people work through their guilt and move on to Heaven.
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Not "autistic anon," but also autistic, (being called maybe ableist made me want to put this out there before go to bed) i thought Zane was depicted that way purposefully by the writers. He has stereotypical traits like taking things literally, and has an actual humor switch. The writers have done things with Zane before like have him lose bodily autonomy (during that one Wu's teas short) and did something with his voice be it making him unable to be understood or talking too loud and the forced pirate voice by Jay. (what you're doing isn't too different from that, right?) I thought it was just a little iffy to distort his body and memory bc that could be interpreted as something not that I'm sure what exactly, it's some kind of disability. I dunno. I'm not good with putting this to words. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry I went to bed but now I’m awake 😭
Also I ended up totally spilling all my thoughts here rather than only specifically replying to you please forgive me context: my scary zane concept design, & my ninjago rewrite i refer to a lot 
Im a little confused but I think I get what you're saying? You're saying the Ninjago writers absolutely DON'T write Zane well (you listed examples of this) and you don't want me to fall into the same trap?
I had the opposite logic earlier. I thought: If Ninjago writers made Zane have stereotypical autisitic traits while also being a dehumanized robot, I may as well embrace it, say he is autistic blatantly, while also making him do funny/cool non-human robot things, so its clear as possible the two aspects of his character are literal and separate and not a metaphor for each other. But you're right! I do have a choice and I dont have to embrace things! :)
Like there were a couple ways I was gonna reject the original, for example, I never wanted Zane to have a funny switch, and I hated how other characters could fuck with Zane and he didn't even care 😬. I want to change that stuff. So youre right, if I am changing shit like that, it would be counterproductive for ME to GIVE him MORE traits along that theme. 😬😬😬 I should try to feel less obligated to portray Zane like he originally is. I still like the concept of "scary zane" (for reasons i explain below the cut) but I might tone it down a bit like with the claws and weird proportions and shit. I’d def make him look more skeletal and undead. That was my original intention, but i didnt execute it as good as I could have.... idk if anyone could tell thats what he was supposed to be like...my bad! But rn I dont wanna redesign him I wanna draw other stuff like normal alive Zane. Sorry LMAO 😳. Like I said in some earlier asks I think, I think Im gonna focus rn on how I should portray season 1 normal not dead Zane so thank you and feel free to share any other Zane thoughts ^_^ SOME OTHER THOUGHTS:
Also I Wanna Argue Some Stuff But I Understand its a Weak Argument Since All of This Context was Just In My Brain (so don't take this as an argument, just as me rambling): I don't want messed up things to happen to Zane and for it to just be ignored. I think if Zane is going to have fucked up things happen to him, as all characters must, its best for it to happen during a season where he actually addresses his feelings about being a robot (learning to accept that he will always be himself, regardless if hes "human" or the "original" or whatever. (thats how I always interpreted his emotions)). But I wouldn't have the other Ninja be very phased by Zane's looks because the whole point is they already love who he is (seasons 1-3 were about getting to know Zane) and now Zane himself just has to learn the physical, robot part of him is okay. Its about person-hood rather than humanity. Because the season focuses around Zane's soul, and because he lost his original body, I feel like I could mess around with his current, temporary body and have fun and make it scary. Because that body should be irrelevant. I understand it possibly being upsetting for an autistic character to be designed like this, but other people I talked to see it the opposite way. They find it comforting for him to look so different but still be himself and be so loved. SO IM ABSOLUTELY NOT saying its wrong to be bothered or to hate it or to feel any way. Just that I personally think it would be cool for Zane to be portrayed with a little spice lol, so thats why I like scary Zane for season 4.
Another Thing I Wannna Say But Is REALLY Hypocritical: (this isnt directed at anyone I just REALLY want to say this) I know I say "this is Zane but scary, he looks like fnaf" so he's obviously dehumanized, but I always felt like "scary" is more of an objective fact. Its an instinct. But what's "not human" is subjective. I think there is a problem with saying anything different from "average" human is dehumanized because that could extend to real people. Lol I know its bad for me to compare FNAF-ass Zane to real people, but I mean he could be real. People can have exposed teeth, and people can be shaped weird. And when someone first sees a person who looks like that they'll probably think "woah those features are scary" by instinct. And that surprise doesn't make someone ableist obviously. But bring that person’s humanity into question is NOT an instinct, and is fucked to shit. This is kinda a bad point for me to make since its about the fictional FNAF Zane I drew, and I am NOT implying ANYONE was thinking like this. [especially not the original asker anon who I am totally forgetting about at this point OOPS]. But I just thought it was an opinion of mine I couldn't go without mentioning when talking about dehumanization and disabilities.
^^^ I think you (anon) understand what I mean and might’ve said the exact same thing as me if you were writing a long ass response? I think this because you started to bring physical disabilities up and you said it was "a little iffy." ^_^ So we agree, but I don't see Zane's relation to real life disabilities as "a little iffy" I see it more like "complicated"? IF THAT DIFFERENCE EVEN MAKES ANY SENSE?????? I feel like a lot of things about Zane are really just complicated and need the right context, rather than the concepts necessarily being wrong -- NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT! THATS THE WHOLE REASON I DO THIS STUPID REWRITE! XD thats why a lot of my rewrite SO FAR has been the same concepts and plot beats, but different dialogue n specifics and such. I like a lot of concepts in Ninjago but I dont think they were presented correctly.....! :( So I guess all we can do is wait and see if I make Zane offensive or not....???
Also something about the memory part - yeah i agree i was surprised no one thought that was weird to make jokes out of his memory issues..... BUT I am like 100% firm on making his memory take longer to come back because I think its stupid how quick Zane was able to recover from literally dying. Like its just dumb to me. Hate it. (also bc memory & soul mechanics is ummm kinda important in my rewrite.... for reasons). Another memory thing btw, I was going to make his original amnesia come from hitting his head in an attack against the Skulkin when they stole his dads corpse, rather than his dad fucking choosing to make him forget. (its a sweet & iconic scene, but Um, WHY?!!!?!?!?!?) He has to follow data recovery instructions he finds in his dads diary. I think in that context it makes moments of memory loss somewhat different for Zane's character? Instead of loss of autonomy associated with disability, its a literal violent loss of autonomy associated with being traumatized by physical force. Idk how to phrase it exactly but I think that makes some vibes different?
Sorry, I think I got really distracted, and I don't know if I responded well to your points. Because uhhhh I think I agree with your stance actually? If I understand correctly? Fuck Ninjago writers for making the robot lose autonomy (a stereotypical robot theme) while also making him seem clearly autistic (NOT A HAPPY THEME FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE) and not addressing it. And also auuugh Zane with a weird body is a difficult topic - kinda sussy pretty iffy.
Lol anyway idk if this made any sense and I REALLY rambled on you. but this was nice 👉👈 more Zane criticism pls love you and i love zane. i hope u dont feel mad at me because then it would be weird that im saying that lol. if you do feel mad at me tho you can send another ask (ILL TRY TO JUST LISTEN NOT RAMBLE NEXT TIME) but assuming ur chill rn, love you thnx
Take this page, don’t mind cole’s ass.
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jorts-lad · 4 years
My Thoughts During The Penumbra Podcast
Season 3:
- huh just right into the episode
- Nureyev being a bit mean to Juno, I mean it’s kinda far
- “Just like one big illegal family”
- it’s not surprising that he immediately trips
- Juno isn’t the brightest and i love him for it
- good first episode for the season
- Peter: knows every inch of this place, and exactly how every camera and guard are positioned, knows exactly what to do. Juno: has no idea what he’s doing
- “let’s find out, dip me”
- love that Peter conned someone out of her money by convincing her that Juno, who is very clumsily existing in the background, is a killer crime boss
- Peter i love this plan thank you
- “No questions, just start walking”
- oh no
- yay talking
- YAY more talking, i love when people are communicating
- awwwwwww
- aww
- oh no
- aww he’s telling her about the Citadel
- oh no
Holiday Special: Mick Mercury and the Night Before
- awwwwww it’s when they were kids
- oh their names are all slightly different?
- Thanks Mick
- yeah Mick just changed their names
- awwwwwwww
- :(
- safe is not how i’d describe this situation, but okay i guess
- love how the Ruby 7 just showed up
- “It’s not smart, it is a car, and it’s called the Ruby 7”
- :((((((
- :’(
- Rilla says no, Arum says yes
- :(
- y’all need to not argue
- y’all stop
- okay?
- communication
- progress
- NOPE, leave her alone please
- oh the kids are fighting again
- a Vespa episode!
- Vespa no don’t leave!
- hmmmm intruders
- i love Jet so much
- oh they all can see that
- oh poor Jet
- Juno you are 100% acting suspicious right now :/
- We’re just gonna leave it here?
- Sir Angelo!
- oh
- Oh no the REAL Sir Angelo
- oh no
- oh no Sir Caroline
- That is a title that sounds cool i guess
- Rita?
- Yes please, i really want Peter and Rita to work together
- Rita i love this thank you
- Strike a Pose by TWRP starts playing
- Juno continuing to not know how to use technology
- Oh no, Dark Matters
- “Um Juno, DEAR” yes thank you Nureyev
- y’all oh no
- oh no, people can just figure it out
- so they are actually looking for them
- “Be careful, please”
- oh no Rita :(
- are they okay?
- okay
- okay their almost done
- “If somebody tells you what they want you to call em, that’s what you call em” PREACH RITA
- wholesome
- Nureyev what, no
- i have to many emotions for the end of this episode
- yay it’s Sir Angelo!
- he seems cool
- Sir Angelo no
- what, please stop talking Sir Angelo
- “I am not certain Sir Angelo, I cannot read”
- Olala is very done with him right now, and i am too
- Shut up please
- Olala no
- :(
- the Patreon names made me laugh real loud, it’s 11pm the walls are thin oh no
- Yay Buddy
- The stream nights are great i love it
- Rita almost calling Buddy mom
- very concerned about what Peter is gonna do
- I love all of them so much
- Vespa gave Rita a knife, awwww
- “After all this is over, I’ll buy it an industrial supply of eyeliner and posters of sad young men”
- i don’t trust him either, as much as i want to :(
- i can’t tell how sincere he’s being and i hate this
- thats way to easy if an answer
- Buddy :(
- :(
- “Juno, shut up thank you”
- i love them so much
- i’m cry, their so lovely, i love them so much
- “I’m not sure he knows about lower case letters”
- the patron names are so good
- Ale!
- The only voices i could hear from the memory restore were Arum and Quanyii
- Juno there is probably a good reason you didn’t get a job for the wedding
- i’m very happy to hear Juno’s thoughts again, and his theme
- it’s nice that their having a conversation were they are not about to kill each other
- 40 years ago, what Rita?
- Nureyev can play an instrument, huh
- i love this episode very much
- what no
- no not dark matters
- yeah it’s Sasha
- Sasha, what are doing?
Holiday Special: The Miracle of Eight
- Yay their gonna have people over, that sounds wonderful
- It’s very weird to hear Arum use Damien’s name
- of course that’s what he was doing
- It’s very funny that Rilla is upset with Damien and Arum is the the one that’s chill with him
- why did Marc bring an air horn
- The Concierge?
- “Arum you’re eating a bowl of fruit, it’s supposed to be cold”
- “Well obviously the company is nice what do you take me for?” Awwwww
- i may have cried a bit this was so cute
- a Sasha episode?
- welp it was probably the thing Nureyev was doing
- Nureyev disappeared :(((
- yeah Buddy is upset you interrupted her wedding
- “My sleeping schedule is classified” thanks i hate it
- i hate the fighting
- Hell yeah Rita
- that was a great plan i love them all so much
- i’d like to take the time to say thank you to the mask i’m wearing that is preventing other people from seeing the big dumb grin on my face
- Olala thank you
- “Boys”
- I’m all caught up now and very exited for the next episode to come out
- this is the first episode i get to listen to on the day of release, but i’m big scared for the final
- oh no
- I hope everything turns out fine
- final for the season :’(
- the intro stuff is already about to make me cry
- yeah Nureyev probably took it
- Juno NO
- “Final Family Meeting” :’(
- Juno I don’t think we’ll see him till next season
- i’m gonna cry at the flashbacks
- no the family :’(
- i mean he did save himself
- is he gonna save them? i hope
- i’ll cry at this
- he knew :’(
- Juno that feel is to personal stop talking please
- Rita :’(
- Nope i’m crying
- Love trying killing your childhood friend and also the cure all of the universe, great job
- not Nureyev :’(
- Ruby 7 though
- what are you planing Juno Steel?
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
i sAW ARAN AND CAME AS FAST AS I COULD! would it be okay if you could do a oneshot where the inarizaki manager (the reader) has a crush on aran and is usually super boisterous and loud but goes super quiet and shy around him and everyone’s like 👁👄👁 - iDK IF THAT MADE SENSE 😭😭 ILY 💖💖
My demand for some Aran requests was sparked by your Aran Appreciation Day so lest not forget!! Ily too babygirl I hope your account goes back to normal soon smh.
I laughed the whole time writing this. Hope you like it:
You Going From Reverse ‘zero to 100’ Because Your Crush Aran Ojiro Came In! 🔫
Some More Aran Ojiro x Reader Fluff 🤗 (Funny!)
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As the Inarizaki Boys Volleyball Team manager, you were responsible for a lot of things:
You had to make sure the boys were actively drinking from their designated water bottles, you brought the boys to the nurse when they were injured (Aran was currently out of commission with a sprained ankle right now😢), and you made sure to order extra uniforms because somehow Atsumu always lost his (though your school sources told you that his fan girls stole it one too many times)
You were also responsible, however, for more personal Manager duties, such as running morning practices by yourself without a coach like today, and...... sobering up the hungover boys when they are sluggish at practice BECAUSE they all went to a popular girls party last night that was thrown in their honour 🙄🙄🙄
(Kita didn’t go because he is RESPONSIBLE)
Inarizaki girls are literally in love with the team and kinda forced them
they’re a beautiful team
so do I blame them? Nah
To wake the boys up, you shot them with your infamous ice cold water filled Super Soaker as soon as they came out of the change room, effectively getting cussed out by the twins
“We hate that thing, Y/N!” Atsumu yelled.
“Water guns in high school?! Grow up.” Added Samu.
You squirted them both again, sticking your tongue out.
“I don’t care, evil twins. I told you guys not to go to that party!”
still upset, the twins bickered with you all morning like brats
At the end of an awful practice Kita made the team a wager
“Y/N. How about some incentive to whip my team into shape, hm? If they promise to never come to practice drowsy like this again... do you promise to retire that wretched water gun once at for all? Like, for good?”
You smiled. “Ummmmm sure! But I do have to say that—“
The entire team interrupted you because they erupted in applause, hugging and dapping eachother up like they just won the lottery. Akagi ran to collect your precious water gun and altogether the team held it over their heads as if the water gun was crowd surfing. Cheering, they headed towards the trash can with loud chants of happiness.
Boiling over in annoyance (because that was your favourite water gun!!!!!) you yelled at them.
“OH BOO-HOO YOU BIG BABIES! 🤬” You were fuming at their childish behaviour, feeling your ears redden at their immaturity.
you’re one to talk ‘water gun girl’ lmaooo
Even though the boys cheered over your screams, you only made your voice louder.
The boys made a show of tossing your water gun in the gymnasiums garbage can and jumping for joy afterward. They ran around you in a circle skipping, clapping, and making a scene just to bother you.
“What’s all the commotion?” Asked an obviously separate voice from behind your seething figure.
You froze. It was a voice that you knew very well. A voice that should be at home resting with a sprained ankle and not at practice right now.
Agonizingly slowly, you turned on your heels to look up at quite possibly the (secret) love of your life: Inarizaki’s Aran Ojiro. Looking handsome as ever in an oversized gray hoodie and joggers, with two crutches tucked neatly under his armpits, Aran looked down at you with an amused expression. “So am I missing practice or am I missing a New Years Eve party?” He laughed at his own cute joke and butterflies exploded in your stomach.
Quickly transforming like a bloody Pokémon or something—you linked your hands behind your back and replaced your red seething expression for an innocent, blushing, cutesy one.
The team stopped their bouncing when they saw you go from just-about-to-pop-a-blood-vessel-mad to world-peace-loving-pageant-queen-sweet in a split second.
They all stared at you like: ............
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❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓No Comprende❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓
“Uh, n-no commotion Aran. Everything is um....fine and dandy here.” You stared at the gym floors as you spoke quietly, a huge contrast to how you were yelling a moment ago. You used the floor to skim dirt off the bottom of your shoes timidly. Blushing, you tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear.
Kita approached you then, he was absolutely concerned with your change in behaviour because he thought you might have a brain problem of something. “Y/N. You were just screaming at the team for disobeying your orders like a monster. And as soon as Aran walked in you turned into a blushing sweet girl. Are you okay—OW!!!”
Stomping on the way-too-blunt captain’s foot in the cutest way possible, you looked up at your crush who was looking back at the team with the most confused expression. You gave Aran a shy smile like: 😊.
“Anyways, how are you feeling...Aran? Why don’t you come sit down and I’ll take a look at your ankle while the boys GET BACK TO PRACTICE, hm?”
Still bewildered as ever but unable to refuse his pretty manager, Aran returned your smile and nodded. “Uh, sure....? Whatever you say.” Turning slowly in his crutches, you both walk together to the bench.
Kita, the twins and the rest of the team watch out-of-earshot as the their manager and their best spiker walk to the opposite end of the gym together. Angrily holding his throbbing left toes behind him, Kita glared holes into the back of your small figure. He was pissed.
“We need a new manager.” Kita spat dryly to the team who stood behind him in a cluster.
The twins laughed.
“No way, man.” Samu nudged his captain—who won’t be mad after an hour—in the rib. “Aran has a huuuuge crush on her. He’d be devastated if she left. Why else do you think he’s still here at practice when he’s under strict orders to stay at home? He literally can’t go a day without seeing her.”
Atsumu jumped in to the conversation then, nudging his captain on the opposite side as his brother. “He didn’t even come to the party last night because I told him Y/N wouldn’t be there. He’s got it baaad, Capt.” Atsumu shook his head.
The extraordinary Inarizaki captain listened to his twin teammate’s words as he watched from afar as you and Aran sat and spoke shyly to one another. He watched as you lifted his casted foot on the bench. Kita saw Aran’s lit up face when you spoke to him and he saw the way your blush hadn’t diminished even a little since he’d come in.
Kita sighed.
“Okay. She can stay, because she’s a hell of a good Manager, but that’s the only reason.” Kita stated. “Now, start cooling down.” He clapped twice to get the boys to start moving. Kita hoped he had sounded convincing when he said that the sole reason he wouldn’t get the coach to fire you after stepping on his foot was because you were good at your job...
When really.... he wouldn’t get the coach to fire you because even a cold, focused, austere man such as himself could see that you two had something really special blooming between you.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S6 Watchthrough Episodes 14-17
Face of the Enemy: Troi has been kidnapped and forced to look/pose as a Romulan officer. Why? The one responsible isn’t saying, but to say that she’s unhappy would be an understatement. As it turns out, Troi was abducted by a part of the resistance from Unification and they need a Starfleet officer in case their current plan goes south. They even mention Spock… IDK if I can see him approving of an abduction but maybe they just forgot to mention that he disapproved that part… then again I guess it makes logical sense. Eh, whatever. So… this is by far the best Troi episode that they’ve done thus far. She was kidnapped yes, but she is NOT playing the damsel-in-distress. She’s not victimized. She’s not sexualized. She’s not forced into a poorly conceived romance or undergoes anything gross/f*cked up. She has to act the part of a cold-hearted authoritarian among a ship of Romulans and she is freakin’ badass. Especially when she decides that she’s had enough going and thoroughly tells off her kidnapper N’Vek and that he will listen to her. 100% perfection. They even managed to make her empathic abilities useful. Did putting her in the uniform cause this? Did they get it out of their systems in Man of the People? IDK but I am all for it! It was also an awesome look into the Romulans and the going-ons on their ship, something we haven’t really gotten since TOS’ Balance of Terror, and all the Romulans are done very well. N’Vek kidnapped Troi but he did it for his cause and is a great morally grey character, and the female Romulan Commander Toreth is an excellent antagonist. Plus it’s nice to see more of the resistance and to see them within the Romulan ranks. It was an excellent episode and I freakin’ loved it~! Thank you show for giving Troi the badass episode that she deserves (even if it was this late in the show's run), now keep it up! 5/5.
Tapestry: Two Q episodes this season? Hell yes~! So… Picard dies. Welp. Q decides to take this to give Picard an offer: go back in time and undo his greatest regret, the incident that caused his artificial heart that he told Wesley about in Samaritan Snare. Back when he was a hot-blooded rebel who got himself into a fight that got him stabbed in the heart. In doing so, he now has a chance to correct all the wrongs and settle all he regrets in his life since that day. So up to this point, Q’s episodes since Q Who, while still entertaining and interesting, had been more light-hearted. Q still came off as an all-powerful being (Deja Q aside which him not being was the plot point), but his antics had been more comedic or light-hearted in comparison. In this episode, he’s acting like a trickster as per usual, but again more with the purpose to teach Picard a lesson. Why isn’t made very clear aside from maybe he just likes Picard (take that however way you’d like), but it’s nice to see this version of Q again while still utterly stealing the show. Picard got to undo the event… but would it have really turned out any better had it not happened? Would not making mistakes, having regrets, and making all the supposed ‘right’ choices when he should have had truly made a better impact in his present? That’s the funny thing about life, it’s easy to look back and go ‘if I had done this one thing differently, it would have been better’ and te desire to correct it is very powerful. But with mistakes comes the ability to learn. To grow. To mature. You’ll always have guilt and regrets, but you have to accept that this is what you chose and go about your life. Picard is a man full of thrown-away opportunities, pain, and so much more… but it also caused him to become a strong leader, intelligent, a risk-taker, and even with all his faults become a better person in his present day. Now obviously he doesn’t actually die, but he sure as Hell learned the lesson. The life he would have lead would have been unsatisfying, his old regrets replaced with new ones, and been unfulfilling for a man like himself. Now he can truly value the one that he has and the people in it. This was a fantastic episode. It’s crazy how Picard went from one of my least favorites to now one of my absolute favorites. His development and growth from a strict, aloof authoritarian to a much more reasonable father-like figure and much more humbled man and the captain has been excellent, and this episode just helps further that. The only real complaint is there’s not much time devoted to showing how his crew ended up without him, but that’s minor and doesn’t take anything away at all. Very well done~! 5/5.
Birthright: Okay, guess we got a second two-parter… and apparently it crosses over with DS9. Didn’t see that coming. But alrighty, I’m game~!
Part One: So the crew is on Deep Space 9 to assist in repairs of some incident involving the Bajorans and the Cardassians that I guess I’ll find out about when I get to the show. While there Worf is approached by an alien who informs him that his dead father? He may not be dead after all, having been kept in a Romulan prison. Worf doesn’t take it well. He ain’t the only one having daddy issues. While working with DS9‘s CMO Dr. Bashir, Data gets knocked out has a vision of Dr. Soong (a much younger one than in Brothers). Normally Data can’t dream so he’s pretty taken aback by this. So as a first part, this was pretty good. It sets up Worf’s plot well with him deciding to break into the Romulan camp to find out the truth and rescue the Klingons there. Data’s plot is overall nice. He’s never dreamed before so him trying to track down why is very understandable, especiallya after Picard suggests that he quit going through facts and try a more creative outlet to get his answers. So what happened? As it turns out Dr. Soong made it so that when Data reached a certain cognitive point, he would obtaint he ability to dream and he made an AI version of himself to talk to him. I guess he would have explained this to him in Brothers had Lore not shown up/had he not died. It was a really touching moment. Soong’s still not exactly the most ideal parent, but his AI copy seemed legit proud of how far Data’s come. Is it out of ego, legit parental pride, or both? That’s up for you to decide. As this is my first look at Bashir… so far I don’t have too manys torng opinions. he seems to act more liek a Science Officer or Engineer han a CMO, but he is cute and so far liekabe. He’s curious about Data, but doesn’t dehumanize him like Maddox in The Measure of a Man did, if anything he notes Data’s more human-like elements like being able to grow hair than any of the nuts and bolts. He seems pretty well liked from what I’ve seen int he fandom, so I’ll see how that holds when I reach DS9 but I like him so far. I do have some issues, but that more impacts the Overall so I’ll save it for there. So we end with Worf discovering his father’s true fate… and he’s informed by the Klingons there that he’s never leaving the camp. Welp. How will Worf get out of this one in Part 2? We shall see. 4/5.
Part Two: So what the heck is going on? Well, Worf’s father is infact dead, but there were captured Klingons. As they weren’t able to die with honor nor could they return home as it would dishonor their families (Klingons prefer death to capture), they chose to remain in the camp and live out the rest of their lives there. So now Worf is among multiple Klingons, the vast majority of which know nothing about their heritage, culture, and customs and had it outright demonized. To them, the lives they have are the norm and they have no desire to change it. Worf may have been out of touch with Klingons due to being raised on Earth, but at least he can explore it and get in touch with it. The ones in the camp? They can’t do that. They’re essentially in a gilded cage. Yeah, there's the argument that they achieved peace between Klingons and Romulans… by imprisoning said Klingons and demonizing their culture to them with the older Klingons allowing it. Though it seems it’s also because of broken spirits and the dishonor they’d have faced otherwise which is worst than death to them. There’s even one girl, Ba’el, who is half Klingon, half-Romulan… and despite what gets said I don’t get the sense that her parents' union was a fully consensual one. This was pretty good. Worf has found a group that like him were out of touch with their heritage, and he is now able to educate them and guide them. With all that’s happened and his struggle to be a true Klingon and find his way, this was really nice to have. He’s still clinging onto his hatred of Romulans and this episode isn’t going to help it dissipate, but at least it was addressed and Ba’el being upset at being judged due to how she was born was very much justified. Heaven knows that the themes here are still very much relevant in today’s time. Worf’s guidance pays off in the end and at last, they can be free. The younger Klingons have a rough road likely ahead of them since we know that Klingon society isn’t exactly the easiest to get through, but at least they have a chance at freedom. It was a very strong Worf episode and it was great to see~. 4/5.
Overall: Okay, so overall… it’s pretty uneasy. The Worf parts are good.. As I said, it was nice to see him in a position to give guidance to a group even more out of touch than he is. It was very wel done. The issues are mainly with Part One. We have this plot where they go to DS9… and we are barely there. We have Dr. Bashir… and only him. None of the other characters. We don't even see O’Brien despite him having transferred to DS9 at this point. Maybe the actors were busy sot they could only pick one but it kinda makes doing a crossover cheap. Bashir doesn’t even get a lot to do, you could write him out and very little would change. On the upside this means that viewers who haven’t watched DS9 won’t be confused nor would DS9 be required viewing, but it also kind of defeats the purpose of bringing DS9 in. It’s essentially just window dressing. Data’s plot, while nice, is completely dropped in Part Two. It feels like they were required to do a two-parter, didn’t have enough of the Worf plot to fill it out, and came up with the Data dream plot and using DS9 to fill it out. The crew also don’t really do anything in either part. As such, aside from getting Worf into the place he needs to be, Part One feels irrelevant. As such, I can’t give it a perfect rating. It was still good, but as a two-parter Part One bogs it down, but still allows for Part Two to happen. Overall, pretty good. 4/5.
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tamamatango · 4 years
Let’s talk about Kururu, again
Apparently the fandom is growing all of a sudden so I feel like talking about Kururu again cuz that’s all I know how to do and it’s been a while
First off disclaimer that fandom is fandom and anybody can interpret any character any way they want and if you like to portray a character a certain way for whatever reason go for it, more power to you (unless you put them in pedo/incest relationships that are displayed as good in which case fuck you). But in my personal Kirbpinion(TM) the Funimation dub was a fucking mistake because so many fan content creators write a way different Kururu than what he is in canon cuz the dub never got to his best episodes and also upped the sadism to ridiculous levels. Listen I know it’s funny to joke that he’s the kind of guy that has 3 medieval torture chambers but hear me out. Kururu is by no means a perfect person, he’s genuinely pretty rude/blunt (though sometimes his straightforwardness is justified :P), has an ego, sometimes acts pretty gross around others and likes extreme and elaborate pranks way way way too much BUT.
Assuming you’ve watched far enough into the series (like 100+ eps) I do not really understand the interpretation that he doesn’t care about anyone and that friendship and love are things he is totally incapable of. He says that yes but if you pay enough attention to his dialogue it becomes pretty apparent that he displays this attitude for multiple reasons. One is that he does genuinely have a hard time expressing the emotions he feels and often has awkward/guarded ways of doing so. But also he says many times over the course of the series that he has a “reputation” to keep up and wants people to call him a jerk; he wants to look cool and rebellious all the time and he thinks a nasty apathetic attitude is what earns him that status (not claiming that’s a healthy mindset, mind you). He wants to have full control over the way people see him and he gets super frustrated and humiliated when he can’t. This is probably why he gets so upset when people talk about how unpopular he is, because he’s spent so much time honing his image to a T and is like why the fuck isn’t this working?! In other words even though sometimes he is just an actual pain in the neck a lot of his asshole antics are part of a carefully manufactured persona, and he will do anything down to labeling his own memories to prevent other people from seeing through his facade and discovering the parts of him that are vulnerable.
And God forbid anyone does figure out that he does care quite a bit for the people around him, or at least if he didn’t at first he does now. Early on in the series he was commonly referred to as “depressing” and while the meta reason is probably just the anime writers just didn’t know how to adapt the character yet (he started out a little differently in the manga), in canon I believe he was just even more inclined to push everybody away from him, and as he began to get used to working in a group he gradually opened up. He commentates on how “soft” he’s gotten since he came to Earth a couple times, and the fact that he’s surprisingly one of the most loyal to Keroro out of the whole team (in many episodes where everyone abandons Keroro for being dumb he leaves last) and goes out of his way to help when he thinks it’s warranted (he asks for money when things aren’t dire yeah but hey labor deserves compensation :V) shows that he is dedicated to his team. There’s even episodes where he doles out some kind of moral lesson to the squad in his own Kururu-y way, especially to Keroro and Tamama. Even the Hinatas he’ll pitch in to protect when he has to, and we all know he’ll pretty much drop everything if Saburo needs him.
Speaking of which. I think the unspoken reason why he’s best friends with Saburo (besides the surface-level stuff like they’re smart and nerdy and seen as enigmas by everybody else) is because Saburo is the only other person in the cast who understands Kururu’s particular struggle of putting on airs as a means of self-defense all the time. He basically has a carefully managed celebrity life (that he has to constantly work to hide in anime canon), a somewhat formal/reserved public life, and the more quirky enthusiastic side of himself he only shows when alone and to the few people he’s close to and god damn that just sounds like the most exhausting juggling act ever. He has an outlet to free himself through his art but he still has to live with nobody quite knowing what he goes through on a daily basis, which is probably why we see him off on his own for most of the series (until he gets to warm up to everybody better...wonder who that sounds like) and occasionally have his bouts of frustration and insecurity like in 229 where he says “fuck it I’m gonna fight the apocalypse alone because I need something to do,” 354(? I think that’s the number) where he talks about just dropping everything and starting over, and I think one of the Christmas eps where Giroro has to like beg him to go to the Hinatas’ party cuz he says he’s “busy” even though he’s just sitting around pretty much (UPDATE: it’s 294 the implication is probably that he has his show or something but cmon that’s only like an hour lol). I am going off on a tangent now but anyway the point is he and Kururu are the most complicated communicators of the cast and they share feelings only they understand which is why they can more or less read each other’s minds and know exactly what to do when the other is in trouble.
Back to Kururu. Keroro, from what I can tell, is the closest to him out of the Platoon; Keroro gets freaked out by Kururu’s pranks sometimes yeah but they have a lot of common interests as the fun-lovers of the group and Kururu’s also kinda been interested in Keroro enough time follow him around for almost his entire life up to this point so there’s that. He also gets along with the other people he‘s around; we know he and Aki get along from the beginning because of how dynamic their personalities are but later on he gets close to Fuyuki to the point where they just hang out for the heck of it sometimes, and even though Natsumi is very justified in generally disliking him (many of Kururu’s more Eugh moments tend to involve her) even she seems to rely on him often, and in the cursed puppy episode she knows all his favorite foods by heart so she must care in some fashion lol. Dororo and he aren’t evidently super close but I think they get each other on some level as the (in-universe) least popular of the platoon and Dororo at least respects his abilities, and has clearly come to figure out his subtleties based on 229. Giroro and Mois...things get complicated. Just putting on record that I’m not a fan of either ship between Kururu and them. I’ve said this before but I think Giroro and Kururu are in a turbulent sibling-adjacent relationship in that they have completely opposing attitudes but they have a begrudging sense of respect for each other and, ultimately, they’re teammates, so they’ll defend each other when someone they don’t know tries to mess with them. I really don’t think the flirty stuff on Kururu’s end goes beyond teasing and I got kinda sick of that running gag if I’m being honest. (You can probably tell which frog I ship Kururu with by now :P) Mois went from something of a rival to Kururu to his lab partner, which is probably why he goes easier on her than he used to and even strikes up something of a friendship because the only other person he knows that might be capable of handling his technology is an Earthling who’s still against the invasion despite his lax attitude so. She helps :V
Now the question is why Kururu acts like he does if his relationships really aren’t all that bad and I think there’s two components to this. I’ve made it clear by now I think he’s autistic but your mileage may vary there. I think personally his childhood did something to the way he processes things as well. In Secret of the Kero Ball, he’s got a bandage on his head which may imply he got hurt somewhere and then he almost drowned which canonically definitely did something to him lol, was mostly seen alone so who knows if he has a family he still talks to, and then he got drafted into the army and placed into a high-ranking position of great responsibility at a very young age; it’s kind of a no-brainer why he rebeled and got demoted eventually. I’ve got plenty of headcanons about what his early days in the Military did to him but that’s for another day because good God this post went on too long.
In short: Kururu is possibly the most complicated character in the show and the F in Flanderization stands for “Funimation.” That’s it I’m never writing another essay about pee-color frog again I will make real content again at some point I promise
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kageyamas-love · 4 years
Hi friend! Can i request an Aot match up-preferably one of the scouts if at all possible... i don’t know the warriors very well? I hope that’s not to limiting but anyone from paradise basically. I know Reiner! But i just don’t know that much about Porco or pieke. Oh! Colt seems really sweet though! I appreciate him! Male preferably but I’m always open to other options! Whatever you feel is the best option for me i shall take with open arms and trust your judgment!
I’m a female, 18. My favorite color is blue! Or if not that... maybe a light lavender purple. It’s ironic seeing as I’m... deathly allergic to lavender... and many many other things... like everything. I have severe allergy problems. But that’s unimportant. Maybe i could list that as the thing i don’t like about myself. Also... I’m kinda disorganized... it’s the ADHD. My brain runs 1000 miles a minute... constantly. How could i possibly remember where i put something when i only know how to chase the dopamine? Also because of this, i get VERY excited when i talk and i have been known to ramble. I do my best. I just get over invested in things. Hyper fixations and shit- i just... stay on the same shit for weeks. Attack on titan has been my comfort hyper fixation for almost four-five years. I need. Help.
It’s probably gonna be a lot harder to list things i like about myself... damn. I like my hair! It’s reddish blond and it makes me look like Ariel when i go underwater- which is fun because i love to swim! And i like my jokes. I make them constantly and sometimes I’m the only one that laughs but i think they’re funny so what fucking ever.
For hobbies- I’m a writer! I love to write and draw. I make graphic novels. 100% obsessed with all of my oc’s. I’m always bullshitting about them or some new animatic I’m working on. Constantly.... it’s like... the only thing i ever think about if I’m not fantasizing about attack on titan. Thank god I’m actually working to make a career out of it though. I’m an Art major, though i do not wish to disclose to university for privacy reasons and shit.... so i basically get to draw all day and be quirky... except for when i have my biology class... which is always less fun and i fucking suck at it.
I consider myself to be a really forgiving and sweet person. It always takes me a really really long time to get mad at someone enough to blow up on them, and even then i typically always apologize for it afterwards, even if i said something as tame as
“I don’t like that and you hurt my feelings.”
I love taking care of my friends. It’s my love language, along with physical touch and quality time. I just.... Wanna... cuddle. I’m very cuddly... probably need someone who’s not super averse to touch as i like to give lots of random hugs and kisses.
I shall give many back rubs and head scratches and soft kisses and in return i only ask for the cuddles- and i love when people play with my hair so i grew it out super long!!
I feel like i need someone who’s a good listener... because i ramble about stuff a lot. Especially stuff I’m passionate about. I feel like if somebody isn’t listening to me it makes me feel unheard and like what I’m talking about is stupid and i shut down.
And a few random fun facts.
*If i were a member of the Levi squad post timeskip i would be the shortest member, standing at 5’1
* I am deathly afraid of pineapples for no reason at all. I did a project for school where i just drew a still life of nothing but pineapples and pineapple themed objects and titled it ‘terror’. Only i and a few close friends will ever understand it’s true meaning.
* i fall down the stairs or eat the floor in some other horrible fashion it least twice a day
* i drink more than i eat (not alcohol) and spend like all of my money on iced coffee and sodas until i realize i haven’t eaten in two days but by god have i had a Baha blast.
* sometimes i just fucking drive in circles for hours. I sing really loud in my car and dance and it’s therapeutic.
* I’m one of those people that starts laughing insanely when i get really upset or pissed off... it makes me look terrifying.
* I HAVE A PET LIZARD AND SHE’S FUCKING ROTUND. SHES LIKE A FAT FUCKING LITTLE MEATLOAF I HATE HER. (I’m lying i absolutely adore her.) her name is Maple because she is flat and pancakes are flat and maple syrup goes on pancakes. All she knows how to do is eat berries and shit in my floor.
I know you only asked for a little bit of information but I’ve heard before that the more you tell someone the easier it is for them to match you up. I figured I’d make it as absolutely easy for you as possible by throwing my entire life into a page for you.
a/n omg you seem so fun and crazy we’d get along great😐✋🏻
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i match you with armin!
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i think the two of you would get along so well! first off, he’s best friends with eren, so he won’t have a problem with your craziness.
he’s also very open minded and a very good listener! he’d never get annoyed with you and he’s very patient, so if you’ve ever forgotten something, he’ll understand.
just in general, your love languages would compliment his.
also, he would love your lizard. he’s interested in the smallest things so imagine him seeing your lizard? he’s going to be so excited like ‘i’ve read about those! i’ve always wanted to see one in real life!”
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creepypocky · 3 years
Hello! How are you? I was wondering if I could get a romantic matchup and a friend matchup. If not then feel free to ignore this!
I use all pronouns and I’m omni with a preference for men.
I’m 5’0, pale, have long, curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, glasses (though I’ve been wanting contacts for awhile), and a bit of acne (one of my core insecurities).
My style is mostly vintage streetwear. Lots of graphic t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, and loose jeans. Every once in awhile, I add in some elements of dark academia and cottagecore. I wear lesbian earrings a lot too.
My hobbies are, listening to music, reading (mostly fantasy and historical fiction), karate, singing, playing video games, and instruments (I play the violin, saxophone, and keyboard).
One of my biggest interests is history. I like learning about all types of history and different periods of time but my overall favorite thing to learn about are revolutions, like the American revolution, French, and Russian.
My biggest goal in life is to make my family proud. My childhood wasn’t exactly the easiest, to say the least, and I just want to prove that it won’t keep me down from achieving great things. I hope that makes sense. Anyways..
My favorite kind of person is someone who’s patient and outgoing. I rant a lot about things I’m passionate about, like history for example. My favorite kind of person is someone who well just listen and not just straight up ignore me when ranting about something. I like someone is is outgoing too since I’m the opposite, and need someone to push me out my comfort zone every now and then.
The kind of person I hate is someone who is self-centered, judgmental, and dishonest. Not much to say here since I think it’s pretty self explanatory. This kind of person is just not good to be around.
Things I like are: rainy weather, nature, books, animals, music, picnics, stargazing, libraries, and coffee shops.
Things I dislike: hot weather, insects, seafood, my indecisiveness, loud noises, crowded places, and arguing.
My sun sign is pisces, rising is libra, and my moon is scorpio.
I’m 100% an introvert. I like being around friends and family but I like my alone time more. When I’m with people people for a bit too long, I start to feel drained.
First impressions.. I’m not good at them. When meeting someone, I’m very shy and quiet. They have to be the one to lead the conversation and when they ask questions, I 9 times out of 10 will respond in short answers. I also stutter and fidget a lot.
When I’m with people I know and trust, I’m loud, energetic, and like to make a couple jokes here and there. I only make jokes every now and then since I’m scared they won’t laugh. But when they do, I feel really proud of myself for making them laugh.
Okay, I think that’s about it. I’m sorry that this is long, I got a bit carried away. I hope this all makes sense. Thank you so much! Take care and have a great day/night! :)
Hi hi! Thank you for sending me this. :) I don't mind at all that it's long, in fact, the longer it is the better. This allows me to match you in more detail.
I am well, thank you for asking hon. <3
It was difficult for me to figure out who to match you with, but-
|| I match you with: Homicidal Liu! || (I won’t include Sully because I’m not sure how to include him into this, but in the future I will practice writing that!)
This is exciting, I've never matched anyone with him before, but I'm going to make it work.
First of all, he lovesss your hair and how curly it is he just wants to run his hands through it.
Maybe sniff it too idk...
He thinks everything about you is cute even your acne so you shouldn’t feel insecure about it, he loves you regardless!
He loves to chill with you and hang out with a book, he’ll buy all the fantasy books you want tbh and will love to point out interesting stuff he finds in them. I honestly canon Liu as a bit of a nerd. Lmfaoo
Bro, you like karate?? Watch this guy study karate as much as possible just for you. Maybe even learn it for you, hell, if not knowing some himself already. Let this hot nerd hear you sing for hours it will brighten his day up, honey. Please teach him how to play instruments, he has a hard time learning them even though he’s so interested. Regardless though, he loves to listen to you play and will even ask you to write songs if you’re up for it.
Liu was great in school which means he knows a lottttt about history since he was interested in it too and always studied history, so he could just talk to you on and on about history all day and you both could even learn from each other.
He totally gets wanting to make your family proud as a goal, he also had a very rough childhood due to his abusive dad and growing up with Jeff who was mentally ill at a young age, all he ever wanted to really do was show his family he could be someone better than that. So he completely supports you.
He is most definitely patient and outgoing. He will always let you take your time on things and would never pressure you into doing something, as long as you treat him with that same respect. He’s a really good listener, hence doing really well in school, so he’s willing to just listen to you rant on and on about things. He wants you to feel like you can talk to him about anything as long as you want to, and if you don’t he’ll respect your space. He’s pretty extroverted so he’ll try to help you get along with others more and make more friends.
He really hates liars and judgemental people too, he was bullied a lot by people like that in school so seeing people like that is like a reminder for him. He’s good at keeping his composure though and will simply ignore or avoid the people he encounters that are like that. If they hurt you though, he’s more than willing to put them in their place.
He is pretty indifferent about nature, he’s honestly more of an inside guy and just loves the comfort of inside despite being an extrovert. But he’ll go outside with you to look at nature if you asked him to.
He always loves to take you out and go on little coffee shop dates with you because he loves the sweet smile that comes up on your face. He’ll just sit at the table with you and a coffee and read a book with you if not just talk about random things.
He will squish all insects just for you honey.
If your indecisiveness ever gets to you, he’s willing to help you make a decision so it’ll be easier for you because he doesn’t want to see you upset. He always has an open mind and leaves options open but still gives you context on which would be best.
If you’re ever feeling drained from being around people all day he will let you have your own space and leave you alone, unless you want to spend some cuddle time with him. Otherwise he understands.
He gets being bad at first impressions because even though he’s an extrovert he can still be a bit awkward, but he’ll be willing to start conversations for you when you’re in groups or egg others on to start a conversation so that you don’t feel too nervous.
He loves seeing you loud and energetic and going out of your shell, and your occasional jokes are funny to him not always because the joke itself is funny but also because he thinks you’re a total goof. (In a good way bby) <3
Best friend:
|| I match you with: Masky! ||
Our good ol’ friend Tim here comes across as a rough guy, and is horrible at first impressions too. But to be honest, he’s actually much nicer and outgoing than people think he is.
His style is pretty much the same as yours kinda so the two of you get along over things like matching clothes sometimes. He also thinks it’s really fun to watch you do karate if you demonstrate it to him, but will absolutely refuse if you tell him to do karate for you because he knows he will fail miserably. He does know how to play a couple instruments though and will play the guitar for you if you ask him to. Or he’ll just do it anyway because he feels like it.
He’s honestly a total history nerd too but doesn’t show it, but if you mention history around him he will just “happen” to know the answer or what you’re talking about. Eventually though he’ll come out of his shell and have a conversation with you and maybe Liu if he joins in about history and stuff.
he doesn’t know much about making a family proud, but he does know how it feels to want to meet someones expectations through hard times, especially considering his job and Slender being his boss. He’s constantly having anxiety about wanting to be good enough for him as an employee and he’s scared to death of failing him or not fulfilling his job enough. So he sort of understands your goal and will support you the best he can.
He really doesn’t seem like it at times, but he can be patient and outgoing if he really wants to be. He can have anger issues at times and has trouble communicating with people, but once the two of you get closer he’s a lot more patient with you and is usually the one to start a conversation with you if you’re unable to.
He hates dishonest people too, honestly. Mostly because he has experience with constantly being lied to and betrayed and he is so sick of it. Please never betray him, he doesn’t seem like it but he’s so fragile. ;-; He trusts you as a friend though and he knows you would never lie to him or do something to break his trust.
He doesn’t like crowded places much either, he finds them really stressful and can trigger his anxiety at times. He’s just used to being on his own and in his own space and has trouble going out of his comfort zones when there’s crowds. He totally gets feeling drained when around people for too long, he doesn’t mind being around people in general and interacting with them but he’s still a bit of an introvert and likes to just do his own thing. He loves to go in a quiet room with you and play some kind of board game with you or share books.
When you’re loud and energetic, he really enjoys being around you and you don’t drain him as much as other loud people do because he’s closer to you and just likes to see you have fun. He is the teasing type though and if you joke around he’ll pretend to not think it’s funny while trying not to crack up.
I hope this was good enough! Thank you for sending me this, it was lovely to write for. I hope you’re having a great day/night and make sure to take great care of yourself, hon! <3
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
shipping to australia is a nightmare. anytime I go to do any online shopping I’m instantly stopped by the thought of shipping. hahahahahahaha at least that’d be a funny way to go out tho
yeah true!! every time I’m watching a vod I’ll get so startled cause they always pop up when you’re least expecting them too. I’ve only got my prime sub and I haven’t tested it but I have a feeling that twitch would still give you ads. they seem like the type
so true I’m not paying hundreds of dollars for textbooks I’m barely gonna use for half a year. oof that sucks. if I didn’t google my way through those exams I guarantee I would have failed though😅😅 then one subject that was ungoogleable, I did fail. god now I feel bad about how terrible a student I am
it’s so nice to see dream being on streams and having fun and interacting with other people !! it sucks cause I would absolutely LOVE to see dream on ppsat but I hate the idea of toxic people that would find reasons to shit on them :// like with gartic phone the other day. I felt like so toxic when the twitter updates account tweeted that dream was there cause I knew the “twitter stans” were coming. and I don’t even have a terribly negative view of stans as a whole. and then turns out it was justified and then I felt even worse. the gumi stuff pissed me off too. feeling a bit bad for dream tho. mans can’t even play with his friends without them getting attacked. I clicked on the links in your subtitle/heading/whatever it’s called when I first followed you like 6 or so months ago. was pretty funny
damnnn you’re doing all of those?? that’s tough. I dropped language (french) in yr 10 and decided to never touch maths again after I finished highschool and I loweky like maths too. oh I will 100% be telling people to touch grass that is so funny. I also can’t say anything about the nerd thing cause I just fully had the thought “what if I write an essay on the internet and it’s effect on language development”
Yes!! please tales!! where is it!! my weekly dose of happiness. I remember the last tales stream I watched like it was yesterday😪 I miss the ____ my beloved gifs that would be everywhere everytime a new character was introduced. I may have very little clue about any of the in between/the other side lore but damn were the builds insanely good. I was watching tubbo’s stream too and he said there wasn’t anything to do on the dream smp and like true ig but🥲🥲 he also said he’s been thinking about lore on twitter tho!!! so there is that !! hmm yeah I do wonder what they’re waiting for actually cause it’s been genuinely so long that c!dream’s been in the prison for. I wanna why it’s so important cause cc!dream and cc!sam put a lot of emphasis on it. and I just really really want to see what c!dream will be like out of the prison. for so many reasons
oh nooo ripppp. that’s kinda funny tho. the video was so short that was funny too. sapnap and george 2000iq moment nice. it was a nice vid tho, chill and enjoyable. so much dream content recently I feel like he’s about to drop off the face of the earth or miraculously stream something (highly unlikely but I can hope)
When streamers runs ads you gey a warning! But when vods do it it’s just a hey haha fuck you! You’re 100% right about twitch jeff bezo wouldn’t let any thing go to waste. He’s not the ceo right now but I hate him anyways. I’ve never actually used prime sub because I don’t have amazon prime, but I’ve been gifted subs a couple of times which was neat!
You know I may not be the best student but as someone who has cried a lot because of school I think it’s morally correct to be a bad student Cheat!! You’re paying then money they owe your ass so fucking much!! Abuse their resources stick it to the man. No time in life for guilt especially considering that universities are just corporations anyways they made hide behind the guise of learning but I’m calling them out no way knowledge gotta cost this much
I also love seeing dream stream with his other friends! To badly quote scott smajor, the dream team is made up of anti social sweaty fucks (affectionate). He’s always so awkward at first and ngl? Huge confidence booster /j/j. Logically I understand that twitter update accounts are useful, but I think they should all collectively take a break for a minute. Would it change anything? No. But it would make a lot of people very unhappy. I don’t even know what to do about toxic twitter stans because like, content creators and us can call them out and not at all condone their actions but we can’f actually do anything about it? It’s super frustrating. And I feel like a hypocrite too because if dream does stuff with a cc I hate I bitch about it too I just don’t have as far a reach. Like I for sure threw a whole fit when dream went on to kaceytron’s stream. Actually I tend to get upset when he goes onto streams with people who actively hate him. So I struggle with that because despite feeling like I’m justified in doing that, twitter stans feel justified in their stuff too. You could argue that it’s different because the chance that the ccs will see it is near 0 but it’s still the same behavior isn’t it? For sure not saying twitter stans are right, they piss me off how dare they say shit about gumi, but also I worry that I act similar you know?
I’m glad is was amusing I haven’t gotten any angry anons so I can never tell if the links are working or not
Listen listen it’s less that I chose this and more that they’re requirements. Spanish is a req, but I’ve always really liked spanish? I’ve found with learning languages I have to be interested in the lanrguage’s history/culture. So french makes me mad but spanish makes me feel cozy and I like it! I pick up spanish pretty fast too and I’d like to be actually fluent in it some day. Language as a whole is super interesting. Also the internet has made language even more interesting with widespread similarities and what not
Listen I would agree more with tubbo but instead Imm going to lighheartedly call him a coward who’s afraid of surprise lore! He said he would be there more often if other people logged on more often but I know for a fact other people feel the same and by him not regularly logging on he’s adding to it! I think foolish, ponk, puffy, and bbh have really upped my standards for lore. They log on at least once a week and make their own plot. Like bro if you’re bored start some shit tommy style! Personally I would make enemies with all the beets people. Tubbo has such cool lore I just wish he was willing to be a little more spontaneous. He was tired last night though so I can see his boredom beinf effected by that. I really really enjoyed bear smp those guys were so fucking funny and I will be watching more of them. Need to catch up on hermitcraft too
Who’s to say he can’t drop off the face of the planet and stream? He can multitask. Also hems been big on reddit recently so we’ll see where that leads ajddj
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