#lip sync sam abbott
cksmart-world · 8 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
February 6, 2024
Recently former president Donald Trump posted a split screen of himself and Elvis and asked his followers on TruthSocial media platform how much he looked like The King. (We are not making this up.) The staff here at Smart Bomb wanted to help out:
1 – They both have eyes but Trump's are kinda beady.
2 – The both have noses, although Trump's nostrils are always flared.
3 – They both have sexy lips, except for Trump.
4 – Donald and Elvis are both trend setters when it comes to hair.
5 – They both have nice complexions except Trump's is red and scaly.
6 – Like Elvis, women throw their panties at Trump.
7 – They both have big waddles of flesh under their chin, except Elvis.
8 – Elvis and Donald both look great in tight, white golf pants.
9 – They both have hair growing out their ears and noses.
10 – And the #1 reason Donald and Elvis are similar — they don't look like Taylor Swift.
In order to out-smart courts, investors and Tesla drivers, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk had his company, Neurolink, implant a wireless computer chip in his head. It is synced with a super computer called “Deep Purple” that is so smart it can it can out-think Donald Trump. “Telepathy” is what Musk christened the device but that may be a misnomer, there is no evidence it can read minds — yet. Musk got the chip after Judge Kathaleen McCormick ruled that he could not receive a $56 billion pay package from Tesla because it would harm investors. With his new Deep Purple computer-brain Musk intends to pull a fast one on the courts. In order to do so, Deep Purple was fed documents from New York's fraud case against Trump because experts say it is the best blueprint for screwing investors, banks and the government. Some pundits observe that Trump isn't very intelligent. But he does excel at cheating people and institutions, according to psychiatrists at John Hopkins. Musk is the first human being to test Deep Purple. Cautionary note: Reuters reported in 2022 that testing of the chip resulted in the deaths of 1,500 animals, including sheep, monkeys and pigs. For his part Musk said he isn't worried because he is not a sheep, a monkey or a pig. That's why they call him “genius.”
Hey Wilson, have you heard the latest; here in Utah if we don't like a federal law we can simply ignore it. For real. The State Legislature passed and the governor signed into law a measure by which we can thumb our nose (or use other gestures) at the feds, as if to say, up yours. Pretty cool, huh. Of course, like most things, the GOP brain trust on Capitol Hill didn't come up with this legal jujitsu on its own. Right now Texas is pretending to take up arms against the United States, i.e., President Joe Biden, because immigrants are entering the country illegally from Mexico as they have for decades. Of course, the U.S. Constitution doesn't allow states to go their own way but why pick nits when the curtain is going up on political theater — “As MAGA World Turns.” Oh, by the way, our governor, Spencer Cox, along with the rest of the Red State honchos, is on board with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott — playing the part of Sam Houston at The Alamo — as he dispatches the National Guard to stink it up so voters will continue to blame Democrats for the border chaos. Enter Donald “Davey Crockett” Trump who commanded his congressional foot soldiers to scuttle a bi-partisan immigration deal that could fix the mess. How can he campaign against Biden's border failure if it's been fixed. Remember The Alamo!
Post Script: That's gunna do it for another fun-filled week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of the solar system so you don't have to. Hey Wilson, do you and the guys in the band know the moon is shrinking. For real. It's core is cooling and it's causing all kinds of moonquakes, which could mess up landing sites and exploration. The lunar surface has shrunk by about 150 feet in circumference over the last few million years, according to NASA scientists. It's a big deal on the moon but too small to cause any ripple effect on Earth or to tidal cycles. No Wilson, we're not sure what The Bible has to say about that but the Chinese Lunar New Year will go on as scheduled. FYI: this is the year of the Dragon. Speaking of moons, in October, NASA will launch its Europa Clipper space vehicle, which will travel to one of Jupiter's moons, Europa, to determine if it's suitable for life. Scientists predict it has a salty ocean beneath its icy surface. Discovered in 1610 by Galileo, it's one of the most promising places in our solar system that could support life. Among other things, the Europa Clipper will bring along on its eight-year mission the names of people who signed up through its “Message in Bottle” program.
There are plenty of songs about the moon. But let's forego those today in honor of Trump and Elvis. Wilson, we know you and the guys have something special just for this occasion:
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie You ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine (Hound Dog — written by Jerry Lleiber and Mike Stoller, originally by recorded by Big Mama Thornton, 1952; popularized by Elvis Presley, 1956.)
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sam-abbott-lip-sync · 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync Sequence
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cabinboy100 · 7 years
BABY DRIVER: Screening #2 brain dump…
This post is gonna be a spoiler-tastic collection of notes, thoughts, Edgar/Easter eggs, and crazy talk on elements of Edgar Wright's BABY DRIVER after a second screening tonight.
(You can review my post-screening-1 ramble here.)
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About names and casting…
Buddy—Jason Van Horn.
I couldn't hold onto his last name after my first screening, just vaguely recalled it being Van Winklevossy, y'know? Something that fit Bats's educated guess from an uneducated man. But this time, I remembered, and hours later, I get it! I think? Jason VAN HORN! =)
Darling—Monica Costello.
In the car after taking care of the Butcher & friends, the crew press each other about their names and Buddy explains that they only know each other by nicknames, aka "monickers." With punny timing, Darling then reveals that her real name is Monica. We find out her last name is Costello from a breaking news bulletin later. My mind always jumps to Abbott-and- but I don't think that applies here. =)
Griff—short for Griffin.
We never get his real name, but that doesn't matter so much here. We do get Griffin, as in the legendary eagle-lion mashup beast, depending on the culture and time in which you ask, supposedly supernaturally wise and partial to gold treasure and testing humans with riddles.
Frack, am I confusing them w/sphinxes? Hrm…I'm gonna go with it, just to get my thoughts down.
After the first heist, Griff takes it on himself to find out what makes Baby tick, believing his quiet and aloofness to be signs that he considers himself better than the rest of the crew. He explains to Baby—You can't do crime without being a little criminal…One day, you're gonna get blood on your hands.
I wish I could remember more/all of what he says to Baby, but I'd bet all of it is and/or comes true.
Even if the name isn't a perfect connect, he still plays a Cassandra-like Wrightian soothsayer in the shape of a bank robber.
I don't think we get any clue as to his altar ego, if he has one. All we know is he's a heist mastermind with impressive resources and a line on people with nasal troubles. We do see him sharing drinks w/Big Boi and Killer Mike at Bacchanalia, tho. ENT to hip-hop stars who was once in love, too? =)
The batty lion. That works. I think we must've gotten his last name in that breaking news report, too, but I missed it. Nuts.
Eddie No-Nose—formerly Eddie the Nose.
Heh. That's a No-Nose no-no, page 1.
I didn't catch any hint as to his real name. Maybe it's a filmmaking reference, like R2-D2? But specific to something or someone disposable? Or maybe a clue as to his fate, when or if he's ever discovered, post-sunset, he'd surely be tagged as a John Doe, right?
The Butcher—never get his name, but the actor? OMG! STILL ALIVE! =)
Crazy amazing casting and a damn impressive delivery of a pig-themed bad cop sales pitch! Perhaps PHANTOM holds a special place in Wright's heart? I know it does in mine. Or perhaps it's the man's extensive and inspiring oeuvre as a whole. In any case, a joyous experience seeing him in the BABY DRIVER world.
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And the rest…
Now, whatever I can recall that I want to not forget, roughly in the order of appearance in the film…
The graffiti behind Baby is definitely updated between his trip to Octane and back to the Healey building. Maybe in more than one place, but I'm only sure about the "RIGHT" + "Shake Shake" art. On the way to Octane, along with Baby's "Harlem Shuffle" track syncing with graffiti and posted words in the environment, we see Baby match poses with wall art of a guy looking up to the sky and play "air horn" in front of show window featuring a trumpet. On his way back, a sandwich board doomsayer tells him that he must save himself from sin, and when crossing the street, a police car just passes him by before turning on its siren.
I wonder…Could the lyrics to "Harlem Shuffle" be a map to one of the getaway scenes? Or the acts and plot of the entire film…?
Hrm…Maybe…? Certainly can't put it past Professor Wright =)
When Baby flips thru channels at home w/Joe early on, there's a series of channel audio bits that felt a lot like SHAUN OF THE DEAD. The MONSTERS, INC bit that Baby uses on Doc—"You and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship."—is part of it. At the end, we see coverage of a bullfight, a matador stepping around a skewered but undefeated bull. We hear, and see via cc—"The bull still stands." In the moment, that seems to be comment on Baby's sticking with his one-more-job-and-I'm-done plan, despite Joe's objection.
However, before we cut to the next scene, the announcer continues, talking about how the matador, having failed to finish the bull from horseback, must now try his luck on foot, which is kind of what happens to Baby after the Post Office robbery and also in his finale duel with Buddy in the parking garage. Post-Post Office, after skewering Bats, Baby (and Buddy and Darling) have to abandon their steed and escape on foot.
Later, when it's down to Baby and Deb vs. Buddy, they start car-v-car (the red Charger and the police cruiser), but Baby tells Debra they have to get out of the car so that he can end this, and although he does that just to get into a different car, the final confrontation has all of the players on their feet. Well, y'know, until they're not any more.
I think the second time we see Baby or Joe channel-hopping at home, Noel Fielding appears on screen for a few seconds. On my first screening, I thought it was a clip from THE MIGHTY BOOSH, but now I realize that it's from the video for Mint Royale's "Blue Song," which Wright directed and was sort of an early short form riff of his BABY DRIVER concept. A wheelman waiting on his crew to the sound—and duration—of a favorite song of the right length.
Debora vs. her sister Mary for songs with their names.
Bo's Diner decor/wall art—Route 66, couple in a convertible. Same as one of the postcards Deb sends Baby in jail.
Where is Bo's Diner? If ever in the area, gotta go—gotta go!
Laundromat decor/wall art—rockets and space.
Was the decor in the dinner and 'mat redone for the movie, or left as found?
The senior waitress says that Baby's been coming there since before she started. She thinks/heard that his mom used to work there. Lucky for Baby Deb thinks that more sweet than creepy. =)
BABY: I have different iPods for different days, different moods…
Bo's Diner number—555-1270. I think that was it. December 1970? Does that line up with a significant birthday or cinematic event?
There's a beautiful pair of shots one after the other when Baby, at home, calls Debora at Bo's. He's framed in a doorway of a darkened room, Joe in the lit living room behind him, with most of the dark on screen to the right. Then we see Deb, framed by the dark foreground of part of the kitchen, or maybe a supply/pantry area, to the left, with the light of the diner behind her. There's a palpable sense of their connection thru that phone line that crosses a darkness between them.
Or something. =)
Baby notices JD's "HAT" neck tattoo. JD explains that it used to read "HATE" but he had it "fixed" to be more marketable to prospective employers. After all…
JD: Who doesn't like hats?
Baby invites Debora to "Buck & Ella" (I think w/his earbuds in and sight reading from the side, he doesn’t perfectly catch “Bacchanalia” =) for the finest wining and dining of all the wine and dine in town.
Deb and Baby make music with their glasses at Buck & Ella. The whole non-verbal carousel cam montage of their date there is in wonderful sync to the music. LA LA LAND, eat your hat. =)
DOC: Take the buds out, shades off. Take the nephew, it'll be less suspicious.
I remember thinking that this seems like a way for Doc to set Baby up for capture later, getting his uncovered face caught on camera. A contingency plan to keep Doc under his thumb? Or put him away after this job?
NEPHEW SAM: You have a mint that says "Sam?"
When Baby and Sam deliver their reconnaissance report, I think Doc says, "Chips off the old block." A hint of actual fatherly affection? A Fagin-like show of pride? A clue to his brother's identity? Something else?
POSTAL WORKER: Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.
This after saying she's working "9 to 5, just like Dolly."
It's a sweet connect to the rain that falls the next day, the day of the Post Office heist, and the rainbow that appears five years later when Deb picks up Miles on his release from prison, ready to drive west on 20 in a car they can't afford with a plan they don't have.
I guess that's romantic? Sounds like a lot of stress to me. =)
Whenever someone slams a door or trunk, we hear Baby's tinnitus ringing. Always a flashback to the accident?
BATS: You don't need a score for a score!
And he talks about Hex Songs…
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" "End of the Road" "Hotel California"
BATS: An educated guess from an uneducated man.
Bats at Bo's "reading" Buddy and Darling. They rob banks to support doing drugs. Bats does drugs to support robbing banks. They're on vacation; he's at work.
The bill at Bo's for four Cokes, aka three Cokes and one Coca: $5.70. Baby leaves a 20 and a note: Road trip 2am.
When Baby and Deb are on the run after shooting Buddy at Bo's, Baby steps into a phone booth in a bit of empty lot to call Doc, who is not helpful. The booth has graffiti on its clear walls of tentacles reaching up from the ground—a visual representation of the realization of Griff's prophecy? This is just before they—Bonnie and Clyde? More like Bonnie and Bonnie—acquire the red Charger from the vaping punks. One of them asks Baby to leave him his phone but since it's playing the music, Baby says—Nope. =)
BABY: Fuck you, Buddy.
Paraphrasing Elvis? FYB vs TCB? =)
I didn't mention it in my previous ramble, but Baby definitely vibes Elvis at least as much as Han throughout the movie, and earlier, actually. When lip syncing to the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion's "Bellbottoms" in the opening heist, he's definitely channeling Elvis for me.
Caught in the credits this time that WALTER HILL is the ASL interpreter for Joe in the courtroom at Baby's trial. Only heard, not seen. Cinema-cool… =)
Also, Baby's prisoner number is 28071978—the release date of Walter Hill's THE DRIVER! =)
WHO gives Baby his mail in jail? Not credited (in order of appearance, he should've been last, and the judge was last). Whoever it is has a very unique look, and a distinctive voice. Guess I'll just have to see it again!
Keep on keepin' on~
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sam-abbott-lip-sync · 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync Mouth Sheet
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sam-abbott-lip-sync · 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync - Week 30
Today I began by putting my plan into action. Beginning with the neck, this was tricky as through my multiple layers in the timeline. My structure of the layers was having the neck and the chin as one layer. So in turn, the head layer consisted of a head without a bottom. The reason for this was so I could create specific chin movements for each mouth piece without affecting the head. Through layering every item on the timeline. I was able to move each aspect do the character separately. Which was vital for when the head and neck extended. By simply moving the eyes up to follow with the head and shortening the mouth in order to create a side profile mouth piece. This was extremely affective through the development of the character.
After making these changes and corrections. I was able to see what other areas needed twerking. The final area in which I thought needed rectifying was the jacket. I decided to make the jacket black. This was party to do with the fact that this hightens the fact of the character trying to look cool. Leather jacket, white t-shirt creates that 50s style look. The large reason though was the fact that it has hidden my terrible line work slightly.
This lesson was helpful as it has allowed me to use TV paint again. And as a result, I am happy with the outcome of the lip sync. The colouring can be added later through skin and filling in the eyes and glasses, rather than just having them transparent. But overall I am pleased with the end result in terms of animation and character design. I am very happy.
In terms of improvement and fixes, the turning of the head could use more in-betweens as well as cleaner cuts of the mouth on the head turn. And colour.
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sam-abbott-lip-sync · 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync - Weeks 26 - 29 - (Student Vacation)
Due to not having access to TV Paint. I didn't develop my character in any physical way. But through filming myself in order to simulate movement and facial expression. It became clear that my character needed to have more movement to show more personality and expression. In order to rectify this. I began analysing the lines in the clip, seeing if I could translate them visually non anyway. Being a cartoon, I decided to choose the line when he talks about a "long slender neck" quote literally. So I came up with the idea of stretching his neck and turning the head around 360 degrees to go give the illusion that the character isn't 2D.
Another choice I made was trying to decide what hair style he would have. And looking at my own hair. I decided to translate that into my work. So my plan is to create a messy pulled back hairline. Giving off this further loser interpretation. And as soon as the face and neck stretches, the hair will change into this wild mess which reacts when the head rotates, flopping around.
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sam-abbott-lip-sync · 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync - Week 25
Today I began development on the head of my character. This proved difficult through the fact that I can't draw neatly or well even. Through multiple iterations of trying to create a head to fit the role and the cartoon style I was aiming for, the results weren't promising. But I soldiered on, testing out different body shapes and clothing.
The clothing began as being a suit for a snobby character. However, as much as the suit would fit the character, I decided against it, purely due to the fact that my neighbor at the time chose a suit as well. And I didn't want it to look like I was stealing his work. Changing through different styles, such as a loose shirt and a t-shirt. I decided to opt out for a brown jacket and a white shirt. I was debating to choose the body warmer Steven Merchant wears in the role. But sided against it as I thought the style had charm to it, contrasting to the appearance of the head. Like a character trying to fit a style in which they really don't suit.
Moving back to the head. I decided to give my character big expressive eyes. Through this fact, I felt that changing the shape of the eyes due to the expression on screen would create a more cartoon feel without the need to include eyebrows. The final touch to the face was a pair of black framed glasses to show this nerdy esthetic. Also paying tribute to Steven Merchant himself.
This workshop was productive through the fact that I was able to create a body as well as a face and features for the character. Through this process, I feel that my 2D skills have increased through the development of this assignment.
To improve for next time is to add hair and chin movement to the character. Through these improvements, I feel that the character could finally start to take shape.
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sam-abbott-lip-sync · 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync - Week 24
Today we were given the brief explaining the deliverables of this current assignment. The assignment focused on Lip Syncing. The lip sync would be created using TV Paint. Using TV paint allows the use of creating a storyboardesque layout for your animation.
Upon beginning the project. We were tasked with choosing an audio clip in order to use as a guide to create lip shapes to mimic the audio. The two clips available were the monologue from "The Tick" the quote being "Woah! Check out the crime lab! It's all thorough and complicated! You got ideas theories. I like that in a sidekick." The other being an audio clip from Peter Ian Staker from "Hot Fuzz" the quote being "(can you describe it to me?) s'bout uhhhh, two foot tall. Ummmm long slender neck. (Yep) kinda orange n' black bill (yep, anything else?) Well it, it's a swan."
Initially my choice was going to be the crime lab audio clip, due to the expressive nature of the actor's performance. As I listened to the clip entitled "Crime Lab" first. Then listened to "Swan" Seeing swan I thought this would be more calming. But I had to choose Swan our of a biased decision through the fact that Hot Fuzz is one of my favourite films. Also through this monotone performance, I believed that I could create a sarcastic character with personality, while making not so exaggerated movements.
After choosing my clip. I inserted it into TV paint and created a notes tab in order to annotate around the words, determining where the sounds would appear in the timeline. Instead of writing out the words in order on the timeline. We were advised on writing out the sounds made by the words. This then allowed the easier creation of creating the shapes for the lip changes later on in the process.
To begin with, rather than focusing on the body. I decided to start with the lips. As I thought making them first would be easier as then I would have a guideline. I later realized, this was a mistake.
Following a guide presented to us on screen, I began constructing the shape movements for each sound and word. This was to begin with worrying. As in my opinion, I didn't feel they looked like lips. However, my queries were soon rectified after adding colour to the lips. This gave them life. After creating a simple anim layer. I began crafting the lips in which I needed. I didn't see the point of wasting time creating each sound and mouth movement known, as most of them weren't present in my audio clip. So focusing on the ones in the clip, I began to make unique shapes for each sound. By using the cut out tool and selecting all the frames with a highlighter, I was able to save a preset stamp which allowed me to place any mouth movement I had created straight onto a page on the timeline.
This workshop was fun and useful as the use of learning how the stamp tool dramatically increased my workflow as well as my accuracy and my jaggy work when it comes to drawing.
To improve for next time. I should aim to complete a frame at least for the head and body. Only creating mouth pieces in the space of one lesson was first a mistake and second, lacking in progress.
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